Bad news for the media; DeSantis calls for the FDA to un-cancel mABs; Psaki calls DeSantis crazy; Masks are back in New York after one day of face freedom; Pelosi vexes dems; and more...
It's really too bad that there wasn't a reporter brave enough to ask "Peppermint Patty" (😂😂) the same thing you asked yesterday, Jeff: "Since the vax hasn't proved safe or effective against Omicron either, will that be stopped as well (as the mAB's)?" Man! Lost opportunity to put her on the spot!!
Frankly, I’ve had it with all of this mask nonsense. Burn them, the damn things are useless. Read the box: “Does not prevent the spread of infectious disease.” There are literally dozens of studies that prove this is a fact. If someone drops the “There’s no “I” in team load of crap on you, kindly remind them that “There’s no “U” either, so get the hell out of the way! We’re not on the same team.” I’m done with these cultists who want to keep us mired in a pharmaceutical Vietnam. Supporting another person's irrational thoughts and behaviors is not a virtue.
As near octogenarians, we found a way to avoid masking for all but about 2 hours total for the entire fake Covid masquerade. I recall wearing a mask into Walgreens one time to by a years worth of vitamin D3.
I love this comment, at the same time it makes me wonder if the choice is really between masking up to enter real life or live in isolation at home… unless you live in a free state
It’s actually dangerous because it allows people to think they can go out when sick, infecting others, instead of realizing the mask does nothing and staying home.
True! Now it says that the masks protect against "microorganisms," which I guess gives the impression that they protect against viruses for those users who don't know how microorganism is defined:
1. An organism or infectious agent of microscopic or submicroscopic size, especially a bacterium or protozoan.
2. A microscopic organism, as a bacillus, bacterium, or vibrio; a microbe; a microzoary.
3. Any microscopic form of life; a form of life too small to be seen by the naked eye; -- particularly applied to bacteria, protozoa, yeasts, and similar organisms, esp. such are supposed to cause infectious diseases.
See any virus mentioned under the definition of "microorganism?" Hmm, neither do I.
All of this is fine with me. Just don't force me to wear one. I seem to be doing fine without one, while others who have engaged in every imaginable mitigation, including the thrice jabbed, are getting sick.
I was verbally attacked here in Breckenridge at a store for not wearing a mask by a woman wearing a gappy mask hanging off her nose, accusing me of being the problem and that I should be ashamed. She's in healthcare so she KNOWS. (Me staring at her, feeling sorry for her for how stupid she looked and sounded, oblivious that she has no credibility whatsoever.) "Really? Since you KNOW, why did I get Covid when wearing a mask again?" No answer. These people are truly delusional, psychotic and under the spell of such evil ignorance. Huzzah to be among the tribe of SMART ones who are not deluded and wearing the belt of truth that hugs better than their pathetic germ rags. Keep sharing truth and fighting the good fight. Thanks, Jeff.
I'm impressed that you found compassion for her. You are correct; they are psychotic and the worst are the medical establishment who are deep in mass formation.
Totally! I have the same experience. I know He puts a guard over my mouth - and even mind sometimes b/c I'm suddenly blank on what I could be saying. It helps that I'm not a quick thinker. When I have been, my mouth has gotten me in trouble and I've had to apologize. The HS does not let me off the hook. Blessings to you Jenny for being Jesus in the flesh to this woman.
Lol! I feel the same! Except I work in healthcare and wait expectantly for the grocery store clerk to explain to me why ‘masking works.’ And then I go shop somewhere else.
I'm in CO too (Loveland) and I've been cussed out once, by the guy in front of me in line at Safeway. I thought he dropped something (a shopping list and stack of coupons) and I asked if it was his. He barked at me! I said, "I was only trying to help" and he said, "if you were trying to help you'd wear your mask!" OMG. It was the lady in front of him who had dropped the papers and she was so grateful I spoke up and passed them to her (around him - he didn't touch them) - she said it was "money" to her. After the grouchy old guy left the store clerk said he sees stuff like that all the time (customers fighting in line) but they have been specifically instructed not to intervene one way or another. I feel for them - understaffed - minimum wage - working behind plexiglass - watching a parade of what we have become as a people.
Maybe the best reply to these people is to say softly, "Why are you so angry?" and see what they say. Probably it would be a diatribe, but when they were done ranting, I would say, "Don't you know there is early effective treatment available?" If they kept going, you'd know they are in a mass formation and should give up engaging with them.
I think it’s fair to say to them “you and your masking behavior is one of the reasons why this darn scamdemic isn’t over yet. You understand masks don’t work, right? Here, let me show you some studies. Happy to text them to you as well.” #StopTheInsanity
Oh and btw, as expected, the rapid tests Joe Biden got for each of us are from China. The CCP is laughing all the way to the bank! Is our country stupid or what? We ordered a 1/2 billion tests from China. No thank you. As one writer said, testing is a way for them to capture our dna. We need to rethink this, seriously. SupportAmericanBusiness
psychotic... mass delusion mass psychosis.. I never thought I would live through it . I was taught about it, warned about it... as a jewish boy growing up inthe 1970s, we learned how an entire society turned against its largely assimilated, peaceful prosperous accomplished minority jewish population. Scapegoated them out of fear and tribalism. the way covid was managed by the US gov has brought this out in the US general population. The public health establishment is guity of crimes against humanity. Not only for their suppression of early out patient treatments but for not realizing that their handling of the whole episode stoked fear and mistrust and was a setup for this type of mass formation. Many sociologists and psychologists have studied these types of mass movements. There is an ample literature. For the public health establishment to not be aware of such a phenomenon and realize that their actions could lead to this is a monstrous display of incompetence.
We were just in Breckenridge and were surprised at how very aggressive store employees were regarding masks. They would yell “Mask up!” from the back of the store as soon as someone entered.🙄
It's like they want to turn away business. A supermarket chain where I live has gone back to spritzing shoppers with hand sanitizer upon entry. The two times I was going to shop there, I left when I saw that. Not spending money to be more harassed than is already "required" by the tyrant governor.
Ugh, I would cross that place to visit off my list. Last night (in IN), my husband was offered a package of N95 masks at the grocery store! He said no thanks and kept walking.
Were they free? I'd take anything (Well, most anything.) they were giving away free. If it costs me nothing, up front, and they'll raise prices anyway whether I took it or not. I could always use them around the house when refinishing, sanding, painting, anything like that.
I am so disappointed and surprised since we were here a month ago and the restrictions were not so bad at the grocery store. Especially since the governor here eased up! So far restaurants have been no problem to go in which is wise if they want any business. I don't need the store merch that badly!
Agree on this. Spent months arguing with and being censored by colleagues. It shocked me. My training was very hard and yet so many just carry on the (ever changing) narrative, no questions asked, no scrutiny about the ‘research.’ It blew my mind. Eventually I dropped my professional agency and the $800 fee that went along with it and decided to spend that money in better places, like here, where people are actually being helped.
Why no comments / coverage of Senator Johnson's 5 hour pow wow with the finest health care professionals in the Country and World? The silence is deafening!
Truly the best show in town. Sen, Ron Johnson hosted a very important event. One highlight was near the end of the session where attorney Tom Renz announced 3 military whistleblowers.
On Jan 24, 2022 , Senator Ron Johnson held a "Covid-19 Second Opinion" hearing where attorney Tom Renz announced three whistleblowers who gave him permission to make their names public (1) Lt. Col., Dr.Theresa Long, (2) Dr, Samuel Sigoloff and (3) Flight Surgeon, Lt. Col., Dr. Peter Chambers.
Attorney Renz said all three declarations are submitted under penalty of purgery and will be submitted to the courts. -- Included in the declarations is substantial data showing miscarriages and cancers increased by almost 300% over the 5 year average.
Another devastating implication to military pilots, air safety and national security is over 1,000% increase in neurological issues - ie: From 82,000 to 863,000 cases over the same 5 year average. --
I am in the UK. I don't know what the official legislation states in the US or elsewhere, but here in the UK the wording used is NOT "mask", but "Face Covering". Stores have signs on doors saying "Face coverings must be worn" etc. This is because the legislation states clearly this phrase and makes NO mention of masks at all. Of course everyone uses the word "mask" and many stores ask me "where is your mask?" and phrases like that.
My argument/defence since day one has been "Here is a printout of the LAW. It says "Face Covering". It does NOT say "mask". So, here is my face covering...." and I either pull my baseball cap over my face (sometimes saying "now you see me, now you don't, cos my face is covered ass hole) or I just put my hand over my mouth and nose. There, legally compliant. Go F**k yourself. It has led to some fun discussions, especially when people around me realise there is NO law about "MASKS", in the UK at least! :D
Hahaha! Good one, Mark! I saw a video, early on with the 'mask" mandate, where store signs were only saying, "Mask required"--the guy walked in without one but when told he needed a mask, he pulled it out of his pocket and showed the clerk. "You have to wear it." The clerk told him. After some back and forth "conversation" the guy finally put the mask on--on top of his head! I noticed signs changed after that to say or show masks on faces.
ha ha. The left has forgotten that TRUE civil disobedience both has a REAL purpose, and can be DAMN FUNNY when done properly :D
I had one recently. Walked in a small village shop. A woman looking like the twin sister of BigRed was at the counter. She turned around to see me (not quite 6 feet) behind her and mad a loud objection to me: "Do you know you're trying to KILL ME?". I replied: "Your passive aggression is duly noted. But frankly, if I were trying to kill you, I think you'd be running away not trying to dress me down as if you could shame me into obeying you." (Full disclosure: There was perhaps an expletive or two in there somewhere". The woman who runs the shop (I know her) absolutely fell backwards laughing and the woman said "I will never shop here again", to which we both laughed, as I opened the door for her, covering my mouth with my hand, hiding my laughter more than my covid expulsions :D
They're a bit more specific here. "Must cover nose and mouth." Some say "cloth." In CA, where the the sign says "required," I don't challenge it. I just don't want the hassle. I'm on my way out of CA anyway. When I'm in states where it says, "recommended," I skip it. My upcoming new home state is a "skip it" state. I would have preferred TX, but at least I got AZ.
Here our signs say masks. Most places don't have the signs, just an odd few (stores). Drs offices require you to wear masks and provide you with the masks.
That was kinda the point I was making. Here the shops all say "masks" too, but the LAW DOES NOT! And I enjoy showing them the law and seeing their surprise. In Britain, a little known fact: The BBC makes the law, at least insofar as people's understanding of it. A nation of imbeciles, sadly.
'“Green Pass” — is “no longer necessary or effective in its current form.”
Note that phrase "In its current form". There is still an endgame form in this two steps forward one step back totalitarian dance. The all-encompassing digital ID is the goal, the non-current form.
Narrative 2.0 may not be 1.0 but it's still a narrative.
Another factor suppressing business travel are companies like my employer who will not allow me to travel for business at all because I am not vaccinated. I work remotely but because I am unvaxxed (and have an approved RE) I am barred from the corporate campus and am not permitted to travel on corporate business. Well golly darn, please don’t throw me in that there briar patch! 🤣
Same here. In fact I'm being fired at the end of Feb for non-vaxx compliance. And am banned from campus. Even tho I'm healthy as a Horse. And the masked, triple-jabbed Karens on campus are harboring and spreading the dreaded plague. Absolute insanity.
Yes, it’s amazing how many vaxxed and boosted employees are coming down with COVID. And our generous, sympathetic employer gives them an additional 10 days of PTO that doesn’t count against their regular PTO or short term disability. And they get a huge care package sent to their home as well. Discrimination much? They aren’t doing a thing for those of us healthy and still working, picking up the extra work of the others.
Classic early signs of the yellow tags we'll be having to wear. It took Hitler 5-6 years to get one group to see the other as less than human. We're only a couple years in. It IS personal, but still under the hood - mostly. SO?
Meanwhile, on the United flights the miserable and angry flight attendants spend almost 60% of their time being mask police telling people to cover their noses or they will give them a card that kicks them off permanently! Way to win win customers into your half filled planes!
I drove to Florida from Vermont this year and last because I don't want to be part of the mask charade. Flying was awful and uncomfortable enough, before this new nonsense.
I flew American a lot in 2021 (well, enough to make Premium status anyway), but I'm growing VERY weary of the mask on the airplane thing. It's stupid. Also stupid is that they will serve alcohol in First Class but not Coach. Anyhow, we've canned our Italy plan this year just because we don't feel like having a mask on that long. Instead, we'll be married in Palm Springs (it's an easy drive from where we live) lol!
I wouldn't heap any praise yet on the Jerusalem Times. As quoted from the article, the so-called Green Pass is “no longer necessary or effective in its current form.” That doesn't mean that they really want to see it end; it is just as possible that they simply are advocating that it to be in a different format.
One which, I suspect, would be even more invasive, but that's just me...
I'll withhold any props until more information becomes available; in today's world, propaganda is so prevalent because it works.
Why not just use off label ivermectin , hcq, intravenous vitamin C instead of injecting another cocktail? DeSantis? Bueller?
even the supreme court didn't address that medical procedures are wrong for employment.
They just said it's not right because you can't undo the regulation, like you can a helmet or suit for safety. (One day it can be a brain implant you have to wear but remove when work is done???)
It's a cop out. I think all of them are jabbed and we saw how Roberts etc played games with CMS
So the issue is not that it's illegal but can we make them see that when they're blinded by belief, money, hopes, and other dreams.
Aaron Siri has been great in challenging that, by bringing the science to their faces. These lawyers didn't and even gorsuch was busy defending vaccines while saying they have risks. It was the weakest win on a technicality, given to us as a political gift. But not ammo to fight pharma.
I was also wondering the same. I really like what DeSantis has done so far except I’m a little perplexed as to why he hasn’t insisted on making ivermectin & hydroxychloriquine a must!
I'm encouraged that New Hampshire may allow over the counter purchase of ivermectin, a known cure for C19. Meanwhile, I've stocked up on the horse paste with 1.87% ivermectin (right from Amazon).
My wife thinks the paste is sketchy, so for the normies I'm getting the human tablets. Use this site in India. Uses e-check (which is safe, but I used my backup bank account which only has a few thousand in it). 60 tablets of 12mg Ivermectin or 200mg HCQ is enough for a year if one tablet taken weekly.
Ivermectin (IVM) - Take one 12mg tablet daily for 5 days with food, then take one tablet weekly. Also take a daily zinc supplement.
Ivermectin $128.00 for 60 12mg tablets. Cost $108 +$20 shipping.
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) - Take one 200mg tablet daily for 5 days with food, then take one tablet weekly. If you are taking hydroxychloroquine, take a 50mg or more zinc sulfate supplement daily.
I used the paste for 3 straight months last winter, and no problems. Started it up again in September when Delta started taking down lots of the unjabbed here in Michigan, and got a very mild case of CoVid. Now, I have the wonderful antibodies!
Awesome, I love humans that can do critical thinking. I too bought a ton of paste and I will use when we get covid cases in our office...I dont think i have ever gotten it. Not the symptoms that is normal for cv. I work in a department that is always involved on a daily bases with cv patients.
"Quercetin" is a health product that acts like HCQ as an "ionophore" Dr. Zelenko highly recommends this when IVM cannot be obtained. Amazon carries this product.
I've received several Ivermectin shipments without issue, one just a week ago. If packages are being stopped it's sporadic and most likely due to overt labeling of the contents. Mine have all come in generic boxes.
As a prescriber I can tell you that the issue where I live is that pharmacists won’t dispense IVM at all, even with a valid prescription which is very frustrating for me and my patients
YES! I had a friend whose doc prescribed ivermectin and the pharmacist refused to fill it. He ended up hospitalized (and recovered, thank God). How is it ok for a pharmacist to play doctor? If you prescribed insulin or chemo could a pharmacist say "nahhhh"? UGH
I am glad I stocked up from a vet supply chain last January. Why did I do it? Because a guy did a podcast here in Michigan how it saved his parent’s lives. Know who you can trust.
"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!"
The media and gov't mixed messaging has hit peak load. The cognitive dissonance should be enough to make the most compliant question -- one would think.
The FDA has approved Pfizer's new Covid pill (aka "Pfizermectin") and also Merck's Covid pill (Merck's own clinical trials showed zero advantage over the placebo group!).
In order for the jab to have Emergency Use Authorization there must be no alternative treatment (hence the attack on IVM and HCQ). So either these new drugs are effective or they are not. Which is it?
According to RFK Jr, the end-game for Big Pharma is to get the C-19 jab onto the mandated vaccine schedule for children. That will provide a permanent liability shield (which will apply to adults as well) and the jab will no longer require an EUA.
An EUA of course requires an ongoing declaration of a State of Emergency (which requires media complicity).
The US Gov't purchased 65 million childhood doses for kids 5-11 back in October - prior to the FDA approving it for this use. So approval to test this on kids was rubber stamped apparently.
The only approved jab isn't even on the market. It won't go into production unless Pfizer gets the FDA to make it part of the children's vaxx schedule. Now that former FDA Director Scott Gottlieb is Pfizer's latest board member, that should be no problem.
To make sense of it all requires following the bouncing red ball - the money.
It's really too bad that there wasn't a reporter brave enough to ask "Peppermint Patty" (😂😂) the same thing you asked yesterday, Jeff: "Since the vax hasn't proved safe or effective against Omicron either, will that be stopped as well (as the mAB's)?" Man! Lost opportunity to put her on the spot!!
And as someone previously known as FJB, became Brandon, I will heretofore be calling, JP, Peppermint Patty. I couldn’t love this more!
OMG! I screamed and cried my eyes out! (Laughed really hard.) 🤣🤣🤣
😂😂😂 oh thank you for sharing that! Truly, you "can't under" this!
The CDC recently put out studies that 'show' the vaccine is effective against omicron:
They looked at positive test results - I guess telling everyone that vaccinated folks don't need to be tested paid off.
Frankly, I’ve had it with all of this mask nonsense. Burn them, the damn things are useless. Read the box: “Does not prevent the spread of infectious disease.” There are literally dozens of studies that prove this is a fact. If someone drops the “There’s no “I” in team load of crap on you, kindly remind them that “There’s no “U” either, so get the hell out of the way! We’re not on the same team.” I’m done with these cultists who want to keep us mired in a pharmaceutical Vietnam. Supporting another person's irrational thoughts and behaviors is not a virtue.
As near octogenarians, we found a way to avoid masking for all but about 2 hours total for the entire fake Covid masquerade. I recall wearing a mask into Walgreens one time to by a years worth of vitamin D3.
I love this comment, at the same time it makes me wonder if the choice is really between masking up to enter real life or live in isolation at home… unless you live in a free state
It's always been about coercion...not health.
Absolutely, offering choices which are not choices at all 😔
Let’s get rid of these vax mandates first! Then go from there. They have gone way too far.
It’s actually dangerous because it allows people to think they can go out when sick, infecting others, instead of realizing the mask does nothing and staying home.
The same goes for the vaccinated. If anyone should be made to quarantine, it should be that group.
Hey, Eric, did you know they took that disclaimer off of the mask boxes?! Can't find it anywhere...🤔
Well, facts have a very limited shelf life.
True! Now it says that the masks protect against "microorganisms," which I guess gives the impression that they protect against viruses for those users who don't know how microorganism is defined:
1. An organism or infectious agent of microscopic or submicroscopic size, especially a bacterium or protozoan.
2. A microscopic organism, as a bacillus, bacterium, or vibrio; a microbe; a microzoary.
3. Any microscopic form of life; a form of life too small to be seen by the naked eye; -- particularly applied to bacteria, protozoa, yeasts, and similar organisms, esp. such are supposed to cause infectious diseases.
See any virus mentioned under the definition of "microorganism?" Hmm, neither do I.
All of this is fine with me. Just don't force me to wear one. I seem to be doing fine without one, while others who have engaged in every imaginable mitigation, including the thrice jabbed, are getting sick.
I was verbally attacked here in Breckenridge at a store for not wearing a mask by a woman wearing a gappy mask hanging off her nose, accusing me of being the problem and that I should be ashamed. She's in healthcare so she KNOWS. (Me staring at her, feeling sorry for her for how stupid she looked and sounded, oblivious that she has no credibility whatsoever.) "Really? Since you KNOW, why did I get Covid when wearing a mask again?" No answer. These people are truly delusional, psychotic and under the spell of such evil ignorance. Huzzah to be among the tribe of SMART ones who are not deluded and wearing the belt of truth that hugs better than their pathetic germ rags. Keep sharing truth and fighting the good fight. Thanks, Jeff.
I'm impressed that you found compassion for her. You are correct; they are psychotic and the worst are the medical establishment who are deep in mass formation.
My Jesus was showing. Can't help it when He's in charge of my mouth. ;)
Totally! I have the same experience. I know He puts a guard over my mouth - and even mind sometimes b/c I'm suddenly blank on what I could be saying. It helps that I'm not a quick thinker. When I have been, my mouth has gotten me in trouble and I've had to apologize. The HS does not let me off the hook. Blessings to you Jenny for being Jesus in the flesh to this woman.
Amen same here! I think of some real zingers after the fact but am glad He put a muzzle on me lol! 😂 You’re most kind. 🙏🏻
Lol! I feel the same! Except I work in healthcare and wait expectantly for the grocery store clerk to explain to me why ‘masking works.’ And then I go shop somewhere else.
I'm in CO too (Loveland) and I've been cussed out once, by the guy in front of me in line at Safeway. I thought he dropped something (a shopping list and stack of coupons) and I asked if it was his. He barked at me! I said, "I was only trying to help" and he said, "if you were trying to help you'd wear your mask!" OMG. It was the lady in front of him who had dropped the papers and she was so grateful I spoke up and passed them to her (around him - he didn't touch them) - she said it was "money" to her. After the grouchy old guy left the store clerk said he sees stuff like that all the time (customers fighting in line) but they have been specifically instructed not to intervene one way or another. I feel for them - understaffed - minimum wage - working behind plexiglass - watching a parade of what we have become as a people.
Maybe the best reply to these people is to say softly, "Why are you so angry?" and see what they say. Probably it would be a diatribe, but when they were done ranting, I would say, "Don't you know there is early effective treatment available?" If they kept going, you'd know they are in a mass formation and should give up engaging with them.
I think it’s fair to say to them “you and your masking behavior is one of the reasons why this darn scamdemic isn’t over yet. You understand masks don’t work, right? Here, let me show you some studies. Happy to text them to you as well.” #StopTheInsanity
Oh and btw, as expected, the rapid tests Joe Biden got for each of us are from China. The CCP is laughing all the way to the bank! Is our country stupid or what? We ordered a 1/2 billion tests from China. No thank you. As one writer said, testing is a way for them to capture our dna. We need to rethink this, seriously. SupportAmericanBusiness
psychotic... mass delusion mass psychosis.. I never thought I would live through it . I was taught about it, warned about it... as a jewish boy growing up inthe 1970s, we learned how an entire society turned against its largely assimilated, peaceful prosperous accomplished minority jewish population. Scapegoated them out of fear and tribalism. the way covid was managed by the US gov has brought this out in the US general population. The public health establishment is guity of crimes against humanity. Not only for their suppression of early out patient treatments but for not realizing that their handling of the whole episode stoked fear and mistrust and was a setup for this type of mass formation. Many sociologists and psychologists have studied these types of mass movements. There is an ample literature. For the public health establishment to not be aware of such a phenomenon and realize that their actions could lead to this is a monstrous display of incompetence.
We were just in Breckenridge and were surprised at how very aggressive store employees were regarding masks. They would yell “Mask up!” from the back of the store as soon as someone entered.🙄
It's like they want to turn away business. A supermarket chain where I live has gone back to spritzing shoppers with hand sanitizer upon entry. The two times I was going to shop there, I left when I saw that. Not spending money to be more harassed than is already "required" by the tyrant governor.
Ugh, I would cross that place to visit off my list. Last night (in IN), my husband was offered a package of N95 masks at the grocery store! He said no thanks and kept walking.
Were they free? I'd take anything (Well, most anything.) they were giving away free. If it costs me nothing, up front, and they'll raise prices anyway whether I took it or not. I could always use them around the house when refinishing, sanding, painting, anything like that.
TBH, I don't know and I don't think he did either.
I am so disappointed and surprised since we were here a month ago and the restrictions were not so bad at the grocery store. Especially since the governor here eased up! So far restaurants have been no problem to go in which is wise if they want any business. I don't need the store merch that badly!
Agree on this. Spent months arguing with and being censored by colleagues. It shocked me. My training was very hard and yet so many just carry on the (ever changing) narrative, no questions asked, no scrutiny about the ‘research.’ It blew my mind. Eventually I dropped my professional agency and the $800 fee that went along with it and decided to spend that money in better places, like here, where people are actually being helped.
Absolutely masks are affecting air travel; I will not fly anymore until that nonsense is no longer required.
Why no comments / coverage of Senator Johnson's 5 hour pow wow with the finest health care professionals in the Country and World? The silence is deafening!
Truly the best show in town. Sen, Ron Johnson hosted a very important event. One highlight was near the end of the session where attorney Tom Renz announced 3 military whistleblowers.
On Jan 24, 2022 , Senator Ron Johnson held a "Covid-19 Second Opinion" hearing where attorney Tom Renz announced three whistleblowers who gave him permission to make their names public (1) Lt. Col., Dr.Theresa Long, (2) Dr, Samuel Sigoloff and (3) Flight Surgeon, Lt. Col., Dr. Peter Chambers.
Attorney Renz said all three declarations are submitted under penalty of purgery and will be submitted to the courts. -- Included in the declarations is substantial data showing miscarriages and cancers increased by almost 300% over the 5 year average.
Another devastating implication to military pilots, air safety and national security is over 1,000% increase in neurological issues - ie: From 82,000 to 863,000 cases over the same 5 year average. --
I ran into Tom in the DC airport before his testimony and we had a nice chat.
Karma.......Like you...Renz has a huge fan base
Here is the Ron Johnson excerpt that begins with Attorney Tom Renz -
I am in the UK. I don't know what the official legislation states in the US or elsewhere, but here in the UK the wording used is NOT "mask", but "Face Covering". Stores have signs on doors saying "Face coverings must be worn" etc. This is because the legislation states clearly this phrase and makes NO mention of masks at all. Of course everyone uses the word "mask" and many stores ask me "where is your mask?" and phrases like that.
My argument/defence since day one has been "Here is a printout of the LAW. It says "Face Covering". It does NOT say "mask". So, here is my face covering...." and I either pull my baseball cap over my face (sometimes saying "now you see me, now you don't, cos my face is covered ass hole) or I just put my hand over my mouth and nose. There, legally compliant. Go F**k yourself. It has led to some fun discussions, especially when people around me realise there is NO law about "MASKS", in the UK at least! :D
Hahaha! Good one, Mark! I saw a video, early on with the 'mask" mandate, where store signs were only saying, "Mask required"--the guy walked in without one but when told he needed a mask, he pulled it out of his pocket and showed the clerk. "You have to wear it." The clerk told him. After some back and forth "conversation" the guy finally put the mask on--on top of his head! I noticed signs changed after that to say or show masks on faces.
ha ha. The left has forgotten that TRUE civil disobedience both has a REAL purpose, and can be DAMN FUNNY when done properly :D
I had one recently. Walked in a small village shop. A woman looking like the twin sister of BigRed was at the counter. She turned around to see me (not quite 6 feet) behind her and mad a loud objection to me: "Do you know you're trying to KILL ME?". I replied: "Your passive aggression is duly noted. But frankly, if I were trying to kill you, I think you'd be running away not trying to dress me down as if you could shame me into obeying you." (Full disclosure: There was perhaps an expletive or two in there somewhere". The woman who runs the shop (I know her) absolutely fell backwards laughing and the woman said "I will never shop here again", to which we both laughed, as I opened the door for her, covering my mouth with my hand, hiding my laughter more than my covid expulsions :D
😂😂 I love it!
She didn't. :)
I have not had to deal with any crazed pro-maskers, but if it ever happens, I'll try to keep some variation of that line in mind... lol
Hmm, so if I wear foundation makeup, would that count as a "face covering?" After all, it does cover zits, discolorations and whatnot.
Now you're talking! Disobedience rocks!
They're a bit more specific here. "Must cover nose and mouth." Some say "cloth." In CA, where the the sign says "required," I don't challenge it. I just don't want the hassle. I'm on my way out of CA anyway. When I'm in states where it says, "recommended," I skip it. My upcoming new home state is a "skip it" state. I would have preferred TX, but at least I got AZ.
Ha, good for you. Nothing like voting with your feet. If I could get into kicking range of SniffySleepyJoe, I'd show you what I mean.
Here our signs say masks. Most places don't have the signs, just an odd few (stores). Drs offices require you to wear masks and provide you with the masks.
That was kinda the point I was making. Here the shops all say "masks" too, but the LAW DOES NOT! And I enjoy showing them the law and seeing their surprise. In Britain, a little known fact: The BBC makes the law, at least insofar as people's understanding of it. A nation of imbeciles, sadly.
So the US Surgeon General is promoting censorship as a tool to combat the Scientific Method ?
Why don't we just prop up an Emperor, and be done with it ?
Scientists and Doctors need to be censored; citizens are domestic terrorists.
This ain't your mama's USA.
We did prop up an Emperor. He's affectionately referred to as Brandon.
....and he's got no clothes - everyone knows it, but him.
Or DOES he? Jury's out.
When evil old men hiss and yell at me when they bully and threaten me, it's always worse when they're naked.
It's easier to molest women and children with no clothes.
This Surgeon General is a very odd duck.
Across the board, as to the assembled "leadership" in US, now. Odd stuff a'happening.
'“Green Pass” — is “no longer necessary or effective in its current form.”
Note that phrase "In its current form". There is still an endgame form in this two steps forward one step back totalitarian dance. The all-encompassing digital ID is the goal, the non-current form.
Narrative 2.0 may not be 1.0 but it's still a narrative.
🙌 My thoughts exactly!
Another factor suppressing business travel are companies like my employer who will not allow me to travel for business at all because I am not vaccinated. I work remotely but because I am unvaxxed (and have an approved RE) I am barred from the corporate campus and am not permitted to travel on corporate business. Well golly darn, please don’t throw me in that there briar patch! 🤣
Same here. In fact I'm being fired at the end of Feb for non-vaxx compliance. And am banned from campus. Even tho I'm healthy as a Horse. And the masked, triple-jabbed Karens on campus are harboring and spreading the dreaded plague. Absolute insanity.
Yes, it’s amazing how many vaxxed and boosted employees are coming down with COVID. And our generous, sympathetic employer gives them an additional 10 days of PTO that doesn’t count against their regular PTO or short term disability. And they get a huge care package sent to their home as well. Discrimination much? They aren’t doing a thing for those of us healthy and still working, picking up the extra work of the others.
Classic early signs of the yellow tags we'll be having to wear. It took Hitler 5-6 years to get one group to see the other as less than human. We're only a couple years in. It IS personal, but still under the hood - mostly. SO?
Follow the $
I’m sorry. I truly hope and pray you find something better. Can Jeff help you fight this legally?
Because the vaccines work so well!
Sounds like a win-win!
Meanwhile, on the United flights the miserable and angry flight attendants spend almost 60% of their time being mask police telling people to cover their noses or they will give them a card that kicks them off permanently! Way to win win customers into your half filled planes!
I drove to Florida from Vermont this year and last because I don't want to be part of the mask charade. Flying was awful and uncomfortable enough, before this new nonsense.
I flew American a lot in 2021 (well, enough to make Premium status anyway), but I'm growing VERY weary of the mask on the airplane thing. It's stupid. Also stupid is that they will serve alcohol in First Class but not Coach. Anyhow, we've canned our Italy plan this year just because we don't feel like having a mask on that long. Instead, we'll be married in Palm Springs (it's an easy drive from where we live) lol!
I wouldn't heap any praise yet on the Jerusalem Times. As quoted from the article, the so-called Green Pass is “no longer necessary or effective in its current form.” That doesn't mean that they really want to see it end; it is just as possible that they simply are advocating that it to be in a different format.
One which, I suspect, would be even more invasive, but that's just me...
I'll withhold any props until more information becomes available; in today's world, propaganda is so prevalent because it works.
Why not just use off label ivermectin , hcq, intravenous vitamin C instead of injecting another cocktail? DeSantis? Bueller?
even the supreme court didn't address that medical procedures are wrong for employment.
They just said it's not right because you can't undo the regulation, like you can a helmet or suit for safety. (One day it can be a brain implant you have to wear but remove when work is done???)
It's a cop out. I think all of them are jabbed and we saw how Roberts etc played games with CMS
So the issue is not that it's illegal but can we make them see that when they're blinded by belief, money, hopes, and other dreams.
Aaron Siri has been great in challenging that, by bringing the science to their faces. These lawyers didn't and even gorsuch was busy defending vaccines while saying they have risks. It was the weakest win on a technicality, given to us as a political gift. But not ammo to fight pharma.
I was also wondering the same. I really like what DeSantis has done so far except I’m a little perplexed as to why he hasn’t insisted on making ivermectin & hydroxychloriquine a must!
I'm encouraged that New Hampshire may allow over the counter purchase of ivermectin, a known cure for C19. Meanwhile, I've stocked up on the horse paste with 1.87% ivermectin (right from Amazon).
My wife thinks the paste is sketchy, so for the normies I'm getting the human tablets. Use this site in India. Uses e-check (which is safe, but I used my backup bank account which only has a few thousand in it). 60 tablets of 12mg Ivermectin or 200mg HCQ is enough for a year if one tablet taken weekly.
Ivermectin (IVM) - Take one 12mg tablet daily for 5 days with food, then take one tablet weekly. Also take a daily zinc supplement.
Ivermectin $128.00 for 60 12mg tablets. Cost $108 +$20 shipping.
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) - Take one 200mg tablet daily for 5 days with food, then take one tablet weekly. If you are taking hydroxychloroquine, take a 50mg or more zinc sulfate supplement daily.
Hydroxychloroquine $50.50 for 60 200mg tablets.
In case this stuff doesn't get approved here in the states, it's wise to get some while you can.
2019 CDC Memo on Ivermectin For Refugees Blows a Hole in the fake "Horse Paste" Narrative.
Dr. Zelenko cv19 protocols.
I used the paste for 3 straight months last winter, and no problems. Started it up again in September when Delta started taking down lots of the unjabbed here in Michigan, and got a very mild case of CoVid. Now, I have the wonderful antibodies!
Awesome, I love humans that can do critical thinking. I too bought a ton of paste and I will use when we get covid cases in our office...I dont think i have ever gotten it. Not the symptoms that is normal for cv. I work in a department that is always involved on a daily bases with cv patients.
Thx for specific directions.
Thank u!
"Quercetin" is a health product that acts like HCQ as an "ionophore" Dr. Zelenko highly recommends this when IVM cannot be obtained. Amazon carries this product.
I've received several Ivermectin shipments without issue, one just a week ago. If packages are being stopped it's sporadic and most likely due to overt labeling of the contents. Mine have all come in generic boxes.
As a prescriber I can tell you that the issue where I live is that pharmacists won’t dispense IVM at all, even with a valid prescription which is very frustrating for me and my patients
YES! I had a friend whose doc prescribed ivermectin and the pharmacist refused to fill it. He ended up hospitalized (and recovered, thank God). How is it ok for a pharmacist to play doctor? If you prescribed insulin or chemo could a pharmacist say "nahhhh"? UGH
This is a general complaint by many physicians across the landscape but flies in the face of CDC recommendations for immigrants to take IVM -
Same in Michigan!
I am glad I stocked up from a vet supply chain last January. Why did I do it? Because a guy did a podcast here in Michigan how it saved his parent’s lives. Know who you can trust.
"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!"
The media and gov't mixed messaging has hit peak load. The cognitive dissonance should be enough to make the most compliant question -- one would think.
The FDA has approved Pfizer's new Covid pill (aka "Pfizermectin") and also Merck's Covid pill (Merck's own clinical trials showed zero advantage over the placebo group!).
In order for the jab to have Emergency Use Authorization there must be no alternative treatment (hence the attack on IVM and HCQ). So either these new drugs are effective or they are not. Which is it?
According to RFK Jr, the end-game for Big Pharma is to get the C-19 jab onto the mandated vaccine schedule for children. That will provide a permanent liability shield (which will apply to adults as well) and the jab will no longer require an EUA.
An EUA of course requires an ongoing declaration of a State of Emergency (which requires media complicity).
The US Gov't purchased 65 million childhood doses for kids 5-11 back in October - prior to the FDA approving it for this use. So approval to test this on kids was rubber stamped apparently.
The only approved jab isn't even on the market. It won't go into production unless Pfizer gets the FDA to make it part of the children's vaxx schedule. Now that former FDA Director Scott Gottlieb is Pfizer's latest board member, that should be no problem.
To make sense of it all requires following the bouncing red ball - the money.
This guy in Germany (Cube Cubis) comments they've "reached peak retard" there ... sort of fits your "tangled web" - see comments posted at