“As you read this, imagine Kari Lake eating a bag of corn nuts and sipping on a nearly-empty Big Gulp”


I was trying to figure out what they were eating that was making so much noise!

This is an epic week for good news. For those of you who haven’t heard the exhilarating news, CJ Hopkins was acquitted of thoughtcriminal charges at his trial on Tuesday! 🎉

Whatever you’re doing (I guess reading this comment ;-), stop right now and take five minutes to read the speech CJ delivered in court. It is LEGENDARY and may be the most important speech I’ve ever read on totalitarianism—made all the more historic given he was performing it in the context of a Kafkaesque totalitarian trial. That he was acquitted afterward makes this a triumphant finale that will make you want to leap to your feet in a standing ovation after reading it 👏👏👏

This is what we’re fighting against—and fighting for:

• “The Verdict”: https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/the-verdict

On your way back from reading that, please consider taking a little detour to express your gratitude to the Substack founders for not caving to the censorship bullies by signing this thank-you card to Substack in the comments:

• “On Fearing Freedom—Plus Thanking Substack for Standing up to the Censorship Bullies”: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/on-fearing-freedomplus-thanking-substack

So often, people are driven to take action by negative emotions like rage and disgust, but few people are activated by positive emotions like gratitude and love—and yet it is so important to reward people when they choose courage over cowardice, integrity over corruption, freedom over tyranny. This is our opportunity to do that, and it only takes a minute to let Substack know we appreciate their principled defense of free speech, even when it costs them financially to do so.

I would love to get this to 500 comments before (re)presenting it to Hamish McKenzie, Chris Best, and Jairaj Sethi, and if anyone can achieve that, it’s the C&C Army :-)

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Thank for sharing. My favorite quote of CJ Hopkins from your link “ And now, here we are. There are two roads ahead. We have to choose ... you, me, all of us. One road leads back to the rule of law, to democratic principles. The other road leads to authoritarianism, to societies where authorities rule by decree, and force, and twist the law into anything they want, and dictate what is and isn't reality, and abuse their power to silence anyone who disagrees with them.”

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Absolutely Margaret A.A. and Mom of 5. 👏

Some version of this C.J. Hopkins speech should be used in the defense of every single J6 prisoner. They are also being used as examples of defiance to the State, and the persecution that will and has followed.

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That is exactly what leftists believe they ARE doing - leading the country back to “democratic principles.”

Dem leadership mask their fascism/ authoritarianism with democratic words.

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YES!!! 👏

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Like the ending speech in a movie...incredible!

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Thank you for steering me to CJ’s speech. It gave me chills. Another thank you for the opportunity to say thank you to Substack, which has kept me sane during these dark times.

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Thrilled to hear you appreciated it as much as I did, MoM♥️🦅🌎⚓️♥️!

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I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve never heard of CJ. 🥴 I will seek him out now. He was brilliant in court.

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Oh my goodness, you are in for such a treat!!

His book “The Rise of the New Normal Reich” is a great way to catch up on his COVID essays, and my Dissident Dialogue with him was a blast if you want to check that out:


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I haven’t heard of him either. And have no idea what this is about.

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CJ Hopkins is an American playwright and brilliant satirist who lives in Berlin. His book “The Rise of the New Normal Reich” contains artwork featuring a scarcely visible swastika overlaid on a mask. For the crime of tweeting out this mask artwork twice, CJ was threatened with a fine or jail time. When he tweeted about his investigation, they threatened him with new charges, so it was looking like it was going to be an infinite loop of thoughtcriminalization. This saga dragged on for eight months, hence the elation that erupted when he was acquitted. Below are a few posts to catch you up:





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I looked through a whole bunch of stuff but could not find the speech in English. Can you please forward me a link if you have one. Thank you.

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Thank you, however, I've seen all that. Is there actual video footage of the speech available in English?

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No, CJ delivered the speech in German since it was in a Berlin court, so we just have the written version in English:

• “The Verdict”: https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/the-verdict

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Thank you. I'll have to find time to read it - or just get the book.

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Yes there is a written copy. The link to CJ’s Substack entitled The Verdict is on Margaret Anna Alice’s comment.

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You could read the speech in English as you watch in German, to understand the inflections of his words and his presence of mind.

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I’m still trying to find speech..

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The speech is in written format here:

• “The Verdict”: https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/the-verdict

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And don't forget the best Hitler Rant ever: "And then there was Substack. How could we have not captured that platform like all the others. Free speach and truth." - ROTFLMAO


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🤣 I remember when Joel posted that—sheer brilliance.

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Hilarious 😂

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sadly, this is brilliant !

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Dear Kari,

You GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😘

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The judge knew very well he had to be acquitted, but she would have preferred to have it otherwise. She called his speech "ideological drivel" and put on her mask as she left the courtroom. So many judges have let their personal fears cloud their "judgement". They have not remained impartial.

There should be a test that can reveal the potential for cowardice or for courage for all who hold public positions.

Alas...But I am so relieved for CJ!

And I thank the Substack founders for their courage!

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There should be a test

there is: simply ask them to show up in person for an interview with a panel. If they show up sporting a mug nappie, they have disqualified themselves, interview over, don't let the door hit yer bum on the way out, which you will take NOW.

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Thank you for perhaps the best comment I have seen on this blog. Both articles were stellar, and motivated me to subscribe to substack.

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My goodness, rolandttg, that is quite an extraordinary bar, and I am grateful to know you appreciated the articles!

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It only takes one to get the ball rolling downhill... Bravo Kari!!!

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Thank you for the link, it was a very powerful speech indeed! I am very happy about the verdict and wish him well. (I couldn’t help think though, how naive it was of him to believe that Germany would be safe from falling into totalitarianism again. There is enough state control of many aspects of people’s lives to show that it is always possible for it to be strengthened further and abused).

Amen to the last part about reacting positively and with appreciation! I very much believe in that!

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I spoke with a friend yesterday who shared that she recently spoke with some German immigrants and they were explaining to her how awful things have gotten in Germany. They explained that things are bad here but things here do not even compare to how bad they are in Germany.

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I get that. There is a lot more control over everyday life in many European countries just because of the more centralized structure in some places and because of historical and cultural factors. One thing that imo puts a huge damper on freedom is the ban on homeschooling in many countries.

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Including Australia

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I am not sure what, "how awful things have gotten in Germany...." Does that mean if you walked down the street and ask the Germans you meet, if there needs to be less free speech?

I'm an certainly afraid of what I might hear if walking down any Oregon street, and posed that question. It certainly could be depressing.

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The biggest problem in Germany and most of Europe is the criminalization of thought, which means even the slightest stepping out of line can be used an excuse to launch an investigation, and anyone can file a complaint. Their relativization of the Holocaust law has been used to stigmatize COVID dissenters for daring to draw comparisons between the present-day fascism and the Third Reich. Even Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav was investigated for her Nuremberg Code 75th anniversary speech!

See the following piece in which I detail the tragic consequences of recklessly applying “anti-semite” allegations. One year and a day ago, the gentle and brilliant COVID dissident Clemens Arvay committed suicide after being beaten down by media smears such as that:

• “Requiem for a Smear Victim: Clemens Arvay

+ A Letter from Jews Around the World Condemning the Weaponization of ‘Anti-Semite’ to Defame Dissidents”: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/requiem-for-a-smear-victim-clemens

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If you were to change "in Oregon" to "in Portland" your comment would ring true. Unfortunately Portlandistan have tainted the remainder of the State, although the woke headquarters operating out of Salem is at least as bad as Portland. But the Leg is not in session year around (we must be thankful for small wins....) so Portland yet have the upper hand.

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I've not read any Franz Kafka for a few years, but reading CJ's "daynjrus" speech to the very judge who held his future in her hands put me instantly in mind of Kafka and his brave portrayal of totalitarianism gone mad. And we ARE in similar times, even if as yet only in the warmup stages.

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Oh yes Kafka seems very relevant.

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Also left a thank you comment! 🙂

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I second and third the reading of The Verdict, CJ Hopkins’, eloquent and brilliant ‘statement’ in the German court where he was being tried for calling out the German mask mandates. It pretty much sums up what facism, totalitarianism, and authoritarianism is all about...and we too here in the USA are living under the same.

Also haven’t got around to reading your Substack about thank you to Substack post. Plan on getting in that in the next day or so. Much love MAA!


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Express gratitude for the founders of Substack not caving to the censors? I’m not so sure that gratitude is warranted. Behold censorship on the Stack:


This particular Stack may be a bit over the top as far as its conclusions and predictions, but it sure doesn’t deserve to have its content labeled “explicit” like it contains porno. It certainly does not contain anything of the sort.

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Just posed the question to my Substack tech contacts in this Note:


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Thank you for taking such quick action to find out what’s going on. I was going to say you’re a sweetheart, but I prefer to think of you as a truth-defending warrior.

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Aww, thank you, walk2write! 🛡

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Thank you for asking about this. We can never let down our guard!

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😯 I'll see if I can find out more about this.

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I immediately subscribed to cj's stack after reading that statement...SO AMAZING

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Margaret thank you for the links and your thoughtful comment. I too was wondering what food and drink was making so much noise lol...I imagined pretzel balls and a coke 😂

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What an awesome statement by Mr. Hopkins!

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He really needs to turn this into a play and then perform his own role himself!

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Yes! to gratitude !!! #plantflowers 😊 🌺 🌸 💐 🙏

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I love how the C&C Army plants flowers together 🌷🌻🌸🌹🌼💐


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Yes! Same reason I love multipliers, something we can DO (in the madness) !!!!! 💪

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As always MAA, you are hitting on all the right issues with precisely the right approach. Carry on, Margaret!

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Aww, thank you, Solzhenitsyn’s Ghost 😌💪🙌

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The government's refusal to stop illegals is astounding. I don't even think they are failing to stop it, but rather encouraging - if not flat out paying for - the invasion. Otherwise, those people would not be eating better than I am, they would not have free room and board, and would not arrive at the border bathed, shaven, very well fed, well hydrated, well clothed, and not tired in the least. The women wear makeup and have their hair combed, which is precisely what I don't do if I'm privative camping in Michigan or even going for a long hike. I'll eat the Columbus Yellow Pages (if they exist) if these people walked all the way up here. They did not.

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The invasion is being funded by the UN. The biggest doner to the UN is the US taxpayer. We are paying for our own demise: New York Post investigation, Do Not Believe the Lies: https://tritorch.com/degradation/!!UNUsingUSTaxpayerFundsToFuelnvasionGiveDebitCardsToMigrants.pdf

2018 investigation into the prepaid debit cards, this has been occurring for at least a half a decade: https://bitchute.com/video/ua94TAOeBSN0 [1:52mins]

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Illegal Migrants Walk Around the Border Wall Step On the No Trespassing Sign And Board A Taxpayer Funded Bus into the Interior: https://bitchute.com/video/afd30UG4GyI8 [30 seconds]

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Enough negativity, here is something that will brighten your day, guaranteed: https://bitchute.com/video/ZoF8eY2J8WCy [3:11mins]

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Thanks! *sniff Needed that. The tension and heavy heartedness builds so. There IS more good in the world than bad. The brain has something like 4x as many negative-response circuits than positive-response circuits. THEY know this. Can ya tell?

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Very much so. The fear response is overwhelming due to the fact that we used to live among predators and it helped us survive. Now it's being used as an apex exploit to control us.

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Ok. That made me 😭

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Good =) I need to build a massive library of videos just like that and start sharing them instead of all the bad news

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Same, Oma

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I love that!!!!

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The Cloward-Piven strategy in my mind. Everything they do is intentional and comes back to that strategy to destroy and “remake” our nation.

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There have to be several if not many high level people in the Biden administration who are being blackmailed into doing the bidding of a foreign entity that wants to destroy the US.

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The UN's fingerprints are pretty clear. Hard to explain delayed-reaction Abbott. Unlike him, Senora Castro considered the Alamo a victory and San Jacinto a tragedy. Maybe Joaquin and Julian can imagine a federal response launched out of immigrant processing centers, and maybe we should.

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There was also a report from Glenn Beck that the illegals are receiving maps on paths and meeting points in order to get to the US. These are being provided by Doctors Without Borders and the Red Cross. Funding probably comes from us via organizations that hate us.

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Michael Yon, Ben Bergquam, and Oscar El Blue have been all over this story for a long time, spending large amounts of time in and around Panama, documenting the trail, the infrastructure, and the organizations involved. Yon calls our government OGUS - the Occupying Government of the United States.

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Exactly. I watched Yon’s coverage of the daily travel in long boats on the river carrying people who emerged from the Darian Gap, dozens and dozens non-stop, probably 30 per boat, beginning December 2020. Then I began seeing Bergquam and Bensman coverage. Stellar reporting. Showing the UN, and NGOs being funded by us, and how they are facilitating easier travel into various locations like Panama.

Yesterday afternoon and this morning, 2 really good segments on War Room with Bergquam. Rumble will have the segments.

There is also terrific coverage of the bill the Senate is/was working in to join “border security” with more $$$ to Ukraine. One of the elements was allowing 5000 per day across the border - that adds up to over 1.5 million per year. These people are so very awful/despicable/evil.

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Oh, and covering how the military-age Chinese are traveling through Darian Gap and arriving relatively unscathed by their travel, indicating lots of cash being paid to keep them alive/healthy, explaining that this travel could only occur if allowed by the CCP. They also travel to the Bahamas, from there they come over to the US, there is some kind of loophole being exploited.

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Yes, and offering illegals green cards and amnesty. That is their idea of immigration reform! A brand new batch of voters!!!!

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The Biden-Mayorkas Loophole.

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Occupied by WEF

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They started queuing up when Biden was declared the winner. It was pretty obvious that Trump's policies had stopped the flow to the point that caravans weren't forming at all, but with Biden's "come on in" messaging - well, here we are. And we all know that the "refugees" are not that in any way. I think I remember one country sending criminals to get them out of their jails. Video of the invaders shows a uniformity of older males with no children or females in sight. (or rare if they are there) Many have made the point that we have absolutely no idea who these people are or what they intend to do once set loose in the USA with a "promise" to reappear for some crazy future court date.

They also didn't walk - there are trains and other means of transportation. They walk the last little bit to the border to "surrender" to our border patrol. I have to wonder how many border patrol people are feeling quite disillusioned these days. I can't imagine that even the majority think that this is okay. (though perhaps the dissenters were purged)

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And a very organized Chinese Cadre.

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Justified Payback against the US; Great Satan, Racist Manifest Destiny-Slave State built over a dispossessed Indigenous Culture, Imperialist Capitalist Anti-Worker Climate Killer, Colonizer and supporter of Zionism. Intellectuals, Leaders, and Power Parasites Inflame the invasion with aim to rip it all apart and burn it down--the troops are mobilized, the Dem and GOP Leaders and Gvt. also excited to get to work destroying then reconstructing from the ashes and heaps of ruins. It's been going on since the 1940s but previously was disguised at migrant labor, working families, asylum from despotic regimes, tears and heartstrings for manipulating a moral people and entrenching law and policy and securing Massive Funding for immigrant-invader advocacy groups which can now Mass Human-Traffic across borders on a Global Scale with little impeding them.

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They even kick our children out of their schools to provide illegals housing despite the outcry that remote learning was a failure during vid lockdowns. It is absolutely astounding!

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In England, the government is paying for their driving lessons and letting them work in the care sector. So, our most vulnerable citizens - our aged mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles - will be 'cared' for by middle eastern/sub saharan men who have been raised to hate us. Yes, this is deliberate, sustained, and malicious.

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Hungary's Orban has recently said NO despite his country not getting the promised EU (demonic) money. He has said NO to LGBTQ indoctrination of their children and NO to allowing African migrants in. He said that one only look at what is now going on in other EU countries with illegal migrants: the crime, etc.

Again, notice that love of MONEY 💰 (EU money) is the root of all evil.

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I think you meant to say the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Otherwise having any money would make us all evil.

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If you are using USD or any fiat, you are not using money. You are instead using Fantasy Money, a pretense to money with has not substantive existence. Fiat, whether ink on paper or digits on a server, is Rich Man's trick whose sole purpose it to milk the public like moo cows. And basically a defrauding of the public.

The whole USD/central banking establishment is demonic in that it's built upon the lie that that the central bank issues money. What they instead issue are promises in the form of issuance of debt which is in turn a promise to pay a certain something undefined at a future undefined date. Go into any bank with a dollar bill and ask the bank for a dollar and all they will do is take your dollar bill, go into the cash drawer and hand you another dollar bill which looks like the dollar bill which you handed them in the first place. Modern day banking is actually sorcery, the casing of a spell. And under the spell one believes something is real which is only a mirage, a deception.

The law calls real exchange 'money of substance'. That is, and once upon a time when we had real money, one could take a silver or gold paper certificate into a bank or to the Treasury Department in Washington and have that certificate redeemed with silver or gold coinage. In such a system is was harder, much harder to defraud the public with cycles of credit expansion and contraction.

I understand what you are saying. But nonetheless I would much prefer that love of money (not a good thing) be love of real money instead of love of the sorcerer's conjuring trick. If one can grasp the distinction being made, then perhaps the application of demonic to the sorcerer's medium of non-existent money might on the mark.

As to money of exchange, the Bible demands fair weights and measures. This implies that money must weight. And it has to be more weight than paper with ink on it. Or electronic dots of no weight at all.

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Yes ofcourse. After I wrote it I thought of going back and editing but got distracted. Thank you. 👍😊

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It is not a government. It is a once upon a time government long ago taken captive and turned into a criminal syndicate. We are citizens in name only.

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There are billions of dollars behind this movement of people into our country.

The non profits and NGOs are funding, recruiting and supporting all these people coming here.

Do NOT support The Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders any more …

Look at these maps explaining how to get into the US …illegally.

It’s well funded and well organized.


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Or Catholic Charities and I heard the Red Cross.

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Listen to Glenn Beck’s podcast yesterday (1/24): “Center for Immigration Studies senior fellow Todd Bensman reviews the insane amount of money the U.N. plans to spend in 2024 on assisting, aiding, and abetting the border invasion.” Very eye opening about what is going on.

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Chris Martenson over at Peak Prosperity made a trip down to the Darien Gap with Michael Yong and Brett Weinstein, among others, to see what's happening with the migrants. His reports are worth reading.

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Aren’t they behind a paywall, and a steep one at that?

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Sometimes he does a part one and two. The part one is public and you will get most of the details to understand the point he's trying to communicate. Unfortunately the one Ellen references is not. From time to time he offers Peak Prosperity at bargain rates.

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They are being brought in for sure.

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WEF sponsored invasion and the government plays the captured MSM fiddle.

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If you have Epoch Times, watch their documentary Border Deception. It's been a while since I watched it, but there is definitely a financial incentive for people assisting them to come across the border.

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Mass illegal immigration is a formal government policy, not some "act of God". It's formalized, aided and abbetted every step of the way. What is happening to the US is the same planned disaster that happened to Europe.

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It’s not an invasion. It’s an invitation. And they RSVP’d and didn’t even bother to bring flowers or a bottle of 🍷. The O’biden regime is thrilled that their guests are coming to the party. A party we’re not invited to, and one they don’t want us to know about. Ah. But we know. {{{sigh}}}

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God Bless Texas!

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I hope Texas “defies” the feds as much as the feds defy border protection. They have every right to protect their borders and they don’t need the federal government’s approval.

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The ultimate defiance would be independence from the US. All this just adds more fuel to the Texit movement.

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Do ANY of the states really NEED the feds?

They are the most infantile, incompetent, corrupt, greedy, dishonest, deceitful, circumstantially forgetful, non-experts in logic and reason, unscientific, pedophilic crack heads we have ever witnessed running a government!

Texit, FLexit, etc....I’m in!

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Oh I think that TEXAS has dug its heels in. Stick a fork in it! TEXAS will not back down!

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