☕️ TOMATO POPSICLES ☙ Tuesday, January 3, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Dramatic NFL collapse electrifies the nation; tennis star gets double cancer; linebacker who wanted unjabbed jailed dies; study shows jabs not safe or effective; Americans reject narratives; and more.
Good morning and Happy Tuesday, C&C! Today’s roundup includes: dramatic on-screen live heart attack jars players, fans, and commenters, and interrupts NFL game; tennis star develops double cancer; former linebacker’s heart tackled; vaccine study reviewing Pfizer and Moderna’s data finds jabs neither safe nor effective; new poll shows half of Americans believe the jabs are causing sudden and unexplained deaths; and an indescribable story that you might just want to skip over. You were warned! And, I’m sorry, but if I had to see it, you do too.
🪖 Michelle and I are in Tallahassee today to attend Governor DeSantis’ swearing-in. I’ll fill you in tomorrow. Pray for no rain!
💉 Last night on Monday Night Football, broadcast live to over 13 million viewers, Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin, 24, had a sudden and unexpected heart attack and dramatically collapsed on the field during the game.

Hamlin was rushed to the hospital, where he is now reported to be on a ventilator in critical condition.
In explaining his historic decision to suspend the game, the NFL’s executive vice president of football operations Troy Vincent said he’d NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT.
Hamlin’s case is getting a lot of attention. CNN is currently providing “live updates” about his condition.
The developing narrative that the tackle injured Damar’s heart has been met with wide skepticism. But many influencers argued that, with Damar on life support, now is not the time to bring up the shots.
Either way, we pray for Damar’s complete and quick recovery. By all accounts, he is a generous, kind, and well-liked young man.
💉 Tennis champion Martina Navratilova, 66, often called one of the greatest athletes in history, announced yesterday she has been diagnosed with BOTH Stage 1 throat cancer AND breast cancer.
“This double whammy is serious but still fixable,” the she said in a statement. Gosh. What are the odds.
Last November, Navratilova noticed an enlarged lymph node in her neck at the WTA Finals in Fort Worth, Texas. When it didn’t clear up, she got a biopsy and found the Stage 1 throat cancer. Subsequent medical care revealed the breast cancer.
Fortunately, both cancers appear to be in their early stages and are treatable types. While corporate media has been implying that her 2010 breast cancer may have come back, this one seems to be a completely different kind.
Navratilova, who defected to the U.S. from communist Czechoslovakia, is a fighter. We’re praying for the win.
💉 The UK Daily Mail ran a heartbreaking story yesterday headlined, “Former Jacksonville Jaguars guard Uche Nwaneri dies age 38 ‘from acute heart failure after collapsing at his wife’s home’ as the NFL side pay tribute to his ‘strong bond’ with fans.”
Nwaneri’s wife found him “unresponsive in their bedroom” in Indiana. In other words, he died AT HOME. Of an apparent heart attack. According to the Daily Mail, an autopsy showed no indication of foul play. But that’s all we have officially about the cause of death.
Not that it has anything to do with his sudden and unexpected death, but it’s a good bet that Nwaneri was jabbed. In September, Nwaneri called for putting unvaccinated people in jail.
Hopefully he didn’t catch his heart attack from an unvaccinated person. But who knows? It’s another baffling mystery. Life giveth and life taketh away.
🔬 In late September’s the Journal Vaccine published a study titled, “Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Randomized Trials in Adults.”
The researchers took a 2020 W.H.O.-endorsed list of “adverse events of special interest” created for the covid vaccines before they were released. Thus the study didn’t include ALL adverse events. The researchers were only looking for ones from the list, called “adverse events of special interest.”
For their data, the researchers decided to use the interim datasets from Pfizer and Moderna, that were used as the basis for emergency authorization in December 2020, which was about four months after trials began. Then they matched the adverse events reported in the Pfizer and Moderna trials against the independent list of adverse events of special interest.
With me so far?
By using the Pfizer and Moderna data, the researched had a randomized, blinded trial set. Nobody’s done one since the FDA approved the jabs. It’s the only randomized, double-blinded study there is.
Once the researchers combined the lists, they found a remarkably high level of adverse events compared from jab takers compared to the placebo group, which got saline instead of mRNA. In particular, they found the risk of serious adverse events of special interest (AESI’s) from the vaccines was much higher than the risk reduced. In other words, they concluded — from Pfizer and Moderna’s OWN clinical data — that the jabs were neither safe nor effective:
In the Moderna trial, the excess risk of serious AESIs (15.1 per 10,000 participants) was higher than the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization relative to the placebo group (6.4 per 10,000 participants). [3] In the Pfizer trial, the excess risk of serious AESIs (10.1 per 10,000) was higher than the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization relative to the placebo group (2.3 per 10,000 participants).
In other words, the data showed that Moderna lowered the chance of covid hospitalization by -6.4 per 10,000, but INCREASED the risk of a serious adverse event by +15.1 per 10,000. Therefore, vaccinees’ net risk of a bad outcome increased by +8.7 per 10,000 by taking the Moderna shot.
Pfizer was nearly the same. The data showed Pfizer lowered the chance of covid hospitalization by -2.3 per 10,000, but INCREASED the risk of a serious adverse event by +10.1 per 10,000. Therefore, vaccinees’ net risk of a bad outcome increased by +7.8 per 10,000 by taking the Pfizer shot.
The difference between the two shots makes sense. Moderna contains a much higher dose of mRNA. So the higher risk reduction and higher adverse events in Moderna seems correlated with the amount of mRNA in the shot, just as you would expect.
So, there’s THAT. But now think about what the numbers MEAN for people’s risk of injury. For Pfizer, in their own trial, during just the first four months of the trial, meaning only about two months post-jab, 10.1 folks per 10,000 had a serious adverse event. That’s 1 injury per 1,000 shots, a crazy-high level of injury. Moderna was even worse. At 15.1 injuries per 10,000, it translated to about 1 serious injury in only 662 jabbed.
The study’s drafters were clear about their conclusion that the jabs weren’t SAFE due to excess injuries over the placebo, and that the jabs weren’t EFFECTIVE because they didn’t prevent hospitalization when compared to a placebo (from all causes). While they didn’t exactly beat the drum about it, they didn’t exactly hide their conclusion, either:
Rational policy formation should consider potential harms alongside potential benefits. To illustrate this need in the present context, we conducted a simple harm-benefit comparison using the trial data comparing excess risk of serious AESI against reductions in COVID-19 hospitalization. We found excess risk of serious AESIs to exceed the reduction in COVID-19 hospitalizations in both Pfizer and Moderna trials.
In addition to the fact they only counted adverse events from the “special interest” list, the authors noted three other reasons why adverse events in the study might be undercounted. In other words, it might even be a lot worse:
First, Pfizer’s trial did not report SAEs [Serious Adverse Events] occurring past 1 month after dose 2. This reporting threshold may have led to an undercounting of serious AESIs [Adverse Events of Special Interest] in the Pfizer trial. Second, for both studies, the limited follow up time prevented an analysis of harm-benefit over a longer period. Third, all SAEs in our analysis met the regulatory definition of a serious adverse event, but many adverse event types which a patient may themselves judge as serious may not meet this regulatory threshold.
By this point, you’re probably wondering how the FDA ever approved these dangerous products in the first place. The answer is that the FDA used different numbers than these researchers; and the study discusses those differences in some detail. At the end of the day, the study’s authors clearly thought the FDA’s approach was overly-optimistic.
I would call it “reckless.”
This is a serious study in a respected journal, with clear methods and using pharma’s own data, and unless you agree with the FDA’s forgiving analytical methods, the study undermines the claim that the jabs were EVER safe and effective. You could send this study to anyone who was wondering what the most current “science” says about the jabs.
Here’s the link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.08.036
💉 Watch out below! The narrative is failing.
Polling giant Rasmussen’s latest national telephone and online survey found half (49%) of American adults think it is likely that covid vaccines have caused a “significant number of unexplained deaths,” including 28% who think it is “Very Likely.” A minority, thirty-seven percent (37%), disagree that any significant number of deaths have been caused by vaccine side effects, including 17% who think unexplained deaths are “Not At All Likely.”
Fourteen percent (14%) were not sure about the jabs.
So, at this point, if this poll is accurate, almost two-thirds of Americans are either convinced the jabs are killing people or aren’t sure yet. The holdouts are now down to almost a third.
Another third (28%) reported they personally know someone whose death they think may have been caused by side effects of covid vaccines. That’s a lot of people. Sixty percent (61%) don’t know anybody they think died of jabs, and another 10% aren’t sure. Interestingly, unlike other categories, these numbers were split pretty evenly by political affiliation, with democrats even showing a slight lead over Republicans (33% to 26%) in suspecting the jabs caused an acquaintance’s death.
You can tell folks all kinds of beautiful lies, and that might work for a while, but you can’t beat people’s personal experiences.
There was a big split between jabbed and unjabbed people. Three quarters (77%) of unjabbed adults think it’s at least somewhat likely that vaccines caused a significant number of unexplained deaths, but only forty percent (38%) of jabbed people think unexplained deaths from the vaccine are at least somewhat likely. That’s still pretty high.
The tide is turning, we are winning the narrative war. Consider that the CDC is still saying the jabs are safe and effective. So, imagine what these poll results suggest about how many people are distrusting or ignoring the official narrative.
Double down.
🔥 I hate to do this to you, but you truly cannot appreciate the mental jarring I experienced from this story, unless you encounter it for yourself.

I mean, I have said many times that they can’t surprise me anymore, but totally uncharacteristically, I have no words whatsoever for this one. Have fun with it in the comments.
Have a terrific Tuesday! I’ll see you back here tomorrow for more.
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...But many influencers argued that, with Damar on life support, now is not the time to bring up the shots...
I have only one word: "Why?"
Why is it we are called sick and cruel for suggesting that the jab is causing deaths, but those that wished the unjabbed "dead" or "jailed" received no backlash?