☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Thursday, August 19, 2021 ☙ Uncle C&C Needs You
Today I have a major announcement. We are standing up Operation Firehose — a way for each and every C&C fan to join the war. And don’t worry, Covid news junkies, I have an extra delicious news roundup for you today — no soy, no whip, triple shot.
I got a note the other day from We The People of the United States of America. It just said, “do something.” And as somebody said yesterday around the coffee station, I can’t remember who, maybe Bob, we can either hang together, or we are all going to hang separately.
In serious terms, I was completely blown away yesterday with calls from folks offering to help. Some stopped by the office and dropped off cash donations. A bunch called them in. On gentleman offered to sponsor a full time employee for a year if I would manage them. And, while you are all my favorites, my especial favorite C&C fan for today dropped off a six-pack of Big Nose IPA. Still cold. I didn’t even know what to say. Your generosity is overwhelming.
My heart told me that it’s time for me to do more.
If you’re here, it’s because you — like me — feel super over-caffeinated about everything that is going on these days, and you are ALL DONE with standing on the sidelines watching regular folks be ground to squishy bits like over-ripe coffee beans. Let’s roll! I’m launching a Patreon account today — by supporting me, you are supporting everyone. As you guys know well, for 18 months now I have been totally invested in the mission to HELP PEOPLE in this greatest battle of our lifetimes. At first, it was to educate and encourage through C&C. But now we’re in the second phase of the war. It’s time for more ACTION.
I don’t need to tell you that things nowadays seem more dangerous than a two-year-old with a permanent marker. You aren’t blind, or an “expert.” You can think for yourself. Consider enlisting in the C&C army at a level as high as you can afford or your conscience calls for. All our resources will help fund battlefield ops and build out the army — nationally. Your recurring donations will help me plan longer-term strategic movements. And guys, strategy is -everything-. *WE HAVE TO STOP PLAYING WHACK-A-MOLE*. As movie space captain Malcolm Reynolds once said, I aim to misbehave. You can too.
If you’re here it is either because you know me or you have been referred here by someone who knows me. I’ll say this: my primary target is RESULTS. *ONLY RESULTS MATTER*. Sure, I talk a lot. But I’ve done a lot, too. Frankly, we don’t have one more second to lose — we are in the last 5 minutes of the fourth quarter, and we only just realized that we were playing football. Or something.
As ya’ll know, I am an attorney. Using my legal skills we have already: persuaded one appellate court to find that mask mandates are presumptively unconstitutional — the first such decision in the entire country; removed a sitting school board member in a few weeks after discovering she was outside her district; stood up a calling army of 1,000+ daily callers to press for legislative change; drafted proposed legislation to stop mask laws and stop vaccine discrimination; drafted county-level templates supporting medical freedom; and much more. And, I did all that while running a busy law practice and also writing a sarcastic daily news blog.
Imagine what we will do when I can free up some more time for the mission and have some more bullets to fire. Figurative bullets. Don’t cancel me.
You can’t possibly imagine the number of folks who are calling me EVERY SINGLE DAY for help. We need strategic, fast, effective action, and for whatever crazy reason, I’ve been put in a position to help achieve that. We need to shut all this bizarre nonsense down at the source.
In eighteen months, I’ve /never/ asked you for any help with any of that. *BUT IT’S OBVIOUSLY BIGGER THAN ANY ONE OF US AND IT’S BECOME EVEN MORE URGENT, AND NOW I AM ASKING FOR YOUR HELP, TOO*. We have to start thinking bigger than we have before. And we can only do it together. So, I thank you — profoundly — for considering joining up and helping fund the army.
Finally, not that this is in /any way/ on the same par, but you’ll also be helping fund my regular snarky and sarcastic daily news reports. 🤣 On behalf of all of us, THANK YOU! Subscribers will get a Sunday edition. And, I’ll post my blog there too, so you’ll have an email version you can forward. And if I get put in Facebook jail, you’ll still get the email.
If you’re all in, you can enlist here: https://www.patreon.com/coffee_and_covid_army. And, please help recruit as many other volunteers as you can. A lot of folks aren’t on Facebook but still want to help.
😷 Two weeks ago, hapless Louisiana reinstated its mask mandate. But Mississippi and Arkansas — right next door — did not. Guess which of the three states now has the highest Covid infections per million folks? Take your time. I’ll wait.
🔥 Florida and Texas seem to be coalescing into the frontlines in the Covid wars as the free states and the lockdown states begin to form up into two opposing blocs, with the federal government squarely behind the lockdowners. In a thinly-veiled threat yesterday, Joe Biden mumbled that “We’re not going to sit by as governors try to block and intimidate educators protecting our children.”
“Governors?” Oh, okay Joe. Presumably he was talking about Governors Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott.
Biden also muttered something about some parents in Tennessee who “went after” doctors and scientists who testified at a school board meeting saying that other people’s kids should have to breath through fabric all day. By “went after,” I presume he meant that the parents said something that hurt the delicate doctors’ feelings. Odd that the docs felt they could wade into a contentious political issue advocating for child abuse and nobody would say anything about it. A smidge out of touch, no?
Fiesty Governor Ron DeSantis promptly responded to the former vice-president, saying “He is obsessed with having the government force kindergartners to wear masks all day in school… Where are your priorities that you’re so obsessed with this issue?…And you’re letting Afghanistan burn, our border burn?”
Indeed. Excellent questions.
Governor DeSantis pointed out the awkward fact that Biden left thousands of AMERICAN CITIZENS behind when Biden recklessly ordered the “Dumb and Dumber” style withdrawal from Afghanistan. Yesterday, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin publicly admitted that he can’t figure out how to extract the large numbers of American citizens who were left behind. Secretary Austin baffled, and he’s sick of trying to figure it out. It’s giving him a headache. Our best and brightest!
Meanwhile, Britain has mobilized a huge effort to extract its own citizens. So. Maybe Austin should ask Britain how to do it.
Anyway, DeSantis added, “I think we’re going to be in for a rocky three-and-a-half years, as long as Biden’s president.”
Well. I don’t want to quibble with the Governor. But Biden only has to make it two years, at least, till 2023, so that Kamala will be eligible for two more terms. If she takes over before 2023, she can only run again once. Heartwarming thought, isn’t it? Anyway, I would be amazed to see three and a half years. Dumbfounded, actually.
🔥 Meanwhile, Governor Abbott — who is currently recovering from Covid after taking monoclonal treatments — responded to Biden, tweeting that “Joe Biden goes after Republican Governors tougher than he does the Taliban. He wants to take dubious legal action against Republican Governors, but he won’t enforce the immigration laws passed by Congress.”
Touché, governor. Touché.
Oh — and, Abbott got the jab several months ago. And THEN he got a booster. Still got Covid. So. Just saying.
🔥 The White House schedule shows no press briefing tomorrow. Friday IS still a workday, right? Did I miss the memo or something?
💊 In the same interview, Hannity also asked the Governor about Florida’s revolutionary new monoclonal antibody treatment center initiative. DeSantis said, “People took this, they had symptoms, and it was resolved. .. If you are Covid-positive, you actually have an ability to do early treatment, which is great.” It IS great. FINALLY someone is focusing on therapeutics.
Someone? I mean the only official in the entire country who’s done it — Ron DeSantis. I made the point last week that Florida is having to do it because the hospitals won’t, and some critic blathered in the comments that wasn’t true. Yeah okay. That’s why the state is having to do it. Because it’s freely available at every hospital. Dude should get out more.
Therapeutics are about to be critically important, especially if the U.S. follows Israel on the Covid vaccine voyage, which is departing soon on the “SS Minnow.” You might note that Israel is only about a month or two ahead of us in wide-scale vaccinations. Coming soon to a CNN chiron near you.
🏥 According to several reports, Washington Hospital has now kicked several folks off transplant lists for failing to take unneeded and unwanted investigational drugs. According to Seattle local news, “UW Medicine removed a 64-year-old patient from the transplant waitlist. He says he was on the list for two and a half years. The hospital made the decision after they learned the patient refused to be vaccinated against COVID. They said they would consider adding him back to the waitlist should he satisfy their ‘compliance concerns.’”
Well, at least they’re not DIRECTLY threatening to kill people if they won’t take their vaccine. He probably didn’t need that new liver anyways.
I’ve heard that China is swimming in fresh warm organs these days. Maybe he could get one over there. Plus, in China they don’t even use the mRNA vaccines, so, no problem.
💉 The Washington Post ran a story yesterday headlined, “*How CDC data problems put the U.S. behind on the delta variant*.” It starts by pointing out that months ago, Pfizer representatives told the government that its vaccine would need booster shots. But guess what? The CDC disagreed, saying its “own data” showed no waning efficacy and that boosters would NOT be required. The article reports, “senior health officials in the meeting were stunned.”
So then, Pfizer and other top researchers asked for the CDC’s data. Seems like a reasonable question. But do you know what the CDC said? It said, Nope. You can’t have it. We’ll give it to you when we’re ready.
Let me get this straight. CDC can rely on its data to inform policymakers but can’t SHARE the data. Okay.
So far so bad, right? It gets worse. Yesterday — months later — the CDC finally published the data it was referring to. Listen to this: “the agency published a trio of reports showing similar trendlines as the earlier Israeli studies — declining protection against the delta variant as it became dominant in the United States.”
We have the TOP health agency in the world, right? But the WaPo points out, “Critics lament that the most up-to-date data about the delta variant has come from other countries, such as Israel, Great Britain and Singapore.” Remember what I was talking about yesterday? These halfwits are the same people running the Covid response. They are clueless imbeciles. Frankly it baffles me why anybody listens to the CDC anymore.
Continuing, the WaPo says the critics said “the CDC’s inability to share real-time information led top administration officials, including the president himself, to offer overly rosy assessments of the vaccines’ effectiveness against delta[.]” In other words, CDC misinformed the U.S. government. Misinformation. Facebook, are you following this? Is it time to deplatform the CDC?
But don’t worry. The frequently-terrified “leader” of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, said she was going to stand up yet another bureaucracy to push misinformation out of the CDC even faster. Sorry, I meant data or something. So, we’ll be able to get our bad information out more quickly! Imagine a rabid squirrel on rocket-propelled roller blades. It will be JUST LIKE THAT.
The Yale/Harvard covidestim.org website shows Florida’s r-naught — the effective viral reproduction rate — is still trending down, fast. It is now well below 1.0 at 0.87. On Monday it was 0.90, on Friday 0.93.
According the site, “If it’s below 1.0, COVID-19 cases will decrease in the near future.”
Here in Alachua County, it’s even lower, now at 0.83. On Monday it was 0.88, on Friday 1.00. But don’t worry — they ordered an illegal new mask mandate here last night! That will get the infections back up. 😉
Get ready for YOUR turn, northern states!
And don’t worry, blue counties have a plan to keep Florida’s Covid stats high so northern states don’t feel lonely. Blue counties are “contact tracing” and then “quarantining” whole classes of kids in large blocks, and requiring them all to get tested, which massively boosts the total number of tests reported. In the population least likely to get sick, but easiest to boss around. Because we said so. Science! Shut up!
Thank you all for everything. It’s been a lot of work, but you’ve all encouraged me to the point of bursting. We are not alone! See you on the flippity-flop.
Join the C&C Army! https://www.patreon.com/coffee_and_covid_army
You can also find me on MeWe, mewe.com/i/coffee_and_covid.