☕️ ELON’S WAR ☙ Sunday, January 5, 2025 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
A C&C deep dive into the British pedo gang scandal; hilarious New York Times takes on young turbo-cancers; great news about SpaceX progress and its astonishing implications; and more.
Good morning, C&C supporters, it’s Sunday! Which means it is time for your bonus roundup: A C&C deep dive into the British pedo gang scandal, Musk’s involvement, and what it means in the big picture; the New York Times takes on young turbo-cancers with hilarious results; and some good news about SpaceX progress and its astonishing implications.
This week, Elon went to war. He is running a social media color revolution against the British government, trying to overthrow the current regime. Yesterday, Forbes ran the story, kind of, under the headline, “Elon Musk Pushes For Britain’s King Charles To Dissolve Parliament—As Lawmakers Say Tesla CEO Is ‘Misinformed’.”
The useless Forbes story was intellectual Ozempic. The article crouched in the dark recesses of the long shadow of the media’s omertá on one of the most hideous pedophile scandals in history. One can read the whole story and remain blithely uninformed, intellectually starved but filled up with zero-calorie aphorisms and Forbsian bon mots.
A better (albeit imperfect) headline ran yesterday in —of all places— the UK’s own Telegraph, under the headline “How the grooming gangs scandal was covered up.” The sub-headline explained, “The child victims of rape were denied justice and protection from the state to preserve the image of a successful multicultural society.” It’s so much bigger and worse than that.
The term grooming gangs itself is an indefensible liberal euphemism. “Grooming” carries a whiff of voluntary participation, but as the more honest sub-headline admitted, British children were raped, trafficked, and tortured. Brutally. Repeatedly. Horrifically. In an organized fashion. In their thousands and tens of thousands. Perhaps in the hundreds of thousands. Whatever the actual number may be, it is so high one’s appalled mind rebels, the grey matter refusing to admit even the possibility of the nightmarish scale of the tragedy.
You can identify the complicit by their preferred use of the fussy, woke euphemism “grooming gang.” The full, correct label is “Pakistani child sexual torture gangs.” Or “child rape gangs” for short. Identifying the gangs (correctly) as Pakistani is a leftist trigger in Britain, up till this week considered the worst thought crime imaginable. In the US, it would be comparable to saying something like “Haitian pet eating gangs,” except in the U.K., which lacks anything like our robust First amendment, they will lock you up for that kind of xenophobic hate speech.
Even worse, or perhaps most ironically, the Pakistani rape gangs’ targets were almost all white girls as young as 11 — specifically because of their race. Again and again, Pakistani perpetrators proudly bragged the reason they targeted the girls was because they were white. But the British authorities trying to build a diverse and equitable global society ignored the very worst kind of violent racism committed against that failed state’s most vulnerable citizens.
And therein lies one of the great problems, a textbook example of how quickly speech restrictions can backfire, destroy a society, and bring down a government. Unable to reach fury, the tattered remnants of British civilization are sluggishly attempting to muster a quantum of justified outrage since for over twenty years, organized gangs of Pakistani child rapists went unprosecuted or, if prosecuted, given community service, while the Brits complaining about Pakistani child rapist gangs got substantial jail sentences.
One struggles to adequately describe the Lovecraftian horror that Great Britain has obviously become. Like Old Testament child sacrifice cults, in its headlong pursuit of globalist success, the British sacrificed their own daughters. The confused country sacrificed its working class’s happiness, for who can remain happy watching their community’s children be violated in the worst possible way while perceiving the government protecting the violators but not the victims?
Britain also sacrificed its citizens’ sanity, for how can any normal adult stay sane while remaining passive in the face of such monstrous evil?
But ultimately, Britain’s political pursuit of globalism’s perceived blessings required sacrificing its entire society, for what society that officially enables these kinds of vile crimes against humanity deserves to survive?
You may think this is exaggerated, or perhaps melodramatic. But if anything, I have understated Britain’s voluntary self-sacrifice. To the extent it is comprehensible at all, the horrific scale remains yet unknown, the cost to Britain is wholly uncounted. “These gangs,” the Guardian explained, “have been active in over 50 towns and villages across the UK — and there are no doubt more that we have yet to hear about.”
Worst of all, they’re not even trying to count the cost. “As recently as 2021,” the Guardian continued, “it emerged that South Yorkshire Police were still failing to record the ethnicity of offenders, with 67 percent of cases lacking details in Rotherham.”
🔥 Over the years, many brave Brits have tried to blow the whistle on the sordid enterprise. Britain has been stealthily sacrificing its children to the woke gods for more than two decades now, ever since its government began importing Pakistanis in large numbers and settling them in naive, unprepared British locales. A UK Spectator article published yesterday admitted, “The details of this depraved and calculated exploitation – and other exploitations very similar to it – have been in the public domain for a long time.”
For instance, when the UK’s then-Home Secretary Suella Braverman tried to create a Grooming Gangs Taskforce as recently as 2023, decades after the problem first emerged, one Guardian writer accused her of inflaming ‘Islamophobic and xenophobic prejudice.’ Braverman resigned a few months later.
Because the problem has existed for so long, every major UK party had a chance to help cover it up. They are equally guilty.
The corporate media —including the U.S. corporate media— has been just as complicit as the major British political parties, if not more so, since it’s the media’s job to challenge authority. And when I say “complicit,” I don’t just mean complicit in the cover-up. Complicit in the rapes.
Two days ago, UK Shadow Justice Minister Robert Jenrick wrote a strongly worded op-ed, in which —after 20 years— he now called for “swift and brutal justice.” The Telegraph article cited Jenrick’s description:
If you are getting the impression that there’s been a sea-change in official recognition of the crisis, that the Overton Window was somehow shattered, a new permission structure erected, that is all true.
And the story of how that happened so quickly last week is itself remarkable.
🔥 Last week, two events forever changed the stale, deplorable status quo. First, shocking excerpts from an old trial transcript from the prosecution of a child rape gang in Oxford were leaked to social media. The details are so awful I cannot print them here. I don’t even want to hint around. Adult readers only—you can read for yourself the official transcript here, at this link.
But every British citizen must be made to read them, forced to read them, just as Generals Patton and Eisenhower forced German citizens to walk through Nazi concentration camps and to help bury the dead. The British must see for themselves what their government has done in their name, using their tax money.
The sensational truths exposed in the transcript created some not insubstantial social media fire. But the fire’s energy was doomed to die out, as had every previous attempt to shed light on the Lovecraftian beast lurking in Britain’s basement. After all, before last week, British citizens and journalists could not comment on the case without risking jail time.
I am not making up or exaggerating that. So the transcript would not have been enough, not by itself.
🔥 It was the second event last week that really changed everything. For whatever reason, Elon Musk saw the transcript and went to war. So last week the space billionaire tweeted about the Pakistani rape gang scandal and related British politics more than any other subject and it wasn’t even close.
The Spectator reported, “Rotherham only returned to public conversation after Elon Musk joined a discussion on X.” Elon didn’t just ‘join a discussion.’ The most influential man in the world picked a side. For one thing, he endorsed Nigel Farage’s tiny Reform party:
Sadly, I don’t think Elon was saying that Reform would or even could save Britain. He said Reform is Britain’s only hope. And, as the Forbes article that began this post reported, on Friday, Elon shared a post asking whether King Charles “should dissolve parliament and order a general election … for the sake and security” of the UK. He retweeted that X thread with a one-word comment: “Yes.”
Elon’s dabbling in British politics provoked a near-nuclear response. Election interference! How dare he! Elon was accused of misinformation, disinformation, badthink, being “obsessed” with Britain, and even of re-victimizing the victims. Another Guardian headline from yesterday:
U.S. corporate media bit into Elon too. Yesterday’s headline from The New York Times:
If anything, corporate media’s attacks on Musk in defense of British élites were disjointed and unconvincing. Despite repeatedly accusing Musk of “spreading misinformation,” none of the many articles pushing back against Musk —and not against responsible officials!— actually identify anything the billionaire allegedly got wrong.
Our corporate media is a complete wreck and this story proves it. Instead of holding government officials accountable who covered up for and enabled child rapists, the media has consistently savaged and tried to cancel the private citizens and whistleblowers who tried to expose the problem.
Indeed, it is impossible to hate the corporate media enough. When in 2016 Trump called the corporate media our “enemy,” he was not exaggerating. Yesterday Elon called the “legacy media” a dying duck:
CLIP: “If legacy media was doing its job, we wouldn’t need Elon Musk to intervene” (0:37).
In other words, this exposed story is not just destabilizing Great Britain, it is also destabilizing all corporate media.
🔥 Britain has reached an existential flash point. It cannot continue to exist as a civilized nation in this barbaric condition. One wonders whether during the decades-long fall of the Roman Empire, some mad Emporer may have declared it a crime to criticize the invading barbarian hordes. Either way, that is exactly what’s happened in Britain; except these barbarians have been invited in and subsidized.
They are making the British pay for their own rapist torturers.
At this late hour, do sane Brits have what it takes to avoid complete collapse? Or will they continue politely acquiescing in the organized rape of their daughters, their social structures, and ultimately their very minds?
I wonder. The left has politicized its worldview to the extent that it will deny and defend any issue complained about by conservatives. You need only look into the comments on the New York Times article I linked above, and see there’s more outrage about Musk dabbling in UK politics than about the officially-enabled child rape gangs.
Meanwhile in Britain, members of the main political parties —Labour and the ruling Conservative party— both keep trying to shift the discussion away from holding corrupt officials to account and deporting pedophile perpetrators toward merely allocating more aid money to leftwing victim advocacy groups.
For lack of space, I won’t bother explaining why allocating more aid money to NGOs is useless, and is not the drastic medicine England needs right now to save itself, but it seems obvious to me.
During the years delaying the reckoning, the blame balloon grew bigger and bigger, and now Elon Musk has stuck a pin in it, and icky blame goo exploded all over the Conservative party. It’s hard to imagine how it can survive this. Elon’s social media war could succeed in toppling that government.
On Friday, the New York ran another awful cancer concealment story headlined, “The Mystery of What’s Causing Young People’s Cancer Leads to the Gut.” Young people keep getting turbo cancers — and it’s a mystery! Another one! The sub-headline insultingly added, “Obesity and alcohol consumption are first priorities for cancer researchers.”
Fat and drunk. In other words, it’s their own fault.
It’s definitely not big pharma or any other well-represented industry with a strong lobby.
The Times reported that rates of gastrointestinal cancers among people under 50 are skyrocketing across the globe. In the U.S., colorectal cancer is now the leading cause of cancer death in men under 50, and it’s second for women, just behind breast cancer. As usual, proving they really do know the real reason, the Times obscured the truth by talking only about time periods between 2000 and 2019 — stopping just short of the you know what.
But they aren’t fooling anybody. We never saw these kinds of headlines before 2020. Get out of here with your slow, steady increases.
Robert Kennedy, Jr., got a positive mention in the article for his criticism of ultra-processed foods and the weed-killer, Roundup. The many possible suspects attributed to baffled “experts” and discussed at one point or another in the Times’ article included: microplastics, “forever chemicals” (PFAS), obesity, inactivity, sugar, alcohol, gut microbiota, sulphur, antibiotics, and sleep cycles and light pollution.
Whew. Apparently they are starting from scratch. They may be useless with cancer, but they know everything there is to know about covid, mRNA vaccines, and mask physics.
The young turbo-cancer story seems to have surfaced this time because on Friday, the U.S. Surgeon General opined alcoholic beverages should carry cancer warnings. I hate to be that guy, but humans have been swigging alcoholic beverages since the dawn of time, so it’s unclear how booze could possibly be responsible for recent cancer spikes.
They must be drunk if they think they can pin cancer on wines and spirits.
And as usual lately, the story’s internal contradictions were glaringly obvious. So obvious they warranted mention. After complaining for pages about how people’s bad lifestyle decisions cause their own cancer, the article finally had to face the facts. “Some patients,” the Times ruefully admitted, “don’t fit that description at all.”
The fly in the victim-blaming-ointment is health fanatics. “They are very, very health conscious, and then they come into your clinic and they’re 33 and they’ve got stage-four colon cancer,” said Dr. Marwan Fakih (definitely fake), a gastrointestinal oncologist in Duarte, California. “There’s no question we’re missing something.”
Yeah, you’re missing something, doc: Health-fanatical people are more likely to get vaccinated.
It’s just so hard for them to admit; admitting the vaccines cause young turbo-cancers would take down the entire scientific establishment. I’m not sure they ever will admit it. But denying the truth is getting more and more ridiculous, like putting cancer warnings on wine bottles.
Go for it, clowns, and get ready for a mocking that will kick your butt.
The UK Guardian ran a great space story headlined, “Why Elon Musk’s Starship rocket is beating Nasa in the space race.” The sub-headline added, “The SpaceX chief’s powerful new system is set to slash the cost of missions, leaving Nasa in the dust.”
It’s all about the cost per pound. Space ambitions have historically been strictly limited due to the enormous cost of lifting anything from Earth into space. For instance, there’s only one Mars rover wandering the Red Planet, rather than a whole swarm of them, because of how incomprehensibly expensive it is to lift every 16 ounces off the planet.
In the last five years, SpaceX has already slashed the cost per pound by a factor of ten. And in just the last 12 months, even newer technologies tested by SpaceX, like the “chopsticks” landing tower, are set to redefine the space industry with yet another revolution in cost reductions.
The upshot is that the drastically lower space-shipping price is making a lot of things possible that were previously cost-prohibitive. In other words, we’ll likely see a sort of space-race land rush. The next 20 years could be akin to the Great Westward Expansion, a renewed sense of Manifest Destiny.
Except this would be an Upward Expansion.
Unsurprisingly, despite a vastly bigger budget, NASA’s bureaucracy isn’t even close to competitive. Nor are any other commercial competitors, putting SpaceX in an enviable and highly-influential position. But there’s trouble brewing in the form of politics. Despite the unimaginable possible benefits, some scientists refuse to work with SpaceX because Elon. From the article:
The other main problem for many scientists in dealing with SpaceX is that they find it difficult to accept Musk’s rightwing politics and his close association with Donald Trump. He has been a vocal critic of US immigration policy, disdainful of many democratic politicians, and has recently been given license by Trump to cut $500bn from the US federal budget.
So. Weird. Have you ever heard of conservative scientists refusing to conduct research because they might have to work with Microsoft, and Bill Gates is a monstrous buffoon? No, you haven’t.
Leftwing politics ruins everything.
Well, that’s woke scientists’ loss. It’ll make more room on the rockets for conservative science projects. Setting politics aside, the bottom line is that between SpaceX, AI, robots, self-driving cars, drones, and the rest, we are about to experience one of those wild and unpredictable periods of rapid technological advancement. Buckle up and keep your SpaceX helmet securely fastened.
Have a blessed Sunday! Thank you for all your continued loyal support. Enjoy today’s chilly weather and bundle back here tomorrow for the Monday-morning edition.
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Every relative I have, or had, is British, except for my sister and me. Most are dead now, but I still have cousins there. They would not believe what has happened to Britain, any more than I believe what happened to Canada. This is not being orchestrated by native British or Canadians, but by the demonic, nationless satanic globalists hell bent on depopulating the earth and enslaving the go along to get alongs they allow to exist. These ghouls have no restraint on what they do to us. We should show them no mercy if we are serious about winning this true world war for the continues existence of mankind.
Ever since I read the biography on Elon I half think he is an alien from outer space sent to straighten us up. OK, he may not be an alien but he is acting as though he dropped in without any particular frame of reference and is just calling it like he sees it. I cannot find words as to how grateful I am for his willingness to expose how rotten progressivism has become. But this UK story is beyond worse than anything I can imagine.