Am I the only one bothered by scientists from Scripps referring to Israeli Jews as β€œa working experimental lab for us to learn from.” ???

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Susan, we are probably all bothered by it, as we should be, but it's truth.

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I found that this newsletter is not searchable on Google but you can find it if you try DuckDuckGo or Bing. β€œJeff Childers Substack”. Sad that Google also censors search results but it’s true.

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You must speak too much truth for fb to take your post down.

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FB took out several groups like yours in the past 24 hours. I'm back in FB jail. So I joined via text with you Jeff, otherwise I wouldn't find you.

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FB removed today’s post

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Just tried to share and poof it's gone! smh... Such evil to keep the truth from people!

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I shared it back to several groups and myself.

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Appalling ...

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I just noticed that. Disgusting.

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Love this format and availability. Great information

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Need help here is Canada... fighting vaccine passport job loss. Need advice for legal action

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I'm a Californian, and I've been following the vaxx passport bill AB455. It wasn't defeated - it was tabled for now, most likely because they realized that if Newsom signed it into law it would make a LOT more people even angrier and seal his fate in the recall election coming up. I have no doubt it will make its way back sooner rather than later. And in the meantime, CA legislators are working on AB1102, another gut-and-amend bill that would write into CA anti-discrimination code that it is perfectly okay for employers to discriminate based on vaccine status (specifically mentioning that even those with natural immunity can be required to vaccinate to keep their job), thus paving the way for AB455 to come back with fewer legal challenges.

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The world has gone made.

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Thank you for bringing truth.

How much longer is the school superintendent/board going to have its way with masking our children? Anything happening there?

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Thank God for this quick solution. And thank you Thinker.

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Is this the post that FB took down?

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Sad and terrifying that they took your post down from Facebook. Thanks to you other supporters for posting the link to yesterday's post πŸ‘πŸ‘ God bless you πŸ™ŒπŸ™

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Today’s FB post is gone. I had to go to the end of yesterday’s FB post to find your links to get here & to meWe. The meWe link in your FB profile wouldn’t connect. Thank you Jeff!

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The url for the new platform is not searchable. Not on any search engine I’ve tried or just typing it into Safari. What’s up with that? Never had that happen with a browser before.

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Same here

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