☕️ HARD POWER ☙ Friday, January 24, 2025 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Deep state clipped by WHO withdrawal; DEI orders spread into private sector; Trump deletes more security details; swamp drained by JFK disclosures; NSC fires sketchy staffers; insights; more.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Friday! The Trump Miracle continued yesterday at full steam ahead. Your roundup of essential news includes: Deep state drags out ancient harpy to defend the most disliked international organization in human history; fear and loathing toward Trump’s DEI orders spreads beyond the federal government, rippling through private industry; Trump pulls more security details from disloyal diplomats; Trump helps drain the deep state by disclosure through assassination record release; and a glimpse into the federal workforce’s reaction to the Trump 2.0 era.
The New York Times ran a sullen op-ed yesterday penned by Obama’s old Secretary of HHS, Kathleen Sebelius, titled “Without the United States, Global Health Will Fall Apart.” It had been renamed; the piece’s original title was: “Trump’s Withdrawal From the W.H.O. Will Be Disastrous for Global Health.” Either way, it translated to “Trump’s withdrawal from the WHO will be disastrous for THE DEEP STATE.”
Poor globalists. They have such terrible public relations. Sebelius, 76, is another Silent Generation artifact wheeled out in a desperate effort to rescue their sinking New World Order, which they’d barely gotten off the pier. I mean, they’d just achieved granting the WHO all those new pandemic powers and stuff.
But now this.
Just like that, on Monday, Trump signed an executive order reversing Biden’s executive order that reversed Trump’s executive order, a dizzying cascade of executive-order dominos, with the ultimate result being that the U.S.A. shredded its W.H.O. membership card. Again. And we won’t be paying any more dues.
The WHO has lost so much public trust they had to scrape the bottom to come up with has-been, non-influencer Kathleen Sebelius. I kind of felt sorry for her. Her problem —same as anyone trying to defend the “international health agency”— is that nobody can name a single thing the WHO has ever done that helped anybody.
Even Sebelius had to stretch back eleven years to find a good example, all the way to 2014 —reaching completely past the pandemic, curiously— and citing an obscure 2014 Nigerian Ebola outbreak. Sebelius claimed (without evidence) that the WHO’s contact tracing prevented a global Ebola pandemic, a wildly exaggerated and perfectly absurd claim that would cause most honest epidemiologists to laugh like braying donkeys.
Kathleen also omitted the messy cholera epidemic that the WHO “accidentally” caused in Haiti in 2010, infecting 820,000 and killing over 10,000 innocent Haitians the WHO was there to help. Whoops! Haiti, which had not seen a case of cholera in over 100 years, is still trying to get the WHO-caused disease under control, with its most recent countrywide outbreak in October, 2022.
Sorry Haiti! Omelets and eggs! And, you’re welcome for all the free medical care.
The cholera epidemic can be directly traced to Haiti’s destabilization, which led inexorably over the next decade through its descent into a barbaric third-world hellhole. Now, they’re eating the cats and the dogs and even worse things.
Who, or W.H.O., could have seen all that coming?
First of all, the WHO pathetically failed at its single best chance to prove its value during covid. A pandemic! Which is the WHO’s entire raison d’etre. Sebelius’ inability to name a single example of any WHO success story during the last five years damned the agency to perdition. The WHO did not stop the covid pandemic. It didn’t alleviate the pandemic. It made things worse and covered up the lab leak.
This single failure, the failure to be of any meaningful value to stop or ameliorate the covid pandemic, completely justifies Trump’s decision to make like a tree and leave.
🔥 But the main justification emerged between Sebelius’ lines. As always with these people, their love affair with the WHO is not really about health at all. It is about death and killing. It is about world domination. “Many,” Sebelius slyly said, giving away the game, “regard America’s global health work as smart diplomacy.”
Aha. Health diplomacy is a military-industrial dog whistle. For example, consider this 2022 article from the journal of International Policy and Society:
Get it? In case her winking eye wasn’t visible to the other neocons in the digital room (or in case they thought her blinky condition was just flaring up again), Sebelius added, for emphasis: “Even the most hostile countries welcome our medical expertise and support.”
See? The WHO causes our enemies to welcome our medical teams. This statement seems confusing at first because, well, why would we want to give our enemies free healthcare? Don’t be mistaken, I get it, viruses don’t respect borders and so on. But see above: the WHO hasn’t cured any viruses. It causes viruses.
No, Sebelius’ subversive unstated point was that the WHO provides a way to smuggle our spies into hostile enemy territory, dressed in white lab coats.
The WHO’s mission isn’t really about health. It’s a very expensive and dangerous cog in the deep state’s regime-changing machine. Everything becomes clear when you look at the WHO through this lens, including last year’s massive power grab, pushed as a “pandemic treaty.”
The pandemic treaty wasn’t really meant to lock down businesses and colleges in epidemic areas. Its real purpose was to lock down American hegemony — worldwide. It was a deep state global power grab disguised in a white lab coat of happy health diplomacy.
In other words: We’ll give you free healthcare and take over your government for the same low price!
Which is why Kathleen Sebelius appeared this morning like an old witch appearing out of a puff of black smoke — because the deep state is furious that Trump is just throwing away their best tool for forcing other countries to do “our” will, such as putting drag queens in charge of kindergarten classes, all in the name of emergent healthcare.
Getting out of the WHO is draining the swamp. By pulling America out of the WHO, Trump amputated one of the deep state’s tentacles. Sebelius’s essay is the stump waving around and getting icky blue blood on everything.
Yesterday, President Trump ran more rings around his enemies while they were huffing and puffing trying to catch up. First up, the New York Times ran a terrific story headlined, “Trump’s D.E.I. Order Causes ‘Chaos’ Among Corporate Leaders.” Big business is becoming terribly aware of what I explained two days ago—Trump’s DEI-Devolving orders stretch far beyond the federal government. The sub-headline explained, “Trump’s executive order signals that private businesses and organizations could be investigated over their diversity policies.”
Under Trump’s order, “each federal agency,” the Times reported, “must identify ‘up to nine potential civil compliance investigations’ that could include publicly traded corporations, nonprofits and large foundations.” But … investigated for what?
The Times explained that anti-white employment decisions are no longer de rigueur:
Perhaps not surprisingly, publicly traded corporations, nonprofits, and large foundations were also the worst offenders with vaccine mandates during the pandemic. This fact is significant now because their institutional jab-pushing misconduct erased any possible sympathy conservatives might have had for them at this point, and thereby making it politically possible for Trump to tip over the DEI tower.
It’s not just that Trump is issuing these orders, either. They are brilliant and clever orders. For instance, the Times recognized Trump’s masterstroke in selecting the exact number of nine investigations:
As the article admitted, DEI’s fortunes have reversed with astonishing speed. “If you had asked me a year ago, I would have probably said don’t change it,” David Glasgow, an NYU Law School diversity professional, allowed. But, “I’ve become a little bit more convinced that the acronym may be unhelpful,” he admitted.
Between Trump’s election, the work of conservative anti-DEI activists, and now this capstone of an order sowing fear and chaos into both the federal government and big industry, the smugness has been slapped right off the face of woke diversity theory.
Trump figured out how to create massive social change and do it fast.
And that wasn’t even close to all.
Yesterday, CBS ran an amusing story headlined “Trump administration pulls security detail from Mike Pompeo and former special envoy on Iran.” It is widely believed that, while he was CIA Director, Pompeo sabotaged Trump’s attempt to declassify the Crossfire Hurricane binder, which would have completely exonerated the President.
Yesterday, Mockingbird Media chirruped questions at Trump about his stripping security details from Pompeo, John Bolton, and curiously, Trump’s former Iran envoy Brian Hook. Trump shrugged and answered, “when you have protection, you can't have it for the rest of your life.” He then added, offhand, “I mean, there's risks to everything.”
He should know.
Even if he wouldn’t, CBS inadvertently made the case for Trump. First of all, CBS reported that security for just Pompeo and Hook costs two million dollars a month. For Portlanders, that amounts to an eye-watering twenty-four million dollars a year. For just two retired diplomats.
Twenty-four million a year is insane. And that gold-standard security must have especially aggravated the President, who got the D-team protecting him during the election, and wound up getting shot by an amateur, untrained, 22-year-old, first-time wannabe assassin.
CBS’s second and more compelling point was that Trump didn’t start it. According to CBS, in August 2023, the Biden Administration canceled security protection for Trump’s former National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, who at that time was facing credible and continuing death threats from Iran for his role in the strike on Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. Various Congressmen begged Biden to reconsider, but O’Brien never got his security back.
In other words, Biden did it first. So.
CBS listed a few examples of other former officials who are still receiving security coverage. Interestingly, General Mark Milley (Ret.) was one. Infamously, During Trump’s first term, Milley assured his Chinese counterpart that he would warn China ahead of time if Trump ever moved to declare war. Then Milley bragged about that act of treason, causing folks to question his general sanity and ask for a wellness check.
Given how things are going, General Milley might want to get some quotes for private security.
There was more.
Joe started this one, too. Yesterday, the Washington Post ran a terrific story headlined, “Trump pardons antiabortion activists who blocked access to clinics.” The President issued a new batch of pardons yesterday, this time including 23 pro-life protestors prosecuted by the Biden DOJ and sentenced up to ten years in prison. They were all peaceful and included “grandparents, pastors, a Holocaust survivor, and a Catholic priest.”
“This is a great honor to sign this,” Trump said while signing the pardons.
The WaPo did its best to try making some of the protestors antics sound outrageous, for example describing how they “forced their way in” to abortion clinics. But if you read far enough, you find out “forcing their way in” just meant making an appointment using a fake name.
Unmentioned in the article was conservatives’ real complaint. The problem was the two-tier justice system. Biden’s DOJ prosecuted zero people for interfering with pregnancy support centers, though the centers are also covered under the same federal law. During the same period the DOJ was rounding up peaceful abortion clinic protestors, dozens of pregnancy centers were fire-bombed, shot at, and vandalized. But before December 2024, the FBI did not investigate those attacks.
Now over 20 fine people are being released to return to their families.
🔥 Meanwhile, PBS ran another terrific story yesterday headlined, “Trump mandates assassination records be released for the Kennedy brothers and MLK Jr.”
The President signed the new executive order yesterday. One person who will be thrilled is Robert Kennedy, Jr., Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services. Assuming it actually happens this time, it will be historic for both historians and conspiracy theorists.
But it will also help drain the deep state.
The backstory is that, in 2017, Trump ordered the JFK assassination records released. The agencies panicked and badgered the President into agreeing to various delays on full release, and before you knew it, Trump was out, and Biden ordered an indefinite delay. Yesterday, Trump gave the Attorney General (potentially Pam Bondi) and the Director of National Intelligence (possibly Tulsi Gabbard) fifteen days to come up with a plan to release not just the remaining RFK documents but also the assassination records of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Many folks have read the order and found things to complain about. They are understandably skeptical that disclosure will really happen, this time. We’ll just have to wait and see. But I think there could be reason for hope. On the one hand, this might just be Trump over-delivering on a first-term campaign promise to release the JFK records.
But there could be a lot more here.
It is inarguable that the security agencies do not want these records released. By ordering their release, Trump is applying pressure to the agencies, by creating perception problems occupying their time and attention with damage control. It leaves them with less bandwidth to make mischief. Trump is showing himself to be a president in full control of his power and authority, and he is showing the deep state that he has the will and ability to apply discipline in a way that hurts them the most: disclosure.
It’s their own fault. If the agencies weren’t so secretive, Trump wouldn’t hold this power over them. To be clear, it’s an unnecessary amount of secrecy. I’m not the only one who thinks that. Behold this headline from Truthout.org, just three months ago:
Now you can see why one of Trump’s first-week moves is to order these assassination records released. To drain the swamp, you first have to shine a light on the swamp creatures.
Either way, one thing is clear: the lack of transparency surrounding these assassinations has been a stain on the nation’s character. It’s time to blot it out. But there was even more.
🔥 Consistent with this week’s relentless theme of swamp-draining was this Washington Post headline from Wednesday:
The short version is that a raft of security officials from various alphabet agencies occupy offices in the White House under the larger umbrella of the National Security Council. They are staffers “loaned” to the NSC from other agencies like the CIA, NSA, State Department, and Pentagon, for example. One such staffer was the infamous Alexander Vindman, who sabotaged Trump’s first term by “whistleblowing” a Ukraine-related phone call that started the impeachment madness.
On Tuesday, dozens of these staffers (the precise number is unclear, but it was a bunch) were “released” from their White House duties in the NSC and ordered back to their originating agencies. It happened so suddenly that their access badges cut off before they found out, locking some of them inside the White House complex until the Secret Service could escort them out.
Trump isn’t taking any unnecessary chances this time. He’s treating the deep state as hostile right from the jump.
You’re fired.
There was nothing improper about it. The story even ended with a quote from an anonymous official, who agreed that “they have every right to have the detailees they want there,” but said, “I just wish they would have done it a different way.” In other words, he wished they would have had more time to create mischief once they found out they were fired.
The draining continues.
🔥 Finally, courtesy of Libs of TikTok, peek throug this window into how some of the federal workforce are handling everything coming at them this week. Hint: they aren’t handling it well.
CLIP: Federal employee responds to new Trump Administration requirements (1:10).
So! And to think—this is just the first week. Tomorrow, we’ll peek into how the partisan Democrats are dealing with this week’s whirlwind of chaos.
Have a fantastic Friday! Coffee & Covid will be back with more exciting essential news and commentary in tomorrow’s Weekend Edition.
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The WHO Executive Order is great, but the USA should remove itself from all global organizations permanently. Congress needs to act.
We are one stolen election away from being right back in it.
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