Saw a friend in the finance business recently.

They brought up the rise in all cause mortality and shared they've lost many clients. To confirm what they were implying I asked so you believe the all cause mortality increased by the shots is real. The answer was yes.

They then went on to share a heart breaking story of a client in their early 60's, perfectly healthy, whose kids wouldn't let them see their grandchildren. You all know where this is going. Got the shot, dead within a week from a stroke. My friend met with this client a few days before their death...perfectly fine.

Reminder to Ohio peeps....PLEASE find someone collecting signatures for the Medical Right to Refuse to get this proposed Ohio constitutional ammendment on the ballot. If you can only get your signature and have a friend validate it, please consider doing so. Much appreciation. https://www.medicalright2refuse.com/ https://m.facebook.com/groups/865453777503768

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Sad to hear about your friend. Hope he changed his will and left everything to his grandchildren instead of his foolish children.

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We are watching a slow motion Holocaust on all Humanity.

People MUST wake up, STAND UP, and fight BACK, with everything they've got!

Legally, (file lawsuits, if you are able,) financially, (move your monies, who you spend them with, and how!) get your kids out of the insane indoctrination system, find a farmer, rancher, etc., and buy direct, boycott western medicine in all ways possible, and finally Harass Your Elected Officials & Media Outlets with Facts until they WAKE UP!

Join one of the dozens or resistance groups: Children's Health Defense, ICAN, Stand For Health Freedom, Mom's For Liberty, read the Expose, Epoch Times, Blaze Media, Daily Clout, Great Game India, or any of 100 great Substacks!

Let's Wake The World as the antidote to "Woke!" Bring actual truth, science and compassion together. The #1 task is to clean up corruption, collusion; the graft and greed running our nation. It's now or never, I believe the evidence does show....

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Took the words right out of my mouth. We are in the middle of a genocide perpetrated by our own Gov't and we pretend only a few hundred thousand have died when it must be in the millions just in the US. Our Gov't has been taken over in an internal coup backed by Nazi organizations that stole the election and we pretend that the electoral system still works. We are on the edge of the precipice. If the electoral system fails entirely, then we have fallen over the edge and gravity controls.

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Add to your list, StopTheWho.com

Share. Take Action. Share. Take Action.

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picking up her sharpest knitting needles. Ready !

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I'm an activist in my state (Az) and the the conservatives/rep. belong to the moaner, groaner and do nothing club.

Who will lead us into battle? Who will be out leader?

Trump is getting bad info on who to back at election. He was told by Tyler Boyer (az) to back mcSally last election a total rino and this time to back other rinos who just switched to being a republican. How do we get ahold of Trump to tell him the truth?

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Don't count on Trump. Read Secular Heretic on Substack first.

WE must do it! If no one is leading, grab the bullhorn, it's the only way!!

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I've got a bullhorn and a convertible car!

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That's a start!! Rally the troops, start a Free America from the FDA car parade!!

; ))

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I work in the finance field too. A lot more "suddenly " deaths. And the industry has never said one thing about the huge rise in life insurance claims in the past year and a half. They are covering up per their wef overlords.

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IMO Bankruptcy of life insurance companies in the near future is going to be hard to cover up by anyone.

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They'll stop paying because it's an experimental drug

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That's exactly what the actuaries are saying. We're not paying because client x participated in an experiment and assumed that risk. I'm merely speculating here, but that could also one of the reasons the cause of death is not being attributed to the jabs. The insurance companies are looking for that so they don't have to pay. What Dr., even if they make the connection, is going to deprive beneficiaries that much needed money after the death of their loved one? So, SADS becomes a thing on death certificates...and the whole mess becomes a cycle of suppression of information, causing more harm as actual jab deaths are vastly underreported.

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At some point, people will start denying they were vaccinated. For the insurance.

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I have no doubt that the insurance companies would try denying claims, and may eventually do so when the death is of a seemingly healthy person who dies soon after the jab. However, I believe the majority of deaths are among people who have accelerated cancers and heart issues due to the jab, but may be months or even a year later. There’s no way to connect all of those to the jab. So they’ll still be paying out huge amounts in claims, and as some have said, they may even go bankrupt.

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I agree. Though I think the insurance companies are going to try their best to find ways not to pay.

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Didn't Pfizer even use the word "prototype" in the documents they tried to hide for 75 years?

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Bingo. The final insult to the foolish who took the vaxx and paid with their lives. Then and only then would the awakening of what has happened by most of the vaxxers would occur. Deny their claim money would do it.

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There are many that took the experimental Jab because it was mandated for their job or just to participate in many activities. So evil!

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That will be due to climate change or something else.............................

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Just like fat little kids are fat because of climate change. Ugh.

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Long covid

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I heard an insurance attorney say just the opposite-----that the life ins cos will make tons of money bec they will say the insured participated in a dangerous/hazardous activity by taking the phase 3 experimental jab so the life ins co will not pay out the death benefit‼️

I thought the same thing you did!!!

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I just got a mailer trying to sell me life ins. Get lots of them. Funny thing is….no exam necessary but you have to answer questions, right? The questions have gone from 2020 have you been treated for mental illness in the last 5 years to 2022 have u been diagnosed with heart problems, kidney disease, and about 5 other jab related illnesses in the past 2 years! Ha! Good luck getting life insurance now. They are gonna weed out the jabbed ones.

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I never thought about the exclusions! Just like property insurance, they do not pay out for war damage! Wow! That is going to cause a huge mess for the families of those who die "unexpectedly" but of course then the insurance companies will have to prove it was the shot that killed the insured. Big mess!

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Wouldn’t that be ironic too though. The ins companies prove it was the jab to save their own skin and expose the govt at the same time! 😂 Bring it on!

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They would have to ask about the V, then there would have to be proof that the V caused side effects that could possibly cause death. It is a double edged sword for them. Should be interesting to see how this all plays out, if they don't kill us off before the end of the show. Hubs never signed the supposed paper giving his consent. His company forced the jab on everyone and he never saw or signed a form. I called our life insurance agent last April to ask if his life insurance would pay out if he died from the shot and the agent said "Of course, but the shots are safe, I have taken it myself!"

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Have you seen all the huge cases of employees suing their employers for a lot of money??

A lot of insurance agents are either not too bright or have no clue what is going on.

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Evil destroys itself. Just don't be standing under it when it collapses....

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Naomi Wolf had an excellent but disturbing column yesterday, https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/american-massacre-is-steve-kirsch?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email.

An excerpt:

"Here is what I will add to the testimony of Wayne Root - changing professions slightly to protect identities, but not enough for you, the reader, to fail to grasp the systemic nature of the harms and deaths unfolding in near proximity to us all:

Anecdotally: in my little town — a surveyor’s wife dropped dead of a stroke. The surveyor himself had a heart attack. A colleague of mine who had lung cancer well in remission, saw her lung cancer come back at a voracious pace; she now is at Stage Four. A colleague’s healthy brother dropped dead. A young adult’s friend dropped dead. A relative has kidney failure. A relative has tachycardia post-booster. A human rights leader dropped dead on a hike. A local community organizer has a thyroid tumor. The beloved volunteer for the local fire department suddenly died. The volunteer for a fire department one town over suddenly died. A relative fainted and hit her head so hard she had to have brain surgery, and she is now incapacitated. A young, healthy counselor at the therapy practice one state over has lung clots. A former colleague has a debilitating condition that she believes is “long COVID”, which I don’t have the heart to tell her corresponds to the side effects in the Pfizer documents. Two formerly healthy friends have myalgia — debilitating muscle pain — which I don’t have the heart to tell them is one of the top two side effects in the Pfizer documents. A health young woman had a “ministroke” while pregnant. Another healthy young adult has crippling joint pain — which is the top side effect listed in the Pfizer documents.

None of these people were told by their doctors that these are all side effects in the Pfizer documents, or that these harms are possibly mRNA vaccine related. The doctors themselves may not know. No one of these people, thus, has any idea that they may be vaccine-injured, or that the deaths of their loved ones may be vaccine-related deaths.

These folks were all, to my knowledge, mRNA-vaccinated."

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Every cancer I hear about now is suddenly and stage 4. What happened to the pre-cancer, stage 1, 2 and 3?

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Yep, I've seen that too. A close friend of my daughter had colon cancer in early 2019, it was successfully treated and in remission since then. Suddenly, after her booster in Septemer 2021, in November 2021 she was suddenly diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer....it had suddenly gone all over the place in her body, just out of nowhere. Prior to this, she had been feeling great with no problems at all. Very sad to watch her decline, and her doctors claim she just has a few months.

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I read that and shared it. The thing is...we all KNOW. But, short of stopping someone from getting any more jabs, we just sit and watch our jabbed loved ones carefully. Is it just a matter of time?

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When going in for the jab does ANYONE say to the Dr, “ May I see the literature on this, you know like the book I receive when picking up my prescriptions”? No they just put their arm out and let them inject poison into their arm !! This is SOOO sad 😢

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I don't usually get prescriptions, but when I do, I read that book.

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I asked around and not everyone received material to read.

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The anecdotes are starting to pile up way too high. I tried to attribute it to maybe just getting older (and thus knowing more folks with medical problems)., or maybe the Baader-Meinhof effect. But this week, after seeing the obit of a local 16-year-old who suffered sudden cardiac arrest... I can't justify it anymore.

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Yes, we have two couples in our church threatened with not being able to see their grandchildren. One couple caved; one didn't. However, to let them see their grandchildren, they vaccinated their small children. The mother, their daughter, is a nurse who obviously bought the narrative hook, line, and sinker!

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M'Fers. Jabbing young children - who are effectively at ZERO risk from the Chinese virus - jabbing them with a completely untested (actually, fraudulently tested) experimental prototype gene therapy.

So much of mankind is so f'n effed up.

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It's been effectively coined as "medical kidnapping". I personally witnessed it at UF Health in Gainesville back in April. The unit nurse claimed a positive Covid test would trigger a policy where that family is denied visitation rights.

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So sorry for anyone's loss to this death jab.

For more important action to take, everyone should go to StopTheWho.com They are trying to ratify universal Global control of "health requirements". Take action. Share. Take Action. Share.

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The bioweapon is the depopulation tool, and the cost of final stage healthcare / no life insurance payouts are wealth transfers.

Remember, they want 90%+ dead AND their money. Any kids and grandkids left MUST be poor.

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Yes, that is it in a nutshell.

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Printed the packet and collecting Signatures!

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Thank you so much!!!

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Since the topic of mortality has come up...again, anyone have thoughts on this? This is not some kid in his basement making this stuff up, this is serious 3 letter organizations involved. Not sure what to make of it myself but the more you dig into it the more concerned I get.


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I finally caught on the that was from two years ago which makes it even more sickening. I guess you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to put the pieces together. Never thought I’d live to see these times.

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In 2017, Deagel forecast a 70% drop in the US population by 2025. Deagel is a private forecasting organization similar to Jane's that is used by Gov'ts and the US military. When you go to their forecast, Deagel does not tell you what assumptions they are using to draw their conclusions. But then again, this Covid plandemic has been long in the planning well before 2017. I am not familiar with Deagel so I went to Doug Casey's web site, as he is one of the few commentators I trust, to get his take. Here is some of what he said:

"Has anything changed in your perspective on the future of the US?

"Doug Casey: No. I’m afraid the election of actual Bolsheviks in 2020—and I don’t use that term lightly—has sealed its fate. Not to mention that the nomenklatura in most major cities and states are cut from the same cloth...

"What if the real problem is the new vaccines. What if, after X number of months or years, they turn out to have very deadly effects? There’s a reason new drugs are tested over a period of years, which is far from the case here. Ted Turner, Bill Gates, and numerous others who think they’re “elite” have long said that the earth’s population ought to be reduced radically, perhaps by 80%. Is it too shocking to believe that some group would take advantage of this to cull the human population?...

"The political consequences are evident. The Biden people in Washington, D.C. are exactly the same personality types who took over Russia in 1917 or France in 1789. They aren’t going to let go of the apparatus of power now that they’ve got it. They will find a way to re-install themselves in 2024..."


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Thanks Phil for additional background on this. Makes me feel like we are heading onto a Stephen King's "The Stand" scenario. Not a pleasant thought.

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It's a lot to process. It's intimidating due to the unbelievable magnitude of the threat. I think the usual response to something this threatening is an automatic denial...a whistling past the graveyard.

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Did you know that Adam Schoff's great-great-great(-great?) grandpa was a New York banker? And did you know he bankrolled those behind the 1917 Russian Bolshevik revolution?

Not just same personality types. Literally the same blood relations.

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Not specifically but not surprising. This is true of other bloodlines in the banking world. Money and ideology always seems to run in the same bloodlines. These are the people who orchestrate and finance tyranny behind the scenes for decades. They are not the public figures like Biden, Hitler or Lenin.

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I’m going out on a rather large limb here and going to speculate that if the affidavit was damaging to Trump it would’ve been disclosed in the front page of every news media outlet. Conversely since it is being denied disclosure it must be pretty damaging to the DOJ. Anyone else see it that way?

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Yea, it’s the same with denying the review of the things taken for attorney-client privilege. You know they took stuff that should never have been taken and didn’t list it on inventory, just like the passports.

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Also, might be jockeying the timing closer to the election in Nov to be most recent DJT card to play and plant in minds of voters who go with the knee jerk response as they go in to mark a ballot.

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I agree. Protocol wouldn’t have mattered and protecting the investigation wouldn’t have mattered if releasing the document might hurt Trump.

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Has anyone considered creating a counterfeit affidavit implicating Hillary, Biden and black hats and cleverly releasing it to the Media? How would Garland be able to prove it was fake?

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Not even willing to release affidavit with redacted names is beyond unreasonable.

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The DOJ doesn't want to release the documents because of what is NOT in them. They will reveal it was a fishing expedition and totally political in nature. How stupid do they think we are?

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You hit the nail on the HEAD. Good job!

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In my most droopy lipped Stalone impression, ... "Yo, Absolutely"

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The thickest, sturdiest limb of Yggdrasil, that one.

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Pastor Mike McClure at Calvary Chapel San Jose is the real deal, a gifted teacher and good man of God. If only there were ten thousand more like him. Several other CC's were also leaders on this including Rob McCoy's church in Thousand Oaks, CA and the Calvary Chapel in Vegas.

I'm probably biased as I was saved at a Calvary Chapel (Merritt Island), married at a Calvary Chapel (Ventura County) and attend one today. My wife grew up attending the first one with Chuck Smith in Costa Mesa. There are thousands of them and YMMV, but if you are looking for sound biblical teaching you really can't go wrong there.

Edit: If you want to read what Pastor Mike is about, here's a two-part interview with him two months after he decided to open the church in violation of the public health order.



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Add Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills to that list. He led the charge challenging pastors to reopen & not take their orders from government. Of course the weak ones threw around a misinterpretation of Romans 13 and caved. At least we know who is the real deal now.

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A true church - not bowing to the evil globalist cabal. God will continue to bless them.

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Not only did they stay open for their flock (& anyone else whose own church was shuttered, like many of my friends who drove from an hour away), but they hosted some of our great fighters against tyranny, including RFK, Jr., Artur Pawlowski, and just this last Saturday, Robert Malone, to packed houses. And the church is not small, with a capacity of 1,500, so the Santa Clara County public health people were faced w/a serious push back on a weekly basis. Oh, and you rarely see anyone w/a mask on there.

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Amen! And it was Jack Hibbs at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills that posted about Coffee and Covid - that's how I discovered Jeff Childers! These pastors and churches are the real deal, and I attend remotely each week, grateful for their bold ministries.

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I was also born again in Calvary Chapel (Philadelphia). I have moved around a lot in life, and always look for a Calvary Chapel in my new city. I have yet to find a good one.

There is one where I live now, but the pastor preaches like any other church does. He doesnt teach the bible in the way Pastor Chuck did. :(

Luckily, Pastor Joe (Philly branch) has recorded all his teachings and has an app available with all of it

Anyway, God Bless Calvary Chapel! It is the ONLY church I would ever go to.

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I agree. I go to Godspeak now which is a fantastic house of worship and am about to move to TX, but there I’ll have to drive over an hour to the nearest Calvary Chapel.

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Did you see this C&C hero story from the Health Freedom Defense Fund, Jeff?


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I am beyond thankful for C&C and Jeff! He is a hero!

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This is absolutely AWESOME, as is our man Jeff! So very proud of Jeff, and what an honor to be chosen as the FIRST hero! Also, I am proud to be a member of the C&C Army and grateful to Jeff for giving us an avenue to make our voices heard through our pocketbooks via the Multipliers. It's a great feeling, so, thanks, Jeff! And congratulations!

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How nice that article was! And of course how modest of Jeff not to say anything about it!!! Congratulations Jeff

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Well deserved 😊👍🇺🇸

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Thank you for sharing!

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Kudos Jeff!

Have to say tho that I felt uneasy about the article “outing” the specifics of the multiplier. One more thing for 87k IRS agents and FBI.den to chase after.

Loved also from the article:

“You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one. And if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life! It’s not about food. It’s about keeping those ants in line.” – Hopper, A Bug’s Life

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Any of us who are outspoken Christians or Conservatives will be targeted by the corrupt IRS just like Lois Lerner did during the Obama administration. She specifically targeted the Tea Party and other conservative groups. Sadly, the government overreach and selective targeting will only continue unchecked through the OBiden administration by weaponizing the full force of the bureaucracies against their political and ideological enemies.

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I wish there was a crying emoji button to select instead of like because I don't like this😭. I think you are so correct in your statement. Guess that is why they need 87k new agents.

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...”encouragement of connection rather than separation, courage rather than fear, and truth rather than propaganda.” 💗 Great work!

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That's from Aug 8, and we are just now seeing it. Still very cool!

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Thank you for sharing the link! Kudos to Jeff & all of us! Thank you Jeff for all your hard work & efforts. I continue to pray for you, our country, & leaders.

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Excellent! Thank you Jeff!

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Calvary Chapel showed some real courage during the lockdowns. They were fined 5K every Sunday week after week but the paster ,Mike McClure , held fast to the hand of GOD. I bet he felt a bit like David standing up to the big bully and look how that worked out! God is good ALL the time!!

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A true man of God.

One thing this plandemic showcased: the corruption and infiltration of most mainline Churches worshipping at the altar of state dictates. It brought me back, thank the Lord, to Traditional Latin Mass (under assault by the woke Vatican) in my own Catholic faith. The joy and delight of returning to the ancient rites, hearing the Word of God proclaimed without bias, not to mention meeting faithful, practicing Christians, will ensure I never return to ‘novus ordo,’ even if my faith is forced underground as in the time of earlier persecution. Viva Christo Rey.

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Agree. Most churches have been infiltrated. The rainbow for them has nothing to do with Noah and God's promise to mankind. They identify the rainbow with inclusion and acceptance of all alphabet people and practices.

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You may have reported this previously but John MacArthur’s church, Grace Community Church in LosAngeles, received a $800,000 settlement after refusing to close the church during Covid. Freedom to practice your religious beliefs has prevailed. May this freedom never be infringed upon again! I’m thankful there are brave pastors who obey God before man!

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Yes, another stalwart man of God.

The utter gall of these people that they thought they could close churches as non-essential while allowing Costco, Walmart, and the local liquor store to stay open. If it's really that bad then everything needs to close, not just stuff that the Governor doesn't like or is tax exempt (particularly stuff with First Amendment protection). Of course, it wasn't really that bad as open pot dispensaries showed quite clearly.

I hate to see a demonic conspiracy about every action, but I can tell you that our attendance never fully rebounded to pre-Covid levels. From what I've heard that's pretty common at other churches too. Seems like that was part of the plan.

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And strip clubs - can't forget the strip clubs being deemed "essential". At least some states are now passing laws saying that churches are essential so if you say that other essential businesses can stay open, so can churches. (Should be a given, but ...)

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And the marijuana stores were deemed essential!

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Our church has grown a lot. We were open other than the initial 6-week lockdown in MO.

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Where in MO?

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I dont attend church. But if I DID, and my church had shuttered their doors during Covid - I would never return.

Men DIED to give us our 1st amendment rights, and all those churches that closed and cowered, spit on those men's graves. Screw them - I would NEVER go back.

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Easy to say that, but when you have a group you're doing life with and have relationships with, there is a LOT of other stuff going on. The early days - nobody really knew what was going on, even if we suspected. Many pastors/leaders wanted to protect their church members - that's their job. Not knowing any better and not having good sources for information, they'll go with the "experts". Sadly - those experts were anything but or they were compromised.

The reasoning for our church leaders was more around "protect our people" rather than "the government says to do this" or "people are afraid". Add in that too many prominent/influential "evangelical leaders" bought in to this and pushed a love your neighbor narrative and many pastors were caught up by experts who were anything but.

Now the ones who segregated their flocks into "vaxxed or not" - that's a whole 'nother level. And even then there's a combination of the pastors who just don't know any better and listen to the voices that should be experts and providing good information and those who are truly afraid and far too affected by the psy-op. That gets worse if you're in a heavily covidian population. :(

That said - I don't agree with the "mask up and get your shots" pastors, but for many I can have some understanding of why they might have gone that way. The ones still pushing that today are a different story, but in the really early months I could kind of see it.

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Except that it's not their job to protect the physical health of their parishoners. It's their job to protect the spiritual health and souls of their parishoners. Any church that closed its doors or implemented any restrictions was not serving God and His will.

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We've been keeping very close track of our attendance since churches were "allowed" to open back up last summer. There is no rebound. What you see is that prior to Covid our attendance was already trending down, but you still had people attend basically out of habit. Covid hit (and our feckless Bishops rolled to the State's demands) and attendance was literally forbidden so we dropped to nothing. The State relented and a remnant of worshippers returned and have remained constant, but so many for whom going to weekly Mass was a cultural habit, have not returned.

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Sadly, there are several things that tie into that. The shutdown of the churches, the leaders who kept forcing masks, the leaders who (worse) discriminated based on vax status, and then you add in "but I can just participate from my living room". Yes, attendance was already trending downward before the crazy hit, but those things all contributed to people not coming back.

I know our church had a _lot_ of people stop coming because they required masks for another year or so. I'll admit I was really close to moving on at that point because other churches in the area were dropping that "requirement" and it was _way_ past time for us to return to in-person worship. Sadly, several clashed heavily with church leadership over the mask requirements and won't ever set foot in the doors again. :(

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You're right, Peter. I remember pleading with our priest over the masking issue arguing that wearing a mask was asking me to bear false witness to my neighbor given that I KNEW they didn't work. He just saw it as a way of making people "feel better." It was very difficult to get through these times but the Eucharist kept me going. I did reach a point where I did stop complying with the masking rule and my priest did not confront me directly though he did call out, from the ambo, people who weren't wearing their mask correctly. I can only hope that he looks back on that and is a little humbled and, frankly, ashamed. Sadly, too many in the Church stood down when they should have been standing up.

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Sadly, there are still too many who don't see that as an issue. They think "that's a silly thing for people to get upset over" instead of possibly seeing it as a "that's bearing false witness" (both in "they work" and "I'm sick" cases) and how it could be a sin for some people to partake in that deception. Even now, our SS teacher just says "that's a silly thing to be divided over". I agree, but for different reasons than he likely means.

Didn't help that one of the physicians in our congregation pushed hard for people to wear masks and leadership went along with his "expertise". And now that physician is in a higher-level Country position as well. :( (though at least the crazy has mostly departed around my area)

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And bearing false witness is only the beginning of my objections to masking! We could also talk about how ineffective they are or how dehumanizing. Or, how they actually inspire anxiety and not comfort. We could talk about how they were used as a form of punishment in previous times and how Westerners, previously scandalized by the practice of Islamic "covering," willingly obscured half their faces for almost 2 years. There are STILL people wearing masks to Mass and all I see in their eyes is fear. It is so sad. I think I find masking the MOST troubling aspect of all the NPIs taken during the pandemic and I really worry the damage done is irreversible.

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Yes, sounds like our church over the mask mandate. It was instituted for approximately 2 months and was very divisive! Yes, I felt the same way that it was bearing false witness when I knew they didn't work. I ended up getting a medical mask waiver and did not wear a mask. Our city voted out our liberal city council. I don't think a lockdown or mask mandate would happen again!

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Good. They shouldnt. I wouldnt, either.

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I'm just hopeful that the dog licked a lesion then licked its bottom. All other speculation is too gruesome to consider. Perhaps they're zoosexuals in which case we've just got to accept that's what they do and it's not at all degenerate. A pox on all your houses for being so judgy and LGBQTXYZ etcetera ad nauseum-phobic, I say!

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That made me laugh out loud. But so gross 🤮

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That poor dog! I agree- all other transmissions are too gruesome (and abusive) to consider.

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Ah, the perverted pounders porked the puppy !!!!

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Gives the term "Screwed The Pooch" a whole different dynamic, yes ??

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P.S. Jeff, I’m so glad you’re feeling better! I know many C&C readers were lifting you up in prayer!

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"The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they eventually get to the scene."

Or to put it another way, America always does the right thing, after it tries everything else. (Winston Churchill)

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You guys saw this right...in addition to the crap machines and hardware that need be nuked...we've got a software company in MICHIGAN that operates in every state that is essentially a CCP front...and wait for it...wait....the FBI and other agencies have done nothing....effing nothing.


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We need everyone in Ohio to ask for and vote on paper ballots! People need to understand they can legally do this instead of using the machines. Is this allowed in Michigan?

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Paper ballots. Do you mean paper ballots that must be hand-counted -- not the paper ballot with circles to darken & get scanned? Is that an option for voters to demand?

And is it for everyone or just the requesting voter?

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