No, never did receive via email, I assume Gmail is now blocking Substack. I did receive in my email address. I know it is a paid service, but Protonmail is legit if you are not an international arms dealer. Never have any issues.
EVERYONE should get a account. There's a free and paid version. Most definitely get a protonmail VPN while you're at it. There are free and paid versions with that as well. I love faking out the tech boys whenever possible. Let's see.....this morning my ip address has me in Madrid. Bite me Zuckerberg!
Check out Duckduckgo and/or Brave. Just stop using Google search.
Agree for free people to boycott; fb, google, twittter, wikipedia, and all other corps that are promoting mandates, Marxist political correctness, censorship, etc. We can not continue to support and give all our data to corp entities who are openly working against our health, our freedom of speech and all open examination of ideas and hypotheses etc. It takes a little work, but worth it to be free of the scourge.
Same here, problems with Gmail. At one point, I was able to find it with a substack search, but then I couldn't again. It disappeared into the ether. But, I do subscribe to other substack newsletters on this topic which went through. <shrug>.
I would love your spreadsheet if you could send it to me. (yeah I need a protonmail account) I do research for a living and have always used multiple search engines even before all this Google snooping came to light. Also have pages and pages of links I can share back, but all business related sites, so may not be interesting to you. I have done updates over the years, sites come and go. Moving target on some search engines too, but some alternatives: Based in France. Does not track, own search index Powered by Metasearch technology, Dogpile aggregates results from leading search engines including Google and Yahoo!, and includes a list of related terms Dutch company that uses Google search results repackaged in a privacy-focused format that eliminates tracking.
Realize 2 of the 3 are based on Google but without the tracking, and tracking influences results. Like Brave as my search engine.
I didn't but I follow Alex Berenson (another great writer!) and he just sent out an email about his emails being blocked by both Yahoo and Gmail I think it was. Maybe change the email this goes to to a Protonmail account? That is what I plan to do when Hotmail catches up on the censoring...
Regarding State Farm - it's a good sign that they're sticking with their guy, but the question remains - does State Farm force vaccines on its employees?!?!?
I'm def more inclined to take what you are saying regarding the legislation as true as you are in touch, but TBT is painting the "bills are being watered down" scenario.
"they still allow private employers to require that their employees be vaccinated."
"But the bills are significantly watered down from what he initially proposed, reflecting the quiet pushback he’s received from the state’s largest employers. Last month, he said he wanted businesses to be held liable for any medical harm arising from a mandatory vaccination. He also wanted to open up employers to COVID-related lawsuits if they required employees be vaccinated. Neither of those ideas are in bills released Monday."
So, hopefully regular session will fill in the cracks, but this special session doesn't look like it comes close to "nailing it" if this TBT article is on point
Thanks for the article. DeSantis better not blow smoke up our @$$es. It better not be for drama and a show. If so, it proves he is part of the fake, lieing politicians.
I have a ProtonMail email I didn’t get the CC email on proton either. I have t gotten RRT either. 13 is burning a hole In my hand. I gave 12 bucks to DeSantis this week just because. 😂
COX email account here too. Lately, a few of my emails have been blocked because I'm sending a message containing a hyperlink that effectively "violates community standards" When I send the message without the specific link it sends the message normally, without delay. The error code associated with the blocked email is not on the list of COX error codes so it must be a new error code possibly enforced by an intel agency with authority to override COX policies.
"Meantime, hilariously, the leftwing underminers are at it again, using their favorite propaganda technique: pretending to be querulous conservatives dissatisfied with WHATEVER republicans are doing now."
That sounds like a swipe on about half the comments yesterday that weren't 100% euphoric rah rah. Pretty sure all of them had to donate to comment. I donated $501 to help your effort, and for the roundup - which I didn't receive today even though I have protonmail - in addition to donating to DeSantis and other Florida conservatives - and I don't even live in Florida. That sound like a leftwing underminer? If so, feel free to refund it.
Instead of insulting your donors with ad hominem accusations, how about lobbying DeSantis and the legislature to ban discriminatory testing in the special session? Because - science and natural rights. Is there some reason that can't be done?
I can comment and I'm not a donor, so I don't think reading or commenting on this site is contingent on a donation. Not trying to undermine your comment or anything, just letting you know that piece.
Love your articles Jeff! So glad a fellow attorney friend forwarded your email to me! The ONLY time I ever eat a burger is at In-n-Out and I live in MN so I'm lucky if that's once a year!! Love them even more for being diligent about our times and standing up against tyranny and the pre anti-Christ serum. We applaud who are not afraid to use your platform to speak out in truth. In the end, God ALWAYS WINS!!! Thank you and God bless!
Jeff, my employer says my request for religious exception will be reviewed to determine if it meets the definition of a sincerely held religious belief, practice or observance, per the guidelines issued by the federal government. Where can I find these guidelines? It seems there a number of laws and other rulings on this subject, but has the government issued guidelines for religious exceptions for federal contractors to follow?
I'm surprised you don't mention the real reason for Newsom's disappearance: he got his booster shot and reacted badly to it. I sent him a note saying now that he has seen the risk first hand, he should lay off imposing any further shot requirements on others. But since he is such a hypocrite I don't expect a helpful response (though he will probably avoid further jabs himself).
Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla was talking about future cancer drugs when he stated that mRNA vaccines could be used with people who are "born with a mistake in their DNA," and that mRNA vaccines could cure such people. He also clearly refers to mRNA vaccines as "gene editing." But you probably want to know "W.H.O." gets to decide which part of you DNA is a mistake, right? Could it be color of eyes, skin, hair, IQ?... or racist tendencies?
I spy with my little eye Aaron Rodgers moving to Florida and investing in several In-N-Out Burger joints. Don't sing it.....BRING it!
Like a good neighbor, In-N-Out Burger is there. 🤣
Hi - this never reached my inbox (gmail) this morning. Anyone else have an issue?
No, never did receive via email, I assume Gmail is now blocking Substack. I did receive in my email address. I know it is a paid service, but Protonmail is legit if you are not an international arms dealer. Never have any issues.
EVERYONE should get a account. There's a free and paid version. Most definitely get a protonmail VPN while you're at it. There are free and paid versions with that as well. I love faking out the tech boys whenever possible. Let's see.....this morning my ip address has me in Madrid. Bite me Zuckerberg!
Check out Duckduckgo and/or Brave. Just stop using Google search.
Agree for free people to boycott; fb, google, twittter, wikipedia, and all other corps that are promoting mandates, Marxist political correctness, censorship, etc. We can not continue to support and give all our data to corp entities who are openly working against our health, our freedom of speech and all open examination of ideas and hypotheses etc. It takes a little work, but worth it to be free of the scourge.
I got the usual notification in my inbox today, and I have gmail, if that helps at all.
Opens up the possibility that notifications are blocked based on who regularly posts on the blog. ie: Infrequent posters will get the notification
Same here, problems with Gmail. At one point, I was able to find it with a substack search, but then I couldn't again. It disappeared into the ether. But, I do subscribe to other substack newsletters on this topic which went through. <shrug>.
I would love your spreadsheet if you could send it to me. (yeah I need a protonmail account) I do research for a living and have always used multiple search engines even before all this Google snooping came to light. Also have pages and pages of links I can share back, but all business related sites, so may not be interesting to you. I have done updates over the years, sites come and go. Moving target on some search engines too, but some alternatives: Based in France. Does not track, own search index Powered by Metasearch technology, Dogpile aggregates results from leading search engines including Google and Yahoo!, and includes a list of related terms Dutch company that uses Google search results repackaged in a privacy-focused format that eliminates tracking.
Realize 2 of the 3 are based on Google but without the tracking, and tracking influences results. Like Brave as my search engine.
I didn't but I follow Alex Berenson (another great writer!) and he just sent out an email about his emails being blocked by both Yahoo and Gmail I think it was. Maybe change the email this goes to to a Protonmail account? That is what I plan to do when Hotmail catches up on the censoring...
I have the same issue, didn't receive it today and already reported the issue to Substack.
Nothing appeared in my inbox... so I just now connected directly at 10:15 AM
Great info, but this is unacceptable!!
“ The CDC hasn’t updated its “Rates of Covid-19 Cases by Vaccination Status” chart since September 4, 2021. ”
Thanks for pointing out that factoid. So sad that this organization has become a political tool. Totally lost me with “birthing persons”.
Regarding State Farm - it's a good sign that they're sticking with their guy, but the question remains - does State Farm force vaccines on its employees?!?!?
I'm def more inclined to take what you are saying regarding the legislation as true as you are in touch, but TBT is painting the "bills are being watered down" scenario.
"they still allow private employers to require that their employees be vaccinated."
"But the bills are significantly watered down from what he initially proposed, reflecting the quiet pushback he’s received from the state’s largest employers. Last month, he said he wanted businesses to be held liable for any medical harm arising from a mandatory vaccination. He also wanted to open up employers to COVID-related lawsuits if they required employees be vaccinated. Neither of those ideas are in bills released Monday."
So, hopefully regular session will fill in the cracks, but this special session doesn't look like it comes close to "nailing it" if this TBT article is on point
Thanks for the article. DeSantis better not blow smoke up our @$$es. It better not be for drama and a show. If so, it proves he is part of the fake, lieing politicians.
I have a ProtonMail email I didn’t get the CC email on proton either. I have t gotten RRT either. 13 is burning a hole In my hand. I gave 12 bucks to DeSantis this week just because. 😂
I have a address and I haven't gotten the C and C email the last couple of days.
COX email account here too. Lately, a few of my emails have been blocked because I'm sending a message containing a hyperlink that effectively "violates community standards" When I send the message without the specific link it sends the message normally, without delay. The error code associated with the blocked email is not on the list of COX error codes so it must be a new error code possibly enforced by an intel agency with authority to override COX policies.
"Meantime, hilariously, the leftwing underminers are at it again, using their favorite propaganda technique: pretending to be querulous conservatives dissatisfied with WHATEVER republicans are doing now."
That sounds like a swipe on about half the comments yesterday that weren't 100% euphoric rah rah. Pretty sure all of them had to donate to comment. I donated $501 to help your effort, and for the roundup - which I didn't receive today even though I have protonmail - in addition to donating to DeSantis and other Florida conservatives - and I don't even live in Florida. That sound like a leftwing underminer? If so, feel free to refund it.
Instead of insulting your donors with ad hominem accusations, how about lobbying DeSantis and the legislature to ban discriminatory testing in the special session? Because - science and natural rights. Is there some reason that can't be done?
I can comment and I'm not a donor, so I don't think reading or commenting on this site is contingent on a donation. Not trying to undermine your comment or anything, just letting you know that piece.
"not contingent on a donation." Thx. Was when I joined. Secondary issue, of course.
Same here as well.
Love your articles Jeff! So glad a fellow attorney friend forwarded your email to me! The ONLY time I ever eat a burger is at In-n-Out and I live in MN so I'm lucky if that's once a year!! Love them even more for being diligent about our times and standing up against tyranny and the pre anti-Christ serum. We applaud who are not afraid to use your platform to speak out in truth. In the end, God ALWAYS WINS!!! Thank you and God bless!
Jeff, my employer says my request for religious exception will be reviewed to determine if it meets the definition of a sincerely held religious belief, practice or observance, per the guidelines issued by the federal government. Where can I find these guidelines? It seems there a number of laws and other rulings on this subject, but has the government issued guidelines for religious exceptions for federal contractors to follow?
Wait to see what they say. My employer rubber stamped all of the requests no questions asked just had to send the letter in.
Wait to see what they say. My employer rubber stamped all of the requests no questions asked just had to send the letter in.
Wait to see what they say. My employer rubber stamped all of the requests no questions asked just had to send the letter in.
Wait to see what they say. My employer rubber stamped all of the requests no questions asked just had to send the letter in.
Wait to see what they say. My employer rubber stamped all of the requests no questions asked just had to send the letter in.
I'm surprised you don't mention the real reason for Newsom's disappearance: he got his booster shot and reacted badly to it. I sent him a note saying now that he has seen the risk first hand, he should lay off imposing any further shot requirements on others. But since he is such a hypocrite I don't expect a helpful response (though he will probably avoid further jabs himself).
I have yahoo and also did not get today's update. We must be making them all mad!
I have ATT wireless to my I-phone email. No C&C today. Not even in junk.
I have a address and I haven't gotten the C and C email the last couple of days.
Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla was talking about future cancer drugs when he stated that mRNA vaccines could be used with people who are "born with a mistake in their DNA," and that mRNA vaccines could cure such people. He also clearly refers to mRNA vaccines as "gene editing." But you probably want to know "W.H.O." gets to decide which part of you DNA is a mistake, right? Could it be color of eyes, skin, hair, IQ?... or racist tendencies?