What continues to just utterly amaze me is that no matter how much the narrative collapses, many, many people still blindly follow the failed policies -- no matter how ridiculous said policies are -- no matter how failed the vaccine statistics -- many just blindly "accept" and go get their booster never, ever considering what the shot is going to do to them in the long run. AAAAACK!!! It is maddening! Thank you Jeff Childers for being the bright spot in my day, every day!

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2 of the former friends say they have the TV on as background noise, they do not pay any attention to the whole circus, when they hear a new booster is available they just go and get it and they are done. They don't care either way, have no idea about adverse reactions, deaths, and that the boosters don't help and have not even thought about it. Just like when you sleepwalk in the morning and don't know if you put clothes on or not when you get in your car.

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I keep my tv turned off. Quit watching local and national news a LONG time ago. Friends who blindly go get shot after shot won't really wake up until something bad happens to them or someone they know. And even then, it's doubtful because they won't make the connection between their own health and all the jabs they've gotten. It is incredibly sad and frustrating.

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It is maddening that people don't realize they're being lied to. They take the headlines and meme-graphics at face value and don't think critically about what is being shat into their minds. I think many don't watch TV as well, but they don't hear the Dr. Malones and McCulloughs in the echo-chambers that social media has engineered around them.

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All my former close friends are like that. A few don't even talk to me anymore, not even on the phone. One wants to reconnect but all she said so far is, she can make sure I got the jabs. Very very sad.

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And now Biden is telling people with kids to keep the kids away from unvaxed. Nothing like dividing the country even more.

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Ingrid I hear you on the lost friends. My "best" friend of 50 years keeps trying to convince me of the narrative. In the summer it was "look what's happening in Alabama! This is not a conspiracy theory!" and "freedom is one of my trigger words." I've kept quiet. Now she just contacted me to tell me how a couple of her unvaccinated cousins got the 'rona and one died and the other was on a ventilator and now at a rehab. I guess they killed the one cousin with the ventilator and didn't quite finish the job with the other one. She wants me to be so careful because I'm unvaccinated. . . and yet, she does not associate her husband's major cardiac event a few months ago with the vaccine/boosters.

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I hear ya! My former "best" friend, of 51 years, will no longer speak to me, because I wouldn't give in to her passive aggressive demands about my health. Honestly, it just pisses me off, I don't even really miss her.

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I know a lot of people that got jabbed and ended up sick and still blame the unvaxed. They think nothing of it. But don't they see that it is the jab is causing this mess? I do not understand their reasoning when the proof is all there.

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It is like breaking your leg falling off a ladder and blaming the ladder

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Or getting shot and blaming the gun. :)

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Yeah, but can you imagine how bad it would have been if I hadn’t gotten “vaccinated”!!?? :)

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My brother in law was discharged from the hospital last night. He had a 10 day stay for COVID. Fully vaxx’d and boosted, though 5 days shy of the mystical 14 days. 60 years old. My sister is convinced that he is alive only because of the vaccine, and his inpatient doctors and nurses have told him the same. Never mind the fact that he was sick at home with progressively-worsening symptoms for 8 days, all without ANY early treatment at all. But, it was the vaccine that saved him. The cultism is so frustrating.

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But wait...WE are the cultist (THEY say)

It is truly a thing to marvel. How they have managed to divide us to a point when we are fighting our 2nd Revolutionary Way AND Civil War Redeux, at the very same time. I can only point to 2008 😒🤔😔

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My kids are grown and no grandkids. I do have nieces and nephews who are vaxed and I pray, not vaccinating their kids. My wife and I have survived this madness for 2 years. My employment is still on the fence and now, they are "granting" me (us), a stay of execution until June 1, 2022. How generous! Meanwhile, we remain on death-row while my wife was finally hit with (apparently) Omicron 3 weeks ago from a vaccinated co-worker, and late last week, I came down with a milder version of hers (while she had loss of taste/smell, fever, aches, etc., mine has been more like a cold, though I still have ongoing coughing. Annoying.), because I did not change any habits, even drank from her coffee cup so I could finally get the dang antibodies. GOT THEM! I'm now finally IMMUNE! Can't wait to update the letter I sent to these bas-tar-ds by attaching the new State of Florida's HHS religious form and letting them know that any further questions should be directed to my attorney - (ehem....can we guess who might that be?)

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I know people that did not get vaxed and did fine. They were not that sick. It was more like a cold.

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I turned mine off headed into the election. Disconnected, never turned on again. I've been nearly media free since. Then Air1 & KLove radio both disappeared on Christmas Eve. On Jan 1, I found a new, local station right next to where theirs were. Mostly the same music but with weather & news...which they read from Redstate 😆

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"The government " seems to approve of Luvox, [fluvoxamine], for treatment of covid, saying it has a high success rate.

Luvox is an antidepressant for social anxiety. It's somewhat like Zoloft. See a connection here???

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Yup. I sure do!

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Does anyone here know people who have cable news on while they sleep? I have two relatives who started putting TVs by their beds a few years ago and now listen to MSNBC and CNN continuously while they sleep. It's a drip feed into their subliminal consciousness. They are high IQ people who now are closed minded to anything not on those drip feeds. When they travel to stay at my house they either ask for TV in the guest rooms or put cable news live streaming on a laptop next to their heads while they sleep. It is clearly a powerful addiction.

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I watch TV news with the purpose of discovering how the official narrative changes relative to the facts.

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I sleep to Little House On The Prairie.. I can't sleep without some noise. Fan isn't cutting it. Otherwise I can't shut my brain down.

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I have no TV and watch only music and nature videos on YouTube. The fan is the white noise in summer, and in winter I listen to the loud ticking of the clock. I might need to buy one of these nature sound boxes to shut off my thoughts LOL

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You're lucky you can sleep with the ticking clock. I used to fall asleep listening to my clock when I was a kid. In college I had an electric clock. Having a regular wind, up many years later, I found I didn't enjoy the sound as I had earlier in my life. It's to the point that if there's something that ticks while I'm trying to go to sleep, I don't stand a chance. 😞

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Yes! innocuous books on tape (preferably for kids) are great to sleep to.

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For some reason, many people don't understand that others brains, and other systems, just aren't like theirs. My brain is hard to turn off, also. "Listening" to something in the background, sometimes, helps.

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Me too -- but I am careful to listen to something that will head me toward enlightenment rather than away from it. Elkhart Tolle (hey, he'll put you to sleep even if you're trying to stay awake!) is a favorite.

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I was vaccinated against TV media when the Kennedys' were assassinated and the 9/11 event that turned out to be an inside job.

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I don't know about them, but the droning background noise is like a white noise machine. No, I don't sleep with the news on. When I did leave the tv on all night, it was usually the History Channel. Now, if I fall asleep while watching tv, it's usually 60s tv shows. (Can't afford cable anymore.)

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Little House On The Prairie.. Here!

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I know of one person who always has TV on, even when in bed. I think she might be a Fox watcher but not sure. Been years since I saw her.

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That is disturbing :(

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That is the problem. No one sees what is going on or the false narrative. No one does their research. It is all nothing but a money maker scam.

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Advance to 2:25:00 in today's Highwire to hear public health analyst A.J. DePriest report the financial fraud of incentivizing Covid mandates that is causing School Boards and Hospitals to look evil and Crazy by making kids sick and afraid and killing patients admitted treatment -- https://thehighwire.com/watch/

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"...when they hear a new booster is available they just go and get it and they are done."

Soon they may we well and truly done ... for.

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I think most people don't think about anything, much. People do stupid things all day long. I knew a guy who said he and his wife planned to go sky-diving once she had the baby -- "to celebrate!" I couldn't even hide my horror at such a horrible plan and blurted out "And who's going to take care of your baby if you're both killed!" He looked shocked -- the idea that skydiving was somehow dangerous had never occurred to him. This same person was, however, scared of "two-lane country roads" in Vermont because he thought the "natives" were all horrible racists and would kill him. He was from Long Island, NY. Another New Yorker thought that the backwoods Vermonters were incestuous rapists and cannibals. She never set foot outside Burlington. Of course all of these people are vaccinated.

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I mean that's funny. That person would probably poop a brick if they were stuck somewhere in "pennsyltucky" then lol. plus, we have a lot o' bears. I think the bears are somewhat racist.

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Bears don't discriminate. They only care about which person is the slowest.

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Probably fewer than we imagine. Media ramps up fake numbers to lead others astray.

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'excreted an announcement' killed me, death by laughter, not covid, though maybe covid related

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This cracked me up as well!

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Yup! Mr. Childers is a guaranteed daily dose of smiles and chuckles to survive your day.

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It’s funny how we’re seeing “at this point in the pandemic” preceding retreat to a position reasonable people held 2 years ago.

“At this point in the pandemic, cloth masks are useless”. So what does that mean, the moronic variant has new properties that allow it to penetrate cloth masks? Or is it an admission that masks are, and always were, bullshit and “this point in the pandemic” is a convenient fig-leaf for retreat?

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When you understand why viruses don't exist you understand why masks don't work

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Others are wondering if this is preceding to demanding N95 masks for all.

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Decades of research show no difference between infectivity (of flu) between N95 and surgical masks. The Bangladesh mask study last year showed no statistically significant difference between cloth masks and surgical masks. So.

From the CDC on ineffectiveness of masks in influenza virus transmission:


A whole list of studies, some comparing N95 to surgical:


An analysis of the actual data in the Bangladesh study. When the study was published, they did not publish the data. The author below asked the researchers for the data so he could do an analysis of it. The researchers admitted no benefit to cloth masks, but said there was a small benefit to surgical masks. However, there was no real statistical significance to their findings, as made clear below.



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Seems to be some evidence of that. Maybe it’s the signal to buy shares in whichever company is going to get cronied-in to be the “preferred supplier”. Another plunder of the treasury.

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It's a definite improvement over "in the middle of a pandemic", which was constantly intoned even by ostensibly conservative commentators (are you listening Hannity?) and that tacitly implied that the pandemic would never end.

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I often wonder, along the same lines of the “say her name”, Can any lib name the date of any of the hundreds of Antifa/BLM riots that occurred that took more lives & destroyed more property than Jan 6?

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Bingo! Careful. You’re over the target. Don’t answer the door if Garland shows up with the gestapo.

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Yeah, you are obviously racist, because you even noticed the difference. (Sarcasm!!)

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As they say, never let a crisis go to waste. Also, now that they'll stop counting cases we will see a downtick in cases, and "experts" will bake this into the historical record as proving that the vaccine campaign was highly effective. In 20 years, med/health students will read about how effective the COVID vaccines are because cases dropped after everyone got boosted. This is how public health has played with data for the last 100 years.

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I live in Commifornia. My sil tested positive for the flu and corona simultaneously in late 2020. This is not a new thing. It is only another scare tactic. No treatment of course and she’s just fine.

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So true! A family member probably he has both (in FL). He’s going to be tested for the flu today and we all intend to keep it out of the news. The treatment - at home! - is exactly the same as what he was doing for covid and no reason to panic.

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I saw two days ago Israel was the breaking news on Epoch Times of the first person to get both and that’s where they dubbed the name flurona. 🤦🏼‍♀️ So, two days later it’s now in the USA. 😂 it will be all over the world by Friday 😂

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I do not believe it is both. It is their way of saying you have covid so they can count it as covid and not just the flu. Sneaky.

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Oh absolutely. This is part of their equation to fear monger us again and support their narrative.

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Department of Justice? Now there's a misnomer for you.

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The spin continues. This quote from our California “top doctor” is interesting and is to the point you are making.

“ On the other hand, Ghaly acknowledged that the state lacks critical data on just how severely the virus, especially the omicron variant, is affecting Californians. He noted that around 8,000 of the state’s approximately 51,000 hospital patients on Wednesday morning had tested positive for COVID. But, Ghaly said, it’s unclear how many of those patients were hospitalized because of COVID versus how many were admitted for different reasons and ended up incidentally having COVID.

Ghaly: “That distinction … is really important and helps us not only help manage the staffing challenges within some of the hospitals, but also project out the need for additional ICU capacity. … And as we see an increasing number of fully vaccinated individuals, boosted individuals, admitted to the hospital with incidental COVID … I think we’re starting to see a sort of different approach to that.””

When I look at the state data, which can be challenging to find, the latest breakthrough cases are 51% of the test positives. The breakthrough hospitalizations are 31%. Deaths around 30%.

A year ago when I was still working in the Department of Public Health I proposed we start classifying test positive cases by severity of illness: asymptomatic, mild, moderate and severe. That was poo pooed, the CDC wasn’t doing it. I think it was too scientific for them. It might have shown us something that we didn’t want to know and has been suppressed. It’s a big jump from cases to hospitalizations with a great deal of useful epidemiology info like waning severity of illness and vaccine in between.

Sigh….follow the science….thank you C and C.

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I know people that got sick went to the hospital and were asked if they had the shots. They said no and were sent home. Were told to come back when they got worse. No treatment what so ever. The next day one person died. The others had mild symptoms. Also they wonder why people cannot get tested is because they run out of testers. So how is a person that works and is to be tested each week but cannot find a place to get tested. People run to get tested for no reason and so then they run out. So you get no pay until you are tested and can go back to work. Companies need to stop the nonsense as they are losing more and more workers. Food cannot get out on the shelfs because no workers. Food is stacked up in the back but cannot get it out or no people from the warehouse to deliver. My son works at a grocery store and he said the majority of the people got vaxed and then a bunch were out sick. You can barely find anyone to help you if you need help.

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"You can barely find anyone to help you if you need help." Please, it's been like that since the late 1980s. Started with cutting staff to make bigger profits. Now, there's fewer left around working due to others being out sick. They'll be back.

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That distinction was called out as important by a lot of us, but the jerks insisted the classifications were appropriate.

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Thank you, you made me laugh. It is always a good day when that happens.

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I got the call yesterday. My religious exemption request has been denied by the military. I have 5 days to get a shot, accept forced retirement, or face punitive action as a "vaccine refuser". I'm hoping and praying for progress on these lawsuits.

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Praying for you

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Start thinking about all the things you can do after you retire and stay healthy because you refused the shot. Hang in there!

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The idiot in Chief is yelling at the camera about an insurrection or something. Purveyors of hysteria and fear porn at work.

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I don't know why but Jeff, you just hit my funny bone somehow.





And finally I just loved, "excreted an announcement..."

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A tip for getting good early treatment meds - contact your local compounding pharmacy (they make/provide ivermectin) and ask which providers are writing scripts for it. Make a tele- appointment with the provider and get needed meds ready for when covid comes to your household.

Then thank them all by referring others to them and giving them as much business as you can, including non-covid business.

Let’s go around the establishment that wants to destroy us and protect our at-risk friends and family!

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Australia was very clear when they said there was no flu this winter. And that they have not had flu for two years, but let’s not take their word for it.

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last year Johns Hopkins hospital who does the count of flu cases, sent out a memo they would not separate the flu from the covid cases. They also count all upper respiratory illnesses into the flu every year. I suppose that is why there was no flu last year?

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Then there is Michigan which has an extreme number of “cases”. The hospitals continue to post unvaccinated vs vaccinated no differentiation between those who are positive and those who have pending tests. Real helpful.

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I would love to support Jeff and the C&C newsletter with a subscription, but $500/year is a little too much for me. If he had a $100/year tier I'd gladly sign up.

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Yes!! I’d love tiered subscription levels. I want to support as well but $500 is a bit too high!

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You can do a one time donation now as well.

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