Jan 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

My 10 year old was contact traced yesterday at school. He was within 6 feet of someone that has tested positive. He’s now quarantined for 5 days and has to do remote learning. Oh, and only the persons directly in front or to the side of the COVID-positive person, the diagonal folks were not quarantined because COVID is scared of 45-degree angles (SCIENCE).

The school also came back from Christmas break with a mask mandate in place for 2 weeks.

When he found out, he asked…. β€œWhy am I wearing a mask if I’m still going to get quarantined if I’m close to someone that has COVID? I thought the mask was going to protect me.” The best part is that it was a sarcastic question.

I’m a proud papa 😎!

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My nine year old was a "close contact" too via school basketball yesterday. The hysterical patent actually sent parents a heads up email when her daughter got congested, before she even tested positive. It's insanity we are up against- parents projecting their own covid anxiety on the rest of us. At our school my kids some grades are still mandatory masked. They tie covering your face to avoiding quarantine. My daughter was not masked at basketball and does not need to quarantine from school, I guess because exposure was at school basketball? I think technically if exposure was at club soccer it would be different. You know because the virus behaves differently inside and outside of the school building. We are done with it all. My daughter will be playing soccer this weekend. She will not be quarantining. Kids need to be in school and breathe freely without being kept away for exposure to an airborne virus. It is endemic, highly contagious, and absolutely everywhere in my midwest state. Hope you son gets through his 5 days at home and glad he can see right through all the bullshit. Good job!

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Good read regarding that staggeringly stupid situation there. At my son’s high school here in CA everyone has been masked up since the start of the school year, coming off distance (debacle) learning last year. Covid testing has now run amok with idiocy. Whenever I go to the school office or attend events without wearing a muzzle, nobody commands me to put one on. Of course I get lots of glowering looks but also see sad eyes wallowing in shame. BTW to counter all the shot coercion by teachers and staff I resorted to paying my son not to get them with payments tied to reading off- mainstream articles and watching vids. Discovered his mother had made an appointment for him to get the injections so I paid a lawyer to send a cease and desist order to her and the clinic.

Happy to report that he’s waking up! My boy actually joined me at Home Depot the other night without wearing a face nappy. It’s rare here to see anybody without one in a store. At least the manager isn’t calling the sheriffs on me now.

I tell my son we need him to stay healthy as a Trueblood because like it or not he’ll be involved in the fight for humanity. Trying to get him to go to church - story for another time.

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Keep up the good work Dad! πŸ™ŒπŸ»βœοΈπŸ™πŸ»

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Awesome story!!

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Good job papa.

We're in FL, 5yo 'fully' vaccinated student got the Rona over the Christmas break. Now the student is unable to come back to class until 15 days post last day of symptoms.

So much for the vaccine

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Kvothe sounds like your son deserves a reward for being a clearer thinker than the school system -- maybe skip some of that remote "learning" and go do something fun together? I say this as a former teacher :)

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Teachers already have little respect from many of their pupils. This insanity from the education establishment will only make things worse. The kids will start to think - or realize - that they are wiser than their teachers.

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"Oh, and only the persons directly in front or to the side of the COVID-positive person, the diagonal folks were not quarantined because COVID is scared of 45-degree angles (SCIENCE)." WHAT ???? What about people directly behind the CONVID+ person?

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Person was in the last row so no one behind them 😊.

His brother who is in a higher grade is NOT quarantined even though we’re in the same house. πŸ€ͺ

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I think the boys tend to get it a bit more than the girls. It’s the culture. The girls have more of the, you don’t care if you’re not wearing a mask. I informed my daughter it’s not that people don’t care, it’s that they don’t work!!

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I used to be baffled at the near religious adherence to masks

I'm not baffled anymore. Now I am angry. Against all evidence to their uselessness and all indication of their harm, these people want to make them a permanent fixture of life.

Oh, as for cornell- if they have students willing to pay their exorbitant tuition fees to suffer that insanity, well, that speaks for itself

Without going into too many details, I blow through hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on non essential activities. That will change now. I'm not spending a dime in 2022 on anything that has even a hint of covid theatre in it. I hope enough others follow suit to break this madness economically

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Jan 7, 2022Β·edited Jan 7, 2022

It’s an interesting mindset. I was β€œdealing” with the COVID theater prior to Christmas. I took 2 weeks off, completely unplugged and spent time with my family.

I came back to work pissed off and I’m not keeping quiet anymore about mandates. Got my accommodation β€œgranted” right before Christmas too. I have to find another role on my own (less desired and considerably less pay) or leave the firm by March 31.

Pretty sure the approach they’re taking is illegal, but I can’t find an attorney that will touch it.

Oh well, probably about time to start my own business anyway. We’re also looking to move to FL soon.

Anyway, after my rambling there, my point was, I’m in agreement with you. I’m angry and will no longer participate in the theatre.

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If you are motivated, Jeff Childers has written great detail on dealing with your employer and exemptions! Check the archives :)

If you can't find it, lmk and I'll dig it up!

Disclaimer - neither my husband nor I have used it as we walked away from our jobs already

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Jan 7, 2022Β·edited Jan 7, 2022

Thanks! I used his content and Peggy Hall to pull my exemption together. My employer accepted my exemption (they had to) but now the accommodation is the point of contention.

1) they’re telling me I can’t meet with clients or peers in person after Dec β€˜21 (even though I did prior β€” This alone should prove that there is NOT an undue hardship here).

2) because of that, I have to find another role (on my own) within the firm that doesn’t require travel (they don’t exist) and pays less than my current role.

3) if I don’t find a role and I continue to refuse the vaccine, my last date of employment will be March 31.

They’re claiming because they’re an at-will employer, they’re allowed to do this and I’m not allowed to appeal.

I’m going to see what SCOTUS does before I make my next move. Ultimately, they completely broke the trust with me and will never be able to recover it, but I want to leave on my own terms not theirs.

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Best wishes to you. It sounds like they don’t deserve your time and talent. Time to move on to a better situation for yourself. I, random stranger that I am, vote for you starting up your own business.

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Unfortunately part 2 of this global crime is β€œdestroy both the economy and the financial system”.

That’ll result in deletion of most of your holdings of any kind.

If we’re lucky, we’ll get UBI, provided we’re willing to be tracked 24/7 forever via VaxPass.

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The Reiner Fuellmich goup and the corona committee was very impressed with your livestream presentation, today.

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I agree....the motivation for planned catastrophe is largely the fundamental crisis-of-collapse in the fiat banking system. If the bio-tech tyranny fails they are prepared to fall back on a large war. I already hear the saber-rattling at Ukraine/Russia on one side and China on the other.

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I am not convinced they’d pull that trigger, except as a distraction. The awfulness will be mostly local. It wouldn’t in any way reduce population. Wars don’t kill many compared with normal attrition of age related deaths.

Sure, war could smash supply chains & bring about mayhem.

Hmm, just occurs to me it could trigger food shortages & mass starvation. Not fun. Hope they don’t do that.

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You are correct wars do the opposite of depopulation. The birth rates rise in long devastated countries because women have more children anticipating that not all of them will grow into adulthood.

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I got over the Covid crap after I had it and it wasn’t that bad. I’m 61, overweight, controlled hypertension, and exercise-induced asthma. They had no treatment back in summer 2020: HCQ was unavailable by then and ivermectin hadn’t been discovered. We inadvertently applied the I-MASK+ protocol before it was published: we were already dosing vitamin D (mine wasn’t optimal which is why I was infected), high doses of C, aspirin, and quercetin. My doctor didn’t even think I had it (I didn’t have the right cough) so we went on vacation. While on vacation in a blue state I lost smell for half a day; we decided against testing because blue state.

I really got over it when my workplace came down with a mandate. Our exemptions were both approved the day before the nationwide stay on the federal contractor mandate. But - our badges are forever inactive and we must work remotely.

Take away my livelihood when I’m a few years from retirement and I will turn quite vocal. I’m over it and speak out every chance I get.

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Welcome to the party! I pulled the plug in 2020! Ha! Don't forget to pull the plug on donations to charities playing pandemic. I had have pulled 3 major financial commitments in the last two years bc they require masks/tests or vax. I make sure to note why my money walked away.

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

But yet people look at my mask from fakemaskusa.com like I am some kind of an idiot. I've known this all along and my mesh mask was chosen to mock the mask agenda.

On a more serious note, I am praying for both your arguments and the Mayo patient. That is a despicable violation of the Hippocratic oath.

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I have those too, kids are wearing them to school because I don’t want to subjected them to restricted airflow any longer. So far, no one has said anything.

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My allergist said some patients might object so asked me to wear something else. I wear the less obvious fakemask!

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I wear the number two so it's only a little bit see through in the sunshine near a window. Very breathable. Hope I can get away with it on my next airplane ride

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The 2-layer one or the regular one? I wear the offensive one if I’m required to wear one most places. I wore them at costco and was nearly disrespectful to the mask monitors. ;)

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My #2 is only one layer but just dark enough you almost look 'real'.

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Susie, I hadn’t flown since Covid - my way of protesting the masks - and choosing road trips instead - benefits of fresh air and great legroom - but had to when my mom fell and broke her hip. I used my fake mask - slightly see through and breathable- on Southwest. No one said a thing. I made a bag of snacks last a good chunk of the flight by taking teeny tiny bites of each morsel. Once again- no problems from either flight attendants or passengers. Nothing like the repressive stories I have heard from others but I think everyone is getting tired of it!

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Love fakemaskusa and have supported them -- yet, have found a mask on Etsy that breathes a lot better than the double incognito and is just as incognito (though the mocking mask from fake mask is very cool :) ).

Single Layer Mesh Mini Leopard Print Face Mask See-through | Etsy

There are other patterns as well --the patterns do an amazing job of fooling the eyes to not see though it. they are from the CIEL Shop. If someone thinks it's see-through, they've gotten much too close to you :)

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The N95 cause higher airway resistance to to stress you. They want you to choose to increase your own level of torture.....

Discussion and Conclusions: (Excerpt)

"Significant differences were observed between N95 and surgical masks. Mean heart rate, microclimate temperature, humidity and skin temperature inside the facemask, together with perceived humidity, heat, breathing resistance in the facemask, and itchiness, fatigue and overall discomfort, were significantly (P<0.01) higher for N95 masks than for surgical masks. In other words, the subjective perception of breathing difficulty and discomfort increased significantly with increasing thermal stress. This finding agrees with the observations reported by White et al. (1991). The surface temperature outside the facemask was lower, and the temperature in the facemask microclimate was significantly higher, for the N95 masks than for the surgical masks (Fig. 3), indicating that the heat loss from the respiratory tract is more difficult to endure in N95 masks, inducing higher heat stress and perception of discomfort. This agrees well with the observations reported by Hayashi and Tokura (2004)."


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This is probably why they are now saying cloth masks don't work...they know a lot of people are mocking them with these work arounds (which is great, btw, they've earned all the mocking we can give them). Actually I have been lucky in where I live and what I do that I have not had to wear a mask once, but I do have a hat with a mosquito net veil that I thought I'd use if I absolutely have to (if my firm "NO" doesn't work)...I've never tried it. Do you think it would work?? hahaha

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Wonder how people would react to seeing people enter these retail venues, classes, etc while wearing any mask that isn't a medical-type or contractor n-95. Not sure if mocking would get the point across to those who might still have a functional synapse or two. Lost cause trying to reach the virtue-signaling maskers who are wearing masks at home, in the car, outside, etc. We've seen them. As others have noted, is eerily cultish. If on a budget- then maybe have a family arts and crafts evening and make decorative masks from paper bags or paper plates. Express yourself with the art work.

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Maybe a Middle Ages plague doctor type mask?

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Those on this forum would laugh. Others would scoff

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Thanks. Just ordered two.

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I have one too. I feel this new cloth mask is a push for n-95’s. I mean surgical masks are still suggested right? So if they force them, Fakemaskusa will go out of business.

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I think the public sentiment is turning as people see the narrative is disintegrating. So KN95 may not catch on.

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I'm waiting to see how many covid hysterics run out to buy "N95" masks and soon find out - they SUCK to wear! I'm an RN and all I know is that I have to undergo "FIT testing" to ensure the N95 successfully blocked out aerosols. If you notice any leakage - you move up or down in mask size. This has to be done annually for health care workers who wear N95 masks. So now - once again, we expect the lay public to understand how to use these masks - including proper donning/doffing procedures? This is another form of covid theatre and will do nothing except reinforce Mass Formation Psychosis..... I'm so tired of this bs.

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Yes! The annual "bend forward from the waist, now to the side, count to fifty, can you smell the saccharin spray?" thing....most people have NO idea about what we go through to make sure our N-95 masks fit properly.

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Plus to ensure a proper fit/seal, N95 mask users cannot have a beard, mustache, sideburns, or facial stubble. It's amusing to see men with big, bushy beards wearing little cloth masks or those ubiquitous blue & white masks.


Speaking of the blue&white masks here's a video showing how and where they are made:


I "enjoyed" the mask making video almost as much as I enjoyed this video:


That is how your rapid test kits are being packaged. Nice and sanitary huh?

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Jan 7, 2022Β·edited Jan 7, 2022

So. How about having boxes of these blue/white masks at the doors as Congressional reps enter, and Require that they and rest of Administration wear same sh! ##y masks that their constituents have been wearing. Nancy, Chuck, Joe, et al, put away your fashionable cloth masks - those black, serious 'we mean business' masks, the colorful ones that coordinate with your wardrobe, the cutesy ones, etc. I'd actually like to provide duct tape bands to make sure they stay in place. Then, after a full 6-8 hours of work, show that mask manufacture video to them. πŸ€”πŸ˜

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Those rules at Cornell are lunacy...all classes are remote but you must be vaxxed?...and o yes you must live on campus (have to protect room and board revenues)....This policy is about as crazy as I have seen.

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I don’t actually feel sorry for the students at this point. They are choosing to go there and live there and be treated like caged animals. There are other options for colleges. So. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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I think a vocal group of students actually pushed for this. I also think colleges are being forced into this by fear of litigation from those types of students and parents.

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Either way. Those small groups of students are what has driven our colleges completely off the rails. Shame on the administration for bowing to those unhinged crazy students. If their number of enrolled students plummeted from this tyranny then they would wake up real fast. Really fast!

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The colleges have long been a cesspool of this kind of puppy killing faucian dystopia. Talk to one of the young people coming out of the indoctrination camps. They're all juiced up to change the world. Life experience much? NO! So...

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I go on reddit college boards to see which schools I "might" let my youngest even apply to. Cornell was actually being REASONABLE. and the subreddit was FILLED with students carping about how "cornell is trying to kill us they don't take covid seriously"

so .. yeah. the students actually want this, at least the vocal ones at Cornell. I went there when my eldest was looking and the vibe was ultra-super-woke and terrible. I've never seen such miserable students. something is really wrong up there. it's sad. used to be a good school.

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Skewed sample. The ones who didn’t want it dropped out.

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From work, work, work to woke, woke, woke...

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Jail or college? Which would you prefer?

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I've wore a mask one time when I was forced to at a hospital. My glasses fogged up so fast I walked into a wall. Masks are dangerous. : )

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Can you imagine paying Cornell tuition for virtual classes while being held prisoner on campus alone in your dorm room masked tested injected and boosted. They cannot comply their way out of this tyranny. It will never be enough.

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

β€œπŸ”₯ Canadian TV (CTV) reported yesterday that, for the first time, there are more hospitalized folks in Calgary who are injected than uninjected. But CTV assured viewers that the data really means that the injections are working. But the expert interviewed for the story did concede, β€œThey’re not perfect. Unfortunately, we don’t have the option of perfect.”

The reporter finished saying, β€œit may be more important now than ever before to get that booster shot.”

I can’t believe the level of stupid this reporter has attained. 😳

Thank you again, Jeff, for an enjoyable post.

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Well I live in the outskirts of DC and EVERYONE is wearing N95 masks OUTSIDE! I am a sojourner in a foreign land.

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Im in Northern NJ. Its like living in an insane asylum... kookooo...

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Must be the entire northeast!! May the insanity be iced over with the storm.

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I sure hope the court recognizes a right to live. Best of luck to your client!

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It's genius how hospitals deny treatment long as they can, fight it in court for weeks until it's too late, then when the ivermectin "fails" they can say "see, we told you it doesn't work" and "you probably killed her with it". Meanwhile the longer they delay the more $$$,$$$s they and their Pfarma Partners make off Remdeathivir and Deathilator. Cha Ching!

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would seem 'a right to live' is a match for the 'right to (a) life', but if this must be spelled out in the record, then say it loud and often.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-"

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Very smart how he worded that! And very true!

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff Childers, your daily C&C message is now the first one I read every morning - and I receive lots of them. Can’t say I ever read an entire Amicus Curiae Brief until today, such are the times in which we live. Just want to say thanks to you for being a beacon of light in these troubling days. We’ll get these bastards - we have to!

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In todays supremes oral arguments, I have heard:

β€œThe vaccines are approved by the fda” stated by both a justice and osha atty without challenge!

The number of false assumptions stated by supremes and osha atty are staggering and clearly indicate that none of them are coffee and Covid readers!

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I’m most concerned that none of the propaganda was challenged. πŸ˜”

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we need to sign them up

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Prayers for Dan.

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Listening to the SG is presenting a grave danger to my health. I can't listen to this any more.

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I had to turn off when she started saying how this is the deadliest pandemic since 1918 blah blah blah

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For the free flow of ideas, it may be necessary for us to suffer some inconvenience. Here is an excerpt from Robert Malone’s daily letter regarding this matter:

β€œSo what can people do to limit the censorship in their own lives and to help build a less censored Internet? An Internet that does not exude quite so much propaganda?


Stop using google as your search engine. There are so many good search engines available now. I use Duck, Duck GO - but there are many others. The advantages are that the results are not politically motivated.

A Google Search is no longer a Search engine, but β€œGoogle Ads” engine. Google and facebook team up to personalize your results ads. They comb through your messages and feed you what they think you want to buy. It is a biased search. The ads are always placed at the top of your search results. Duck, Duck Go stops Facebook and Google from accessing your searches.

But worse than the ad issue, is that now we have evidence that Google is manipulating the searches for their own political machinations. What happened with the β€œmass formation” example above shows that google searches have become nothing more than a propaganda arm for the US government and the oligarchs.

While you are at it, consider dumping Google mail. Many people have migrated to Proton mail because is it fully encrypted and your emails are not scanned to bias your searches. I do maintain legacy google email addresses, because this is how many people know how to get hold of me but eventually, I will terminate these too. But these days I use proton mail as my main account as much as possible.

FULL STOP - GET OFF OF YOUTUBE whenever possible. Youtube is censoring COVID-19 related content to fall in line with Faucism. That means if the messaging is at all different from what the FDA or CDC or NIAID promotes - as directed by King Biden and Consigliere Fauci, the videos are removed and the creator blocked after three β€œstrikes” of uploading such videos This absolute has created both a situation of censorship for the user, but also self-censorship by the creators of content. So, let’s all work to build alternative platforms for our videos.

I know, some videos we have to watch via youtube. But as much as possible, use alternatives like Vimeo, Rumble and Bitchute.

Finally, a shout out to Signal.

Signal is a cross-platform centralized encrypted instant messaging service developed by the non-profit Signal Technology Foundation and Signal Messenger LLC.Users can send one-to-one and group messages, which can include files, voice notes, images and videos. It can also be used to make one-to-one and group voice and video calls, and the Android version can optionally function as an SMS app.”

Here is the link to Malone’s letter:


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I saw this comment on another substack recently. Go to Google and search for this exact phrase : "women murdered in 2021".

The results are startling. ( At least if you didn't know Google biases search results )

I've shared this with a couple of folks who didn't realize how biased Google is and they were very surprised.

What was interesting to me, is that Google's censorship and biasing varies by country. I asked a relative who lives in Ireland to try this exact same search on Google, and they did NOT get the same results as I did. They got results relevant to the query

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Omggih! We dna females don't even exist!!!

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Unbelievable. I scrolled and scrolled.....and scrolled. Nearly every article related to 'trans .

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Isn't it crazy ? It really is a fantastic example of how they "put their thumb on the scales" of search results. I'm increasingly trying to avoid Google products. I have an Android phone and when it needs replacing, I think I'm going to look for a "de-Googled phone", for example see https://e.foundation/

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This laser focus on whether OSHA has the authority to act in this capacity is the issue here. That is now stale and moot because the so-called vaccines have failed. They are not vaccines at all by any reasonable definition.

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Yes, that needs to be stated. Regardless of CDC's new definition, these are not true vaccines. This is compelled experimental gene therapy. That needs to be explained to these ignorant justices.

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