Wow, Simon Campbell is a bad ass!

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He is well spoken and passionate, we need more like him!!

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I think many of us ARE like him. Especially when PUSHED…push and find out! I’m done with these fascists.

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I’m very passionate for sure but not so well spoken, in public especially. Being so articulate and eloquent while keeping his cool in front of a hostile panel like this man did is something I would have difficulty doing.

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Practice, practice, practice, it will get better.

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Hmm yeah, I am in my fifties and it’s taken this long to even be somewhat not terrified to speak in public, so probably unlikely to get to this man’s level in my lifetime πŸ˜†

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He sure is!!! Made my day! But then I read the rest of Coffee & Covid with an English accent! ;)

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I always read it with an English accent! 😜

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Indeed! I remember this one from last year, it is already in my links file. The guy shredded them from a position of equal footing, having been one of them, .... which just makes it that much sweeter.

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Equal footing except that the Constitution is apparently more than a "quaint piece pf paper" to him!

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He must be a lawyer! Loved him!!

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Yes. Glad he's on Team Patriot!

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He needs to run for President!

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Or - someone just like him....methinks he was born elsewhere ;)

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1) How can Deborah Birx live with herself? Or anyone else who has been complicit in the large numbers of people maimed and injured from both the lockdown and the jabs?

2) I got my last flu shot in my early 40s. I am done with them. There is ample evidence that maximizing one’s vitamin D level prevents illness, and that seems to be the case with me. My doctor, who I told β€œyou can tell me β€˜I told you so’ if I get the flu”, came down with flu that year despite being vaccinated (he showed me HIS vitamin D level and it was low).

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The idea of people getting 60 flu shots over their lifetime is insane. How did we manage to survive as a species before the medical establishment declared we were required to have an injection every year just to survive Winter? The large number of mental midgets that lap this stuff up in our country is embarrassing. Most other countries don't do this, but then most other countries aren't the home of Big Pharma corporations.

I've had one flu shot in my life eighteen years ago. We were brand new parents and the pediatrician laid a guilt trip on us that we were putting our newborn "at risk" unless we took the flu vax. Plus their was a vax shortage that year (supposedly) and it was being rationed, but the pediatrician said we qualified as new parents. So not only were we "doing the right thing" but also we were special recipients. Sad to say we fell for it that one time, but never again.

Pediatricians are the worst Pharma pushers in the business. Not only do they want to use your infant as a pin cushion, but they use the office visit opportunity to push shots on new parents. Find a holistic physician and avoid pediatricians like the plague. Frankly avoid the medical establishment like the plague unless you are actually sick. The last two years have been an eye-opener for many but does anyone really think this behavior is new?

Edit: fixed typo

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I started getting flu shots as a new parent and was absolutely petrified of not getting one or the kids not getting one. Because I trusted the recommendations. With the horrific rollout of the COVID vaccine for people under 18 and now especially, kids under 5, you can bet I realized they don't have the safety of my kids in mind. None of us got the flu vaccine this year. I don't know how they'll regain people's trust after their handling of this vaccine.

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They shouldn't regain anyone's trust, ever. They should be prosecuted and held accountable for their corruption, malpractice and malfeasance. No raps on the knuckles acceptable. A whole new healthcare system and public awareness has to be built, and the majority of those currently running and staffing the present one, if they avoid long prison terms, should find some other work that doesn't endanger others.

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"They shouldn't regain anyone's trust, ever. They should be prosecuted and held accountable for their corruption, malpractice and malfeasance. " If I could give you 1000 upvotes for this comment I would. We need to add politicians and media talking heads to this list as well.

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And bureaucrats like health department officials!

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They may not be around long enough to go to trial. I am real curious to see what the jabbed death rate is over a ten year period. I only have to wait 8 years. And do not expect sympathy from me. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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That's assuming they got injected with the "real stuff"? Maybe, because they knew they got injected with normal saline???

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Agree, Phil, but wonder if it'll take ten years? My husband's got odds on four, maybe five for experiencing the "mass die off".

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I wouldn't disagree. It could even be sooner. The bottom line is the jabbed now have a dysfunctional, compromised immune system unable to effectively fend off anything attacking the body. The jab kills both directly and indirectly. Indirectly through the immune system making the body vulnerable to any outside pathogen like cancer. But also directly, for example, by CAUSING blood clots throughout the body. So what if a NEW and more deadly bio-weapon were to be released in the near future? The jabbed would have no defense. The die-off could dwarf this initial die-off. THEN you would see the difference between the jabbed and the pure bloods. That's worse case in my mind but I don't discount anything anymore or the extent of the evil behind this. I haven't kept up with the VAERS numbers but a Harvard study (pre-covid) said only about 1% of all adverse events are captured by VAERS. Assuming that, one has to add two zeros to any VAERS number. However, given the political and monetary pressure not to record any death as jab related, I would bet money that three zeros would give a more accurate assessment of the C-jab deaths. I directly know through a hospital nurse of several deaths that happened immediately (within a few hours or less) after receiving the jab...folks of retirement age. In one case, the person died in the hospital parking lot after getting the jab and didn't even have time to walk back into the hospital. These were not reported in VAERS. Mind boggling!

The most accurate tracking I've seen reported are the numbers coming out of the military. The military keeps a very comprehensive tracking system on the health of their soldiers. And the numbers are a lot worse than the numbers in VAERS. However, I believe the military has ceased making these numbers public and are "correcting" the historical data. Whatever the numbers, it's got to be in the millions just in America.

I picked ten years because everything we've seen to date are only the short term effects of the jab. No one has any idea what the long term effects are going to be (at least, not publicly). The number of people being DISABLED by the jab are going through the roof. Those numbers are prolly worse than deaths. And that can be a fate worse than death. This is all going to be with us for at least 2 generations...who knows how long. The life and disability insurance companies are obviously aware of what is happening and some news has come out on that but I can only imagine the extent of the cognitive dissonance that is taking place in the insurance industry. If they are not admitting the true cause now, they will eventually have to expose the elephant in the room.

I quickly became skeptical of the covid death claims two years ago and I never trusted the warp-speed vaccine. My cognitive dissonance I suffered from was coming to terms with the fact that this was happening in America. And I never thought that Americans would permit the experiment to be pushed on infants and children. Wrapping my head around that pushed me through the cognitive dissonance. But what a cultural shock! I have lost any Pollyanna hopes and expect things to get even worse...not better.

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Yes, totally agree.

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I have read several headlines now whining about people losing trust in government and healthcare and it always makes me roll my eyes. Gee, I wonder why? You made your bed, guys…

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Makes me wonder what their plans are when the long term effects start.

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flu shots don't work. Just like all other vaccines. Dr Susan Humphries wrote a great book about that

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What caused you to be "petrified"? Getting a respiratory infection?

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That's such a great question. I was never "petrified" until I had children and I felt the weight of worrying how my decisions could affect another life. Three things. The primary reason was the doctors pushing it so hard and quoting to me the risks and statistics (how many more deaths from flu were in unvaccinated children), and my second reason was the media. There are always tragic stories in the newspapers of kids who die from the flu and the newspapers always make a point to highlight their vax status. Third, I have a dear friend from college who has been an ICU nurse for almost 25 years now and she always talked about the deaths she saw from the flu and I felt like I wouldn't be able to live with myself if my child was one of those unlucky ones who got a rare, very severe case and I hadn't vaccinated them. Now, my friend's experience is legit and I completely trust her but the first two reasons I quoted to you, I no longer think they're valid or unbiased sources (not criticizing doctors of course, just saying they are often pressured to support these interventions).

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Thanks for posting this Jennifer as it's really insightful.

The thing about anecdotes from ICU nurses (as an example) is that their observations are extremely distorted regarding the likelihood of a risk. There may be a million people in a city and only ten cases of something. Yet that ICU nurse will see the suffering of those ten cases as they are funneled directly into her view due to the nature of her job. Most people will never see it as ten cases in a million is extremely long odds. They have a far more accurate view of reality than this ICU nurse will have.

This whole concept is the basis of risk management where one must view not only the consequence but also the *likelihood* of a risk. Most people have no idea how to do this and can become obsessed with the consequence. Taken to an extreme, we'd all be walking around in lightning-proof suits as the consequences of getting hit by lightning are so severe. However, most people intuitively know that lightning strikes are extremely rare so they don't do it. If there's a thunderstorm they'll stay inside (as the likelihood increases significantly during that time) but otherwise never give it a thought.

Entire industries are focused on getting people to obsess about consequence and ignore likelihood (life insurance, vaccines, car extended warranties, etc.). It's a tried and true practice that's very effective. Sales people use fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) to emotionally manipulate people to buy their product. Public officials use it to manipulate people in to changing their behavior.

Because I do risk management as part of my job and have been extensively trained for it, I can see FUD coming a mile a way. Most people have no idea though, and live their entire lives being manipulated. Whenever you see someone harping on consequence and ignoring likelihood it should immediately set off a red flag. It doesn't necessarily mean they are trying to manipulate you but it does mean you are not getting the whole story.

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The book, The Invisible Gorilla, is a GREAT book on how things we 'see' do not reflect actual reality. Was written in 2009, but I read it in 2020, and it reinforced what you said. The most famous part is the 'gorilla scene' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtKt8YF7dgQ where players don't notice the gorilla in the video, but the book expounds on how people tend to 'find' what they are looking for and 'ignore' things that don't fit their expectations.

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Despicable, manipulative white coats. With rare, rare exception they disgust me. A feature of these types that finally came to me years ago (spent so much time trying to put my finger on what it was that just bugged the crap out of me about them) was that the overwhelming majority could not possibly believe in God. Really. Their view was that we were all defective, all just a disease waiting for their discovery and intervention, and that without them and their pharma junk, we're all about to die.

Well, we are gonna die. To live in fear of that fact wrecks one's life and enables manipulation of those prone to it. Has this "COV!D" crime not proven that in spades?

It sounds like, in typical fashion, that these white coats at no time discussed the flip side of "vaccines" including the numbers of beautiful, perfect little ones getting all effed up and wrecked by the injectables these losers think God's creation needs in order to live their lives. At this point in the U.S. the childhood "vaccine" schedule is 72 doses of 16 different "vaccines". How can we possibly think well of these people who think children need this to live?

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Same here, the times I have gotten the flu shot were as a new mother and supposedly to protect my child. Love the guilt trips πŸ™„

Recently I listened to a local chiropractor who has a radio show and she talked about the incentives pharma companies give pediatricians for having a certain percentage of patients in their practice vaccinated or for each patient getting a vaccine. She read off the incentives on the companies’ websites. And then she wondered how many people were aware of this and how many would be more hesitant to get the vaccines knowing that the doctors had a monetary incentive. It was definitely food for thought. Our medical system needs serious reform and rebuilding.

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That is crazy! Poor kids, poor blind parents.

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Same - my teenage daughter got her HPV (Gardasil)vaccine because our Doctor who was a good β€œfriend” told me directly over dinner when I was mulling the decision over that if she got cancer it was on me. Guilt city. Unfortunately after she got that shot (a sloppy series of 3) we suffered 2 1/2 years of hell. One day during her freshman year of HS she presented with a migraine-quality headache which didn’t break for a minute until after she graduated. We saw dozens of doctors but no one could help. Of course I can’t prove the vaccine was at fault because I could never get any one of the doctors we saw to even TALK about it. That is where my healthy mistrust of medical β€œexperts” began. I found out later that our doc’s own 4 kids did not get the HPV vaccine. His wife would not allow it. He’s a narcissist and they are divorced now….(he’s ALL ABOUT the CVD vaxx too). None of my other kids got Gardasil or the COVID shot. When I you suffer like we did (especially like my CHILD did)….it makes you question before you act.

Ironically - that same kid is the only CVD vaccinated in my family. She is a student in Australia and was faced with making a decision of getting vaccinated or not finishing her college program which was here lifelong dream. Of course we didn’t want to do it but she’s an adult now and decided for herself. She’s doing fine, thank God. With her vaccine she avoided Covid once and contracted it once since she’s been back at school. I worry about her of course. It’s been about seven months since she got the vaccine and she should never need another…. Australia is now more β€œfree” than the US.

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So sorry to hear this but sadly it's a common story.

One thing I've learned in my later life is that now I *never* feel guilty based on what others say unless:

1) I know they love me and

2) They are Bible-believing (acts not just words) Christians

Guilt is a powerful manipulative technique that has been abused for millennia, and not just by sociopaths. Advertising, public relations, and even organized religion use these psychological tools to intentionally foster guilt to alter people's behavior.

But guilt is also a powerful corrective tool when being used by the Holy Spirit. I ensure it's the latter by never allowing it to take hold unless these two conditions are met.

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health doesn’t come from a needle /pill it comes from our Creator.


Follow the money πŸ’°

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I’m so sorry you and your daughter went through that 😞 The lack of accountability for these health interventions that doctors and health departments push so hard for infuriates me. They push and pressure and coerce us and if something happens, they are nowhere to be found, not their problem 😑

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vaccines should be counted as medication and makers should be held liable just like all other medications. Why should a plumber be held liable for his work on your shower but not on your tub?

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The vaccine act of 1985. Ronald Reagan gave Pharma immunity for vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule. Since all school kids were required to get certain ones even if 1% had a reaction Pharma faced being sued out of their minds. He never should’ve done that. Make terrible products, suffer the consequences, but this is why Pharma is so desperate to get these vaccines on the Childhood schedule.

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It is totally irresponsible to have the obligation to 1. send your child to school and 2. have them poisoned in order to do that. Luckily there is home schooling, but of course that is not possible for everyone. But I support parents who take the step. I know 3 right now.

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Oh that's awful! I can identify when your child is going through something out of your control. We didn't go down the Gardasil road but my daughter in her young 20's received an injection of Kenalog (steroid) to relieve pressure she was feeling in her neck. That was our 2.5 years of hell with hormonal fluctuations, intense menstrual cycles, edema, an imprint and hair growing from the injection site, and loss of a good deal of hair on her head. She figured it when she found a group online called "Kenalog never again" full of people all with the same symptoms. The doctor denied the shot could have anything to do with what she was going through.

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Terrible! Sorry you went through this. How is she doing now?

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That was about 5 years ago. She's well but traumatized about hair loss so she tries to avoid anything that can cause it. Naturally, she wouldn't take The vax either...

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My daughter spent a lot of time in HS on 'alternative' media, which I was not good at vetting. She was super smart, and talked to me about some of the topics that came up, including a huge hesitancy re; the HPV shot and she was ~17 when it came out so I respected her wishes and told her doc we were not getting it for her. But turns out a lot of these sites also influenced her politics. She is 29 now and an avowed socialist. Totally bought into the fear porn about the wuflu, and boycotted family gatherings in 2020 as we were 'unsafe'. Her and her hubby got the jab, not sure about the boosters. We just don't talk about it as it ends in a screaming match. No health issues so far, but I do worry about my kids. My son got it too, wanted to be able to go on a cruise he and his now wife had booked for their honeymoon. He didn't believe in it but not a 'resister', said it just made life easier, going to concerts and such. His wife is a nurse and she got it too, early on, as she is a type 1 diabetic and high risk. Had an appendicitis a month later, that I blame on the shot. But so far nothing else. She too refuses to talk about any of it.

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The dagger to the heart in your unhappy story is the 100% wall-to-wall success of the indoctrination your kids received. Not just that they cannot glimpse the truth, they've closed their minds to any ideas or opinions that differ with the gospel they've absorbed. Something tells me that if any of these misguided ones were exposed to the real, actual Gospel, they'd run away from that, too. This is how TPTB destroy an entire generation, and with it a once-strong culture.

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Yes, the pull from the culture is strong. My daughter was a straight A, advanced courses, did not party or do any of the stupid things I did as a teen. Stupidly trusted what she was doing online, now know reddit is overrun with libs. Later found out her debate coach was a socialist, as was her AP History teacher. Had misgivings but assumed what we talked about at home would win out in the end. Now, am involved with a parent group working to get conservative school board members elected, speak at school board meetings and inform/warn parents about what is going on. Tell them: don't make the mistakes I did and assume the curriculum reflects your values.

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There are a few alternatives. Some Christian schools such as Bob Jones University offer world-class educations in medicine and law. At least one secular school (founded on Christian and Constitutional principles) offers programs in liberal arts and STEM fields; that's Hillsdale College. Both that I named are many thousands $$$ less costly in tuition and residence than are the big-name universities so many parents seem to prefer.

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If it’s any consolation, I have seen it happen a lot that kids reject their parents’ ideas in their teens and 20s, but gradually end up going back to them eventually as they become older and wiser and have more experience with life. Praying that will happen for your family.

This is partly why I don’t agree with the idea that you should avoid taking about politics with your kids. I think if you don’t, then they will just get that information somewhere else. Which is a huge opportunity for socialist indoctrination in schools and universities. Not that it’s a guarantee, but it does give them a counterpoint at least. My parents are conservative and always talked about politics with us and in front of us and explained WHY they believed what they believed. Even though I went to a super liberal college, one of the most liberal in the entire country, I was able to debate everyone there and defend my ideas and not be taken in by theirs. It was even a great education for me in that I questioned why I believed as I did and why I thought they were wrong and could hone my arguments to make them stronger and better. It gave me a lot more confidence in my ideas snd moral clarity.

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I hope you’re right. Dealing with that with DS right now.

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Praying he will have a change of mind and heart!

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I grew up talking politics at the dinner table, my parents were very active in the D party and went around with my dad door-knocking and attending pro life rallies. (Of course this was the D party of the 70's which no longer exists). Woke up in the 80's and the Clinton years solidified my choice. We too talked politics at the dinner table, both my kids seemed to buy in, but I was not real politically active. I was a girl scout leader (bailed on them when they aligned with PP though), Sunday school teacher, Music Parent committee member, and on and on. Other than serving on some city committees, did not have time for political groups. Son voted for Trump both times and has gotten into it with my daughter a few times over jokes he's made, she walks out of family events if she gets offended. But he calls me to ask who to vote for, pays almost no attention, and ignored me on the shot. His wife doesn't even vote and finds an excuse to leave the room or change the subject if politics comes up. No idea where she stands. Think daughter's big change came in college, although we had a few arguments over politics when she was in HS, but really not sure. We fought a lot in her teen years, she is just a very hard person to get along with. Neither kids or spouses go to church either. So I worry about them and pray for them but they are adults; just do what I can to preserve the relationship and keep lines of communication open. But very hard to keep my mouth shut at times.

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That’s rough 😞 Sounds like it might be a case of just opposing your ideas to asset herself (or themselves) and show β€œindependence” and aligning with peers. Fear of being canceled maybe too. Hopefully that means there is still hope for a future turnaround. Praying for you! πŸ™

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Narcissistic doctors - especially the highly paid speshulists - are a common phenomenon.

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Also happened to my niece!

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Also, we need to be exposed to viruses and other things going around in order for our immune system to get stronger. Getting vaccines for everything weakens our immune system. It's like a muscle; use it or lose it!!

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I never catch flu or a cold, and I credit my long history of commuting to work on NYC subways with all the germs I've been subjected to.

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I totally understand. I credit my health to teaching elementary school students for many years. My first year of teaching I caught everything the kids brought in, but after that it took monster germs to get to me.

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My mother taught infants and said the same. She is 88 now and in excellent health.

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That same reasoning explains why kids started getting sicker with EVERYthing some 30 years ago, when nervous mommies began washing their children head-to-toe with antibiotic soaps. When the original boomers grew up, we played in the dirt, and in the storm sewer, and the stagnant pond. We rarely got sick then, and many of us are plugging along just fine, as purebloods, well into our 7th decade.

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You are absolutely right!! There are studies out there to prove this point. They followed mothers who allowed their infants to crawl around on the dirty doctor office floors and were not constantly wiping every surface down with mothers who were super strict and cleaning everything. The children who were allowed to get dirty ended up having fewer illnesses!

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Yesterday NY announced one case of polio and recommended everyone gets a polio vaccine. It never ends.

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The great irony is that the single NY polio case is the polio vaccine strain! Many countries still use the live (oral) polio vaccine which can actually give you polio. These cases are obvious as the strain is very specific, and it's been confirmed the NY case is this strain. This one case came from someone off-shore getting vaccinated against polio and then bringing it here!

The US uses the inactivated polio vaccine which cannot give you polio but doesn't work very well anyways. That being said, you'll never lose money betting on US public health doubling down on stupid.

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And the lady they interviewed on National news, who had rushed out to get one, was wearing a mask.

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that tells you all

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I felt kind of sorry for her. She acted beaten down, not giddy like covidians after their shots.

But it was hard to tell, half her face was covered. πŸ₯²

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Karen, I’m wondering how you feel about another reference to a β€œKaren” in Jeff’s posting. Since I’m not a paid subscriber to Childer’s newsletter, I can’t deal with him directly. Lori Lightfoot and Tucker Carlson are other examples of perpetuating this slur. A personal name now identified with some very undesirable character traits. Hmmm, I’ve never met a Karen that was unkind, crazy and needed to be shamed or ridiculed. This needs to stop. I’m a confidant, happy person with a good sense of humor, not a wacko! This, however, is just plain wrong. If you think someone is crazy, wacko, a Nazi, just call them that. But don’t use a personal name. It’s, well, personal. This on-going effort (?) to coin my name equaling a self-righteous, mask-wearing nut case? What next?! History shows that name-calling people of certain races, religions, identities, genders, etc. is unacceptable. Duh, so is this. How is this now acceptable in our mediaβ€”broadcast to huge audiences? I’ve met other Karens, Karins, Karyns, Karons, Karinnes, etc, and I’m not the only one pissed off. How does one get through to these guys behind their pay-walls and fame? I like Jeff’s newsletter but won’t subscribe if he continues to use this slur. If someone can reach these guys would you remind them that KAREN is ranked as the 24th most popular given name in the United States with an estimated population of 1,469,388. This name is in the 99th percentile, this means that nearly 0% of all the first names are more popular. There are 460.83 people named KAREN for every 100,000 Americans. KARIN is ranked as the 753rd most popular given name in the United States with an estimated population of 56,110--and so on. β€œJust saying”.

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Yes. Imagine being a guy named Brandon right now. Just hang in there. It will pass.

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Karin B, I replied, did you get the reply?

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No and I don't see it. I'll keep looking through.

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Makes little sense to me that this substack suppresses the β€œfact” that covid-shots were INTENDED to cause INJURIES and DEATHS.

That is, covid shots contain a β€œbioweapon” -- the S1 spike protein -- first developed by Pfizer in 1990, made infectious to humans by Fauci/Baric (UNC) in 1999, patented in 2002, and then deployed against humanity to cause the first outbreak of SARS in 2002-2003. See LINK-#1

Prior to rollout of covid shots in 2021, β€œbioweapon” delivery was all external to body, and thus outside of body’s perimeter defenses. But, once covid shots were rolled out, the body’s perimeter defenses were automatically bypassed, enabling greater harm, which was made even more harmful by turning body into a factory to make this β€œbioweapon”.

Per VAERS data, only about 1 in 200 covid shots were highly toxic during the initial rollout in 2021 -- the period used by Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J to run nonoverlapping tests on the US population to help them set toxicity levels in the shots to follow. See LINK-#2 and LINK-#3.


LINK-#1 = (01:48-02:50 murder of 5-year-olds, 6:46-19:25 some key overviews) = https://ugetube.com/watch/dr-david-martin-no-more-mister-nice-guy-red-pill-expo_Uz8Jf4f2R83mDGk.html (50:15, Martin)

___Short "bioweapon" segment = 14:37-15:00 (0:23 total)

___Long "bioweapon" segment = 11:32-15:00 (3:28 total)

NOTE = Briefer -- who runs a worldwide innovation monitoring company (highly-rated by Wall Street) with deep access/insights into patents, who funded what/when, etc – is thus considered credible.

LINK-#2 = (overview of 2021 toxicity experiments on Americans) Patterns Of Deployment Of Toxic Covid "Vaccine" Batches by Craig Paardekooper = https://www.bitchute.com/video/keoCmPh3vuiG/

LINK-#3 = (written analysis of #2) James Hill, MD, JD Dec 5, 2021, vaccine batches vary systematically in toxicity and are distributed to unsuspecting Americans by three companies = https://hillmd.substack.com/p/vaccine-batches-vary-in-toxicity?s=r

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Dr Martin has several videos online, and seems to be a trustworthy person. Following his reasoning, we need no china conspiracy or hiding the truth, and the whole circus becomes quite simple. Usually the simplest 'solution' is the right one. Thank you so much for gathering the links, I am going to save your comment.

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Agree, Dr Martin is highly credible and simpler is more likely true. yw, please help spread these truths so that more will become aware. more related links follow that may be of interest if unaware

ref.A = β€œFauci Created SARS in Lab - No Novel CV” Dr. David Martin - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Full Interview (14-JUL-2021) {details behind patent evidence} https://www.bitchute.com/video/3owcNQwXbVLs/ (1:51:19)

ref.B = (01:22-05:23 excess deaths, 18:02-20:45 financial collapse) {evidence shots kill} https://rumble.com/v17mn9u-edward-dowd-economic-fallout-of-covid-vax-fraud.html (24:14)

ref.C = (50:35-58:20 covid pandemic was used to cover for Fed spending to avoid financial collapse) {evidence fake pandemic timing forced by pending financial collapse} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3WUv5SV5Hg (1:03:06)

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My dad was a doctor and he talked just like you! I’ve never had a flu shot.

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Never had a flu shot either. And it's been at least 30 years since I've had any type of respiratory anything.

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the same way dogs survived without canned or bagged dog food (despite many vets telling you you should not feed your dog food. I mean, table food) I think the world would be a better place with lots less doctors and lots and lots less experts. Ask a nurse if you are sick, he or she sees patients every day.

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Fortunately, there will be less educated doctors around to do harm to us commoners. The training they get now focuses on equity, inclusivity and diversity, very little on the art of diagnosis. The art of medicine has diminished.

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Re: the dog food. I raw fed my flat coat retriever and she lived to be 21. Average lifespan, 10-12.

Real food is always better

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wow that is quite some age ! Mine is now 7 and half years old, a bit over weight, and gets about 3 times a week home cooked. The rest of the week I do vegetarian and she gets cans. She never gets burned blocks.

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We had the same experience. The hospital staff coerced me into the Tdap vax the day after giving birth to my daughter and the pediatrician’s office later pressured us into getting the flu vaccine. We were sick all winter. They even encouraged us to pressure our extended family to take the vaccines for the good of our newborn. Later, after doing research and connecting the poor health outcomes to the vaccines, the pediatrician condescendingly told me, β€œwhat are you so afraid of. I got all the vaccines for my kids.” I laughed and said her kids born in the 80’s had far fewer vaccines than she’s peddling on my kids today. I couldn’t believe the coercion and intentional withholding of informed consent. We found functional medicine and found health. Other red flags are how sick pediatrician’s kids are. One physician we had never could figure out how his son had alopecia. Not hereditary. But he was anxiously waiting for covid kids jab approval.

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I k now a couple doctors like that. The ones to avoid !

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Had a similar experience. Felt like if I didnt allow the kids to be vaxxed that the clinic's medical staff would take them away from me. They all got one shot and we ran away and never went back!

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Makes little sense to me that this substack suppresses the β€œfact” that covid-shots were INTENDED to cause INJURIES and DEATHS.

That is, covid shots contain a β€œbioweapon” -- the S1 spike protein -- first developed by Pfizer in 1990, made infectious to humans by Fauci/Baric (UNC) in 1999, patented in 2002, and then deployed against humanity to cause the first outbreak of SARS in 2002-2003. See LINK-#1

Prior to rollout of covid shots in 2021, β€œbioweapon” delivery was all external to body, and thus outside of body’s perimeter defenses. But, once covid shots were rolled out, the body’s perimeter defenses were automatically bypassed, enabling greater harm, which was made even more harmful by turning body into a factory to make this β€œbioweapon”.

Per VAERS data, only about 1 in 200 covid shots were highly toxic during the initial rollout in 2021 -- the period used by Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J to run nonoverlapping tests on the US population to help them set toxicity levels in the shots to follow. See LINK-#2 and LINK-#3.


LINK-#1 = (01:48-02:50 murder of 5-year-olds, 6:46-19:25 some key overviews) = https://ugetube.com/watch/dr-david-martin-no-more-mister-nice-guy-red-pill-expo_Uz8Jf4f2R83mDGk.html (50:15, Martin)

___Short "bioweapon" segment = 14:37-15:00 (0:23 total)

___Long "bioweapon" segment = 11:32-15:00 (3:28 total)

NOTE = Briefer -- who runs a worldwide innovation monitoring company (highly-rated by Wall Street) with deep access/insights into patents, who funded what/when, etc – is thus considered credible.

LINK-#2 = (overview of 2021 toxicity experiments on Americans) Patterns Of Deployment Of Toxic Covid "Vaccine" Batches by Craig Paardekooper = https://www.bitchute.com/video/keoCmPh3vuiG/

LINK-#3 = (written analysis of #2) James Hill, MD, JD Dec 5, 2021, vaccine batches vary systematically in toxicity and are distributed to unsuspecting Americans by three companies = https://hillmd.substack.com/p/vaccine-batches-vary-in-toxicity?s=r

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Gave up on all shots back in 89. Nothing for adults or kids. I wake up every day wondering how I’m still alive. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

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Lol. We’re supposed to believe that the likes of you and i are suffering from a lack of pharmaceuticals. Poor us. πŸ™„πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜©

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About forty years ago pharmaceuticals were rebranded from poisons to be used sparingly when truly ill to fertilizers the be spread wantonly and required for health. It was a calculated move as the Pharma companies realized the only way to increase sales was to convince healthy people they needed their product to live. Not enough people were actually sick.

It worked beyond their wildest dreams. Something like 25% of all Americans are on psychotropic meds, a majority get yearly flu vaxxes, and tens of millions are taking statins every day when they feel fine (but a test showed cholesterol higher than an arbitrary value). The entire medical industry is complicit.

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What made me start to become more skeptical about vaccines was when I was researching pregnancy and childbirth related topics, and found out that despite the disease being transmitted sexually and through needles, the hep B shot is on the list of standard vaccines for newborn babies. They don’t trust junkie and prostitute mothers to admit it, or are afraid to offend by asking, so they just make a blanket recommendation to everyone even if the vast majority don’t need it 😑

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Yup. Unless you demand they don't do it, your infant will be given the Hep B vax within hours of being born. This despite the fact that unless the mother actually has Hepatitis, there is virtually zero chance the infant will contract it. The mother can easily be tested for Hep B to see if its needed but instead they give the shot to every newborn.

They justify this by saying the vax will protect the child against Hep B exposure going forward (assuming your newborn or toddler uses IV drugs or visits prostitutes that is). On top of that, by the time your child reaches adolescence, may have developed some nasty habits, and the vax might actually do some good, the protection from the vax has worn off.

It is a racket all the way down and no one has any idea of the damage done by assaulting a newborn with this chemical concoction within hours or birth. The hypocrisy is off the charts. Pregnant moms can't have a cup of coffee or a puff off a cigarette, but supposedly there's no problem pumping vaxxes into both mom and the baby within hours of birth.

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Exactly. And why I wanted a midwife and birthing center birth, because they are a lot more choice and informed consent oriented.

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Hep b was only tested for 5 days… so if a baby dies day 6 , that wasn’t included. Also their own admission the vax only lasts 10 years. How many 10 years olds are out doing drug and having sex? It keeps big pharma in business. More vax = more customers now or down the line.. it was never about your health!!

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they also tend to lower the numbers every once in a while. blood pressure 130 used to be limit, now it is 120. My advice is not to take anything unless you absolutely need it. I hope they leave homeopathics and herbal treatments alone, because that is all I take

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No, poor pharmaceuticals!

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πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ true words!

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I’ve had the flu three times in my life and they were all horrible. Like you want to die horrible.

Maybe I should shut up because I have never had a flu shot, but I didn’t take the clot shots, or get covid either πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ I’ve been taking Vit D for the last 10 years and haven’t even had a cold.

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I have had the flu twice and H1N1 once (& Covid twice) and influenza is way worse than Covid. Holy moly. I still don’t have a vaccine for either.

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I wonder how many of the circulating flus are bio weapons

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My flu was too. But the times I got shots was just about as bad; it just didn’t last as long from the shots. My son had flu a month or so. I was around him a lot and never got it. My vitamin d level is 80. My doctor likes that level.

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Here is Dr. Judson Somerville's research on Vitamin D3. "The Optimal Dose". Very enlightening. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42436245-the-optimal-dose

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Sitting in the sunshine everyday is wonderful medicine. Since I have been doing this, I have discontinued all supplements and have never felt better. I actually look better and have less wrinkles. If you can believe that. My vitamin D level from a supplement was 74 in January. I do not get sick. Would rather bask in God's vitamin blaster than sunscreen made by man. I wear UV clothes/hat and skip the messy slather if need be.

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Was a specific optimal dose stated? I've read between 2,000 and 30,000iu which, seems like a lot.

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It's very individual.

Living in New England, I took 5000 IU daily from October to February.

Blood level Vitamin D level was 114.

Dropped to 2000 IU from March to June. Blood level was 48.

I'm testing every 3 or do months now to figure it out.

Summertime will be different as I try to get daily sun. If I don't, I supplement with 3500 IU.

You'll have to experiment and test.

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There is no optimal dose, every body is different. The goal is lab blood level between 50-80, maybe 90 with psych issues. I take 5 000 IU daily my level is 69. My wife takes 10,000 IU daily her level is 73.

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In the book he describes the optimum levels that should be in a blood sample. Usually works out to about 30,000 IU per day. Not medical advice, read the short book and decide for yourself. I'll say I've been following the upper limit protocol for about 6 months and I'm still here to write about it.

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There is no optimal dose, every body is different. The goal is lab blood level between 50-80, maybe 90 with psych issues. I take 5,000 IU daily my level is 69. My wife takes 10,000 IU daily her level is 73.

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Thank you John. Good info.

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Thx for evidence,


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I believe the sociopaths and psychopaths can live with themselves easily because they aren't like you and I. They lack empathy and are directed by a narcissistic survival code. It's not so much , "the strong survive"--more aptly: The most deceptive and conniving assets survive in a predatory realm of their own making.

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Just…. Wow…. Couldn’t help but think of Gates Event 201 throughout this entire Senger expose, though unmentioned, couldn’t help but put all that we know about Gates and Fauci independently and collectively where when and how their fingerprints are connected… just saying…

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Holy moly. Thanks for the share...I think.😳

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Just an FYI. You should never get a flu shot (or any shot for that matter). The flu is your body's natural response to high levels of toxicity, which it flushes out in the unpleasant way that it does (via sweat, mucus flow, loss of weight, etc.). The flu is equivalent to working out intensely for several days in a row. With a flu shot, you are thus preventing your immune system from reacting as it was designed to do. Personally, I never get sick because I work out regularly, making sure I sweat heavily when I do.

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In Scandanavian countries thay have saunas! Excellent points, Rob.

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Thx oodles, Mich.Rob!!

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Read the brownstone institute review of her despicable book. Can’t say who the writer is but the title will lead you. Her noxious vapor musings would be good evidence to take her down. Horrible woman who is a base killer.

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You talking about Birx?

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Yes: Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit


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I’ve had maybe 1 flu shot. Had flu last in 1998.

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