Fauci's last day; Japanese set more curious records; booster uptake plummets; masking poll shows more work remains; experts pin anti-vaxxers with blame for measles; BMJ study on cardiac causes; more.
Masking children is a disease. A gross thinking error based upon the assumption that all sickness is bad for society and of course, that a mere mask will stop a virus. The spreading of germs and creation of natural immunity is not favored, yet, who has loving and warm hearted memories of your parents caring for you while you were sick? Letting you snuggle with them despite your runny nose? Grandpa’s special chicken soup? Children bring home every sniffle and disease. Illness is inconvenient in todays modern world. Nurturing is inconvenient in todays busy two income families. We are being led astray from what makes loving ethical empathic nurturing citizens.
Loretta, I cannot tell you how many parents bragged about "isolating" their sick children during this pandemic - even to the point of keeping them in an attic, delivering their food and then texting them that the tray was outside the door. They were shocked that I didn't do the same when the 'Rona finally found its way to our house.
Masking is a deeply dehumanizing practice. I will not participate in it. The fact that any portion of conservatives/republicans can even consider it a "good" practice is an indictment against us. Just terrible survey results.
Mass formation. We now understand Nazi Germany better don’t we? Hitler said tell a lie loud enough long enough folks will believe it. The media is complicit. I’m greatly saddened how many Americans gave up their freedoms never questioning anything🥲
I also realized with shock how incredibly easy it is to totally brainwash people (Americans!!) through the use of fear, lies and the constant repetition of dire predictions. I'm still puzzled as to why so many were so susceptible to this and were so trusting of the government. I'm one of four children born between 1945 and 1958. All 3 of my siblings bought the fear narrative immediately and didn't question it until quite recently. They all got at least 3 jabs, I got none. I was immediately suspicious of what I was seeing and hearing, and I was researching like crazy right from the beginning and had decided it was all highly suspicious quite early on, probably by March or April 2020. Why did I react differently? I absolutely do not know. I'm a questioner by nature and always have been. I've also been aware most of my life what bull-sh***ers people in authority can be. Possibly that's the difference. I must have a very high functioning BS meter!
CMCM- you sound like my twin! I literally had the same experience as you, except I only have 1 sibling. I decided very early on that something did not feel right about the 24/7 coverage of this new "pandemic". I also am a person who always questions things- and have a good BS antenna -probably a good trait these days to have! Most of my family & friends took the jabs- I know very few people who have not.
Listen to Mattias Desmet, he explains how a new community was formed, a community of covidites, and they joined together believing the narrative. He explains it much better than I do and I’m only paraphrasing. Apparently these people were feeling the need to join in a strong group. Remember how they posted on fb that they got the shot? Like it was a club.
I read a story of a mother who locked her 8 or 10-year old child in the basement and how he screamed and cried for her to let him out. She wouldnt. She claimed to be heartbroken over it, but I call b.s. on that part.
I got yelled at my this mom on Instagram for posting my daughter at the playground with a mask even and no one around, it was at night. And then all these moms ganged up on me. The mom kept her toddler INSIDE for 18 months! Can you imagine? They ended up moving to Ohio-surprised she did that since we are in Chicago which is “woke” af. One less crazy parent though at least 😅
I work with a guy (who still is masked) who his wife and two adult children daughters living at home .. made him stay in a motel for a week when he tested positive. No symptoms and during the omicron run. Crazy world we live in.
Yes I have heard this story many times as well. Most of the ppl I know didn’t laugh but thought they were doing the right thing and that if they did it just perfectly they could control it. The shame they felt when it didn’t work they took jabs to play hockey last Christmas to their horror they all came down with “it”
My brother and sister-in-law forced my under-the-weather young nephew to stay in his room on Christmas Day and open his Christmas presents there so that he wouldn’t get his siblings and parents sick. I can think of a few things more sad than this but not too many.
Our friends in Australia did this to their autistic son when he had Covid. He was inside his bedroom for over a week, playing video games and having food delivered on a tray outside the door. There are two families in our neighborhood (Tallahassee) whose children we DID NOT SEE at all during the pandemic. Suddenly, we're seeing them - a foot taller, pale, withdrawn... strangers now. :(
A friend's husband's youngest sister is developmentally disabled - in her 50s with the cognitive ability of a 5 year and lives in a group home. Someone tested positive and they quarantined all the residents in their rooms for 14 days. As my friend's daughter sanely pointed out, how do you explain that to a 5 year old? Totally inhumane.
Serious question: what is the precise mechanism by which so many people have lost all of their humanity? Why do they not have the this-feels-wrong-thing going on?
I wish I had just one answer to this question, but I think there are many reasons, and the big one is fear as it is a powerful motivator. People are truly addicted to fear now. They might say they are wearing a face diaper to "be safe" but they are not being honest. Their fear addiction is driving their decisions. Dr. Mark McDonald, who also has a Substack (Dissident MD) has written two books in the past couple of years that are excellent. The most recent is "Freedom from Fear, a 12 Step Guide to Personal and National Recovery" and his first book is "United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis." I had our local library order that and I read them that way, but I just ordered our own copies to share with others and underline a number of things I found insightful. For instance, in the 12 Step book he comments that he's never met a person addicted to fear that was curious.
Like you, I don't understand the inability to feel empathy or think critically that so many people have demonstrated in the past 3 years.
The only thing I've seen recently that is on that level of sad is one of the downstream impacts of the branch covidian takeover of our culture and economy. I am 71 years old. At the bank yesterday, a 20-something manager was training a woman my age to be a teller.
My 30 year old son and his fiancee were visiting me on Mother's Day, 2022 when he caught "the Rona". I am unvaxxed (thank God) and I had Covid last December. Do you know what I did??? I didn't isolate him, I took care of him and told him that he didn't need to wear a mask around me. Wearing a mask when you are sick just forces all those disgusting germs back in to your body. I hope your family stays healthy but you should do your research and know that the more shots you have taken, the more likely you are to get sick. The shots trash your immune system.
That’s a pretty fitting way to celebrate Mother’s Day. It must have been an honor to care for a sick grown child again. The love displayed by this care is immune boosting.
Last November (actually Nov of 2021, so last last Haha) while traveling across the country I was in a public restroom in the fully masked state of NM. Because I could not see the woman's face or read her expression or hear her voice properly I manhandled very roughly a mentally disabled woman who thought I was her mother. After I let her go she ran into a stall and screamed and cried for her mother. I was so shaken by that I did that it paralyzed me. A year later it still makes me tear up. Had she not been wearing a mask I would have easily recognized what was going on and would have soothed her and helped her find her mom. Masks are evil.
Any parents who would do what you described in isolating their sick children should be reported for child abuse. That is sick, disgusting and, as you said, dehumanizing! Where is the respect for human life???
Do you recall at some point early on that there were threats of taking children away from their parents if they came down with the Rona and had no place they could quarantine them? And I think they said the abode had to have more than one bathroom or the children would be taken away. I don't think they ever did do that but that was one of the plans.
That sort of treatment was precisely the recommendation of the government. Isolate the person (age be damned) and cut off the air handling system to the isolation room if possible and put food at door and walk away. I am sure there was a hazmat sort of suit required to clean or merely clear the plate. This WHOLE thing - start to now has been deeply sick disgusting.
There are still so many misinformed people out there when it comes to masks. The controlled narrative at the beginning continues to have the upper hand, unfortunately.
I wish it was only that but think it might be something much more nefarious, particularly when I see unmasked adults with children wearing masks.
It seems to me more of a form of child abuse that adults use to strip children of their identity and signal their own virtue. It hides a child's face (how is this different from forcing women to mask under sharia law?) and dehumanizes them while advertising to the world what a good parent they are. Actually it's the opposite as it shows these parents will do terrible things to their children just to show their own conformity and adherence to social edicts. It's a sickness and it's getting worse not better.
The Moloch worshipping stuff is becoming more and more apparent with the homosexual agenda and trans stuff being forced on kids. Couple that with masking and constant injections, not to mention feeding them processed garbage like Froot Loops and Beyond Meat. Yet huge numbers of parents say nothing and just go along. Can this really just be ignorance?
What goes around comes around for these parents unfortunately. Most will probably be dumped in nursing homes by these same kids and live their final days lonely and miserable.
My one friend, a much older Christian she thinks this way as you do and I believe your correct. It’s so evil. One day I was at a store and I confronted a mother who’s little 2 year old was masked. Granted she the mom was masked too. I got angry 😡 I accused her of child abuse. She looked shocked. Maybe she thought everyone thought oh what a great mom. Well I gave her a different perspective. It’s child abuse and I have spoken up at different places. Makes me cringe when I see children masked.
Good for you for speaking out. The masses only know anymore what media tells them. Real life feedback is best and life changing. Robert f Kennedy Jr. said it is time for us all to comment about vaccines and masks based on the psychology that the more real human contact that occurs on the issue the greater the chance of the person researching and deciding for themselves. Speak out to pregnant folks and parents, kindly and without harshness letting them know what you believe and maybe one or two reasons why, keeping it simple. I think even you can order cards with internet links to hand out as well.
The CIA has succeeded in creating an American society based on their success with the psychological torture of MK-Ultra. The public is repeatedly cajoled into taking mind-altering drugs, radical sex-change surgery, Mengele style experimental injections and debauchery cloaked as "enrtainment" - https://www.history.com/topics/us-government/history-of-mk-ultra
Interesting - thanks for the link. I wonder if this could somehow be used against anyone involved in the virus shot (although they would perhaps argue the shot is not a drug - it's considered a biologic, I believe) to bring some accountability: 'These revelations resulted in Ford’s 1976 Executive Order on Intelligence Activities that prohibited “experimentation with drugs on human subjects, except with the informed consent, in writing and witnessed by a disinterested party, of each such human subject.” '
The old ones will be euthanized once they drain resources. Their experience and advice will not be valued as there will be no natural affection created or prized.
My son played in a baseball tournament this year, in the San Fran area. About half of the local players wore N95 masks while playing. OSHA requires a break every 20 minutes if wearing an N95. We were shocked to see kids playing a vigorous sport wearing N95’s. We assumed they weren’t fitted properly and thus hopefully allowed better breathing.
"Actually it's the opposite as it shows these parents will do terrible things to their children just to show their own conformity and adherence to social edicts. It's a sickness and it's getting worse not better."
These people hate themselves. No wonder they hate their progeny.
And applied the 10 second rule to food that fell on the floor or picked up the pacifier, licked it off and stuck it back in the baby's mouth! We all need to eat a little dirt, it exercises our immune systems!
Nor would I forget when my son got sand all over his eyes playing in the sandbox at the park, licked his eyes clean! God only knows what and who had come and played in that sand before us....
Jeff nailed it and I am so grateful for this platform where I can be refreshed and encouraged by the presence of so many people who still love what makes us human.
The world is filled with luddites and troglodytes who don't have nor make any attempt at independent thought. It's shocking and hard to accept for folks who do. In this upside down era when the main stream media is those sheeples primary source for direction....you get this.
Schwab Will be Killing More People with COLD than with COVID. - (THE LANCET) COLD WEATHER 9 TIMES MORE DEADLY THAN HOT - Globally 4.5 million people die of cold vs. 489k of heat - https://tinyurl.com/2tjncd26
Young children wearing masks while the parent doesn't . . . I know one 5-year-old who wore a mask this entire school year because he was afraid to go without it. The parent was the first person I knew who took the shot (went across state lines to get it) and stopped wearing the mask but the child couldn't get past her fear of going without the mask. Many teens are refusing to let go of their masks as well. Some like the fact that people can't see their face and others are still fearful.
Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers
Speaking of Hey, Hey, Goodbye, a notable change in the Narrative: Dr. John Campbell, who has a large channel on YouTube, has been going from ‘get the Vax, data supports it’ to ‘NOPE’. Saying ‘Time to pause mass vaccination; the risk benefit analysis has changed’.
Still, he cucks out regarding vaccines in general: “This video is specific to the current mRNA vaccines, I continue to promote the massive benefits of other forms of vaccination in the UK and around the world.” We’ve got to get him to read Turtles All The Way Down’. I still rank this as decent progress in the coviads war.
I could still somewhat see a case for the early/traditional vaccines - things against stuff truly deadly. But having read about polio and such, I'll admit I'm less enthused about even traditional vaccines now.
Yeah, I was wondering about the childhood shots because of some other health stuff our family went through a few years ago, but I wasn’t sure. However, after reading the relevant couple of chapters in The Real Anthony, I knew that we were done. No more, not ever.
Turtles All The Way Down, Dissolving Illusions, and Vacksine (but spelled the normal way) Epidemic are all great for information about how unnecessary these actually are.
Real Anthony Fauci was perhaps one of the most disturbing books I’ve ever read. I was in the middle of the AIDS crisis with good (gay) friends who were terrified. I honestly believe AZT killed more people than the disease. Also, what happened to the orphans in NY was truly criminal! If that’s science I want no part of it!!
I was in high school during the 80s. I remember the allegations that EVERYONE was at risk, and I remember thinking that couldn’t possibly be true, given that we knew how it was transmitted. I mean, abstinence and fidelity??!
I also remember that that was when the paper toilet seat covers appeared in public restrooms, because of fears of catching the virus from toilet seats. (And now I wonder if we are doomed to continuing to see people wearing masks for the rest of life on the planet, just as we still see the paper covers. Although the paper toilet covers actually make sense for other reasons, but I digress. 🥴)
I had no idea about the horrors of AZT.
HIV was quite literally the same exact song as SARS2. Exactly the same, no different. I had no idea til I read that book, though.
Another Book I recommend is: BECHAMP OR PASTEUR? A LOST CHAPTER IN THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY -- Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter - The Germ Theory Exploded - R. B. Pearson - https://tinyurl.com/29pm79d7
I didn't know who Celia Farber was until I read The Real AF. I tell people that if they want to know who AF is, all they have to do is read that one chapter and they will know everything they need to know.
If you are referring to Vacksine Epidemic, it is a compilation of essays by various. I can’t find our copy to tell you the name of the editor. Vera Sharav has an essay in it, which is how I found out an the book - I was looking for things she has written.
As I said, you also need to spell the v word the right way. Not my way. Haha.
Right. I think I found it at my library. The description--Vaccine epidemic : how corporate greed, biased science, and coercive government threaten our human rights, our health, and our children; edited by Louise Habakus and Mary Holland.
Read it cover to cover. I was in the thick of things during the "AIDS' epidemic working main oncology/hematology. This book just blew my mind. Such evil unleashed by Fauci. How he wasn't stopped back then is disturbing and then he was right back at it with COVID murdering millions with his lust for power and $$.
That book is crazy. I’m only to the part about AIDS and my mind is completely blown. I’ve long been a skeptic of traditional medicine but I never realized the corruption was so deep. So disheartening!
It’s about time people knew the truth about what they are doing to babies & children!! I learned 30 years ago and was very vocal about it, but most people thought I was crazy.
I agree and I bought the book The Real Anthony Fauci in 2021 but after hearing someone read horrifying excerpts from it on Clubhouse, I couldn’t bring myself to read it.
How about "Turtles all the Way Down?" Have you read it, Fla Mom? I got an Amazon gift card for Christmas, so I'm looking to get a few vaccine books. Thank you!
I have not, though I'd heard the name of the title. It looks like an excellent book, and I will read it. I recognize many of the names of those recommending it in the Editorial Reviews section, on the Amazon website. Since it includes a layperson's description of the testing and approval processes, it sounds ideal for beginning at the beginning.
Dissolving Illusions recounts first-person accounts and data from long ago, much from Britain, in the pre- and early-vaccine era, substantiating what another mom told me shortly after I'd retired from medicine to homeschool our younger son, that disease rates had already fallen so far before the vaccines were available that it's unlikely that the vaccines were what made the critical difference. I, of course, thought her ignorant, which is what she recognized in me. I don't know how or exactly when the vaccine side became so dominant that the mainstream has totally forgotten the history, but I don't think my teachers thought they were teaching me erroneous information, as I did not when I taught others in turn. Dissolving Illusions also includes accounts of early harms from those early vaccines, the history of which has not been passed along, as it should, as a lesson in humility, if nothing else.
True ... which is why the federal and state governments have deployed lawfare against Amish farmers. Can't have really healthy foods on the market, y'know. Cuts into the sales of hyper-processed pre-packaged big-brand crapola.
I was raised on it. Mom would skim off the cream. Getting it in my state is difficult. It’s sold as pet food and it can be delivered to pickup locations or farms but not convenient where I live. Grocery milk is nasty.
Haven't read that yet. It's on my list for a read. Not completely sure about Amish societies as they also tend to be a little more isolated and self-sufficient than most of us. At the moment, I'm definitely in the hesitant/skeptical camp for the oldest/traditional vaccines and a pretty firm "no" for the modern ones. :)
Dr. Paul Thomas, an Oregon pediatrician, did a study on his own practice and determined that kids that were “fully vaccinated” according to the CDC schedule had more allergies, autoimmune diseases, ear infections and office visits due to various illnesses than his unvaccinated patients. There were 2000 kids in the study. He caught heck for putting that study out in public.
I can only imagine. I haven't seen that particular study, but not necessarily surprised by it. A bit late for our kids now, but something to consider for future shots that are being pushed. I know we rejected the HPV shot when Perry pushed it _hard_ in TX and we still get asked about it. Of course, I don't think we realized how many extra things had been added to the schedule since we were kids. :/
I'm not disputing whether that might be true (my own opinion on vaccinations has changed dramatically in the last three years), only saying that if parents don't bring their kids for vaccination, they might not bring them for minor illnesses, either, and vice versa, so there might be a built-in reason for his study outcome.
Not having regular doctor visits is a plus IMO. As kids we had to be bleeding badly or obviously very sick. We all grew up fine. My daughter would have her kid at the doc for a runny nose.
Yes. So unfair. I got a notice this morning of his podcast. Such a caring doctor that only wanted the best for kids and gave parents a choice. But he is fighting back.
This is where I currently sit, too, Peter but am becoming more and more "no vax" every day. I did manage to have enough skepticism for the whole HPV debacle, but did consent to chicken pox for my kids. I now qualify for the Shingrex shot but won't be taking that. Pneumovax is next up and I won't be taking that one either.
I learned about that Shingles shot through some other people I used to sing with. Pretty sure they had all of their mRNA shots at the time and I'd read enough by then to see that shingles might be the result of that weakened immune system. I already had shingles back before the world went crazy - my pcp chuckled when I described it and he saw it. He prescribed some painkillers and some stuff to help clear it out more quickly. I'm sure now he'd push that shot. :(
I need to take a look at what shots are "coming up" for our youngest. She got most of the set already several years back, but there may be a couple coming up for boosters or the like. I know I saw the mRNA and HPV shots on the "recommended" stuff for her chart. I already know my wife will decline those. Wish I could more easily find a pediatrician who wasn't part of the big networks so we could get more honest advice and less pushing of big meds.
Please consider reading some of the books mentioned above (Dissolving Illusions, Turtles all the Way Down, etc.) before consenting to any more chidhood vaccines for your child. Hopefully you live in a state that allows exemptions if you choose to forego getting any more going forward. And consider switching from a pediatrician to a family physician who will do less pushing of meds and shots. Pediatricians are following the money - if they get a certain percentage (over 80 percent?) of their patients fully vaccinated, they receive annual compensation of $400 per patient which equates to tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. If they fall below that percentage they get zero dollars per "head." Thus the push for the shots and kicking out anyone not complying so they don't drag down their numbers (and their annual payout).
I’m in your camp...as a very young adult I had shingles twice! Not sure why BUT since then I’ve been very leery of any docs. I currently take drugs only if I have a migraine. Otherwise I’m free from all at 61!
I take a tiny BP med which at 74 I consider pretty good for my age. But my functional medicine doc is working with me to get off that. Most of my higher readings have been due to anxiety and white coat syndrome. She helped get my anxiety level way down and I’ve worked on relaxing during my home readings. Now it might be a little low.
Have you read Turtles All The Way Down or listened to Dr. Tenpenny on vaccines? If you have any lack of enthusiasm about even traditional vaccines, I am pretty confident you will have much less or none after exposing yourself to these truths.
LS, do you know if Dr. Tenpenny is back on Twitter? My friend (also a nurse) and I got together and participated in one of Dr. Tenpenny's web presentations addressing the mRNA technology back in late 2020 and everything she predicted about these damnable shots has come to fruition. I look back on the notes I took and just can't believe how right she and the other presenters were. Amazing.
All of the "experts" who were wrong about everything Covid are still allowed on Twitter. Dr. Tenpenny who was correct about Covid is not.
So much for free speech
Quote Tweet: Debunking Vaccination @vScienceBites
Replying to @DrNoMask @elonmusk and 8 others
Dr T was denied today for a completely bogus reason with ZERO specifics. Super disappointed in the generic canned responses being provided to her & others as well.
And, if I understand it correctly, the heart tissue, once scarred (as is the case with myocarditis) it is always a problem. So awful! But, a great time to be a cardiologist.....
This is the reason I will not forward this dimwit's (Sorry...I really am out of my last drop of patience/forbearance...) recommendation to "pause" these gene-altering, life-threatening injections -- his ongoing yammering about supporting all the other injectable junk.
SheThinks…I understand how you feel, but we have to remember that this guy has been asleep, he’s still stumbling around in a fog, or like a chick just hatched…he’s very recently red-pilled. So I’m seeing this as progress. Hopefully he will learn and mature in his insights to step fully into the light and not slip back into the darkness.
I hear you, Freebird. You're kind, too, to suggest that this "in the box" PhD has been "red pilled." I doubt that very much. If so, the best he can muster is a "pause" vs. an 𝒂𝒓𝒎-𝒘𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒚 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒑, 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒘 declaration?
IMO, a true "red pill" moment is when the light dawns on Marblehead (a Massachusetts expression) and the person -- in this case, Campbell -- realizes that if he was wrong on this junk, maybe he's wrong on all of it. 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 being red pilled. Campbell? He's merely being pragmatic.
Honestly, if someone like Campbell couldn't figure out all this quicker than I did, me a total non scientist and not a medical person, then I have to scoff a bit at his "awakening". Where has he been? He has the background and training to delve into the same available information we all did around here and draw similar and very obvious conclusions about the whole covid deception. Why should I listen to anything he says now? He's too late to the party to get my respect or interest.
I find everything about this depressing. His statement is very weak tea, maintaining the fiction that "covid" has ever been some kind of deadly plague, vastly understating the enormous evidence of the jabs' devastating dangers, and the fact that he put it on channel where his normie covidian audience will never know (or be willing) to go, suggests to me that this revelation was destined (perhaps designed) to fail. I am generally very careful to avoid calling people controlled opposition, but John Campbell from the beginning has made me very suspicious about who he really is and what he's up to.
I guess we should take this as a positive sign, but a limited one indeed.
I can see how you came to that conclusion, so thanks for sharing. I will reassess my own opinions now, one of which is he did these vids to educate and not to opine. There was one vid though in which I could tell he was holding his very angry and frustrated tongue so he could continue to adhere to YouTube’s terms. Hope that he would eventually express his well-informed opinion regardless of consequences! I was glad he finally called for halting the death jabs on Rumble. I lost that gladness when he endorsed all the other vaxxes. WTF, John? How about looking into a few other vaxxes,huh? Then maybe some of the respect I had for you will come back.
Oh right, he's the nurse educator. Well, there was another Dr who changed his narrative last week because his dad died within the time limit that it had to be the shots. He was also all in but is now calling for a pause. Can't remember the name...I probably even read about it from Jeff, ha!
What everyone should have always talked about ... ‘risk/benefit’ but yes, this is a step in the right direction.
People still won’t listen though, the cognitive dissonance is so strong.
Out to coffee with my best friend yesterday, still can’t bring these findings up, yet her husband who also suffers from a rare cancer, who keeps getting new tumors, now has prostate cancer.
Note, his rare cancer has been with him for maybe 5 years.
The risk benefit analysis hasn't changed. He's just decided to read it and believe it. Is he the one who lost his father so soon after a shot that it had to be the shot?
SB, I think you might be referring to cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra. He did a complete 180 on the shots and now relentlessly advocates for not only stopping them but holding people accountable. Dr. Campbell is a nurse with and advanced degree. If you watch his statement on Rumble, he still goes to great pains to present himself as ever so reasonable (which he surely is) because it is just killing him to be even tangentially associated with dreaded "anti-vaxxers." I am glad he is open to changing his mind as the facts dictate, but the facts have been pretty evident now for quite some time - just seems a bit too little, too late. BUT if he is able to persuade that sizeable 2.6 million person YT following, then there might be some real good to come out of his change of heart.
Regarding the Lithuanian TV lady that Died Suddenly, her quote doesn’t make sense. "I Trust Science" vs "I am vaccinated’. She trusted a narrative, not science. Since you can’t question it, it’s not science. It's tragic that her trust in the Medical Establishment cost her life.
My latest experience with someone who trusts the "science:" Lynnae is fully vaccinated. She has repeatedly had pneumonia since October of 2021 and is sick right now. Meds are not working, her doctor has no idea why she keeps having these problems. He's tired of seeing her in his office, she says, but she will have to call him again today. I told her she should contact a doctor near her home who actually treats long covid and vaccine injuries, but she's not open to that. Her doctor attributes her problems to her two bouts of covid; after being vaccinated. She says she's very frustrated and so am I.
Indeed very frustrating. Will the hesitancy to blame the jabs always be with us? Or will there be a breaking point where suddenly everyone finally decries the jabs.
When the product isn’t consumed… the product dies on the altar of capitalism. That’s what needs to happen with vaccines. When people say ‘no more’… this vaccine nightmare will end.
While people continue to consume them… all sorts… flu, pneumonia, tetanus, shingles, HPV, the whole pediatric schedule…. All of this madness WILL continue … because it’s profitable
I’ve been fighting against vaccines for over 15 years… and this will only be over when people become truly educated about the risks of vaccines.
When people are truly informed… and have informed consent… most will say no. There’s too much risk.
We are fed an ideology that ‘typical’ vaccines equate to better health… but that’s not actually what any of us get from them.
I have been pondering this seriously for a while now. I think most of these people getting repeated jabs know on a subconscious (or even semi-conscious) level that what they are doing is absurd and at the very least risky. Despite all their irrational mental gymnastics to deny the injections' ineffectiveness and terrible adverse effects including death (sometimes of friends or family where they have to look away from what they must know to be the cause), they continue to play the game of Covid Jab Roulette.
I wonder if all the propaganda about how human beings are a bane to the world, polluting the planet, fueling "climate change", killing our fellow creatures and devastating the natural world, has burrowed itself into people's brains with an unconscious belief that it is their duty to sacrifice themselves. I note that even now, when the fact that the jabs do nothing to prevent transmission is openly admitted by the authorities, many people still consider the unjabbed "selfish" and "dangerous".
From what I see, at least in this country, it seems to be those who politically buy into these beliefs, and who are often among the relatively privileged, who are the most eager to be jabbed and adamant about enforcing mandates.
Just some food for thought. This psyop probably goes a lot deeper than we can imagine.
There is a level of self-loathing that I've noticed with the other side of the aisle. It's part of why they hate those who don't go along; we hate ourselves, how selfish of you not to hate yourself too! It's sort of like the Flagellants.
It may be rhetorical but it's a good question. I've come to the conclusion many people just enjoy being helpless, dependent, and miserable, in addition to complaining and blaming others rather than actually fixing things. They know nothing else. In fact most people will default to this condition unless they make a conscious decision to rise above it (with God's help). Paul talks about it in when describing the fruits of the Spirit.
Everything about modern society (education, government, news, media, entertainment) programs people to be trapped in this mindset. It's the exact opposite of the pioneering spirit of America's founding and first 150 years.
Everything and everyone else is at fault. One is on her 4th husband, at 38 (about, just under 40), she moved out of Calit to Wash, the Ore, then LA, back to Ore, everywhere is horrible with horrible people. Christmas is so much better now that she is out of the area. And her poor kids.
As a nation, we need that pioneer mindset to make a comeback.
We live in Columbus OH and have a friend who is a pediatrician. In fact, he thinks he treated the first case of measles in this current outbreak. He reflected that his Somalian patients are hesitant to take the measles vaccine for religious reasons because there is some type of pig by-product in the vaccine. It’s interesting to note that Minneapolis and Columbus have the two highest Somalian populations in the country and they are the two cities with measles outbreaks. I am not criticizing the Somalians for opting out of the vaccine. That is their right. I just find it very interesting that the media is overlooking this and trying to make it look like conspiracy theorists or the MAGA crowd is responsible for this outbreak.
An excellent point regarding the contents of some vaccines, and one about which I was unaware until a Muslim student in my Travel Medicine course that I taught to mid-career physicians as part of their Master of Public Health or Master of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene degree programs told me about it. I included it in my teaching thereafter, along with concerns by Christians about vaccines developed and made in cell cultures from aborted fetuses.
As an aside, that particular student was Nidal Hasan, who later murdered his fellow soldiers and others at a follow-on duty station. In his oral presentation of his required project at our institution, before he transferred to Ft. Hood, we in the audience had cognitive dissonance because he kept referring to 'the enemy,' until we realized he meant *us.* And no, no effective action was taken against him from that or from his many other similar pronouncements I found out about much later, because political correctness, one assumes. He was always ready to claim religious discrimination.
I just read about Hasan. Very sad story and a very sick man. 😢Extremism is a disease. The fact that he served with people he planned to kill is a sickness.
I’m surprised they didn’t charge him with terrorism.
Of COURSE he wasn't charged with terrorism - he is Muslim.
Charging a Muslim with terrorism is like charging the Waukesha murderer with a hate crime - he's part of the protected class, and therefore ineligible.
However, from what Jeff said, a bunch of the kids are too young to get the vacksine anyway.
Also, measles really is less a big deal apparently than what we’ve all been led to believe, particularly when kids are well nourished with good hygiene. Vitamin A supplementation goes a long way to mitigate the harms of measles too.
That's a good point. Getting measles today isn't like getting measles 50+ years ago. I would think death from measles or complication from measles is much less prevalent today. Also, one has to wonder how much the shots are for trying to keep people at work more so than keeping them from permanent injury these days.
Look at the charts and other information available on the Dissolving Illusions website. The incidence of measles had plummeted markedly even prior to the measles vacksine.
As had the incidence of tetanus.
As had the incidence of many other infectious diseases for which vaccines were developed.
They tell us that without vacksines we would all be dead. But that, apparently, is a lie.
A friend lives in Minneapolis and they've had problems with measles there for at least a decade that I know of because she mentioned it back then. She said it was because there is a large Muslim population there and Muslims don't get vaccines due to religious beliefs. So, yea, they know and it isn't republicans/conservatives causing it. Can't pick on Muslims tho, they're a protected group.
There is a little more to the story. Somali immigrants to Minnesota had (maybe still do) a high rate of autism among their kids, a condition that's virtually unknown back in Somalia. Age of Autism did a whole series of articles on it about ten years ago. The leading theory was the vax schedule coupled with vitamin D deficiency (due to high melanin skin content and lack of sunshine compared to Somalia). Regardless if it's true, Somali immigrants are rightly skeptical of having their kids treated as pin cushions.
Interesting. I have read about the Vit D situation in those populations after coming to northern climates. It fits. So much Research shows D is crucial for immunity and good health. I keep mine high but got it higher when CoV came. For my sanity I did spend a lot of time outdoors in the sun without sunscreen.
I recently read about a vit D study that found 20 minutes in the sun is much better than taking supplements. Now to find a way to get 20 minutes most days...in the winter...
Me, too. I was little -- like maybe four? -- and they hit me pretty hard. But, as you can see, I'm here to tell the tale.
I think I spent four days in bed...very sick I was, but my loving mother watched over me and nursed me back to health. I have only one memory of that time--opening my eyes at one point in my darkened room to see my mother, her head tilted down looking at the door jamb as she quietly pulled it closed. In my 60's and I still remember that...
There are potential effects such as blindness or encephalitis. But from what I’ve read, malnourished children or adults in poor health are most likely to be affected. I would think that in a developed country with a relatively healthy population, most of those potential issues could be resolved if and when they came up.
Yes, of course. We're learning all the time how unsanitary conditions, particularly bad water, malnourishment, etc., can adversely impact all manner of outcomes -- not just when people become sick.
This nervous nellie, chicken little, sky is falling, we must stave off all forms of illness at all costs regardless of the downsides is really getting old.
Is it only the ones not getting the vax that get measles and spread it to other unvaxxed? Because if all the rest have shots isn’t that supposed to keep them safe? Where have we heard that before?🤔
Masking children is a disease. A gross thinking error based upon the assumption that all sickness is bad for society and of course, that a mere mask will stop a virus. The spreading of germs and creation of natural immunity is not favored, yet, who has loving and warm hearted memories of your parents caring for you while you were sick? Letting you snuggle with them despite your runny nose? Grandpa’s special chicken soup? Children bring home every sniffle and disease. Illness is inconvenient in todays modern world. Nurturing is inconvenient in todays busy two income families. We are being led astray from what makes loving ethical empathic nurturing citizens.
Loretta, I cannot tell you how many parents bragged about "isolating" their sick children during this pandemic - even to the point of keeping them in an attic, delivering their food and then texting them that the tray was outside the door. They were shocked that I didn't do the same when the 'Rona finally found its way to our house.
Masking is a deeply dehumanizing practice. I will not participate in it. The fact that any portion of conservatives/republicans can even consider it a "good" practice is an indictment against us. Just terrible survey results.
Mass formation. We now understand Nazi Germany better don’t we? Hitler said tell a lie loud enough long enough folks will believe it. The media is complicit. I’m greatly saddened how many Americans gave up their freedoms never questioning anything🥲
I also realized with shock how incredibly easy it is to totally brainwash people (Americans!!) through the use of fear, lies and the constant repetition of dire predictions. I'm still puzzled as to why so many were so susceptible to this and were so trusting of the government. I'm one of four children born between 1945 and 1958. All 3 of my siblings bought the fear narrative immediately and didn't question it until quite recently. They all got at least 3 jabs, I got none. I was immediately suspicious of what I was seeing and hearing, and I was researching like crazy right from the beginning and had decided it was all highly suspicious quite early on, probably by March or April 2020. Why did I react differently? I absolutely do not know. I'm a questioner by nature and always have been. I've also been aware most of my life what bull-sh***ers people in authority can be. Possibly that's the difference. I must have a very high functioning BS meter!
CMCM- you sound like my twin! I literally had the same experience as you, except I only have 1 sibling. I decided very early on that something did not feel right about the 24/7 coverage of this new "pandemic". I also am a person who always questions things- and have a good BS antenna -probably a good trait these days to have! Most of my family & friends took the jabs- I know very few people who have not.
There were many of us, we just had no connection point.
C&C IS our “connection point”.
So grateful to know we aren’t alone .
Listen to Mattias Desmet, he explains how a new community was formed, a community of covidites, and they joined together believing the narrative. He explains it much better than I do and I’m only paraphrasing. Apparently these people were feeling the need to join in a strong group. Remember how they posted on fb that they got the shot? Like it was a club.
"even to the point of keeping them in an attic, delivering their food and then texting them that the tray was outside the door"
Somebody really confessed to doing something like that? That's monstrous.
They did, Alfred, and with a laugh too! They expressed shock when I responded, "I set my kid up in the family room."
And they will say that it’s for the children. Monsters, indeed!
I read a story of a mother who locked her 8 or 10-year old child in the basement and how he screamed and cried for her to let him out. She wouldnt. She claimed to be heartbroken over it, but I call b.s. on that part.
This is horrifying trama done to so many children. What has happened to parents?!
I got yelled at my this mom on Instagram for posting my daughter at the playground with a mask even and no one around, it was at night. And then all these moms ganged up on me. The mom kept her toddler INSIDE for 18 months! Can you imagine? They ended up moving to Ohio-surprised she did that since we are in Chicago which is “woke” af. One less crazy parent though at least 😅
It really and truly is as if these people are possessed:
"Stop crying and scratching at the door, sweetie! It's for your own good. Mwuh-HAHAHAHA!"
So freakin' weird!
I work with a guy (who still is masked) who his wife and two adult children daughters living at home .. made him stay in a motel for a week when he tested positive. No symptoms and during the omicron run. Crazy world we live in.
Yes! This is not an uncommon tale. We truly lost our collective mind in the past 3 years.
A distant relative set up a picnic table outside for visiting family members to eat at on Thanksgiving.
The very next day she posted a Facebook selfie with her and some obviously close friends eating in a restaurant, literally shoulder to shoulder.
In addition to losing your sense of taste and smell, COVID apparently caused people to lose their sense of irony.
Yes I have heard this story many times as well. Most of the ppl I know didn’t laugh but thought they were doing the right thing and that if they did it just perfectly they could control it. The shame they felt when it didn’t work they took jabs to play hockey last Christmas to their horror they all came down with “it”
My brother and sister-in-law forced my under-the-weather young nephew to stay in his room on Christmas Day and open his Christmas presents there so that he wouldn’t get his siblings and parents sick. I can think of a few things more sad than this but not too many.
Our friends in Australia did this to their autistic son when he had Covid. He was inside his bedroom for over a week, playing video games and having food delivered on a tray outside the door. There are two families in our neighborhood (Tallahassee) whose children we DID NOT SEE at all during the pandemic. Suddenly, we're seeing them - a foot taller, pale, withdrawn... strangers now. :(
A friend's husband's youngest sister is developmentally disabled - in her 50s with the cognitive ability of a 5 year and lives in a group home. Someone tested positive and they quarantined all the residents in their rooms for 14 days. As my friend's daughter sanely pointed out, how do you explain that to a 5 year old? Totally inhumane.
Serious question: what is the precise mechanism by which so many people have lost all of their humanity? Why do they not have the this-feels-wrong-thing going on?
I wish I had just one answer to this question, but I think there are many reasons, and the big one is fear as it is a powerful motivator. People are truly addicted to fear now. They might say they are wearing a face diaper to "be safe" but they are not being honest. Their fear addiction is driving their decisions. Dr. Mark McDonald, who also has a Substack (Dissident MD) has written two books in the past couple of years that are excellent. The most recent is "Freedom from Fear, a 12 Step Guide to Personal and National Recovery" and his first book is "United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis." I had our local library order that and I read them that way, but I just ordered our own copies to share with others and underline a number of things I found insightful. For instance, in the 12 Step book he comments that he's never met a person addicted to fear that was curious.
Like you, I don't understand the inability to feel empathy or think critically that so many people have demonstrated in the past 3 years.
I really appreciate Dr. McDonald's voice in this insanity. He has a podcast too with a primary care doc called "Informed Dissent." Good stuff.
I just can't believe we are STILL doing this. People - especially vaxxed people - are going to get Covid over and over again.
In my in-laws case, it wasn’t even “covid,” but “covid” has trained them to be terrified of all illnesses now.
The only thing I've seen recently that is on that level of sad is one of the downstream impacts of the branch covidian takeover of our culture and economy. I am 71 years old. At the bank yesterday, a 20-something manager was training a woman my age to be a teller.
My 30 year old son and his fiancee were visiting me on Mother's Day, 2022 when he caught "the Rona". I am unvaxxed (thank God) and I had Covid last December. Do you know what I did??? I didn't isolate him, I took care of him and told him that he didn't need to wear a mask around me. Wearing a mask when you are sick just forces all those disgusting germs back in to your body. I hope your family stays healthy but you should do your research and know that the more shots you have taken, the more likely you are to get sick. The shots trash your immune system.
That’s a pretty fitting way to celebrate Mother’s Day. It must have been an honor to care for a sick grown child again. The love displayed by this care is immune boosting.
Aww, thanks! It's what Mom's do, right?
I would not have sequestered my son. If the others want to sequester themselves, fine.
This is my feeling exactly.
Last November (actually Nov of 2021, so last last Haha) while traveling across the country I was in a public restroom in the fully masked state of NM. Because I could not see the woman's face or read her expression or hear her voice properly I manhandled very roughly a mentally disabled woman who thought I was her mother. After I let her go she ran into a stall and screamed and cried for her mother. I was so shaken by that I did that it paralyzed me. A year later it still makes me tear up. Had she not been wearing a mask I would have easily recognized what was going on and would have soothed her and helped her find her mom. Masks are evil.
Traumatic for everyone involved, Raptor. I'm sorry for your experience. Please, G-d, let us learn from all of it!
Any parents who would do what you described in isolating their sick children should be reported for child abuse. That is sick, disgusting and, as you said, dehumanizing! Where is the respect for human life???
This is exactly what I called the isolating of my nephew (see comment above). Child abuse. Sick children need the presence of their families.
Do you recall at some point early on that there were threats of taking children away from their parents if they came down with the Rona and had no place they could quarantine them? And I think they said the abode had to have more than one bathroom or the children would be taken away. I don't think they ever did do that but that was one of the plans.
That sort of treatment was precisely the recommendation of the government. Isolate the person (age be damned) and cut off the air handling system to the isolation room if possible and put food at door and walk away. I am sure there was a hazmat sort of suit required to clean or merely clear the plate. This WHOLE thing - start to now has been deeply sick disgusting.
Don’t you know? We don’t have respect for life- starting at the very beginning.
There are still so many misinformed people out there when it comes to masks. The controlled narrative at the beginning continues to have the upper hand, unfortunately.
We are being led astray from what makes loving ethical empathic nurturing citizens.
I wish it was only that but think it might be something much more nefarious, particularly when I see unmasked adults with children wearing masks.
It seems to me more of a form of child abuse that adults use to strip children of their identity and signal their own virtue. It hides a child's face (how is this different from forcing women to mask under sharia law?) and dehumanizes them while advertising to the world what a good parent they are. Actually it's the opposite as it shows these parents will do terrible things to their children just to show their own conformity and adherence to social edicts. It's a sickness and it's getting worse not better.
The Moloch worshipping stuff is becoming more and more apparent with the homosexual agenda and trans stuff being forced on kids. Couple that with masking and constant injections, not to mention feeding them processed garbage like Froot Loops and Beyond Meat. Yet huge numbers of parents say nothing and just go along. Can this really just be ignorance?
What goes around comes around for these parents unfortunately. Most will probably be dumped in nursing homes by these same kids and live their final days lonely and miserable.
My one friend, a much older Christian she thinks this way as you do and I believe your correct. It’s so evil. One day I was at a store and I confronted a mother who’s little 2 year old was masked. Granted she the mom was masked too. I got angry 😡 I accused her of child abuse. She looked shocked. Maybe she thought everyone thought oh what a great mom. Well I gave her a different perspective. It’s child abuse and I have spoken up at different places. Makes me cringe when I see children masked.
Good for you for speaking out. The masses only know anymore what media tells them. Real life feedback is best and life changing. Robert f Kennedy Jr. said it is time for us all to comment about vaccines and masks based on the psychology that the more real human contact that occurs on the issue the greater the chance of the person researching and deciding for themselves. Speak out to pregnant folks and parents, kindly and without harshness letting them know what you believe and maybe one or two reasons why, keeping it simple. I think even you can order cards with internet links to hand out as well.
I LOVE that you spoke up!
I'm a coward. I just give masked parents and their masked children perplexed or dirty looks.
Masking your children while remaining free to breathe is learned tyranny.
The CIA has succeeded in creating an American society based on their success with the psychological torture of MK-Ultra. The public is repeatedly cajoled into taking mind-altering drugs, radical sex-change surgery, Mengele style experimental injections and debauchery cloaked as "enrtainment" - https://www.history.com/topics/us-government/history-of-mk-ultra
Interesting - thanks for the link. I wonder if this could somehow be used against anyone involved in the virus shot (although they would perhaps argue the shot is not a drug - it's considered a biologic, I believe) to bring some accountability: 'These revelations resulted in Ford’s 1976 Executive Order on Intelligence Activities that prohibited “experimentation with drugs on human subjects, except with the informed consent, in writing and witnessed by a disinterested party, of each such human subject.” '
The old ones will be euthanized once they drain resources. Their experience and advice will not be valued as there will be no natural affection created or prized.
Already being done, and very well I might add, in CANADA!
My son played in a baseball tournament this year, in the San Fran area. About half of the local players wore N95 masks while playing. OSHA requires a break every 20 minutes if wearing an N95. We were shocked to see kids playing a vigorous sport wearing N95’s. We assumed they weren’t fitted properly and thus hopefully allowed better breathing.
"Actually it's the opposite as it shows these parents will do terrible things to their children just to show their own conformity and adherence to social edicts. It's a sickness and it's getting worse not better."
These people hate themselves. No wonder they hate their progeny.
Let us not forget the many times Moms licked her fingers to wash off our dirty faces.
And applied the 10 second rule to food that fell on the floor or picked up the pacifier, licked it off and stuck it back in the baby's mouth! We all need to eat a little dirt, it exercises our immune systems!
Nor would I forget when my son got sand all over his eyes playing in the sandbox at the park, licked his eyes clean! God only knows what and who had come and played in that sand before us....
Mine spit on her hankie. I miss mom.
My grandma did that also. Didn't think much of it at the time. Now... seriously gross. Lol!
Nailed it!
Jeff nailed it and I am so grateful for this platform where I can be refreshed and encouraged by the presence of so many people who still love what makes us human.
Maskaholism requires a 12-step program
The world is filled with luddites and troglodytes who don't have nor make any attempt at independent thought. It's shocking and hard to accept for folks who do. In this upside down era when the main stream media is those sheeples primary source for direction....you get this.
Yup, the simplest explanation is often the most accurate.
So well said and yes I have those memories of my mom taking care of me. Now I’ve done so with my children and now my granddaughter🥰
Schwab Will be Killing More People with COLD than with COVID. - (THE LANCET) COLD WEATHER 9 TIMES MORE DEADLY THAN HOT - Globally 4.5 million people die of cold vs. 489k of heat - https://tinyurl.com/2tjncd26
Young children wearing masks while the parent doesn't . . . I know one 5-year-old who wore a mask this entire school year because he was afraid to go without it. The parent was the first person I knew who took the shot (went across state lines to get it) and stopped wearing the mask but the child couldn't get past her fear of going without the mask. Many teens are refusing to let go of their masks as well. Some like the fact that people can't see their face and others are still fearful.
Speaking of Hey, Hey, Goodbye, a notable change in the Narrative: Dr. John Campbell, who has a large channel on YouTube, has been going from ‘get the Vax, data supports it’ to ‘NOPE’. Saying ‘Time to pause mass vaccination; the risk benefit analysis has changed’.
He opened a Rumble channel to cover this. Which is a big deal as he’s bringing normies from his 2.6M subs over to alt.tech (already has 30K on Rumble!) https://rumble.com/v22ugd2-time-to-pause-covid-mass-vaccination.html
Still, he cucks out regarding vaccines in general: “This video is specific to the current mRNA vaccines, I continue to promote the massive benefits of other forms of vaccination in the UK and around the world.” We’ve got to get him to read Turtles All The Way Down’. I still rank this as decent progress in the coviads war.
I could still somewhat see a case for the early/traditional vaccines - things against stuff truly deadly. But having read about polio and such, I'll admit I'm less enthused about even traditional vaccines now.
You need to read The Real Anthony Fauci. Check it out from your library if you don't want to pay for it. Very eye opening! No vaccines are safe.
Yeah, I was wondering about the childhood shots because of some other health stuff our family went through a few years ago, but I wasn’t sure. However, after reading the relevant couple of chapters in The Real Anthony, I knew that we were done. No more, not ever.
Turtles All The Way Down, Dissolving Illusions, and Vacksine (but spelled the normal way) Epidemic are all great for information about how unnecessary these actually are.
Real Anthony Fauci was perhaps one of the most disturbing books I’ve ever read. I was in the middle of the AIDS crisis with good (gay) friends who were terrified. I honestly believe AZT killed more people than the disease. Also, what happened to the orphans in NY was truly criminal! If that’s science I want no part of it!!
The orphan story is particularly horrific. And that damnable Fauci says "I won't go away."
I know! It was heart wrenching. And as a parent, also terrifying!
I know. It is awful.
I was in high school during the 80s. I remember the allegations that EVERYONE was at risk, and I remember thinking that couldn’t possibly be true, given that we knew how it was transmitted. I mean, abstinence and fidelity??!
I also remember that that was when the paper toilet seat covers appeared in public restrooms, because of fears of catching the virus from toilet seats. (And now I wonder if we are doomed to continuing to see people wearing masks for the rest of life on the planet, just as we still see the paper covers. Although the paper toilet covers actually make sense for other reasons, but I digress. 🥴)
I had no idea about the horrors of AZT.
HIV was quite literally the same exact song as SARS2. Exactly the same, no different. I had no idea til I read that book, though.
if enough people had paid attention to what the AIDS activists were saying back then, maybe Fauci would have been forced out long ago.
Another Book I recommend is: BECHAMP OR PASTEUR? A LOST CHAPTER IN THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY -- Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter - The Germ Theory Exploded - R. B. Pearson - https://tinyurl.com/29pm79d7
I didn't know who Celia Farber was until I read The Real AF. I tell people that if they want to know who AF is, all they have to do is read that one chapter and they will know everything they need to know.
I'm reading Turtles now. Will definitely get to those others as this topic is quite mind blowing.
Very true...this is a great book.
Who is the author of the last book you mentioned?
If you are referring to Vacksine Epidemic, it is a compilation of essays by various. I can’t find our copy to tell you the name of the editor. Vera Sharav has an essay in it, which is how I found out an the book - I was looking for things she has written.
As I said, you also need to spell the v word the right way. Not my way. Haha.
Right. I think I found it at my library. The description--Vaccine epidemic : how corporate greed, biased science, and coercive government threaten our human rights, our health, and our children; edited by Louise Habakus and Mary Holland.
Added info: There is another book with the same title by John Green, so be sure to get Anonymous' book!
Read it cover to cover. I was in the thick of things during the "AIDS' epidemic working main oncology/hematology. This book just blew my mind. Such evil unleashed by Fauci. How he wasn't stopped back then is disturbing and then he was right back at it with COVID murdering millions with his lust for power and $$.
You are spot on!!
That book is crazy. I’m only to the part about AIDS and my mind is completely blown. I’ve long been a skeptic of traditional medicine but I never realized the corruption was so deep. So disheartening!
It’s about time people knew the truth about what they are doing to babies & children!! I learned 30 years ago and was very vocal about it, but most people thought I was crazy.
Fauci is a monster and I don't say that lightly.
I agree and I bought the book The Real Anthony Fauci in 2021 but after hearing someone read horrifying excerpts from it on Clubhouse, I couldn’t bring myself to read it.
It was a tough read to be
That's _also_ on my list to read. :)
Here's another:
Dissolving Illusions
It certainly dissolved mine.
How about "Turtles all the Way Down?" Have you read it, Fla Mom? I got an Amazon gift card for Christmas, so I'm looking to get a few vaccine books. Thank you!
I have not, though I'd heard the name of the title. It looks like an excellent book, and I will read it. I recognize many of the names of those recommending it in the Editorial Reviews section, on the Amazon website. Since it includes a layperson's description of the testing and approval processes, it sounds ideal for beginning at the beginning.
Dissolving Illusions recounts first-person accounts and data from long ago, much from Britain, in the pre- and early-vaccine era, substantiating what another mom told me shortly after I'd retired from medicine to homeschool our younger son, that disease rates had already fallen so far before the vaccines were available that it's unlikely that the vaccines were what made the critical difference. I, of course, thought her ignorant, which is what she recognized in me. I don't know how or exactly when the vaccine side became so dominant that the mainstream has totally forgotten the history, but I don't think my teachers thought they were teaching me erroneous information, as I did not when I taught others in turn. Dissolving Illusions also includes accounts of early harms from those early vaccines, the history of which has not been passed along, as it should, as a lesson in humility, if nothing else.
Thanks, I am adding this to my library
Me too.
Goog read. Eye opening.
You haven't read the book either.
Compare Amish societies, which get none of those early/traditional vaccines, and they still beat the populations that do.
I believe they consume raw milk, which is known for great health benefits too!
True ... which is why the federal and state governments have deployed lawfare against Amish farmers. Can't have really healthy foods on the market, y'know. Cuts into the sales of hyper-processed pre-packaged big-brand crapola.
I was raised on it. Mom would skim off the cream. Getting it in my state is difficult. It’s sold as pet food and it can be delivered to pickup locations or farms but not convenient where I live. Grocery milk is nasty.
You might already know about this, but in case anyone needs a raw milk source: https://www.realmilk.com/
Haven't read that yet. It's on my list for a read. Not completely sure about Amish societies as they also tend to be a little more isolated and self-sufficient than most of us. At the moment, I'm definitely in the hesitant/skeptical camp for the oldest/traditional vaccines and a pretty firm "no" for the modern ones. :)
Dr. Paul Thomas, an Oregon pediatrician, did a study on his own practice and determined that kids that were “fully vaccinated” according to the CDC schedule had more allergies, autoimmune diseases, ear infections and office visits due to various illnesses than his unvaccinated patients. There were 2000 kids in the study. He caught heck for putting that study out in public.
I can only imagine. I haven't seen that particular study, but not necessarily surprised by it. A bit late for our kids now, but something to consider for future shots that are being pushed. I know we rejected the HPV shot when Perry pushed it _hard_ in TX and we still get asked about it. Of course, I don't think we realized how many extra things had been added to the schedule since we were kids. :/
76 shots now on the schedule
Here's how "he caught heck" and is fighting back:
Here's the retracted study:
Here's a revised version of the retracted study funded by IPAK:
Here's a video of Dr. Thomas and Dr. Lyons-Weiler:
VAXXED VS UNVAXXED: Dr Paul Thomas & Dr. James Lyons-Weiler Put CDC Vaccine Schedule To The Test
Thank you for posting that!!! You are so helpful
I'm not disputing whether that might be true (my own opinion on vaccinations has changed dramatically in the last three years), only saying that if parents don't bring their kids for vaccination, they might not bring them for minor illnesses, either, and vice versa, so there might be a built-in reason for his study outcome.
Not having regular doctor visits is a plus IMO. As kids we had to be bleeding badly or obviously very sick. We all grew up fine. My daughter would have her kid at the doc for a runny nose.
Caught heck. Understatement. The Commandants in the Blue Gulag Oregon, took away his livelyhood by taking his medical license. What a shame, Oregon.
I believe they took his license away. He has retired recently but still an active voice. He has a good podcast.
Here is the short video that Del Bigtree did with him on those very facts. The graphs are truly mind blowing!
he was stripped of his license
Yes. So unfair. I got a notice this morning of his podcast. Such a caring doctor that only wanted the best for kids and gave parents a choice. But he is fighting back.
This is where I currently sit, too, Peter but am becoming more and more "no vax" every day. I did manage to have enough skepticism for the whole HPV debacle, but did consent to chicken pox for my kids. I now qualify for the Shingrex shot but won't be taking that. Pneumovax is next up and I won't be taking that one either.
I’m not getting the shingles or the pneumonia series either. Nor the flu jabs which I never got anyway.
I learned about that Shingles shot through some other people I used to sing with. Pretty sure they had all of their mRNA shots at the time and I'd read enough by then to see that shingles might be the result of that weakened immune system. I already had shingles back before the world went crazy - my pcp chuckled when I described it and he saw it. He prescribed some painkillers and some stuff to help clear it out more quickly. I'm sure now he'd push that shot. :(
I need to take a look at what shots are "coming up" for our youngest. She got most of the set already several years back, but there may be a couple coming up for boosters or the like. I know I saw the mRNA and HPV shots on the "recommended" stuff for her chart. I already know my wife will decline those. Wish I could more easily find a pediatrician who wasn't part of the big networks so we could get more honest advice and less pushing of big meds.
Please consider reading some of the books mentioned above (Dissolving Illusions, Turtles all the Way Down, etc.) before consenting to any more chidhood vaccines for your child. Hopefully you live in a state that allows exemptions if you choose to forego getting any more going forward. And consider switching from a pediatrician to a family physician who will do less pushing of meds and shots. Pediatricians are following the money - if they get a certain percentage (over 80 percent?) of their patients fully vaccinated, they receive annual compensation of $400 per patient which equates to tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. If they fall below that percentage they get zero dollars per "head." Thus the push for the shots and kicking out anyone not complying so they don't drag down their numbers (and their annual payout).
I’m in your camp...as a very young adult I had shingles twice! Not sure why BUT since then I’ve been very leery of any docs. I currently take drugs only if I have a migraine. Otherwise I’m free from all at 61!
I take a tiny BP med which at 74 I consider pretty good for my age. But my functional medicine doc is working with me to get off that. Most of my higher readings have been due to anxiety and white coat syndrome. She helped get my anxiety level way down and I’ve worked on relaxing during my home readings. Now it might be a little low.
Peter, you will change your mind when you read the book.
Agree... and listen to Pam Popper. You won’t have any more questions. She’s easily found, no nonsense, true North.
Just what I was thinking...hasn't read the book.
Have you read Turtles All The Way Down or listened to Dr. Tenpenny on vaccines? If you have any lack of enthusiasm about even traditional vaccines, I am pretty confident you will have much less or none after exposing yourself to these truths.
LS, do you know if Dr. Tenpenny is back on Twitter? My friend (also a nurse) and I got together and participated in one of Dr. Tenpenny's web presentations addressing the mRNA technology back in late 2020 and everything she predicted about these damnable shots has come to fruition. I look back on the notes I took and just can't believe how right she and the other presenters were. Amazing.
I saw one of her Covid mRNA jab presentations around the same time. Made my decision—no.
She's still banned:
DrRay @DrNoMask
All of the "experts" who were wrong about everything Covid are still allowed on Twitter. Dr. Tenpenny who was correct about Covid is not.
So much for free speech
Quote Tweet: Debunking Vaccination @vScienceBites
Replying to @DrNoMask @elonmusk and 8 others
Dr T was denied today for a completely bogus reason with ZERO specifics. Super disappointed in the generic canned responses being provided to her & others as well.
Well, that is disappointing. Perhaps she was just TOO right.
Someone posted an old tweet from her:
Health Info @Healthy4life000
“Even under the best of circumstances…Myocarditis will kill 50% of those within 5 years…”
-Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
#Myocarditis #heartattack #HeartFailure #Clotshot #vaccineinjuries #VaccineSideEffects #VaccineDeaths #adversereaction #DiedSuddendly #DiedUnexpectedly
And, if I understand it correctly, the heart tissue, once scarred (as is the case with myocarditis) it is always a problem. So awful! But, a great time to be a cardiologist.....
Sorry, no I am not on Twitter. :(. Looks like Based Florida Man sees that she is still banned - Thanks Based Florida Man!
Thank you for the recommendation on Turtles all the Way Down. I just downloaded it.
I learn SO MUCH from everyone in these comments. 🙏
This is a great community! Am grateful for all of the freedom warriors on here! All the best to you RandiG!
Look deeper into them!!! Search #wedid on social media to see what they do so ‘rarely’.
And what would that be, exactly?
This is the reason I will not forward this dimwit's (Sorry...I really am out of my last drop of patience/forbearance...) recommendation to "pause" these gene-altering, life-threatening injections -- his ongoing yammering about supporting all the other injectable junk.
SheThinks…I understand how you feel, but we have to remember that this guy has been asleep, he’s still stumbling around in a fog, or like a chick just hatched…he’s very recently red-pilled. So I’m seeing this as progress. Hopefully he will learn and mature in his insights to step fully into the light and not slip back into the darkness.
I hear you, Freebird. You're kind, too, to suggest that this "in the box" PhD has been "red pilled." I doubt that very much. If so, the best he can muster is a "pause" vs. an 𝒂𝒓𝒎-𝒘𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒚 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒑, 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒘 declaration?
IMO, a true "red pill" moment is when the light dawns on Marblehead (a Massachusetts expression) and the person -- in this case, Campbell -- realizes that if he was wrong on this junk, maybe he's wrong on all of it. 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 being red pilled. Campbell? He's merely being pragmatic.
Honestly, if someone like Campbell couldn't figure out all this quicker than I did, me a total non scientist and not a medical person, then I have to scoff a bit at his "awakening". Where has he been? He has the background and training to delve into the same available information we all did around here and draw similar and very obvious conclusions about the whole covid deception. Why should I listen to anything he says now? He's too late to the party to get my respect or interest.
One. Hundred. Percent.
I find everything about this depressing. His statement is very weak tea, maintaining the fiction that "covid" has ever been some kind of deadly plague, vastly understating the enormous evidence of the jabs' devastating dangers, and the fact that he put it on channel where his normie covidian audience will never know (or be willing) to go, suggests to me that this revelation was destined (perhaps designed) to fail. I am generally very careful to avoid calling people controlled opposition, but John Campbell from the beginning has made me very suspicious about who he really is and what he's up to.
I guess we should take this as a positive sign, but a limited one indeed.
I can see how you came to that conclusion, so thanks for sharing. I will reassess my own opinions now, one of which is he did these vids to educate and not to opine. There was one vid though in which I could tell he was holding his very angry and frustrated tongue so he could continue to adhere to YouTube’s terms. Hope that he would eventually express his well-informed opinion regardless of consequences! I was glad he finally called for halting the death jabs on Rumble. I lost that gladness when he endorsed all the other vaxxes. WTF, John? How about looking into a few other vaxxes,huh? Then maybe some of the respect I had for you will come back.
Could it be because he thought he’d get kicked off his usual channels?
YES!! A thousand times YES! Exactly my thoughts about his grand announcement.
I don't follow him, but I think he's a nurse-educator with a PhD in something.
Re vaccinations read this:
Dissolving Illusions
It certainly dissolved mine.
Oh right, he's the nurse educator. Well, there was another Dr who changed his narrative last week because his dad died within the time limit that it had to be the shots. He was also all in but is now calling for a pause. Can't remember the name...I probably even read about it from Jeff, ha!
Malhottra was the cardiologist calling out
Aseem Malhotra
Thanks for the link!
Great book, everyone should read it!
What everyone should have always talked about ... ‘risk/benefit’ but yes, this is a step in the right direction.
People still won’t listen though, the cognitive dissonance is so strong.
Out to coffee with my best friend yesterday, still can’t bring these findings up, yet her husband who also suffers from a rare cancer, who keeps getting new tumors, now has prostate cancer.
Note, his rare cancer has been with him for maybe 5 years.
I just downloaded “Turtles all the Way Down”. Thank you for the recommendation.
I really learn so much from everyone’s comments. 🙏❤️
The risk benefit analysis hasn't changed. He's just decided to read it and believe it. Is he the one who lost his father so soon after a shot that it had to be the shot?
SB, I think you might be referring to cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra. He did a complete 180 on the shots and now relentlessly advocates for not only stopping them but holding people accountable. Dr. Campbell is a nurse with and advanced degree. If you watch his statement on Rumble, he still goes to great pains to present himself as ever so reasonable (which he surely is) because it is just killing him to be even tangentially associated with dreaded "anti-vaxxers." I am glad he is open to changing his mind as the facts dictate, but the facts have been pretty evident now for quite some time - just seems a bit too little, too late. BUT if he is able to persuade that sizeable 2.6 million person YT following, then there might be some real good to come out of his change of heart.
BFM, I read this on Steve Kirsch’s stack yesterday. It was the most encouraging thing I’ve seen in a while! 😊
Covering his retirement check
“Behold, God is my salvation,
I will trust and not be afraid;
For the Lord God is my strength and song,
And He has become my salvation.”
Therefore you will joyously draw water
From the springs of salvation.
And in that day you will say,
“Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name.
Make known His deeds among the peoples;
Make them remember that His name is exalted.”
Praise the Lord in song, for He has done excellent things;
Let this be known throughout the earth.
— Isaiah 12:2-5 NASB1995
Isaiah is quickly becoming my favorite book in Scripture. Thank you, Janice!
“Springs of salvation…” How beautiful is that.
Regarding the Lithuanian TV lady that Died Suddenly, her quote doesn’t make sense. "I Trust Science" vs "I am vaccinated’. She trusted a narrative, not science. Since you can’t question it, it’s not science. It's tragic that her trust in the Medical Establishment cost her life.
My latest experience with someone who trusts the "science:" Lynnae is fully vaccinated. She has repeatedly had pneumonia since October of 2021 and is sick right now. Meds are not working, her doctor has no idea why she keeps having these problems. He's tired of seeing her in his office, she says, but she will have to call him again today. I told her she should contact a doctor near her home who actually treats long covid and vaccine injuries, but she's not open to that. Her doctor attributes her problems to her two bouts of covid; after being vaccinated. She says she's very frustrated and so am I.
Indeed very frustrating. Will the hesitancy to blame the jabs always be with us? Or will there be a breaking point where suddenly everyone finally decries the jabs.
When the product isn’t consumed… the product dies on the altar of capitalism. That’s what needs to happen with vaccines. When people say ‘no more’… this vaccine nightmare will end.
While people continue to consume them… all sorts… flu, pneumonia, tetanus, shingles, HPV, the whole pediatric schedule…. All of this madness WILL continue … because it’s profitable
I’ve been fighting against vaccines for over 15 years… and this will only be over when people become truly educated about the risks of vaccines.
When people are truly informed… and have informed consent… most will say no. There’s too much risk.
We are fed an ideology that ‘typical’ vaccines equate to better health… but that’s not actually what any of us get from them.
I think it will take much more time for blame to fully land on the jabs. I’m very hopeful the FL Grand Jury will open many people’s eyes AND ears.
I also think there will be a subset of the population that will cling to these jabs until their last breath. Non-rational escalation of commitment.
'Tis *not* vanilla hesitancy—rather full-blown #ABV (anything but vaxxes), the HotY (hashtag of the year... & years to come) 😟
I don’t know. Maybe people gave a death wish.
I have been pondering this seriously for a while now. I think most of these people getting repeated jabs know on a subconscious (or even semi-conscious) level that what they are doing is absurd and at the very least risky. Despite all their irrational mental gymnastics to deny the injections' ineffectiveness and terrible adverse effects including death (sometimes of friends or family where they have to look away from what they must know to be the cause), they continue to play the game of Covid Jab Roulette.
I wonder if all the propaganda about how human beings are a bane to the world, polluting the planet, fueling "climate change", killing our fellow creatures and devastating the natural world, has burrowed itself into people's brains with an unconscious belief that it is their duty to sacrifice themselves. I note that even now, when the fact that the jabs do nothing to prevent transmission is openly admitted by the authorities, many people still consider the unjabbed "selfish" and "dangerous".
From what I see, at least in this country, it seems to be those who politically buy into these beliefs, and who are often among the relatively privileged, who are the most eager to be jabbed and adamant about enforcing mandates.
Just some food for thought. This psyop probably goes a lot deeper than we can imagine.
"This psyop probably goes a lot deeper than we can imagine."
You nailed it!
There is a level of self-loathing that I've noticed with the other side of the aisle. It's part of why they hate those who don't go along; we hate ourselves, how selfish of you not to hate yourself too! It's sort of like the Flagellants.
Why are people so resistant to actually helping themselves!!?? Rhetorical question
It may be rhetorical but it's a good question. I've come to the conclusion many people just enjoy being helpless, dependent, and miserable, in addition to complaining and blaming others rather than actually fixing things. They know nothing else. In fact most people will default to this condition unless they make a conscious decision to rise above it (with God's help). Paul talks about it in when describing the fruits of the Spirit.
Everything about modern society (education, government, news, media, entertainment) programs people to be trapped in this mindset. It's the exact opposite of the pioneering spirit of America's founding and first 150 years.
Couple of my cousins, to the nines.
Everything and everyone else is at fault. One is on her 4th husband, at 38 (about, just under 40), she moved out of Calit to Wash, the Ore, then LA, back to Ore, everywhere is horrible with horrible people. Christmas is so much better now that she is out of the area. And her poor kids.
As a nation, we need that pioneer mindset to make a comeback.
Good point. I also found the ad weird. It was provocative. Get “vaccinated” and get laid kind of vibe. Yuck
She was likely compensated for her jab shilling.
Anything for a dollar.
Exactly… PAID influencer
or PAID deceiver
She definitely didn't read the Pfizer scientific report before taking her first shot, no one did.
We live in Columbus OH and have a friend who is a pediatrician. In fact, he thinks he treated the first case of measles in this current outbreak. He reflected that his Somalian patients are hesitant to take the measles vaccine for religious reasons because there is some type of pig by-product in the vaccine. It’s interesting to note that Minneapolis and Columbus have the two highest Somalian populations in the country and they are the two cities with measles outbreaks. I am not criticizing the Somalians for opting out of the vaccine. That is their right. I just find it very interesting that the media is overlooking this and trying to make it look like conspiracy theorists or the MAGA crowd is responsible for this outbreak.
An excellent point regarding the contents of some vaccines, and one about which I was unaware until a Muslim student in my Travel Medicine course that I taught to mid-career physicians as part of their Master of Public Health or Master of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene degree programs told me about it. I included it in my teaching thereafter, along with concerns by Christians about vaccines developed and made in cell cultures from aborted fetuses.
As an aside, that particular student was Nidal Hasan, who later murdered his fellow soldiers and others at a follow-on duty station. In his oral presentation of his required project at our institution, before he transferred to Ft. Hood, we in the audience had cognitive dissonance because he kept referring to 'the enemy,' until we realized he meant *us.* And no, no effective action was taken against him from that or from his many other similar pronouncements I found out about much later, because political correctness, one assumes. He was always ready to claim religious discrimination.
Fla Mom,
I just read about Hasan. Very sad story and a very sick man. 😢Extremism is a disease. The fact that he served with people he planned to kill is a sickness.
I’m surprised they didn’t charge him with terrorism.
I’m not at all surprised, sadly. It doesn’t fit their narrative. It would be “islamophobic” 🙄
Of COURSE he wasn't charged with terrorism - he is Muslim.
Charging a Muslim with terrorism is like charging the Waukesha murderer with a hate crime - he's part of the protected class, and therefore ineligible.
😳😳😳 Wow
Oh my goodness.
However, from what Jeff said, a bunch of the kids are too young to get the vacksine anyway.
Also, measles really is less a big deal apparently than what we’ve all been led to believe, particularly when kids are well nourished with good hygiene. Vitamin A supplementation goes a long way to mitigate the harms of measles too.
That's a good point. Getting measles today isn't like getting measles 50+ years ago. I would think death from measles or complication from measles is much less prevalent today. Also, one has to wonder how much the shots are for trying to keep people at work more so than keeping them from permanent injury these days.
Look at the charts and other information available on the Dissolving Illusions website. The incidence of measles had plummeted markedly even prior to the measles vacksine.
As had the incidence of tetanus.
As had the incidence of many other infectious diseases for which vaccines were developed.
They tell us that without vacksines we would all be dead. But that, apparently, is a lie.
A friend lives in Minneapolis and they've had problems with measles there for at least a decade that I know of because she mentioned it back then. She said it was because there is a large Muslim population there and Muslims don't get vaccines due to religious beliefs. So, yea, they know and it isn't republicans/conservatives causing it. Can't pick on Muslims tho, they're a protected group.
There is a little more to the story. Somali immigrants to Minnesota had (maybe still do) a high rate of autism among their kids, a condition that's virtually unknown back in Somalia. Age of Autism did a whole series of articles on it about ten years ago. The leading theory was the vax schedule coupled with vitamin D deficiency (due to high melanin skin content and lack of sunshine compared to Somalia). Regardless if it's true, Somali immigrants are rightly skeptical of having their kids treated as pin cushions.
Edit: Oops, melanin, not melatonin
Interesting. I have read about the Vit D situation in those populations after coming to northern climates. It fits. So much Research shows D is crucial for immunity and good health. I keep mine high but got it higher when CoV came. For my sanity I did spend a lot of time outdoors in the sun without sunscreen.
I recently read about a vit D study that found 20 minutes in the sun is much better than taking supplements. Now to find a way to get 20 minutes most days...in the winter...
What's the problem with measles?
I had them—don’t remember much besides the itching.
Me, too. I was little -- like maybe four? -- and they hit me pretty hard. But, as you can see, I'm here to tell the tale.
I think I spent four days in bed...very sick I was, but my loving mother watched over me and nursed me back to health. I have only one memory of that time--opening my eyes at one point in my darkened room to see my mother, her head tilted down looking at the door jamb as she quietly pulled it closed. In my 60's and I still remember that...
There are potential effects such as blindness or encephalitis. But from what I’ve read, malnourished children or adults in poor health are most likely to be affected. I would think that in a developed country with a relatively healthy population, most of those potential issues could be resolved if and when they came up.
Yes, of course. We're learning all the time how unsanitary conditions, particularly bad water, malnourishment, etc., can adversely impact all manner of outcomes -- not just when people become sick.
This nervous nellie, chicken little, sky is falling, we must stave off all forms of illness at all costs regardless of the downsides is really getting old.
I agree.
Is it only the ones not getting the vax that get measles and spread it to other unvaxxed? Because if all the rest have shots isn’t that supposed to keep them safe? Where have we heard that before?🤔