New multiplier orders! Chinese covid scares jabbed folks; Japanese find spike proteins where they shouldn't be; celebrity SADS; Rep. Jamie Raskin gets turbo cancer; seniors skip boosters; lots more.
OK all these exposures of the inefficacy of the vaccines and the damages that they cause seems like it’s a major win. When big tobacco was facing similar issues of exposure, it had enough financial power to manipulate things in scientific literature, and in public policy to maintain their market share. Bill Gates and the WHO treaty are our biggest obstacle to having any long-term benefit from all the work we’re doing trying to expose the lies and put forth the truth. The WHO treaty basically creates public health martial law worldwide, and it’s slipping in as we look at other things, we need a multiplier that activates some significant resistance to the WHO treaty, and all the crap Bill Gates is dreaming up beyond this.
Agree. The other hurdle being the massive PsyOps fear campaign that has quite literally brainwashed vast amounts of people. From the beginning, February 2020, I started noticing coordinated messaging and was incredibly suspicious (may have something to do with being married to a military officer with years of 'planning' experience..).
Regardless, I suggested this covid crap would become a new 'religion' for some. Walking around Central FL witnessing masked up fools, and hearing otherwise intelligent people still lamenting about getting tested, etc., it seems the COVIDIAN religion has a stronghold and is alive and well.
That being said, I am SO grateful for Mr. Childers and the C&C crowd!!!!
I saw the switch happen right before my eyes, and it was like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" or "Stepford Wives." What happened to "Question Everything?" Especially from the Government and Big Pharma? If you watch any docu about the opioid epidemic they talk about "Breakthru Pain." Sound familiar? I feel like people have lost their minds. Mass psychosis. Luckily I had the smart advice of John Ioannidis, and I don't watch TV much. I knew something was amiss when they closed the Chicago beaches for a year. I took a red eye from LA last week and like 70% of the people in the airport were masked (young people!) Thank goodness for Jeff C. to keep our spirits up and our sanity intact.
I have noticed that a commonality among those who were able to see through this malignant psyop from the beginning, is that we don’t watch tv and obtain our news from multiple alternative sources.
Here in Berkeley, CA most people read the New York Times and take it as Gospel Truth. NPR is their staple radio program and holds a similar place in their minds. Those are the most beautifully orchestrated state propaganda outlets in the history of humanity. 80%+ of shoppers will still be masked everywhere you go here. It’s absolutely unreal. Very hard to keep living here behind the Iron Curtain!
When I am in the car riding about (which is not too often!), I tune into NPR. Totally bizarre manufactured nonsense! And in this senselessness, I hear the sounds of collapsing civilization.
The people you speak of are Bubble Humanity! And almost always ... totally insane.
I gave up on NPR a number of years ago. The Newshour too, although I remember it being less horrible when Gwen Ifill was still alive.
I live in San Francisco and there are plenty of people here who are still masked up. But it sounds like things are really, really impossible in Berkeley.
As we read the Bible we realize that “America” is never mentioned. We think it will be gone soon and are curious as to how. Nuclear, Chinese overtaking U.S. or??
I couldn’t live in a place like that. It would be depressing and make me angry at the same time! God bless you for being a beacon of sanity among the brainwashed idiots!
The capture of NPR was one of the most brilliant and effective moves of the ReSet. That, along with Mother Jones, Rolling Stone mag and the Atlantic. As a recovering California demo-liberal, I, and most of the left, still can't comprehend that NPR is a mouthpiece of the psyop. Why, if you can't trust Amy Goodman, who can you trust? Well, the answer is NOBODY at NPR, they have their own misinformation department and full staff of rabid jab promoters who mostly only gaslight and shame . As an original but now ex-Berkeley-free-rights-democrat, I'm still blown away that the most accurate and true information is coming from Tucker Carlson! This man, who we all thought of as the anti-christ, shows us recovering libs the extent of the brainwashing we were under. I can tell you that even now the masking, social distancing and vax virtue signaling is the still dominant feature of Berkeley, San Francisco and the Bay Area.
Actually how have you lasted this long in Berkeley? It’s been a bit of a ‘hell hole’ for many years now, way before the Scamdemic ! (I live in Commifornia, too, only way down south next to the border!)
Until a few years ago all the BS was just fun and games. I actually imagine it could wake up at some point. We are giving it another 6 months or so, but still might leave.
It's a pretty pleasant place to live despite certain shortcomings. The climate can't be beat for one thing, and now we're getting plenty of much-needed rain. I don't watch/listen to/read mass media. The University may have led the way when it comes to left-wing radicalism but every other major college and university has long since caught up and and many have surpassed it.
Absolutely agree. We haven't had 'cable' for years and find most 'local' stations useless. Can't stand carefully crafted quips of information being parroted to me - so shallow and obvious.
You are exactly right! I decided to drop the cable TV about eight years ago and switch to streaming such as Hulu. I was highly addicted to Facebook, so I got most of my news there, & I also work in healthcare and interact with many people daily. I noticed right away that the media was spreading fallacies, and I wondered why? Then I noticed that anyone who dared to speak up and question the science was smeared and ruined. Definitions of words were changed, which simply isn’t done in the medical field! The medical side of things with Covid is what brought me into the political side of things such as working towards an article 5 convention of states.
Prior to March of 2020, although I am a veteran, I had no interest in politics. My libertarian viewpoint Had me voting Democrat down ticket for 20 years. Covid woke me up to Pres Trump. When I discovered that I wasn’t the only one noticing this dystopian nightmare starting to occur, it felt like an awakening. I think we in these circles are awakened, but not woke. 
I hope we will out wit our enemies using our Constitution and laws. With clever leaders like Jeff, we are sure to prevail!
Amen. It's hilarious (among other adjectives) that I can tell what's on tv by the behaviour of the majority around me. Makes me laugh (when I'm not groaning or cursing) every time I go out and see the percentage swings in masking, e.g.
We do watch some tv but not for news. We always read the newspaper, which by the last paragraph usually gives a nod to the “other side.”
I didn’t know about alternative news until the Epoch Times came around in paper form to the whole neighborhood in around 2917(?), about 4 pages long. Everyone said it was trashy Chinese communist propaganda, but I actually read it, and started to see two sides to the “news.”
Most amazingly, these same folks don't consider even the faintest whiff of the possibility that there might be such a thing as American, Canadian or EU propaganda. They are not trained to know about or spot the methods by which propagandists traffick their wares.
Interestingly, the word 'propaganda' comes from the Latin work to propagate. In the Roman world, it was that which should be propagated, promoted. In the West the word has, of course, a negative sense to it.
The Epoch Times and NTD can be great resources to get you started thinking outside of the parroted narrative of the MockingBird Media. Also, listening to great, diverse podcasts that Jeff talks about are also helpful in uncovering other news sources.
Additionally I have an app called 'Conservative News'. You will quickly find 'news' that is very different than the government controlled and taxpayer funded narrative.
Tell them if one mask is good, two would be better. 😉 Masking now is a sign of mental illness. Like a warning sign telling you to avoid the traffic accident ahead.
Ahh, Stepford Wives!!! Watched that in April 2020 and was totally weirded out!!! When you consider that Mockingbird was never stood down it makes sense all of the whacky messaging we have had thrust at us through 'entertainment'...
Did you see the 1970s original or the later Nicole Kidman campy version? The seventies film scared me as a child; the later one was more funny than frightening. There was a sequel (1980) called “Revenge of the Stepford Wives” which wasn’t frightening at all; more like a “B” made for TV flop.
Between the time the original Stepford Wives was released, and the time that the later remake was released (which I had absolutely no idea even existed) I stopped watching television and going to movies.
I too have noticed that the degree of Branch Covidian insanity is directly correlative to the amount of mass media one consumes.
Yes, I once consumed more movies than I currently do - however the recent “Everything Everywhere all at Once” with a very frumpy Jamie Lee Curtis was delightfully twisted. Also “Marcel the Shell with Shoes On” with the grandmother (voiced by Isabella Rossellini) was so touching it nearly brought me to tears. I say “nearly” as I rarely cry; many people have reported actually sobbing. There ARE some wholesome and worthy options out there but they must be searched for diligently as the MSM buries them.
I rarely waste my time trying to convince others. Sure there are some truths. But when trying to validate official claims, whether of the vaxx or (in my most recent case) study about the true history and efficacy of statins, I feel a lot like the scene below from the horror movie "The Shining." (for those unfamiliar with the plot, the wife sneaks into her author husband's office to see what manuscript he's been working on for so long and discovers that things are not what she expected them to be.
I lawyer on the border under #operationlonestar, a dragnet, money-laundering scheme using humans as commodities. All my clients are males. Females are never processed. Rather they are turned over to CBP and sent "elsewhere". I think we are starting to know exactly where "elsewhere" is, sadly.
I spent much of the holiday driving (2000 miles from FL to PA and back) and listened to various sirius xm channels (nfl, comedy, etc) and almost every single ad was for c19 medication or boosters. Then watching some bowl and pro games while visiting family, almost every commercial was the same. Pharma has literally taken over the airwaves.
They can buy ads everywhere because we taxpayers are paying them to.
We funded the bioweapon development in China. (DOD DARPA doc Aug 2021)
We funded Warp Speed.
We bought 600 million doses that we already funded - one for every man woman and child in the US to get two shots.
We paid in advance for the bivalent shots which almost no one is taking except 8 mice and those in the grip of Covidian primal fear, thereby “wasting” whatever is in it according to Covidiams and lefty needle pushers.
We (US) are over $3QUADRILLION in debt and continuing. (Daily debt tracker)
And they are brainwashed. #ABV all the way! I spoke with several co-workers who are part of the cult and they think eating insects is okay and cows cause a lot of greenhouse gas problems. I said there are plenty of bugs so have at it. Not me. These fools are beyond help and are a danger to the rest of society with their stupidity.
Actually they are a danger to you and to me because they want us to be like them and they will do anything within their power to make that happen. The Borg is alive and well, assimilating anyone they can.
I'd surmise the brainwashed to be too reductionist a moniker: some sure are simpletons, but many are anything but, more of too clever by half 😏 And it's closer to religion proper than cult, for encompasses the majority(*) 😟
Anywhoo, #ABV (anything but vaxxes, for ya uninitiated 😝) does deserve the honour of HotY (hashtag of the year) 😶
(*) An afterthought: doesn't matter a byte, won't argue about definitions which vary 🙂
But you do have a point. If 80% of the country (the world?) have bought into it, that’s beyond a cult. I think it is a religion and their God is SCIENCE. False science.
A major correction: $cience™ or scientism is their false god, not the science proper 🙂 ‘Tis a distinction *with* difference. In sage words of Archdruid, rather famous in not-so-narrow circles, ↓↓
🗨 Science, at its core, is simply a method of practical logic that tests hypotheses against experience. Scientism, by contrast, is the worldview and value system that insists that the questions the scientific method can answer are the most important questions human beings can ask, and that the picture of the world yielded by science is a better approximation to reality than any other. ~~John Michael Greer
If I were given my druthers, the world would care to differentiate between these disparate concepts 😊
You'd be dismayed how little true science actually gets done. I've done quite a bit of reading that describes in unflattering terms what goes on in drug development, regulation, funding, and so forth. The entire system, from drug discovery to trials, to approvals, advertising and marketing to consumers, is all corrupt of course, entirely profit-driven. The current pandemic shows its worst excesses and even some new ones, like Deep State involvement (e.g. government direct investments in dubious research, involvement in companies, and even directly profiting from products through fees and patent royalties.) What dismayed me is that the "corruption" goes way back (decades). Deciding who gets funded for what probably has more to do with protecting and extending existing market share, taking priority over anything htat might challenge it. That factor alone almost guarantees that potentially revolutionary research will not get funded. If a scientist somehow does manage to get results, he faces a difficult battle getting published. He also has his present and future career prospects to mind. All told, the entire system is stacked against innovation and the advancement of science. To some degree these problems are probably inevitable in any system, but it is an eye-opener to see the extent to which money and power has compromised the system. Of course, it's pervasive, not just in health/medicine, all the sciences really. It's about protecting egos and careers. The advancement of knowledge is incidental.
The worldwide coordination of messaging and nearly identical official response and actions was so painfully obvious and so highly suspicious, it's a mystery to me that virtually everyone didn't notice it straight away. Unless one was watching non-corporate-government media, you wouldn't see the total uniformity of TV and radio messaging with completely identical terminology and adjectives used in each report. It was astounding to see, and it was impossible to not conclude that they were all acting in lockstep with directions from some single entity directing it all and sending them a script of what to report each time.
The was talked/planned in the documentry Plandemic. Event 201 where the need was to try an suppress or counter info that went against the narrative. I'm sure they've learned from their mistakes from the first attack.
Exactly. This kind of response takes time and thought. At work memos would come out daily, covid hotline etc. It's as if they went to their covid narrative source and it was all ready to go.
I have a friend whose children made her do a COVID test before they would get together with her for Christmas THIS WEEK!! I wanted to ask her when she stops complying and the tyranny on their part ends...
In SWFL I've seen more masked people as they return for "season." Sad to see masks on even while outside in our beautiful weather, and it was a mix of older and younger.
Bones, My hope for humanity was returned when I saw the responses to a painful tweet/ad from the WHO penned by Peter Hotez on Twitter. The volume of angry push back on him and WHO was a beautiful thing to witness. I hope "they" read the comments.
There's an old saying that you can't judge a book by its cover. Wrong. Everything about Hotez screams blowhard buffoon. He can't be bothered to exercise proper grooming and always looks like he just got out of bed. He has apparently never discovered the hair brush and his mustache probably traps food for weeks. His bow tie is absurd. Last off he lectures others as a "health expert" but is severely overweight.
I would never make fun of someone's appearance based on the accidents of birth, some people are just born worse-looking than others, that's not their fault. But Hotez, either through intent or just laziness, can't be bothered to make himself look presentable. A decent haircut and some grooming, coupled with grown-up clothes, would at least make him look like a serious person. Instead he intentionally looks like a goofball that telegraphs to the world that he does not care.
I was astounded to learn that Hotez has a daughter with severe autism and he still peddles the crud. He even wrote a book saying that there was no possible way that vaccines made his daughter ill. Had to be something she was born with.
I believe my daughter was vaccine injured. I saw the change in her face as soon as she was given that MMR, her entire demeanor changed. We spent huge amounts of hard earned (not insurance covered) money for PT, OT, speech therapy and more! She is now 28 years old, works but doesn’t drive, communication is still challenging BUT she is a wonderful person thru and thru. If I could change things I would but for her not me, she’s a blessing no matter what. AND no neither she or I have taken the gene therapy....
My two boys were vaccine injured by the pediatric schedule… and what I now realize is this was likely God protecting them and our whole family from this covid vaccine …what we learned through that initial vaccine injury nightmare/experience made it clear to us that no one in our family should ever take another vaccine… I really think the covid vaccine could kill my boys (or even me) like it has so many others- because of our particular genetic vulnerabilities.
I am telling my daughter not to do mmr. I dont know what will happen when she goes to register her in school. I have heard it is safer at older age than age they give it. I think I am slowly becoming an anti vaxxer...God bless you and your daughter.
There was an mmr study some time back which showed drastically fewer reactions in the group receiving the mmr after age 2, I believe. I can’t remember the details but the gist was older is better as far as reactions go.
Not now. Her lunatic governor just passed a law disallowing religious exemptions. Hopefully she will move to Florida by that time. Hopefully Florida will stay sane. She loves the NE as do I, but it has gone full on insane these days.
I was meaning that most parents of vaccinated, autistic children do not want to entertain the thought that they presented their child to be vaccinated and that the vaccine could possibly be the cause of their child's autism.
But let's compound the problem with bad food choices etc. No way they are only occasionally eating junk food. His daughter should say to him "thanks dad." 😝
That his daughter has autism - that his pro-vax advocacy likely caused - is directly linked to the strength of his vouching for vaxxes.
To do anything less would be to have to face the horrible fact that he played a part in his daughters disability. The psychology of it would never allow him to question that.
These people have a form of munchausen disease. So many of the parents in my area wear "having a special needs child" like a badge of honor. Really!? Maybe they failed to protect their children. It's nothing to be ashamed of but not something to define yourself as. Like "I am a single parent. " Meh. How are you helping your child. All about drama and getting attention for themselves.
Please don’t link us all in a group. I always say, “there but for the grace of God go I” the incredible challenges of having a child with “special needs” is not something I would wish on anyone. I consider myself lucky because my daughter basically has become self the point she could possibly live on her own some day. Many aren’t that lucky...sometimes you have no choice but to become who your child is. I would suggest embracing a family or two who have special needs kids, many of us have VERY small groups of friends because of our children. Sooooo we are always looking for people who want to understand our challenges. You may be surprised what you learn...
Sometimes it's hard to be 'rational' and 'reasonable' with all this damnable virtue signaling and the whole unquestioning accommodation of all of this by design ruination of humanity going on. It makes some of us very angry ... and to use a totally Commie word, 'challenges' our ability to sympathized with the general cussedness afflicting us, so to speak. (And I am not speaking directly to you here, but of the whole machinery which lies behind the purposed ruination of our lives and our family life.)
When I was in grade school in the 1950's, let it be said, there was virtually zero screwed up kids. Yes, there were smarter kids and less smart kids, but no 'challenged' kids. We all had small pox vaccination, and later the polio vaccine. Apparently, and as I am lead to believe ...The Science had not yet 'improved' to the point of wholesale chaos and runination. I am, of course, glad that your daughter is doing so well. And yes, you are right to say what you have said. And I am glad you thought to do so.
BUT! In a sanely run non-collapsing civilization, what happened to you should NOT HAVE HAPPENED AT ALL! Nor to anyone else! And the hardest thing to get one's head or hands around is that all of this evil going on all about us is deliberately done in a meticulously thoughtful orchestrated war against the great many of us 'regular' folks. From this spring the ambiguities.
I was also in grade school in the 1950s and my observations are the same. I remember getting sick with measles when I was about 5, and later I also got mumps and chicken pox. When I was a bit older but still in grade school, I distinctly remember getting the polio vaccine on a sugar cube. I remember how horrible and bitter it tasted. Meanwhile, my older brother (born in 1945) has/had what I have come to believe is a condition somewhere on the autism spectrum. He is high functioning, graduated from college, but his various personality oddities are explained by autism...and his condition manifested early and was not caused by vaccines. Something else perhaps, or just something unknown completely. But throughout my grade school and high school I never heard anything about autism. I also don't remember seeing serious behavioral issues in kids nor were kids overweight. Some boys were a bit rambunctious but they grew out of it.
In some ways it was a simple time. Yet in that era the CIA had no problems dosing people unawares with LSD, spraying live bacteria in cities to test the risks of biological warfare and so on. Who knows what other more evil things were going on? And now we live in a world where on the one hand an ethics panel will not approve a study to test, say, a new LDL lowering drug against placebo because it would be "unethical" to not treat patients "at risk" of heart disease when we all "know" that high cholesterol is a risk factor in such diseases, yet emergency and even later official approval is made of a mRNA gene therapy based upon dubious testing over a period of weeks, and even no human testing at all, and the product is recommended or even mandated for hundreds of millions. "Ambiguities" -- damned right!
I started first grade in 1957 (kindergarten was a private enterprise for kids in town, whose parents could afford it.). My observations were very similar. I had one classmate who had asthma. Other than that, no one had medical issues and no one was overweight.
Likewise, families were healthy and certainly in far better shape than this awful time we’re currently experiencing. I remember three children who had came late in my 5th grade school year and hearing that they had come to live with an aunt and uncle, which seemed a very curious thing. They were only there for a few weeks and one day their mom and her boyfriend came to the school and took them away. I had become friends with one of them and was playing with her when the mom arrived so I witnessed their departure. It left me with a hollowed out despondency and I cried. I just couldn’t imagine how they lived with such uncertainty.
Soon after that, a divorced woman, who had relatives in our community, moved in from Chicago and put her 3 children in my school. And they had obvious emotional issues. The teachers could be seen putting a lot of effort into trying to help them. Far more than any teacher could today, when probably the majority of children come from broken homes. This was my first exposure to divorce.
So more than physical health has dramatically declined. Soon my generation will be gone and we won’t be here to say, it has not always been like this. It used to be so much better before we rejected the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
In many cases the friend group disappears. But through engagement with special needs issues, I was aware of the problems with vaccine safety so I count friends who didn’t disappear as lucky because I warned them.
I get it but in my area this is how they lead the conversation. I know of people who like you try your very best to help your children. This is not the case here. Their children's special needs are exacerbated by the parents.
Having worked with ‘special needs’ children and interacting with the families, I certainly saw very good parents who did all they could for their children. I also saw those who exhibited Münchausen syndrome. They’re obvious. Also obvious was another group who seemed to want their children to be labeled with severe impairments because of the SSI (Supplemental Security Income-same source as Social Security, I believe.) and probably other benefits from other sources. These were mostly low income single parent (or grandma raised) households and generally the family unit had more than one child they got checks for monthly. They didn’t appear to do much more than provide a place for their children to sleep. It was difficult to get them to attend meetings. Many we never or very rarely saw. And they needed major support from the educational system in terms of keeping school available year round. I thought a lot about them, when schools were closed due to Covid. I suspected, but never confirmed that they were still being allowed at school. (I’m retired for a few years now.) Otherwise, I can’t imagine how they coped.
I do not want to hurt any parents with my observations. I know the good parents are there. I see them. You deserve all the support you can get. You are not the problem, but some others definitely are.
While we’re on the subject of grammar, I’m puzzled. I’m seeing educated people using ‘lead’ as the past tense for the verb lead. I was taught the past tense is ‘led’. Has that officially changed?
And don’t get me started on the use of subjective pronouns in the objective instance. Everyone apparently decided the word ‘me’ is just improper in any setting. Hence, they say, “John gave the book to Mary and I.” I hear this everywhere and it is so annoying.
You're correct in both instances. "Lead" is another one that frequently annoys me. One I hear all the time now is "tenant" when people mean "tenet". I get the idea that grammar and spelling training isn't as rigorous as it should be in public schools.
Hope springs eternal - but "they" (sheeple) are oblivious because of what I term "willful ignorance". Even my two otherwise what I thought were productive, intelligent sons will not listen to me when I share what I have learned about the evil manipulation of world governance, technocratic tyranny, and WHO/deep state nefarious plans for humanity. They believe their Mom who loves them always and raised them to "question authority" has gone off her proverbial rocker. Both of them are vaxxed and my youngest (he's now 50) is even boosted and believes it is protecting him. I weep inside!!!
Encourage them to listen to part of The Highwire from last week. Del explains how they found out through using FOIA that they gave up testing on all vaccines after the 1986 law that gave drug companies immunity on vaccine injuries. Just facts we're talking about here....harder to accuse people of believing conspiracy theories.
FACTS! Now documented in a grocery cart full of well authored new books, which validate authors that were exposing the dangers of what amounts to toxins injected sold to the public as life saving vaccines for nearly a half century, dubbed quack science, especially after the open free for all granted pharmaceutical companies after 1986.
If only it were that simple - you see..."Mom" doesn't have all the "facts"--they have deluded themselves to "believe the lie" - and that is what saddens me most of all, Maureen and Mimi.
Yeah but you've gotten them confused with the stuff about evil intent and all that. I'm not saying that presenting simple facts will persuade them but it has a better chance than trying to explain about the WEF.
😢I’m so son and fiancé are jabbed as well. I lost it! Told them both to STOP! No more jabs! At least they haven’t been boosted but the docs are still pushing!
Do they have a medical reason to keep talking to the docs? My husband always talks to his doctors at Kaiser, even though it is more and more clear that they don't know anything. He had to insist on getting a Vit D test from his doctor who was sure that he couldn't be deficient. Then he talked to a family practice doctor who told him that all his problems had to be in his head. He upped his magnesium and D supplementation and now he's fine.
They have a daughter (my youngest grand) who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when she was only 7 (this is over 8 years ago now) and we almost lost her to this pernicious disorder that "mimics" so many others. So my DIL influences my son now--not me--and I guess that is the "natural order" of things in life. She is ALL IN on "consulting with doctors", especially because she delayed taking Audrey to any doctor in 2014--thinking her issues were "just a stomach flu"--but the child lost nearly TWENTY POUNDS in less than a other granddaughter (Audrey's older sister) kept telling her parents "this is more than just a flu" for several days--but then..."what does a child know"--Hannah was "correctemundo"!! I have no influence anymore--except "maybe" through Hannah...she still somewhat "hears" me and know that I do my research and that I LOVE THEM UNCONDITIONALLY--that is NOT what our Federal government is doing. They don't even "like" us!!
The doctors don't monitor blood sugar when somebody comes in with symptoms like that? 100 years ago they would have known right away.
A friend of mine has a niece who has Addison's disease. When she first got it, the doctors couldn't figure it out. My friend recognized it right away because a darkening of the skin is one of the symptoms. How did she know? Because somebody in a soap opera she had watched came down with it. She finally persuaded the doctors to check for Addison's.
Many of today's university-trained medical practitioners neither believe in, nor understand anything about, natural and herbal remedies. I delight in reminding them, when the opportunity is presented, that said remedies have been used for thousands of years by every culture that has not put $$$ ahead of health.
How do these "medical experts" respond to your reminders, Yinzer? I have a chart on the kitchen wall titled "Celestial Botanicals" that lists about 30 different herbs, their botanical genre/classification/common name/usages and it is amazing to me that we could be HEALING our bodies instead of pumping them full of nasty chemicals in order to achieve OPTIMUM HEALTH!
OK all these exposures of the inefficacy of the vaccines and the damages that they cause seems like it’s a major win. When big tobacco was facing similar issues of exposure, it had enough financial power to manipulate things in scientific literature, and in public policy to maintain their market share. Bill Gates and the WHO treaty are our biggest obstacle to having any long-term benefit from all the work we’re doing trying to expose the lies and put forth the truth. The WHO treaty basically creates public health martial law worldwide, and it’s slipping in as we look at other things, we need a multiplier that activates some significant resistance to the WHO treaty, and all the crap Bill Gates is dreaming up beyond this.
Agree. The other hurdle being the massive PsyOps fear campaign that has quite literally brainwashed vast amounts of people. From the beginning, February 2020, I started noticing coordinated messaging and was incredibly suspicious (may have something to do with being married to a military officer with years of 'planning' experience..).
Regardless, I suggested this covid crap would become a new 'religion' for some. Walking around Central FL witnessing masked up fools, and hearing otherwise intelligent people still lamenting about getting tested, etc., it seems the COVIDIAN religion has a stronghold and is alive and well.
That being said, I am SO grateful for Mr. Childers and the C&C crowd!!!!
I saw the switch happen right before my eyes, and it was like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" or "Stepford Wives." What happened to "Question Everything?" Especially from the Government and Big Pharma? If you watch any docu about the opioid epidemic they talk about "Breakthru Pain." Sound familiar? I feel like people have lost their minds. Mass psychosis. Luckily I had the smart advice of John Ioannidis, and I don't watch TV much. I knew something was amiss when they closed the Chicago beaches for a year. I took a red eye from LA last week and like 70% of the people in the airport were masked (young people!) Thank goodness for Jeff C. to keep our spirits up and our sanity intact.
I have noticed that a commonality among those who were able to see through this malignant psyop from the beginning, is that we don’t watch tv and obtain our news from multiple alternative sources.
Here in Berkeley, CA most people read the New York Times and take it as Gospel Truth. NPR is their staple radio program and holds a similar place in their minds. Those are the most beautifully orchestrated state propaganda outlets in the history of humanity. 80%+ of shoppers will still be masked everywhere you go here. It’s absolutely unreal. Very hard to keep living here behind the Iron Curtain!
When I am in the car riding about (which is not too often!), I tune into NPR. Totally bizarre manufactured nonsense! And in this senselessness, I hear the sounds of collapsing civilization.
The people you speak of are Bubble Humanity! And almost always ... totally insane.
I gave up on NPR a number of years ago. The Newshour too, although I remember it being less horrible when Gwen Ifill was still alive.
I live in San Francisco and there are plenty of people here who are still masked up. But it sounds like things are really, really impossible in Berkeley.
As we read the Bible we realize that “America” is never mentioned. We think it will be gone soon and are curious as to how. Nuclear, Chinese overtaking U.S. or??
I couldn’t live in a place like that. It would be depressing and make me angry at the same time! God bless you for being a beacon of sanity among the brainwashed idiots!
I live in Berserkeley too. 80% is a bit of an exaggeration, at least where I shop, but yes there is still a lot of mask wearing here, even outside.
The capture of NPR was one of the most brilliant and effective moves of the ReSet. That, along with Mother Jones, Rolling Stone mag and the Atlantic. As a recovering California demo-liberal, I, and most of the left, still can't comprehend that NPR is a mouthpiece of the psyop. Why, if you can't trust Amy Goodman, who can you trust? Well, the answer is NOBODY at NPR, they have their own misinformation department and full staff of rabid jab promoters who mostly only gaslight and shame . As an original but now ex-Berkeley-free-rights-democrat, I'm still blown away that the most accurate and true information is coming from Tucker Carlson! This man, who we all thought of as the anti-christ, shows us recovering libs the extent of the brainwashing we were under. I can tell you that even now the masking, social distancing and vax virtue signaling is the still dominant feature of Berkeley, San Francisco and the Bay Area.
Truth. Many of my friends kids have been sick for months on end and not a lick of curiosity as to why!
Mother Jones and Rolling Stone were always far left. The Atlantic was once fairly sane center-left and I suppose NPR was once upon a time.
Actually how have you lasted this long in Berkeley? It’s been a bit of a ‘hell hole’ for many years now, way before the Scamdemic ! (I live in Commifornia, too, only way down south next to the border!)
Until a few years ago all the BS was just fun and games. I actually imagine it could wake up at some point. We are giving it another 6 months or so, but still might leave.
It's a pretty pleasant place to live despite certain shortcomings. The climate can't be beat for one thing, and now we're getting plenty of much-needed rain. I don't watch/listen to/read mass media. The University may have led the way when it comes to left-wing radicalism but every other major college and university has long since caught up and and many have surpassed it.
Drive through the tunnel to the hinterlands. It’s much better in CoCoCo. Still blue but a little more sane except in places like Whole Foods.
And I notice that people tend to get smarter in inverse relationship to the time they are unplugged from TV, the corporate media, and so forth.
Absolutely agree. We haven't had 'cable' for years and find most 'local' stations useless. Can't stand carefully crafted quips of information being parroted to me - so shallow and obvious.
I find the news insulting to my intelligence. I do occasionally watch Tucker Carlson on Youtube, which is at least somewhat reliable.
You are exactly right! I decided to drop the cable TV about eight years ago and switch to streaming such as Hulu. I was highly addicted to Facebook, so I got most of my news there, & I also work in healthcare and interact with many people daily. I noticed right away that the media was spreading fallacies, and I wondered why? Then I noticed that anyone who dared to speak up and question the science was smeared and ruined. Definitions of words were changed, which simply isn’t done in the medical field! The medical side of things with Covid is what brought me into the political side of things such as working towards an article 5 convention of states.
Prior to March of 2020, although I am a veteran, I had no interest in politics. My libertarian viewpoint Had me voting Democrat down ticket for 20 years. Covid woke me up to Pres Trump. When I discovered that I wasn’t the only one noticing this dystopian nightmare starting to occur, it felt like an awakening. I think we in these circles are awakened, but not woke. 
I hope we will out wit our enemies using our Constitution and laws. With clever leaders like Jeff, we are sure to prevail!
Amen. It's hilarious (among other adjectives) that I can tell what's on tv by the behaviour of the majority around me. Makes me laugh (when I'm not groaning or cursing) every time I go out and see the percentage swings in masking, e.g.
We do watch some tv but not for news. We always read the newspaper, which by the last paragraph usually gives a nod to the “other side.”
I didn’t know about alternative news until the Epoch Times came around in paper form to the whole neighborhood in around 2917(?), about 4 pages long. Everyone said it was trashy Chinese communist propaganda, but I actually read it, and started to see two sides to the “news.”
Most amazingly, these same folks don't consider even the faintest whiff of the possibility that there might be such a thing as American, Canadian or EU propaganda. They are not trained to know about or spot the methods by which propagandists traffick their wares.
Interestingly, the word 'propaganda' comes from the Latin work to propagate. In the Roman world, it was that which should be propagated, promoted. In the West the word has, of course, a negative sense to it.
The Epoch Times and NTD can be great resources to get you started thinking outside of the parroted narrative of the MockingBird Media. Also, listening to great, diverse podcasts that Jeff talks about are also helpful in uncovering other news sources.
Additionally I have an app called 'Conservative News'. You will quickly find 'news' that is very different than the government controlled and taxpayer funded narrative.
That’s my observation as well.
Tell them if one mask is good, two would be better. 😉 Masking now is a sign of mental illness. Like a warning sign telling you to avoid the traffic accident ahead.
Ahh, Stepford Wives!!! Watched that in April 2020 and was totally weirded out!!! When you consider that Mockingbird was never stood down it makes sense all of the whacky messaging we have had thrust at us through 'entertainment'...
Did you see the 1970s original or the later Nicole Kidman campy version? The seventies film scared me as a child; the later one was more funny than frightening. There was a sequel (1980) called “Revenge of the Stepford Wives” which wasn’t frightening at all; more like a “B” made for TV flop.
Between the time the original Stepford Wives was released, and the time that the later remake was released (which I had absolutely no idea even existed) I stopped watching television and going to movies.
I too have noticed that the degree of Branch Covidian insanity is directly correlative to the amount of mass media one consumes.
But that's not all - the whole everyone has a smartphone thing is part of something very dark and nasty.
Got rid of mine in 2021.
Yes, I once consumed more movies than I currently do - however the recent “Everything Everywhere all at Once” with a very frumpy Jamie Lee Curtis was delightfully twisted. Also “Marcel the Shell with Shoes On” with the grandmother (voiced by Isabella Rossellini) was so touching it nearly brought me to tears. I say “nearly” as I rarely cry; many people have reported actually sobbing. There ARE some wholesome and worthy options out there but they must be searched for diligently as the MSM buries them.
I rarely waste my time trying to convince others. Sure there are some truths. But when trying to validate official claims, whether of the vaxx or (in my most recent case) study about the true history and efficacy of statins, I feel a lot like the scene below from the horror movie "The Shining." (for those unfamiliar with the plot, the wife sneaks into her author husband's office to see what manuscript he's been working on for so long and discovers that things are not what she expected them to be.
It’s a cult. Complete with child sacrifice.
I lawyer on the border under #operationlonestar, a dragnet, money-laundering scheme using humans as commodities. All my clients are males. Females are never processed. Rather they are turned over to CBP and sent "elsewhere". I think we are starting to know exactly where "elsewhere" is, sadly.
Horrifyingly true. 😱
Ugh that is horrible, though unfortunately not surprising 😕
Nazi Germany!!
LS Woodruff, Yes! Jeff and you fellow followers and commenters are my ray of sunshine.
Agree!! I look forward to the analysis, comments and discussions from C&C so much!! Such a thoughtful, informed, caring group of people.
YES!!! A worldwide, well planned and effective Psyop!!
Where AMERICA goes, so goes Europe
True, yet of a real virus with a CFR like the flu, but far more morbidities.
I spent much of the holiday driving (2000 miles from FL to PA and back) and listened to various sirius xm channels (nfl, comedy, etc) and almost every single ad was for c19 medication or boosters. Then watching some bowl and pro games while visiting family, almost every commercial was the same. Pharma has literally taken over the airwaves.
I notice this too. Makes me so disgusted and angry! They need to STOP!!!
Yeah? Go make 'em! 😤 Stop, I mean 🙃
They can buy ads everywhere because we taxpayers are paying them to.
We funded the bioweapon development in China. (DOD DARPA doc Aug 2021)
We funded Warp Speed.
We bought 600 million doses that we already funded - one for every man woman and child in the US to get two shots.
We paid in advance for the bivalent shots which almost no one is taking except 8 mice and those in the grip of Covidian primal fear, thereby “wasting” whatever is in it according to Covidiams and lefty needle pushers.
We (US) are over $3QUADRILLION in debt and continuing. (Daily debt tracker)
True. Sickening!
$$$ talks..
And they are brainwashed. #ABV all the way! I spoke with several co-workers who are part of the cult and they think eating insects is okay and cows cause a lot of greenhouse gas problems. I said there are plenty of bugs so have at it. Not me. These fools are beyond help and are a danger to the rest of society with their stupidity.
Actually they are a danger to you and to me because they want us to be like them and they will do anything within their power to make that happen. The Borg is alive and well, assimilating anyone they can.
I'd surmise the brainwashed to be too reductionist a moniker: some sure are simpletons, but many are anything but, more of too clever by half 😏 And it's closer to religion proper than cult, for encompasses the majority(*) 😟
Anywhoo, #ABV (anything but vaxxes, for ya uninitiated 😝) does deserve the honour of HotY (hashtag of the year) 😶
(*) An afterthought: doesn't matter a byte, won't argue about definitions which vary 🙂
But you do have a point. If 80% of the country (the world?) have bought into it, that’s beyond a cult. I think it is a religion and their God is SCIENCE. False science.
A major correction: $cience™ or scientism is their false god, not the science proper 🙂 ‘Tis a distinction *with* difference. In sage words of Archdruid, rather famous in not-so-narrow circles, ↓↓
🗨 Science, at its core, is simply a method of practical logic that tests hypotheses against experience. Scientism, by contrast, is the worldview and value system that insists that the questions the scientific method can answer are the most important questions human beings can ask, and that the picture of the world yielded by science is a better approximation to reality than any other. ~~John Michael Greer
If I were given my druthers, the world would care to differentiate between these disparate concepts 😊
You'd be dismayed how little true science actually gets done. I've done quite a bit of reading that describes in unflattering terms what goes on in drug development, regulation, funding, and so forth. The entire system, from drug discovery to trials, to approvals, advertising and marketing to consumers, is all corrupt of course, entirely profit-driven. The current pandemic shows its worst excesses and even some new ones, like Deep State involvement (e.g. government direct investments in dubious research, involvement in companies, and even directly profiting from products through fees and patent royalties.) What dismayed me is that the "corruption" goes way back (decades). Deciding who gets funded for what probably has more to do with protecting and extending existing market share, taking priority over anything htat might challenge it. That factor alone almost guarantees that potentially revolutionary research will not get funded. If a scientist somehow does manage to get results, he faces a difficult battle getting published. He also has his present and future career prospects to mind. All told, the entire system is stacked against innovation and the advancement of science. To some degree these problems are probably inevitable in any system, but it is an eye-opener to see the extent to which money and power has compromised the system. Of course, it's pervasive, not just in health/medicine, all the sciences really. It's about protecting egos and careers. The advancement of knowledge is incidental.
The worldwide coordination of messaging and nearly identical official response and actions was so painfully obvious and so highly suspicious, it's a mystery to me that virtually everyone didn't notice it straight away. Unless one was watching non-corporate-government media, you wouldn't see the total uniformity of TV and radio messaging with completely identical terminology and adjectives used in each report. It was astounding to see, and it was impossible to not conclude that they were all acting in lockstep with directions from some single entity directing it all and sending them a script of what to report each time.
The was talked/planned in the documentry Plandemic. Event 201 where the need was to try an suppress or counter info that went against the narrative. I'm sure they've learned from their mistakes from the first attack.
Exactly. This kind of response takes time and thought. At work memos would come out daily, covid hotline etc. It's as if they went to their covid narrative source and it was all ready to go.
Love to hear someone else call it "covid crap" 😆 I've been calling it that since the very beginning 😆
That is my more family friendly description! 🤣🙃
I have a friend whose children made her do a COVID test before they would get together with her for Christmas THIS WEEK!! I wanted to ask her when she stops complying and the tyranny on their part ends...
I will be watching when I return to central florida. Had not seen a lot of masks when we left prior to Christmas.
In SWFL I've seen more masked people as they return for "season." Sad to see masks on even while outside in our beautiful weather, and it was a mix of older and younger.
The scenario has changed…
Covid, despite 2020 exaggeration, is real and not a flu
Covid is real and not a flu despite a similar CFR
💬 From the beginning, February 2023
Whence your unsated hurry to live the future comes, me humbly wonders 😏 Srsly, must be from overwhelming desire to see the covidian religion rip 😊
Sorry, quite a few grammar errors too! Lol.
Meh to your sorry & edit: where's all the fun then? 😭
I thought you were clearly speaking/writing in old English... 😉🙃
Meh again 🤦 Thou shalt not pronounce the obvious silent part out loud; 'tis a lousy habit to rain on other peeps' parades 😜
Bones, My hope for humanity was returned when I saw the responses to a painful tweet/ad from the WHO penned by Peter Hotez on Twitter. The volume of angry push back on him and WHO was a beautiful thing to witness. I hope "they" read the comments.
There's an old saying that you can't judge a book by its cover. Wrong. Everything about Hotez screams blowhard buffoon. He can't be bothered to exercise proper grooming and always looks like he just got out of bed. He has apparently never discovered the hair brush and his mustache probably traps food for weeks. His bow tie is absurd. Last off he lectures others as a "health expert" but is severely overweight.
I would never make fun of someone's appearance based on the accidents of birth, some people are just born worse-looking than others, that's not their fault. But Hotez, either through intent or just laziness, can't be bothered to make himself look presentable. A decent haircut and some grooming, coupled with grown-up clothes, would at least make him look like a serious person. Instead he intentionally looks like a goofball that telegraphs to the world that he does not care.
He's the Sam Bankman-Fried of the medical world.
More like the still-male twin of Doctor Rachel Levine.
I was astounded to learn that Hotez has a daughter with severe autism and he still peddles the crud. He even wrote a book saying that there was no possible way that vaccines made his daughter ill. Had to be something she was born with.
I believe my daughter was vaccine injured. I saw the change in her face as soon as she was given that MMR, her entire demeanor changed. We spent huge amounts of hard earned (not insurance covered) money for PT, OT, speech therapy and more! She is now 28 years old, works but doesn’t drive, communication is still challenging BUT she is a wonderful person thru and thru. If I could change things I would but for her not me, she’s a blessing no matter what. AND no neither she or I have taken the gene therapy....
My two boys were vaccine injured by the pediatric schedule… and what I now realize is this was likely God protecting them and our whole family from this covid vaccine …what we learned through that initial vaccine injury nightmare/experience made it clear to us that no one in our family should ever take another vaccine… I really think the covid vaccine could kill my boys (or even me) like it has so many others- because of our particular genetic vulnerabilities.
I am telling my daughter not to do mmr. I dont know what will happen when she goes to register her in school. I have heard it is safer at older age than age they give it. I think I am slowly becoming an anti vaxxer...God bless you and your daughter.
There was an mmr study some time back which showed drastically fewer reactions in the group receiving the mmr after age 2, I believe. I can’t remember the details but the gist was older is better as far as reactions go.
Hopefully they live in a state that allows exemptions from vaccines.
Not now. Her lunatic governor just passed a law disallowing religious exemptions. Hopefully she will move to Florida by that time. Hopefully Florida will stay sane. She loves the NE as do I, but it has gone full on insane these days.
I wish the best for her. ❤
Plus he and his daughter share a love for junk food and both regularly eat it. Well, it’s pretty obvious looking at him.
Yes, I saw that piece of the interview with Rogan. Hotez is a weird guy.
And he's a terrible liar. Makes you uncomfortable just watching him squirm and try his best to verbalize a catchy untruth.
He brought her to the dr or gave those vaccines to his daughter so he cannot deal w the fact it might be his fault she has autism
This is the issue with most parents who have vaccinated an autistic child.
Do not blame the parents!
I was meaning that most parents of vaccinated, autistic children do not want to entertain the thought that they presented their child to be vaccinated and that the vaccine could possibly be the cause of their child's autism.
But let's compound the problem with bad food choices etc. No way they are only occasionally eating junk food. His daughter should say to him "thanks dad." 😝
That his daughter has autism - that his pro-vax advocacy likely caused - is directly linked to the strength of his vouching for vaxxes.
To do anything less would be to have to face the horrible fact that he played a part in his daughters disability. The psychology of it would never allow him to question that.
Complete cognitive dissonance and reaction formation.
These people have a form of munchausen disease. So many of the parents in my area wear "having a special needs child" like a badge of honor. Really!? Maybe they failed to protect their children. It's nothing to be ashamed of but not something to define yourself as. Like "I am a single parent. " Meh. How are you helping your child. All about drama and getting attention for themselves.
Please don’t link us all in a group. I always say, “there but for the grace of God go I” the incredible challenges of having a child with “special needs” is not something I would wish on anyone. I consider myself lucky because my daughter basically has become self the point she could possibly live on her own some day. Many aren’t that lucky...sometimes you have no choice but to become who your child is. I would suggest embracing a family or two who have special needs kids, many of us have VERY small groups of friends because of our children. Sooooo we are always looking for people who want to understand our challenges. You may be surprised what you learn...
Sometimes it's hard to be 'rational' and 'reasonable' with all this damnable virtue signaling and the whole unquestioning accommodation of all of this by design ruination of humanity going on. It makes some of us very angry ... and to use a totally Commie word, 'challenges' our ability to sympathized with the general cussedness afflicting us, so to speak. (And I am not speaking directly to you here, but of the whole machinery which lies behind the purposed ruination of our lives and our family life.)
When I was in grade school in the 1950's, let it be said, there was virtually zero screwed up kids. Yes, there were smarter kids and less smart kids, but no 'challenged' kids. We all had small pox vaccination, and later the polio vaccine. Apparently, and as I am lead to believe ...The Science had not yet 'improved' to the point of wholesale chaos and runination. I am, of course, glad that your daughter is doing so well. And yes, you are right to say what you have said. And I am glad you thought to do so.
BUT! In a sanely run non-collapsing civilization, what happened to you should NOT HAVE HAPPENED AT ALL! Nor to anyone else! And the hardest thing to get one's head or hands around is that all of this evil going on all about us is deliberately done in a meticulously thoughtful orchestrated war against the great many of us 'regular' folks. From this spring the ambiguities.
I was also in grade school in the 1950s and my observations are the same. I remember getting sick with measles when I was about 5, and later I also got mumps and chicken pox. When I was a bit older but still in grade school, I distinctly remember getting the polio vaccine on a sugar cube. I remember how horrible and bitter it tasted. Meanwhile, my older brother (born in 1945) has/had what I have come to believe is a condition somewhere on the autism spectrum. He is high functioning, graduated from college, but his various personality oddities are explained by autism...and his condition manifested early and was not caused by vaccines. Something else perhaps, or just something unknown completely. But throughout my grade school and high school I never heard anything about autism. I also don't remember seeing serious behavioral issues in kids nor were kids overweight. Some boys were a bit rambunctious but they grew out of it.
In some ways it was a simple time. Yet in that era the CIA had no problems dosing people unawares with LSD, spraying live bacteria in cities to test the risks of biological warfare and so on. Who knows what other more evil things were going on? And now we live in a world where on the one hand an ethics panel will not approve a study to test, say, a new LDL lowering drug against placebo because it would be "unethical" to not treat patients "at risk" of heart disease when we all "know" that high cholesterol is a risk factor in such diseases, yet emergency and even later official approval is made of a mRNA gene therapy based upon dubious testing over a period of weeks, and even no human testing at all, and the product is recommended or even mandated for hundreds of millions. "Ambiguities" -- damned right!
I started first grade in 1957 (kindergarten was a private enterprise for kids in town, whose parents could afford it.). My observations were very similar. I had one classmate who had asthma. Other than that, no one had medical issues and no one was overweight.
Likewise, families were healthy and certainly in far better shape than this awful time we’re currently experiencing. I remember three children who had came late in my 5th grade school year and hearing that they had come to live with an aunt and uncle, which seemed a very curious thing. They were only there for a few weeks and one day their mom and her boyfriend came to the school and took them away. I had become friends with one of them and was playing with her when the mom arrived so I witnessed their departure. It left me with a hollowed out despondency and I cried. I just couldn’t imagine how they lived with such uncertainty.
Soon after that, a divorced woman, who had relatives in our community, moved in from Chicago and put her 3 children in my school. And they had obvious emotional issues. The teachers could be seen putting a lot of effort into trying to help them. Far more than any teacher could today, when probably the majority of children come from broken homes. This was my first exposure to divorce.
So more than physical health has dramatically declined. Soon my generation will be gone and we won’t be here to say, it has not always been like this. It used to be so much better before we rejected the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
In many cases the friend group disappears. But through engagement with special needs issues, I was aware of the problems with vaccine safety so I count friends who didn’t disappear as lucky because I warned them.
I get it but in my area this is how they lead the conversation. I know of people who like you try your very best to help your children. This is not the case here. Their children's special needs are exacerbated by the parents.
Having worked with ‘special needs’ children and interacting with the families, I certainly saw very good parents who did all they could for their children. I also saw those who exhibited Münchausen syndrome. They’re obvious. Also obvious was another group who seemed to want their children to be labeled with severe impairments because of the SSI (Supplemental Security Income-same source as Social Security, I believe.) and probably other benefits from other sources. These were mostly low income single parent (or grandma raised) households and generally the family unit had more than one child they got checks for monthly. They didn’t appear to do much more than provide a place for their children to sleep. It was difficult to get them to attend meetings. Many we never or very rarely saw. And they needed major support from the educational system in terms of keeping school available year round. I thought a lot about them, when schools were closed due to Covid. I suspected, but never confirmed that they were still being allowed at school. (I’m retired for a few years now.) Otherwise, I can’t imagine how they coped.
I do not want to hurt any parents with my observations. I know the good parents are there. I see them. You deserve all the support you can get. You are not the problem, but some others definitely are.
Sorry for the grammar nitpick, but it's "peddles", as in sells, what a peddler does.
While we’re on the subject of grammar, I’m puzzled. I’m seeing educated people using ‘lead’ as the past tense for the verb lead. I was taught the past tense is ‘led’. Has that officially changed?
And don’t get me started on the use of subjective pronouns in the objective instance. Everyone apparently decided the word ‘me’ is just improper in any setting. Hence, they say, “John gave the book to Mary and I.” I hear this everywhere and it is so annoying.
You're correct in both instances. "Lead" is another one that frequently annoys me. One I hear all the time now is "tenant" when people mean "tenet". I get the idea that grammar and spelling training isn't as rigorous as it should be in public schools.
Yeah, I fixed it. It's not always easy to get the spelling right when typing away for some reason
Hope springs eternal - but "they" (sheeple) are oblivious because of what I term "willful ignorance". Even my two otherwise what I thought were productive, intelligent sons will not listen to me when I share what I have learned about the evil manipulation of world governance, technocratic tyranny, and WHO/deep state nefarious plans for humanity. They believe their Mom who loves them always and raised them to "question authority" has gone off her proverbial rocker. Both of them are vaxxed and my youngest (he's now 50) is even boosted and believes it is protecting him. I weep inside!!!
Encourage them to listen to part of The Highwire from last week. Del explains how they found out through using FOIA that they gave up testing on all vaccines after the 1986 law that gave drug companies immunity on vaccine injuries. Just facts we're talking about here....harder to accuse people of believing conspiracy theories.
FACTS! Now documented in a grocery cart full of well authored new books, which validate authors that were exposing the dangers of what amounts to toxins injected sold to the public as life saving vaccines for nearly a half century, dubbed quack science, especially after the open free for all granted pharmaceutical companies after 1986.
and what about all the cancer cells that were found to be in 1/3 of the polio vaccines, causing the cancer issue we have today.
If only it were that simple - you see..."Mom" doesn't have all the "facts"--they have deluded themselves to "believe the lie" - and that is what saddens me most of all, Maureen and Mimi.
Yeah but you've gotten them confused with the stuff about evil intent and all that. I'm not saying that presenting simple facts will persuade them but it has a better chance than trying to explain about the WEF.
😢I’m so son and fiancé are jabbed as well. I lost it! Told them both to STOP! No more jabs! At least they haven’t been boosted but the docs are still pushing!
Do they have a medical reason to keep talking to the docs? My husband always talks to his doctors at Kaiser, even though it is more and more clear that they don't know anything. He had to insist on getting a Vit D test from his doctor who was sure that he couldn't be deficient. Then he talked to a family practice doctor who told him that all his problems had to be in his head. He upped his magnesium and D supplementation and now he's fine.
They have a daughter (my youngest grand) who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when she was only 7 (this is over 8 years ago now) and we almost lost her to this pernicious disorder that "mimics" so many others. So my DIL influences my son now--not me--and I guess that is the "natural order" of things in life. She is ALL IN on "consulting with doctors", especially because she delayed taking Audrey to any doctor in 2014--thinking her issues were "just a stomach flu"--but the child lost nearly TWENTY POUNDS in less than a other granddaughter (Audrey's older sister) kept telling her parents "this is more than just a flu" for several days--but then..."what does a child know"--Hannah was "correctemundo"!! I have no influence anymore--except "maybe" through Hannah...she still somewhat "hears" me and know that I do my research and that I LOVE THEM UNCONDITIONALLY--that is NOT what our Federal government is doing. They don't even "like" us!!
The doctors don't monitor blood sugar when somebody comes in with symptoms like that? 100 years ago they would have known right away.
A friend of mine has a niece who has Addison's disease. When she first got it, the doctors couldn't figure it out. My friend recognized it right away because a darkening of the skin is one of the symptoms. How did she know? Because somebody in a soap opera she had watched came down with it. She finally persuaded the doctors to check for Addison's.
Many of today's university-trained medical practitioners neither believe in, nor understand anything about, natural and herbal remedies. I delight in reminding them, when the opportunity is presented, that said remedies have been used for thousands of years by every culture that has not put $$$ ahead of health.
How do these "medical experts" respond to your reminders, Yinzer? I have a chart on the kitchen wall titled "Celestial Botanicals" that lists about 30 different herbs, their botanical genre/classification/common name/usages and it is amazing to me that we could be HEALING our bodies instead of pumping them full of nasty chemicals in order to achieve OPTIMUM HEALTH!