☕️ BUCKLE UP, BUTTERCUP ☙ Monday, January 8, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
2024 starts with bangs; Alaska passengers' phones found; Trump's election fraud summary ignored; jab injuries going mainstream; feds sued for Ashli Babbitt murder; Hollywood pedophilia news; and more.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday! It is officially the second week of 2024, a year almost nobody expects to be boring. The first week of 2024 started explosively, as today’s roundup will prove. Are you ready? Today’s roundup includes: an update from the explosive Alaska Airlines travel story; Trump’s explosive election fraud summary lands silently in a quiet forest of media malpractice; outside the US, more professionals start talking about jab problems; Judicial Watch sues the federal government over Ashli Babbit’s murder; and the Golden Globes rubs elite faces in their own reprehensible lifestyles, again.
✈️ One of the weekend’s unbelievable stories involved an Alaska Airlainer whose door plug suddenly and unexpectedly decided to depart the airplane at 16,000 feet, shoving the concept of “a little turbulence” into brand new perspective. Yesterday there was a minor update to the exciting story: one of the passengers’ iPhones was found. On the ground. After falling 16,000 feet. And it still worked:
Let’s take a moment to try and sympathize with the experience of having your iPhone explosively decompressed right out of your hands through a door that should never ever be open and out into the night sky somewhere over Oregon.
They’re still looking for the door. They should ask Michelle; that’s what I usually do. She can find anything.
🔥 It is perhaps a sign of the times that last week on January 2nd, without fanfare or much comment, President Trump issued a 32-page “Summary of 2020 Election Fraud” covering “swing states” Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Michigan.
The Summary was carefully designed to prove beyond argument that there was enough fraud in 2020 to change the outcome of the election, which is the legal standard for bringing a case. The problem of course is that election challenge cases must be filed in an insanely-short period of time, like ten days. Since 2020, I’ve litigated five elections cases, and thought about the issues a lot. Reluctantly, there are probably good reasons the deadlines are so short.
Mostly, the rationale is that a stable society needs some certainty about who’s running things.
Notwithstanding that it’s far too late to file suit, over the last three years Corporate Media built election denialism into a thought crime even more perfidious than science denialism, if that’s possible. So the Introduction’s very first two sentences appear custom designed to trigger democrats:
It has often been repeated there is “no evidence” of fraud in the 2020 Election. In actuality, there is no evidence Joe Biden won.
Haha! They turned the “no evidence” gag right around on the media! I loved it.
You would think the media’s peals of protest would be loud enough to wake the alien diplomats on the International Space Station. After all, the Summary confirms everything the democrats have long complained about Trump’s state of mind: in black and white, Trump denied the election and said that Joe Biden is an illegitimate president. Not only that, but the Summary makes specific claim after specific claim, so it should be trivial to ‘debunk’.
Each of Trump’s prosecutors should have already filed the Summary in those cases as evidence of how unreasonable Trump is.
But no. Surprisingly, the democrats weren’t triggered. Nor were RINOs or Never Trumpers. In fact, six days later there seems to be a total media blackout on the story. They aren’t even writing ‘fact-checks’ or op-eds about it:
Consider what’s missing here: there was no ‘fact check’! And there was no faux outrage over Trump’s denying the election. Corporate media’s silence is deafening.
Here’s how the Summary’s Introduction described the election, if you can call it that:
Republican poll watchers were denied access to the counting in multiple jurisdictions and ballots were counted in secret in the middle of the night without media or observers present. Countless irregularities emerged, including reports of ineligible voters, voting machine anomalies, “water main breaks,” improbable percentages of ballots for Biden, and more.
Since, investigations across the country have uncovered an avalanche of irregularities, unlawful activity, manipulation of election records, destruction of evidence, and fraud. The findings, which are outcome determinative, are detailed in these summaries of the Swing States.
The Summary is written in lay English, without awkward legal terms of art and having its citations to sources down in the footnotes. It is easy to read. In other words, it was designed for all of us. I don’t often suggest reading something, but this Summary is important, regardless of your preferred nominee. It’s a relatively quick, easy read. Consider it a core part of civics education.
Well, it’s a core part of civics education in 2024.
The timing of the Summary’s release was also interesting;Trump issued it on the very first work day of 2024, which coincidentally happened to be the same day True the Vote was found not guilty of violating the Voting Rights Act in a 140-page legal opinion, as I reported last week:
Now that we are in the final run up to the November 5th Presidential Election, what with the Iowa caucasus scheduled for next week on January 15th, the various parties’ plans will start shifting into high gear. Things are heating up. There will almost certainly be more disclosures.
If — sorry, when — Biden withdraws from the race, the best time to do it will be right before or even during the Democrat National Convention in August (date TBD). That will allow democrat delegates to ‘select’ their next candidate, and deprive Republicans of eight months of campaigning against the party’s true nominee.
Now, don’t even start complaining about how democrat voters are going to be deprived of a democratic primary. As if they cared.
💉 Malaysian Professor Dr. Mustafa Ali is a renowned Malaysian expert in endocrine disruptors research, clinical pharmacology, and environmental toxicology, and was a former WHO Expert Panel Advisor. He’s published over 40 books and 100 international papers. In a clip from a Malaysian interview (subtitled), Dr. Ali described hearing about vaccine regret from patients, the baffling outbreak of atypical sudden deaths, increasing cancer rates, and the growing cohort of ‘quiet disability’ resulting from vaccine injuries:
“These people often feel tired after the vaccine. For example, after they get the vaccine, they can’t lift their hand. These are not recorded most of the time. The second thing is people who have side effects they have not reported yet. Maybe ten years later, then only the thing is expressed.”
It sure appears as though there is a growing consensus in the foreign medical/scientific community that the jabs are, well, problematic. Domestically, it remains a career-ender to question the magic shots. But there must be a tipping point in there somewhere. To mix metaphors, tick, tock.
🔥 Late last week — also in the first week of 2024 — Judicial Watch announced it has once again sued the federal government — which isn’t news, it sues the government all the time in Freedom of Information Act cases. But this time it’s filed a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of Ashli Babbit’s estate.
As you surely recall, Ashli Babbitt, 35, was an Air Force veteran who was shot and killed by Capitol Police during the January 6th protest. Some people call it “murdered.” The government was so confident in the legitimacy of Ashli’s shooting that for months it kept all the details secret, including the identity of the officer involved in the shooting.
Compare that total secrecy lockdown to the way the identities of the officers involved in the George Floyd shooting were treated. Those officers’ faces were printed on t-shirts ten minutes after Floyd took his last drug-addled breath. But it took heroic effort to pry Ashli’s shooter’s name out of the government: Lt. Michael Byrd, a black Capitol Police commander and the incident commander for the House on January 6th.
Again, the timing is fascinating. Discovery in the case will be off the chain. It’s difficult to understate how potentially explosive this case could be. The government can’t afford to settle, so — assuming Tom Fitton’s team can survive dismissal and summary judgment — this lawsuit is going to trial.
🔥 Yesterday TMZ ran a story headlined “Jim Gaffigan Cracks 'Pedophile' Joke During Golden Globes.” Comedian Jim Gaffigan ruffled a few feathers at the Golden Globes yesterday when he cracked a joke about not being sure he deserved to be there since he’s not a pedophile. The audience of elite Hollywood stars and producers laughed.
CLIP: Gaffigan delights stars with pedophile joke at the Golden Globes (0:23).
TMZ downplayed the reaction, reporting that “a handful of people laughed, but it was mostly dead silent.” The audio in the clip suggests it was more than just a handful, but we weren’t there. Gaffigan continued by rhetorically asking if "pedophile" was a new category for the Globes, and said something to the effect that if not, it was overdue.
Gaffigan said it, not me. So.
The Golden Globes is a Hollywood awards ceremony that started in 1944 and is considered a lead-up to the Oscars, hosted by the Hollywood Foreign Press. Gaffigan’s joke reminded everyone of Ricky Gervais’ now-infamous Golden Globes swan song in 2020. Ironically, Gaffigan was there to announce Gervais’s Netflix show won an award, but that persona-non-grata didn’t show up to accept, so Gaffigan accepted it on Ricky’s behalf.
It feels significant that Gaffigan’s joke was a laugh-getter. It also seems quite interesting that, after Gervais’ 2020 performance, the Hollywood Foreign Press didn’t tell Gaffigan ixnay on the edo-pay jokes. And what does it mean that they laughed?
As far as I can tell, everything else about the mind-numbing awards show was woke virtue-signaling and completely forgettable. And maybe that is why they let Jim make the joke? In any event, Hollywood pedophilia has now reached the stage of being the butt of everyone’s joke; it has gone mainstream.
And right in time for election season. Buckle up, buttercups.
Have a magnificent Monday! C&C will be back tomorrow morning as usual with another steaming hot cup of snarky news and commentary. See you then.
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How do we steel ourself for the battle for the soul of humanity? Read this.
as Montaigne put it, “To practice death is to practice freedom. A man who has learned how to die has unlearned how to be a slave.”
“Let us prepare our minds as if we’d come to the very end of life. Let us postpone nothing. Let us balance life’s books each day....The one who puts the finishing touches on their life each day is never short of time.” Seneca
The finest man I ever knew practiced this at work. Fiercely independent, as smart as anyone I ever knew, photographic memory, and experienced from the bottom to the top of the company. When someone was trying to put him in his place, he told them "I came in here looking for a job, and I can leave the same way". He was feared, often hated by the toadies, , but virtually everyone respected him. He led by example. The day came when the company blew up the entire US based International division. He alone ensured they offered an early retirement package and a generous severance package to those who did not qualify, myself included. They tried to bribe him, threaten him, until finally he told them to keep their pension. He did not want it. BTW, it was probably the finest private retirement program in the country. They were floored. "We can't do that. It isn't legal". Checkmate.
How do you control someone who is not afraid.? You can't. And that is what every single "go along to get along" person in this country needs to do. The Khazarian cabal has decided there are only two choices for the masses. Be willing to die on your feet, or live on your knees. The time is imminent when everyone is going to have to make that choice. No more hiding in the shadows. .
Pray for Trump. The Dems want him in jail by any means necessary. Pray for the country the RINOS don’t care about it and will sell us all out. Pray for yourselves this is the year the country wakes up and we begin reconstruction.