Florida. The land of the free and the home of the brave. Jeff. Your excellent writing makes my day. God bless you.

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Watch it before it disappears into the youtube censor memory hole.

Fauci touting natural immunity over vaccines


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Exactly what I was taught by a vaccinologist back in the day. Natural immunity from infection is the standard to which they aspire for vaccines.

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Looks like that was 20 years ago. The science has changed, of course. Because $cience.

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“The best vaccination is to get infected yourself.

She doesn’t need a [flu] vaccine. The most potent vaccine is getting infected yourself.”

~AF on CSPAN Washington Journal

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Free? Desantis passed an anti protest bill years ago that was ruled unconstitutional.

He re signed the hospital indemnity

My friend lost her job because it's ok for employers to do whatever they want

And did you know employers in Florida and a couple other states made it legal to not hire those who smoke tobacco, even if they don't do it at work?

Fascism comes in red and blue.

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Instead of attacking the one guy who is actually standing up to authoritarian left, why don't you give us some example of leaders who are doing it right? Here's why, they don't exist.

Allowing business the option of hiring or not hiring nicotine addicts is hardly fascism. Personally I think it's not a smart move but I can understand why a business would. Nicotine addicts have higher health care costs, take more sick days, sneak out for smoke breaks, and smell terrible. Forcing businesses to hire nicotine addicts when they don't want to is arguably more fascist and repressive.

Dude, get some perspective.

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Perfect is the enemy of good.

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Who's currently offering more freedom?

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True, but Rome wasn't built in a day. I'd rather live in Rome(o), FL, than Rome, NY.

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Woke is flourishing in our small rural mid Michigan school district. A letter was sent home to parents this week to ensure children are informed not to tease or harass the “furries”. These are children who dress and act like animals, including licking their skin. Our problem isn’t just out of control schools, it’s parents who don’t parent.

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And I thought public schools were bad 24 years ago when we pulled out our then first and third graders to homeschool. God, save the children from evil!

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Do you what you need to do to get children out of government schools. They are beyond repair. Make the sacrifice necessary to homeschool. There are many resources available including at PragerU and co-ops with people who have the same goals to truly educate their children and raise responsible critical thinking adults.

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Or go to private schools!

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But not everyone can afford that. And many private schools are as bad or worse that public. Almost anyone can afford to homeschool.

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My personal experience is that private school has been worse than public with insane woke-ism.

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Sorry to hear that. As a homeschool veteran, I still believe it's the best option to educate children. I've never understood people who have children only to put them in daycare and then ship them off to be indoctrinated in government schools.

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Apr 1, 2022
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Discussed this on another thread a few days ago, it's not good enough for a school to be private, or even "Christian", it must be explicitly Biblical. The Bible hasn't changed it two millennia so Bible-centered schools are immune from the latest nonsense fads. The principal and staff must test *everything* against the Bible, and reject that which the Bible condemns and embrace what the Bible commands. If those running the school accept that the Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God then this happens pretty much automatically. If they think it's just a book of nice sayings then the school will likely go woke.

Accreditation is meaningless, how the school views the Bible means everything.

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Jeff C, I usually like everything you say, as I’m a like minded LCMS Lutheran. Older generation though, my kids attended public schools but went to Concordia colleges. In fact our son is a VP at one now. All our grandchildren went to Lutheran elementary schools and received an outstanding education. I’m horrified at what we see being pushed by the secular left. You’ve reached the same conclusions that I have…parenting is the MOST important job you have in life. I just re-read Romans 1 this morning, it should be required reading for our sick, confused society.

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Thanks Freebird, like your comments too. What's funny is that we are not LCMS or even Lutheran, but non-denominational Christians (we attend Calvary Chapel). But when it became clear we had to get our kids out of public schools ASAP, and started looking around, the LCMS schools were the only ones we found that were uncompromising in upholding biblical truth. (Some Calvary Chapels also have schools but none near us.)

Since then I've become very impressed with the LCMS, and what they stand for. We agree on 95% of the theology, and where we disagree are on non-essential doctrines. We agree on 100% of the moral teachings and we see it exemplified in the school staff every day. Proud to have my kids at an LCMS school.

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Truth. I loved my prestigious college prep education, my brother pulled his kids out because they were paying big bucks for indoctrination that's worse than at public schools. We no longer recognize our alma mater. My kids are in outstanding public schools in programs that simply are not feasible in home or private school settings. My family used to rag on me about having my kids in "government schools." Ha.

Well, I recently, and comfortably, signed the permission/opt-in for the sex ed unit in our middle school. I know the teachers, the material is available for parent preview before opting in, it's traditional, non-political stuff, good information for the kids to discuss together in class, and I even learned things when I went through it! Make local decisions and be involved!

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WTF ??!! Furries??? No, No,No… Just NO!!

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I just heard about furries for the first time a couple weeks ago. It's been around with adults since the 80s, is also sexual, and they are now escalating to kids. Beware. There is so much mental illness in our country!

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Yes; did you watch the facial, voice, and body language of the female Disney executive on the Zoom call who said she is the mom of "two queer kids, one trans and one pansexual?" She *loved* saying that; she acted as though it gained her 'virtue points' with the others. I immediately thought it was a case of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.

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Mothers of boys with gender identity disorder: a comparison of matched controls: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2016237/

From the Abstract: "Fifty-three percent of the mothers of boys with GID [Gender Identity Disorder] compared with only 6% of controls met the diagnosis for Borderline Personality Disorder on the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines or had symptoms of depression on the Beck Depression Inventory.

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Wow. And ick. And how sad for all those children.

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Yes, you are so right!! I thought the same thing about Munchausen by Proxy. She just loves the attention plus enjoys riding roughshod over the rights of others.

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Yes, they love the attention that receive from the emotional and spiritual harm they inflict on their children. Clearly a variant of Munchausen by Proxy.

Thank goodness I believe in a just God that punishes the wicked or I would have lost it long ago. Go reread the account of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19), there is nothing new under the sun.

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One of the things I love about the Bible and Christianity is how explanatory they are of so much we see around us, both good and bad.

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I can't bring myself to click on or watch such things anymore but I read about it.

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Apr 1, 2022
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Burke once said: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.”

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I read a great post by Emerald Robinson today. She used the correct word to describe Disney…demonic.

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Remember when we used to treat mental illness? Now we're supposed to enable it, indulge it and participate in the delusions. Now we've got child groomers teaching children, who would have been arrested a few years ago, and enourmous homeless shanty towns in blue cities with addicts and lunatics pooping on the street and accosting people. The left's compassion.

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And the Psychology/Psychiatry community is allowing all of it to be normalized...

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Imho, no small proportion of them went into the field to try to figure themselves out, so maybe that's not as surprising as it might otherwise seem.

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I saw three fifth graders dressed as furries at my children's elementary school dance. They were the only kids there without parents.

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Is this an April Fool's joke? Please tell me it is.

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Nope, 100% real and very sad. One of the girls looked very mature for age too.

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Those poor children.

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Yep, in Michigan with Gov Whit-less!!

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Our family prefers to refer to her as WHitler.

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That’s the truth!

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Yep, it’s like TMI Friday! I’d never heard of them and didn’t want to! Another perversion…Lord have mercy!

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Be careful you might be a FURRIST!

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Lol. Do I care? I probably offended the person who told me about it as she's including furry characters in a sci Fi novel she's writing and I explicitly said it is only for the mentally ill.

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Wow! I never heard that one before....Furries????? I am so glad that my boys are grown men who didn't have that nonsense in schools back then. May God save us all!!!

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Recently I had considered enrolling my kiddo in our rural mid-MI school district, until I read their most recent mailing. Woke alert! Woke alert! They were touting the creation of various CRT-sounding measures. They tend to go hand-in-hand with the sexual deviant brands of wokeness.

She'll stay in parochial school -- thanks for the heads-up before I made a horrible mistake, _______ Public Schools.

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Insanity!!! How does this even happen? We have to pass laws and bills to protect children from this perverted insanity? This just makes no sense to me. How does this even become an "issue"? I am still gagging. God bless everyone who stands up for morals, values and our children.

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Jeff's explanation of destroying the family is certainly part of it. I was in elementary school when our government school teachers organized into a union and went on strike. So began their ability to not be fired when parents and even school boards disagreed with their actions.

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We're up here in Michigan, and I am just hopeful seeing everything FL has made possible. Hopefully there IS hope. When my son was in school, I had to fight some evil thought processes, but NOTHING like this. What I do not understand is the WHY?!?!? I just can't grasp that. Who benefits? Or is it truly WHO benefits. It's just so disgusting and evil.

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I just can’t believe the lack of common sense some parents have??? Are they on drugs???

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Are u kidding? “Furries”? 😳

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Oh honey. Furries are insidious, they have notorious conventions (orgies, really) and they're aggressive on TikTok, along with the other groomers. Beware.

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I wish I was.

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This is the first time I've known what that term meant, though I've seen it used in comments elsewhere.

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I wish I had never heard it. But sadly, I learned about it from my kids. They are disgusted by it!

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And no, this isn’t an April 1st joke.

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I would welcome Biden announcing Furry Visibility Day. "We see you ... we nuzzle and floof you."

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Just sickos! How does this happen? I just cannot understand. Now animal sex? I'm sorry, but why do we need laws against this f-ing perversion to protect our children? We've dealt with a lot these past few years. I'm just not sure I can deal with this. I've forwarded that image to my idiot "representatives" here in Michigan. I just don't understand how anyone can see that this is o.k. I'm just lost, pissed, disgusted.

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This is just as bad...

Biden appointed a queer activist involved in kink (part of the "pup community") to handle nuclear waste management at the Department of Energy:



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That’s good!!

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Apr 1, 2022
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Or to Michigan!!

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Thank you, Jeff. Every day, 6 days a week, your posts deliver a sane, grounded and logical perspective to the happenings in our increasingly insane world. Your ability to do this with a strong dose of humor and sarcasm make me look forward to reading your posts like looking forward to the Sunday funnies as a kid (but now I'm grown up, kind of). Thank you and keep up the good work!

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Agree wholeheartedly. Jeff made a great point in that children don't have the full rights of adults but that those rights are reserved for the parents. Obvious to anyone with a shred of common sense.

Virtually every leftist pathology rests on the flawed assumption that children have the rights of adults, and that adults have the responsibilities of children. Once you see it you can't unsee it.

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Jeff C., Wow. That last paragraph is a great summary.

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THANK YOU JEFF. This is a defining, sobering moment in our nation as the family hangs in the balance. God bless DeSantis and God bless you for clearly stating and fighting for the TRUTH.

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Ok Then Let’s let Christian teachers talk about Jesus, sin and the Bible and some Revelation reality thrown in there at school and see what they say. They would freak out.

God please protect these children in the middle of all this.

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Nope, it's cool to discriminate against that religion.

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In a weird way, it's comforting to me that Christianity takes such heat. It's like just another confirmation that we're right.

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Excelente breakdown response from the two commenters, gave me also a better understanding of the topic

Also please tell me that Biden started April fool's early with all that lgbtsoup stuff he wants to address? It's amazing as to what his administration is focusing on when we have other much more pressing issues.

I have a kid in kinder and I definitely don't want any teacher teaching him that there's more than boy and girl and that he can like a boy and also feel like a girl is he wanted to at this age. If he happens to fall in bowl of alphabet soup later in his life when he's a teenager or something then we'll cross that bridge, but don't need 6 year old with his little impressionable brain hearing this during these early years. I don't want him to know about the relationship of his teacher albeit straight or gay. Teachers are not there to talk about their other halves, they're there to educate and teach math, English, writing, history, etc... At least i don't recall teachers ever talking about their husbands and wives.... Not even through high school, not sure why there a need for this now specially coming from teachers (see that MSNBC gay teacher interview). Why does that teacher need to talk about his partner in class?

Anyways, thanks as always Jeff for another great blog report.

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I strongly encourage you to homeschool; it's not as hard as you think. Even if you select a private Christian school, you have to vet it like crazy, as they're not all "whole Bible" Christian.

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It is precisely because we have bigger problems that need addressing that Xiden is pushing another helping of deviant crazy on us. His goal is to destroy us and we're supposed to get distracted and lose our minds a out the queer BS while the Marxists are F-ing something else up behind the curtain. Multi-pronged approach.

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"Multi-pronged approach."

Humour really does make it so much more bearable/possible to engage with these many and various hideousnesses. Thank you!

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Agreed, why not have a teacher etiquette to not discuss their private lives and just teach without doing so? I wouldn’t mind small ring cameras in the classrooms: keep the teachers from crossing boundaries.

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The teacher needs to talk about its partner in class, because it has no friends. It also needs to push others, mentally, into it's ideals to make them it's friends. If it successful it will have friends and more, younger (on it's emotional level) people with which to have relationships. (Please take that last word any way you wish, because, IMO, it wants it by both meanings.)

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Great reply

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Just to be clear, this passage does not refer to you, Mr. Childers, for that terrible, awful, I-thought-H-E-double-hockey-sticks-froze-over April fool’s joke, but to the evil ones bent on destroying every last vestige of morality, goodness, freedom, and light in our nation.

“So pursue them with Your tempest

And terrify them with Your storm.

Fill their faces with dishonor,

That they may seek Your name, O Lord.

Let them be ashamed and dismayed forever,

And let them be humiliated and perish,

That they may know that You alone, whose name is the Lord,

Are the Most High over all the earth.”

Psalms‬ ‭83:15-18‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

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Wow! That’s a great Psalm for today’s world! So much power in God’s Word….and every knee shall bow at the name of Jesus….not just a few, not just believers…EVERY.

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They won't be able to do anything BUT bow. Can you imagine...all those haughty faces hitting the dirt before the KING OF KINGS. Hallelujah!

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🙌 Amen! 🙏

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Wow. I am shocked by that library book.

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Think I’d check it out and lose it!

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That’s a great idea especially en masse. A clean out of the library by the people.

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Shocked, dismayed, sickened.

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And a number of these types of books are "Award Winning" books...

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Jeff, While I enjoy all your posts, Id like to see more content related to legal battles over the mandates. Federal and private mandates still linger in some form or fashion. Id like to hear more good news as they all hopefully get squashed, for good. Keep up the good work!

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The Navy mandate was just shot down by a judge. You know, the case SCROTUS passed on? Now that most of the Navy is ruined with these poisonous injections, a judge finally ruled. Great.

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Del Bigtree and Jeffrey Jaxen do deep dive on California’s 10 pending Tyrannical VAxx Mandate Bills - https://tinyurl.com/3arvxxkj

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I had seen a tweet saying that there were 23,000+ lawsuits related to vax mandates. I don't even know how to verify that number.

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Omg. I was about to cry or drive up to Gainesville to have some coffee no covid to talk you out of it. Haha. My blood pressure and pulse went up. I bought two shares of stock in Twitter and it’s been tanking ever since not rebounding very effectively and then I thought wait! How do they have the money. Geez so happy it’s April fools joke.

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Why is it that both Obama and now Biden are so sensitive to trans gender issues? Obama created the toilet issues back in the day here we are again Biden with the trans protection. I don’t get this. First it was their own bathroom and now it’s one bathroom for all. Can’t people pick a gender and stick to it? Why do we have to keep messing with bathrooms? I went to bar with friends and there was one bathroom and male bathroom attendant waving the group of five woman in. We were all so confused so we tagged teamed the stalls one did her business the other four watched to make sure coast clear. Woman custom of going to the bathroom in groups works! Even more so today.

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Because 1 is sexually "confused" & the other is an incestuous pedophile.

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No and No...they are just using all issues / non issues possible to tear the country apart...a sort of cultural cloward piven strategy if you will...Remember Hillary wrote her Master's thesis at Wellesley on Saul Alinsky who was a "Satan Follower" and whose famous quote was or is ...THE ISSUE IS NOT THE ISSUE THE ISSUE IS THE REVOLUTION.

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Clinton started it. Don't ask, don't tell.

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That was when it was officially implemented. It was unofficially practiced as far back as the early 80's.

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Loved, loved, loved your April Fool trick! Still rolling.

Now, onto this mess in schools. I am so glad I have no school age kids! This is totally disgusting!!!! I’d fire any teacher that teaches young children anything other than actual school stuff. What happened to reading (which half can’t do any longer), math, history and geography. Biology can be taught in high school and sex Ed (the proper way). Those books are uncalled for. In my opinion if you are a gay parent (and a lot are more living than straight ppl) the teaching at home should remain at home. If parents have possibly a gay child take them to therapy. I don’t feel anything like this should be taught in schools. Teachers are not therapists! Children need to learn right from wrong, how to play and get along with other children, not sex education in kindergarten. I’d be outraged as well.

Good for the Governor!!!

Biden needs to be jailed along with Rat face Fauci. Don’t try and play hero with releasing oil. He created this situation (among others) so I don’t give him any kudos.

My last words…. Let’s go Brandon!

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Nice comic. I'll let you know when I stop wretching.

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Unbelievable that book is in a school library!

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The one good thing is as a child I never went to the library much. Would have never occurred to me this sort of stuff would available there. I went with grandma to Walden books and read all the black stallion books. Once I finished those I was lost for what to read next.

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For me, it was the Misty of Chincoteague series by Marguerite Henry. :)

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Loved both of those series and have the Breyer horses.

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Remember Judy Blume?! 😱 that was in the school library!

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"So what’s everyone’s beef about Facebook censorship?"

There's an additional argument to the one you provided: Section 230.

Another huge objection to Facebook censorship centers around the legal protections they enjoy as a "platform" while they undeniably act as a "publisher" in censoring comments and views they don't like.

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Thank you for addressing that! Spot on!

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Being in bed with the government, they can have their cake and eat it too!

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Years ago when my youngest was 3-4ish he went through a phase of wanting his nails painted. My husband freaked out. I told my husband not to worry about it. It was blue or green or 'boy' colors and I knew he would grow out of it. Sure enough, a few months later he came up to me and wanted it off. He just liked the idea of having 'paint' permanently on his fingers. In today's world, he would have been pushed to admit that he really want to be a girl. It's an insane world we live in.

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I think we know why Obama is all for the "trans" agenda. (Big Mike) and Biden is for the little children (I wonder where Hunter got it from) It is all just so gross. Please take Disney's power away

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Bathhouse Barry

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The major problem is we keep saying Joe Biden is doing all of this. He is doing none of this! Biden doesn’t know what country he is in. The secret sauce is someone is pulling the strings, we all know it, but we can’t name who. Executive orders rule the day, but we all know the intention is to destroy the economy and put corporate/elitist/Marxist control in place. Everyone knows all of this woke stuff is so over the top that it is one giant finger given to all of America. Where are our GOP? Some Rep politician goes on every Fox broadcast they can find to scream about Joe Biden and yet what changes?

I refuse to say Biden is doing this. The sludge swamp that is our government in DC is doing this, and now we have to claw our way back from the county/town levels which Soros has infested over the decade with Leftists.

I love what Jeff is doing, but I also believe after November things will have changed not at all.

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Xiden is their avatar. Though some believe he is actually pretending to be hollow-brained and he actually is doing this stuff. Doesn't matter. Same effect.

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