☕️ C&C NEWS ☙ Sunday, October 23, 2022 ☙ PORKY'S 🦠
College boys crack the code; WSU drops mandates for staff but not students, for some reason; CDC Director sick again, after five shots; do new variants prefer the jabbed?; GVB's dire warning, more.
Good morning, and Happy Sunday, C&C supporters! Your bonus roundup today includes: a Covid Summit report; college boys have found a way to get all the way into the sorority; Washington State University drops mandates for staff but not students; Rochelle gets symptomatic covid after her fifth new-and-improved booster shot; new covid variants seem to prefer recently jabbed people; Geert Vanden Bossche predicts the end of civilization, again; Alberta’s premier apologizes to unjabbed; Miami Herald unintentionally argues for re-electing Governor DeSantis while trying to endorse goofy Charlie Crist; and a funny jab compilation to make you chuckle.
🪖 Another great Covid Summit is in the can. As far as I can tell, the vast majority of attendees were also C&C readers, which clearly include doctors, nurses, chiropractors, scientists, military, and an FBI employee who told me she’s gotten some right-thinking agents reading the blog. Welcome, agents!
It was also great to see all the docs again, Cole, Malone, Hatfield, and many others, and it was a balm hanging out with some of the other great lawyers battling the system, like Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver, Florida’s Rachel Rodriguez, and New York’s Bobbi Anne Cox, who single-handedly shut down Kathy Hochul’s psychotic plan to construct covid quarantine camps.
It’s hard to pick one, but if you only have time for a little, watch Dr. Hatfield’s and Dr. Malone’s short presentations, which ran back to back, for some ideas you may not have heard yet, and which give some insight into the elite’s smug self-superiority. (When I just checked, the livestream link was unavailable. I’ll try to get hold of a link to the whole show and post it tomorrow.)
🔥 Haha, sorry ladies, the guys have cracked the code, and they’re all up in the henhouse now. Too late! I’m referring to the highly-open-minded and welcoming University of Wyoming’s Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, which this week became the first sorority to accept an unattractive cross-dressing transvestite into its “sisterhood.”
I say ‘unattractive’ because the young man, admitted in a special secret second round after failing to get any votes in the normal sorority election, is heavily overweight and bearded. In other words, he’s not even trying!
KKG’s newest sister-man, or man-sister, or whatever, can now live at the sorority, use the same bathrooms, shower with the girls, walk around in his underwear, trade dating tips, and join in the pillow fights. Girls who asked questions about the logistics were told to “just use a different bathroom” if it was a problem for them.
I imagine the Porky’s writers are spinning in their scalding graves; never in their wildest, most hedonistic dreams did they ever imagine a scenario as rife with voyeuristic opportunity as this deranged new trend. If only they could remake their infamous movie for 2022 audiences.
KKG members told media that they were pressured to ‘accept’ the new gender-bending recruit. Among other things, members said they were told:
— “Regardless of what your political views are, our Kappa values are acceptance and kindness, so if that is something that you disagree with, that’s not in line with Kappa values.”
— “It’s 2022. If you vote no, it better be for, like, literal issues with that new member or else it’s homophobic.”
— “If your only concerns are about her living in the house, you are thinking too far down the road.”
— “If you have something to say about this that isn’t kind or respectful, keep it to yourself.”
Kappa Kappa Gamma officially “updated” its national bylaws to allow female-identifying men just this year, in 2022. They sure aren’t wasting any time.
Welcome to Porky’s 2022!
💉 On Friday, Washington Local News KREM2 ran a story headlined, “Washington State University Dropping Covid-19 Vaccine Requirement for Most Employees.”

Employees. But not STUDENTS.
Last month, Washington governor Jay Inslee ironically announced he plans to end his covid state of emergency on Halloween. Washington state, one of the last states to drop its state of emergency, also has one of the lowest covid death rates in the country.
WSU’s new announcement tracks the governor’s timing; the jab mandate for WSU staff ends on Halloween. But WSU said in a written statement, “As decided prior to the beginning of the school year, COVID-19 vaccinations will continue to be required for students enrolled on a physical WSU campus through the 2022-23 academic year.”
Sorry students! Although you are in the demographic LEAST likely to be harmed by covid, you still have to undertake all the risks of systemic spike protein injections. Because science! Shut up!
You can thank the experts later.
In related WSU news, the school made news a year ago by firing its head football coach, Nick Rolovich, who applied for a religious exemption to the school’s shot mandate. His application was denied. Rolovich is now suing the school for $25 million, for religious discrimination.
Maybe the students should consider something similar. Just saying.
💉 Uh-oh! The new bivalent boosters are working SO very well that even CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, if that is her real name, is now covid-infected and symptomatic, a mere 30 days after getting her new and improved bivalent covid shot.
Here she is back on September 22:

And now, a month later on October 22:
According to media reports, Director Walensky is “experiencing mild symptoms.” Fortunately Pfizer has ANOTHER drug for her to take, Paxlovid, which she’d better start taking asap. Allegedly, last month’s shot was Walensky’s FIFTH safe and effective injection. Don’t mock. It could have been SO much worse. And, they never said it would stop infections.
You remember that not happening, right?

The quintuple-jabbed CDC Director will be staying at home this week so as not to infect her jabbed co-workers, since the fully-vaccinated CDC staff remains at risk of dying from covid. Safety first.
Pfizer’s eight mice ‘volunteers’ couldn’t be reached for comment, because immediately after the trials, they were executed, burned to ashes, and their ashes were sealed up in eight tiny lead coffins that were promptly chucked overboard into the Marianas Trench.
💉 So, you won’t be surprised to hear that the none of the currently trending covid variants ones that the ‘bivalent’ booster shots elicit antibodies for. That’s the speed of science for you.
A few days ago, covid statistics miner Ethical Skeptic reported that the two new variants producing the most interest lately, BQ.1 and BQ.1.1, appear to prefer RECENTLY jabbed people, if you can believe that. The data suggests jabbed people are +22% more likely to be infected with one of the new variants, while unjabbed folks are -4% likely to catch it.
I’m starting to think that the reason corporate media stopped reporting the new variants is because they’re coming so fast now. It’s impossible to keep up with them in a normal news cycle.
This news is interesting because if the new variants are now preferring recently-jabbed folks, one wonders how it will affect the recommended booster interval? Could they go to weekly? Daily? They may need at-home injections.
💉 In a well-written October 20th interview with Geert Vanden Bossche published on Substack, Mary Beth Pfeiffer quoted GVB predicting the End of Western Civilization, again, thanks to people’s jab-injured immune systems:
“For me this is going to be the end of western civilization,” he said, a phrase he used several times in our conversation. “The hospitals will crash. The rest of society is just going to follow.” He recalled the history of other plagues that culled humanity, times when the human order was reshuffled during years of subsequent struggle and upheaval.
I don’t often quote Geert, at least partly because he’s been darkly predicting an imminent human mass extinction event for going on two years now. But more significantly, GVB is an extreme outlier, and the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. Plus, Geert’s explanations are usually so highly technical that they are hard to understand absent a certain degree of faith.
Pfeiffer also quoted Dr. Tess Lawrie, who described a mechanism of concern seemingly more consistent with what we’re seeing. Lawrie said that because jabbed people — especially recently jabbed people — live with a constant state of systemic inflammation, their immune systems are overwhelmed, unable to effectively handle challenges like new variants.
If you combine systemic inflammation with antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), which I’ve described many times, and which appears to have finally entered the mainstream conversation around covid jabs, there are plenty of good reasons for people to take a break from all the jabbing to see how things develop.
It’s just an idea, only something to consider. Don’t cancel me.
💉 I bet you never expected to see something like this. Watch Alberta’s new Premier* apologize for how unjabbed people were treated during the pandemic.

So, we now have one U.S. State — Florida — and one Canadian province — Alberta — where Reason, battered and bruised, has climbed back up into her throne. Only about 60 left to go.
“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”
— Charles Mackay, 1841.
(* A Canadian Premier is definitely NOT like a U.S. governor, so.)
🔥 Surprising no one, the Miami Herald endorsed Charlie Crist for governor in Florida.

The editors’ unintentionally hilarious rationale for supporting walking scarecrow Crist was not based on his merit, but on Governor DeSantis’ horrifying preference for individual rights:
I hardly need to tell any of you that murderous dictators Hitler and Stalin both rode to power arguing for enforcing the “common good” over “individual rights.” So, while they’re calling DeSantis “mean,” the Herald’s editors are simultaneously making a bold argument in favor of dystopian dictatorships.
Haha, it’s also pretty sidesplitting that, in a public editorial attempting to tear DeSantis to shreds, the Herald claimed that “dissent is muzzled.” Really? Dissent like your stupid editorial? It’s only suppressed behind your paywall, dummies.
But the best part is the Herland’s three main examples offered as “evidence” of DeSantis’ meanness: (1) sending illegal immigrants to the elitist sanctuary city Martha’s Vineyard, (2) arresting people who illegally voted in 2020, and (3) suing a Miami bar for indecency after it held a drag show — for kids.
All that sounds pretty good, to me.
After that, the Herald’s elongated shopping list of continued complaints sounded a lot more like a great argument to vote FOR the Governor:
[H]e pushed to reopen the state during the COVID-19 pandemic sooner than many others … push[ed] unproven treatment, instead of vaccines, to counter the omicron variant … downplay[ed] vaccines … handcuff[ed] local officials from imposing stringent measures … threat[ened] school districts that wanted to order mask mandates … vowed to “expand pro-life protections” … spearhead[ed] the recovery in Southwest Florida from the ravages of Hurricane Ian [and] launched a fast-moving recovery plan [that] only took the state a few weeks to repair a crucial bridge into Sanibel, not the months predicted … [and he] has been an ally of the Everglades and supports building a reservoir to clean and send more water south.
What’s wrong with any of that? How soon can I vote?
Hey editors, we’re not accepting a murderous dictatorship just to avoid some mean tweets. Sorry, not tweets, I meant mean … something. Mean what?
Well, *I* think the Miami Herald is mean. So now what?
💉 I thought this compilation video was a nice capstone to today’s dose of vaccine-hesitancy.
Thanks for your loyal support! I’ll see you all tomorrow as we kick off the new week the C&C way, and start counting down to the critical November 8th midterm elections.
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“Pfizer’s eight mice ‘volunteers’ couldn’t be reached for comment, because immediately after the trials, they were executed, burned to ashes, and their ashes were sealed up in eight tiny lead coffins that were promptly chucked overboard into the Marianas Trench.”
You forgot to add that the eight mice were relieved to know that it could have been much worse.
"I say ‘unattractive’ because the young man, admitted in a special secret second round after failing to get any votes in the normal sorority election,..."
LMAO Anything these Leftists do has to be in secret cuz everything they do is idiotic, illegal and immoral and no one in their right mind would support them...even in a sorority.