☕️ CONSEQUENCES ☙ Wednesday, April 10, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Russia surprise accusation against Burisma; media hawks mRNA cancer vaccines; US scrapes up rifles for Ukraine; Britain lobbies Trump — first; more Biden ballot problems; signs of life in US; more.
Good morning, C&C family, it’s Wednesday! Your jam-packed roundup today includes: Russia accuses Burisma of financing terrorism and nobody is surprised except corporate media; corporate media continues hawking mRNA cancer drugs; US finds some more weapons for Ukraine in unexpected place; Britain lobbies unexpected person for more Ukraine aid; another states moves to disqualify Joe Biden from the November ballot; and remarkable counter-revolutionary news as the country shows more signs of life.
🚀 Yesterday, Russia’s top criminal investigative body — its version of the FBI — announced commencing a criminal investigation into “senior officials in the United States” and of NATO member countries for financing terrorism. As you can imagine, the story was completely invisible to Western corporate media, but the Daily Beast trotted out the old ‘no evidence’ canard and ran the story as a joke:
The Daily Beast jumped the gun a little, since Russia’s announcement didn’t specifically name Hunter, just Burisma, where Hunter used to earn a cool million a year simulating a potted rhododendron. Here’s what the Russians said, in sanitized words dripping with terrible import:
Beyond that, it’s all speculation at this point. But we can expect more disclosures from the Russians, including at some point the evidence, which democrats will inevitably dismiss as “no evidence.” But it will assuredly expose a reprehensible new chapter in the odious book of of the Biden crime family and their Ukrainian contacts.
Drip, drip.
🚀 Thanks, Joe Biden! The Wall Street Journal ran a story yesterday headlined, “Russia and China Double Down on Defying U.S.” I would just like to take a moment to point out, don’t cancel me, that Russia and China were always adversaries until Joe Biden invaded the White House. Just saying.
Days after Joe Biden “urgently” called President Xi on Friday — for the first time since 2022 — and warned the Chinese leader to stop helping Russia or else face sanctions, and we mean it this time, Russia and China yesterday publicly pledged to “deepen their growing alliance and shared opposition to what they describe as the U.S.’s attempts to dominate the world order.”
While NATO leaders increase their deranged threats to supply another $100 billion to Ukraine and even send NATO troops there, Russia and China are sending a clear message that Russia will not face NATO alone in the event of a direct kinetic conflict. That is a clear message that, unfortunately, Joe Biden cannot hear, since the batteries in his hearing aids have run down.
In the aftermath of Joe’s sanctions catastrophe against Russia, which just poured jet fuel into Russia’s economy while leading the United States’ economy to the brink of a tall cliff, the Biden Administration’s threats to sanction China seem particularly hollow:
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen repeated Biden’s concerns during a visit to China this week, telling officials that Chinese companies that aid in Russia’s military procurement “will face significant consequences.”
Please, no more significant consequences. I don’t know how many more “significant consequences” we can take.
💉 You’ll never guess who makes the newest, bestest mRNA cancer drug. Yesterday, the UK Daily Mail ran this advances-in-medicine story:
It was not so much a news article as a commercial for mRNA cancer “vaccines.” The story was framed with the exhausted and deceptive, but classic, journalistic formula of organizing the boring science facts around a compelling personal interest anecdote.
Since December, 2021, luckless Liverpool resident Adrian Taylor, 54, has had three different types of cancer. Which should have been the real story, but never mind. First he got head and neck cancers, which Adrian beat back after “grueling months of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.” His CT scans finally cleared in June, 2022. But then, he turned up with an aggressive, fast-growing ‘turbo’ lung cancer — his third strike — and doctors told Adrian he was as good as dead, with only a handful of months to live and nothing for it.
So in September of 2022, Adrian rolled the bone dice and entered an investigational trial for a novel mRNA cancer drug goofily called a “vaccine.” Using Adrian’s biopsied cancer cells, scientists cooked up a “custom” mRNA drug that began transfecting Adrian’s healthy cells in November, forcing them to make lung cancer proteins. In other words, it provoked Adrian’s own immune system to attack the lung cancer, which I guess is what they call a “vaccine” nowadays.
According to the Mail, by May 2023, Adrian’s 25mm lung cancer tumor had shrunk down to 4.6mm.
Adrian still takes the drug, which is made by — you already guessed it — BioNTech, which supplied the world with Pfizer’s mRNA covid drug. And guess what? For some reason the British government is “partnering” with BioNTech to “support” the trials with British taxpayer money. It’s not just a one-off, either. A vaccine researcher quoted for the story admitted, “This new funding and deal between BioNTech and the Government means more clinical trials will be launched to test personalized cancer vaccines.” The article said there are already six similar cancer drug trials underway at Adrian’s hospital alone.
The Mail’s article studiously danced around the most important fact readers would want to know: whether Adrian’s lung cancer is in remission, or at least his current prognosis, or what size his tumor is now. Medical privacy! Nor, when glowingly describing how the vaccine works, did the article ever hint when the mRNA shuts off, how far it spreads around the body, or whether scientists worry at all the mRNA treatment itself could cause autoimmunity, other types of cancer, or long-term problems like accelerated aging.
At the end of the day, it seems less troubling for someone with a fatal cancer diagnosis — they picked a guy already dying — to test an experimental mRNA cancer vaccine. Too bad they didn’t take that same approach with the experimental mRNA covid vaccines. Oops! Sorry! I’m not supposed to call those ones “experimental.”
💉 I’m sure it was completely unrelated, but the New York Post also ran a cancer story yesterday, this one headlined “Cancer rates rising in young people due to ‘accelerated aging,’ according to ‘highly troubling’ new study.” Whoops.
Washington University researchers presented their new study this week at the American Association for Cancer Research’s swanky annual meeting in San Diego, California. One of the researchers, Ruiyi Tian (if that’s her real name), explained current cancer trends took the industry by surprise. “The realization that cancer, and now aging, are becoming significant issues for younger demographics over the past decades was unexpected,” she explained.
Unexpected! And they just suddenly noticed. So … sudden and unexpected.
Let’s not move past that too quickly. Take a moment to fully appreciate the researcher’s remark. Young people are having significant new issues with cancer, we already knew about that one, thanks to Princess Kate Middleton’s cancer confessional video, which was almost certainly, or at least probably, okay possibly it wasn’t an AI deepfake.
But now, adding insult to young people’s many injuries, in addition to significant issues of cancer, young people are dealing with significant issues of aging, which is sort of an oxymoron, if you think about it. I mean, in one sense we are all dealing with ‘significant issues of aging,’ but that’s beside the point, since that’s not the sense they are talking about.
If there is one thing from which young people deserve to be free, it’s significant issues of aging. Those should be reserved for the elderly, who’ve already enjoyed their carefree salad years during which they get to believe they’ll never get old, not like all those relics clogging up the care homes. Young people get to believe science will sooner or later come up with a drug that stops aging, or at least slows it down.
See where I’m going?
The one thing young people should never have to deal with is being coerced into taking a drug that speeds up aging. Which is what “accelerating aging” means, after all.
The researchers delivered the bad news in the cancer context, since four years ago cancer was always considered a disease of the elderly. So accelerated aging also predicts more cancer, which is just what we are seeing. But that’s too narrow a focus. Aging brings more problems than just cancer, and so “accelerated aging” seems like a useful euphemism for some more specific problem.
In this study, researchers surveyed 150,000 bloodwork reports from the British Biobank database for patients under 55 years old. They estimated each patient’s “biological age” using nine blood biomarkers — then compared the calculated biological age to the patients’ actual chronological age.
In other words, the concept of blood-based “biological age” is a descriptor for a patient’s internal biochemical health. If “aging” biomarkers appear, the patient’s blood resembles someone older and less healthy. Dr. Brett Osborn, a Florida neurologist and longevity expert, explained “Typically, the older someone is chronologically, the greater the chance of developing diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart attack and stroke.” And “if one’s biological age is higher than their calculated biological age — it means they are aging at an accelerated rate relative to their chronological age.”
Not too good.
The Post finally got around to the most important fact in the third sentence from the end of the article:
Beyond cancer, Osborn predicted that a spike would also be detected for other age-related diseases.
Aha. A spike. Good one. But like all the other recent trending cancer articles and related limited hangouts, this article attempted to characterize the problem — without exactly saying so — as a long-term problem that has been slowly building for decades since 1965. But to believe that, a reader must be willfully blind. They can’t help giving away the game, like in this quote, the quote that jumped into the article’s headline:
Regarding the new Washington University study, Dr. Osborn called the findings “highly troubling.”
If it were truly a long-term trend — since 1965! — there is no way Dr. Osborn, a neurologist and longevity expert, would have called the results “highly troubling.” Instead, he would have said, “it’s more evidence of the long-term downward slide in health” or something like that. He’d say it that way because other researchers would have already published “accelerated aging” papers, tons of them, over the decades since 1965. It would be old news to longevity experts like Dr. Osborn by now.
So that is clearly a lie.
Young people do not deserve this. They deserve to enjoy their youth and not worry about cancer and strokes and chronic disease. This is an indescribable tragedy of incalculable proportions. But the problem isn’t limited to young people. If an “environmental factor” is accelerating aging for young people under 55, that same “environmental factor” — whatever it is — is almost certainly accelerating aging in people over 55, too.
The “accelerated aging” label itself is deceptive. Remember, when they say “accelerating aging,” they really mean blood pollution. Young, old, we’re all in the same sinking mRNA boat.
🚀 Well, I hardly know what to say about this ridiculous story. CNN Politics ran the article yesterday, headlined “US transfers thousands of seized Iranian guns, rocket launchers and munitions to Ukraine.” It was mostly Iranian small arms, like rifles, and one wonders whether the Ukrainians will be enthusiastic to get them or mostly confused about the dizzying array of incompatible weapons.
It’s like we’re trying to accelerate Ukraine’s inevitable collapse.
Meanwhile, the New York Times reported yesterday that Britain is now lobbying President Trump for Ukraine aid, in an article headlined “Cameron, on U.S. Trip, Takes a Risk and Meets With Trump.” Mar-a-Lago was Britain’s foreign secretary, David Cameron’s first stop on his U.S. fundraising tour on Monday night. Yesterday he went on to DC.
Following the meeting with Trump, Cameron told reporters “The best thing we can do this year is to keep the Ukrainians in this fight.” This election year, he meant. Given all the trouble Ukraine has caused Trump, including two impeachments and several criminal investigations, one suspects the 45th President was not, shall we say, gushing with enthusiasm to help.
More and more, the Ukraine conflict resembles the War Theatre of the Absurd.
🔥 Uh oh, it’s happening again! And the lefty media is getting aggravated. The New Republic ran a story yesterday under the outraged headline, “Seriously? GOP State Official Threatens to Kick Biden Off the Ballot.”
Following a similar announcement by Ohio earlier this week, Alabama’s Secretary of State announced yesterday that, under state law, the Democratic National Convention is scheduled too late for democrats to get their nominee for president and vice president on the state’s November general ballot.
There’s an easy fix for both problems. The DNC could just move their convention up a few weeks earlier. That’s all it would take.
But they don’t seem to want to do that, for some reason. It’s too bad for them the democrats were the first ones to try blocking Trump from state ballots. Here’s how the New Republic’s article ended, on a note of enraged frustration:
Based on the Supreme Court’s ruling finding Trump should be allowed on Colorado’s ballot, if Ohio and Alabama dig their heels in and refuse to allow President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on their ballots, the Supreme Court will have to swiftly reinstate them, since states don’t have the authority to remove federal officeholders, right? But that would require consistency from John Roberts’s Supreme Court, whose values are in question.
The two cases, though, are completely different. The democrats tried to block Trump by accusing him of being an insurrectionist under a Civil War-era Constitutional provision that only applies to state officials. Ohio and Alabama’s issues relate to simple qualifying deadlines that apply to all candidates. And so far, the DNC has not sued either state, presumably because they would surely lose on the merits, not least because they control when their convention is held.
Good for the democrat goose, good for the qualifying gander.
🔥 Finally, there was more great counter-revolutionary news yesterday. What we are increasingly seeing are political developments that would have been unthinkable only a short few years ago. The first terrific story appeared in yesterday’s Tennessean, headlined “Tennessee Senate passes bill allowing teachers to carry guns amid vocal protests.” Deranged leftists were further outraged.
Yesterday, in a lopsided 26-5 party line vote, Tennessee Senate Republicans passed a bill allowing public K-12 teachers and school staff to carry concealed handguns on school grounds. Discussion over the bill briefly halted as a group of around 200 boisterous pro-crime advocates “voiced their opposition” to the bill in the Senate’s gallery. But the bill passed anyway after Lt. Governor Randy McNally called for state troopers to clear the gallery.
"There is no reason for you all to go to jail," one trooper advised the activists.
The bill must still be passed through Tennessee’s House and signed by the Governor. Republicans gained seats in the 2022 elections, achieving a supermajority in both the Tennessee State Senate and the Tennessee House of Representatives.
Next, Fox News ran an even more encouraging story yesterday headlined, “GOP-led county neighboring NYC to deputize private citizens; Dems blast 'militia initiative.’” The sub-headline added, “Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman battling 'woke' New York policies.”
Democrats opposed the plan, calling it a "militia" — not that! — and unsurprisingly comparing it to Nazi "brownshirts.” But Blakeman explained it was just a natural response to the increasing lawlessness of Nassau’s neighboring county, New York City:
I don't think you can depend on Albany or Washington, D.C., because they're more interested in giving away billions of dollars to migrants who are unvetted and bringing them to our communities than they are in protecting our communities. So, that's part of the thought process in my mind … We need a group of citizens who are already trained, who already had experience in police departments and in the military and have them on reserve in the event that there would be a serious emergency.
The reason democrats are so worried about this is deputized citizens would enjoy qualified immunity for their law-enforcement activities. Which makes it much harder for democrats to use lawfare double standards to stop citizens from defending themselves.
It occurred to me that C&C suggested this very plan back in January. And it also occurred to me that the Constitution’s Second Amendment explicitly protects citizen “militias,” so it was helpful the democrats admitted that’s what this is.
Democrats are not noted for their ability to envision the unintended consequences of their policy decisions. So. Lots of progress.
Have a wonderful Wednesday! And assemble yourselves again for duty tomorrow morning to receive a new crop of Coffee & Covid insights and news as 2024 continues to deliver.
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— Date in headline fixed. 🤦♂️
— "Russia, Russia, Russia" now just one
The crimes against our young people are many. 1st - they shut them down and took away their youth. No prom, no fun. Mask up. 2nd - they scared them with their "covid boogeyman " tactics. Parents are supposed to ease their young ones fears. Not create them. 3rd - they coerced every chance they got to poison them with their damn shots. Accelerated aging. Thanks Mom! Thanks Dad! My husband and I were the only ones that didn't shut down thru the scamdemic and showed our children and their friends how not to live in fear. We had parties and sleepovers etc. When we moved to SC last month, the young group thanked us. I thoroughly detest the covidians and libbies I used to live with. They have a lot to answer for. 🤬