Media won't connect war dot to dollars; Israel offs bad guy amidst war woes; evidence suggests war looming; unlike media, we CAN connect dots, to nukes; cell tower setback; Google comeuppance; more.
I refused the the death jab when I realized the same people telling me Trump was a Russian asset starting telling me I “had” to take the vaccine. Turns out to have been the correct move.
I knew they were lying when I didn't see piles of dead homeless people. How come the homeless people weren't ravaged by a virus that was supposedly so deadly?
I knew they were lying when they admitted during early days of the vax release that 6 people had experienced blood clots but that was for the whole country, so it was very rare! But I had already heard about two people in my circle of friends that also experienced clots. They weren’t part of that 6. Who else wasn’t?
Also wondered why it was safe to go to the Home Depot, but not to my neighborhood hardware store. Why grocery store checkout workers and restaurant delivery drivers didn’t need protection but needed to come to work no matter what.
Now I push back on everything I hear. So many lies. When will they stop?
Oh yeah, Home Depot and Walmart could remain open but all the Ma & Pa stores had to remain closed. There were hundreds of people in Home Depot but it was ok as long as you were masked up. I am right there with you on their lies. What blows my mind is that many people still believe the lies.
I thought about that as well. When the scam first hit us, I worried about the homeless. They weren't able, for the most part to even able to wash their hands. They didn't have masks! Public restrooms were closed "for everyone's safety". But what did they have that the privileged masses did not have, closed up in their homes, away from other human beings, bleaching surfaces and living in utter fear of death? The homeless had fresh air and sunshine.
The homeless probably have stronger immune systems than most of us 'hand washing' citizens because they pick up the necessary antigens from the DIRT!! We should get our HANDS DIRTY as much as possible!!
Pick one. Nothing added up. Nothing. And then there's the tried and true "everything we have ever been told officially is a lie". So, bad combination when you are peddling pure unadulterated BS. Unless of course you are a go along to get along normie
It took some persistence but I followed the development of the Princess Cruise Ship in Tokyo Harbour. Three thousand souls aboard, Covid broe out. The press deemed it a tomb for all three thousand, the Port Authorty towed her off into a remote corner of the harbour to await her fate. After a few days the story faded from mainsream news. I learned a few weeks later whan I rn across a backpage note: perhaps two dozen died, almost all of them VREY elderly and with multiple comorbidities.. Everyone else survived, despite being seriously abused by quarantine and isolation policies, worthless aboard such a closed envirnment.
Best precitce would have been to let each person decide what to do... Id have spent the whole time outside in the sunshine and fresh air, chatting with folks, making friends, taking vigourous turns round the decks, riding the stationary bikes in he workout room, learning to swim and eating lots of food.
And making certain I had a suitable intake of elemental zinc..... along with vitamins C and d.
Yes!! And for me the kicker was the one man on the ship who got quite sick and had to be hospitalized and had been quarantined with his wife, and she NEVER EVEN GOT SICK!! So then I questioned how contagious it could really be. Quarantined in close quarters with a very ill person and still never got Covid? 🤔
Nope. Actually that’s when mass media went into meltdown warning people to NOT take hydroxychloroquine for covid treatment. As soon as HCQ was uttered by Trump The Powers that Be pounced. Next was Ivermectin on the chopping block. Two genuinely safe & effective inexpensive medications were vilified. And as a tragic consequence many died.
Some of us were able to find brave doctors who were willing to write prescriptions (in many countries these are OTC) despite threats of losing their medical licenses & hospital privileges.
Oh! And what drug was pushed for treatment? Fauci’s Remdesivir (cost about
$ 5-6,000 per 5-day dosage) which failed vs. Ebola, & caused kidney damage plus fluid buildup in the chest. Nurses called it “death is near.”
It’s interesting, because HCQ is a drug given, without question to people who have autoimmune illnesses such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and knowing several who take it…..there has been no negative side effects…and they’ve been on it for years, before the cv and since.
You do know the nurses who had to administer the Remdesivir gave it the moniker "When Death Is Near" because it ALWAYS ushered in the 'grim reaper' on the patients who received it as a 'medication'!!
I think she has the assumption that all of the vaccine lots contained the same ingredients. But assessments have discovered wide variations, no doubt by design. Easier to keep the gravy train running if you don't kill off everyone at the same time.
Also in my area many people got two different vaxes for their initial two doses. AZ #1, Mod #2 etc. I would assume that would be better. And further to that I suspect a lot of the first doses were placebo. Doctors and pols got the first doses. No one died. If they had it would have been stopped. So half the double dosers actually got one only. In my area the problems accelerated with the booster.
I refused it more out of a "wait and see" attitude because I've had some unpleasant reactions to newer drugs before. Then the insanely heavy-handed push to get shots in arms started and it was pretty apparent something was wrong. Nobody was allowed to ask what the long-term effects were - and far too many were biting on the "it's been out for a couple of months, we would have seen long-term effects" line. (That one _still_ boggles my mind.) Reading more of the somewhat quiet papers, it was easy to see that things weren't right. Add that the disease they were addressing already had a 99+% survival rate and ... nah.
I'm not so concerned about the 'experimental' nature of the c-19 vaccine as I was about the attack on known safe, effective, beneficial and even celebrated treatments like ivermectin and even common sense!
I'll also add the attacks on people who stood up and told the truth. Not just your everyday physician, but leaders in their fields were attacked and licenses threatened.
Blech. Taking to my grown son (jabbed) yesterday about the meteoric rise in pancreatic cancer cases and he actually said "well, I got the shot, and I didn't get cancer".
Oh I love that 🙄 Same attitude as “well my stocks are doing great and I just got a raise so the economy is doing great”—never mind all those people who can’t pay their rent or afford groceries 🙄🙄🙄
Yes same here, wait and see at first then got spooked by the incessant push and weird incentives for people to get it. Then the threats started. That made me absolutely sure there could be nothing good about it. Why would they have to coax and then coerce people if it was so safe and so great?
Me: “What is in those shots that they want in every person?” It had nothing to do with illness, lab leaks, other potential curatives, just “what scam exactly are they pulling off here?” Couldn’t be a cure for anything because it made people sick or dead. Rats stink but a lot of people couldn’t smell them, and they’re still in the walls lying about everything. They lied, now they’re lying about their lies.
In 2020, when Israel, Qatar and the Cleveland Clinic all published high efficacy ivermectin rates, and seeing another article in which IVM only had about 1000 adverse events in 50-70 years, undoubtedly confirmed my suspicion government, and a lot of people are evil to the core and they are pathological liars.
It was used with stunning success in Uttar Pradesh, a province in India. Everyone was given a Ziverdo kit that contained Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Zinc and Tylenol. Compared to other provinces that did not do this, UP's infection rate was dramatically lower. It was real world information and was suppressed by the MSM.
I had suspicions very early on but knew for sure something was amiss when the government instructed people to stay home until their oxygen level was at a dangerously low level, and then call an ambulance. Pure 😈.
My bride, due to recent events in the news, has finally realized my cynicism is an attribute that allowed me to predict these latest events with incredible accuracy. I am no longer that crazy conspiracy theorist!
Always an attribute, not quite yet a virtue, but now undoubtedly A SURVIVAL SKILL. Lack of it killed millions through the Hydra of the C-19 iatrogenic scamdemic alone ...
And humor! I don’t trust the Israeli foreign minister’s smile, but I can’t resist low-hanging fruit like, “He smiles like the Katz that swallowed the canary.”
There's a beautiful Christian hymn based on just this passage of Scripture, Robin - thank you for posting this! My heart yearns for the Master's voice, saying "COME UP HITHER" to join Him in His heavenly realms.
I always associate that with George Beverley Shea and him singing it in his glorious, resonant baritone voice at the Billy Graham crusades all over the world. OH THAT WE STILL HAD BILLY GRAHAM IN OUR WORLD.
You have already demonstrated that you have, at best, a very tenuous grasp of what anyone else has to say here, resorting to ad hominem attacks to retain any relevance.
Yes, you can see that in the Covid pandemic coupled with the Covid death-jabs which will end up killing over a billion of "god's" creatures.
You can confirm it with the 600,000+ dead in Ukraine... the 100,000+ murdered in Gaza by Israel, and the fact that we are on the brink of a nuclear WWIII.
Add in the importation of massive millions of smelly afro/islamic low-IQ parasite scumbags into almost every western nation, causing financial and societal meltdowns... soon. And a turd like Kunta-Kamala possibly becoming the leader of the "free-world"??
"Murdered in Gaza" ? 100K? I also question the number killed in Ukraine. Does that include Russian troops? The US deep state is responsible for the conflict in Ukraine, and the subsequent deaths.
If media, government, and big corp has its way, most people won’t. Actually most people don’t today! Which is why there’s such a lack of critical thought and research. I trust God and the Holy Spirit he placed inside me to “help” me discern. My gut instinct with God is far superior to what it was without God.
Vonu, go away. You don't like someone's belief in God? That is fine. You don't need to attack someone or make fun of them. Sadly we are going to be proven right. For you, it will be too late to make a choice.
No, I don’t have personal superstitions. I walk under ladders regularly. 🤣. I believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God and I believe what He says in it. Everything flows from there. Utilizing modern day techniques in our court systems for determining truth and reasonable doubt, and what is required to prove something to be true and accurate, the legitimacy of the Bible passes with flying colors. It has more proof to support it and Jesus than just about any other historical document or person in the world. More than ten times the volume of documented evidence and unconnected witnesses. That’s beyond superstition. That enters the realm of facts, and takes intelligence and critical thinking to do the research fully and go beyond the bloviation of naysayers. I’m sorry you can’t enjoy such a rock solid belief at your core, and that you have to rely on the opposing superstitions of your own - because they are built on sand and supported by the wind. Hopefully one day you will find the courage to do the research yourself because given what the Bible claims, it’s no biggie for me if I’m wrong, but it’s shattering for you if I’m right. That makes it the single most important document to investigate and get it right.
She said 'prone', sweetheart. You cowardly embellished on that to state that she said 'rely'. If can't make friends with a Bible or Torah, at least avail yourself to the wisdom of Mr Merriam and Mr Webster.
Being “prone” to bad choices is not the same as “relying” on them. You use twisted logic. 😆 We are all prone to them, but only the fools rely on them. Thanks for being the example of the latter
I'm a bit torn by Dreher. He write good stuff pretty regularly then he devolves into emotional-drivel on occasion that makes me wonder if he has a screw loose. He's a lot like Jordan Peterson in that he can't control his emotions in public, not the sign of someone confident in their worldview. He's bounced from evangelical Protestantism, to Catholicism, to Orthodoxy, seemingly desperate to find something to fill an emotional void within him. His wife divorced him after decades and he claimed they had "grown apart". He abandoned the US for Hungary in seemingly yet another attempt to escape and fill that missing void.
I judge people by the fruits of their lives, and like Peterson, Dreher has *a lot* of turmoil in his life. I find it hard to take seriously the philosophy and punditry of an individual whose personal life is so at odds with the maturity I would expect of someone at his age.
I like Jordan Peterson. I’m OK with him displaying his emotions. Especially when it comes to discussing maiming children. And he has had the whole Canadian government and medical establishment determined to destroy him. That’s a little stressful!
Yes, he certainly deserves some slack in that regard and I don't mean to imply that he's a bad person or anything like that. My concern is that people need to view his pronouncements on how others should live their lives in light of the problems he's had in his own life.
I. Mistrust. Everything.
These are times when cynicism is a good attribute.
I refused the the death jab when I realized the same people telling me Trump was a Russian asset starting telling me I “had” to take the vaccine. Turns out to have been the correct move.
I knew they were lying when they said HCQ would kill you and I was familiar with the drug. LIES, LIES, and More LIES.
I knew they were lying when I didn't see piles of dead homeless people. How come the homeless people weren't ravaged by a virus that was supposedly so deadly?
I knew they were lying when their mouths opened
I knew they were lying when I saw Faucis name in the Moederna Patent.
I knew they were lying when they admitted during early days of the vax release that 6 people had experienced blood clots but that was for the whole country, so it was very rare! But I had already heard about two people in my circle of friends that also experienced clots. They weren’t part of that 6. Who else wasn’t?
Also wondered why it was safe to go to the Home Depot, but not to my neighborhood hardware store. Why grocery store checkout workers and restaurant delivery drivers didn’t need protection but needed to come to work no matter what.
Now I push back on everything I hear. So many lies. When will they stop?
Oh yeah, Home Depot and Walmart could remain open but all the Ma & Pa stores had to remain closed. There were hundreds of people in Home Depot but it was ok as long as you were masked up. I am right there with you on their lies. What blows my mind is that many people still believe the lies.
after a short drop and a sudden stop. Not until then
I thought about that as well. When the scam first hit us, I worried about the homeless. They weren't able, for the most part to even able to wash their hands. They didn't have masks! Public restrooms were closed "for everyone's safety". But what did they have that the privileged masses did not have, closed up in their homes, away from other human beings, bleaching surfaces and living in utter fear of death? The homeless had fresh air and sunshine.
The homeless probably have stronger immune systems than most of us 'hand washing' citizens because they pick up the necessary antigens from the DIRT!! We should get our HANDS DIRTY as much as possible!!
And the most important thing: no TV's. Same reason the Amish did not get covid.
And they don’t live in FEAR! I dealt with homeless people for 23 years in my former occupation.
They have some great advice, if you choose to hear it.
There that by the Grace of God, go I.
Same. I told anyone who asked that I would be concerned when I saw people dead in the streets. Never did. Not one.
Or grocery store clerks.
Happy to see you question as I have asked the same repeatedly for years. Have never gotten an answer 😳
Yes, hydroxychloroquine is what clued me in too.
It was ivermectin for me.
me too
Pick one. Nothing added up. Nothing. And then there's the tried and true "everything we have ever been told officially is a lie". So, bad combination when you are peddling pure unadulterated BS. Unless of course you are a go along to get along normie
It took some persistence but I followed the development of the Princess Cruise Ship in Tokyo Harbour. Three thousand souls aboard, Covid broe out. The press deemed it a tomb for all three thousand, the Port Authorty towed her off into a remote corner of the harbour to await her fate. After a few days the story faded from mainsream news. I learned a few weeks later whan I rn across a backpage note: perhaps two dozen died, almost all of them VREY elderly and with multiple comorbidities.. Everyone else survived, despite being seriously abused by quarantine and isolation policies, worthless aboard such a closed envirnment.
Best precitce would have been to let each person decide what to do... Id have spent the whole time outside in the sunshine and fresh air, chatting with folks, making friends, taking vigourous turns round the decks, riding the stationary bikes in he workout room, learning to swim and eating lots of food.
And making certain I had a suitable intake of elemental zinc..... along with vitamins C and d.
Yes!! And for me the kicker was the one man on the ship who got quite sick and had to be hospitalized and had been quarantined with his wife, and she NEVER EVEN GOT SICK!! So then I questioned how contagious it could really be. Quarantined in close quarters with a very ill person and still never got Covid? 🤔
Mike Adams ( runs a certified lab and tried repeatedly to get a sample of 'covid', no one on Earth could supply one. So.
You must have missed Trump's doctors saying that he was taking it in hospital.
Nope. Actually that’s when mass media went into meltdown warning people to NOT take hydroxychloroquine for covid treatment. As soon as HCQ was uttered by Trump The Powers that Be pounced. Next was Ivermectin on the chopping block. Two genuinely safe & effective inexpensive medications were vilified. And as a tragic consequence many died.
Some of us were able to find brave doctors who were willing to write prescriptions (in many countries these are OTC) despite threats of losing their medical licenses & hospital privileges.
Oh! And what drug was pushed for treatment? Fauci’s Remdesivir (cost about
$ 5-6,000 per 5-day dosage) which failed vs. Ebola, & caused kidney damage plus fluid buildup in the chest. Nurses called it “death is near.”
Let's call it what it is: Government sanctioned mass murder. IE, democide.
True except that Remdesivir did NOT fail. It killed thousands of useless eaters, just as they planned.
It’s interesting, because HCQ is a drug given, without question to people who have autoimmune illnesses such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and knowing several who take it…..there has been no negative side effects…and they’ve been on it for years, before the cv and since.
You do know the nurses who had to administer the Remdesivir gave it the moniker "When Death Is Near" because it ALWAYS ushered in the 'grim reaper' on the patients who received it as a 'medication'!!
Run death is near.
I use Frequency Medicine that costs 5 cents per treatment after the initial cost of the equipment.
that's another lie...
I bet YOU are fully jabbed and boosted... best buy some burial insurance... soon.
IF this is true, and these people are not dunces... we should be entering the death-wave time-frame very soon.
I think she has the assumption that all of the vaccine lots contained the same ingredients. But assessments have discovered wide variations, no doubt by design. Easier to keep the gravy train running if you don't kill off everyone at the same time.
Also in my area many people got two different vaxes for their initial two doses. AZ #1, Mod #2 etc. I would assume that would be better. And further to that I suspect a lot of the first doses were placebo. Doctors and pols got the first doses. No one died. If they had it would have been stopped. So half the double dosers actually got one only. In my area the problems accelerated with the booster.
I do hope they are wrong.
Me too.
Already are, Dude.
I refused it more out of a "wait and see" attitude because I've had some unpleasant reactions to newer drugs before. Then the insanely heavy-handed push to get shots in arms started and it was pretty apparent something was wrong. Nobody was allowed to ask what the long-term effects were - and far too many were biting on the "it's been out for a couple of months, we would have seen long-term effects" line. (That one _still_ boggles my mind.) Reading more of the somewhat quiet papers, it was easy to see that things weren't right. Add that the disease they were addressing already had a 99+% survival rate and ... nah.
experimental is all you needed to know
I'm not so concerned about the 'experimental' nature of the c-19 vaccine as I was about the attack on known safe, effective, beneficial and even celebrated treatments like ivermectin and even common sense!
I'll also add the attacks on people who stood up and told the truth. Not just your everyday physician, but leaders in their fields were attacked and licenses threatened.
I checked on the Covid survival percentages and decided to take my chances. No vaxes for me then and after all this, ever again! Including tetanus!
Blech. Taking to my grown son (jabbed) yesterday about the meteoric rise in pancreatic cancer cases and he actually said "well, I got the shot, and I didn't get cancer".
BTW, stepson. He has none of my genetic material
Oh I love that 🙄 Same attitude as “well my stocks are doing great and I just got a raise so the economy is doing great”—never mind all those people who can’t pay their rent or afford groceries 🙄🙄🙄
Yes same here, wait and see at first then got spooked by the incessant push and weird incentives for people to get it. Then the threats started. That made me absolutely sure there could be nothing good about it. Why would they have to coax and then coerce people if it was so safe and so great?
Me: “What is in those shots that they want in every person?” It had nothing to do with illness, lab leaks, other potential curatives, just “what scam exactly are they pulling off here?” Couldn’t be a cure for anything because it made people sick or dead. Rats stink but a lot of people couldn’t smell them, and they’re still in the walls lying about everything. They lied, now they’re lying about their lies.
In 2020, when Israel, Qatar and the Cleveland Clinic all published high efficacy ivermectin rates, and seeing another article in which IVM only had about 1000 adverse events in 50-70 years, undoubtedly confirmed my suspicion government, and a lot of people are evil to the core and they are pathological liars.
It was used with stunning success in Uttar Pradesh, a province in India. Everyone was given a Ziverdo kit that contained Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Zinc and Tylenol. Compared to other provinces that did not do this, UP's infection rate was dramatically lower. It was real world information and was suppressed by the MSM.
Bill Ghate$
I had suspicions very early on but knew for sure something was amiss when the government instructed people to stay home until their oxygen level was at a dangerously low level, and then call an ambulance. Pure 😈.
Natural immunity works even if you get a virus! God made bodies! Hello!
Wise move.
I knew they were lying when they started denying not just the effectiveness, but the very existence natural immunity.
My bride, due to recent events in the news, has finally realized my cynicism is an attribute that allowed me to predict these latest events with incredible accuracy. I am no longer that crazy conspiracy theorist!
Always an attribute, not quite yet a virtue, but now undoubtedly A SURVIVAL SKILL. Lack of it killed millions through the Hydra of the C-19 iatrogenic scamdemic alone ...
And humor! I don’t trust the Israeli foreign minister’s smile, but I can’t resist low-hanging fruit like, “He smiles like the Katz that swallowed the canary.”
I don't trust puppet master Bill Ghate$...nobody investigates him...
Imagine all the interesting dirt swept under rugs when a guy like that buys silence. Or somebody cops a plea before discovery.
For sure!
Yes agree
That’s the only attribute I have (almost)😂🤣🤣🤣😂😎.
Same except I trust that there is no one to trust
Trust in God 😇
Believe His Promises. He Is Faithful.
Lamentations 3
19 Remember my affliction and my wanderings,
the wormwood and the gall!
20 My soul continually remembers it
and is bowed down within me.
21 But this I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:
22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness.
24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in Him.”
There's a beautiful Christian hymn based on just this passage of Scripture, Robin - thank you for posting this! My heart yearns for the Master's voice, saying "COME UP HITHER" to join Him in His heavenly realms.
And the great hymn "Great is Thy Faithfulness."
I always associate that with George Beverley Shea and him singing it in his glorious, resonant baritone voice at the Billy Graham crusades all over the world. OH THAT WE STILL HAD BILLY GRAHAM IN OUR WORLD.
I do not think I have ever heard that one. I will have to try to find it.
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be
Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me
Summer and winter and springtime and harvest
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love
Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine with 10, 000 beside
Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me
Here's the hymn of the Christian faith based on this passage in Lamentations, Mnm Mom - beautifully sung too!
Yes trust in God, and pass the mortar rounds.
My teen constantly asks me why I’m so cynical.
It bothers me that he has to ask; I thought I raised him better. 🤷♀️
The 4 I listed have excellent track records especially the latter two.
Including yourself?
Do you no longer trust yourself?
When it comes to divergence of opinions between God and me, God has the better track record. I'm at my best when I trust God's judgment over my own.
God certainly knows more about everything than you do.
I think you mean "than we do."
You have already demonstrated that you have, at best, a very tenuous grasp of what anyone else has to say here, resorting to ad hominem attacks to retain any relevance.
You should keep your ignorance to yourself rather than projecting it onto others you do not know.
Yes, you can see that in the Covid pandemic coupled with the Covid death-jabs which will end up killing over a billion of "god's" creatures.
You can confirm it with the 600,000+ dead in Ukraine... the 100,000+ murdered in Gaza by Israel, and the fact that we are on the brink of a nuclear WWIII.
Add in the importation of massive millions of smelly afro/islamic low-IQ parasite scumbags into almost every western nation, causing financial and societal meltdowns... soon. And a turd like Kunta-Kamala possibly becoming the leader of the "free-world"??
Well... I guess "god" has a sense of humor... eh?
"Murdered in Gaza" ? 100K? I also question the number killed in Ukraine. Does that include Russian troops? The US deep state is responsible for the conflict in Ukraine, and the subsequent deaths.
Doubt 100k Arab/Iranian deaths in Gaza.
And for the whole Covid scam, from "this DEADLY disease" to "you have to take the shot so you won't die!"
Several sources, but primarily Col Macgregor and Scott Ritter, both have solid info connections and are not neocon clowns.
They could be wrong... check them out.
Might be more...
What was your relationship with your father like?
You should be more concerned with my relationship with your mommy and your sister.
If media, government, and big corp has its way, most people won’t. Actually most people don’t today! Which is why there’s such a lack of critical thought and research. I trust God and the Holy Spirit he placed inside me to “help” me discern. My gut instinct with God is far superior to what it was without God.
Kinda cute how some of those mocking you, perversely elevate government and mortal men as their reverential *gods*.
While YOU only elevate Krispy-Kremes to your disgusting, mustachioed pie-hole.
Since everything you say is based on your own personal superstitions...
Vonu, go away. You don't like someone's belief in God? That is fine. You don't need to attack someone or make fun of them. Sadly we are going to be proven right. For you, it will be too late to make a choice.
Why would anyone need a hallucinatory choice?
No, I don’t have personal superstitions. I walk under ladders regularly. 🤣. I believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God and I believe what He says in it. Everything flows from there. Utilizing modern day techniques in our court systems for determining truth and reasonable doubt, and what is required to prove something to be true and accurate, the legitimacy of the Bible passes with flying colors. It has more proof to support it and Jesus than just about any other historical document or person in the world. More than ten times the volume of documented evidence and unconnected witnesses. That’s beyond superstition. That enters the realm of facts, and takes intelligence and critical thinking to do the research fully and go beyond the bloviation of naysayers. I’m sorry you can’t enjoy such a rock solid belief at your core, and that you have to rely on the opposing superstitions of your own - because they are built on sand and supported by the wind. Hopefully one day you will find the courage to do the research yourself because given what the Bible claims, it’s no biggie for me if I’m wrong, but it’s shattering for you if I’m right. That makes it the single most important document to investigate and get it right.
If God wanted us to believe his word, he should have self-published it instead of using human ghost writers.
Well that's one world view...
That is the best that can be accessed by someone who can't see past the next block.
It sounds like you could benefit from a good probiotic.
I do NOT trust myself. I trust God.
There is only ONE
Which one?
You're emotionally and intellectually stuck at 5th grade, aren't you?
Put down your crayons and try to do better... you are embarrassing yourself and all morbidly obese ass-clowns.
I am prone to bad choices. I do work on it, though. Thanks for asking
How do you improve when you rely on bad choices?
She said 'prone', sweetheart. You cowardly embellished on that to state that she said 'rely'. If can't make friends with a Bible or Torah, at least avail yourself to the wisdom of Mr Merriam and Mr Webster.
Being “prone” to bad choices is not the same as “relying” on them. You use twisted logic. 😆 We are all prone to them, but only the fools rely on them. Thanks for being the example of the latter
Prone means "likely to or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something, typically something regrettable or unwelcome."
What is your point here?
Why are you doing this? You don’t know me
Ignore this commenter. It's a bot.
You only offer more and more information that is less and less likely to convince anyone that you have any idea what you are talking about.
Have you read “Live Not By Lies” by Rod Dreher?
I'm a bit torn by Dreher. He write good stuff pretty regularly then he devolves into emotional-drivel on occasion that makes me wonder if he has a screw loose. He's a lot like Jordan Peterson in that he can't control his emotions in public, not the sign of someone confident in their worldview. He's bounced from evangelical Protestantism, to Catholicism, to Orthodoxy, seemingly desperate to find something to fill an emotional void within him. His wife divorced him after decades and he claimed they had "grown apart". He abandoned the US for Hungary in seemingly yet another attempt to escape and fill that missing void.
I judge people by the fruits of their lives, and like Peterson, Dreher has *a lot* of turmoil in his life. I find it hard to take seriously the philosophy and punditry of an individual whose personal life is so at odds with the maturity I would expect of someone at his age.
I like Jordan Peterson. I’m OK with him displaying his emotions. Especially when it comes to discussing maiming children. And he has had the whole Canadian government and medical establishment determined to destroy him. That’s a little stressful!
Yes, he certainly deserves some slack in that regard and I don't mean to imply that he's a bad person or anything like that. My concern is that people need to view his pronouncements on how others should live their lives in light of the problems he's had in his own life.