☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Wednesday, March 23, 2022 ☙ OVERCOUNTING 🦠
The CDC quietly fixes a little oopsie.
This morning, I write to you from the rainy, foggy mountains of Tennessee – but absent a working laptop. In other words, I’ve experienced a technological setback. So that you won’t be stuck waiting for a post that never arrives, I’m dictating this short post to you on my iPhone. We’ll see how it goes.
Happy Wednesday.
🔥— Great news! Covid deaths are falling! Various non-corporate-media sources reported this week that the CDC quietly reduced its official COVID-19 death count by about -70,000 folks, including shedding a full quarter of its prized pediatric deaths, for accuracy, citing “logic errors.” I am not making that up. The CDC’s data tracker website explained:
“On March 15, 2022, data on deaths were adjusted after resolving a coding logic error. This resulted in decreased death counts across all demographic categories.”
Oh! Now, they really shouldn’t make it this easy for me. Logic errors? WHAT logic? Hahahahaha! Don’t blame me for suspecting politics instead of a virginally pure desire to get it just right.
The story joins a raft of similar stories from state governments around the country which are also “fixing” their own overcounts of deaths. And it’s always the same direction. Down.
This isn’t a good look for the public health team. You’re thinking, wait, this PROVES what we’ve been saying all along, that deaths were routinely being over counted. We TOLD them not to count those lightning strikes and motorcycle crashes, but they just wouldn’t listen. Now they look like morons and and have to fix their work.
It’s all perfectly true, of course, they ARE morons, but that’s not the real takeaway.
The real takeaway is: public health experts can’t even do basic math right. Seriously, what are they good for?
Don’t answer that. Another – better – question is, why now? My guess is that to shrink the way deaths will be counted going forward, they have to backfill the original counts.
Think about it. You can easily turn a limp ordinary flu season into a fully-erect fake pandemic just by exaggerating the numbers and then constantly reporting the exaggerated number. Then, when you’re ready, you can just as easily make your exaggerated pandemic disappear by revising the ongoing numbers back down to something like a regular flu season. Ta-da! It’s so simple. A child could do it.
We’ll, a democrat child. If a Republican were in office, the CDC would never, not ever, be allowed to get away with something like this without the media painfully dissecting it in wall-to-wall 24 / 7 coverage for weeks, or longer. It would be a scandal of Watergate proportions.
Anyway, we’ll take the win. It’s another Covid miracle! Deaths aren’t just falling, they are falling retroactively. It’s Joe Biden’s miraculous medical time machine.
I won’t know till tomorrow whether a new laptop is in the cards. Hang tight. See you then, with another quick update.
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Since we've been tossing around terms like "very liberal," I simply can’t let this pass by without proper fanfare: USA Today has released its 2022 Women of the Year. The list, includes a smorgasbord of cultural aberrations and anomalies from the Isle of Misfits, like verbally challenged blather box and all around wingnut Kamala Harris - who incidentally is rumored to be on the short list for 2022 Man of the Year - and euphoric jab happy Fauci sycophant, Kizzmekia Corbett. Also making the cut is none other than Jabba the Hutt and Bette Midler booty call by-product and current U.S. assistant secretary for health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, "Dr." Rachel Levine. The “Rear” Admiral, presumably still harboring her "superfluous male apparatus," and possessing feminine qualities on par with Edgar Winter and Quasimodo combined with all the effervescent charm of a plantar wart, was a befitting choice. Washington's "Wangless Wannabe" pseudo doctor emerged as the bonerfide…uh…bonafide winner in this dysfunctional Battle of the Bulge, edging out current Mainstream Media swimming pool hottie and part time Speedo seamtress, University of Pennsylvania’s slightly bewildered transgender apostle, Lia Thomas in a “nip and tuck” (ouch!) race..........Decorum, gentlemen.....no shoving in line.
Get your barf bag!
Now THIS is dedication! Ha! Dictating on a cell phone just to give us our daily fix, while on vacation! You sir, are man of the year! Thank you for your dedication.
PS- Enjoy your vacation. Maybe your computer isn’t working because you are supposed to take a break. 😉