There is a reason why the love of money is considered to be the root of all evil and it’s not just what people are willing to do to get it, but also the control it grants to the person giving it over the person getting it.

Washington, for example, controls the states by granting them money on a rolling basis, and once they are hooked they threaten to take it away if the states do not do what Washington tells them to do. So they do it.

So is it any wonder then, to learn that the reason schools require and strictly enforce masking children - one of the biggest crimes against humanity in history - is because they are paid to do so by the CDC?


more here: tritorch.com/legion

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"no need to wear a mask " "it is perfectly safe here in Chinatown come on down " "you must wear a mask " "you are selfish and a terrible person if you dont wear a mask" "you will kill your grandma if you dont wear a mask" "you cannot enter without a mask " "masks are nothing more than face decoration" "masks are not effective " "we need to lift mask mandates now to be taken seriously the next time " ... and we are supposed to trust these peoples' science ? They are absolutely the worst leaders i have ever seen in my life.

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Let’s take a little time to unpack a REAL emergency situation. From the CDC website:

The US obesity prevalence was 42.4% in 2017 – 2018.

Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. These are among the leading causes of preventable, premature death.

The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the United States was $147 billion in 2008. Medical costs for people who had obesity was $1,429 higher than medical costs for people with healthy weight.

Throw a little Covid into the mix and you’ve got one hell of a gravy train! But, let’s not focus on prevention….of anything. There is no money in keeping people well. There are altruistic and caring individuals within the medical community but to the Apex Predator Hospital Administrators you are merely an entry in a ledger. Your value gets higher the sicker you get.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Just look at the replies to that tweet from Delaware’s governor though. First, he follows it up by suggesting all the kids need to get the shot. And then the Delaware public rolls in freaking out that kids might not have to wear masks in school…starting seven weeks from now. I said it when Jeff started talking about Narrative 2.0: they’re gonna have a real hard time deprogramming some of these cucks they’ve created, and it’s going to present a real problem for them as their entire base’s collective head explodes. 🀯

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

To my favorite COVID blogger, you are so refreshing and a joy to read daily! Thx!

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Wow a lot of governors are shifting at the same time. Interesting indeed.

The Truckers movement seems to be our biggest offensive play currently. Looks like more blockades are underway along several border areas now.

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While I’m thrilled to be seeing a shift in the narrative, it is absolutely maddening that people like Leana Wen think we are so stupid. The lady who just last year said we needed our freedoms dangled like a carrot in front of us. MADDENING!

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Remember Occupy Wall Street? The Truckers are OWS 2.0, except this time instead of just bitching about rich people, they are the fight against something far more dangerous than wealthy bankers: OVERT TYRANNY.

Long may it continue.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

As I made a cup of coffee just now and prepared to enjoy today’s C & C, a quick question came to mind. A rather ironic one since I just discovered I have Covid. I wondered if I should be drinking coffee while I have Covid? The thought was quickly extinguished as I knew the answer was right in front of me.

Jeff would not have named his blog (is that what this is called as I’m so old fashioned I know I don’t get things correct) Coffee and Covid for no reason so I then knew it was OK to consume coffee!πŸ˜‰

I can’t taste the drink but it’s warm and I can imagine the flavor😊

And reading these posts nearly every day is good for one’s healing. But I will tell you I enjoy just as much the caliber of responses by the followers of C & C. You are like an extended family and I thank all of you for commenting thoughtfully and playfully each day. β™₯️ To you from Ak.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

β€œThe government can’t keep on telling our citizens that this is a five-alarm fire all the time. People are just going to start tuning it out and not pay attention; they’ll be desensitized.” Sounds a lot like the justification for the DHS’s β€œTerrorism Threat Level” system shortly after 9/11. β€œGotta give β€˜em a breather from the constant fear porn.” Never went below 3 though. And then one day, just like that, they took down all the signs without mentioning anything about it ever again… So. Weird.


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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I think that Leanna Wen always needs to be introduced as "The former head of Planned Parenthood, Dr. Leanna Wen...." The irony of the past-President of Planned Parenthood expressing concerns about the safety of children is rich...

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Has anybody noticed something BIG is missing in the news?

It's the warnings of "a new variant" that is missing. EVEN if there IS a new variant on the horizon, which there easily could be, it'll be the quietest news never seen.... because now they NEED the Pandemic to lift. All of a sudden there may be a "rise in ordinary colds," or something like that, but I think we can easily say that the news will ignore any "new variant" that might be on the horizon (for once - the MSM is doing a GOOD thing.).

BTW I had symptomatic Covid in the past two weeks, verified with a positive test. Despite my age and good though less than perfect physical condition, if I hadn't seen the positive test results, I'd have told everyone "looks like I caught a cold." Not a SEVERE cold, mind ya. Just an average, everyday-type cold.

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Feb 8, 2022Β·edited Feb 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Geez, I cannot tell you how much good it does my Covid Response Insanity weary heart to begin the day with Jeff’s report and comments. As something of an aficionado of sarcasm and satire it is a delightful bonus when such important and interesting comments are delivered by a writer such as Jeff who has raised the gift of sarcasm to the level of an art form. Kudos!

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Feb 8, 2022Β·edited Feb 16, 2022

Hi I’m a Black American left the Democratic Party in 2020 I woke up to their race baiting deep state Agender in 2020 they could never win me back over when hell freezes over I despise this party I’m ashamed that I had been a lifetime democrat not knowing that I was conservative all along. I didn’t know what I know now. They use Black people as pons bait & switch. More black people need to wake up to this fact. I can say a lot more maybe I will write a book about it😁

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, If C&C was a stock, I think I would take out a second mortgage and buy all I could.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I always wondered why hospitals were so hell-bent on not offering treatments and/or experimenting with drugs. I expected doctors would be willing to try anything to save their patients

The liability shield explains it all.

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