I loved this stack MAA! You are an amazing writer and just brilliant! And you know how much we all love Jeff so the fact that you could fill in for him so beautifully says a lot. God bless you! πβοΈ
Nice to see you here Miss Margaret. So very nice. And by way of historical note, me and my many friends, as a turn of phrase (Constitution Party and Tea Parties), were among the frontline troops in the wave of exposure which swept this Agenda 21, Maurice Strong stuff into public awareness. The year was 2011. Rosa Koire went on to write The Green Mask, The place for me was Virginia's General Assembly. Donna Holt and Delegate Marshall were super-stars in that year at venues across the state and on the floor of the House of Delegates. The rest of us of went around in various groups to delegate and senator offices exposing this stuff. At the time, being somewhat naive, I thought that the elected officials were just pretending not to know about all this. Later on, I came realize that the whole 'Machine,' from A to Z, is organized much like the Communist Cell structure ... that is, both compartmentalized and on a need to know basis. I came to understand that most delegates, senators, county and city elected officials are as dumb as stones ... and that policy is pushed through legislative bodies like tooth paste from a tube. Most did not have a clue then, and most are not all that much smarter today.
I once was complaining about delegates and senators, and one delegate in particular. And my friend, a particularly well-educated man in most of the things no longer taught said, "But he's all we got!" And as I came to understand, there was literally only one man in the entire General Assembly of Virginia that had any idea of up or down as to how the original political organization in America worked in contrast to the ongoing political travesty, the engineered take down of the America. As you well point out, there is a rather sharp divide between The Darkness and the Light. It's literally an echo of Christ's words on the cross, "Forgive them father fore they know not what they do." In short, a veritable Confederacy of Dunces in positions of power and influence.
Back in the day 2007 to 2014, when I was active and on the scene, I had an awareness of the little cosy 'clubs' to which both the Party of the Dumb and the Party of the Complicit sent their high level operatives, but the WEF? For a long time, not so high a level of public exposure. But post 2020, covid and The un-Great Reset? There is no denying the WEF up front and in your face role in all of this diabolical mess. Poor me! The Davos crowd just looked too stupid to wield this much influence. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
Thanks for the refreshing trip today down Memory Trail and a glimpse into the Rabbit Hole!
Yes, the late, great Rosa Koire tried to warn the world but they were too busy doing important things like watching Beyonce videos. Rosa, if you read this I hope you're having a great time up there!
Thanks for taking the time for the link. Rosa did so much and she is missed by so many of us. And if one is unfamiliar with Agenda 21/30, The Green Mask is The Plan ... was then, is now, and WEF Klaus Schwab only advances it with the not so Great Reset.
Yes, every time I encounter someone whose head has just begun to swivel with all the craziness, I pass along this Guns and Butter show so they understand. I can explain it no better!
Most of the time, I think more 'sausage.' Toothpaste imagery is really way too nice, way too antiseptic. Sausage machine imagery is really much more the ticket ... so grinding-ly non-stop raw.
I enjoyed this IMMENSELY! So many delicious zingers. Donβt tell Jeff, but I read your article twice and usually only read C&C once each day! {{giggle}} π€«
VERY well written! Wonderful prose! Honestly, I thought, "NO ONE could fill Jeff's shoes..". I was not even going to read the guest blog stack for CC mind you, just patiently wait for Jeff to kick a$$ and take names so he could come back and blog for us again. I was delightfully wrong and this stack tickled my mind and got that coffee flowing strong! It takes a lot of courage to share ideas that are "unpopular" or that go against the narrative. I love that you put a positive spin on the end of it too, for we only become slaves when we are rendered incapable of action and free thought by overwhelming odds so great that one just gives up and succumbs into apathy. Thank you for filling in! ππΊ
βAre we living in Concentration Camp 2.0? In the updated version, psychologically battered inmates amble around in a state of permanent learned helplessness, a brigade of Karens standing guard, eager to inform on anyone who demonstrates a faint alertness.
βWhen they reach the invisible boundaries of their self-constructed walls, they stop. When the atmosphere grants permission to proceed, they tiptoe tentatively forward, cringing in anticipation of the thunderclap order to halt and reverse. And it comes. It almost always comesβbut at random intervals, nerves fraying as they remain suspended in a state of perpetual tension, anxiety, and terror until the next shock.
βAfter enough waves of dread, they forget. They forget what it was like before, and they forget what it was like ahead. They forget there is an outside. They forget they have the capacity to stride through those phantom walls. They forget they have agency over their own lives. They forget they possess the power of a collective, resounding βNO!ββ
MAA--a coherent collated overview of the Klaus monster! I just mentioned him in the article I posted on Substack yesterday. One important detail re Mr. Schwab is his family bloodline, i.e., Rothschild. I've seen several family bloodline charts on Klaus and believe this to be historically accurate. Just as it is known that his father,Eugen, was an officer in Hitler's army. Although a few fact-checker sources wish to hide these facts--JD Rucker wrote: "The Schwab family is extremely powerful, so wiping the internet of damaging associations wouldnβt be nearly as hard as some might think. Little is published about Eugen Schwab that is verifiable, but it does appear that he and his business thrived during the Nazi era.[https://jdrucker.com/was-klaus-schwabs-father-a-nazi-collaborator/]
I have come across the Rothschild connection on his motherβs side, but it supposedly isnβt the House of Rothschild, although I havenβt had time to fact-check the fact-chokers. I try to avoid information like that if I cannot corroborate it using reliable (ideally primary) sources because itβs the sort of βmisinformationβ that can be used to discredit those who share it if it turns out to be untrue.
Yes I agree-tis a slippery slope in the age of propaganda on steroids! That said, how far of a stretch is it to presume that there is most certainly a connection between the WEF and the BIS(Davos BANK, HQ)? And thus, with a little deeper sleuthing the connection plausibly loops back to the Rothschild bloodlines. The Red Shields are well known now (and the anti-semetic ploy to discredit critics is understood by many), and no doubt, many of the family members may wish to eschew any allegiance or agreement with the family's nefarious past. Another source I found declares that DeRothschild is the newly named version of the original bloodline. Lotta work to verify all of this...many hours down the rabbit hole! IMHO-Schwab's ideas are credibly labeled as neo-Fascist as his entire WEF manifesto is founded upon the idea that AI and technology--Big international corporations--should rule the planet. And he is also aligned with Kurzweil's fantasies of immortality via a digitized-human. I wrote two articles about this recently. This site suggests the usual Bankster-Globalist intentions of the Red Shields: https://www.edmond-de-rothschild.com/en/Pages/default.aspx [the family shield has the same design for the most part as the original Rothschildcrest.]
More good points, RTT, and I love βthe age of propaganda on steroidsβ! I tend to avert those rabbit-holes as I know they can easily turn into black holes and I may never emerge from my journey π
I was reading some of the comments on Naomi Wolf's (pure awesomeness!) latest substack offering. I couldn't help but notice the extreme negativity and sense of absolute doom and gloom.....and I get it. Being a huge believer in social consciousness, if we give up our emotional and mental state then the battle is already over. We (collectively) through thoughts, conversations and actions, must keep moving forward. The winds will change.
Yes, *they* want us to fall prey to the doom and gloom. We must resist. We must sing. We must dance. We must laugh. We must HUG! We must build community. We must see the miracles all around us, every day.
Iβve noticed that attitude becoming more prevalent, too, Eric, and it is exactly how the tyrants want us to feel because it makes us easier to defeat.
Every general understands the importance of morale to winning the war, and those who denigrate hope fail to understand that it can make the difference between life or death on both an individual and a group level.
Well offered. As Solzhenitsyn said, art (true art) such as this is the one thing but ultimately cannot be denied. When the evil collectivists (envisioning themselves in control and playing god of course) seem to be winning at almost every turn, true art is the pathway to soul salvation laid out by our Creator.
Robert Pirsig explored the concept of true art through the concept Quality.
But for the master class on resistance and salvation of culture, Country, and Self through suffering and resistance, Solzhenitsyn is the king. For those looking for the definitive source.
The forces, tactics, and techniques of what he was fighting ultimately return again and again like a plague we must not surrender to, but are bound to resist and resist and resist even as our fellows shamefully cave or ignore.
There are some really good condensed versions of Gulag Archipelago, highly recommend the short versionsβ¦also a great Twitter follow for daily bites is @Al_Solzhenitsyn to get started with wonderful quotes
Absolutely, Solzhenitsynβs Ghost. It just so happened that I had listened to all of Solzhenitsynβs available writings on audiobook before the onset of the COVID psy-op, and his words have informed much of my work (e.g., my second essay: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it).
βWe didnβt love freedom enough. And even moreβwe had no awareness of the real situation. We spent ourselves in one unrestrained outburst in 1917, and then we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure!β
βAleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago: Volume 1
I wrote this song just before the scamdemic... Something was in the air that motivated me to write it. A hopeful song & message. Thought you might enjoy it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGepZUucDxY xox
Oh my goodness, Banjocat, that was beautiful, and I felt a profound connection with you while watching and listening to it. It takes courage to look into the camera with such authenticity and vulnerability for such an extended period of time like thatβI donβt know that Iβve ever seen anyone do that, which is quite amazing to consider.
Here is the thing: The vapid credentialed box checkers (think Kamala and BUTtigeig) who almost ALL of our institutions have been stuffed full of for the last 10-20 years or longer depending on the institution, CAN ONLY DESTROY... They CANNOT build or rebuild anything - let alone the utopia they dream of...
The argument can be made that the quicker they are allowed to destroy what is left (as there is not much left), the quicker and easier time we will have to rebuild while there are still some people left who know how to think for themselves, use their hands for something other than texting, build or fix things e.g. when most of this green energy nonsense fails, we will need people who still know how to make and fix internal combustion engines - Europe is already being forced to go back to coal and nuclear and luckily for them, they probably still have enough talent who know how to operate coal and nuclear plants....
Like I say - they CANNOT build anything ;)
Welcome to 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy and Life Has Never Been Better (Tales From the Great Reset)
- Welcome to the year 2030. Thanks to the Great Reset, you will own nothing and you will be happy - just like Ida in her city...
They are the definition of useless eaters, the industrial evolution was built by men and women, led by innovators and creative thinkers, and people who independenly took risk, for the betterment of mankind, these useless eaters now that so much of has been built and they stole what riches they have think they can annihilate most of us and subjugate the rest, and take the earth paradise for themselves.
I left a comment sharing what life is like in "L.A.", "Lower Alabama". I think for people in the truly horrific states the sense of despair has lingered. Given how horrendous things got in "the cradle of liberty", we knew, for the sake of many things, including our mental health, we had to leave. Thankfully, we could. Some can't and I can only imagine how disheartening things must seem.
DOom comments may be from people who donβt DO something about it. Everyone should be part of the resistance. Even one little thing each day.
Most importantly, make your vote count, however that can be done. Bannonβs negative always has a positive, with the charge to βgo out and get involved!β
Excellent point, CapIT. Being part of the Resistance is empowering, fulfilling, and inspiring. People grow despondent when they feel helpless, and the antidote to that is *action*, no matter how small.
βI long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.β
The education system has trained people to follow the leader, suspend their critical thinking skills, and obey without question. We are the ones who failed to absorb the lessons, thankfully.
One of the blessings of this new resistance is it is not about leadersβit is about all of us as individuals. That is why our numbers will continue to swell, and their attempts to character-assassinate or otherwise harm the perceived leaders will only make us stronger.
Small things: Use ad blocking browser Brave... IF you use Facebook, use the FB Purity app if it's still around to block the garbage... Turn the TV off and don't pay for cable, netflix, youtube etc...
Congratulations on your fine trial work, Jeff! And Margaret Anna Alice, thank you for a thought-provoking guest blog. I have to say that lately I've been in a funk of near-despair over various world events. Thank you for the soul-soothing quote from Gandhi: βWhen I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of itβalways.β
No need to despair, Kelly! We have truth, light, and love on our side, and integrity always winsβeven when it doesnβt appear that way, as with Hans and Sophie Scholl (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-german-bundestag). I would rather live in truth and die early than succumb to lies and live a long, corrupt life.
I agree Keley. Yesterdayβs blog was pretty rough. I did appreciate the effort at humor but thereβs a cultural difference and ESL doesnβt always translate well.οΏΌ
Thank you, space, and I am so glad you found this uplifting. One of my commenters recently shared that quote, and it made for a perfect conclusion to this piece.
"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
This santy klaus will fail miserably because he cannot account for the human spirit and tenacity in his dreary agenda. Many of these old white guys, of which I am one, are tremendously boring and fractured beyond hope. Living in a dream world, lost in space, time and skulduggery.
This about sums it up alright. Have always seen those Davos Country Club addicts as those kids popular in high school who just couldn't make it in real life. Highly self-regarded joiners and would be hipsters who stayed at the maturity level of Junior high school. Unless we figure a way to rid ourselves of these rats they continue to convince quite a lot of humans of their "wisdom".
MAA is the bomb dot com. Have been reading her brilliant essays since she started. Thanks for sharing her with the C&C crew, especially those who may not have heard of her heretofore.
Ecclesiastes 1:9
New International Version
What has been will be again,β¨Β Β Β Β what has been done will be done again;β¨Β Β Β Β there is nothing new under the sun
Schwab missed his calling. With that mug, acting should have been his vocation. The actor who portrayed the evil emperor in Star Wars has got nothing on old Klaus face.
I love her material and this article touches on so much that provides insight into today's operating environment. One quote that struck me as current and apropos is "Give me a child until he is seven, and I will show you the man."
In the context of "the current thing," the mental molestation of our collective children's minds with gender/transgenender dysphoria in elementary schools will undermine their psyche for life. If at all possible, home or private school until at least age 10 could be the most beneficial thing parents can give their children.
Our assumed 'ELITE Controllers' (NWO/WEF/UN/WHO) will obviously need to keep a few healthy humans as SLAVES. Vax related DEATHS are part of the NWO Sterilization and Depopulation Program and a well-planned destruction of (all non-elite) mankind! If 'LIABILITY' for medicine makers was reinstated (after the 'TEMPORARY' relaxation for Swine Flu back in 1976) as a basic requirement for public safety, Covid & DEADLY VAX would disappear overnight! They were 'LIABLE' until 1976 when they negotiated (with President Ford) a 'TEMPORARY' relaxation of their moral responsibilities related to an 'Experimental' Swine Flu injection which was also a deadly disaster. After 50+ post Vax US DEATHS the 'EXPERIMENT was deemed "Too Dangerous" and abandoned. But somehow 'Temporary' became 'PERMANENT' as a 'LICENCE to KILL'. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed & Ready.
My aunt became paralyzed for over 9 months after the swine flu vax. She was one of the βluckyβ ones who survived and after another year of painful and rigorous PT regained most of her previous capabilities and functions. She never took another vax after that and is alive today at age 93 to warn people of the dangers of these vaccines that are proliferating more and more every year and can have extremely serious consequences with no liability to the manufacturer!
You're so right - and it's so obvious! Our assumed 'ELITE Controllers' (NWO/WEF/UN/WHO) will obviously need to keep a few healthy humans as SLAVES. Vax related DEATHS are part of the NWO Sterilization and Depopulation Program and a well-planned destruction of (all non-elite) mankind! If 'LIABILITY' for medicine makers was reinstated (after the 'TEMPORARY' relaxation for Swine Flu back in 1976) as a basic requirement for public safety, Covid & DEADLY VAX would disappear overnight! They were 'LIABLE' until 1976 when they negotiated (with President Ford) a 'TEMPORARY' relaxation of their moral responsibilities related to an 'Experimental' Swine Flu injection which was also a deadly disaster. After 50+ post Vax US DEATHS the 'EXPERIMENT was deemed "Too Dangerous" and abandoned. But somehow 'Temporary' became 'PERMANENT' as a 'LICENCE to KILL' Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed & Ready.
Too many descriptive-type, big-worded adjectives for my understanding. Started skim-reading, then finally just skipped to the end to read the comments. Obviously others got something out of it - maybe I can gain wisdom from them.
Edited to add:
Glad you won your case, Jeff! Good job for you and your team!
Good news that you are coming back to us early, too!
I need the Cliff Note version. I'm just a simple girl. While I appreciate the beauty of words, my brain just can't. I am looking forward to Jeff returning tomorrow. I feel a little let down this morning with my morning read, cause I can't read it. LOL
Exactly. You worded it perfectly. I wish I were more eloquent with words, like you are. I am blunt and direct and have been told, "too honest" - which I take to mean "WAY too blunt". :)
Perhaps this one will make up for it? I promise itβs much more accessible, and the apparent pro-vaxx title makes it perfect for sneaking some truth to Covidian parents considering injecting their kids:
Lol....no apologies. I absolutely do appreciate the beauty of words and see you as a true artist. It just isn't my strength, hence Cliff Notes.....they saved me in High School cause I just didn't get it.
I am subscribed to your substack and have read 50 reasons. Thank you.
Congratulations on the marvelous development, Jeff, and thank you for the great honor of guest-blogging for your wonderful readers! π
I loved this stack MAA! You are an amazing writer and just brilliant! And you know how much we all love Jeff so the fact that you could fill in for him so beautifully says a lot. God bless you! πβοΈ
That means a lot to me, Jennifer, and I was deeply touched that Jeff tapped me for the honor of filling in for him!
Nice to see you here Miss Margaret. So very nice. And by way of historical note, me and my many friends, as a turn of phrase (Constitution Party and Tea Parties), were among the frontline troops in the wave of exposure which swept this Agenda 21, Maurice Strong stuff into public awareness. The year was 2011. Rosa Koire went on to write The Green Mask, The place for me was Virginia's General Assembly. Donna Holt and Delegate Marshall were super-stars in that year at venues across the state and on the floor of the House of Delegates. The rest of us of went around in various groups to delegate and senator offices exposing this stuff. At the time, being somewhat naive, I thought that the elected officials were just pretending not to know about all this. Later on, I came realize that the whole 'Machine,' from A to Z, is organized much like the Communist Cell structure ... that is, both compartmentalized and on a need to know basis. I came to understand that most delegates, senators, county and city elected officials are as dumb as stones ... and that policy is pushed through legislative bodies like tooth paste from a tube. Most did not have a clue then, and most are not all that much smarter today.
I once was complaining about delegates and senators, and one delegate in particular. And my friend, a particularly well-educated man in most of the things no longer taught said, "But he's all we got!" And as I came to understand, there was literally only one man in the entire General Assembly of Virginia that had any idea of up or down as to how the original political organization in America worked in contrast to the ongoing political travesty, the engineered take down of the America. As you well point out, there is a rather sharp divide between The Darkness and the Light. It's literally an echo of Christ's words on the cross, "Forgive them father fore they know not what they do." In short, a veritable Confederacy of Dunces in positions of power and influence.
Back in the day 2007 to 2014, when I was active and on the scene, I had an awareness of the little cosy 'clubs' to which both the Party of the Dumb and the Party of the Complicit sent their high level operatives, but the WEF? For a long time, not so high a level of public exposure. But post 2020, covid and The un-Great Reset? There is no denying the WEF up front and in your face role in all of this diabolical mess. Poor me! The Davos crowd just looked too stupid to wield this much influence. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
Thanks for the refreshing trip today down Memory Trail and a glimpse into the Rabbit Hole!
Yes, the late, great Rosa Koire tried to warn the world but they were too busy doing important things like watching Beyonce videos. Rosa, if you read this I hope you're having a great time up there!
The Green Mask explains so much. If youβve not heard this audio of Rosa, you must. https://noliesradio.org/archives/181018
Thanks for taking the time for the link. Rosa did so much and she is missed by so many of us. And if one is unfamiliar with Agenda 21/30, The Green Mask is The Plan ... was then, is now, and WEF Klaus Schwab only advances it with the not so Great Reset.
Yes, every time I encounter someone whose head has just begun to swivel with all the craziness, I pass along this Guns and Butter show so they understand. I can explain it no better!
Thank you for this fascinating history and those compelling insights, daverkb! I love the toothpaste analogy π
Most of the time, I think more 'sausage.' Toothpaste imagery is really way too nice, way too antiseptic. Sausage machine imagery is really much more the ticket ... so grinding-ly non-stop raw.
Perfect π
Absolutely agree - my husband and I LOVED your piece!!
I am thrilled to hear thatβthank you, Sandi!
I enjoyed this IMMENSELY! So many delicious zingers. Donβt tell Jeff, but I read your article twice and usually only read C&C once each day! {{giggle}} π€«
Thank you so much, FLPatriot, and it will be our secret π€£
So well put together - thank you for such a Big reveal of such a small man!!!
Haha, thank you, Heather, and great way of putting it!
Loved seeing your name as the Guest! Hopefully adding to your list of readers. Be well.
Thank you for your kind words, Tori, here and elsewhere!
VERY well written! Wonderful prose! Honestly, I thought, "NO ONE could fill Jeff's shoes..". I was not even going to read the guest blog stack for CC mind you, just patiently wait for Jeff to kick a$$ and take names so he could come back and blog for us again. I was delightfully wrong and this stack tickled my mind and got that coffee flowing strong! It takes a lot of courage to share ideas that are "unpopular" or that go against the narrative. I love that you put a positive spin on the end of it too, for we only become slaves when we are rendered incapable of action and free thought by overwhelming odds so great that one just gives up and succumbs into apathy. Thank you for filling in! ππΊ
WOW, HoneyPot4Freedom, that is quite an extraordinary compliment, and I am so grateful you gave my essay (and me :-) a chance!
Your statement about slavery is so very powerful and reminds me of a passage from my second essay, βCOVID IS OVER! β¦ If You Want Itβ (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it):
βAre we living in Concentration Camp 2.0? In the updated version, psychologically battered inmates amble around in a state of permanent learned helplessness, a brigade of Karens standing guard, eager to inform on anyone who demonstrates a faint alertness.
βWhen they reach the invisible boundaries of their self-constructed walls, they stop. When the atmosphere grants permission to proceed, they tiptoe tentatively forward, cringing in anticipation of the thunderclap order to halt and reverse. And it comes. It almost always comesβbut at random intervals, nerves fraying as they remain suspended in a state of perpetual tension, anxiety, and terror until the next shock.
βAfter enough waves of dread, they forget. They forget what it was like before, and they forget what it was like ahead. They forget there is an outside. They forget they have the capacity to stride through those phantom walls. They forget they have agency over their own lives. They forget they possess the power of a collective, resounding βNO!ββ
MAA--a coherent collated overview of the Klaus monster! I just mentioned him in the article I posted on Substack yesterday. One important detail re Mr. Schwab is his family bloodline, i.e., Rothschild. I've seen several family bloodline charts on Klaus and believe this to be historically accurate. Just as it is known that his father,Eugen, was an officer in Hitler's army. Although a few fact-checker sources wish to hide these facts--JD Rucker wrote: "The Schwab family is extremely powerful, so wiping the internet of damaging associations wouldnβt be nearly as hard as some might think. Little is published about Eugen Schwab that is verifiable, but it does appear that he and his business thrived during the Nazi era.[https://jdrucker.com/was-klaus-schwabs-father-a-nazi-collaborator/]
Thank you, Riki Tiki Tavi!
I have come across the Rothschild connection on his motherβs side, but it supposedly isnβt the House of Rothschild, although I havenβt had time to fact-check the fact-chokers. I try to avoid information like that if I cannot corroborate it using reliable (ideally primary) sources because itβs the sort of βmisinformationβ that can be used to discredit those who share it if it turns out to be untrue.
Johnny Vedmoreβs βKlaus Family Valuesβ (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/02/investigative-reports/schwab-family-values/), which I cite in this article, is one of the most thoroughly researched investigative pieces Iβve found on Klausβs family history and Eugen in particular.
Yes I agree-tis a slippery slope in the age of propaganda on steroids! That said, how far of a stretch is it to presume that there is most certainly a connection between the WEF and the BIS(Davos BANK, HQ)? And thus, with a little deeper sleuthing the connection plausibly loops back to the Rothschild bloodlines. The Red Shields are well known now (and the anti-semetic ploy to discredit critics is understood by many), and no doubt, many of the family members may wish to eschew any allegiance or agreement with the family's nefarious past. Another source I found declares that DeRothschild is the newly named version of the original bloodline. Lotta work to verify all of this...many hours down the rabbit hole! IMHO-Schwab's ideas are credibly labeled as neo-Fascist as his entire WEF manifesto is founded upon the idea that AI and technology--Big international corporations--should rule the planet. And he is also aligned with Kurzweil's fantasies of immortality via a digitized-human. I wrote two articles about this recently. This site suggests the usual Bankster-Globalist intentions of the Red Shields: https://www.edmond-de-rothschild.com/en/Pages/default.aspx [the family shield has the same design for the most part as the original Rothschildcrest.]
More good points, RTT, and I love βthe age of propaganda on steroidsβ! I tend to avert those rabbit-holes as I know they can easily turn into black holes and I may never emerge from my journey π
Sometimes I feel like the Mad Hatter! ...definitely a Wonderland! pax
Looking forward to tea together π©
This was really great! Do we find more of your truth revealing sarcasm here on Substack Margaret Anna Allis?οΏΌ
Thank you, KarenQ, and most definitely! I look forward to seeing you down the rabbit-hole π
MAA, you did a great job! Thank you for the information and for your wit.
Aww, thank you, FedUpDeb, and I am happy to know you found it valuable!
Loved it! The ending was perfect. π€πΌ
Haha, thanks so much, Brianβdelighted to hear it!
This was fantastic!
Thank you, Danielle! I appreciate your attentive readership and kind words.
Time will tell. πππ
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create hard times
Hard times create strong men
Indeed, Christy!
I was reading some of the comments on Naomi Wolf's (pure awesomeness!) latest substack offering. I couldn't help but notice the extreme negativity and sense of absolute doom and gloom.....and I get it. Being a huge believer in social consciousness, if we give up our emotional and mental state then the battle is already over. We (collectively) through thoughts, conversations and actions, must keep moving forward. The winds will change.
Yes, *they* want us to fall prey to the doom and gloom. We must resist. We must sing. We must dance. We must laugh. We must HUG! We must build community. We must see the miracles all around us, every day.
Amen, Tori!
It was quarter of dawn. All the Whos still a-bed,
All the Whos still a-snooze, when he packed up his sled,
Packed it up with their presents, their ribbons, their wrappings,
Their snoof and their fuzzles, their tringlers and trappings!
Ten thousand feet up, up the side of Mount Crumpet,
He rode with his load to the tiptop to dump it!
"Pooh-pooh to the Whos!" he was grinchily humming.
"They're finding out now that no Christmas is coming!
They're just waking up! I know just what they'll do!
Their mouths will hang open a minute or two
Then the Whos down in Whoville will all cry boo-hoo!
That's a noise," grinned the Grinch, "that I simply must hear!"
He paused, and the Grinch put a hand to his ear.
And he did hear a sound rising over the snow.
It started in low, then it started to grow.
But this sound wasn't sad!
Why, this sound sounded glad!
Every Who down in Whoville, the tall and the small,
Was singing without any presents at all!
He hadn't stopped Christmas from coming! It came!
Somehow or other, it came just the same!
And the Grinch, with his grinch feet ice-cold in the snow,
Stood puzzling and puzzling. "How could it be so?
It came without ribbons! It came without tags!
It came without packages, boxes, or bags!"
He puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore.
Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before.
Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store.
Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more!
And what happened then? Well, in Whoville they say
That the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day!
They'll stand close together, with Christmas bells ringing.
They'll stand hand-in-hand, and those Whos will start singing!"
Fahoo forays, dahoo dorays
Welcome Christmas! Come this way
Fahoo forays, dahoo dorays
Welcome Christmas, Christmas Day
Welcome, welcome, fahoo ramus
Welcome, welcome, dahoo damus
Christmas Day is in our grasp
So long as we have hands to clasp
Fahoo forays, dahoo dorays...
"And they'll sing! And they'll sing! And they'll SING! SING! SING! SING!"
Excellent very nice reminder
The good Dr nailed it!
I like this a lot. Too bad more of you wonβt come to CA!
Iβve noticed that attitude becoming more prevalent, too, Eric, and it is exactly how the tyrants want us to feel because it makes us easier to defeat.
Every general understands the importance of morale to winning the war, and those who denigrate hope fail to understand that it can make the difference between life or death on both an individual and a group level.
βHopeβ is the thing with feathers
by Emily Dickinson
βHopeβ is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -
Iβve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.
Well offered. As Solzhenitsyn said, art (true art) such as this is the one thing but ultimately cannot be denied. When the evil collectivists (envisioning themselves in control and playing god of course) seem to be winning at almost every turn, true art is the pathway to soul salvation laid out by our Creator.
Robert Pirsig explored the concept of true art through the concept Quality.
But for the master class on resistance and salvation of culture, Country, and Self through suffering and resistance, Solzhenitsyn is the king. For those looking for the definitive source.
The forces, tactics, and techniques of what he was fighting ultimately return again and again like a plague we must not surrender to, but are bound to resist and resist and resist even as our fellows shamefully cave or ignore.
You make me want to [try] to read The Gulag Archipelago again. Itβs a heavy tome.
I worked my way through it on audiobook over the course of several months and was so glad I had when COVID tyranny hit.
There are some really good condensed versions of Gulag Archipelago, highly recommend the short versionsβ¦also a great Twitter follow for daily bites is @Al_Solzhenitsyn to get started with wonderful quotes
Absolutely, Solzhenitsynβs Ghost. It just so happened that I had listened to all of Solzhenitsynβs available writings on audiobook before the onset of the COVID psy-op, and his words have informed much of my work (e.g., my second essay: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it).
Spectacular essay, Margaret! What a quote:
βDoes this sound familiar?β
βWe didnβt love freedom enough. And even moreβwe had no awareness of the real situation. We spent ourselves in one unrestrained outburst in 1917, and then we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure!β
βAleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago: Volume 1
Thank you, Solzhenitsynβs Ghost, and that is the tagline for our age!
I wrote this song just before the scamdemic... Something was in the air that motivated me to write it. A hopeful song & message. Thought you might enjoy it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGepZUucDxY xox
Bravo Banjocat! Beautiful!
Lovely song and video, Banjocat....and your voice is so beautiful!
Oh my goodness, Banjocat, that was beautiful, and I felt a profound connection with you while watching and listening to it. It takes courage to look into the camera with such authenticity and vulnerability for such an extended period of time like thatβI donβt know that Iβve ever seen anyone do that, which is quite amazing to consider.
Here is the thing: The vapid credentialed box checkers (think Kamala and BUTtigeig) who almost ALL of our institutions have been stuffed full of for the last 10-20 years or longer depending on the institution, CAN ONLY DESTROY... They CANNOT build or rebuild anything - let alone the utopia they dream of...
The argument can be made that the quicker they are allowed to destroy what is left (as there is not much left), the quicker and easier time we will have to rebuild while there are still some people left who know how to think for themselves, use their hands for something other than texting, build or fix things e.g. when most of this green energy nonsense fails, we will need people who still know how to make and fix internal combustion engines - Europe is already being forced to go back to coal and nuclear and luckily for them, they probably still have enough talent who know how to operate coal and nuclear plants....
Like I say - they CANNOT build anything ;)
Welcome to 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy and Life Has Never Been Better (Tales From the Great Reset)
- Welcome to the year 2030. Thanks to the Great Reset, you will own nothing and you will be happy - just like Ida in her city...
They are the definition of useless eaters, the industrial evolution was built by men and women, led by innovators and creative thinkers, and people who independenly took risk, for the betterment of mankind, these useless eaters now that so much of has been built and they stole what riches they have think they can annihilate most of us and subjugate the rest, and take the earth paradise for themselves.
I just got done reading Naomi Wolf's stack and comments and thought the same thing as well. No hope. They have given up.
I left a comment sharing what life is like in "L.A.", "Lower Alabama". I think for people in the truly horrific states the sense of despair has lingered. Given how horrendous things got in "the cradle of liberty", we knew, for the sake of many things, including our mental health, we had to leave. Thankfully, we could. Some can't and I can only imagine how disheartening things must seem.
Maybe. Or maybe they are just behind on the transition from shock and grief to hope and action.
DOom comments may be from people who donβt DO something about it. Everyone should be part of the resistance. Even one little thing each day.
Most importantly, make your vote count, however that can be done. Bannonβs negative always has a positive, with the charge to βgo out and get involved!β
Itβs our collective fault if we do nothing.
Excellent point, CapIT. Being part of the Resistance is empowering, fulfilling, and inspiring. People grow despondent when they feel helpless, and the antidote to that is *action*, no matter how small.
βI long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.β
βHelen Keller
Most people are followers, and this situation is new to them. And they do not know who to follow...
The education system has trained people to follow the leader, suspend their critical thinking skills, and obey without question. We are the ones who failed to absorb the lessons, thankfully.
One of the blessings of this new resistance is it is not about leadersβit is about all of us as individuals. That is why our numbers will continue to swell, and their attempts to character-assassinate or otherwise harm the perceived leaders will only make us stronger.
I used the meme Margarat used in https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/best-great-reset-resistance-memes-aug2022 where I have more like it or in previous posts:
Small things: Use ad blocking browser Brave... IF you use Facebook, use the FB Purity app if it's still around to block the garbage... Turn the TV off and don't pay for cable, netflix, youtube etc...
Congratulations on your fine trial work, Jeff! And Margaret Anna Alice, thank you for a thought-provoking guest blog. I have to say that lately I've been in a funk of near-despair over various world events. Thank you for the soul-soothing quote from Gandhi: βWhen I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of itβalways.β
Lol! Yesterday's blog got me close to that near-dispair! By the time I got to the wolly mammoth writing, I was fried and couldnt keep reading.
I hope to get back to that at some point, but worry THAT will get me into dispair-mind again. So...yeah...maybe not.
No need to despair, Kelly! We have truth, light, and love on our side, and integrity always winsβeven when it doesnβt appear that way, as with Hans and Sophie Scholl (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-german-bundestag). I would rather live in truth and die early than succumb to lies and live a long, corrupt life.
I agree Keley. Yesterdayβs blog was pretty rough. I did appreciate the effort at humor but thereβs a cultural difference and ESL doesnβt always translate well.οΏΌ
Yes, ending with Gandhiβs quote was very uplifting.
Good will always triumph over evil. Make it a mantra .
Thank you, space, and I am so glad you found this uplifting. One of my commenters recently shared that quote, and it made for a perfect conclusion to this piece.
I agree. Iβve been the same lately. Having to take my mind off so I donβt despair.
"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
- Isaiah 40:31
This santy klaus will fail miserably because he cannot account for the human spirit and tenacity in his dreary agenda. Many of these old white guys, of which I am one, are tremendously boring and fractured beyond hope. Living in a dream world, lost in space, time and skulduggery.
So very true, Gorgo. Philanthropaths and technocrats severely underestimate the resilience of the human spiritβto their own demise.
"That the sanity Klaus. It's in every contact". If we can stay sane we can beat them...but by God's grace and mercy. They will have none.
Nicely done, Margaret!
P.S. βTake your lap puppy Yuval and feast on your own brain eating maggots, you bug pushing wankers.β
Thank you, VA, and well-said! π
This about sums it up alright. Have always seen those Davos Country Club addicts as those kids popular in high school who just couldn't make it in real life. Highly self-regarded joiners and would be hipsters who stayed at the maturity level of Junior high school. Unless we figure a way to rid ourselves of these rats they continue to convince quite a lot of humans of their "wisdom".
Stellar points, KW!
MAA is the bomb dot com. Have been reading her brilliant essays since she started. Thanks for sharing her with the C&C crew, especially those who may not have heard of her heretofore.
Ecclesiastes 1:9
New International Version
What has been will be again,β¨Β Β Β Β what has been done will be done again;β¨Β Β Β Β there is nothing new under the sun
Love this verse when I start to despair.
βThe Peace of Wild Thingsβ
by Wendell Berry
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my childrenβs lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
Beautiful! A visual to visit any time when needed.
So glad you feel that way, ETaylor! I often return to this and other Wendell Berry poems in times of despair and grief.
me too :)
Beautiful, and thank you so much for shining your light, Tori! βοΈ
Thank you, you are welcome, and right back at you. We got this!
Brava! You further lowered my image of this low life to the height and substance of the dust bunnies under my bed.
*lol* Love that analogy, and thank you, Janet!
Gracious, this blog was tremendous! What a wordsmith!
Aww, thank you so much, Mary!
Klaus says "You will own nothing and be happy." I say the elites will own everything and still be miserable.
Schwab missed his calling. With that mug, acting should have been his vocation. The actor who portrayed the evil emperor in Star Wars has got nothing on old Klaus face.
You got that right, KateT!
I love her material and this article touches on so much that provides insight into today's operating environment. One quote that struck me as current and apropos is "Give me a child until he is seven, and I will show you the man."
In the context of "the current thing," the mental molestation of our collective children's minds with gender/transgenender dysphoria in elementary schools will undermine their psyche for life. If at all possible, home or private school until at least age 10 could be the most beneficial thing parents can give their children.
Thank you, JLo2112, and what a chilling and important point.
βShowing Their True Selfβ: Biden Admin Empowers Teachers Unions To Push Gender Ideology And Critical Race Theory
Our assumed 'ELITE Controllers' (NWO/WEF/UN/WHO) will obviously need to keep a few healthy humans as SLAVES. Vax related DEATHS are part of the NWO Sterilization and Depopulation Program and a well-planned destruction of (all non-elite) mankind! If 'LIABILITY' for medicine makers was reinstated (after the 'TEMPORARY' relaxation for Swine Flu back in 1976) as a basic requirement for public safety, Covid & DEADLY VAX would disappear overnight! They were 'LIABLE' until 1976 when they negotiated (with President Ford) a 'TEMPORARY' relaxation of their moral responsibilities related to an 'Experimental' Swine Flu injection which was also a deadly disaster. After 50+ post Vax US DEATHS the 'EXPERIMENT was deemed "Too Dangerous" and abandoned. But somehow 'Temporary' became 'PERMANENT' as a 'LICENCE to KILL'. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed & Ready.
My aunt became paralyzed for over 9 months after the swine flu vax. She was one of the βluckyβ ones who survived and after another year of painful and rigorous PT regained most of her previous capabilities and functions. She never took another vax after that and is alive today at age 93 to warn people of the dangers of these vaccines that are proliferating more and more every year and can have extremely serious consequences with no liability to the manufacturer!
Wow, what an amazing testimonial, Julie Ann. So glad she survived and is using her experience to help save others!
No manufacturers EXCEPT jab(vaccine) manufacturers are exempt from product liability laws.
This liability exemption must be REPEALED.
You're so right - and it's so obvious! Our assumed 'ELITE Controllers' (NWO/WEF/UN/WHO) will obviously need to keep a few healthy humans as SLAVES. Vax related DEATHS are part of the NWO Sterilization and Depopulation Program and a well-planned destruction of (all non-elite) mankind! If 'LIABILITY' for medicine makers was reinstated (after the 'TEMPORARY' relaxation for Swine Flu back in 1976) as a basic requirement for public safety, Covid & DEADLY VAX would disappear overnight! They were 'LIABLE' until 1976 when they negotiated (with President Ford) a 'TEMPORARY' relaxation of their moral responsibilities related to an 'Experimental' Swine Flu injection which was also a deadly disaster. After 50+ post Vax US DEATHS the 'EXPERIMENT was deemed "Too Dangerous" and abandoned. But somehow 'Temporary' became 'PERMANENT' as a 'LICENCE to KILL' Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed & Ready.
Too many descriptive-type, big-worded adjectives for my understanding. Started skim-reading, then finally just skipped to the end to read the comments. Obviously others got something out of it - maybe I can gain wisdom from them.
Edited to add:
Glad you won your case, Jeff! Good job for you and your team!
Good news that you are coming back to us early, too!
I need the Cliff Note version. I'm just a simple girl. While I appreciate the beauty of words, my brain just can't. I am looking forward to Jeff returning tomorrow. I feel a little let down this morning with my morning read, cause I can't read it. LOL
Exactly. You worded it perfectly. I wish I were more eloquent with words, like you are. I am blunt and direct and have been told, "too honest" - which I take to mean "WAY too blunt". :)
A little too much of a good thing. If it really is good writing, the reader enjoys reading it.
Cliff took one look, turned and ran in the other direction.
Haha, I apologize for the letdown, CeCe.
Perhaps this one will make up for it? I promise itβs much more accessible, and the apparent pro-vaxx title makes it perfect for sneaking some truth to Covidian parents considering injecting their kids:
β’ β50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shotβ (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/50-reasons-to-give-your-child-the)
Lol....no apologies. I absolutely do appreciate the beauty of words and see you as a true artist. It just isn't my strength, hence Cliff Notes.....they saved me in High School cause I just didn't get it.
I am subscribed to your substack and have read 50 reasons. Thank you.
Haha, lovely, and thank you, CeCe! π