Apr 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Florida. The land of the free and the home of the brave. Jeff. Your excellent writing makes my day. God bless you.

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Woke is flourishing in our small rural mid Michigan school district. A letter was sent home to parents this week to ensure children are informed not to tease or harass the “furries”. These are children who dress and act like animals, including licking their skin. Our problem isn’t just out of control schools, it’s parents who don’t parent.

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you, Jeff. Every day, 6 days a week, your posts deliver a sane, grounded and logical perspective to the happenings in our increasingly insane world. Your ability to do this with a strong dose of humor and sarcasm make me look forward to reading your posts like looking forward to the Sunday funnies as a kid (but now I'm grown up, kind of). Thank you and keep up the good work!

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THANK YOU JEFF. This is a defining, sobering moment in our nation as the family hangs in the balance. God bless DeSantis and God bless you for clearly stating and fighting for the TRUTH.

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Ok Then Let’s let Christian teachers talk about Jesus, sin and the Bible and some Revelation reality thrown in there at school and see what they say. They would freak out.

God please protect these children in the middle of all this.

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Apr 1, 2022·edited Apr 1, 2022

Excelente breakdown response from the two commenters, gave me also a better understanding of the topic

Also please tell me that Biden started April fool's early with all that lgbtsoup stuff he wants to address? It's amazing as to what his administration is focusing on when we have other much more pressing issues.

I have a kid in kinder and I definitely don't want any teacher teaching him that there's more than boy and girl and that he can like a boy and also feel like a girl is he wanted to at this age. If he happens to fall in bowl of alphabet soup later in his life when he's a teenager or something then we'll cross that bridge, but don't need 6 year old with his little impressionable brain hearing this during these early years. I don't want him to know about the relationship of his teacher albeit straight or gay. Teachers are not there to talk about their other halves, they're there to educate and teach math, English, writing, history, etc... At least i don't recall teachers ever talking about their husbands and wives.... Not even through high school, not sure why there a need for this now specially coming from teachers (see that MSNBC gay teacher interview). Why does that teacher need to talk about his partner in class?

Anyways, thanks as always Jeff for another great blog report.

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Just to be clear, this passage does not refer to you, Mr. Childers, for that terrible, awful, I-thought-H-E-double-hockey-sticks-froze-over April fool’s joke, but to the evil ones bent on destroying every last vestige of morality, goodness, freedom, and light in our nation.

“So pursue them with Your tempest

And terrify them with Your storm.

Fill their faces with dishonor,

That they may seek Your name, O Lord.

Let them be ashamed and dismayed forever,

And let them be humiliated and perish,

That they may know that You alone, whose name is the Lord,

Are the Most High over all the earth.”

Psalms‬ ‭83:15-18‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

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Wow. I am shocked by that library book.

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, While I enjoy all your posts, Id like to see more content related to legal battles over the mandates. Federal and private mandates still linger in some form or fashion. Id like to hear more good news as they all hopefully get squashed, for good. Keep up the good work!

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Omg. I was about to cry or drive up to Gainesville to have some coffee no covid to talk you out of it. Haha. My blood pressure and pulse went up. I bought two shares of stock in Twitter and it’s been tanking ever since not rebounding very effectively and then I thought wait! How do they have the money. Geez so happy it’s April fools joke.

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Loved, loved, loved your April Fool trick! Still rolling.

Now, onto this mess in schools. I am so glad I have no school age kids! This is totally disgusting!!!! I’d fire any teacher that teaches young children anything other than actual school stuff. What happened to reading (which half can’t do any longer), math, history and geography. Biology can be taught in high school and sex Ed (the proper way). Those books are uncalled for. In my opinion if you are a gay parent (and a lot are more living than straight ppl) the teaching at home should remain at home. If parents have possibly a gay child take them to therapy. I don’t feel anything like this should be taught in schools. Teachers are not therapists! Children need to learn right from wrong, how to play and get along with other children, not sex education in kindergarten. I’d be outraged as well.

Good for the Governor!!!

Biden needs to be jailed along with Rat face Fauci. Don’t try and play hero with releasing oil. He created this situation (among others) so I don’t give him any kudos.

My last words…. Let’s go Brandon!

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Nice comic. I'll let you know when I stop wretching.

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"So what’s everyone’s beef about Facebook censorship?"

There's an additional argument to the one you provided: Section 230.

Another huge objection to Facebook censorship centers around the legal protections they enjoy as a "platform" while they undeniably act as a "publisher" in censoring comments and views they don't like.

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Years ago when my youngest was 3-4ish he went through a phase of wanting his nails painted. My husband freaked out. I told my husband not to worry about it. It was blue or green or 'boy' colors and I knew he would grow out of it. Sure enough, a few months later he came up to me and wanted it off. He just liked the idea of having 'paint' permanently on his fingers. In today's world, he would have been pushed to admit that he really want to be a girl. It's an insane world we live in.

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I think we know why Obama is all for the "trans" agenda. (Big Mike) and Biden is for the little children (I wonder where Hunter got it from) It is all just so gross. Please take Disney's power away

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Apr 1, 2022·edited Apr 1, 2022

The major problem is we keep saying Joe Biden is doing all of this. He is doing none of this! Biden doesn’t know what country he is in. The secret sauce is someone is pulling the strings, we all know it, but we can’t name who. Executive orders rule the day, but we all know the intention is to destroy the economy and put corporate/elitist/Marxist control in place. Everyone knows all of this woke stuff is so over the top that it is one giant finger given to all of America. Where are our GOP? Some Rep politician goes on every Fox broadcast they can find to scream about Joe Biden and yet what changes?

I refuse to say Biden is doing this. The sludge swamp that is our government in DC is doing this, and now we have to claw our way back from the county/town levels which Soros has infested over the decade with Leftists.

I love what Jeff is doing, but I also believe after November things will have changed not at all.

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