The national database and more funding for the CDC gives me the willies.

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These politicians are monsters

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They don’t represent us, We The People. I’m so sick of them passing laws that most people don’t approve of.

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and that darn Brian Fitzpatrick who voted for Biden's infrastructure the other week is my supposed Republican representative :( I am so disgusted with the vast majority of Republicans right now... As much as I hate the idea of a Democrat Rep in my area, I cannot in good conscience continue to support this party who allows these RINOs to operate with no concern for party platform. I used to think that the Republican party was against big federal government spending and control. I used to think that they were concerned with liberty and constitutional freedoms. Between a rock and a hard place, getting crushed...

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That is an understatement.

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While we hear lots of great news in your emails each day, I find this one leaving me a bit bummed. It’s like when you catch your kids lying and covering up their lie. They will either come clean or double down and create more lies to cover for the first lie. These lying liars are choosing the latter and becomes exhausting to listen to their lies. Increasing and expanding the corrupt CDC made me sick to my stomach. The more they get exposed for their evil rotten corruption, the more they double down. 🤮

The news today reaffirms the war is far from over.

The good news being that we might have added three NFL players (assuming they don’t go on the apology tour for being so selfish 🙄) to the right side of history. Wouldn’t be surprised if there are a lot more professional players that have gotten those same magic cards. So.

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Seriously, just when one thinks a few battles have been won it’s The Empire Strikes Back all over again. Federal vax databases are particularly troubling as it sets the stage for employers to request and receive ALL. Your healthcare data, effectively negating HIPAA LAWS. Mark Levin used to call Obama a human wrecking ball but the BiteMe admin is even worse. And we thought it wasn’t possible...

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I want off this freaking roller coaster!

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God, help us in this craziness. Our Lord is still here, we must follow HIM.

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this IS obama's third term. he aims to finish us for good.

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My thoughts exactly...2 steps forward....FIFTY steps back. This 'Vaccine Credential Initiative" needs a central database to work - https://vaccinationcredential.org/ Cerner in KC has been working on a vax passport app since at least late 2020. From our local rag newspaper, excerpt here as its behind the paywall: (Feb 2021) The North Kansas City-based healthcare IT giant is among several organizations working to create a so-called VACCINE PASSPORT, which will allow people to show proof of vaccination as society ATTEMPTS to further emerge from the pandemic. The Vaccine Credential Initiative includes Microsoft, Oracle and Cerner’s top competitor, Wisconsin-based Epic Systems Corp. Once people have their shots, they’ll likely need some form of documentation. The Vaccine Credential Initiative is working on creating a digital tool that will allow people to show proof of vaccination before traveling or attending big events like concerts.

While much attention has been placed on the monumental government effort to vaccinate as many people as possible, that’s only the first step to returning to a semblance of normal life.

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And about these 80 rinos?? I smell vacant seats. Get the swamp drained for good in 2022. Hells bells, take Biden and Harris with the swamp creatures when ya drain it. Jeff please help us find a list of the 80 rinos.

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Here is the list. https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2021388

As a former lib who got red-pilled teaching at a blue-state college, I registered as independent exactly because I did not trust the republicans either...none of this mandate stuff here in CA would have gone down without their silent, wussy, acquiescence, so I want to make sure when I move to a red state it isn't one with one of those 80 rinos in it! Cheers!

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Can I assume that Cavuto pitched the compulsory softball questions to Dr. Death rather than nailing that little weasle to the wall?

I can't stand to watch that slimy mushroom dweller wriggle around so I won't be searching for it.

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2,000+ Employees File Lawsuit Against United Airlines Over Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate

More than 2,000 employees filed a class-action lawsuit against United Airlines for religious and medical discrimination over the unconstitutional vaccine mandatory.

Captain Sherry Walker, the co-founder of Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom, told The Gateway Pundit that many of her colleagues have been terminated by United for not violating their faith, or for being too ill to take the shot.

“The stories are sad and evil. Our woke CEO is harming our people and perpetuating the destruction of our nation for his bottom line,” she added.


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God bless you Jeff. I’ve learned SO much from you and you’ve been such a blessing to SO many families navigate these ludicrous days.

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** Great Clip ** DR. ROBERT MALONE breaks down the psychology of "MASS FORMATION" - a hypnotic phenomenon that makes it difficult to reason with those who have fallen victim to the mind control. - https://youtu.be/INHpQL9fgto

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This is a good one too: Mass Psychosis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09maaUaRT4M Shocked that screw tube has allowed this to stay up

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Thank you Donna in MO.

I have a question for you...how do we know we're in the right bubble for truth when we could be caught up in the psychosis?

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“For now, a lot of the system runs on trust and hope."

Uh, there is neither trust in nor hope for "the system". In fact, it's designed to destroy both.

Hmmm, 20+ years more of tyranny needed in the UK? That's enough time for an entire generation to know nothing but masks and jabs.

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Here's where you can read the text of the House-passed vaccine database bill: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/550

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The "vax card is hard to prove as authentic" messaging def sets the stage for the more nefarious, "what we need are implantable microchips for health passes" narrative

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Great work Jeff. Have you heard Hospitals in North Idaho are going through with mandate even w CMS stay? Since G Little has done jack to stop in state jabs requirements all these HCW will be SOL

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I would like to hear more about the Florida shots database.People are supposed to be able to opt out of the Database but the department of health is refusing to allow adults to do so. I faxed in the forms to do so but was refused. They claim an emergency order of the surgeon general. Is this still true now that the surgeon general has been replaced.

The way I read the law is that people who are opted out should not appear in the data base and therefore will not be uploaded to the Federal system.This sounds like a good way to avoid tracking.This seems like they have used a system that was meant for childhood immunizations and expanded it to covid.

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Interesting. I will look at this.

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Another url you might want to check is


This was where primary doctors were warned the past shot records WILL be deleted for those opted out.

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taxonomy in the url. I typoed it.

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The statute is 381.003(1)(e)5, and seems to REQUIRE an opt out/full delete upon request. The faq state that any attempt to enter/add a lot out person results in an error message that refuses access stating person is opted out of FL Shots as error message

The opt out form is at flshotusers.com/opt-out

I tried on May 8, 2021 to opt out, and was told the State surgeon general has waived the opt out law and that it was not possible to opt out of covid shot tracking.

How can a LAW be overridden like this?

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Jeff how can the RRT help stop HR550 in the senate??

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It’s on the list.

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The powers that be will push testing as long as possible, because their buddies make profit from the tests. "High-profile billionaires George Soros and Bill Gates are part of a group that is buying a company that makes rapid COVID-19 tests." https://www.westernjournal.com/george-soros-bill-gates-just-teamed-buy-covid-company/

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Two devils in cahoots again with their evil plandemic. Hell is the only place worthy of them for eternity along with Fauci.

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