Awful nominee out; Trump's strategic nominee now on the chessboard; Syria story starts leaking; personality journalism; Russian crackdown on Satanists raises eyebrows; Supremes consider trans; more.
Cradle Catholic here - just want to throw my 2 cents in about good vs. evil. One of the children who witnessed Our Lady at Fatima - St. Lucia - has said - "The final battle between the Lord & the reign of Satan will be about marriage & the family. Don't be afraid, because anyone who works for the sanctity of marriage & the family will always be fought & opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. However, Our Lady has already crushed its head."
100%. Trickier trolls and better bots abound. Someone here said bots no savvy sarcasm. Beside that, two NNs in their screen name, or a Nigerian address, what are other clues? Asking for a friend who is being followed (stalked?) on X and asked pesky “friendly” questions a little too personal.
Ironic considering how much we've heard about claims of Russians planting stories of Hunter Biden's laptop or more recently interfering with polling places in Pennsylvania.
But the US actually pulling stunts in Russia? That seems more likely.
"Our" government has perfected the art of projection. If they are blaming someone else for some nefarious act, it is because they themselves are guilty of doing it. I don't have proof but my gut instinct is the "Satanic Temple" was planted in Russia by "our" evil CIA.
Trump must deeply remove the cancer from CIA, FBI and "our" "intel' Agencies and State Department. We don't talk about State Dep enough but they are deeply involved in every despicable thing being done by "our" government. People like the monstrous clinton, victoria nuland.
The cancer may not be removable without simply killing the entire host and starting over. The bureaucrats in these agencies are deeply ideologically driven, layers thick and are certain they are above control by the President.
This conversation has caused my brain to engage in overdrive this morning. I may need another cup of coffee. Lt Colonel Michael A Aquino founded The Temple of Set in 1975 and was very proud of it. Nothing seemed to happen to him regardless of accusations lodged against him. Around this same time frame The Finders were busted while transporting a group of unkempt young children. The children seemed to belong to no one as they were not reported as missing by anyone. The men transporting the children had no real reason for doing so. At that time, the men were linked to the CIA (if my memory serves me correctly) The story never seemed to have a conclusion other than the children were on their way to Virginia. Then they came up with “Satanic Panic” to shut down all inquiries while labeling us as conspiracy theorists.
Sir Putin long ago was calling the Jan6 bros "political prisoners". He's certainly astute and not only an advocate for his own nation but people in the West that are getting screwed by our failed leadership.
Was just replying to myself when you posted so I’ll move it here instead. Maybe I should have said “Putin” and not Russia because he is the one I’m learning more about, and not through the filters of our government either. I know next to nothing about Russia’s actual government officials and they could be no better than US’ for all I know. Putin might be a threat to his own government in his honesty? Sort of like Trump?🤷🏼♀️ Others who are more versed in Russian politicians would have to weigh in here about them. But I like Putin. So yeah, call me a Putin lover or a Russian asset 🤣🤣 I just like his honesty and as you said how astute he is. Plus I think everything he has done is for the betterment and protection of his own country. That’s what a leader should do!
The "western leadership and the west as a whole - obviously not all the people" has become anti-God, which leads me to believe why he can so easily see through their deception. He and Russia certainly seem to be on the side of Christianity. I realized that we are not always on the right side of history when the US (the idiot Wesley Clark) almost started WWIII in the 90's during the former Yugoslavia "intervention" that the deep state stuck its nose into... if not for an honorable British BG Sir Michael Jackson (the second in command) who refused to bomb the city that the Russians had just occupied (western forces pulled out and the Russians moved in to occupy it), no telling what would have happened...
Truth. Never considered The Satanic Temple as a US Govt proxy til now.
Now I'm sure they are. Thanks for pointing this out.
Locally, our state superintendent of schools, Ryan Walters, has been in the looney Left's crosshairs since even before he proposed a rule that every Oklahoma HS classroom should display the Ten Commandments and teach the history of our nation's founding based on the Bible. (But of course he is.)
Oddly, our Republican AG, Gentner Drummond, has spent his entire term opposing our conservative governor Kevin Stitt. It's basically been Stitt & Walters besieged by a roving band of savages led by Drummond and The Satanic Temple.
If we could all get above the human fray—or see through it—I think we’d discover that there is a group of “spiritual beings” warring behind the scenes. On one side are the Bene Elohim, sons of God The Most High, and on the other side are the Fallen Watchers, whose sole purpose is to defeat YHWH by eradicating his Image from Earth. That’s us, or at least those of us who descend from Adam and carry YHWH’s Divine Genome within us. I personally think we can’t see them because the human eye can only see a minuscule portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. But they’re all around us, nonetheless.
This should surprise nobody. Especially after Covid Terrorism.
There is no moral observance in the United States government. It is a terror organization, both domestically and abroad. The whole world knows this. Why don't we?
In one of Armstrong's recent posts, he observed that the Russian Gov't is an authoritarian government whereas the USG is a tyrannical government. That statement should give the average American pause and it should be obvious - No? But we have been so well indoctrinated to identify ourselves with the Government that even when we know something, it is still difficult to actually come to terms with it. It's like families that have voted Democrat for generations and it took the covid plandemic death machine to shake up that identity. For many, it still hasn't happened, I suspect because these people are literally devoid of any built-in moral compass and are incapable of any independent inquiry or unscripted thought.
So suddenly we realize that, as a chance of birth, we are citizens of a country that is on the wrong side of history. Really goes against the built-in grain that we fought the "good war" in WWII and that we are the bright city-on-the-hill. For an awfully long time we have actually been the "dark tower".
If the American people are to reclaim the heritage of our forefathers, we are going to have to search ourselves and see if there is any of that "American" character left in us. This will necessarily have to begin in America's churches, but at this point, I see very little evidence of this character in the pews or the pulpits. Most of the "church" has gone liberal and most closely resembles a NGO more than an actual church. Where there is enthusiasm, they are more concerned with The Great Escape, ie the Rapture, than they are about the relevance of God's Law Word to society. After all, the Devil is going to win anyway and we must wait for the Lord's "return". It's not a good picture.
The only hopeful thing this side of heaven I can point to is the fact that after 70+ years of Communist tyranny, the Russian people are once again exercising their Christian faith and practice. We have much to overcome.
Armstrong and I make the same distinction. Russia is authoritarian. And the United States is totalitarian ... and practices terrorism, mentally and physically on its on subjects and the rest of the world. It's greatest exports are inflation, death and destruction. The United States has killed millions and millions, always for a good cause.
The United States has been on the wrong side of history ever since the Kennedy assassination, but in hyper-drive wrong sided ever since the terror attack of 2011.
If Russia were not authoritarian, it would have been gobbled up alive by the American Terror Empire a long, long time ago.
As a failed state, America may be beyond political redemption.
Wow, every succinct sentence you wrote precisely describes what has happened with crystal clarity. And in so few words.
Clearly, the USG is beyond political redemption. Such governments only end up in a collapsed heap. There is no other possible ending. (I can't say what that heap will look like though.)
But the American people will still be here, perhaps a bit worse for wear, just as the French or the Russians were still there after the collapse of their governments. I think all we can do is focus on the people... our American brothers. We cannot change the course of this empire. We can only try to anticipate it.
The use of NGOs to achieve government objectives that would otherwise be illegal or unconstitutional has reached a fever pitch. The likelihood is very high that this is a government funded NGO.
I am wondering not so much whether the Satanic Temple is owned and controlled by the US Government or whether the US Government is owned and controlled by the Satanic Temple.
Joe Rogan’s recent discussion with Mike Benz sheds light on the U.S. government funding and use of NGOs to wield influence. I suggest everyone should take the time to listen and learn.
They most USUALLY DO. I'm not even counting Trump out of that dance. Unless a man recognizes their completely debased sinful character imbedded in pride and false humility then they will all fall.
Good point, CS. Chronister is a little too close to the Faucian closet of cockroaches, and we can do better. When Moses was looking for appointees, he said, “Choose wise, understanding, and knowledgeable men from among your tribes, and I will make them heads over you” (Deuteronomy 1:13). Democratic, no? But for obvious reasons, he didn’t say to reject every man with a cloud on his title. For better or worse, humans are our only options. “If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?” (Psalm 130:3).
Thank you for reading closely and remembering my past posts and for your chiding. I remember your name too so this was disappointing to see but I'm just a virtual personality here. You can't trust anyone.
I've just put second bill at the top of my to-do list for congress, just under an election integrity bill - reversing the Smith-Mundt "modernization act.
After listening to Joe Rogan's interview of Mike Benz, several times, this seems very plausible.
Seems the powers-that-shouldn't-be love to have astroturfed, live-action-role-playing-game "reality shows" worldwide, even using live fire, like a "Rust" set.
The interview speaks of governmental "non-governmental" organizations as cut-outs to play the roles that the government isn't allowed to play.
And yes, it is much more complicated than a Marvel Comic hero/anti-hero and villain plot!
Totally plausible, sad though that be, that the US government/CIA would fund and establish a satanic church in Russia.
Listen to this fantastic interview Candace Owens had last night with Kevin Shipp, a long-term former CIA agent. The things that the rogue CIA has done….
Interestingly, related to Zelensky, she also talks about how often psychopathic political leaders come out of the acting and theatrical professions.
It’s standard practice for the USA to do this, and so much more (Mike Benz, Glenn Greenwald are good sources). It’s not just CIA, but HSS, National Science Foundation, basically all the alphabet agencies now. Maybe more importantly, the NGOs they fund to this work are the most egregious.
Biden appointed Katanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court because she is a black woman, get can’t define what a woman is. Another horrific legacy. Pray for Jeff Younger’s son and 14,000+ other children who have been castrated by doctors and courts.
Elon Musk's son is a perfect example; it's not just doctors and courts, it's estranged parental partners.
My heart breaks for the families destroyed by these false, fantasy narratives that let people think you can pick your gender and change your biological sex. THAT emperor definitely has no clothes.
yeah I noticed her yesterday for the first time. The fact that she had to say the same thing over and over in response to various other comments, was a big red flag that this was a person out to get Yuri. She also smeared "bad cat" with similar accusations.
She gets people to like her comments then she goes off the rails later and turns on everyone if they disagree with any point of hers - and even if they just don't cover a subject the way SHE would. Then, she does a big public sulk, and leaves in a huff, after assaulting as many peoples' characters as possible (for not living up to her self perception of superior intelligence). It's kinda funny to watch the same pattern in so many substacks, I guess it stems from jealousy or something. But I don't like seeing her sneaky smearing of people on other substacks where that person is not there to defend themself.
If she were in an office workplace, she is the woman who people avoid at the water cooler, the woman in the restroom that makes other women hold their tongues, the woman who men tiptoe around because they all know about the one who she took down.
A. A.'s got another flying monkey! This is so funny, you literally just opened up a new account so you can stick up for yourself under another pseudonym. Hahahahahaha! Keep the yuks comin', A.A.
And in her arguments this morning in the current case, she used some kind of fictional ban on mixed-race marriages as a comparison point. Not only can she not (will not actually) define what a woman is, she apparently is a total racist idiot.
This is all about getting rid of age-of-consent laws by pretending kids are actually “little adults”, mature enough to decide, so when they are raped by adults its “consensual”. That’s what this is all about. That’s all its ever been about: unhindered, all access backstage passes, to children. This will destroy society at its base: the next generation.
Here is how horrific it is getting, the WHO is teaching children to masturbate from birth via the school system, meanwhile pedophilia is being piecemeal decriminalized:
It's so disturbing! I was in Orlando for business on the day of the big "Pride Parade" in October. It was the middle of the day and there were many adults who dragged kids to this. One woman had a shirt that said, "Who ate all the p*ssy?" and was holding the hand of a girl who looked to be not even 6 or 7 years old. A grown man in his 30s was walking around Publix in a leather-strapped bondage outfit, mostly unclothed. It hit me that it's impossible to divorce the LGTBQ agenda from the act of sex. Even if people tried to pretend like it's not about sex - it's about gender or whatever - at the end of the day, this is a celebration of the act of who people have SEX with. It's time to end the charade and call this out for what it really is - INDECENCY.
It is impossible to divorce the LGBTQ agenda from acts of perverted and unnatural sex. And that includes pedophilia - excuse me, "minor attracted persons".
I didn’t watch our ‘Pride Parade’ in our city but I did walk past it on my errands and I did see some videos of it. It was not an LGB parade. It was a TQ parade. If I were gay I would divorce myself from everything Pride.
The Good Lord willing, RFK Jr, will make sure that it sticks this time. Since countries cannot enter into "treaties" with non-nation states, the President just needs to write a simple letter to the UN and tell them, we are not playing anymore. We are taking our printing press debt machine and going home. Get the H out of our country... you have six months.
I agree. I wrote this late yesterday in a response to Eric but want to share it again now:
Eric, this is completely correct. It is spot on. It is the entirety of the corrupt corporate globalists, deep state unaccountable bureaucrats, and uniparty politicians who make up the DC Swamp.
Bottom line up front: The government who is supposed to protect us, has grown so powerful they no longer fear us and we now fear it. It is our job to restore their fear of us. No one else will and we cannot expect or rely on Trump, although giving him the reins of power again can tremendously help us. Remember this if you remember nothing else: WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE SOVEREIGNS but ONLY IF WE ASSERT OUR SOVEREIGNTY.
We've somehow (by God's divine intervention) gotten a 4 year moment of time and action, and we have a non swamp Nationalist Populist back in charge TO AID US. He promised in 2016 he would return the country to the people, and he tried to deliver but because we did not do our part, he was simply run over by the swamp and they tried to destroy him, even murder him. But he's back. If anyone should want to destroy the swamp it is him. He is our very best ally. We all must look in the mirror before assigning responsibility for why things have gone so sideways.
I hope everyone realizes this is OUR greatest chance, in many decades, to restore our country through the political process. I hope we don't waste it, expecting others to do the work which is OURS alone. The enemy will fight us tooth and nail for every inch of ground - this is the epic struggle for the USA. Anyone who thought electing Trump would win/end the war is seriously naive. The globalists, and America haters, who think they own us, are already undermining him and planning more use of corrupt lawfare, media gaslighting, and their political partners in and out of the country to try to stop him from turning back their destruction. Shithead Schumer, Corrupt to her bone marrow Pelosi, Con-man McConnell, all of the karens in stolen governor-ships and at every other level, and all the rest on BOTH sides of their corrupt aristocracy and with EVIL apparatchiks like Mark Elias will use every rotten, scheming tactic to prevent him from gaining one inch of breathing room to maneuver to destroy them.
My point is that we must not sit on the sidelines thinking everything is won, now that Trump is back. Now we must act as the Patriots of 1776 acted. We must give Trump every advantage we can give him through our own concerted efforts. We must plan and execute through local and state political and kinetic action, yes, I said it, kinetic action. He can do a lot at the federal level but it is still only the federal level - the states and the People have our own well articulated power. I promise you, they are running a psyop to make us believe they are defeated, to make it easier for them to do their own political and kinetic action (they want Trump dead and they want us dead and replaced.) We have a one year window to plan, train and then implement those plans in the run-up to the 2026 elections - WE MUST EXPAND THIS VICTORY, NOT LET THEM constrict or destroy it. We have the federal and state constitutions to guide our actions and give us the power and authority we need. We must use them. We must synergize, and synchronize our efforts to achieve success and help Trump help us. It was a brutal 4 year battle won but by no means the war won.
Excellent call to action in that stack, TT. Keep beating that drum. “Government run schools have deliberately cut civics from their curriculum.” The DOE was the camel's nose in the tent, No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top were the 1-2 punches to our heads, and our schoolboards went corrupt and evil. We yawned and slept through a calculated and nefarious overhaul of public education. The DOE must go, and we must reclaim our schoolboards. They have our children by the throat!! Find out who’s keeping the kids ignorant about their rights and power as citizens, and cut them out like the cancer they are.
I'm working on a decentralized plan of action. Most of the 3000 counties which make up the country. We must wield our power. It is best wielded at County level and below.
I'm going to call it Citizens Keeping The Republic. Let's see if it will resonate to an all volunteer force?
I believe you are correct. The power to push back lies at the county level.
I believe Martin Armstrong is correct. The US will break up into regional confederations probably after the USG hits the fiscal brick wall - and we're very close. The country is too divided to remain together. Both sides literally hate each other and cannot talk. There is no common ground left.
Daniel L - excellent summary and marching orders. I concur and hope all of us concur and will fight like wild cats to help Trump to help us all win this!
They are also actively fighting to put violent male sexual assault criminals into female prisons in California, believe it or not. This is the work of them and an absolute nutjob named Scott Wiener who is a CA rep.
They also of course were on the sides of the Marxist antifa and Burn Loot & Murder coalitions.
ACLU has damaged their reputation beyond repair. Time for the emergence of a REAL constitution-protecting nonprofit to take its place. They are DONE.
What do you think? Is the Satanic Temple, as the Russians claim, a U.S.-government-funded and controlled NGO?
Jeff - I totally think you are on to something here. Nothing surprises me anymore with the government. They are literally dancing with the devil.
I was thinking the same thing. The government is satanic and very much trying to overthrow Christianity. Nice try. We win in the end.
Cradle Catholic here - just want to throw my 2 cents in about good vs. evil. One of the children who witnessed Our Lady at Fatima - St. Lucia - has said - "The final battle between the Lord & the reign of Satan will be about marriage & the family. Don't be afraid, because anyone who works for the sanctity of marriage & the family will always be fought & opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. However, Our Lady has already crushed its head."
I suspect Jesus the Christ was actually the one with the hammer.
This is my reference - Genesis 3:15 (“she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel”)
Kara, please don’t clutter up this comment section with your advertisements. Thank you
kara is a bot.
The same comment turns up several times in every comment section, but with different names each day.
100%. Trickier trolls and better bots abound. Someone here said bots no savvy sarcasm. Beside that, two NNs in their screen name, or a Nigerian address, what are other clues? Asking for a friend who is being followed (stalked?) on X and asked pesky “friendly” questions a little too personal.
I have seen that as well.
Have you reported the comments to Jeff? I just tried but for some reason wasn’t able to 😡
Just reported it to Substack We shall see what happens (if anything).
The Mute and block functions don't work either.
I report them numerous times a day. No on seems to care.
I assume they get banned and then just create a new account with a different name. It's hard to stop in advance.
me too. have reported many times. crickets frm substack.
I was going to report it but the explanation says the report goes to the owner unless it violates Substack rules 🤷🏻♀️
I reported it too. Jeff, please ban this THING.
I couldn’t report Kara to Jeff, but I was able to report to Substack. Just click the blue ‘Report to Substack’ link inside of ‘Report Comment.’
Just reported. Maybe I should have ended it with a 2 lol!
1. Click on the three dots to the right of the spam post (I'm on a computer, not a phone app), and click on "Report."
2. Type in the word 'spam' and send.
3. Done.
This is spam, just like in your email spam folder.
I have reported it as spam.
I enjoy reporting it as spam.
Very neat and tidy, no muss, no fuss.
It usually takes a few hours, I have noticed, but the spam posts like this do get removed eventually, leaving just the responses. :)
Janice al.
Ironic considering how much we've heard about claims of Russians planting stories of Hunter Biden's laptop or more recently interfering with polling places in Pennsylvania.
But the US actually pulling stunts in Russia? That seems more likely.
"Our" government has perfected the art of projection. If they are blaming someone else for some nefarious act, it is because they themselves are guilty of doing it. I don't have proof but my gut instinct is the "Satanic Temple" was planted in Russia by "our" evil CIA.
Trump must deeply remove the cancer from CIA, FBI and "our" "intel' Agencies and State Department. We don't talk about State Dep enough but they are deeply involved in every despicable thing being done by "our" government. People like the monstrous clinton, victoria nuland.
The cancer may not be removable without simply killing the entire host and starting over. The bureaucrats in these agencies are deeply ideologically driven, layers thick and are certain they are above control by the President.
Yes. Burn the FBI & CIA to the ground and start over.
This conversation has caused my brain to engage in overdrive this morning. I may need another cup of coffee. Lt Colonel Michael A Aquino founded The Temple of Set in 1975 and was very proud of it. Nothing seemed to happen to him regardless of accusations lodged against him. Around this same time frame The Finders were busted while transporting a group of unkempt young children. The children seemed to belong to no one as they were not reported as missing by anyone. The men transporting the children had no real reason for doing so. At that time, the men were linked to the CIA (if my memory serves me correctly) The story never seemed to have a conclusion other than the children were on their way to Virginia. Then they came up with “Satanic Panic” to shut down all inquiries while labeling us as conspiracy theorists.
So sick and evil, and encouraged by the Leftists in the USA government.
Makes me think of the half million "missing" illegal alien children from Biden's term:
*** *** ***
Lt. Michael Aquino is closely linked to General Michael Flynn. Do the research and conect the dots like the above comment has done.
What was "The Temple of Set"? I'm not familiar with this, but am curious. Thank you.
Especially Democrats are: "blaming someone else for some nefarious act, it is because they themselves are guilty of doing it. "
Projection is their strong suite.
The cancer is Transnational.
Subpeona Bill Ghate$ to explain.
Kill the hosts and start over!
My very first thought when reading about the Satanic Temple in Russia is it is a See Eye Aye front organization.
100% over the target.
I’m certainly looking at Russia in a new light these days. They tell the truth a hell of a lot more than our own government does.
Sir Putin long ago was calling the Jan6 bros "political prisoners". He's certainly astute and not only an advocate for his own nation but people in the West that are getting screwed by our failed leadership.
Was just replying to myself when you posted so I’ll move it here instead. Maybe I should have said “Putin” and not Russia because he is the one I’m learning more about, and not through the filters of our government either. I know next to nothing about Russia’s actual government officials and they could be no better than US’ for all I know. Putin might be a threat to his own government in his honesty? Sort of like Trump?🤷🏼♀️ Others who are more versed in Russian politicians would have to weigh in here about them. But I like Putin. So yeah, call me a Putin lover or a Russian asset 🤣🤣 I just like his honesty and as you said how astute he is. Plus I think everything he has done is for the betterment and protection of his own country. That’s what a leader should do!
Plus Putin, as well as Trump, has spoken out against human trafficking! No wonder they are both attacked relentlessly as evil people.
You have hit the nail squarely on the head.
I respect Putin. He ain’t no moron! His knowledge of history about his own country, and geopolitical issues, I find fascinating!
Whether you like him, or despise him, I don’t know how one couldn’t respect him.
He is intellectually brilliant.
He is very intelligent, also. As opposed to so very many of our politicians here. (FJB! et. al.)
And speaks English, German and Russian and others.
Maybe as many as Melania...
The labels and terminology which both he and Lavrov use are astute and intellectually superior to our propaganda labels.
By the way: Tucker Carlson is in Moscow and will be speaking to Lavrov.
The "western leadership and the west as a whole - obviously not all the people" has become anti-God, which leads me to believe why he can so easily see through their deception. He and Russia certainly seem to be on the side of Christianity. I realized that we are not always on the right side of history when the US (the idiot Wesley Clark) almost started WWIII in the 90's during the former Yugoslavia "intervention" that the deep state stuck its nose into... if not for an honorable British BG Sir Michael Jackson (the second in command) who refused to bomb the city that the Russians had just occupied (western forces pulled out and the Russians moved in to occupy it), no telling what would have happened...
💯%, Juju. I have often found myself agreeing with Putin way more than our own administration. He, at least, seems to love his country.
I read that he is going to do an interview with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
things like this and chem trails are why the DOD hasn't been able to pass an audit - hope DOGE guys are listening
Truth. Never considered The Satanic Temple as a US Govt proxy til now.
Now I'm sure they are. Thanks for pointing this out.
Locally, our state superintendent of schools, Ryan Walters, has been in the looney Left's crosshairs since even before he proposed a rule that every Oklahoma HS classroom should display the Ten Commandments and teach the history of our nation's founding based on the Bible. (But of course he is.)
Oddly, our Republican AG, Gentner Drummond, has spent his entire term opposing our conservative governor Kevin Stitt. It's basically been Stitt & Walters besieged by a roving band of savages led by Drummond and The Satanic Temple.
It's becoming clearer.
Love your state superintendent. Been following him for a while as we battle the hot mess that is our state dept of education.
Anything the Government can’t do because it may be “questionable “ under our Constitution, is done by NGO shell game funding. Our taxes at work AGAIN.
That and "Independent Contractors".
If we could all get above the human fray—or see through it—I think we’d discover that there is a group of “spiritual beings” warring behind the scenes. On one side are the Bene Elohim, sons of God The Most High, and on the other side are the Fallen Watchers, whose sole purpose is to defeat YHWH by eradicating his Image from Earth. That’s us, or at least those of us who descend from Adam and carry YHWH’s Divine Genome within us. I personally think we can’t see them because the human eye can only see a minuscule portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. But they’re all around us, nonetheless.
Ephesians 6:12
Do you know the work of Brandon Kroll?
This should surprise nobody. Especially after Covid Terrorism.
There is no moral observance in the United States government. It is a terror organization, both domestically and abroad. The whole world knows this. Why don't we?
In one of Armstrong's recent posts, he observed that the Russian Gov't is an authoritarian government whereas the USG is a tyrannical government. That statement should give the average American pause and it should be obvious - No? But we have been so well indoctrinated to identify ourselves with the Government that even when we know something, it is still difficult to actually come to terms with it. It's like families that have voted Democrat for generations and it took the covid plandemic death machine to shake up that identity. For many, it still hasn't happened, I suspect because these people are literally devoid of any built-in moral compass and are incapable of any independent inquiry or unscripted thought.
So suddenly we realize that, as a chance of birth, we are citizens of a country that is on the wrong side of history. Really goes against the built-in grain that we fought the "good war" in WWII and that we are the bright city-on-the-hill. For an awfully long time we have actually been the "dark tower".
If the American people are to reclaim the heritage of our forefathers, we are going to have to search ourselves and see if there is any of that "American" character left in us. This will necessarily have to begin in America's churches, but at this point, I see very little evidence of this character in the pews or the pulpits. Most of the "church" has gone liberal and most closely resembles a NGO more than an actual church. Where there is enthusiasm, they are more concerned with The Great Escape, ie the Rapture, than they are about the relevance of God's Law Word to society. After all, the Devil is going to win anyway and we must wait for the Lord's "return". It's not a good picture.
The only hopeful thing this side of heaven I can point to is the fact that after 70+ years of Communist tyranny, the Russian people are once again exercising their Christian faith and practice. We have much to overcome.
Armstrong and I make the same distinction. Russia is authoritarian. And the United States is totalitarian ... and practices terrorism, mentally and physically on its on subjects and the rest of the world. It's greatest exports are inflation, death and destruction. The United States has killed millions and millions, always for a good cause.
The United States has been on the wrong side of history ever since the Kennedy assassination, but in hyper-drive wrong sided ever since the terror attack of 2011.
If Russia were not authoritarian, it would have been gobbled up alive by the American Terror Empire a long, long time ago.
As a failed state, America may be beyond political redemption.
Wow, every succinct sentence you wrote precisely describes what has happened with crystal clarity. And in so few words.
Clearly, the USG is beyond political redemption. Such governments only end up in a collapsed heap. There is no other possible ending. (I can't say what that heap will look like though.)
But the American people will still be here, perhaps a bit worse for wear, just as the French or the Russians were still there after the collapse of their governments. I think all we can do is focus on the people... our American brothers. We cannot change the course of this empire. We can only try to anticipate it.
One never knows for sure. But it doesn't have a good look. We'll know more by the end of 2025 about how in earnest this new big movement is.
The use of NGOs to achieve government objectives that would otherwise be illegal or unconstitutional has reached a fever pitch. The likelihood is very high that this is a government funded NGO.
I am wondering not so much whether the Satanic Temple is owned and controlled by the US Government or whether the US Government is owned and controlled by the Satanic Temple.
Joe Rogan’s recent discussion with Mike Benz sheds light on the U.S. government funding and use of NGOs to wield influence. I suggest everyone should take the time to listen and learn.
I think the government and Satan have moved past dancing to in bed together.
They most USUALLY DO. I'm not even counting Trump out of that dance. Unless a man recognizes their completely debased sinful character imbedded in pride and false humility then they will all fall.
Rambler is a good choice for you.
Moses was a murderer, it didn’t disqualify him.
David had more than one wife, committed adultery, had her husband murdered.
He wasn’t disqualified.
So, guess what?
Trump is MORE THAN qualified to run this country. And your judgement is DISqualified.
Good point, CS. Chronister is a little too close to the Faucian closet of cockroaches, and we can do better. When Moses was looking for appointees, he said, “Choose wise, understanding, and knowledgeable men from among your tribes, and I will make them heads over you” (Deuteronomy 1:13). Democratic, no? But for obvious reasons, he didn’t say to reject every man with a cloud on his title. For better or worse, humans are our only options. “If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?” (Psalm 130:3).
Thank you for reading closely and remembering my past posts and for your chiding. I remember your name too so this was disappointing to see but I'm just a virtual personality here. You can't trust anyone.
I've just put second bill at the top of my to-do list for congress, just under an election integrity bill - reversing the Smith-Mundt "modernization act.
After listening to Joe Rogan's interview of Mike Benz, several times, this seems very plausible.
Seems the powers-that-shouldn't-be love to have astroturfed, live-action-role-playing-game "reality shows" worldwide, even using live fire, like a "Rust" set.
The interview speaks of governmental "non-governmental" organizations as cut-outs to play the roles that the government isn't allowed to play.
And yes, it is much more complicated than a Marvel Comic hero/anti-hero and villain plot!
Totally plausible, sad though that be, that the US government/CIA would fund and establish a satanic church in Russia.
Listen to this fantastic interview Candace Owens had last night with Kevin Shipp, a long-term former CIA agent. The things that the rogue CIA has done….
Interestingly, related to Zelensky, she also talks about how often psychopathic political leaders come out of the acting and theatrical professions.
It’s standard practice for the USA to do this, and so much more (Mike Benz, Glenn Greenwald are good sources). It’s not just CIA, but HSS, National Science Foundation, basically all the alphabet agencies now. Maybe more importantly, the NGOs they fund to this work are the most egregious.
Biden appointed Katanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court because she is a black woman, get can’t define what a woman is. Another horrific legacy. Pray for Jeff Younger’s son and 14,000+ other children who have been castrated by doctors and courts.
In today’s political climate, it mattered much more that so flippin’ many of her decisions were then overturned. She was not qualified IMO.
So, what was your clue? That she couldn’t define wha a woman was, in spite of allegedly being a woman? Eye roll. Does ‘she’ sit or stand to pee?
Stop. I have known men who sit... I know. Not a good sign, right?
That is usually because of bladder or prostate problems or spinal cord injury or some such thing.
Or just old and lazy.
Yes, I guess, but having been there, I think sitting is not the lazy person’s way. LOL
Elon Musk's son is a perfect example; it's not just doctors and courts, it's estranged parental partners.
My heart breaks for the families destroyed by these false, fantasy narratives that let people think you can pick your gender and change your biological sex. THAT emperor definitely has no clothes.
Just a head's up that you and others are being smeared by this woman (again):
yeah I noticed her yesterday for the first time. The fact that she had to say the same thing over and over in response to various other comments, was a big red flag that this was a person out to get Yuri. She also smeared "bad cat" with similar accusations.
She gets people to like her comments then she goes off the rails later and turns on everyone if they disagree with any point of hers - and even if they just don't cover a subject the way SHE would. Then, she does a big public sulk, and leaves in a huff, after assaulting as many peoples' characters as possible (for not living up to her self perception of superior intelligence). It's kinda funny to watch the same pattern in so many substacks, I guess it stems from jealousy or something. But I don't like seeing her sneaky smearing of people on other substacks where that person is not there to defend themself.
If she were in an office workplace, she is the woman who people avoid at the water cooler, the woman in the restroom that makes other women hold their tongues, the woman who men tiptoe around because they all know about the one who she took down.
Or, the office kook.
A. A.'s got another flying monkey! This is so funny, you literally just opened up a new account so you can stick up for yourself under another pseudonym. Hahahahahaha! Keep the yuks comin', A.A.
Are you "laura" too? What a busy lady. Lots of fake social media profiles to make just to pester people all day. Must be a rewarding life. Enjoy!
And in her arguments this morning in the current case, she used some kind of fictional ban on mixed-race marriages as a comparison point. Not only can she not (will not actually) define what a woman is, she apparently is a total racist idiot.
With regard to the trans agenda:
Here an ACLU lawyer argues that children as young as two know whether they are trans or not, and that castrating them is their choice:
This is all about getting rid of age-of-consent laws by pretending kids are actually “little adults”, mature enough to decide, so when they are raped by adults its “consensual”. That’s what this is all about. That’s all its ever been about: unhindered, all access backstage passes, to children. This will destroy society at its base: the next generation.
Here is how horrific it is getting, the WHO is teaching children to masturbate from birth via the school system, meanwhile pedophilia is being piecemeal decriminalized:
This cannot stand. We’re going to have to get in this fight and meet this head on.
It's so disturbing! I was in Orlando for business on the day of the big "Pride Parade" in October. It was the middle of the day and there were many adults who dragged kids to this. One woman had a shirt that said, "Who ate all the p*ssy?" and was holding the hand of a girl who looked to be not even 6 or 7 years old. A grown man in his 30s was walking around Publix in a leather-strapped bondage outfit, mostly unclothed. It hit me that it's impossible to divorce the LGTBQ agenda from the act of sex. Even if people tried to pretend like it's not about sex - it's about gender or whatever - at the end of the day, this is a celebration of the act of who people have SEX with. It's time to end the charade and call this out for what it really is - INDECENCY.
I'll see your comment and raise you:
It is impossible to divorce the LGBTQ agenda from acts of perverted and unnatural sex. And that includes pedophilia - excuse me, "minor attracted persons".
I didn’t watch our ‘Pride Parade’ in our city but I did walk past it on my errands and I did see some videos of it. It was not an LGB parade. It was a TQ parade. If I were gay I would divorce myself from everything Pride.
Most gay people I know have done just that.
The LGB Alliance is probably growing in leaps and bounds.
We as a country need to pull out of the WHO... stop funding this madness!
The Good Lord willing, RFK Jr, will make sure that it sticks this time. Since countries cannot enter into "treaties" with non-nation states, the President just needs to write a simple letter to the UN and tell them, we are not playing anymore. We are taking our printing press debt machine and going home. Get the H out of our country... you have six months.
How about 24 hours!
I was being too charitable! Yes, 24 hours works even better!!!
I agree. I wrote this late yesterday in a response to Eric but want to share it again now:
Eric, this is completely correct. It is spot on. It is the entirety of the corrupt corporate globalists, deep state unaccountable bureaucrats, and uniparty politicians who make up the DC Swamp.
Bottom line up front: The government who is supposed to protect us, has grown so powerful they no longer fear us and we now fear it. It is our job to restore their fear of us. No one else will and we cannot expect or rely on Trump, although giving him the reins of power again can tremendously help us. Remember this if you remember nothing else: WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE SOVEREIGNS but ONLY IF WE ASSERT OUR SOVEREIGNTY.
We've somehow (by God's divine intervention) gotten a 4 year moment of time and action, and we have a non swamp Nationalist Populist back in charge TO AID US. He promised in 2016 he would return the country to the people, and he tried to deliver but because we did not do our part, he was simply run over by the swamp and they tried to destroy him, even murder him. But he's back. If anyone should want to destroy the swamp it is him. He is our very best ally. We all must look in the mirror before assigning responsibility for why things have gone so sideways.
I hope everyone realizes this is OUR greatest chance, in many decades, to restore our country through the political process. I hope we don't waste it, expecting others to do the work which is OURS alone. The enemy will fight us tooth and nail for every inch of ground - this is the epic struggle for the USA. Anyone who thought electing Trump would win/end the war is seriously naive. The globalists, and America haters, who think they own us, are already undermining him and planning more use of corrupt lawfare, media gaslighting, and their political partners in and out of the country to try to stop him from turning back their destruction. Shithead Schumer, Corrupt to her bone marrow Pelosi, Con-man McConnell, all of the karens in stolen governor-ships and at every other level, and all the rest on BOTH sides of their corrupt aristocracy and with EVIL apparatchiks like Mark Elias will use every rotten, scheming tactic to prevent him from gaining one inch of breathing room to maneuver to destroy them.
My point is that we must not sit on the sidelines thinking everything is won, now that Trump is back. Now we must act as the Patriots of 1776 acted. We must give Trump every advantage we can give him through our own concerted efforts. We must plan and execute through local and state political and kinetic action, yes, I said it, kinetic action. He can do a lot at the federal level but it is still only the federal level - the states and the People have our own well articulated power. I promise you, they are running a psyop to make us believe they are defeated, to make it easier for them to do their own political and kinetic action (they want Trump dead and they want us dead and replaced.) We have a one year window to plan, train and then implement those plans in the run-up to the 2026 elections - WE MUST EXPAND THIS VICTORY, NOT LET THEM constrict or destroy it. We have the federal and state constitutions to guide our actions and give us the power and authority we need. We must use them. We must synergize, and synchronize our efforts to achieve success and help Trump help us. It was a brutal 4 year battle won but by no means the war won.
Heck yeah, Daniel, let's DO this! Here are some ideas to get started:
"When the people fear the government there is tyranny. When the government fears the people there is liberty."
Time to restore the proper balance.
Excellent call to action in that stack, TT. Keep beating that drum. “Government run schools have deliberately cut civics from their curriculum.” The DOE was the camel's nose in the tent, No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top were the 1-2 punches to our heads, and our schoolboards went corrupt and evil. We yawned and slept through a calculated and nefarious overhaul of public education. The DOE must go, and we must reclaim our schoolboards. They have our children by the throat!! Find out who’s keeping the kids ignorant about their rights and power as citizens, and cut them out like the cancer they are.
Damn fine comment ReasonableHorses, and more than reasonable, right on target actually, thank you.
I'm working on a decentralized plan of action. Most of the 3000 counties which make up the country. We must wield our power. It is best wielded at County level and below.
I'm going to call it Citizens Keeping The Republic. Let's see if it will resonate to an all volunteer force?
I believe you are correct. The power to push back lies at the county level.
I believe Martin Armstrong is correct. The US will break up into regional confederations probably after the USG hits the fiscal brick wall - and we're very close. The country is too divided to remain together. Both sides literally hate each other and cannot talk. There is no common ground left.
A lot of people need to die.
Good post.
Reminded me of the famous John Belushi call-to-arms in Animal House (Did we lie down when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!) Lol
But I enjoyed it and agree.
Daniel L - excellent summary and marching orders. I concur and hope all of us concur and will fight like wild cats to help Trump to help us all win this!
ACLU is horrible (needless to say really).
They are also actively fighting to put violent male sexual assault criminals into female prisons in California, believe it or not. This is the work of them and an absolute nutjob named Scott Wiener who is a CA rep.
They also of course were on the sides of the Marxist antifa and Burn Loot & Murder coalitions.
ACLU has damaged their reputation beyond repair. Time for the emergence of a REAL constitution-protecting nonprofit to take its place. They are DONE.
That replacement, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), already exists and does excellent work.
Thanks, good to know.
Remember the good ole days when castration was reserved for criminals?
We would read about rapists and exclaim ‘they should be castrated!’ Well, apparently it’s not just for criminals anymore. Poor children 😢