Given that the pharmaceutical companies have paid settlements somewhere in the neighborhood of $20 billion dollars in fraud and corruption charges (including hiding safety data) since 2004, I’m going to stick to my guns (despite the ongoing pressure), forgo the 1st, 2nd, 3rd AND 4th iteration of these miracles of modern innovation, and continue playing “air vaccination.” I know this places me firmly in the lower rent district of non-caring, low-life scum, but just slightly above the malcontents (parents) who aren’t particularly enamored with the idea of their 3 year old kids choosing to identify as spider monkeys, and such….but at least I’ll be vertical.

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Eric, only a tiny % of humans know about the fines. I dare say, however, that even if all the adults who took the jabs knew about the fines Big Pharma has paid, they still would have taken the jabs regardless. There is no way to quantify the logic deficit(s) of the jabees.

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Mark Oshinskie wrote a very good post on his blog about it being a cult. I think he is right. People have been so brainwashed into getting jabs, especially parents, who have their kids jabbed 7 or 8 times a year,or even more, they don't even think about it anymore. I have 2 friends who are medically trained, who just got the jab without even considering how it could be that the serum was ready that quickly. Did not ask for ingredients and laughed my concern away when I noticed PEG listed. And I hate needles too LOL

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They are thoroughly brainwashed. Had a discussion with my completley brainwashed sister. She was going to a granddaughter's band concert and was wearing her mask. I pointed out how they don’t work. She basically admitted it but said she was wearing it anyways. Yep oh and she is fully vaxxed and boosted. No thanks I refuse both.

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Yes, it is too late. The sheeple have been indoctrinated, brainwashed and there is little chance they will change their beliefs no matter what. It just won’t happen.

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And they’re going to have to figure out a way to reenter society while keeping their logic in tact. No possible way

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Comedy Gold!

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Only shots worth having

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Jeff wrote: "It’s starting to look like they hauled Fauci back out to pimp Covid fear porn. The question is, why?"

Because they know there is another wave coming (BA2.2 subvariant) and there is nothing they can do about it. The data from Asia is impossible to miss, it will be here before Summer.

So what are they going to do? Try and reimpose lock downs, masks, shots, etc. or just tell us that we need to live with it? They are floating trial balloons and the confusion we are seeing is them desperately trying to figure out there messaging strategy after telling us it was over just a a few short weeks ago.

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I think, I hope, that the strategy they pick will be to ignore it. Just ignore it like they do Hunter Biden and Hillary's Basement Server. No testing, no reporting, nothing on the news....they know that they're "very liberal" base will NEVER not vote D, so they aren't worried. They will cook up come Dem emergency, like over SCOTUS or something....Personally, I just want the Covid over.

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On covid: its no surprise that the covidians are clinging to their "masks and jabs", reminds me of "guns and religion" HA!

On Ukraine, zelensky is in over his head. He thinks he can strike a better deal by creating on the ground realities. To do that he needs military successes which means western help. But what he doesn't know is that the Ukraine is just the "useful idiot", the hammer with which to bleed Russia. That's it. Nobody gives a damn about them. When he understands this, he will realize how perilous his predicament is

The Russians seem content to fight a slow war of attrition. A hard war.

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Remember “thoughts and prayers” from Republican lawmakers after horrific gun massacres when actually some gun control would be good? And that could be implemented by them? Just sayin’.

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Because the laws against illegal immigration and drug- and human trafficking, and the gun control laws in Chicago, and the laws against shoplifting in San Francisco work so well? Just passing a law doesn't change the behavior of criminals. Complex laws that aren't as obvious as drug- and human trafficking laws burden the law-abiding, who can hardly keep up with all of them. If you need examples, join the Florida Carry FB group and search for 'quiz;' they're all about when it's legal or not to carry a gun, even with a permit, and frequently they're hopelessly complex. Have a gun in your car in a Post Office parking lot? Illegal, unless the Post Office is part of a strip mall. It's legal to open-carry on the way to or from hunting and fishing, as well as during those activities, but not if you stop for gas on the way. Who do you think is worried about remembering the details of those laws, criminals who want to use guns to hurt people? Of course not.

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🤦🏼‍♀️ Just what we need. More gun laws. Tell that to the McClaskys in Missouri who were defending themselves and their property while rioters broke into their neighborhood and came on their property threatening them. I bet they would not agree we need more law abiding citizen gun laws. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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We have guns. I know how to use them. Just sayin

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So what were you sayin' in your first comment above, exactly?

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You're brain dead.

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I love the cockroach emoji warning us a glob of fauxci loaded garbage is dropping.

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Saw this in another post - thought it would make a good bumper sticker, hat or shirt: You're not infected. You're poisoned.

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Are you sure it said infected? Or injected?

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Hey, that works too! But it was in response to the claims of new "covid-related" infections and deaths while ignoring the injection status.

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Oh I get it. It took my brain a minute to wrap around that one. Cause of covid-related death/symptom? infection or injection?

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Thank you Jeff! It is almost 10pm here in India, and I was hoping to read Coffee and Covid for a little shot of optimism for a good nights sleep!

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“Don’t get me started on why these people who love jabs so much can’t buy the drugs for themselves.” SERIOUSLY!

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Yes! Time for jabtards to pay for their own Death Jabs.

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An entirely rational strategy now would be to cease mass testing with untrustworthy PCR, treat anyone with symptoms appropriately (by which I mean encourage off label prescribing with “shot to nothing” well-understood generics.

Vaccination with a novel vaccine was always the wrong answer & will always be the wrong answer. Because the elapsed time required to obtain safety data is longer than the duration of any alleged pandemic.

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Honestly, I’m growing weary of hearing how these supposed “elected” representatives continue to make themselves rich. Conflicts of interests. Illegal insider trading that goes on. Bribery. Blackmail. Back door middle of the night crooked deals and bought and paid for votes. 😔 It’s all BS and yet they continue to line their pockets year after year while millions of Americans now struggle to put gas in their tanks to go to work. Nothing is ever done about any of their criminal activities and lifestyle. Vomiting doesn’t even satisfy the sick feeling this continued BS has on our stomachs. The nausea is continual every day. My wish is for the entire political system to be leveled into the pile of rubbish it is, and rebuilt from the ground up….the right way.

Oh shoot! I nodded off and had a written dream. Now back to reality. Gotta run and get $20 of gas to go to the store and pay triple for the food to feed my family. Tata! 👋

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"The researchers noted that the vaccine makers seem to be aware of the problem, and are working on new jab formulas to accommodate variants. "

Yea I bet they are aware of the problem only as far as it might reduce sales.

Now they can release a statement a few weeks down the road saying they have made a few "tweeks" and efficacy is back to "normal"?

You can't trust anything these people say.

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So, just like the flu vaccine which is totally useless against the season's flu variant, they will make a covid vaccine which is totally useless against the season's covid variant. The virus will always mutate faster than stupid humans can make clot shots, while the innate God-given immune system will always be able to handle virus mutations lickety-split. Seems only God knows how to make an immune system and only humans know how to destroy one.

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On the Ukraine front, Russia doesn't need assistance. Last night the US saw Putin's warning. Whether they knew what they saw is another thing. Putin released Russia's 1st hypersonic missiles used in action. Unstoppable, flexible, evasive nuke-capable missiles that can be launched from air, ground or subs under water. At 13x the speed of our fastest, woke missiles. Our radar can't pick them up so there won't be much time to get to that bomb shelter.

Oh, there went $500M is US mil equip supplied to the Galecia Nazis. 🤷

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Yeah liberals over estimate the risk of convid

And conservatives over estimate the risk of terrorism

Two groups of idiots who trust different sides of the same state corporatist fascism that two party brainwashed people believe is "democracy".

Notice how both parties love war and wall Street.

And neither party points out that inflation has been happening for decades... Housing, education, medical... But dumb Americans focus on gas...

It's all due to speculation, cause this economy promotes gambling (capital).


And on the challenging convid front, notice how all of these doctors still promote the established vaccines which are also toxic (see the movie vaxxed!).

The worst piece of crap is Dr Malone who for a long time still said the convid shots are good for vulnerable people... With what he knows, he's straight up lying , a limited hangout.

He was busy pointing out China lab leak (a sham) but saying Ukraine labs as being safe? F you Malone you fed plant. But hey dummies, blame the CCP for everything, just like the idiotic red scare McCarthy bullshit.


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Why I repudiate strongly both parties/cults/tribes now. Not sure I’m even independent now as that would necessitate choosing from 2 equally evil entities now. Nope.

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Jeff, thanks for another great newsletter. Makes my day. And thanks for the layman's explanation of OAS. I had heard it mentioned in numerous other contexts, but could never get my head around just what it was. I look forward to your newsletter every morning.

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Yes, Jeff's explanation of OAS is the best I've ever read:

"The term “original antigenic sin” describes a horrible problem with some vaccines, where a vaccine developed from an early viral variant wrecks the body’s ability to deal with any new variants. The vaccine properly teaches the recipients’ bodies to make antibodies specific to that original viral strain. But later, when vaccinated people run into a new variant, their bodies start reflexively making antibodies for the ORIGINAL variant — but not the NEW variant."

Thanks Jeff!

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I love your C&C articles and always look forward to reading them! Thank you!

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Stanford came out with a study saying vaccine causes OAS even as they keep their vaccine and booster mandate for all. Science.

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Re the strange urgency to provide generic versions of the mutagenic and otherwise dangerous new COVID drugs to low and middle income countries, it’s probably not too far fetched to wonder about a more malevolent intent such as population reduction or something.

These countries didn’t accept the first go ‘round via the expensive injections. But perhaps they will accept the benevolence of the pills being offered this time.

We already know that Mr G has funded v🪓 campaigns that aimed to reduce fertility in developing nations. And there was some antibiotic “trialed” ?in Nigeria? or similar but with awful consequences to the people who took it. And it wasn’t presented as a drug trial to the people who received the drug.


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