☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Friday, November 26, 2021 ☙ FALSE SECURITY 🦠
W.H.O. kicks the Narrative while it's down; a new scary scariant arises; a heroic superintendent whines about having to follow the law; and the Solomon Islands burn.
Happy Friday, C&C family! I hope your Thanksgiving was joyful and rewarding. Mine was amazingly … normal. Even though our get-together included family members from across the political spectrum, it felt like a completely pre-pandemic holiday. Hopefully yours was as well.
Today’s post-holiday roundup includes: two major announcements from the W.H.O. that kick the Narrative while it’s down; a scary new variant pops up in the media, I mean South Africa; Qatar data suggests natural immunity is VASTLY better than injection-induced immunity; our heroic superintendent pens ANOTHER Washington Post op-ed complaining about being forced to obey the law; and the Solomon Islands explode in anti-lockdown riots calling for Australian army crackdowns and offers of Chinese peacekeeping support.
🪖 I am still working on getting the numbers from last Friday’s Operation Multiplier event. My sense is that we crushed it. But I have found that the state team keeps a strict firewall between the political side and the campaign side. So any contacts on the political side can’t help with getting us this info. But I’ll get it, sooner or later! Stand by.
🔥 Like a little kid running behind the pack, trying to catch up, the W.H.O. finally caught up on the “kicking down the Narrative” action yesterday. There are two related stories. First, the global health agency called a “special meeting” to discuss a new scariant, I mean variant, numbered B.11.529. The special concern is that the variant’s mutations are found in its SPIKE PROTEIN.
Now remember, the mRNA vaccines are designed to force your own body to manufacture spike proteins from the original “alpha,” or “wild-type” variant. They are very specific; the spike proteins are computer coded to that original design. This specificity has generated some criticism of the injections, because as the virus mutates — especially in the area of the spike protein — some scientists believe that the body’s highly-specific injection-induced antibodies will overlook some new types of spikes.
In other words, the injections could stop working or in the worst case even leave injected people defenseless against a new variant.
Natural antibodies, on the other hand, recognize at least 28 different proteins in the coronavirus, not just spike. So, even if the spike mutated beyond recognition, the 27 other parts of the virus would still trigger an immune response. That’s probably one reason why natural immunity is so much broader and more long-lasting than injection immunity.
Anyway, the W.H.O. is holding an emergency meeting TODAY (Friday) to discuss “a new variant with numerous mutations to the spike protein” and “to discuss what it may mean for vaccines and treatments.”
They mentioned treatments!
Dutch vaccine designer Geert Van Den Bosche has long been canceled off social media for warning — since day one — that the narrowly-designed but broadly-administered injections will just accelerate viral mutation toward vaccine escape. Because the injections are so specific, all vaccine escape would need is a single mutation to the spike sufficient to evade the two-year-old alpha type spike antibodies.
The new variant popped up in South Africa, where scientists identified more than THIRTY (30) mutations in the new variant’s spike protein. Uh-oh. Worse, it appears to be highly contagious — another necessary precondition for vaccine escape. Reports say the variant has already spread rapidly through Johannesburg and the rest of the Gauteng province. The variant has also been detected in Botswana and Hong Kong.
Even though the UK immediately shut down travel with South Africa, the W.H.O. has yet to determine whether B.11.529 is a “variant of interest” or a “variant of concern.” That’s what they’ll try to decide today, and if it’s a variant of concern it will get its greek letter. Either way, this variant illustrates the basic problem; not only do the injections’ efficacy wane quickly in the short term — even against variants with typical alpha-type spikes — but they are doomed in the medium term, because the coronavirus will eventually mutate its spike into something that the narrow injection-induced antibodies can’t see.
And when it happens, it will REALLY scare the injected people.
We don’t know yet whether B.11.529 is the one, or whether the European surges are this variant or a similar one or just Delta. But even if B.11.529 is not the one, it shows us that “the one” is probably right around the corner somewhere. People with natural immunity, healthy people, and those with high vitamin D levels should be fine. But we should probably focus on early treatments and prevention for injected folks and at-risk people who haven’t had Covid yet. Like, right NOW, before Florida’s winter wave gets going.
🔥 But that’s not all! Right on the heels of B.11.529’s coming-out party, yesterday — on Thanksgiving! — the W.H.O. made a major, if belated, announcement. According to the UPI, the global health agency said it is concerned about inoculated people “developing a false sense of security.” I know what you’re thinking. How can this be possible? Are they talking about the safe and effective inoculations?
“In many countries and communities, we are concerned about a false sense of security that vaccines have ended the pandemic, and that people who are vaccinated do not need to take any other precautions,” W.H.O. Director Ghebreyesus said. “If you are vaccinated … you are still at risk of being infected, and of infecting others.”
Okay, give me a second to stop laughing. Whew. There we go. Okay — a “false sense of security?” FALSE? What on Earth could have given people a FALSE sense of security about the injections? Or more accurately, WHO could have given people a false sense of security about the injections? Or, W.H.O. could have given people a false sense of security about the injections?
Why would they have ever thought that the injections would end the pandemic? What a ridiculous idea.
So, now what? The polysyllabically-named W.H.O. Director urged people to “continue to take precautions to prevent getting infected and infecting others, including wearing a mask, maintaining social distance, avoiding crowds, meeting people outside or in well-ventilated spaces.”
Ha, ha, suckers! In other words, we’re back to square one. Welcome back! Collect $200 dollars in money that is now worth one-third of its pre-injections value.
Here’s the most important point: the W.H.O.’s announcement just gutted ANY rational basis for injection mandates. Congratulations, experts, your public health message is now completely incoherent.
🔥 Even though B.11.529 was identified back on November 11, it wasn’t widely publicized until November 23, when — within a few hours of each other — all the international corporate media ran nearly identical stories about the terrifying new variant. Hundreds and hundreds of stories. I know what you’re thinking. Come on now. Even though the scary stories all came out in nearly every major country at essentially the exact same time, it was DEFINITELY NOT coordinated. No way. Stop looking for conspiracies in all these Covid coincidences.
💉 A letter to the editor published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine describes a study of Covid reinfections in Qatar. The researchers noted that “for a person who has already had a primary infection, the risk of having a severe reinfection is only approximately 1% of the risk of a previously uninfected person having a severe primary infection.” In other words, natural immunity confers 99% protection against “severe illness.” The researchers noted that “[t]here were no cases of critical disease at reinfection and … [t]here were no cases of death from Covid-19 at reinfection[.]” So. In the study group, they found 100% protection against severe illness and death in the naturally immune.
The chance of reinfection was also found to be extremely low. “[W]e assessed the efficacy of previous natural infection as protection against reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 as being 85% or greater.” 85% — OR GREATER.
In other words, according to the Qatar data, natural immunity appears to be FAR BETTER than injection-induced immunity. And it works against variants with mutated spike proteins. So.
🔥 In a hysterically passive-aggressive op-ed in The Washington Post yesterday, the sore-loser superintendent of Alachua County Schools complained yesterday that “her hands are now tied.” All she ever wanted was to help the children. A hero in her own eyes, she whines about the state taking away all her options to bind up the children’s little faces and kick them out of school.
The superintendent’s designated enemies — all the people who don’t care about child-binding like she does — include a “small but vocal group of citizens,” the governor, the courts, and the legislature. In other words, everybody except her — including all three branches of government. The op-ed is most hilarious in what the superintendent DOESN’T say:
— She conveniently omits the fact that what she was doing was found to be illegal by at least four different courts and NO courts supported her policies;
— She forgot to note that many non-masking districts in Florida did just as well, if not better, than her district; and
— She overlooks that she was repeatedly called out for ignoring legitimate complaints of mask injuries to the very the same kids she claims she’s standing up for. Weird. I guess the parents were lying or something.
Best of all, after crying pitifully about being out of options to save the kids from Covid (I guess there are only two), she admits that the school board VOLUNTARILY voted to end the mask mandate BY ITSELF: “our board … voted to allow for parents to opt out of masking and quarantining.” They VOTED. It was everybody else’s fault, of course, but they did vote.
Note that the heroic superintendent and board members didn’t risk their own jobs — in other words, take the risk of being removed by the governor for violating a court order. The brave child advocates rushed to vote “the right way” to avoid any personal risk. While the superintendent wants to make it sound like she “took a stand,” she did whatever the opposite of taking a stand is. When it comes to saving kids lives, apparently she draws the line at risking her job.
🔥 Thick plumes of smoke rose over the Solomon Islands this week as the Australian government sent military units to try to quell three days of violent riots against Covid-19 lockdown mandates. The Islanders are apparently trying to burn down government buildings, for some reason. Spokespeople for the Australian High Command say they have no idea at all why the Islanders are so upset. They’re probably just drunk or something. The Chinese communist government also quickly chimed in, supporting the Australian government, condemning the Islander riots, and pledging to provide support if needed.
So don’t worry! The Australian military is on the scene, backed up by Chinese peacekeepers if needed, to show those Islanders who’s boss. Things are going GREAT.
Have a fabulous Friday and I’ll catch you tomorrow morning for re-caffeination.
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The Solomon Island protests are not COVID lockdown protests. The protesters are opposing the Sogavare government ties with China. They want Sogavare, the PM, to step down. Many of the protesters are from the Malaita province and have traveled to Guadalcanal in order to protest the government having cut ties with Taiwan in favor of China. When this favored country switch took place the people living in Malaita lost the benefits they were receiving from Taiwan. Geopolitically we should be concerned about China’s rising influence over the Pacific Islands. It is a bit reminiscent of Japan in the Pre WWII era. In addition there has been a long history of Solomon Islands government corruption due to bribes from outside governments and economic interests. The people periodically uprise against that. I travel to Solomon Islands 3 times a year, working within their healthcare system. Taiwan provided significant assistance to the healthcare system alone. So allegiances to Taiwan are strong. This struggle, unfortunately, is not new, is geopolitically complex and it is definitely not due to COVID lockdowns.
Regarding the Solomon Islands. My friend is married to a man who is actually from there (they met in the Solomon Islands and married just 4 years ago before marrying here in the US) and just posted on her FB an article that describes what is actually happening there. No mention of covid. It has to do with the PM and that govt (who by the way in 2006 there was apparent complaints that the election was fraudulent and that China businessmen were fixing the election.... sound familiar?) who have severed their ties with Taiwan and got in bed with China! No mention of covid. Their PM who has been in power for 4 elections did this transaction on the down low apparently and the people have had enough.
I will try to post the link from this couple. They are heartbroken over the violence and destruction but want the truth to be told about what is happening. So I’ll share what they shared.