"I doubt whether, if passed, this would withstand constitutional scrutiny. It’s about the kookiest bill I’ve seen yet, and it reinforces the fact that we’re not done yet, not by a long shot."

This is insane, "THEY" just get to punish people, scare people, use coercion and duress to FORCE their will, then WE THE PEOPLE, just get to sit back and take it until it gets challenged, and goes through the Courts, where it is eventually found to be ILLEGAL, then "THEY" are not punished, and then "THEY" mandate something else, and the process repeats itself.

It is exhausting, unacceptable, and insane.


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Rhode Island is a very small state people will just leave if unvaccinated. Then we can truly track effects of vaccines Bc the odd illnesses will start and all will be vaccinated. You would have to be missing neurons to vaccinate now.

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Best comment on mandate ruling comes from Rep. Massie.

“These are the ramblings of a constitutionally illiterate madman drunk on power,” Massie said in his call to “fire Fauci.”

“The court ruled on the legality, not the science, of CDC’s mandate, and found it was illegal,” he added.

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CNN setting up a subscriber network that required payment to watch, while viewership on their regular cable channel tanked, qualifies as one of the more irrational optimistic business decision I think I've ever witnessed.

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Re Reedy Creek and the Disney Real Estate corp. This example ought to awaken more people regarding how institutions and conglomerates have eroded "public policy" and the tenets of local constitutional authority. Here in Maryland we have seen how Johns Hopkins has comandeered the 'makeover' of Baltimore City, and in Towson, how 'Towson University' behaves as if it has sole authority to redesign what used to be a quaint Town ctr--once called Towsontown. What is behind all of this? Since I learned a few years back that Baltimore was ear-marked as a SMART City and was receiving approx $250 Million in development funds--it began to look as if all this construction and development was just the beginning of the SMART makeover(takeover). The profound question is simply this: When citizens no longer have a voice or an opportunity to vote or elect or choose what we want our communities to look like--then, is this OUR community any longer? [footnote: the same development/construction companies always seem to get the big dollar contracts.]

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I think he said that border patrol agents should be wearing 42 masks and his hairy legs are like mushrooms in August....or something.

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Regarding CDC authority, can anyone here authoritatively answer where the CDC got authority to mandate anything to begin with? Where do they get the authority to mandate anyone where a mask or get a vaccination?

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I continue to be grateful for your hard work and dedication to Coffee & Covid, even with your jam packed schedule :-)

No words could ever express my joy and appreciation! This has honestly become one of my few trusted news sources because of the humorous presentation of current events in a matter of fact kinda way ;-)

Thank you a million times and prayers for you, your family and many more amazing reads!

May God Bless You & Yours :-)

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I always enjoy reading your column!

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Thx, Jeff, for taking your time and energy to keep us informed and smiling!! Blessings on you in speaking and greeting today.

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Off all topics, but for concerned substackers, but after 8 days mia, Gonzalo Lira has emerged alive!

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Those who insist that everyone on the planet must be jabbed forever more, I've been calling them the Jabber-wokes.

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why the heck is anyone pushing vaccines at this point? It's a cold!!!

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CNN+ didn't even get old enough to be groomed by Florida teachers

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It's still possible to leave Rhode Island. Just sayin'.

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