Vaccine mandates continue to fall, Trudeau forcibly ends the Freedom Convoy protest, Florida crushes tourism, Scotland hides its Covid data in jab shame, and more.
That's a real news bulletin from Murthy. Imagine, if we had of adopted that ideology from the outset. "You're either going to get sick or you're of luck everyone." Oh, that's right...there's no money in that.
“The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor.” ― Voltaire
There’s so much truth in that quote! One has to wonder why this regime is out to kill so many? They’re so busy counting their $$, they forget their sources are being greatly diminished. And purposely.
One can only feel shame for that which they would shame others. And to shame others requires a sense of moral superiority. Moral superiority is generally associated with a religious experience, not a medical one. How is this even a thing, much less something a govt official felt needed addressing? This religious-cultish behavior is unbecoming of a public servant.
People with a platform push this idea of "we did everything but still got covid; don't know how it happened." And then there's this; a singer, Tara MacLean , posted in early February that she was up all night with her "baby". Tried to post the photo or link. The photo shows her with a slight smile while holding a child and her post goes on to say her child "has intense reactions to vaccines but she keeps taking them because she's brave and knows it's not just for her, but to keep us all safe. So proud to be her mama."
Made me so sad.
I don't label this other than to say so sad to put her child through the immediate effects and whatever happens later. Her child is in pain and she virtue signals with her beatific smile.
Is that one of the cults that practiced child sacrifice? I believe it was. This could be happening 21 st century style soon if those atrocities are approved for even younger children.
One comment. You said: “Does it trouble anyone else that 75% of the people living in the nation’s capital have these authoritarian tendencies?” I would just say it is surprising that the number wasn’t higher, given that those in the poll are the people who actually read and believe in WaPo.
I can't believe that poll. Who did they ask? Pelosi's staff? But at this point, "covid rules" are synonymous with "make conservatives mad and look bad" so of course they'll go with it public anyway.
I know at least one vaccinated friend in DC who is against the mandates. She surely can’t be alone. Not to mention that some (perhaps many) of those vaccinated were coerced in some way. I simply don’t believe this poll. I think if they actually put it to a vote like any true democratic society ought to, they’d have an unpleasant little surprise.
Yes, a lot of people I know who got it delight in looking down their nose at those who didn't. The only reasonable ones are those who bit the bullet and got it to save their job.
Why would we even suppose that comment is true? It's so easy to print stuff like that..... watch. 9 out of ten people think we should paint our houses pink.. Voila, the world is a brighter place! I notice that as usual, no link to actual data.....just saying.....People are voting with their feet, 118 million people visited Florida in 2021!
For me it is because the people I work with closely fit the poll result. They are mostly DC based and because the job of this department is external communications, they are giddy to amplify anything WaPo, Bloomberg, The Atlantic have to say, and they actively get right in line. I also have a son in college there and the supposedly conservative university he attends is loaded with policy sycophants.
“ COVID-19 rates do not account for potential differences between populations such as behaviour towards social distancing, underlying health issues, or approaches to testing and how much they contribute to COVID-19 rates.”. This is the argument AGAINST lockdowns! This was known from the beginning! This is why we should never make blanket mandates or lockdowns again. Government idiots!!!!!
What has happened in Canada is terrifying. We love Canadians and, unless they were just saying this to be kind, they love Americans. I am praying so hard for these truck drivers, their families and supporters.
So. At my Instituion of higher learning the pronounced head of the pandemic who is an endocrinologist 🙄sent out an update and said. We cannot stop being vigilant with this pandemic. 2% of the population are on immunospressants and we have to vaccinate and mask up for them since they have no solution. Also those under five still don’t have vaccine those are at risk as welll. We just have keep vigilant. 🤢who does he think he is fooling? Is this the only guy that has not gotten the covid memo? So I googled him three years ago he was aware 11.4m by the NIH to do community studies in his area of expertise.
How about we tell the 2% to be careful and tell them body surfing thru a crowd of concert goers is not going to bode well for them and let everyone do their thing. I’m dying to reply to his email and let him have it. He had been spewing nonsense since last October when he announced that he was happy there was a day for Bats. Because after all it was not the bats fault covid happened.
Of course it is not the bats faults it’s the scientists in that lab is China. Ugh!!
A friend of mine whose young wife had a lung transplant 10 years ago and is on immunosuppressant medications is severely affected by those that HAVE gotten the vaccine. Whenever she is around the vaccinated she starts her period off schedule and keeps bleeding. Her unvaxxed husband and child have strip, wash clothes and shower immediately up entering the home. She has to stay home or she keeps bleeding. I don’t know about shedding but it sure sounds like this vaccine does.
I'm glad they have a day for bats, too. They eat the da%&ed mosquitoes! I wish there were more around here! You can't go outside day or night without getting eaten alive. 😫
We used to run through the fogger truck as kids, holding our breath. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. But Bill Gates says he can take care of the problem without insecticides... genetically altered mosquitos at your service!!!
So did we but caught hell if we did. Back when kids got hell from their parents. When I was snotty to mom I then had dad to deal with. Couldn’t out run him either. Yet I grew up normal. Hmmmmm.
I've seen some of the research on those. What I've seen is the females are made infertile. Then there goes the bats that also pollinate different species of plants. Then there go the plants...etc., etc., etc.
Exactly. Bill Gates is not the brain that he believes he is. Inbreeding among the elite? ;) Who knows... but a horrible human being in my book of souls.
He was in a utoob video from about November 4th of last year talking about it. He specifically named smallpox, while laughing and smiling gleefully. 🤢🤮
Courage is contagious. Perhaps you should reply with a carefully worded email that says that exact same thing. Remember that, "one way masking", is now accepted.
Do what you got to do. 😂 this guy has nothing left to scare us on Bc everyone seems to have caught some variant of covid so now he is grappling to find the fear to keep holding 26k employees plus 17k students back from resuming a normal life. I understand he is entitled to his opinion but I’m tired of receiving the emails. I’d like to unsubscribe but unfortunately I’m stuck.
Agree. They missed it. Should have required it for welfare, disability, and SS. All they did was increase people on bennies by firing workers. Govt is dumb.
So...old people should just starve and leave the world to the new kids that can't take care of themselves w/o their mommies and daddies wiping their butts?
Bingo… While many people will be aggravated and upset that one would believe such a thing I, for one, will be absolutely shocked if we see the 2022 mid-term elections held.
Some people believe the explanation for all of the governmental insanity over the past few years is ‘ignorance’ or ‘incompetence’ - anything but ‘evil’. I respectfully disagree, and would say it’s evil at the core, manipulating those who are ignorant and/or incompetent to fulfill their evil schemes.
And, given that those who are driving this are neither ignorant or incompetent, one must understand that those people know what will happen if the 2022 mid-terms are actually held - despite their best efforts to rig them. And that outcome is simply and totally unacceptable.
We will see, and we won’t have to wait long either.
Didn't realize you were also involved with January 6ers! How do you find the time? Serious question: Are you expecting truckers in our Convoy to get the January 6th treatment?
Interesting conclusion on the test behavior of jabbed vs unjabbed. My unjabbed sister has to test twice a week for her job as punishment for being granted a religious exemption, and know several others whose employer has similar requirements. So if anything, perhaps the unjabbed are testing MORE than the jabbed? How many other employers require the same? Although I (also unjabbed) had covid before there were tests available, and have only tested once, before a minor procedure as they would not schedule without it.
Boston’s Mayor Wu should hang her communist head in shame! And the PHS is going to quit publishing its carefully-acquired data….code speak for we need to find better ways to lie. As for Turdeau he can’t back down, he’s made investments in the company that holds the patent for lipid nanoparticles. You just can’t make this up!!!
Boston is hilarious -- last week Wu announces she'll end the mandates when the "metrics" she selected change and then this week, "oh look! the metrics I just selected last week as the ones most likely to change in the direction I needed them just changed! Lucky us!" It's all so transparent. She wanted under 95% ICU utilization in hospitals--any chance a hospital could just assign some more beds to that unit and make it happen...jeeze louise....
You will be pleased to know Michigan finally is starting to get with the 2.0 narrative. The state health dept. finally told all schools to drop the masks, there were a few doing it. The weekly hospital count of Covid cases/ICU is no longer being updated. Individual hospitals have not quit posting a covid dashboard yet. Prediction: they will quit soon as un vs vax numbers are coming closer to a 50/50 split. She is still claiming “with Covid” deaths from back death certificates, stopping that has not happened yet.
Our C deaths in MI are double what they were last year at this time, but considering her methodology approach for recording, Feb 16, 319 deaths, 278 from methodology.
The way I look at it is that this virus is nothing but a cold or flu. But some get it worse than others. Nothing different from the past that we have always lived with and grew up with. What gets me is that people that are in the hospital for another reason , they sedate them and tell them they have covid. When your sedated and out of it who knows what the hospitals do. One guy was in a car accident totally awake but when taken to the hospital they sedated him and put him on a ventilator. When he woke up he pulled the ventilator and IV out himself. Walked to the door and told the nurses why is he on a ventilator. He can breathe very well. He later found out how much money the hospital gets when you use a ventilator or claim that patient has covid. He refused the ventilator and checked himself out. He is fine today. And was on the news explaining what happened to him. He did not have covid but had a car accident.
I believe that the count of covid is so terribly wrong. I do not think there was that many cases as they say only because of the money the hospitals get and they want their money. That needs to be investigated big time. And most of the people that got the jab are the ones that got covid and spreading it. But they keep denying it. It will get worse with the jabbed people. Wait and see. Then they want to push more jabs.down our throat. How much in chemicals can a body take? Every year people get sick whether you have the jab or not. And it wll never stop the spread of any illness , it will always be there. Besides these jabs are changed every day , they have no clue what they are doing except using people as ginny pigs and people fall for it.
Before the pandemic, I had a friend that fell down stairs and injured his lung. He was carried to the hospital. As part of his treatment he was placed on a ventilator for 48 hours. He almost died because the respiratory therapist and ICU Doctors did not know how to properly set and monitor the ventilator. My friend is a mechanical engineer and had to write notes to the staff telling them which settings on the machine were not set properly. He likely would not have have survived otherwise. Simple incompetence.
All I know it is on" Stew Peters show." under Bizarre medical kidnapping car crash survivor. It is a video and it would not let me send it. I tried and it would not go through.
I would love a blog post of all the client advice that we should be keeping in mind during these increasingly perilous times.
I’ve been increasingly concerned about the evidently very real possibility of phone conversations being recorded, emails and other communications being flagged, etc. I sorta feel like it’s becoming here as it has been when I have communicated w friends living in totalitarian or religiously hostile locales - many things must be phrased indirectly so as to not arouse displeasure or attention.
And, related yet different, what measures do we need to be implementing to wisely prepare ourselves and protect our families from unlawful Gov actions and those consequences? I think of the Trukkers who went w children - no doubt Gov would have no problem arresting the parents, then sending the now-unaccompanied minors into foster care, and even forcibly injecting said minors whilst in foster care. Stuff we thought unthinkable now happening in front of our very eyes. 😭
That's a real news bulletin from Murthy. Imagine, if we had of adopted that ideology from the outset. "You're either going to get sick or you're of luck everyone." Oh, that's right...there's no money in that.
“The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor.” ― Voltaire
There’s so much truth in that quote! One has to wonder why this regime is out to kill so many? They’re so busy counting their $$, they forget their sources are being greatly diminished. And purposely.
Humanity has squandered a great many gifts in exchange for power and profits.
Thanks for keeping your finger on the weak and thready pulse of our nation/world. Your wit helps the bitter medicine of reality go down.
Totally agree, Joyce!
Thank you Mr Childers for all you do!
One can only feel shame for that which they would shame others. And to shame others requires a sense of moral superiority. Moral superiority is generally associated with a religious experience, not a medical one. How is this even a thing, much less something a govt official felt needed addressing? This religious-cultish behavior is unbecoming of a public servant.
People with a platform push this idea of "we did everything but still got covid; don't know how it happened." And then there's this; a singer, Tara MacLean , posted in early February that she was up all night with her "baby". Tried to post the photo or link. The photo shows her with a slight smile while holding a child and her post goes on to say her child "has intense reactions to vaccines but she keeps taking them because she's brave and knows it's not just for her, but to keep us all safe. So proud to be her mama."
Made me so sad.
I don't label this other than to say so sad to put her child through the immediate effects and whatever happens later. Her child is in pain and she virtue signals with her beatific smile.
Not understanding what "religion" is, they've unwittingly created a new one, and inevitably shame the non-believers.
“They” have been doing since the beginning of time … brings to mind the biblical story of the cult of Molech
Is that one of the cults that practiced child sacrifice? I believe it was. This could be happening 21 st century style soon if those atrocities are approved for even younger children.
Yes, child sacrifice … any would venture to say it’s been happening since Roe v Wade and the advent of Planned Parenthood.
You are a blessing, Jeff.
One comment. You said: “Does it trouble anyone else that 75% of the people living in the nation’s capital have these authoritarian tendencies?” I would just say it is surprising that the number wasn’t higher, given that those in the poll are the people who actually read and believe in WaPo.
I can't believe that poll. Who did they ask? Pelosi's staff? But at this point, "covid rules" are synonymous with "make conservatives mad and look bad" so of course they'll go with it public anyway.
I bet it roughly corresponds to their vaxx rate?
I know at least one vaccinated friend in DC who is against the mandates. She surely can’t be alone. Not to mention that some (perhaps many) of those vaccinated were coerced in some way. I simply don’t believe this poll. I think if they actually put it to a vote like any true democratic society ought to, they’d have an unpleasant little surprise.
I hope you are right, but I am in California, and pessimistic :(
Yes, a lot of people I know who got it delight in looking down their nose at those who didn't. The only reasonable ones are those who bit the bullet and got it to save their job.
Why would we even suppose that comment is true? It's so easy to print stuff like that..... watch. 9 out of ten people think we should paint our houses pink.. Voila, the world is a brighter place! I notice that as usual, no link to actual data.....just saying.....People are voting with their feet, 118 million people visited Florida in 2021!
For me it is because the people I work with closely fit the poll result. They are mostly DC based and because the job of this department is external communications, they are giddy to amplify anything WaPo, Bloomberg, The Atlantic have to say, and they actively get right in line. I also have a son in college there and the supposedly conservative university he attends is loaded with policy sycophants.
Same. I heard Trump had 3% support in DC when he was elected. These people are out of touch and high on their own authoritarianism.
Many of the elite do not live in DC. There is a lit of poverty there tho so those numbers are suspect.
“ COVID-19 rates do not account for potential differences between populations such as behaviour towards social distancing, underlying health issues, or approaches to testing and how much they contribute to COVID-19 rates.”. This is the argument AGAINST lockdowns! This was known from the beginning! This is why we should never make blanket mandates or lockdowns again. Government idiots!!!!!
What has happened in Canada is terrifying. We love Canadians and, unless they were just saying this to be kind, they love Americans. I am praying so hard for these truck drivers, their families and supporters.
So. At my Instituion of higher learning the pronounced head of the pandemic who is an endocrinologist 🙄sent out an update and said. We cannot stop being vigilant with this pandemic. 2% of the population are on immunospressants and we have to vaccinate and mask up for them since they have no solution. Also those under five still don’t have vaccine those are at risk as welll. We just have keep vigilant. 🤢who does he think he is fooling? Is this the only guy that has not gotten the covid memo? So I googled him three years ago he was aware 11.4m by the NIH to do community studies in his area of expertise.
How about we tell the 2% to be careful and tell them body surfing thru a crowd of concert goers is not going to bode well for them and let everyone do their thing. I’m dying to reply to his email and let him have it. He had been spewing nonsense since last October when he announced that he was happy there was a day for Bats. Because after all it was not the bats fault covid happened.
Of course it is not the bats faults it’s the scientists in that lab is China. Ugh!!
A friend of mine whose young wife had a lung transplant 10 years ago and is on immunosuppressant medications is severely affected by those that HAVE gotten the vaccine. Whenever she is around the vaccinated she starts her period off schedule and keeps bleeding. Her unvaxxed husband and child have strip, wash clothes and shower immediately up entering the home. She has to stay home or she keeps bleeding. I don’t know about shedding but it sure sounds like this vaccine does.
So the death jabs kill and injure the recipient and those around them. Another reason to suspend all vaxx programs.
I'm glad they have a day for bats, too. They eat the da%&ed mosquitoes! I wish there were more around here! You can't go outside day or night without getting eaten alive. 😫
We used to run through the fogger truck as kids, holding our breath. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. But Bill Gates says he can take care of the problem without insecticides... genetically altered mosquitos at your service!!!
So did we but caught hell if we did. Back when kids got hell from their parents. When I was snotty to mom I then had dad to deal with. Couldn’t out run him either. Yet I grew up normal. Hmmmmm.
😂😂 Bingo! I miss "normal" people. 😞
I've seen some of the research on those. What I've seen is the females are made infertile. Then there goes the bats that also pollinate different species of plants. Then there go the plants...etc., etc., etc.
Exactly. Bill Gates is not the brain that he believes he is. Inbreeding among the elite? ;) Who knows... but a horrible human being in my book of souls.
He doesn’t have a soul IMHO.
I guess you still can't buy those :)
He was in a utoob video from about November 4th of last year talking about it. He specifically named smallpox, while laughing and smiling gleefully. 🤢🤮
Just use a little skin so soft before going outside and you’ll be fine.
That doesn’t work for everyone. Catnip oil works very well though. (Not kidding)
And the cats will LOVE you!!! 😉😋
There is that 🤣
I’ll remember that. Thanks.
Courage is contagious. Perhaps you should reply with a carefully worded email that says that exact same thing. Remember that, "one way masking", is now accepted.
Just to clarify, if that's ok: can under 5s who don't have any lectures in their timetable go crowdsurf? I like to be sure about these things 🤔
Do what you got to do. 😂 this guy has nothing left to scare us on Bc everyone seems to have caught some variant of covid so now he is grappling to find the fear to keep holding 26k employees plus 17k students back from resuming a normal life. I understand he is entitled to his opinion but I’m tired of receiving the emails. I’d like to unsubscribe but unfortunately I’m stuck.
Reply all. 😉
The term "Educated Idiot" comes to mind.
Why are they just mandating the Jab for working people and not a word about the Jab for welfare
Agree. They missed it. Should have required it for welfare, disability, and SS. All they did was increase people on bennies by firing workers. Govt is dumb.
So...old people should just starve and leave the world to the new kids that can't take care of themselves w/o their mommies and daddies wiping their butts?
The narrative for all of the jab & mask loving leftists globalists is coming to an end...what will they come up with next?
War they are working hard on it. Then a new pandemic they are working on that too. How they think it will help their relection chances 🤷♀️
Maybe it will cause an emergency so severe that "elections" will have to be cancelled? To keep us safe.
Bingo… While many people will be aggravated and upset that one would believe such a thing I, for one, will be absolutely shocked if we see the 2022 mid-term elections held.
Some people believe the explanation for all of the governmental insanity over the past few years is ‘ignorance’ or ‘incompetence’ - anything but ‘evil’. I respectfully disagree, and would say it’s evil at the core, manipulating those who are ignorant and/or incompetent to fulfill their evil schemes.
And, given that those who are driving this are neither ignorant or incompetent, one must understand that those people know what will happen if the 2022 mid-terms are actually held - despite their best efforts to rig them. And that outcome is simply and totally unacceptable.
We will see, and we won’t have to wait long either.
That wouldn't surprise me at all. I believe this will happen in Canada, without a doubt.
Didn't realize you were also involved with January 6ers! How do you find the time? Serious question: Are you expecting truckers in our Convoy to get the January 6th treatment?
I suspect false flag activity. Some government contractor staffing agency was advertising for 'actors' - the post was taken down but is still up on the internet archive: US convoy participants need to be very careful.
Interesting conclusion on the test behavior of jabbed vs unjabbed. My unjabbed sister has to test twice a week for her job as punishment for being granted a religious exemption, and know several others whose employer has similar requirements. So if anything, perhaps the unjabbed are testing MORE than the jabbed? How many other employers require the same? Although I (also unjabbed) had covid before there were tests available, and have only tested once, before a minor procedure as they would not schedule without it.
Boston’s Mayor Wu should hang her communist head in shame! And the PHS is going to quit publishing its carefully-acquired data….code speak for we need to find better ways to lie. As for Turdeau he can’t back down, he’s made investments in the company that holds the patent for lipid nanoparticles. You just can’t make this up!!!
Boston is hilarious -- last week Wu announces she'll end the mandates when the "metrics" she selected change and then this week, "oh look! the metrics I just selected last week as the ones most likely to change in the direction I needed them just changed! Lucky us!" It's all so transparent. She wanted under 95% ICU utilization in hospitals--any chance a hospital could just assign some more beds to that unit and make it happen...jeeze louise....
You will be pleased to know Michigan finally is starting to get with the 2.0 narrative. The state health dept. finally told all schools to drop the masks, there were a few doing it. The weekly hospital count of Covid cases/ICU is no longer being updated. Individual hospitals have not quit posting a covid dashboard yet. Prediction: they will quit soon as un vs vax numbers are coming closer to a 50/50 split. She is still claiming “with Covid” deaths from back death certificates, stopping that has not happened yet.
Our C deaths in MI are double what they were last year at this time, but considering her methodology approach for recording, Feb 16, 319 deaths, 278 from methodology.
The way I look at it is that this virus is nothing but a cold or flu. But some get it worse than others. Nothing different from the past that we have always lived with and grew up with. What gets me is that people that are in the hospital for another reason , they sedate them and tell them they have covid. When your sedated and out of it who knows what the hospitals do. One guy was in a car accident totally awake but when taken to the hospital they sedated him and put him on a ventilator. When he woke up he pulled the ventilator and IV out himself. Walked to the door and told the nurses why is he on a ventilator. He can breathe very well. He later found out how much money the hospital gets when you use a ventilator or claim that patient has covid. He refused the ventilator and checked himself out. He is fine today. And was on the news explaining what happened to him. He did not have covid but had a car accident.
I believe that the count of covid is so terribly wrong. I do not think there was that many cases as they say only because of the money the hospitals get and they want their money. That needs to be investigated big time. And most of the people that got the jab are the ones that got covid and spreading it. But they keep denying it. It will get worse with the jabbed people. Wait and see. Then they want to push more jabs.down our throat. How much in chemicals can a body take? Every year people get sick whether you have the jab or not. And it wll never stop the spread of any illness , it will always be there. Besides these jabs are changed every day , they have no clue what they are doing except using people as ginny pigs and people fall for it.
Before the pandemic, I had a friend that fell down stairs and injured his lung. He was carried to the hospital. As part of his treatment he was placed on a ventilator for 48 hours. He almost died because the respiratory therapist and ICU Doctors did not know how to properly set and monitor the ventilator. My friend is a mechanical engineer and had to write notes to the staff telling them which settings on the machine were not set properly. He likely would not have have survived otherwise. Simple incompetence.
Do you have a link for the car accident COVID victim news report?
All I know it is on" Stew Peters show." under Bizarre medical kidnapping car crash survivor. It is a video and it would not let me send it. I tried and it would not go through.
That description helped. Here it is:
I would love a blog post of all the client advice that we should be keeping in mind during these increasingly perilous times.
I’ve been increasingly concerned about the evidently very real possibility of phone conversations being recorded, emails and other communications being flagged, etc. I sorta feel like it’s becoming here as it has been when I have communicated w friends living in totalitarian or religiously hostile locales - many things must be phrased indirectly so as to not arouse displeasure or attention.
And, related yet different, what measures do we need to be implementing to wisely prepare ourselves and protect our families from unlawful Gov actions and those consequences? I think of the Trukkers who went w children - no doubt Gov would have no problem arresting the parents, then sending the now-unaccompanied minors into foster care, and even forcibly injecting said minors whilst in foster care. Stuff we thought unthinkable now happening in front of our very eyes. 😭