☕️ DISEASE X,Y,Z,A,B… ☙ Friday, January 19, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
What we should think about the mysterious 'Disease X'; Royal Cluster of mystery illness; Lloyd Austin summoned to Congress; and shocking surprises from this year's WEF Annual Forum in Davos.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Friday! Today’s roundup includes: thoughts about the mysterious Disease X and whether it’s likely to lock the world down again; a Royal Cluster of mystery hospitalizations; Lloyd Austin summoned to Congress for hearings on his special vacation; and major surprises issue from this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
🚀 In case you were not yet fully convinced that public health officials are even dumber than the guys who make the “Jackass” movies, behold their latest brainchild. Like a mostly-peaceful protest in urban Illinois, news and social media have been burning this week with hysteria over the next pandemic, billed as a new and improved, deadlier-than-ever virus certain to derail the elections, again!. You’ve surely heard of it by now, the infamous but generically-named “Disease X” (brought to you by Coyote and the Acme Corporation).
To set the table, here’s USA Today’s headline from two days ago:
Sometimes I wonder whether corporate media is really just trolling us. Does it reassure you that world leaders are focused on preventing a hypothetical pandemic? Does it make sense to spend billions of tax dollars getting ready to solve a problem that they admit “doesn’t exist?” Aren’t real pandemics enough for them? We literally just had one. Do we really need to spend real money preparing for fake pandemics now?
It’s for your own good!
According to USA Today, the “X” in Disease X is not actually generic, as in ‘Virus Brand X.’ The ‘X’ stands for “uneXpected,” meaning they are lavishing millions on swanky Davos seminars spending half days ‘working’ in five-star hotels planning for something unexpected. Think about that. In other words, they are getting ready for something they’ll never see coming.
Brilliant! That’s the logic. That’s where we’re at now. Our best and brightest.
And those people honestly believe they are smarter than everyone else. Which might be true in at least one sense: They figured out the grift before we did.
Over eleven X-Files story arc seasons, the elites and the deep state allied with UFO aliens over a dark plot to genetically hybridize humans using alien DNA, to turn people into alien slaves or dog-faced pony soldiers or something. In 2008’s “X-Files: I Want to Believe,” the government first released a deadly virus, call it Disease X, hyped the public’s fear, and then released a nanotech-based genetic vaccine in service of their nefarious plot, and to catch a few Benjamins in the process. I know, I know, that plot is too crazy to even make a movie about, what were they thinking, and so forth.
It’s become clearer than ever that public health is where intellectually-challenged people go when they are flunking out of medical school after failing organic chemistry for the third time. Public health is a safe landing spot for lazy, incompetent people or folks struggling with undiagnosed, low-functioning mental illnesses. Mental illnesses like OCDs, hypochondria, and germaphobia.
But the good thing is they still have to call you “doctor.”

The problem is that these public health morons — dummies who couldn’t hack basic biology, don’t cure patients, and don’t make or invent anything — now have got a taste of the bella vita, the good life. During the pandemic these introspective nerds were feted by media, raised up by politicians, hanging out with celebrities, and most important being draped with lavish budgets beyond their wildest dreams of avarice.
They don’t want to let it go, and who can blame them? They want to fly to Switzerland on private jets, guzzle champagne during the work day and toss back a couple dozen bacon-wrapped figs while waxing rhapsodically about the good ol’ lockdown days.
That’s why they need Disease X; they don’t have a real pandemic anymore. Letting them fearmonger us plays right into their grubby little self-important hands. My suggestion is: ignore Disease X.
Postscript. Entertaining for a moment the conspiracy hypothesis that Covid-19 was an intentional plot to derail the 2020 elections and allow for massive mail-in voting fraud, they cannot do the same thing again. It won’t work. Everyone’s on a hair-trigger watching for a repeat strategy. It would just be too obvious to start having global pandemics only in election years. Plus, pandemics aren’t supposed to happen very often anyway, which would raise even more questions.
In other words, they’ve already played the pandemic card, whether intentionally or accidentally. Not just that; they already played the black swan card, and I doubt they could engineer even a different type of black swan event right before the very next election in a row, not without giving away the entire game. If they want a replay this time they’ll have to come up with Black Swan X, something unforeseen and totally unexpected. People are already expecting pandemics, wag-the-dog wars, extreme weather events, and even aliens.
So, top that.
💉 Fox ran a story about a Royal Cluster yesterday headlined, “Prince William faces ‘emotional stress' as Kate Middleton, King Charles reveal medical procedures: expert.” But it’s a mystery; you could call it Medical Condition X.
It’s some kind of micro-pandemic of baffling celebrity hospitalizations. Along with several other high-profile individuals lately, on Wednesday the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, 42, elegantly sailed into the hospital for a “planned abdominal surgery,” with no further information about what might be going on in the royal abdomen, since it is quite private, so stop prying. But it’s not cancer. So. They’ll let us know what is and isn’t private, as the rules change by the minute.
Meanwhile the same Paparazzi who hounded another princess to her death are wholly uninterested in Kate’s condition. The Majesty of Royalty, dear boy, and so forth.
According to reports, Princess Kate intends to occupy the hospital for up to two more weeks. Fox’s story delicately raised the issue of the extended stay. "Regarding the Princess of Wales, it’s very unusual to be in the hospital for that long these days, especially at her age," Fox royal commenter Jon Sacerdoti euphemistically noted.
In other words, Jon was saying it’s downright weird for a healthy 42-year old Princess to hang around two weeks amongst the common sanitary discomforts of the hospital following what was billed as a routine elective surgery.
Although Kate’s surgery was officially described as “planned,” Wednesday’s Royal Palace announcement about the planned surgery also canceled all Kate’s planned public appearances — through Easter. (Portlanders: Easter is on March 31st.) So, if Kate’s royal surgery was so “planned,” why did they also plan conflicting public events for her during the same time? Her scheduler needs a royal spanking.
Or maybe Princess Kate’s royal surgery was planned, just planned on very short notice? Like, the same day.
Right after announcing Kate’s hospitalization, Buckingham Palace also announced that King Charles III, 75, is also headed for surgery, apparently on account of a kingly-sized prostate. At the Sovereign’s stately age, the risks for surgery for benign prostate enlargement are usually justified only by severe difficulty urinating or chronic UTI’s.
Of course, if a prostate had a tumor on it, one might also call that organ “enlarged.” Enlarged by the tumor.
Unlike the announcement about Princess Kate’s abdomen, the Palace did not rule out cancer for King Charles.
And, once again, the Palace noted that the King’s public engagements "will be postponed for a short period of recuperation." And — again — why would they schedule public events for the King if he also planned a non-emergent, ‘elective’ surgery? Who is the Palace scheduler, and are they sober?
The rescheduling of the royals’ other appearances strongly suggests that neither hospitalization was in fact planned, similar to how Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s efforts to hide his post-benign-prostate-surgery hospitalization suggests that Austin’s surgery wasn’t really planned either.
I don’t know what the odds might be for such a Royal Cluster of two sudden and unexpected hospitalizations on the same day, but I would have to guess they are pretty long odds. We pray for full recovery for both Royal Persons, whatever might be going on, and even though the U.S. jettisoned the whole royalty thing with prejudice back during the late unpleasantness.
💉 Speaking of the elusive Defense Secretary, where in the world is Lloyd Austin? Apparently we aren’t the only ones searching for him. Axios ran a story yesterday headlined, “Lloyd Austin called to testify in Congress on secret hospitalization.”
Yesterday, House Armed Services Chair Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) sent Austin — who was just released from the hospital on Monday — a letter “inviting” the Secretary to testify before the Armed Services Committee in a couple weeks, on Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14). The letter also identified 20 still unanswered questions about the Secretary’s special holiday, and asked for four categories of documents.
You may recall that I predicted there would be Congressional hearings over Austin’s AWOL vacation. But in its first paragraph, Representative Rogers’ letter mentions a recent phone call with Austin, so it seems likely he’s alive, at least. So that’s good, and one mystery may be cleared up.
The story isn’t going away. Thursday’s news followed Wednesday’s leak of Austin’s original 911 call. A Washington Post headline explained, “Lloyd Austin’s aide requested ‘subtle’ ambulance approach in 911 call.” The Daily Beast, which still has reporters and hasn’t gone full AI yet, got ahold of the emergency audio from local police. In the call, an unidentified Austin aid can be heard clearly requesting, "Can the ambulance not show up with lights and sirens? We're trying to remain a little subtle.”
No doubt. In other words, there was a conspiracy to conceal Austin’s condition from the beginning. But why? Who were they hiding it from? Biden? Someone or something else?
And, isn’t it fascinating that, for whatever reason, Austin lacks narrative protection, and corporate media is mercilessly magnifying the story of the Secretary’s disappearance, which is provoking painful political responses. Could there be some kind of intelligence agencies versus military thing playing out in the media?
🔥 Finally, we usually look forward to the annual World Economic Forum in Davos about as much as we look forward to a hangover-fueled migraine or an elective prostate surgery. But this year is developing quite differently. First, behold this stunning headline published in CNBC yesterday:
My goodness. I could’ve won a bunch of money betting people that headline would never appear in corporate media. The article quoted JPMorgan Chase’s CEO Jamie Dimon, a former Obama supporter and possible Epstein enabler, who didn’t just allow that Trump was “no cause for concern,” but actually praised the former President and argued it was rational to vote for Trump:
“Just take a step back, and be honest. He was kind of right about NATO. He was kind of right about immigration, he grew the economy quite well. Trade. Tax reform worked. He was right about some of China,” said Dimon. “I don’t like how he said things about Mexico, but he wasn’t wrong about some of these critical issues. And that’s why they’re voting for him.”
I could say a lot about that quote, and where Dimon’s head is at on the various issues he mentioned, but never mind the headline or the quote. Let’s just set them on a back burner. Here’s the next surprising Davos event — a speaking appearance by the newly-elected “Argentinian Trump,” Javier Milei:
Milei, speaking to the entire WEF audience, pronounced the world’s greatest threat was — not climate change — not world war — not racism — but collectivism and socialism. In other words, the new President gave the WEF crowd a dose of unfettered capitalism as the prescription for everything that currently ails the world.
Now remember — Milei wasn’t on the WEF’s platform by accident. They invited Milei to speak. Think about that.
Lest you think it was an accident, that they somehow didn’t know what Milei would say, they also invited the president of the Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts, who openly stumped for President Trump and forcefully delivered even more direct conservative home truths. In particular, he made five strong arguments, and ended stirringly (quoting Javier Milei) saying President Trump would be in power not to lead sheep but to awaken lions:
CLIP: Heritage Foundation’s Kevin Roberts at Davos promoting Trump presidency (3:32).
Again, the WEF invited Kevin Roberts to the stage. Now, I don’t trust anything that Klaus and his cronies are up to, so I’m not suggesting that the organization’s goals have magically changed, or the little switch on the back of Klaus’s skull has flipped from “Evil” setting to “Good.” But the globalist organization’s tactics are definitely shifting, which in turn hints that its old tactics weren’t working. Which is great news for us.
Have a fabulous Friday! Get back here tomorrow morning for a terrific Weekend Edition roundup where I will try to somehow catch up with all the breaking news.
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— Mike Rogers is the Representative from Alabama, not Ohio. Or Michigan (picture of other Mike Rogers replaced)
"Entertaining for a moment the conspiracy hypothesis that Covid-19 was an intentional plot to derail the 2020 elections and allow for massive mail-in voting fraud, they cannot do the same thing again. It won’t work. Everyone’s on a hair-trigger watching for a repeat strategy. "
Sorry, Mr. Childers, but I do not share your assessment. While eyes have been opened, I still maintain that the majority of our fellow humans remain susceptible to "the next thing" and will act accordingly. A different playbook will be used but the majority will get their information exclusively from MSM and will react emotionally and fearfully. Much to my dismay, I still see the occasional double-masker in Middle Tennessee.
That said, continued vigilance is required. Your efforts are greatly needed and appreciated, as always.