Last May, a solicitor for the Pennsbury School Board shouted down and censored critics of a new district policy during public comment time at a board meeting, screaming "you're done!" Several of the targets of his wrath said, "see you in court." After almost a year of litigation, the board agreed last night to settle the lawsuit and pay $300,000 in attorney's fees and nominal damages.

In addition, the district has rewritten its public-comment policy to conform to the First Amendment and the federal court's preliminary injunction ruling. It also abolished its so-called civility policy and parted ways with the law firm that was advising it during the time it censored comments, including the solicitor who shouted down speakers.

"School boards across the country should take note. Rules for public comments must respect the First Amendment rights of speakers. If you are limiting which opinions may be shared, you'll be held liable for violating First Amendment rights," said Alan Gura, Vice President for Litigation at the Institute for Free Speech.

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Free speech limits, racial favoritism, vaccine mandates without exemptions, etc.; it's all blatantly illegal yet the left does it without hesitation. So why is that? They do it because they know they can get away with it. Most conservatives just complain about "hypocrisy", maybe write a letter to the editor (which won't be published), and ultimately put up with it. It's a real problem as it's a loser mentality and it will lead to us losing our country. The time for politely trying to convince the left of the error of its ways is long gone.

God bless these parents for actually having the fortitude to fight these mini-tyrants and hold them accountable. If only 10% of conservatives would do this it would change the world.

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Fed up with the masks and hybrid learning, a group of parents in the bright red county next to mine decided to fight this insanity the right way. These were a group of parents who largely met each other at these school board meetings, organized a group and realized talking to their school board was futile. They are mostly cynical Gen Xers like a lot of us are, but they had 2 brave parents from the group decide to run for the county school board. THEY BOTH WON!! And now that group has 2 success stories of how to run and win a local school board election. I pray this is happening all over the country. You're right - it only takes 10% of us. Maybe even less than that. People have to start realizing that acting locally is the only way to fix this problem.

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That is so, SO AWESOME!! What state, county, and school district please?!

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We need adjustments to Law Enforcement.. They controll the police folks :0

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Amen!! 100%

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Hallelujah! Here in Oregon all the "woke" city council, university and school personnel, local markets and other places where free speech has been silenced should sit up and take notice!

You literally cannot get the word out because "they" will stop you.

Perhaps some good ole U.S. Constitutional Law will save us after all!

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Parents at school boards need to look up 1964 US Supreme Court case law NY Times vs Sullivan. In there the Supreme Court states that we can robustly critique public officials and govt officials in any lawful manner as directed by the US Constitution.

I have a video of a parent stating this case law at a school board meeting where they are trying to mute him and shut down his comment time. It was fantastic! I just can’t get a link that is shareable.

Do not back down to these tyrant school boards. We have case law. We have a right and duty to speak out and if they don’t like it…too bad.

We mustn’t stop fighting.

Before anyone goes to a school board meeting they need to look up this case law and know what the Supreme Court ruled. I haven’t looked it up…yet. But I will. And I wouldn’t go to a school board without researching this case law first to know my rights. Go in with the knowledge needed to put these tyrants back in their place. Then force their resignations.

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Thanks Sunnydaze, also those Surety Bonds are take away-able and we do....and folks are so all over that now, see https://rumble.com/vuc2y5-how-surety-bonds-can-be-used-to-protect-we-the-people-from-fraud-and-malpra.html and just search Rumble for the phrase....

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It’s gonna take awhile to root out all these woke folks. They mentally handicapped that’s how they were easily recruited to push this insanity to begin.

Let’s just run them

off once we get em on the run we’ll just keep them out there on the peripheral.

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Keep fighting 💪🏻

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Katherine, i echo your sentiment....and I am here, too, in Poopland. I would like to work on the School Boards and their fascism, somehow...i have no kids in school though...but live across from an elementary and see what they are doing,...even the kids yelling at recess has taken on a darker tone to me, as I wonder if any of those kids will drop from the deadly shots...or when....and then? Its horrible to watch and wait for....If you ever want to meet up for a coffee I would like to find like minded souls, I feel qyite lacking real interactions, though am greatful for online it is more fragile to say the least. Try me at my name (all one word) @pm.me...best- jackie

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Speak out ANYWAY and let them TRY and stop you. Ignore their threats. If you really feel threatened, walk away. Then, exercise our RIGHTS under the Fed Cosntitution, go get yourself a suitable carry weapon, holster, take a bit of training even if from trusted/skilled friends, get yuor Mother May I Card, and go on about your business. Oregon is SHALL ISSUE. Mot Sheriffs love to issue those cards..... makes their job easier.

Please note: do NOT take that think off your belt just because someine is vehemently disagreeing with what you sa/think. Stand your ground, and if an imminent and plausible threat to your bodily integrity is presentedd, THEN yuo can alwfully take action. Not until there is an immediate, plausible, credible threat to your person, or of another near you.

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Meh. Those board members should be REMOVED after squandering $300,000 taxpayer-owned educational dollars to spackle over their own misbehavior. They need to be sued personally and their surety bonds removed.

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Protest LOUDLY outside their homes.

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It works for leftists

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Unfortunately, the TYRANT solicitor will not have to pay a penny of the settlement from his stash.

Public officials get off scott free...if would be great when a public official gets sued and loses, they should pay SOMETHING towards the settlement...like a month's pay...maybe they would think twice before bullying citizens.

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Get the b!@$%# out of office!

We need sane people in positions of power.

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That encourages us to keep up our efforts to fight the madness.

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Thank you for sharing this! Taking back the local school boards and electing constitutional sherriffs are two of the most important actions citizens must support if we are to regain a representative People's Government.

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Another good example what happens when you gird up your loins and take a stand. All we need is courage.

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Can you provide a link to this information? I'd love to see the detail and have stuff to share.

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Thanks for the update. It's good to hear the resolution of an atrocity that we never thought would get resolved favorably. Encouraging!

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Joe is kind of always in isolation in his own little world though, right?

Aside from that, my girlfriend has a niece who has her doctorate in epidemiology. The niece has been working for Gates funded organizations for years. Therefore, everyone in my girlfriend's family got the vaccines and boosters. I on the other hand, have not been vaccinated and continue to take Vitamins C and D along with Zinc and Quercetin. As of Tuesday, when three more in the same household tested positive for the virus, everyone in my girlfriend's extended family has gotten it, including the epidemiologist, some of them twice. Guess who has not gotten the virus? LOL

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Same here....! ALL of my family members and friends got Covid after vaccinations and boosters.

I, on the other hand, unvaccinated, haven’t even had a sniffle in 2 1/2 years... Like my zinc vitamin D vitamin C Quercetin And my horse paste for back up!

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I’m not jabberwalky but got it when we went camping in Oregon! We think it was on the last day when we stopped for a coffee for the road.

Hubby who is retired and did the Moderna-jabs also got it.

We had already been taking multi, C, D3, Zinc, and added EmergenC, Mg, aspirin, electrolyte drinks, Quercetin and Human version of horse stuff.

Both of us had colds for 5 days, plus low fever and fatigue for the first 3 days. We stayed home till we gone tested Neg ( 2 weeks). No big deal.

On one hand I have antibodies but on the other hand I’m not a “pure blood” anymore. Alas.

Thanks Oregon for the spikes in my coffee.

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You are a pure blood if you haven't gotten the covid shot. You are part of the control group.

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Omg I'm a pure blood :)

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I had kind of hoped to be of the group who have not had either.

Those will be the people who are the control group for my control group.

However I’m happy to have been in the pure blood omicron group, with mild symptoms compared to the first year.

Hubby had M-jabs bc of other medical issues but he didn’t fare much worse. I’m hoping jabs are not doing evil to him behind the scenes. Time will tell. 🤷‍♀️

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I truly believe that everyone has already had covid or will have covid. Many have already had covid but didn't realize it ....mild symptoms or attributed it to sinuses, a cold, the weather, etc.

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Yup same here. The four of us in our household are all unvaxxed and follow a similar protocol. Not only have we not had covid, aside from a two day cold my son had a year ago, we have not been sick at all in two and a half years (just like Oregonlady). Last time we were sick was Jan 2020, it was probably covid in hindsight, but it just seemed like the flu at the time.

A good quarter of the US population is completely unvaxxed and sooner or later it's going to be impossible to deny it. The unvaxxed are not getting covid over and over again.

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Yup. January 2021. Mild Covid (and I was 73 yo). Not a sniffle since. While the vaxxed among us get it.

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My mom is 88 and unvaccinated and lives in a retirement home where everybody else is quadruple vaxxed and guess what, she’s the only one that never gets sick!

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Reminds me of a friend’s about to be 101 yr. old mother who is the ONLY unvaxed person in her retirement complex. Asked why she would take the offered shot in early 2021, she gently replied she’d researched them; she said she was a healthy 99 yrs.& was not going to have any experimental shot. They ask her no more.

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I'm unvaxxed, same with husband, adult son & daughter and many others around me. We all got "something" in recent months...all fairly mild cold type things. My son was sick in January, again in March (but milder than in January). He never tested so who knows if it was covid. He did have the original covid in late 2019, and that was "gnarly" in his terms. So my husband, and then I got a somewhat bad cold in early March (headache and endlessly runny nose for a week), then a milder something or other in early May. That seemed weird. Then in June my grandson's wife got a diagnosis of covid and was sick for about a week, her one year old got it (presumably) and was ever so mildly sick for a couple of days), but my grandson tested positive and had no symptoms. The rest of us escaped this one. Then my daughter got covid (had a test at work) and was mildly sick for a few days. She also had a more severe covid in Nov. 2020.

To summarize, in a large group of still unvaccinated people there has been SOMETHING very catchy that looks like a cold going around and natural immunity from earlier covid infections seemingly isn't protective. I'm not sure what to think at this point, but I remain very grateful that none of us got the vaccine and everyone I know of even outside the family who has gotten sick lately all say it was a mild nothingburger.

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Yeah, this is interesting, another commenter below said something similar.

From the anecdotes it seems like the vast majority of unvaxxed are not catching covid over and over. That doesn't mean it never happens but that it seems to be happening at a much lower rate than the vaxxed (especially the boosted).

However, I do wonder how much of the covid cases in the vaccinated is actually from them obsessively testing themselves. Clearly there's a huge number of hypochondriacs in this group and the test is notoriously unreliable. If people test themselves every time they have a sniffle there will be a lot of false positives. I've never taken a test so it's possible I had a low grade case at one point and just dismissed it as seasonal allergies. I don't think so, but perhaps.

Are you following a prevention protocol of any sort?

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Same- I am pure blooded and when a vaxxed person is around me in close quarters I tend to pick up on something, but it’s mild and I don’t test so who knows. I take all the natural things. Even make delicious elderberry syrup and liposomal vitamin c.

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Again, in my small clinic, the vast majority that test positive, are initial and boosted. I've only one pt hospitalized, that pt didn't follow my protocol (and no it's NOT CDC, it's modified FLCCC - much to chagrin and dismay of my current administration). My independence day is soon. PRAISE GOD!

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Looking for an awake and ethical DO. Good for you! Former RN here

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Hi Kelliann, I'm currently licensed in CA, IL, NV, soon many others. I'm former president of AOASM, I've access to network if I'm unable to assist. Be Well & Blessed, Phillip

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Great! I will look you up. In MI currently

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PM vie FB or LinkedIn.

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Good for you, doctor.

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The sad thing is that the vaxxers rarely make the connection!

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That may be true for some. My family is not vaxed. But my husband got it and I’m pretty sure me and my daughter had it but never tested pos.

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I've had it three times, the most recent being last month. It's like the flu for me every time, with varying symptoms in addition to the fever. This time everyone in our household ended up with it, including my 78-year old mom. I think we just get the new variant each time. Before cvd, I hadn't had the flu for probably 15 years. I very faithfully take all the suggested supplements and no one in my family has been jabbed. I guess we're just susceptible for some reason. My recent blood work shows decent immune function. Anyway, it's inconvenient, but not frightening, and certainly nothing to make me want to become a lab rat for the government.

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Wow, sorry to hear that All That Jazz. Anecdotally at least, your experience is unusual compared to what most unvaxxed who are following the protocol report (including my family). When you had it was this confirmed via test, and if so what kind of test? I don't doubt you at all but just trying to better understand if there's a pattern here.

Take care and make sure you get 7-8 hours good sleep if you aren't already.

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I’ve read that type 0 blood is less likely to get sick w/ c-19

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Actually, I MAY have had it back in February of 2020 before it all became public. However, in August of 2021 I asked to be tested to see if I had it and the test came back negative. I don't know anything about what kind of test it was.

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By then blood antibodies disappear and likely a Tcell test will confirm if you had it. Different parts of the immune system take over in time. . That’s a very simplistic explanation.

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Hahahahahahahaa. 😬

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Biden's Covid Return Seen as Presidential Opportunity For Harris

"After Biden was diagnosed with COVID, social media users responded with speculation that the United States could be on the precipice of Vice President Kamala Harris becoming president."

“President Harris would somehow be worse than President Biden. Scary times we’re living in,” Brigitte Gabriel said.


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I would SO love to send my multi-injected friend who is currently recovering from a nasty bout of Plague, whose husband (no doubt also injected, if she had anything to say about it) is also currently sick, and whose young son (injected) just tested positive that video clip of Ms Walensky assuring everyone that injected do not carry/spread the virus and don’t get sick.

I mean, my friend clearly knows this is all a lie. But she holds fast to the beliefs. She even had her daughter boosted last weekend! 😱😭

I just want to say, so, what was all this about these injections that were supposed to be the answer? What was all this about the shaming of people who opted to wait on the experiment? What??!!

I mean, really and truly, how does she justify all of this?

We were told this was the answer. We are still being told. We are being coerced and threatened into submission. People’s livelihoods and educations and family relationships have been uprooted.

And yet we get nothing.

Not even an “oh, wow, I was wrong.”

All of these arrogant people who have refused even a modicum of hesitation or caution about a NEW disease and a NEW therapy. People who are supposed to be smart enough at least to conclude that BY DEFINITION long term safety was and still is unknown. As is long term efficacy.


My rant for the day.

It’s just tiring.

And all of Them want to just let things continue as they have been continuing… workplace mandates, government and military mandates, masks in hospitals and drs offices… they refuse to clean up their mess like a teenager refuses to clean up his bedroom. Just ignore it, it’s not hurting anyone.

God, please fix this and fix it soon! Give us justice!

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The thing they stick to: thank god I had the vaccines, it could have been so much worse.

Its like a mantra.

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It’s their Branch Covidian prayer!

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Mantra of denial. It's all they got.

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Yep 🤷‍♀️😂

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I’m quite certain my friend blames her poor injection efficacy on her own immune suppression due to meds. 😓 Sad thing is that I suspect what is driving her need for more of the meds is adverse injection reaction. 😓😓😓

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I have a friend and her husband who were gung ho on vaccines cuz they were ‘vulnerable’ because they both have cancer. (Hers was just a very small tumor in her breast a few years ago, scans clean. His rare and not good) He’s had two sinus infections and a prostate infection recently. And a new tumor in his lung.

I sent her a Frontline doctor protocol on vax injury, I got nowhere. 🥲

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This is what effectve mind control and brainwashing does. And our govmt and the deep state are masters at it.

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Read, "Trance Formation of America" by Phillip O' Brien. A real eye-opener on governent mind control. Unbelievable the things they have done.

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Or "totally believable" depending on one's historical perspective!

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I liked your rant...so much so, that I was compelled to actually write that I like it rather than click the little heart ("like") button!

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It’s just really tiring right now.

Plus, we the unvaccinated still do have to deal w this man-made, designed-on-purpose-to-cause-more-suffering-and-death virus. It is not always entirely benign, even for the uninjected. And if Geert van den Bosche is correct, as he was prior to the launch of the injectable bioweapon, then all of us - injected and not - are going to be experiencing the hazards of weird viral infections for quite some time, as the immune-damaged injected folks’ give breeding grounds for avian flu and bad coronavirus strains (ah, variants, I guess we call them now), etc, etc.

But none of the injection worshippers are going to have any idea that it’s their bad injections driving the carnage.

There’s a reason that no one in the history of vaccinology came up with a vaccine for the common cold or for most any other respiratory virus. The vaccines caused worse disease. But many very smart people who have the training to be asking these questions, simply aren’t. My friend is one of those.

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Luckily the strains have gotten weaker, ie: Omicron. But is it true that the new strain is ramping up as mainstream would have us believe? I'm not so sure. But, I had not made the connection to avian flu, great, just great.

What I do believe, they're trying to kill us all, including babies, through abortion of course, food shortages, rising prices, and threats that social Security and Medicare are going to be broke by 2028. Psychological warfare if nothing else.

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Geert and others have predicted that with the pressure of the injections creating more and more strains, eventually there will be a much more virulent strain that escapes the incomplete sterilization of injected persons’ immunity.

I don’t have a link, but if you search online for recent videos from Geert, you can hear him yourself. He has been predicting this since before release of the injections.

And yes, they are indeed creating unrest and anti-human conditions worldwide.

“God is our refuge and strength, though the earth be removed and though the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.” Psalm 46.

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When people died from actual "covid" a hospital and ventilator exacerbated their demise.

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This was/is true for many. But there were some who would have died regardless. Well,

except maybe not if they had access to legit early treatment.

But, it, like any virus, can indeed by lethal to a small percentage of the population.

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Agreed. We know people who have died from covid in hospital and also a few who have been disabled for life after getting out of hospital...partial paralysis and blood clots that keep forming up to this day. What was once a super healthy (although overweight) 45 year old female rancher now needs full time care.

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Spot on!!

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Thank you so much, Jeff, for giving me some hearty laughs this morning along with important news. As others have said, I'm addicted to Coffee and Covid. It does interfere with getting my work done, because as soon as it pops up in my e-mail, I have to sit down and read it. But it's worth every minute of time spent. Many, many thanks!

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SAME! Thankfully I am retired and can read it AND the comments are nearly as good as the article sometimes!

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I agree on the comments. Smart people and good sources of more information.

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I really enjoy his Substack as well but I also really find some hope in the future with all these fine people that make comments because I realize there’s a lot more of us than I could’ve ever imagined.

I live in a heavy blue state And a lot of people here are still blinded by the Covid nonsense...

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hang in there and I hope you can find a group of friends and supporters that are like minded.

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I see where you are from. Me too. Nearly hopeless.

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Where do you live?

I'm in Bend.

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I live in Albany!

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too bad it's not closer!

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I agree with you Natalie- this morning especially all the Biden stuff had me rolling :)

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A federal jury in Texas awarded a former flight attendant millions of dollars after she was fired in light of her abortion views. The decision happened after the Transportation Workers Union of America (TWU) Local 556 union, along with Southwest Airlines, fired Charlene Carter regarding her religious conviction, Fox Business reported Friday.

Carter told Fox Business, "Today is a victory for freedom of speech and religious beliefs."

She continued, "I am so humbled and thankful for today's decision and for everyone who's supported me these past five years, including the National Right to Work Foundation."

A new study on masks in schools has found "limited to no" impact on student COVID-19 cases, shared The 74.

The study engaged in a "natural experiment" of two adjacent K-12 school districts in Fargo, N.D. — one that had a mask mandate during the fall of the 2021-22 school year and one that did not. That winter, both districts had a masks-optional policy.

The results?

"We observed no significant difference between student case rates while the districts had differing masking policies," stated the study's three authors, "nor while they had the same mask policies. ... Our findings contribute to a growing body of literature which suggests school-based mask mandates have limited to no impact on the case rates of COVID-19 among K-12 students.

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I find it funny that 2 years ago, .Covid was the deadliest thing on the planet. Now, to deflect from Joe "might" having Cancer, they'd rather say he has COVID... LOL. It's a MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD World.

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More like Looney Tunes! That's all folks!😂

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Oh, how I wish "that's all, folks" was true. This is a long and winding road we are traveling.

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At this time, the theatricks feel scripted--right down to the reports of the resident's health. They need to remove him from the TV role and replace him with another fake Potus. Hence the fake health report. More of the same to come-- unless We the people follow the Sri Lanka example.

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We are U.S. not Sri Lanka.

But be ready for the Kamala as the next puppet in charge. She reads teleprompters much better and is just as malleable to the puppeteers in charge.

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Yes. I'm very aware that this is the US and not Sri Lanka. Even so, I wish to acknowledge the people's courage and resolve in ousting the criminal dictator in their country. Kamala's approval rating is below Pedo Pete's apparently--thus, It may be more realistic to expect a Deese or Rice or Pelosi to act as interim CCP puppet.

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Good movie. Better than the one we’re living in 😂

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Funny, I was wondering the same thing about the ability of windshield wipers to get oil off the windshield. Seems it would smear it all over? Then, I remembered the source...

I have been wondering when we'd hear about the busing. They've sent what, 2-3 dozen buses now? I kept asking "where are all those people going?" Well, I'm glad they finally told us. But, they can shove it up their butt. What a bunch of loser whiners. What the heck do you think the border states have been doing?! Twits. Biden admin is supposedly sending a bunch of the "kids" to my state soon. They've taken over an unused school building to house them. I'm sure the neighbors are thrilled...

I think you should do a multiplier to fund more buses, just sayin'...

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I don’t understand the statement from the WH, why say this is shameful? All that Texas and AZ or doing is sending these POOR people to states with resources they’ve run out of...soooooo the left states are saying they don’t care about these folks, how sad 😉🙄 getting a good taste of their own incompetence. 😁

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Exactly. Isn't it shameful to encourage all of these people to come here and then expect TX and AZ to handle the problem? WH is shameful!

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They are such fakes, as always. Pretending to care about people while they are just using them 🙄

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Saying we are using illegals, moving pawns on a chess board.

Since WH put the illegals there, states are merely giving them back to DC. The illegals will be taken care of in NY since they have a law that says so. NY probably thought they are so far from the southern border that it would be good to virtue signal their welcoming of illegal migrants. Now we see NY’s NIMBY in real time.

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Yes, they are only good at talking. When it comes to action we see that they DO NOT CARE.

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Busing the problem to the blue states and cities. Love it! ❤️ and like classic progressives they respond with NIMBY. All racists and uncaring.

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Unfortunately, the mayors of these large blue cities will, in turn, bus these people to small, rural towns - especially in red counties. On one occasion, in Virginia, back during the reign of #44, the townsfolk got wind of the plan and complained to their NAACP representatives and viola! Plans cancelled lickety-split and the bus was given orders to go to....well, we never found out.

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The only way out is through. Yup. Actually, what Putin is driving at is a multipolar world where international law & national sovereignty are respected.

I could live with that.

As to Trump's get well message...😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣

Thank you, Jeff! I needed that!!!

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Sundance's theory at The Conservative Treehouse about the "Global Cleaving" and the new alignment based on energy, anti-corporatist views, and national sovereignty:


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This substack literally keeps me sane.....and laughing daily! Great work, as usual!!

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Masterfully written article today, Jeff. And so funny! I can’t stop laughing about the “frisky White House resident” line.

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Hey, lets call a Spade a Spade. It was Trump who first said, "If you take the vaccine you will not get sick." It was Trump who got the Ventilator construction into high gear. (Anyone looking to buy one cheap?) It was Trump who fell for the lies the hardest and then helped to facilitate the Experimental Label so that an unproven hodgepodge of sewer sludge was made available to scores of low information and frightened Americans. That Experimental label has not been removed BTW.

And of course Trump being Trump he will never admit he screwed up.

But hey, nobody's perfect. I listened to his BS and still chose to NOT take the jabs. In the end it is up to each of us to make our own choices.

He's not my favorite candidate for '24 but if he ends up the one we have to vote for if we want America to survive for another 4 years then I will vote for him.

If we get another scum sucking Democrat as President then the jig is up...America will fall.

It's hanging by a thread now.

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Of course in the beginning there was a ton of confusion and “health experts” were recommending ventilators. We were getting all sorts of misinformation from hospitals on what was actually helping and what was not. Remember, Trump was supportive of Hydroxychloriquine which proved to be extremely therapeutic. This HUGE DIFFERENCE between Trump and former VP Biden was mandating the poison jab. Oh, and of course the intentions of each. Joe would like to keep you controlled and dependent on the Federal Government whereas Trump is all about keeping Americans FREE! It’s a no brainer for me and I don’t need an apology from Trump, especially in light of all the sickening, messed up, downright evil policies that are being shoved down our throats from the current administration!

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Mary Ann. I have to thank you for saying you don't need an apology from Trump. That apology thing has been an issue for me. And I have wanted to find a way to get released from that particular want. (That he apologize) You helped me to snap out of that need. Just now in fact. Your entire comment was excellent.

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Well, as they say, hindsight is 20/20. I bought the nonsense for about a month in the beginning, along with thinking a vaccine was a good idea—based on the false narrative of WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE FROM COVID!! Thankfully my eyes were opened. And I’m sure glad I wasn’t President at the time and be carrying all that around on my shoulders now.

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I attended two Trump rallies in the fall of 2020. If you had never attended one, you will never understand the huge following this man had. His rallies gave people hope that we could overcome the covid nightmare. They were fun and people were happy. The one time the crowd did not cheer him enthusiastically was when he mentioned Operation Warp speed. The people knew. I knew mandated vaxxes would come the summer before. I chose to support Trump because he tried to open this country back up. But I also chose not to get the poke. Some Conservatives did because of him, but it was a wake-up to do your research. Trust has to be earned from now on in everything on this earth.

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One reason I voted Trump in '16 was because of his original vaccine skepticism.

And unfortunately one of the worst things he did was to embrace the clot shots in 2020.

He has changed his tune a bit. I do think there is a chance we get a "mea culpa" from him before 2024.

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Carlos, I don't know. Trump is not really a mea culpa kind of guy. The people who despise Trump focus on his failures as a businessman and as a womanizer and his obvious self love. He does possess a long list of iffy character traits. However, that guy can run a country like no other President before him. That's what I focus on.

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Yep. I didn't elect him to be my husband. He is a damn good guard dog and worthy of the respect. But, yes...the whole covid thing, bad advisors. I heard he was a germaphobe. But...we have eyes to see what is real.

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Yes. And I didn't try to elect him to be my nanny in 2020. Imagine how many times a president was ill-advised: to go to war, to drop an H bomb, to invade Iraq? If a POTUS didn't have a team of advisors they'd never get a blessed thing done. Perhaps a parliamentary system is a better way to go? I believe the current "corporate duopoly" is obsolete and past its prime. If we had at least 10-15 parties, perhaps the current election program might be a better system.

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Agree 100%. I did not vote for him for his character, but his ability to actually come through with all of his campaign promises like none other. He had this country and the world in a much safer situation and I truly believe he wants Americans to succeed!!

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Platform is the focal point--not hearsay or the way a person speaks. The litany of reported crimes committed by Pedo Pete and his crackhead son far exceed any of the exagerrated critical reports made by the press about DT during his term. Also of note--when "the Donald" had the TV show all the liberals loved the man.

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I have told people who think of Trump that way that it is like a doctor, the bedside manners are not nearly as important as the treatment you receive medically. Many I know only judge on the bedside manner component.

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So true! Also as a notable detail, Trump talked like a New Yorker...So? He talked like a Real Estate Tycoon as well... So? He relentlessly criticized the MSM, and for this crime the corporate Media programmers went after him as if he was the sole cause of every ill that infects America. The media still blames the man for the divisions in society that the media helped to perpetuate.

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