"At the end of the day, who knows how much of the pandemic disaster was malevolence rather than arrogant incompetence, but it’s a conversation we must have. I can’t wait to see what comes next."

At this point, I seriously doubt that we are seeing simple incompetence. It really is obvious attempt at mass murder.

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I think we’ve been fed the saying “don’t mistake stupidity for malevolence” or whatever in the same way we were fed “conspiracy theorists.”

We tend to focus on the useful idiots involved, thinking it is stupidity. But, like the deep state, there is competency up higher that is TRULY evil and it’s the useful idiots that tend to get them caught.

The question is, do we ever get to the competent ones. Like…. “Who was Epstein working for?” Useful idiot caught. Trail goes cold.

Fauci caught. Trail goes cold.

I tend to believe these are sacrificial wolves.

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Bingo! Useful idiots also includes all FDA and the Wuhan lab. But those who designed this, quite frankly, long thought out and planned democide are evil and should be hunted down with prejudice. If we do not do this, then they win and they will return with ever more horrendous horror. The trail STARTS with the Dept of Defense.

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The Trail "starts" with DOD but the Trials "Back" should (imo) begin with DOJ/FIB & DHS/ATF.

Of course, this is all conjecture, wishin & hopin as We/Me/You give Elections one more chance at a mostly peaceful path.

Don't put All our eggs in one basket is good advice. Si vis pacem para bellum my friend

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I always have hope but realistically, I don't give us good odds. The murderous apex elite cabal will sacrifice any number of lower level useful idiots to throw us off the trail of revenge and then will, as Childers described, field a fresh set of narratives and useful idiots to lead us right back into their trap again.

It is a looong shot to ever be able to bring justice to bear on the apex elite who are responsible for impoverishing Americans (and the world) to THEIR benefit and deploying a genocidal weapon to radically "reduce" - ie, murder - the population of America and the rest of the planet.

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3% Fought in the Revolution, perhaps 30% supported them, and it took Years from 1775 to a peace treaty in 1783. Though Cornwallis surrendering at Yorktown did conclude the major military battles earlier.

So Let Us, we/me/you pre-pare in earnest.


Si vis pacem para bellum

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Amen brother

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All under a Trump presidency.

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Not so! Through subterfuge and lies Trump was used to sign the authorization for the use of the bio-weapon but the ENTIRE plandemic and deployment of the bio-weapon was done under the Marxist OBiden regime.

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You are late for your TDS meds this morning, sweetie. We'll wait...

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We all loose … “it’s a big club and we ain’t in it”

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You win!!!

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CDC Called yesterday; instituting an "Immunization Survey"; i told the woman to please call back Friday so that i can get my list of questions ready for her

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If the CDC does call back, I suggest you answer in a fake voice and tell them that their subject died last night. Suddenly. Of unknown causes.

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According to CDC Website info...these are done via an organization in Chicago; totally random phone #s chosen by computer (like a lotto win?) various age demographics targeted for general statistics (since 1994). They don't know who they're calling (yeah right)

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Please come back and report how that call goes. I’m interested in what they asked AND what you ask.

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They called me years ago after I got Cdiff to find out if I got it from a dentist or a hospital (dentist). I would hang up on them now.

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looking it up on their website now in preparation

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I wouldn't tell them a thing. No trust for what they would do with the information.

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Make stuff up! Make it outrageous and silly and see if they fall for it.

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WP, it’s probably some scammer up to no good. And they may or may not be actual employees of the CDC. I do not trust anyone or anything that has to do with the medical industry.

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IMHO the most survival-oriented question for Americans is "for whom is our government working?" IOW what "enemy state" has taken over and is preparing the U.S. for total takeover.

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So long as the only quarter pursuing genuine investigation is the marginalized alternative media, we're bringing knives to a gunfight. The alternative media has made pretty amazing inroads, so there's decent, but not sufficient progress there. The executive, legislative, and judicial branches are a very hard nut to crack. The DOJ and congress are incentivized to make sure your question is never answered. Trump and a Republican majority in both houses will help, but they'll all still be compromised, just less blatantly so. I hope the Trump groupies are right and he actually DOES drain the swamp this time, if elected. But past performance is always the best predictor of future performance.

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Uniparty always yield$ to the lobbies.

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"Un-sacrificed as yet, wolves." Wolves do eat other wolves, and the Pack (Party) must be preserved at all costs. The Country or it's Citizens be damned. The Repubs can have a political CW between the Bushie Internationalists (NWO) and MAGA Populists; BUT the Bolshevik democRats seldom if Ever break ranks, though subterfuge is allowed to push even moar tyranny as in the House Squad Tactics. The Estab Quisling House Repubs & rinoRats have some dissenters (in the House Freedom Conference), but they are currently squashed.

Perhaps there is a Uni-Party in the District of Criminals & Tyrants....... eh, Comrades??? Gasp!!! Could they Even Be Malviolent !!! Look at their Actions, Not Forked Tongued Words.

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Exactly. We are RULED by a Uniparty of tyranny. Their objective is to suck as much wealth out of Americans as they can, destroy the independent middle class and reduce us to a manageable few through democide. At this point, they are well north at achieving 60% of their goal.

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Completely and totally.

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Ranked Voting will destroy the Uniparty! So the fraudsters tell us...it will only vanquish ALL MAGA-minded Republicans and institute outside $$$ control more effectively over a slate of Progressive candidates

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We shall not be vanquished.

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when you start looking at actions only that's when you know a federal solution isn't possible. The sheriffs need to start arresting and charging people at the county level and the state attorney generals need to back them up. I sure hope that people will get behind https://rumble.com/v4w29fl-ivan-goes-on-man-in-america-may-16.html

Ivan Raiklin has a REAL PLAN.... not WWG1WGA..... it's an actual plan with actual authority. He's put his life out there on the line like a real man.

PLEASE GIVE HIS PLAN A CHANCE and let's do something!~!

He's talking arrest STrzok, Page, Brennan and Clapper and so many others who deserve to be arrested and tried. He's even talking about Joseph Piantke which is the agent who entrapped General Flynn. He wants Crossfire Hurricane prosecuted like they did WAtergate..

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Raiklin indeed does have a plan, and we/me/you need to furnish initial support in our local areas by exposing others to this link.

Spread the Word while getting pre-pared. Time is short, imo.

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Gotta get Elon on board first.

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These wolves are locust - and they will eat each other. When that feeding frenzy begins that is the people's window to flip the script.

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Speaking of flipping the script, is it a coincidence that the map of New Idaho looks like a plucky bird rising east of Oregon?

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Does it?! LOL I lived in ID for 8 years... miss it.

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I live (sadly) in California, but I visited my sister near Boise last year and felt like I was in the America I remember. Normal people, no weird stuff anywhere that I saw. I got very nostalgic being there.

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Good point about the highly competent higher-ups vs useful idiots. I think you're wrong about Fauci and Epstein being useful idiots though. Useful, yes. Idiots, no. Smart guys, both of them. Way above the millions of useful idiots below. Neither is top of the food chain, you're right about that. Hanging in a cell? Not exactly what happens to those at the top.

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I agree...they are not stupid. But sometimes their extreme arrogance makes them careless, and we can catch them in the act, so to speak.

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Truly... Pride goes before The Fall!

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They want us dead.

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I’ve been saying that for years. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Anyone who doesn't realize that is just asleep at this point.

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What percentage of people do you estimate out there are asleep?

Just trying to get a read where you think it is.

I am thinking 50%. I think we have almost flipped it. I thought that when Trump won. That was the most unprecedented win that we had since maybe the 1940s. I knew the MSM propaganda was over then.

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I live in a blue state.

I estimate that at least 75% asleep.

Even when I go to the VA and try to take about covid, and the draconian measures deployed, I either get severe disinterest or just a blank look.

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People have short attention spans and we have been conditioned to quickly move on from one hyperbolic media subject to another.

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Our VA is awake to a certain degree. I know the head of the lab who admitted they amplified the PCR test for the Covid by 30!!!!!!! You can find ANYTHING you are looking for at that amplification......... he knew it was meaningless at that factor. I think we have started people moving toward the direction of the system has failed and now is super dangerous, which it is.

I sure hope you are doing ok Kathleen. I'm saying a prayer for you to be able to help your VA fellow patriots to understand where we are. God Bless you.

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Meghan Kelly’s recent interview with the congenitally pompous Bill Maher laid bare a sleeping drone. He seemed completely ignorant of established facts much less the meaning of “facts.” When confronted with them, he admitted he hadn’t heard them, labeled them “your opinion,” and climbed right back on his high horse.

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99% of Leftists and 70-80% of center-right are tools or disengaged.

I did a recent outreach to 1,000 ACTIVE, participating Republican Voters and got one response back; Fk me--in a sense they deserve what they get from Progressive Predators

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I can't imagine living in that kind of cult like state.

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Respectfully suggest that you consider the wide difference between "asleep" and "in deliberate denial".

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My definition of asleep may differ from yours. There is no way anywhere near 50% see the reality. They stop taking jabs and vote the other way when they, despite their low level of awareness, sense things aren't working and at least have the grain of wherewithal to decide to try something else. As soon as they think the worst is over they'll flip back and support their beloved "thought leaders" and tyrants. Human nature doesn't change. Upwards of 90% are either unable to think for themselves, or so uncomfortable with where that leads that they will always outsource their ideas to the most effective propagandist.

IOW, "flipping" 50% or more to our side is what we need to do, but it doesn't mean they're awake. And they won't be reliable.

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We need to separate the asleep from the brain dead, the vote for a lamppost communists. I estimate perhaps 15-20 % of the population are unreachable, hopeless. Like anyone still supporting Biden, or wearing a mask (saw 2 young women in the parking lot today, and we shook our heads) , watching CNN or MSNBC for their information. Asleep? Guessing a third of the population hasn't a clue. So yeah, total of just under 50 % are still hopeless or normies. That doesn't mean the other 50 % are willing to stick their head above the parapet yet just because they know something is seriously wrong.

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Depopulationists are getting closer to openly Genociding masses of people--sterilization, abortion, euthanizing, all manner of disease and disabling, administering infertility...no limits

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Seems like this is OLD news... "One patient, a 71-year-old female, tested positive for COVID-19 at the emergency room on June 23, 2021. She saw Dr. Lin in a telemedicine visit the following day. He prescribed her 12 milligrams of ivermectin daily for five days"

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The article was updated 5/23/24 from the original 5/17/24 date, so recent. The actual event may have occurred years earlier. These things take time to wind through the court system. Bottom line still can’t get IVM prescribed by a doc in my state. The medical harassment is ongoing.

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Since I haven't been at the doctor for years now, (and not planning on it either) I would not know. BUT I have ordered it several times from AllDayChemist.com without a problem, so I'm well stocked for now.

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They want us dead and not just by vax. In third-world hot zones, our people go in handcuffed by orders like “get shot at first and ask questions later.” But in a Florida resort hotel where paperwork is guarded by our own Secret Service, a federal goon squad goes in with an order like, “shoot to kill.” No amount of “standard procedure” makes this rational. Who will defend us from enemies, domestic?

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I suspect We will need to defend ourselves. Hopefully through lawsuits and the courts. Which is sort of working now.

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We have no "official" defense.

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Good points.

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But it's done in 3 stages: 1. Fat 2. Sick and then 3. Dead. That way all the Big Food and Big Harma get to line their pockets and make a killing*

(*pun intended, results may vary).

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Don’t forget demoralized … I think it came before “fat”

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Agree 💯

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WA state continues to harass doctors trying to do their job of treating patients with IVM. My recommended Flccc doc was also threatened by WA health authorities with losing his license if he continues to prescribe IVM. https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/doctor-fined-for-prescribing-ivermectin-against-covid-19-post-5651103?utm_source=Morningbrief&src_src=Morningbrief&utm_campaign=mb-2024-05-22&src_cmp=mb-2024-05-22&utm_medium=email&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa%2BYydB0Gwc%2Fo674Pt2kXCLt3ShhSV972mD%2Fl1E%2BHheEv1Q%3D%3D

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IS THIS CURRENT NEWS??? "One patient, a 71-year-old female, tested positive for COVID-19 at the emergency room on June 23, 2021. She saw Dr. Lin in a telemedicine visit the following day. He prescribed her 12 milligrams of ivermectin daily for five days"

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Not until AI is fully functional with robots.

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It’s become my mantra.

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Dr. Michael Palmer M.D. (fired from his teaching position at the University of Waterloo Canada), described Covid and “vaccine” as an “extermination campaign” purposely designed to kill off humans.

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It is ALL intentional. Could it be that their steady confessions of pandemic incompetence be a set up to ultimately place all blame on Trump ? They are truly masters of deception.

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Seriously! It is obvious the plandemic was intentional. It was a world-wide coordinated genocide that REQUIRED decades of planning and development and billions of dollars. Anyone who says otherwise should be put in a hole and covered over.

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Beyond reasonable doubt!! Ppl died! Ppl are still dying! Babies died, that should end abortion! Germans hung for as much! Hang and confiscate their assets and distribute to the remaining population! Let's live reinact Esther.

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In March, 2020, the Council on Foreign Relations declared the western world needed to be more like collectivist totalitarian China:

Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weaknesses

The Current One Highlights Its Strengths

Foreign Affairs, March 27, 2020


And in that story from the most influential international affairs publication in the world this book is cited:

Rural Health Care Delivery

Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013


('GET' .pdf download)

Disease Politics. It's a tried and true tactic of "fundamentally transforming a nationalist into a collectivist authoritarian one. This is what the pandemic attack was intended to launch. Largely successfully thus far.

My Stack on this highlights many chapter and section titles in the book. That give the Logic of Disease Politics away:


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Excellent analysis though beyond the understanding of everyday people who are concerned about daily life and providing for their own.

Most do not know that the German Nazi holocaust was also a "medically" driven campaign. The German Jews were a close-knit community that lived in their own neighborhood or ghetto. When a disease broke out in their ghetto, the Nazi gov't ordered all Jews to wear a yellow star on their clothing so "un-diseased" Germans could avoid coming in contact with them. So... the Jews became regarded as a diseased race. From there, the Jews became viewed as sub-human and a diseased threat to everyone. As a defective sub-human race, it was but as short step to marking them for extermination. All of this as promoted by the Nazi party. The same thing is happening here vis-a-vis the Marxist characterizing Christians as Theocratic terrorists. Mark my words. It's going to get a lot worse.

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You are a smart person, but I caution everyone from taking at face value what we have had drummed into our heads from birth. The people who write history are the same people who gave us the plandemic, Lee Harvey Oswald did it, the 9/11 song and dance, and all of the other psyops. The truth needs no law to protect it. Trust nothing and no one unless you truly verify it yourself, and that starts with forgetting Google even exists.

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I was 14 when JFK was assassinated, and I saw Oswald get shot on live TV. Later I saw RFK get shot on TV. And then MLK was killed too. As young as I was, I always thought from that time onwards that what the government was telling us about it all didn't add up. I think I've been unable to trust what the government and politicians say from that point onwards.

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Wise advice.

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True about most people's day-to-day concerns.

Here on Substack where long-form writing is more likely to be read and minds are more open to exploring history and analysis some of us try to introduce information that even some of the best and brightest curious minds haven't been exposed to before. In hopes that some of those minds decide to investigate further. And some of them take it a step further and massage the info down to a format that everyday people busy in their daily lives can take in and digest.

Hitler's Germany, Mao's China, Stalin's USSR all fit into an agenda that many looking more deeply into history are able to connect the dots to. "Disease Politics" was and is informed by a theory of the practice of medicine called "Medical Sociology." How to use infectious disease - the fear of - to "fundamentally transform a society:


Medical Sociology is also tied to Marxist "Conflict Theory":


And Medical Sociology gave rise to an organization, "Association of Internes and Medical Students," that was disbanded and scattered to other medical sociology movements after it was associated with the Red Scare during the McCarthy Anti-Communist hearings:

"Association of Internes and Medical Students"

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_Internes_and_Medical_Students (AIMS)

AIMS helped midwife Disease Politics:


It's interesting to note that "The other side of Obama's brain" Valerie Jarrett's father was a member of AIMS. And a eugenicist:


And it's also interesting to note that the American Society of Medical Sociologists were a part of John D. Rockefeller, Jr's emerging allopathic medicine-led eugenics campaign over a century ago. This New York Times story from 1913 lists many familiar names and characters from history like FDR, Edward Bernays, the Flexner brothers, who's subsequent work in many fields, primarily medicine and Pharma, banking, propaganda, industry, clergy, politics and academia are bound together by their underlying core belief in and support of eugenics:

Choosing Audience for Brieux Play

J. D. Rockefeller Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation

Social Workers Approve

The New York Times, page 13, February 23, 1913


Disease Politics. How the world is being fundamentally transformed into a collectivist totalitarian hellscape, in service to a eugenics-based master race society - that Hitler, Mao and Stalin all embarked on (with substantial US/UK investment and guidance). Communism and Fascism being different sides of the same centralized totalitarian coin. Just as the Council on Foreign Relations told us they had in store for us back in March, 2020.

It's taking us a awhile to connect all of the dots. But we're doing it. And as the picture of the world as it truly is becomes more clear we become better able to identify its weaknesses and defeat the enemies of individual liberty, personal sovereignty, and representative governance of the people, by the people, for the people.

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Agree 100%. It's going to get alot worse.

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From the book's official description:

"Diseases are everyday, ordinary occurrences intimately related to people’s daily lives. However, as the metaphor of the “Sick Man of East Asia” emerged against the backdrop of a weak modern China, health care and the curing of diseases were turned into grand state politics with far-reaching implications. This book, starting with the argument for diseases being metaphors, describes and interprets such incidents in China’s history as the Abolishment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Cooperative Medical Services. In an effort to reveal the internal logic of disease politics in the transformation of the state-people relationship, the book analyzes key aspects including the politicization and inclusion of diseases in state governance, the double disciplining of hygiene, legitimacy construction of the state, the remaking of the nationals, and the expansion of the “publicness” of the state. The book argues that disease politics in modern China has developed following the path from nationals to the people, and then to citizens, or from crisis politics and mobilization politics to life politics. In addition, a marked change has occurred in China’s state building: increasingly standard, rationalized and institutionalized means have been employed while the non-standard means, such as large-scale mobilization and ideological coercion, had been historically used in China."

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Michael Yon (journalist) spoke about China’s take over of Hong Kong: importing a few people, 100-150, at a time until there were enough CCP nationalists to quell/quash any dissent of the takeover.

Our open southern border appears to following the same process: a “few” 1000 every day until the voices against NWO, WEF, WHO, takeover are the minority.

I am standing with Jesus. He is sovereign. “Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted.” Ps 127:1

If Jesus is the architect of this plan, we are covered. If He is not, then these builders are wasting their time, money, energy. Nothing can stand against our God. March on!

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That's The Spirit, MaryAnne. Let's turn it loose.

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Yes, I believe the timing was coordinated with the on-going rise in populism throughout the West. Think of it as one, massive "color revolution" writ large.

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Excellent synopsis of some bizarre history. I like what you said about sharing the info even though it's heady and most people don't have the time to pay attention. If WE stop sharing the Truth it will cease to exist. We're planting seeds of knowledge with hope.

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Wouldn't "data" show fake unprecedented seasonal worldwide flu pandemics in 2023 and now 2024 ravaging global populations since there was a faked re-set baseline of Zero flu in 2020, 2021, 2022(?), and now in our post-covid 19 era we have a return of flu perhaps a 100,000,000 % increase?!....WHO and CDC need to DO Something!!!

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Good point about resetting the (false) baseline of flu to Zero during those years!

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That is exactly what they are doing, but many more people are awake now.

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A hundred million percent increase 😂😂

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It seems to me that Trump's incessant claims to be Vax Daddy sorta proves that he is complicit (or a fool). So, yes, he is one of those who need to be prosecuted and hanged for mass murder. The gallows will be very long and many ropes.

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Abuse Productions--you might appreciate the humor in this T-shirt.


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I’m actually working on an article on this very topic! The topic of “Democide” and its IF the pandemic disease was indeed malevolent.

PS: in order to understand, we need to understand Menticide, the systemic killing of an individuals mind: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/september-11th-and-menticide

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Consider for the article that the idea of epistemic responsibility was abandoned worldwide. The fallacy of the "appeal to authority" was the new rule.

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Amen. And these people coming out now saying, "oopsie" we were lied to, are NOT apologizing for being complicit in destroying lives and businesses and maiming and killing millions of people. I don't trust any of these people because I'm sure when the next big thing comes along, they will do *exactly* what they did during "covid".

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As far as I am concerned, there are no "oopsies". Every person who is instrumental in this mass murder must be held accountable, and I include every stinking medical person who chided and cajoled their "patients" into the death jab.

But when it comes to the orchestrators, I want to see them all swing from the gallows, and as I have offered many times before, I will gladly pull the lever when they are prosecuted.

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You'll need to hold a Lottery for that cherished opportunity....

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I agree. No oopsies! These people were in positions of immense power and were paid enormous salaries, and if they didn't or couldn't figure things out as thoroughly as many of us were able to very very early on, they absolutely should not have been in those positions. On the other hand, if they knew full well about it all and proceeded anyway, which it appears that they did, then there should be a harsh reckoning for them. No holds barred. For some reason, the concept of waterboarding keeps floating into my mind. Waterboarding or a full admission of guilt.

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So, you are basically asking for Nuremberg 2 trials (where they elicited confessions via torture)? Are we to use shrunken heads and fake human skin lampshades too? What about the soap? Can't we also use fake human soap?

Methinks there is ample real evidence to find them guilty. The issue is can we find a court who is not so tainted that it would prosecute. State prosecutors should already have enough evidence for indictments, at the very least.

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I've been waiting (hoping) all the people that pushed and profited from this massacre would have a terminal vax injury. But alas, I'm sure they were either exempt or given a prophylactic. Except for the rat.... I want him to die a slow and excruciatingly painful death. I'd even volunteer to help administer it.

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I am so happy that we are finally ‘getting it’. It broke my heart to watch my friends and family succumb to the medical mafia. It was so lonely keeping what I knew to myself for so long.

But as least my husband, a believer in science, stuck by me and now thanks me for saying no.

Now, sadly, I watch people around me getting turbo cancers and heart issues. 💔

I pray we are wiser now, because the enemy won’t stop until we uncover who they really are.

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on my way to a child's funeral, cancer from diagnosis to death of 90 days. This stuff never happened before the vaxx. A horror of epic proportions is raging across our country. God help us to understand who is attacking us and what has to be done now.


This man has the answer that remains to us.

Have you heard of Ivan Raiklin?

He wants the sheriffs at the county level to do the arrests live streamed???

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Make friends with your constables, sheriffs, and local cops. Very few are woke or bought, and we're going to need all of them.

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You won’t believe who the enemy is. I just posted a show that Rush Limbaugh did in 2004—and as strange as it is to believe, believing these people are not human is the key—or at least soulless.

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Well, it sure seems most of them exchanged whatever souls they may have had for money and power.

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I will never think of science in the same way. I feel like it has moved on to Dr. Frankenstein.

Why is there still no cure for cancer?

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Personal anecdote, 2¢: In conversation with a prominent M.D. at a prominent university not too long after 9/11 I said I thought the cure for cancer was out there but it was under lock and key. My comment was met with silence. No comeback, no argument, nothing. The conversation was quickly curtailed. To my mind, this was a tell, revealing I was on target. But what do I know? I have learned over time to trust my instincts, though. They rarely let me down. Actually, I can't think of any time they have. 🤔

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Agree. A cousin, (by marriage), while doing post-doc research at a prominent academic institution discovered a mechanism for curing ovarian cancer 40 years ago. The results of his research is owned by the university and will never see the light of day. Needless to say, he was greatly disillusioned and discouraged. But, in his retirement, he resumes work toward an “end-around”. I pray for God to plow the road ahead of him.

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If nothing else works out, perhaps he'd consider a guerrilla action - release everything electronically, as widely as possible, when/if he thinks he's close to being terminally ill. Nothing to lose then, and he'll have done great good in the world. Maybe develop a failsafe option in case of his sudden death, so the information is released anyway.

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God is in this work 🙏🏻

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