Mass. lowers Covid deaths the easy way; media wishes DeSantis would shut up about Covid; Florida bans wokeness and grooming; CMS and airline mandates relax; Russian accuses U.S. of bat virus labs ...
Has anyone else noticed DeSantis’s brilliant use of framing lately? He has been repeatedly using the term “COVID theater” (the notorious “bullying” of the masked episode; “Closing the Curtain on COVID Theater,” etc.).
This framing is helping to expose the artificiality of the narrative, and it is undoubtedly intentional. We need to reinforce this framing by using it ourselves so it becomes as common as the “safe and effective” mantra.
I pray you are correct. I've been in his corner from the start of this charade, but doubts are creeping in. He hasn't pursued several legit remedies brought to his attention, easily within his power to undertake. Political pandering is a slippery slope NOT easily navigated. Bill Gates-backed initiatives in FL and TX have yet to be HALTED, as he takes no action to ensure that related, critical therapeutics are accessible to the public who want them, unhindered by the CDC/FDA-captured medical bureaucracy.
Has the idealism of straight truth and public good died an unceremonious death?
What a public figure refuses to do is just as telling as what he/she makes a photo-op out of doing.
Yes, he's always right on the money with the current best memes, and talking points from social media. I like him a lot. I like how he asked how Disney feels about making all the money from the CCP?
Beyond sad. We went to a Christmas show in Reno NV this year, and we also felt like we were tagged as the "non obedient guests", and got reprimanded several times. But as we looked around at all the other non obedients in the room we felt encouraged. We just smiled and nodded. When the lights went down our masks went down and stayed that way.
He needs to strike the ideal balance with that type of reference. The same flippant and dismissive use of it risks inuring the public to the serious crimes committed by the theater ticket-takers. Political goals aren't often those of outraged and aggrieved citizens on the street. "Closing the COVID curtain" and "turning the page"...too close for comfort.
Too many unavenged Lincolns in this theater to count!
Its amazing how some of these people act like covid is over. Its far from over. Not until the last mask and vax mandate is consigned to history and a full accounting of the lies and pointless cruelty that was imposed is completed. There are millions of people walking around who's minds are literally broken.
People who went along with everything are eager for it to be "over" so won't ask any questions, the powers that be are ready to sweep the atrocities under the rug while quietly keeping whatever restrictions they can, and once it's "over" we who still care about what happened are just whiners obsessed with ancient history. It's brilliant, really.
They shall not be allowed to slink away into the shadows. Serious questions need to be asked and people help accountable. In other news there are some "died suddenlies" at Ft. Bragg
Ridiculous. He is no greater risk for spreading c-vid than the others on board who took shots and boosters and he is at no greater risk of contracting it. At this time, possibly less. And if he gets sick, implement the same chain of command coverage they would use if he was injured in battle. Such pussyfooting and game play. Theater.
So said Abraham Lincoln. The left lost all "Covid" gravitas-- forfeiting the game--when CA invited jabbed, infection-positive health care workers to stay on the job, disallowing unjabbed, healthy employees.
As with all aspects of this circus, drama and farce don't mix.
Alex is wrong on several things COVID but he is right on many, too. I thought about throwing the baby out with the bath water after he went after Malone, but I decided that our side needs all the co-belligerents we can get,
Alex is mostly right, most of the time. I do not agree with everything he says, but, shockingly, not everyone agrees with everything I say, either. He has been a strong voice of sanity in a sea of stupidity/evil and one of the few with an actual platform that, against all odds, has used it consistently against the lies of the government and its allies. I'll bet your significant other has some flaws you are willing to look past,
Alex is good at capturing attention -- he is a successful NYT writer and author of a number of fiction books as well. But his data, unless purely opinion, generally holds up. He pulls the trigger somewhat more quickly than do I, but that often gives it maximum effect.
The classic baby/bathwater admonition applies, I believe.
Yes, he is. I read things from many different sources. Alex also doesn't believe Ivermectin works but I wouldn't let his opinion on it stop me from using it. I've seen that it does work.
But I do believe the graphs he shared in that article.
They want to stick their head in the sand forever. They do not want to think about the poison that is running in their veins. They think that if they say it is over, all that will be over too. But it won't be over for a very long time, not until it is sure that all these injected children are safe, and their children and grandchildren are healthy. I hope at least part of them will remember and stop jabbing themselves and their children.
ExactlyI! It's not over until I never see a sign with Covid in it, or a Covid-related restriction, or a message from FB about their oh so valid Covid and vaccine resources. Oh, and some people in handcuffs would wrap it up for me.
Even when the COVID phase of the left's war has faded, their fight will continue. COVID set the groundwork for the acceptance of many aspects of the WEF's agenda and they won't let that go. The left wants us to think it's over so we continue to acquiesce to the new normal (DeSantis' trying to reinstate the old normal is now extreme!) - a normal that will include more surveillance, digital IDs, and digital currency. Stay alert. The fight continues.
Desantis still included language in a law he signed that during a declared emergency you can be arrested, quarantined, and forcibly v ccinated. Until he makes all that illegal, he’s not really on our side. Anything can be called an emergency.
Oh I have NO doubt Oregon Governor has given the state that power, I’m just saying, let’s not stop pushing Ron DeSantis to clean up legislature in Florida. This should not be legal anywhere.
Yes, far from over. On Monday I returned to the US after a short trip to the UK. Biden has maintained the denial of entry to any non-resident/non-citizen who is not vaccinated. (Unless you cross the southern border illegally, in which case, COVID be darned, you enjoy a free plane ride inside the USA.) Also, any normal flyer has to prove a negative test with one day of flying (it used to be 2 days). This bureaucracy added ONE HOUR of delays lining up to have credentials checked as well as the other delays at Heathrow Airport. One elderly black lady was sobbing her eyes out, literally wailing, because the BA official said her COVID docs were no good. They won't let Novak Djokovic, World #2, play at Indian Wells for this same reason. Obviously he is a massive threat to the entire USA population, you know, the ones walking freely around saying "What COVID?" It's a disgrace. Just peevish for Biden to keep vaxx mandates STILL. Unconscionable to put little old ladies through this hell.
If you are unvaxxed you still have to book a PCR test which must be taken in the first two days of arrival. I booked mine a long time ago and it cost 129 pounds. Maybe it's cheaper now. I believe they are dropping all requirements very soon, so please check before you fly! BTW, do use the Verifly app. Very useful.
The board will review their decision on 4/13 so can still override it, but they would have to explicitly go against the recommendation of the advisory group.
I am honored to have helped push against this mandate at the invitation of Dr. Zana Carver (, and I am thankful to the many people who submitted my letter as part of their own public comments to the Washington State Board of Health:
Given that everything is propaganda of one form or another, I find it helpful to mix and match! Build your own model of reality, just make sure it is robust yet flexible!
Well yes I DID have that in mind when I used the term...I dunno its kind of in the spirit using the opponents arguments against them in a way. Safe & Effective much?
Hmmm I prefer actual reality, not my own version. I mean, we are talking about truth here, and there can’t be multiple versions of truth. Right? Maybe I’m missing clever snark here. 😉
Nope not being snarky at all….Human assemble their own reality tunnels based on absorbed sensory inputs, and as such we experience it somewhat differently. I realize this is dipping into the realm of cognitive science and perceptual relativity, but the only “reality” you and I experience on a daily basis is what we can see hear and touch, just about everything else is “signal based”. I really like the idea of there being a Deep Underlying Reality and perhaps there is the Spiritual Realm, but on a daily basis we are primarily absorbing information and creating our own “Reality Tunnels” regardless of being aware of it or not. Thus when I create a model of what is happening in Syria, Ukraine, California, or anywhere outside my podunk town, its not a deal reality its just a model.
Well, you and I are obviously coming from different places spiritually because I assert that the very nature of truth is that there can be only one. And Jesus stated that He is the way, the truth, and the life. Not a truth, not this truth or that truth, your truth or my truth, but THE truth. Obviously we all perceive situations differently, but the goal should be to find THE truth, not to assemble some sort of personal reality that makes us feel better, but that misses the mark as far as truth goes. Not only does that philosophy reek of delusion, but it also leads to death.
I was not depicting the manner in which humans perceive the world around them in order to "feel better" or to miss the truth. I was attempting to describe how human process information in order to build a model of their world. It's not simply a voluntary mechanism any more that ones autonomic nerves are. Your claim of know THE truth because you have faith is all very well and good until hordes of people begin clobbering each other based on the claim that THEIR truth is the only accurate one and others are counterfeit. History is filled with examples of this thinking. I did not mention philosophy or delusion, but since you did I will address the issue. Critical thinking is not philosophy and neither of them are (in my opinion) a replacement for spirituality or faith. Explain to me how faith allows you to perceive the true and accurate situational dynamics on thousand miles.
I concur that finding out the truth about what really happened here or there is a worthwhile endeavor. But in order to do this, research and critical analysis are required. You are welcome to claim that you have access to THE truth due your invocation of your chosen deity, but that will only get you so far if you are trying to have a conversation outside your own circle.
The thing about truth is that it doesn't change based on what you or I think about it. I shan't argue with you, but instead invite the Holy Spirit to do His work. Have a nice day.
I wonder if the hospitals in Massachusetts will give back all the $$ they made on those bogus covid deaths thru the special CD-10 coding that was provided by CMS?? hummm.
My husband talked to his cardiologist yesterday. The doc said only small community hospitals are struggling. (Yes they still exist—for now). The rest associated with mega systems are making gobs of money hand over fist. Most from you and me as tax payers. Who knew death and misery could be so profitable! Yes we did—look at cancer treatment.
Nothing is over until We The People are back in charge with our own autonomy and medical freedom, freedom of speech (whether mis, dis, or mal-info or not), freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion.
They want us to quietly go away and ignore the egregious wrongs and evils of the last two years. They want to be able to quietly implement their new reset. Their national digital IDs and v🪓 passes. They want to continue consolidating power.
It isn’t over until we agree that this cannot happen again. {Of course, that’s what we’ve all been saying for 70+ years about Nazi Germany, and yet, here we are.}
It is not over until the corruption is widely and fully exposed, until my friends and neighbors are made to see that their loved ones did not have to suffer with or die from C0\/ld because (1) the virus should have never been made and (2) there is safe and effective early treatment.
It is not over until everyone who has injected themselves, their children, or their employees has been made to know that they did so foolishly (at best) and that they now risk serious medical harm. I don’t wish harm on those who naively believed TPTB (for instance, family members who rushed to get Grandma injected ASAP), although I think they were very foolish to be so unskeptical. But, people must be faced with what they have consented to accept these last two years.
If the ordinary people who compliantly complied are not confronted with the horrors and the evil that their complicity helped to perpetuate, then we will never be truly “over.” I’m not saying they need punishment, as the horror of what they have allowed likely will be punishment enough. Especially when fathers die early from heart disease, and children grow up to find themselves infertile or with early cancer.
The U.S. using Ukrainian "labs" to make nasty germs is the MOST likely thing EVER. And OF COURSE we would lie about it. That's why I never believe any "official" denials of things like this: the denial is the ONLY response there is, whether true or not. The affirmative is unthinkable: "Yes, Jeffery Epstein was murdered by the FBI." "Yes, Fauci made the virus himself and released it "coz Trump." "Absolutely we gave nukes to our enemies..." That's why prison is full of innocent people!
I'm a Fed worker and our office has been on "Mandatory Telework" since March of 2020--but that is going to end on...March 28th! Because CDC says our area is Low Risk. Wow! And we won't have to mask or social distance "regardless of vaccination status!" Double wow- what happened to the Vax mandate? It's still there, still "law" even though it's being argued about in what happens if the CDC says we are "high risk" again? Will we have to grab our laptops and hit the door? What if the Gov wins the lawsuit, and SCOTUS says Biden can tell us to take any medicine he wants? Will the unvaccinated have to go sit in the corner, triple-masked? In a tent outside? Even though the pandemic is "over" for everyone else?
I guess what I'm saying is that our Agency is acting like the pandemic is OVER, it's going to STAY over, and the vax mandate will not succeed in court. It will be very complicated and expensive to bring 14,000 people back into offices without restrictions. I pray this thing is ending. No small thanks to DeSantis.
My company is doing nothing of the sort. They are still discriminating against the in-vaxxed. Haven’t budged one in because of the “end” of the pandemic
So will those Mass-folks be returning any of the $$$ they might have made from all that sloppy over counting? I didn't think so. And I'm so grateful that Meta has now cleared this up for me. As an American, I've noticed that war is good and hate, especially in speech, is bad. Now I see that they are both good! I feel so free. Thanks Big Tech.
Hope that the 12yo in TX can avoid the shot. Amazing that liberals push for no parental consent necessary at 12 (and for some things, younger), for example, gender selection or abortion but would require the shot when the 12yo AND a parent adamantly say it's not acceptable.
Has anyone else noticed DeSantis’s brilliant use of framing lately? He has been repeatedly using the term “COVID theater” (the notorious “bullying” of the masked episode; “Closing the Curtain on COVID Theater,” etc.).
This framing is helping to expose the artificiality of the narrative, and it is undoubtedly intentional. We need to reinforce this framing by using it ourselves so it becomes as common as the “safe and effective” mantra.
He’s a smart guy. God is using him!
I pray you are correct. I've been in his corner from the start of this charade, but doubts are creeping in. He hasn't pursued several legit remedies brought to his attention, easily within his power to undertake. Political pandering is a slippery slope NOT easily navigated. Bill Gates-backed initiatives in FL and TX have yet to be HALTED, as he takes no action to ensure that related, critical therapeutics are accessible to the public who want them, unhindered by the CDC/FDA-captured medical bureaucracy.
Has the idealism of straight truth and public good died an unceremonious death?
What a public figure refuses to do is just as telling as what he/she makes a photo-op out of doing.
Yes, he's always right on the money with the current best memes, and talking points from social media. I like him a lot. I like how he asked how Disney feels about making all the money from the CCP?
That was priceless!
Holding a press conf in "Brandon" Florida! LMAO
Speaking of "COVID theater" this article is hilarious (and sad).
Broadway and the prisoners of Mask-aban
Wow...just wow!!
Beyond sad. We went to a Christmas show in Reno NV this year, and we also felt like we were tagged as the "non obedient guests", and got reprimanded several times. But as we looked around at all the other non obedients in the room we felt encouraged. We just smiled and nodded. When the lights went down our masks went down and stayed that way.
That article was a scream!
Very sad .. I feel a boycott coming.
He needs to strike the ideal balance with that type of reference. The same flippant and dismissive use of it risks inuring the public to the serious crimes committed by the theater ticket-takers. Political goals aren't often those of outraged and aggrieved citizens on the street. "Closing the COVID curtain" and "turning the page"...too close for comfort.
Too many unavenged Lincolns in this theater to count!
Excellent point.
Its amazing how some of these people act like covid is over. Its far from over. Not until the last mask and vax mandate is consigned to history and a full accounting of the lies and pointless cruelty that was imposed is completed. There are millions of people walking around who's minds are literally broken.
Its far from over.
People who went along with everything are eager for it to be "over" so won't ask any questions, the powers that be are ready to sweep the atrocities under the rug while quietly keeping whatever restrictions they can, and once it's "over" we who still care about what happened are just whiners obsessed with ancient history. It's brilliant, really.
They shall not be allowed to slink away into the shadows. Serious questions need to be asked and people help accountable. In other news there are some "died suddenlies" at Ft. Bragg
Yet the morons "running" the U.S. Navy prohibit deployment of a warship because its commander remains a pure blood: From within, ladies and gentlemen. From within.
Ridiculous. He is no greater risk for spreading c-vid than the others on board who took shots and boosters and he is at no greater risk of contracting it. At this time, possibly less. And if he gets sick, implement the same chain of command coverage they would use if he was injured in battle. Such pussyfooting and game play. Theater.
So said Abraham Lincoln. The left lost all "Covid" gravitas-- forfeiting the game--when CA invited jabbed, infection-positive health care workers to stay on the job, disallowing unjabbed, healthy employees.
As with all aspects of this circus, drama and farce don't mix.
So, so sad!! When will they begin stating whether person was vaxxed/boosted??
Don't dream it's over. It's only just begun....
URGENT: Covid infections in Britain are rising again, and 90 percent of the dead are vaccinated. Have mRNA jabs ruined our chance at herd immunity?
Dr. John Campbell
Watch "The Pfizer documents" on YouTube
Alex is a journalist isnt he? He also tried to diminish Dr Robert Malone on Fox one evening. I don’t give Alex much credence.
Alex is wrong on several things COVID but he is right on many, too. I thought about throwing the baby out with the bath water after he went after Malone, but I decided that our side needs all the co-belligerents we can get,
Yes. This.
Alex is mostly right, most of the time. I do not agree with everything he says, but, shockingly, not everyone agrees with everything I say, either. He has been a strong voice of sanity in a sea of stupidity/evil and one of the few with an actual platform that, against all odds, has used it consistently against the lies of the government and its allies. I'll bet your significant other has some flaws you are willing to look past,
Alex is good at capturing attention -- he is a successful NYT writer and author of a number of fiction books as well. But his data, unless purely opinion, generally holds up. He pulls the trigger somewhat more quickly than do I, but that often gives it maximum effect.
The classic baby/bathwater admonition applies, I believe.
Yes, he is. I read things from many different sources. Alex also doesn't believe Ivermectin works but I wouldn't let his opinion on it stop me from using it. I've seen that it does work.
But I do believe the graphs he shared in that article.
They want to stick their head in the sand forever. They do not want to think about the poison that is running in their veins. They think that if they say it is over, all that will be over too. But it won't be over for a very long time, not until it is sure that all these injected children are safe, and their children and grandchildren are healthy. I hope at least part of them will remember and stop jabbing themselves and their children.
It worked with Hillary’s emails,
Oops no Russia fraud, elections, Hunter’s business dealings; they have a playbook.
Change the Chanel, distract so they forget.
Brilliantly devious...a close relative of criminally genius.
ExactlyI! It's not over until I never see a sign with Covid in it, or a Covid-related restriction, or a message from FB about their oh so valid Covid and vaccine resources. Oh, and some people in handcuffs would wrap it up for me.
Even when the COVID phase of the left's war has faded, their fight will continue. COVID set the groundwork for the acceptance of many aspects of the WEF's agenda and they won't let that go. The left wants us to think it's over so we continue to acquiesce to the new normal (DeSantis' trying to reinstate the old normal is now extreme!) - a normal that will include more surveillance, digital IDs, and digital currency. Stay alert. The fight continues.
Desantis still included language in a law he signed that during a declared emergency you can be arrested, quarantined, and forcibly v ccinated. Until he makes all that illegal, he’s not really on our side. Anything can be called an emergency.
FedUp - do you know if Oregon also retains that power?
Pages 21 and 22
Right! Found it on pg 22, 4b. " If there is no
practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health
Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual"
Oh I have NO doubt Oregon Governor has given the state that power, I’m just saying, let’s not stop pushing Ron DeSantis to clean up legislature in Florida. This should not be legal anywhere.
Paul, I believe you are right. This horrible new normal is what they want.
Yes, far from over. On Monday I returned to the US after a short trip to the UK. Biden has maintained the denial of entry to any non-resident/non-citizen who is not vaccinated. (Unless you cross the southern border illegally, in which case, COVID be darned, you enjoy a free plane ride inside the USA.) Also, any normal flyer has to prove a negative test with one day of flying (it used to be 2 days). This bureaucracy added ONE HOUR of delays lining up to have credentials checked as well as the other delays at Heathrow Airport. One elderly black lady was sobbing her eyes out, literally wailing, because the BA official said her COVID docs were no good. They won't let Novak Djokovic, World #2, play at Indian Wells for this same reason. Obviously he is a massive threat to the entire USA population, you know, the ones walking freely around saying "What COVID?" It's a disgrace. Just peevish for Biden to keep vaxx mandates STILL. Unconscionable to put little old ladies through this hell.
I go to London in 2 weeks. Aside from the silly PLF, I have heard its UK and FL for the last free places in the western world
If you are unvaxxed you still have to book a PCR test which must be taken in the first two days of arrival. I booked mine a long time ago and it cost 129 pounds. Maybe it's cheaper now. I believe they are dropping all requirements very soon, so please check before you fly! BTW, do use the Verifly app. Very useful.
Absolutely this.
And, it’s only “over” for them while they continue implementing their SMART v🪓 passes and digital IDs and all of that.
Definitely not over when we have this type of story
In a fellowship group last nite with 50+ people and 1 guy with blue paper mask on. Why???
Show him this video. (Warning: strong language).
This guy shows how unsanitarily the blue masks are made.
Because he's a craven, vain, and incorrigible moron?
And the last Covid/social credit passport database is destroyed
Jeff, have you seen the exciting news that the Washington State advisory group has recommended against mandating the injection for K–12?
The board will review their decision on 4/13 so can still override it, but they would have to explicitly go against the recommendation of the advisory group.
I am honored to have helped push against this mandate at the invitation of Dr. Zana Carver (, and I am thankful to the many people who submitted my letter as part of their own public comments to the Washington State Board of Health:
Keep fighting, please!!
Fast becoming one of my favorite dead guys….right up there with Twain:
“Is politics nothing other than the art of deliberately lying?” ― Voltaire
I don't believe anything my government tells me any more.
I question everything and everyone!!
Reagan said, "Trust but verify." He was referring to the Soviets. Now I can't bring myself to trust anything coming out of D.C.
Now I know where Gibbs got it ! 😆
Someone in Facebook needs to try the new hate speech exemption and post:
" I hate Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin because the covid vaccines are not safe and effective"
I'm wondering if their AI software will have a memory meltdown.
"freckled paragon of reliability Jen Psaki" 😂😂❤️
I still like "Peppermint Patty" for Jen Psaki!
"Raggedy Ann," "Chuckie" and "Wendy" have also been thrown out there. I found "Chuckie" to be particularly appropriate.
I’d almost believe the Russian government more than ours right now.
Given that everything is propaganda of one form or another, I find it helpful to mix and match! Build your own model of reality, just make sure it is robust yet flexible!
Sorta like the “vaccines!” Mix and match!
Well yes I DID have that in mind when I used the term...I dunno its kind of in the spirit using the opponents arguments against them in a way. Safe & Effective much?
My comment should have been directly under yours. Cuz I gotcha!
Hmmm I prefer actual reality, not my own version. I mean, we are talking about truth here, and there can’t be multiple versions of truth. Right? Maybe I’m missing clever snark here. 😉
Nope not being snarky at all….Human assemble their own reality tunnels based on absorbed sensory inputs, and as such we experience it somewhat differently. I realize this is dipping into the realm of cognitive science and perceptual relativity, but the only “reality” you and I experience on a daily basis is what we can see hear and touch, just about everything else is “signal based”. I really like the idea of there being a Deep Underlying Reality and perhaps there is the Spiritual Realm, but on a daily basis we are primarily absorbing information and creating our own “Reality Tunnels” regardless of being aware of it or not. Thus when I create a model of what is happening in Syria, Ukraine, California, or anywhere outside my podunk town, its not a deal reality its just a model.
Well, you and I are obviously coming from different places spiritually because I assert that the very nature of truth is that there can be only one. And Jesus stated that He is the way, the truth, and the life. Not a truth, not this truth or that truth, your truth or my truth, but THE truth. Obviously we all perceive situations differently, but the goal should be to find THE truth, not to assemble some sort of personal reality that makes us feel better, but that misses the mark as far as truth goes. Not only does that philosophy reek of delusion, but it also leads to death.
I was not depicting the manner in which humans perceive the world around them in order to "feel better" or to miss the truth. I was attempting to describe how human process information in order to build a model of their world. It's not simply a voluntary mechanism any more that ones autonomic nerves are. Your claim of know THE truth because you have faith is all very well and good until hordes of people begin clobbering each other based on the claim that THEIR truth is the only accurate one and others are counterfeit. History is filled with examples of this thinking. I did not mention philosophy or delusion, but since you did I will address the issue. Critical thinking is not philosophy and neither of them are (in my opinion) a replacement for spirituality or faith. Explain to me how faith allows you to perceive the true and accurate situational dynamics on thousand miles.
I concur that finding out the truth about what really happened here or there is a worthwhile endeavor. But in order to do this, research and critical analysis are required. You are welcome to claim that you have access to THE truth due your invocation of your chosen deity, but that will only get you so far if you are trying to have a conversation outside your own circle.
The thing about truth is that it doesn't change based on what you or I think about it. I shan't argue with you, but instead invite the Holy Spirit to do His work. Have a nice day.
Can’t get the like heart to work, so just liking your comment here!
Marnie, same here, but then I noticed the red heart shows up eventually, just some kind of time delay.
I would encourage you to seek Jesus and you will find that “deep underlying reality.”
Agreed. Humans are limited by our perceptions - just look at history - truth is what we say it is, and that has changed over time.
You've just defined opinion, not truth.
Well, "proof" is still based on our interpretation of evidence, and that has changed over time.
Bad fatal logic.
Why almost????
Good question...
I wonder if the hospitals in Massachusetts will give back all the $$ they made on those bogus covid deaths thru the special CD-10 coding that was provided by CMS?? hummm.
My husband talked to his cardiologist yesterday. The doc said only small community hospitals are struggling. (Yes they still exist—for now). The rest associated with mega systems are making gobs of money hand over fist. Most from you and me as tax payers. Who knew death and misery could be so profitable! Yes we did—look at cancer treatment.
Profitable like a war.
Indeed. The War machine saw the Covid swag from you and me and wants part of the action.
Nothing is over until We The People are back in charge with our own autonomy and medical freedom, freedom of speech (whether mis, dis, or mal-info or not), freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion.
They want us to quietly go away and ignore the egregious wrongs and evils of the last two years. They want to be able to quietly implement their new reset. Their national digital IDs and v🪓 passes. They want to continue consolidating power.
It isn’t over until we agree that this cannot happen again. {Of course, that’s what we’ve all been saying for 70+ years about Nazi Germany, and yet, here we are.}
It is not over until the corruption is widely and fully exposed, until my friends and neighbors are made to see that their loved ones did not have to suffer with or die from C0\/ld because (1) the virus should have never been made and (2) there is safe and effective early treatment.
It is not over until everyone who has injected themselves, their children, or their employees has been made to know that they did so foolishly (at best) and that they now risk serious medical harm. I don’t wish harm on those who naively believed TPTB (for instance, family members who rushed to get Grandma injected ASAP), although I think they were very foolish to be so unskeptical. But, people must be faced with what they have consented to accept these last two years.
If the ordinary people who compliantly complied are not confronted with the horrors and the evil that their complicity helped to perpetuate, then we will never be truly “over.” I’m not saying they need punishment, as the horror of what they have allowed likely will be punishment enough. Especially when fathers die early from heart disease, and children grow up to find themselves infertile or with early cancer.
This is true, but we don't want to say it aloud. If more people don't wake up, this loss of freedom and evil will continue.
What is TPTB?
The Powers That Be. 🙂
Well said.
To a fickle, forgetful public.
It is an ongoing task, always has been thru time - only the details have changed.
Thanks so much Jeff. God bless you. Another great post! Love hearing the Texas case cited Florida’s recommendation. Way to go Ladapo!
The U.S. using Ukrainian "labs" to make nasty germs is the MOST likely thing EVER. And OF COURSE we would lie about it. That's why I never believe any "official" denials of things like this: the denial is the ONLY response there is, whether true or not. The affirmative is unthinkable: "Yes, Jeffery Epstein was murdered by the FBI." "Yes, Fauci made the virus himself and released it "coz Trump." "Absolutely we gave nukes to our enemies..." That's why prison is full of innocent people!
I'm a Fed worker and our office has been on "Mandatory Telework" since March of 2020--but that is going to end on...March 28th! Because CDC says our area is Low Risk. Wow! And we won't have to mask or social distance "regardless of vaccination status!" Double wow- what happened to the Vax mandate? It's still there, still "law" even though it's being argued about in what happens if the CDC says we are "high risk" again? Will we have to grab our laptops and hit the door? What if the Gov wins the lawsuit, and SCOTUS says Biden can tell us to take any medicine he wants? Will the unvaccinated have to go sit in the corner, triple-masked? In a tent outside? Even though the pandemic is "over" for everyone else?
I guess what I'm saying is that our Agency is acting like the pandemic is OVER, it's going to STAY over, and the vax mandate will not succeed in court. It will be very complicated and expensive to bring 14,000 people back into offices without restrictions. I pray this thing is ending. No small thanks to DeSantis.
My company is doing nothing of the sort. They are still discriminating against the in-vaxxed. Haven’t budged one in because of the “end” of the pandemic
So will those Mass-folks be returning any of the $$$ they might have made from all that sloppy over counting? I didn't think so. And I'm so grateful that Meta has now cleared this up for me. As an American, I've noticed that war is good and hate, especially in speech, is bad. Now I see that they are both good! I feel so free. Thanks Big Tech.
Was thinking the same thing regarding returning the $$$$$$$$.
Hope that the 12yo in TX can avoid the shot. Amazing that liberals push for no parental consent necessary at 12 (and for some things, younger), for example, gender selection or abortion but would require the shot when the 12yo AND a parent adamantly say it's not acceptable.
"Until recently, the CDC was the ONLY government authority issuing guidance about jabbing kids."
Why doesn't a divorce decree - a government-court-approved divorce decree - count as coming from a "government authority"?
WTF does a judge get to IGNORE a prior judge's government-authority-approval of a divorce decree regarding medical treatment of a child??