A historic day bursting with monumental portent. The country may be finally tipping over and squashing the madness beneath a house of sanity. Read the whole thing. With extra coffee.
Something that is beginning to bother me is the separation between the unvaxxed who had Covid and the unvaxxed who have not. Many unvaxxed people have been heavily exposed to Covid, but have not gotten sick, and they should not be penalized any more than the unvaxxed who tested positive. It's very concerning that there is discussion by those with known natural immunity of discriminating against those who are unvaxxed without known immunity. Those who know they have natural immunity should not be so smug to want to prove their natural immunity and therefore be let off the hook with all of the vaxxers and leave a third class of citizens in their wake. This is just one more harmful division.
Very good point. This is about freedom, not about proving you don't "need" to be vaccinated. Early in the pandemic, the point was made that lots of people were probably naturally immune due to prior exposure to SAR-COV-1 or other viruses, but even if we're not, we should still never be forced to be injected with chemicals for anybody's good, including our own or everyone else's. (I'm one of those who's been repeatedly exposed and never got sick, including with my children who tested positive and had symptoms, and I never stayed even slightly away from them, continued to hug, kiss, and share food...)
💚Loving the small victories and big wins. I love that you have the huevos 🥚🥚 to call these guys Liars because “that’s what It’s called LYING, doc. You’re a pack of lying liars and everybody knows it. You go on ahead on your road of uncertainty. I’m staying here this time.” 🙌🙌
I agree! It is refreshing! I’m so tired of hearing “misinformation” and “untruths”. They are not misinformed and just think they are honest - they are premeditated , evil intentioned, outright LIARS purposely and intentionally LYING to us. Call a spade a spade. It’s time we settle on the truth.
Such a wonderful update! I forwarded this on to several friends that could use some of your contagious enthusiasm and optimism! I have really come to appreciate your optimism! Thank you so much for fighting this good fight for all of us. And for how you've helped people band together to fight back.
Throughout COVID, I have followed many people that are upset about the draconian policies, but you Jeff are quite possibly the most effective at actually helping us move the chains on pushing back. THANK YOU.
Please come to North Carolina! Your daily updates give us hope that one day our state won’t be strangled by mandates. Meanwhile, we, like so many others, are planning our next vacation to Florida. Last year it was South Dakota but governor DeSantis may even be out pacing Kristi Noem in the fight for freedom.
What a homerun with the fifth circuit in Texas, a-ma-zing! Finally the tides are turning. Can You please provide a link to the MedRxIV article, pleeeeeease :)
Jeff, what does the Fifth Circuit ruling mean for employers? Will there be a final ruling from the Fifth Circuit, or is this it? And does the Federal govt now need to appeal this if they want to proceed with the OSHA rules? Thanks so much for helping us to understand the implications of this ruling!
God bless you Jeff. Thanks for the great updates. If you ever think about making a book compiling your posts in order I would definitely buy. You have been a wonderful source of insight and this has def helped our family prepare (by being well informed) with the stress of all these weird and evil policies. A thousand thanks!
I would like to know where those of us healthcare workers stand when it comes to the CMS mandate. Our backs are against the wall. Basically if you refuse the jab and apply for an exemption you are still barred from patient contact, even if your exemption gets accepted. So a nurse still has nowhere to go. My employer says still no patient contact. They could try to place you in a non contact job but there are no guarantees of those being available, The quote from HR says if you refuse the jab, it is considered a “voluntary resignation.” It’s outrageous. Here we are putting our lives on the line and now kicked to the curb. Is there any remedy? It seems like the 5th circuit court stay only applies to other types of businesses, not healthcare. And these vaccines are not even effective, let alone safe! And no accommodation for those with natural immunity. They don’t even recognize it!
I’m not an HCW but fighting in some small way against any of this insanity by contacting my state reps more than I ever had. Jeff’s item about what the Oklahoma AG is doing has me composing another note to Tennessee‘a AG as well as my state rep and senator. The governor did sign some legislation done quickly through an emergency session but does not exempt healthcare because of their reliance on Medicare and Medicaid.
Sadly, I just finished reading the order, and it even affirms a state's police power to order such mandates. Title IV and the first amendment are still there, but this order provides no direct relief for your situation. It's tough, but besides documenting everything in case you can sue based on later decisions, maybe start thinking of moving to Florida, which is about to ensure that no one will be fired for refusing.
Russ, this is in Sarasota Florida. Will the state legislature be able to override federal CMS? The healthcare facility claims they will have Medicare dollars withheld or even the facility license in jeopardy if they don’t force the vaccines. Which puts everyone out of business. Straight evil.
I think Jeff Childers addresses that in today's letter. Doesn't sound like it, for now.
However, my sense is they can't stop religious objectors without being sued. Get a good objection together, submit it, document well, confirm all meeting or phone call discussion points in emails back to them, and you may make more money than working. I suspect that those who "plays the game" in serious methodical thoughtful fashion will be "granted" exemptions. The predators will move on to easier prey. I know two who were surprised to get exemptions, a hospital nurse in L.A. and an employee of a federal contractor in Texas.
I think anyone can see it online. Go to www.coffeeandcovid.com and it's the first article under the ultimate Covid Ultimatum Guide, which I presume you've read. All the articles are in reverse chronological order.
I live in a Red State - SD - whose major health systems and any other corporations that want to are mandating the jab. The GOP governor and GOP legislature are hands off the businesses mandating this evil in the name of freedom - for the businesses. To hell with the people they employ.
Our governor has joined the multistate suit against the Biden administration mandates, and has prohibited vax mandates for state employees. She never imposed a statewide mask mandate either. She didn't impose them, but she also doesn't oppose them. She seems to believe that Constitutional protections apply to corporations and not to the people who work for them.
Another reason I no longer support Kristi Noem for anything, acting like a clueless rent girl when it comes to "private" companies. Gov DeSantis fully understands that "hands off business" is LoLibertarian self-sabotage & preemptive surrender. Do "private" firms have a right to serve rancid grease, insect parts & rat poo? No.
"Big Tech is not something that you can just say, “Oh, they’re private companies.” They’re monopolies exercising more power than any in American history. They need to be recognized & treated as such. Also, they are doing this censoring at the behest of the regime."
"with Covid authoritarianism the scary thing was, there wasn’t much resistance in the population to it, there wasn’t a lot of fight. And the Left saw how far the envelope can be pushed, they saw if you whipped up enough fear, if you made people really apprehensive, you can get away with an awful lot. So I promise you this: that playbook is going to return. I don’t know when it’s going to return but it will be back and they will try to use that as best as they can. And so conservatives need to understand the shape of the battlefield. The problems that we’re facing aren’t going to be solved by a corporate tax cut."
"We cannot go back to the failed Republican establishment of yesteryear. We need leaders who will energetically wield power in defense of our values and our freedoms. I’ll do things sometimes and people who claim that they’re conservative or libertarian say, “Oh, I don’t think the government should get involved in that.” And I’m thinking, we are under assault across a wide range of institutions. If people like me just decide to sit on my hands, you’re basically ceding the entire battlefield to the left and we cannot do that, not now, not ever."
"I guarantee, I will walk the line. I will stand my ground and I won’t back down. We’ve accomplished an awful lot in Florida, but I pledge you this: I’ve only begun to fight."
Thanks again for your leadership on the draft special session package.
I have read that some hospitals, clinics and doctors in various parts of the USA are discriminating against the unvaccinated, even denying care - potentially deadly discrimination.
Please consider comprehensive anti-discrimination language for unvaccinated people in Florida.
_____ ______
P.S. Per my email two days ago, a federal district court recently found in a Florida case that the injected are likely to spread Covid more than the uninjected, that the injections don’t stop Covid from spreading; and that these are the most dangerous vaccines ever made. Science and liberty both call for ending all discrimination against The Unvaxed. For example, all employees should be tested, or none. Indeed, the real science says if any group should be singled out for testing, it's The Vaxed. But, as it is, employers will still use discriminatory testing and other measures to coerce injections, e.g. Cox forcing some to work from vehicles and porta potties like 2nd-class subjects.
If you don't mind, I will post this email (and maybe a link to this page) on a Not the Bee group devoted to actual letters that were sent or that should be sent to policy makers (https://notthebee.com/groups/letters-sent-to-public-servants)
To be fair, here is an update. On the Governor's page we see this: "Governor Noem also announced her intention to bring legislation to extend similar protections to private workers." https://news.sd.gov/newsitem.aspx?id=28698
She needs to Bring It, and include protections against CMS rules imposed on health care workers in SD hospitals.
She must disavow her previous "let them eat cake" type of statements.
I haven't trusted Noem since she vetoed a perfectly good tranny sports bill on laughable doubletalk grounds, including claiming it would be held unconstitutional, whereas she could do it all by EO (but she exempted college tranny sports, bowing to money & LGBTQ pressure).
The bill could've been amended to address any REAL constitutional concerns she had. Moreover, bills can obviously include separability clauses to address possible concerns. Such legislation is LESS vulnerable to being overturned than EOs.
She implied the legislature was a bunch of incompetent rubes, incapable of addressing any REAL concerns - assuming she really had any, which I don't believe. Didn't even give them a chance to address concerns. Just vetoed.
She clearly thinks conservatives are idiots who can't see through her doubletalk, and she had lots of obvious shills covering for her, pushing transparent phony arguments on Breitbart and other places.
Before that, I was ready for DeSantis-Noem 2024. Her LoLibertarian businessho covid statements confirm she can't be trusted. Sadly, I don't know who else CAN be trusted besides DeSantis. Certainly not Trump, who still insists on falsely claiming the injections are safe & effective instead of admitting he was misled -- which makes him an accomplice to mass murder.
What a shame. Noem was by far the best governor against lockdowns early on and I was considering moving to SD.
The courts should be challenged to prove that the purported SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated and actually exists as justification for draconian policies and vaccines. --- Here is a summary. A reward of 1.5 million Euros for proof of isolation remains unclaimed -- Emperor Has No Corona - SARS-CoV-2 Does Not Exist - https://rumble.com/vp6f9l-the-emperor-has-no-corona-sars-cov-2-does-not-exist.html
And on the other end of hysteria, the Midland Daily News posts a pic of the line of elementary children waiting to get their Covid jab at Midland schools. Midland is right next to Saginaw Twp, but the lack of communication and objectives reporting by media in this lockdown state is stunning.
Dude, have the Avengers reached out you?
Jeff is a one-man-superhero....he doesn't need no stinkin' Avengers
I'd help him out but I keep tripping over this accursed cape.
Something that is beginning to bother me is the separation between the unvaxxed who had Covid and the unvaxxed who have not. Many unvaxxed people have been heavily exposed to Covid, but have not gotten sick, and they should not be penalized any more than the unvaxxed who tested positive. It's very concerning that there is discussion by those with known natural immunity of discriminating against those who are unvaxxed without known immunity. Those who know they have natural immunity should not be so smug to want to prove their natural immunity and therefore be let off the hook with all of the vaxxers and leave a third class of citizens in their wake. This is just one more harmful division.
According to Dr. Malone: "chronic, low level exposure of Health Care Workers to virus can yield protection without requiring documented infection" https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/uk-researchers-identify-t-cell-targets-future-covid-vaccines-2021-11-10/
Very good point. This is about freedom, not about proving you don't "need" to be vaccinated. Early in the pandemic, the point was made that lots of people were probably naturally immune due to prior exposure to SAR-COV-1 or other viruses, but even if we're not, we should still never be forced to be injected with chemicals for anybody's good, including our own or everyone else's. (I'm one of those who's been repeatedly exposed and never got sick, including with my children who tested positive and had symptoms, and I never stayed even slightly away from them, continued to hug, kiss, and share food...)
No jail time for sneezing
💚Loving the small victories and big wins. I love that you have the huevos 🥚🥚 to call these guys Liars because “that’s what It’s called LYING, doc. You’re a pack of lying liars and everybody knows it. You go on ahead on your road of uncertainty. I’m staying here this time.” 🙌🙌
I agree! It is refreshing! I’m so tired of hearing “misinformation” and “untruths”. They are not misinformed and just think they are honest - they are premeditated , evil intentioned, outright LIARS purposely and intentionally LYING to us. Call a spade a spade. It’s time we settle on the truth.
Such a wonderful update! I forwarded this on to several friends that could use some of your contagious enthusiasm and optimism! I have really come to appreciate your optimism! Thank you so much for fighting this good fight for all of us. And for how you've helped people band together to fight back.
Throughout COVID, I have followed many people that are upset about the draconian policies, but you Jeff are quite possibly the most effective at actually helping us move the chains on pushing back. THANK YOU.
Please come to North Carolina! Your daily updates give us hope that one day our state won’t be strangled by mandates. Meanwhile, we, like so many others, are planning our next vacation to Florida. Last year it was South Dakota but governor DeSantis may even be out pacing Kristi Noem in the fight for freedom.
What a homerun with the fifth circuit in Texas, a-ma-zing! Finally the tides are turning. Can You please provide a link to the MedRxIV article, pleeeeeease :)
Jeff, what does the Fifth Circuit ruling mean for employers? Will there be a final ruling from the Fifth Circuit, or is this it? And does the Federal govt now need to appeal this if they want to proceed with the OSHA rules? Thanks so much for helping us to understand the implications of this ruling!
David Martin takes no prisoners in calling out names in the Covid war on humanity. Be prepared to take notes in this Bombshell presentation - https://rumble.com/vp4z7f-the-covid-spike-protein-bioweapon-david-martin.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2
David Martin is the bomb. If he ever gets into a federal case, it could be lights out!
Expert witness with a Fauci Dossier - https://archive.org/details/the-fauci-covid-19-dossier-by-david-e-martin-ph-d/mode/2up
A great presentation. This one, too. https://www.wisetraditions.org/david-martin
The content is apparently behind a pay wall - https://www.fleetwoodonsite.com/product_info.php?cPath=40_625&products_id=21711
Maybe it;s my browser....I see a promotion far the event from early this month but I can find no links to the actual presentations.
If this is what you mean, It’s on the right hand side for me… https://www.wisetraditions.org/david-martin
Got it... I was expecting to see the video frame but failed to see the link at the bottom that takes me to Bitchute - https://www.bitchute.com/video/fHhniBm4cyiM/
Great news! Reading your posts give me greater hope. Everyday.
God bless you Jeff. Thanks for the great updates. If you ever think about making a book compiling your posts in order I would definitely buy. You have been a wonderful source of insight and this has def helped our family prepare (by being well informed) with the stress of all these weird and evil policies. A thousand thanks!
I would like to know where those of us healthcare workers stand when it comes to the CMS mandate. Our backs are against the wall. Basically if you refuse the jab and apply for an exemption you are still barred from patient contact, even if your exemption gets accepted. So a nurse still has nowhere to go. My employer says still no patient contact. They could try to place you in a non contact job but there are no guarantees of those being available, The quote from HR says if you refuse the jab, it is considered a “voluntary resignation.” It’s outrageous. Here we are putting our lives on the line and now kicked to the curb. Is there any remedy? It seems like the 5th circuit court stay only applies to other types of businesses, not healthcare. And these vaccines are not even effective, let alone safe! And no accommodation for those with natural immunity. They don’t even recognize it!
I’m not an HCW but fighting in some small way against any of this insanity by contacting my state reps more than I ever had. Jeff’s item about what the Oklahoma AG is doing has me composing another note to Tennessee‘a AG as well as my state rep and senator. The governor did sign some legislation done quickly through an emergency session but does not exempt healthcare because of their reliance on Medicare and Medicaid.
Sadly, I just finished reading the order, and it even affirms a state's police power to order such mandates. Title IV and the first amendment are still there, but this order provides no direct relief for your situation. It's tough, but besides documenting everything in case you can sue based on later decisions, maybe start thinking of moving to Florida, which is about to ensure that no one will be fired for refusing.
Russ, this is in Sarasota Florida. Will the state legislature be able to override federal CMS? The healthcare facility claims they will have Medicare dollars withheld or even the facility license in jeopardy if they don’t force the vaccines. Which puts everyone out of business. Straight evil.
I think Jeff Childers addresses that in today's letter. Doesn't sound like it, for now.
However, my sense is they can't stop religious objectors without being sued. Get a good objection together, submit it, document well, confirm all meeting or phone call discussion points in emails back to them, and you may make more money than working. I suspect that those who "plays the game" in serious methodical thoughtful fashion will be "granted" exemptions. The predators will move on to easier prey. I know two who were surprised to get exemptions, a hospital nurse in L.A. and an employee of a federal contractor in Texas.
I don’t get the Sunday letter. I need to sign up to get it. Is there a link somewhere? I’m assuming it’s the monthly supporters?
I think anyone can see it online. Go to www.coffeeandcovid.com and it's the first article under the ultimate Covid Ultimatum Guide, which I presume you've read. All the articles are in reverse chronological order.
He send's the Sunday Coffe and Covid to those who financially support his work. He offers a fee membership.
Many consider the first 26 pages of the David Martin's "FAUCI DOSSIER" to an evidentiary goldmine for prosecution.
This is fantastic news. Thank you for writing this piece and let's keep fighting for our God given rights.
Hope it trickles down to the private businesses who are mandating the jab. Living in a blue state no rep is going to fight for us like in FL.
I live in a Red State - SD - whose major health systems and any other corporations that want to are mandating the jab. The GOP governor and GOP legislature are hands off the businesses mandating this evil in the name of freedom - for the businesses. To hell with the people they employ.
Our governor has joined the multistate suit against the Biden administration mandates, and has prohibited vax mandates for state employees. She never imposed a statewide mask mandate either. She didn't impose them, but she also doesn't oppose them. She seems to believe that Constitutional protections apply to corporations and not to the people who work for them.
Another reason I no longer support Kristi Noem for anything, acting like a clueless rent girl when it comes to "private" companies. Gov DeSantis fully understands that "hands off business" is LoLibertarian self-sabotage & preemptive surrender. Do "private" firms have a right to serve rancid grease, insect parts & rat poo? No.
See DeSantis speech at
"Big Tech is not something that you can just say, “Oh, they’re private companies.” They’re monopolies exercising more power than any in American history. They need to be recognized & treated as such. Also, they are doing this censoring at the behest of the regime."
"with Covid authoritarianism the scary thing was, there wasn’t much resistance in the population to it, there wasn’t a lot of fight. And the Left saw how far the envelope can be pushed, they saw if you whipped up enough fear, if you made people really apprehensive, you can get away with an awful lot. So I promise you this: that playbook is going to return. I don’t know when it’s going to return but it will be back and they will try to use that as best as they can. And so conservatives need to understand the shape of the battlefield. The problems that we’re facing aren’t going to be solved by a corporate tax cut."
"We cannot go back to the failed Republican establishment of yesteryear. We need leaders who will energetically wield power in defense of our values and our freedoms. I’ll do things sometimes and people who claim that they’re conservative or libertarian say, “Oh, I don’t think the government should get involved in that.” And I’m thinking, we are under assault across a wide range of institutions. If people like me just decide to sit on my hands, you’re basically ceding the entire battlefield to the left and we cannot do that, not now, not ever."
"I guarantee, I will walk the line. I will stand my ground and I won’t back down. We’ve accomplished an awful lot in Florida, but I pledge you this: I’ve only begun to fight."
Email to DeSantis-Sprowls-Simpson
Dear ____,
Thanks again for your leadership on the draft special session package.
I have read that some hospitals, clinics and doctors in various parts of the USA are discriminating against the unvaccinated, even denying care - potentially deadly discrimination.
Please consider comprehensive anti-discrimination language for unvaccinated people in Florida.
_____ ______
P.S. Per my email two days ago, a federal district court recently found in a Florida case that the injected are likely to spread Covid more than the uninjected, that the injections don’t stop Covid from spreading; and that these are the most dangerous vaccines ever made. Science and liberty both call for ending all discrimination against The Unvaxed. For example, all employees should be tested, or none. Indeed, the real science says if any group should be singled out for testing, it's The Vaxed. But, as it is, employers will still use discriminatory testing and other measures to coerce injections, e.g. Cox forcing some to work from vehicles and porta potties like 2nd-class subjects.
For convenience:
If you don't mind, I will post this email (and maybe a link to this page) on a Not the Bee group devoted to actual letters that were sent or that should be sent to policy makers (https://notthebee.com/groups/letters-sent-to-public-servants)
Sure. But please use the new version above. I'm deleting this one. Thanks
At least you have that. Our governor had all the top CEO’s in on one big covi-circle jerk.
To be fair, here is an update. On the Governor's page we see this: "Governor Noem also announced her intention to bring legislation to extend similar protections to private workers." https://news.sd.gov/newsitem.aspx?id=28698
She needs to Bring It, and include protections against CMS rules imposed on health care workers in SD hospitals.
She must disavow her previous "let them eat cake" type of statements.
I haven't trusted Noem since she vetoed a perfectly good tranny sports bill on laughable doubletalk grounds, including claiming it would be held unconstitutional, whereas she could do it all by EO (but she exempted college tranny sports, bowing to money & LGBTQ pressure).
The bill could've been amended to address any REAL constitutional concerns she had. Moreover, bills can obviously include separability clauses to address possible concerns. Such legislation is LESS vulnerable to being overturned than EOs.
She implied the legislature was a bunch of incompetent rubes, incapable of addressing any REAL concerns - assuming she really had any, which I don't believe. Didn't even give them a chance to address concerns. Just vetoed.
She clearly thinks conservatives are idiots who can't see through her doubletalk, and she had lots of obvious shills covering for her, pushing transparent phony arguments on Breitbart and other places.
Before that, I was ready for DeSantis-Noem 2024. Her LoLibertarian businessho covid statements confirm she can't be trusted. Sadly, I don't know who else CAN be trusted besides DeSantis. Certainly not Trump, who still insists on falsely claiming the injections are safe & effective instead of admitting he was misled -- which makes him an accomplice to mass murder.
What a shame. Noem was by far the best governor against lockdowns early on and I was considering moving to SD.
The courts should be challenged to prove that the purported SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated and actually exists as justification for draconian policies and vaccines. --- Here is a summary. A reward of 1.5 million Euros for proof of isolation remains unclaimed -- Emperor Has No Corona - SARS-CoV-2 Does Not Exist - https://rumble.com/vp6f9l-the-emperor-has-no-corona-sars-cov-2-does-not-exist.html
That exact strategy was used successfully in a case in Canada. Too bad the majority of Canada is a dumpster fire.
Just posted --
ADVERSE REACTIONS to "BOOSTER" SHOTS CLOSE ALL SCHOOLS IN SAGINAW TOWNSHIP - https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/zFE2Ym7J8rs
And on the other end of hysteria, the Midland Daily News posts a pic of the line of elementary children waiting to get their Covid jab at Midland schools. Midland is right next to Saginaw Twp, but the lack of communication and objectives reporting by media in this lockdown state is stunning.