You really shouldn't refer to it as "merckmectin". That implies that this new drug is a good alternative, or operates in a similar way. In fact, this new drug does NOT operate in the same way as Ivermectin. It consists of an analog of cytosine, one of the 4 bases of DNA and RNA. The body can't tell it apart from cytosine, so it uses it in DNA/RNA replication, but it's specifically designed to cause replication errors. While this does interfere with replication of an RNA virus, it is non-specific so it will also cause problems in any other mechanisms that would require cytosine. There's no reason to think that this wouldn't cause errors elsewhere that result in a broad spectrum of problems that may not be immediately apparent. Thus no reason to expect it to be safe long-term.

Whereas Ivermectin is not only shown to be effective against SARS2, it also has a 30 year safety record with widespread use, and it is a naturally occurring molecule that is therefore more likely to be generally compatible with human biology.

I know it's just a joke but we must be careful about language here!

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Oct 6, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Excellent, as usual.

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If you are looking for the ultimate truth bomb, I encourage you to click the below link. This is truly extraordinary information. Dr. David Martin is qualified to examine this "plandemic" from a very unique perspective. He systematically identifies all of the individuals and corporate entities involved in this manufactured mess by following the paper trail of biological patents that COINCIDENTALLY have led us to this point. If this information doesn't get your eyes as big as saucers and infuriate you then you're just not paying attention. Seriously.

There is an interview with him and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on Bichute

that is equally compelling.


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I just lost my job because I wouldn't get vaccinated (I have already had Covid and still testing positive for antibodies, offered to get tested weekly, etc. didn't matter). Two coworkers who weren't going to get the vax, caved to keep their job.

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Thanks for the Subscriber session last night. I attempted to double my C&C contribution as promised, but there is no available option to do so. Please advise. M

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As soon as you post something on FB that is counter-narrative you become a target. Just another reason to kick these demonic controlled social media entities to the curb. It shouldn't be that way...doesn't have to be....but they are under the control of troglodytic circus freaks. I'm thinking exchanging popover recipes is about as far as I would go on these sites.

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I am an attorney in Ohio and I am about the only attorney willing to help parents of public school children who are forced to either mask OR be excluded from school for 2 weeks if they come in contact with a Covid positive person at school. If you can please help me, I would like to send you an email to get some additional help. This isn’t my area of expertise but if I’m the only one willing to help, I’ll do it if I can get the legal resources/knowledge I need to be successful.

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Please report on the lawsuit parents filed against Bentonville Schools in AR. Parents won! No mask mandates in AR are legal unless Gov or ADH issues the mandate! Big win! Kids and staff are elated!

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I love, LOVE the Coffee and Covid newsletter! You first came to my attention through a link to your series on What the Church Needs to Know. I know that you are a believer, and I definitely appreciate how that informs your worldview. However, I'm disappointed in the way you described that Shakopee school board chair. Surely your critique on the issue stands alone and doesn't need bolstering by an unkind description of her looks.

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Good morning,

I work for a government contractor in Orlando. They just put out a letter mandating all employees get vaccinated per Biden's mandate. How can I fight this? I am not getting the shot.

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