☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Wednesday, June 15, 2022 ☙ QUIET URGES 🦠
J6 Commission ashcans Episode Three; Mr. Magoo’s sanctions plans backfire; lockdowns lead to deaths and economic meltdowns; Biden chucks another big campaign promise; and lots more...
Good morning, C&C; it’s Wednesday. Today’s mega-roundup includes: the J6 Commission ashcans Episode Three; a republican who voted for impeachment gets primaried; state lawmakers impeach Philly DA; Mr. Magoo’s sanctions plans backfire, again; the non-covid lockdown death toll ticks up again; lockdowns lead to economic meltdowns; the Twitter deal sees signs of life; Russian oil exports surge; the ruble takes first place in world currency; Biden chucks another big campaign promise, to visit Saudis and Israelis; conservative changes coming for Israel; Israel says it will bomb Syrian palaces next; Russia ironically complains about Israel’s unprovoked aggression; and some more reckless comments about space aliens and getting along.
🪖 I’m in Facebook jail, again, for the second time this week. Someone is griefing our page, I think. Get ready for our June multiplier, coming this week if my next appeal is accepted.
🔥 Ruh-roh! Problems already? The J6 Commission’s gala super-spectacular — the most heavily marketed and publicized congressional hearings in history — looks to be sputtering out before it even really gets started. The Commission canceled Episode Three yesterday on short notice, without any formal explanation whatsoever.
The Commission’s usually over-active Twitter account only had one post the whole day yesterday, featuring Benedict Arnold, I mean Liz Cheney, blathering about how President Trump violated “two criminal statutes” or something.
First of all, she said nothing about the canceled episode. Whoops. What happened, Liz?
Second, they’re never going to actually charge Trump with anything. It’s not happening. They’re just trying to get the rapid anti-Trumpers all hot and bothered, and those people are going to become live-action, role playing berserkers when they see Trump “getting away with it.” But maybe that’s the actual goal anyway.
I’ll be the first to say it: this whole J6 Commission Show is just a long-form democrat campaign ad, funded by your tax dollars.
![Twitter avatar for @seanhannity](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/seanhannity.jpg)
🔥 Yesterday, South Carolina congressman Tom Rice lost his bid for re-election in the state’s primary race. Rice, a five-term incumbent, was one of ten republicans who voted to impeach President Trump last year. At the time, Rice admitted that his impeachment vote could end his political career, but said he had to “follow his conscience” anyway.
Buh bye, Tom! You were right about that whole career-ending thing. You followed your conscience to a -25 point shellacking.
🔥 Fox News ran a story yesterday headlined, “Pennsylvania Lawmakers Move To Impeach Liberal Philly DA Krasner: He’s completely lost his mind.”
Pennsylvania state representatives filed articles of impeachment yesterday against Philadelphia’s woke district attorney Larry Krasner. They think they have the bipartisan votes to pull Krasner’s plug. The story reminds us of last week’s news that San Francisco voters successfully recalled looney-left district attorney Chesa Boudin.
At least Krasner has a normal name.
You might also recall that back in February, San Francisco voters successfully recalled THREE woke school board members, Gabriela López, Alison Collins, and Faauuga Moliga. I know, I know, but I didn’t make up Moliga’s first name, I promise.
Anyway, something’s afoot in this country, and it’s stalking the woke left.
🔥 Bloomberg ran a story yesterday headlined, “US Quietly Urges Russia Fertilizer Deals to Unlock Grain Trade.”
It’s another Biden special. Here’s what happened: first, the US and the EU passed this gigantic package of sanctions against Russia, with draconian penalties for people and companies who break the rules. With me so far? But the governments carved out a few exceptions — including for fertilizer — since it’s almost impossible to get the stuff from anywhere BUT Russia. Then, US officials were “taken by surprise” when American companies stopped buying Russian fertilizer, because they are quite understandably scared to get fouled up in the massive new sanctions laws and their awful civil and criminal penalties.
Understandable to anybody except experts, I mean. Nobody in government could have seen this coming. Especially not Mr. Magoo, I mean Joe Biden.
So now, to avoid mass food shortages, the government finds itself having to “quietly” and desperately encourage companies to buy Russian fertilizer. In other words, THEY’RE HELPING RUSSIA SELL ITS PRODUCTS. Genius!
Everything Biden does causes the exact opposite of the intended result.
🔥 The New York Times ran an op-ed last week titled, “Lockdowns Protected Older People. But at What Cost to the Health of Young Adults?” The op-ed refers to a new study examining excess non-covid deaths, and concluding that lockdown restrictions caused at least +170,000 deaths among young people aged 18-64.
Thanks, experts!
In the excess group, adults under 45 who died from non-covid causes now outnumber covid deaths in the same age range. “Drugs, homicides, traffic fatalities, and alcohol-induced causes killed tens of thousands more young adults than they had in the past,” the study says. “Deaths from various circulatory diseases and diabetes were also elevated.”
In other words, lockdowns have now killed more people under 45 than covid did.
They researchers concluded, “All of this suggests that large and sustained changes in living habits designed to avoid a single virus had not only ‘economic’ opportunity costs, but also cost a shockingly large number of young lives.”
The people who engineered this disaster — public health experts — have never admitted their mistakes or taken ANY responsibility for them. That makes public health experts extremely dangerous.
But it gets worse.
🔥 ZeroHedge ran a story yesterday that got me thinking. The story’s headline was “The Economic Meltdown Has Roots In Lockdown.” It mentioned last week’s news that the European Central Bank said it will act “soon” against inflation. Something seemed missing.
You know what fact isn’t really discussed anywhere in all the inflation stories in corporate media? It’s the fact that inflation is not just a US phenomenon. It’s affecting nearly the entire world. But why is that?
ZeroHedge’s article included a fascinating — and kind of terrifying — graph:
The graph shows the increase in the money supply, which is the higher, giant iceberg-looking part, called “M2,” and inflation, the lower, darker line, measured by the consumer price index (CPI). The implication is that inflation will eventually have to even out with the money supply.
So in other words, we aren’t anywhere CLOSE to equilibrium yet.
There’s no way to avoid a LOT more inflation. Raising interest rates will only flatten the curve. It’s going to be brutal, so get ready. But remember: there’s no need to panic, especially when we know it’s coming. Just be ready. We’ll all be fine, but it’s going to hurt. Remember, our grandparents survived the Great Depression. Which was also caused by government economic policy. But I digress.
The bottom line is: LOCKDOWNS CAUSED THIS. Look at the dates on the graph. The money supply started ballooning around March 2020. It was pandemic policy. They don’t even deny it. Yesterday, lunatic moron Shelia Jackson Lee said, “The President was a genius in putting forth the American Rescue Plan that saved people from absolute despair and disgrace, if you will.” Biden, the genius.
Biden’s genius has now caused consumer confidence — the best predictor of whether the economy will grow or shrink — to fall to an ALL TIME LOW. Ever. Like, ever ever:
How could this happen? With all this money that was printed and spread around? Everybody got PPP checks, right? That’s true, but it wasn’t free money. It made ALL the money less valuable. The free money cost far more than whatever we got. This bizarre act of self-destruction was rocket-fueled by the “experts,” all in the name of Science!, all while they were in charge using their unilateral, undemocratic emergency authority.
In other words: PUBLIC HEALTH EXPERTS DID THIS. This was all THEIR idea, facilitated by amoral public officials. The experts said it would save lives and wouldn’t hurt anything. Serious economic problems always lead to serious social unrest, among other problems. Thanks, experts.
I’m starting to think the entire global public health establishment needs to be completely dismantled before those idiots kill or beggar us all. Who’s with me?
🔥 The Post Millennial ran a story yesterday headlined, “Elon Musk To Directly Address Twitter Employees For The First All-Hands Meeting.” There’s not a lot of detail to the story, but the gist is that Twitter employees will get the chance to submit questions for Musk, and then they will join in a Town-hall style event with the world’s richest man in what is described as an “all hands” meeting.
So it sounds like the deal is still moving forward. Interesting!
🚀 Russia has now displaced Saudi Arabia as India’s second largest oil supplier (Iraq is in first place).
Biden and his pro-sanctions economic “experts” argued not long ago that it would be impossible for China and India to increase their oil purchases from Russia enough to make up for lost markets in the US and the EU. But this was clearly false.
Is there ANYTHING the experts were right about?
🚀 According to many sources, the Russian ruble is now the most stable currency in the world. This development — a direct result of Biden’s sanctions program — presents a threat that some countries may consider using rubles instead of US dollars as a reserve currency.
Great sanctions, Joe. The best.
🚀 So, given those developments, and domestic economic problems looming before midterms, it’s natural that knee-jerk Biden is off to see the Saudis. Yesterday the Huffington Post ran a story headlined, “Biden’s Trip To Saudi Arabia Far More Likely To Benefit Saudis Than U.S.”
Now remember, in 2020, Candidate Biden said he was going to make Saudi Arabia into a “pariah nation,” because of reports of the alleged Saudi assassination of a troublesome leftwing journalist. But now, the Saudis are reportedly having a good laugh as Biden prepares to visit them, hat in hand.
Candidate Biden had PROMISED to “make them pay the price,” and dismissively said Saudi Arabia had “no redeeming social value.” Not anymore, apparently. Apparently, now the Saudis have a LOT of redeeming value.
CNN reported yesterday that “senior US officials” said the US just informed Saudi Arabia that the US is “prepared to move forward with a ‘reset’ of the relationship, and move on from the 2018 murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi to repair ties.” It’s all good! Sorry everybody!
So now, instead of the Saudis paying the price, the U.S. will be paying the Saudis. It’s a picture-perfect Biden special. He “Bidened” it. Again.
Extra-diverse Press Secretary Jean-Pierre said Biden also plans to visit Israel. She lied about why he would be going there, I assume, since he has better things to do than touch base with the Middle East for peace brokering.
Notably, Israel and the Saudis have recently been working together very closely.
As for Joe … if you can make sense of Joe’s explanation for his trip, have at it:
![Twitter avatar for @TheCradleMedia](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/TheCradleMedia.jpg)
AFP reported it this way: “US President Joe Biden will make history next month with a direct flight between Israel and Saudi Arabia where he will meet Mohammed bin Salman, abandoning efforts to ostracize the oil kingdom’s de facto leader over the murder of a dissident.”
If, as Joe says, the trip really IS about Israel’s national security, and NOT oil, then my guess would be Joe plans to threaten Israel somehow, to prevent them attacking Iran over its budding nuclear bomb. After all, Joe and his old boss have long had a soft spot for the Iranians and their “peaceful” and entirely unnecessary nuclear program.
🚀 I might be right. But to be fair, there’s a lot going on in Israel right now, politically, even beyond the looming Iranian nuclear problem. Last year, conservative Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was forced out by a coalition of smaller liberal parties who worked together to achieve his removal. But times change, and the liberal coalition is falling apart under the strain of the pace of events. An article on the Times of Israel yesterday described the coalition as being “on its last legs.”
Israelis have never liked having liberals in charge when war threatens.
The Times predicts that Netanyahu is about to be restored to power, along with a full conservative government “for a long, long time” that “is likely to be more hawkish than ever before.” So, some commenters speculate that Biden is going to Israel to try to prop up the current, failing prime minister, Naftali Bennett. Biden almost certainly does NOT want Trump-ally Netanyahu back in power, so they could be right.
But Biden’s approval ratings are at historic lows, so it is unclear how much support he can lend anybody.
🚀 In what Russia must see as a direct economic attack, Israel signed a deal yesterday to export oil to the European Union — until 2050.
🚀 Things are heating up between Israel, Iran, and Syria. Yesterday, the Jerusalem Post ran a story headlined, “Israel Warns Assad, Will Bomb Palaces If Iran Operations Continue.” Sounds kind of personal.
After the bombing of Syria’s Damascus airport last week, anonymous reports say Israel has threatened to bomb Syrian President Basher Assad’s personal pleasure palaces “if he does not cease or reduce military cooperation with Iran within his territory.” Bombs falling on your palaces tends to dampen their hedonistic enjoyment potential.
Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova condemned last week’s airport airstrikes, saying “we are compelled to reiterate that the ongoing Israeli shelling of the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic, in violation of the basic norms of international law, is absolutely unacceptable.” She continued, “we strongly condemn Israel’s provocative attack on the most important object of the Syrian civilian infrastructure.”
Which, if you think about it, is pretty rich coming from a country that is currently shelling Ukraine into oblivion. “Do what we say, not what we do!” Or words to that effect.
🔥 Finally, yesterday I triggered a bunch of folks by stating my offhand opinion that UFO aliens are as real as Santa Claus. The tsunami of indignation was kind of weird, especially because aliens — greys, whites, or other — are NOT a topic that I’ve studied or claim to be any kind of expert about. For instance, I’ve never staked out the Air Force base in Roswell. But my remark still generated some pretty hot comments and oaths to “never read C&C again!!”1 Okay, be that way. But it’s your loss.
Here’s MY comment. People, PLEASE. This is exactly how we lose. I don’t really care about whether aliens exist, it’s not my gig. Believe in them if you want, and good luck to you. I can’t follow everything, I only have so much bandwidth. But if we can’t tolerate differing opinions even on issues like space aliens, how can we possibly work together to defeat looming authoritarianism?
Try to remember: not everyone sees the world the same way you do. Agree to disagree about the things that don’t affect our literal survival as a nation. If it’s important to you, try gentle persuasion instead of rage quitting. Let’s not repeat the mistakes conservatives seem to always make. It’s important this time. And keep smiling.
Finally — nobody panic until I give the signal! We’re doing great.
Have a wonderful Wednesday, and I’ll see you back here tomorrow for more. Things are popping. It’s going to be an interesting summer.
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Some folks actually offered some very interesting reference materials about our friends from the skies, and I appreciate that spirit of intellectual curiosity and its evidence of persuasive ability.
Amen to this Jeff!
"Try to remember: not everyone sees the world the same way you do. Agree to disagree about the things that don’t affect our literal survival as a nation. If it’s important to you, try gentle persuasion instead of rage quitting. Let’s not repeat the mistakes conservatives seem to always make. It’s important this time. And keep smiling."
I'm all for dismantling the entire global, public health establishment. Let's find the way!