Corporate media exploded with news of a leprosy outbreak in Florida. But doctors are baffled. I'll give you one guess what connection I found. And tough talk from the Chinese about our recent record.
Adding to the Florida leprosy story, I also feel msm is trying to associate anything bad with Florida--as a sort of brainwashing for people to have negative feelings about DeSantis OR to get people to stop moving there. Who knows what type of thing they're trying to control this time. Whether it's weather, mosquitos or leprosy--there has been a lot of "negative" Florida news lately.
I'm in NE Florida. I'm fairly certain I saw a pterodactyl fly by this morning....I don't want to jump to conclusions but it had a face that looked like Bill Gates. A pterodacbill?
You should have, like Jeff’s neighbor, shot it down!! No telling how many diseases a pterodactyl named Bill is carrying! You could have SAVED THE WORLD!!!!!
It wasn't a bird or a plane or a mosquito. It was just a giant genetically modified friendly neighborhood blood-sucking parasite released to experiment, incite fear, and create more disease in the population that's all. What could go wrong with that?
so far I have friends from the crazy states of NY and IL ask me how I can stand our tyrannical and dictatorial governor DeSantis. They do't know what they are talking about. I have tried unsuccessfully to educate them, but they are so brainwashed there is no turning back. So sad
A couple to whom I'm related are considering moving to Minnesota to escape the terrible tyranny under DeSantis here in Florida. My opinion: go, please! We'd be minus two more Democrats!
Yes, Lifetime Fitnesses home base is MN and access to some sites is limited yet it reminded me of an experience last November here in Hennepin County after voting for the Republican candidate for governor. I gave up a 47 year streak of avoiding voting for anyone in any party with Republican or Democratic affiliation. At 7pm the polls closed and I went home thinking crazy like my vote counted. I was abruptly reminded it did not. 1 mile from the polling station the internet went down. For 1 hour and 46 minutes. When I was able to receive a signal , after the time the “returns” were counted electronically I learned the incumbent won with a 70/30 margin. I tried to bring it to many peoples attention but was waved off. Not here in the most populated county in MN....would they ever rig the gubernatorial election, right?! Wrong.
I truly do not understand why election integrity is not been aggressively address by the House. We are running out of time. They got away with it once so you can bet they will do it again. There hasn’t been any accountability.
All of this election "tampering" is being orchestrated by our HORRIBLE "INTEL COMMUNITY" under the auspices of the CIA. Did you all know that the CIA potentates cannot be FIRED from their positions? No wonder we have so much finagling "behind the curtain". It's a reworking of the "SS" in Germany from the 1930's to 1945--but it's been gathering "power and influence" in our country since the 1950's! AND NOW..HERE WE ARE...sitting ducks--all of us!!
I figure they'll just have to see how it goes there and make a decision about whether that's the best place to raise their soon-to-be-born first child or not. Maybe they'll love it, for a while, at least, until history catches up with them.
Speaking of Minnesota...I work out at a Life Time Fitness here in Scottsdale (because, ya know, I have to live up to the conservative stereotype). Anyhow, I was on my laptop there yesterday, using their wifi, and my intention was to buy a ticket for the AMFEST conference this coming December in Phoenix. THEIR WIFI BLOCKED ACCESS TO THE SITE! Specifically, I received a message in my browser that said "This site is blocked due to content filtering". Furthermore, the message also said "Life Time policy explicitly prohibits access to this restricted content." "This site was blocked due to the following categories: Illegal Downloads". As LT has an HQ in Minnesota, well, I found this an appropriate place to share my experience. What I'd really like to know if there are any similar conferences on the left so I could try to access their site while on Life Time wifi to see if it goes through.
Lol, I don't want to create friction in the family, but it *is* tempting to let them know they could probably fund much of their move with crowdfunding.
Bobbie Ann Cox is the NY lawyer fighting these quarantine camps that Governor Hochul wants. She defeated her once, but then, of course, the governor appealed the decision. Check out UnitingNYS. And read regulation 10 NYCRR 2.13 here:
AND she writes a great Substack too. Obviously from my screen name I am not from NY but I admire her, and despite having too many substacks to keep up with most days, I subscribed to her stack, she does not post prolifically. Her July 30 post was excellent:
Well if you are like me, you probably have a bunch of them, but hey, it's like us with cats....what's one more?? LOL (OK we have 3, but at one point had 5...)
I volunteer for Uniting NYS. Attorney Cox is our lawyer. Please sign up for our newsletter. We keep our subscribers up to date on our lawsuit appeal, give updates from Attorney Cox and share important info that NY is facing.
For some reason I was thinking of the NYC we could put both of them in the camp. But first make them transition. We wouldn’t want them hanky-pankying in there.
She took lessons from WA state. Voters repeatedly voted down paying for a new stadium - that powers that shouldn't be decided to fund it with taxpayer dollars anyway.
I have to go to upstate ny is September to see my family. I'm driving because I refuse to submit to the idiocy of the airlines, and by then I hope the leprosy outbreak hasn't reached there. Btw,if I was contemplating moving to Florida,especially central Florida, I'd rethink it. We have dangerous animals, a tyrant for a governor that hates gays,and now leprosy. I've heard Maryland is really nice.
We have property in NW Florida. But with so many people moving to Florida, the competition for building supplies is fierce; hence delays and rising costs (notwithstanding Bidenomics). If people stop coming, we might get a chance to build and move!!!
"No Turning Back" for Anyone. Hopefully we/me/you can See the Future Consequences of the Division of the States, as well as Urban and Rual....... Suburban could be "No Mans' Land"...... not by my hand, but in response to their/thems Unlawful Tyranny. CYA
I really think tptb are having a hard time getting the same level of hysteria as occurred with covid. A large number of people aren't biting. I can imagine them all sitting around trying to come up with the next scary thing.
Hopefully the Nukey Thingy*** is just Fear Porn, but ..... Anyhow the Economic Bubble Burst should work nicely, followed by several "GlobalChangeyWarming" Grid Downs as icing on the progreSSives cake.
***ChiComs want affordable and useable real estate in the USSA.
Agree 1000%! I feel like for the last couple of years, anything that happens to FL is called out in the headline. "FLORIDA man does this...,", "FLORIDA child does that." I just didn't put two and two together to tie it to DeSantis so thanks for this!
Yup; Alabama has taken more than our share of hits. The so-called elites used to avoid us like leprosy, but today they are moving here to escape their enlightened former abodes.
I have a friend who lives in Indiana. She consistently sends me news articles that have anything to do with Florida (most in a negative way) But I think she believes I live under a rock and don't get any news except from her. I've tried to be nice and ask her not to send me these items but to no avail. Now I just delete text messages that include the news and don't respond.
Start scouring the internet for stories about Indiana and send them to her. Obviously she believes that all news is delivered word of mouth and may be unaware of the looming crisis in Indiana.
Not worth my She visited us here before Covid and the entire time she was here she read us articles off her phone because she just has to be well informed and makes sure everyone around her is too. Whether they want to be or not!
Yes, he is. I should say I used to live there. We hated him for governor. I should also say we moved to Florida far before Covid. In light of everything that has happened, I'm very glad we chose this great state and we love what Gov. De Santis has done for us here.
Just a couple things that really aggravated my husband and me. There is a toll road (the only that runs east and west across the state. He sold the toll "rights" (the monies paid) to a corporate with ties to other countries. Indiana lost that revenue to a 99 year lease. I don't remember for how much but he turned around and spent all the money he gained from that sale on nothing that we thought benefited the people of Indiana.
The other issue was Indiana was a strong union state and despite a lot of opposition to keep it union strong he made it a "right to work" state which undermined the unions (of which my husband was a member) so it directly impacted my husband's job. We retired at the time of our move to Florida but the last two years he worked was severely limited and because of that he acquired less pension money upon retirement than we were planning on. Yes, it's a good pension but we don't have extra to spend.
My sister in NYS is the same. DeSantis is a monster who is destroying Florida, burning books etc. She seems to think that just because I live in Sweden I can’t follow the news in the US. We have this thing called the internet here, it’s really handy!
There has never been a word about the gouging by Disney with extremely high admission prices to Disneyworld, and the resulting disappointment that EPCOT wasn't what Walt wanted it to be.
EPCOT was Walt Disney's Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, which was promptly abandoned after his death. It wasn't a worldwide concept. I don't remember any mention or promotion of it outside of The Wonderful World of Disney television program.
Yes! The 'data' was sorely lacking in transparency and voices of reason were few and far between when DeSantis stuck his neck out. Note Mike Pence's dead eyes while DeSantis is talking in that clip you shared. Smiles and nods at the beginning but then just stands there like furniture.
Look at the bright side. It might discourage any blue state libbies from coming to Florida. 1st - the don't say gay law. 2nd - no mutilation, I mean gender affirming care of minors. Now - leprosy which has a biblical connotation about it. Ack! Not the Bible. 😉😄
Adding to the Florida leprosy story, I also feel msm is trying to associate anything bad with Florida--as a sort of brainwashing for people to have negative feelings about DeSantis OR to get people to stop moving there. Who knows what type of thing they're trying to control this time. Whether it's weather, mosquitos or leprosy--there has been a lot of "negative" Florida news lately.
I'm in NE Florida. I'm fairly certain I saw a pterodactyl fly by this morning....I don't want to jump to conclusions but it had a face that looked like Bill Gates. A pterodacbill?
You should have, like Jeff’s neighbor, shot it down!! No telling how many diseases a pterodactyl named Bill is carrying! You could have SAVED THE WORLD!!!!!
Well, we do have a few strategically placed firearms, but damn it!....we're in a subdivision. Plus, I could never shoot a pterodactyl with glasses.
Yeah, and call the USAF to collect the corpse ... alien biologics from UAPs are a hot ticket these days.
Awwww NO! They are adorable! God had an amazing sense of humor to design such a critter as this.
If it existed.
I think she’s talking about armadillos, not pterodactyls!😂😂
That is a terrible thing to say about pterodactyls.
Bill Gates is more like a Venus flytrap, which only predate the hapless.
It wasn't a bird or a plane or a mosquito. It was just a giant genetically modified friendly neighborhood blood-sucking parasite released to experiment, incite fear, and create more disease in the population that's all. What could go wrong with that?
I believe you, Eric. It’s tine to panic over this sighting. Have you alerted MSM?
Same here. Glad I wasn't hallucinating although my sighting, also in NE Florida, was before coffee. Cheers!
Happens again, do the world a favor & turn your shotgun on it!
Catch it, train it, and ride it!
Gateslactic Alien craft:)
Battlestar Gateslactica? 🤣
That’s much better 😅
I couldn't have done it without you! 🤗
Eric, did you mean to say pterodactybill ? I looked it up in the newest version of Websters and that's how they spell it.
There's a cure for that Gates genetically engineered flying dinosaur. It's made by Dr. Browning and it's. 50 caliber.
Works wonders, even at long range. Bill should be introduced to Dr Brownings cure.
Exactly! I’m in Lakewood Ranch! We are overflowing!
so far I have friends from the crazy states of NY and IL ask me how I can stand our tyrannical and dictatorial governor DeSantis. They do't know what they are talking about. I have tried unsuccessfully to educate them, but they are so brainwashed there is no turning back. So sad
A couple to whom I'm related are considering moving to Minnesota to escape the terrible tyranny under DeSantis here in Florida. My opinion: go, please! We'd be minus two more Democrats!
I hear they have Islamic morning prayers over loudspeakers in Minneapolis.
And is the home of the Somalian government.
And banned affordable pork products in all the school meal programs.
Perhaps help them to pack, Fla Mom--LOL!
Don’t let you door hit you on the way out.
Why not check out Zillow in Minnesota to help them find a house!😉
Yes. Send them on their way with a smile and a wave goodbye. 👋
Yes, Lifetime Fitnesses home base is MN and access to some sites is limited yet it reminded me of an experience last November here in Hennepin County after voting for the Republican candidate for governor. I gave up a 47 year streak of avoiding voting for anyone in any party with Republican or Democratic affiliation. At 7pm the polls closed and I went home thinking crazy like my vote counted. I was abruptly reminded it did not. 1 mile from the polling station the internet went down. For 1 hour and 46 minutes. When I was able to receive a signal , after the time the “returns” were counted electronically I learned the incumbent won with a 70/30 margin. I tried to bring it to many peoples attention but was waved off. Not here in the most populated county in MN....would they ever rig the gubernatorial election, right?! Wrong.
I truly do not understand why election integrity is not been aggressively address by the House. We are running out of time. They got away with it once so you can bet they will do it again. There hasn’t been any accountability.
All of this election "tampering" is being orchestrated by our HORRIBLE "INTEL COMMUNITY" under the auspices of the CIA. Did you all know that the CIA potentates cannot be FIRED from their positions? No wonder we have so much finagling "behind the curtain". It's a reworking of the "SS" in Germany from the 1930's to 1945--but it's been gathering "power and influence" in our country since the 1950's! AND NOW..HERE WE ARE...sitting ducks--all of us!!
Oh lord .. Minnesota is … well uh polluted with progressive population.
I figure they'll just have to see how it goes there and make a decision about whether that's the best place to raise their soon-to-be-born first child or not. Maybe they'll love it, for a while, at least, until history catches up with them.
Speaking of Minnesota...I work out at a Life Time Fitness here in Scottsdale (because, ya know, I have to live up to the conservative stereotype). Anyhow, I was on my laptop there yesterday, using their wifi, and my intention was to buy a ticket for the AMFEST conference this coming December in Phoenix. THEIR WIFI BLOCKED ACCESS TO THE SITE! Specifically, I received a message in my browser that said "This site is blocked due to content filtering". Furthermore, the message also said "Life Time policy explicitly prohibits access to this restricted content." "This site was blocked due to the following categories: Illegal Downloads". As LT has an HQ in Minnesota, well, I found this an appropriate place to share my experience. What I'd really like to know if there are any similar conferences on the left so I could try to access their site while on Life Time wifi to see if it goes through.
Try using a VPN & see if that works
I'm willing to throw a twenty into the pot for their U-Haul.
Lol, I don't want to create friction in the family, but it *is* tempting to let them know they could probably fund much of their move with crowdfunding.
Exactly the point I’m trying to make in a couple of recent comments
MN has lakes. That’s it. That’s the good points.
NY governor still wants to put people in camps.
Bobbie Ann Cox is the NY lawyer fighting these quarantine camps that Governor Hochul wants. She defeated her once, but then, of course, the governor appealed the decision. Check out UnitingNYS. And read regulation 10 NYCRR 2.13 here:
AND she writes a great Substack too. Obviously from my screen name I am not from NY but I admire her, and despite having too many substacks to keep up with most days, I subscribed to her stack, she does not post prolifically. Her July 30 post was excellent:
Thank you for sharing that Donna, I admire her but did not know she has a Substack!
Well if you are like me, you probably have a bunch of them, but hey, it's like us with cats....what's one more?? LOL (OK we have 3, but at one point had 5...)
I volunteer for Uniting NYS. Attorney Cox is our lawyer. Please sign up for our newsletter. We keep our subscribers up to date on our lawsuit appeal, give updates from Attorney Cox and share important info that NY is facing.
Thanks for sharing Attorney Cox's Substack. I volunteer with Uniting NYS. You can sign up for our newsletter too.
Thanks for sharing that link.
Me too. But he would be the first one I’d put in.
The NY crazy governor is a she.
For some reason I was thinking of the NYC we could put both of them in the camp. But first make them transition. We wouldn’t want them hanky-pankying in there.
Are you sure you're not "mis" gendering?
I hope I am.
S.H.E--stinking heap [of] excrement. Took me a couple of minutes.
She took lessons from WA state. Voters repeatedly voted down paying for a new stadium - that powers that shouldn't be decided to fund it with taxpayer dollars anyway.
Mrs. "the Knife"
Probably has a fat account in the Caymans.
Well, she’s an idiot. Proven over and over. Not sure what planet she comes from.
If you haven't already, sign up for Attorney Cox's Substack:
Also, sign up for the Uniting NYS's newsletter for updates on our quarantine lawsuit appeal:
Thanks for posting the link.
Here is Attorney Cox's Substack: I volunteer for Uniting NYS (the citizens group that sued Hochul). You can sign up for our newsletter to get updates:
Thank you.
I have to go to upstate ny is September to see my family. I'm driving because I refuse to submit to the idiocy of the airlines, and by then I hope the leprosy outbreak hasn't reached there. Btw,if I was contemplating moving to Florida,especially central Florida, I'd rethink it. We have dangerous animals, a tyrant for a governor that hates gays,and now leprosy. I've heard Maryland is really nice.
Nahhhh, you want a nice governor, move to IL or AZ.
Alligators are especially bad for small dogs and they love cats
Don't encourage them. Let them stay in their sh*thole states and suffer.
Lightbulb went off - perhaps here in Red State Land we can start a marketing campaign pushing MN, NY, CA.
If we could make it persuasive enough, some of libs might leave.
We have property in NW Florida. But with so many people moving to Florida, the competition for building supplies is fierce; hence delays and rising costs (notwithstanding Bidenomics). If people stop coming, we might get a chance to build and move!!!
Just ask them "so, you didn't have any elderly relatives murdered by Cuomo's satanic policies" I take it.
In their logic, a tyrant isn't one who makes you do things you don't want to do.
A tyrant is one who fails to make you do things THEY want to force you to do.
The left has an entirely different dictionary, and thus can only communicate in the form of the Fallacy of Equivocation.
Perhaps we could distinguish when quoting them by altering the word just a little:
"They called him a tyran't."
wonder if they get their 'news' from Facebook.
And PBS.
"No Turning Back" for Anyone. Hopefully we/me/you can See the Future Consequences of the Division of the States, as well as Urban and Rual....... Suburban could be "No Mans' Land"...... not by my hand, but in response to their/thems Unlawful Tyranny. CYA
They should leave.
Why do you want to encourage them? Leave them where they are
Agreed - whatever is said doesn't have to be true, as long as it creates an emotional reaction, it then becomes true.
I really think tptb are having a hard time getting the same level of hysteria as occurred with covid. A large number of people aren't biting. I can imagine them all sitting around trying to come up with the next scary thing.
Nuclear war should do it.
Hopefully the Nukey Thingy*** is just Fear Porn, but ..... Anyhow the Economic Bubble Burst should work nicely, followed by several "GlobalChangeyWarming" Grid Downs as icing on the progreSSives cake.
***ChiComs want affordable and useable real estate in the USSA.
According to the prosecutor Jack Smith lying is a federal felony now. I think all of Washington DC will be indicted for felonious lying!!
Now you’re thinking like a Bud light exec
Agree 1000%! I feel like for the last couple of years, anything that happens to FL is called out in the headline. "FLORIDA man does this...,", "FLORIDA child does that." I just didn't put two and two together to tie it to DeSantis so thanks for this!
Speaking of Desantis, here's a post I wrote on him in the middle of the pandemic. Wonder if this is what triggered the FL attack:
It's pure envy and jealousy as the Florida economy is booming.
Tampa has become the new Wall Steet.
Yep! Every time I hear "Florida...." in the news I roll my eyes.
Rolling Eyes!!?? Aaaaggghhhh, THE SIGN!! Get to the hospital!!....and for God's sake, get a shot!
It used to be the entire South. Always presented as backward, uneducated twangy buffoons in media and entertainment.
Yup; Alabama has taken more than our share of hits. The so-called elites used to avoid us like leprosy, but today they are moving here to escape their enlightened former abodes.
"Avoid us like leprosy"... I saw what you did there!
"Used to be"?? It still is, just slightly modified to show tobacky-spittin' white males as the South's spokespersons.
You talkin 'bout me???
I guess you’re right. But maybe more folks are recognizing it for what it is. It’s white hetero males that have the target on their backs now.
Yes; all my life I've been judged to be a toothless hillbilly Okie by toothless hillbilly thugs who live on the coasts.
This despite my classical education in Latin & Greek, and doctorate.
I do like Buddy Brown.
Who he?
Mississippi country music artist, Christian--see Youtube channel
On lord!! If that’s a symptom, I’m DOOMED!!!!!!! Dooomed, I tell ya!!!!!!!
I bet Texas is next.
I have a friend who lives in Indiana. She consistently sends me news articles that have anything to do with Florida (most in a negative way) But I think she believes I live under a rock and don't get any news except from her. I've tried to be nice and ask her not to send me these items but to no avail. Now I just delete text messages that include the news and don't respond.
Start scouring the internet for stories about Indiana and send them to her. Obviously she believes that all news is delivered word of mouth and may be unaware of the looming crisis in Indiana.
Not worth my She visited us here before Covid and the entire time she was here she read us articles off her phone because she just has to be well informed and makes sure everyone around her is too. Whether they want to be or not!
Wow that’s pretty rude 😦 I don’t blame you for deleting and not responding.
Isn't Judas Pence from Indiana?
Yes, he is. I should say I used to live there. We hated him for governor. I should also say we moved to Florida far before Covid. In light of everything that has happened, I'm very glad we chose this great state and we love what Gov. De Santis has done for us here.
What was Pence like as governor? What kinds of issues bothered you most?
Just a couple things that really aggravated my husband and me. There is a toll road (the only that runs east and west across the state. He sold the toll "rights" (the monies paid) to a corporate with ties to other countries. Indiana lost that revenue to a 99 year lease. I don't remember for how much but he turned around and spent all the money he gained from that sale on nothing that we thought benefited the people of Indiana.
The other issue was Indiana was a strong union state and despite a lot of opposition to keep it union strong he made it a "right to work" state which undermined the unions (of which my husband was a member) so it directly impacted my husband's job. We retired at the time of our move to Florida but the last two years he worked was severely limited and because of that he acquired less pension money upon retirement than we were planning on. Yes, it's a good pension but we don't have extra to spend.
Yes he is and it's one of the states with the biggest missing children count while he was Gov.
My sister in NYS is the same. DeSantis is a monster who is destroying Florida, burning books etc. She seems to think that just because I live in Sweden I can’t follow the news in the US. We have this thing called the internet here, it’s really handy!
Ignoring and deleting I’d the best way. There is NO changing the mentally ill by ourselves.
There has never been a word about the gouging by Disney with extremely high admission prices to Disneyworld, and the resulting disappointment that EPCOT wasn't what Walt wanted it to be.
I've never been to a Disney park, and will never go.
But your post reminded me that as a child in the 60's & 70's, we were constantly bombarded with sales pitches about the World of the Future, Epcot.
EPCOT was Walt Disney's Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, which was promptly abandoned after his death. It wasn't a worldwide concept. I don't remember any mention or promotion of it outside of The Wonderful World of Disney television program.
Yes! The 'data' was sorely lacking in transparency and voices of reason were few and far between when DeSantis stuck his neck out. Note Mike Pence's dead eyes while DeSantis is talking in that clip you shared. Smiles and nods at the beginning but then just stands there like furniture.
Look at the bright side. It might discourage any blue state libbies from coming to Florida. 1st - the don't say gay law. 2nd - no mutilation, I mean gender affirming care of minors. Now - leprosy which has a biblical connotation about it. Ack! Not the Bible. 😉😄
If rhe CDC is involved then it's definitely to help tank DeSantis' campaign. Like the DOJ, they may be a *little * bent to the Biden left.