☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Sunday, March 6, 2022 ☙ FOR FREEDOM 🦠
Bizarre Ukraine cheerleading; the inflation crisis connects to the war; Fauci crawls out of a hole somewhere and is back in corporate media — about Ukraine; and Stoli vodka strikes a blow for freedom.
Good morning and Happy Sunday! Here’s a little roundup for all you C&C supporters, for whom I am very grateful. We still have a lot of work to do. Today, we examine bizarre Ukraine cheerleading from unexpected places; observe how the inflation crisis connecting to the war; Fauci has crawled out of a hole somewhere and is back in corporate media — about Ukraine; and the Stolichnya Vodka corporation strikes a blow for freedom.
🔥 Possibly the most bizarre pro-Ukraine cheerleading by American authoritarians came from retired cheesy space opera star and full-time leftist George Takei on Friday. After spending the last two years championing forced masking and coerced medical treatments, he has suddenly discovered the value of freedom over tyranny. Or something. On Friday afternoon, possibly while in the grip of a spike-protein hallucination, Takei tweeted:
Takei’s cheerful exhortation was not well received in the comments. But disturbingly, the comment got 56,000 likes. Fifty six thousand. (That’s just under C&C’s Substack readership, by the way, which broke 60,000 the other day.) Fifty-six thousand people think Takei’s ridiculous brain emission somehow makes sense.