It's Memorial Day. We accept the torch passed from our fallen brothers and sisters. And my summary of where AI is going — and why it suddenly appeared during the pandemic — may surprise you.
Your reaction is what they want. They want us older folk to feel like we have no place in the future.
The world needs warriors of truth and wisdom, now more than ever. Fading away into the background is what they need us to do. Without wise, calloused, and experienced elders to guide them, the younger soft-headed generation is doomed. The globalists need our old ways of thinking to go by the wayside in order to make way for their new demented future. Let's not make that an easy fight for them to win.
The AI narrative that was "no where and is now, suddenly, everywhere", is what a mass hypnosis/predictive programming exercise looks like.
Consciousness shift propaganda on a mass scale - at the flip of a switch.
I don't know. A lot of the over 50 crowd were some of the biggest, nastiest covidiots around. I am 61. I definitely do not fit in with my age group. I have found kindred spirit with my children and their friends. Ages 26 and 24. They suspect the country's leaders and a lot of adults are losers. I have told them they are correct.
Or maybe that any time you put your faith in man you are bound for disappointment.
Luckily there are people from all age groups that are worthy of being believed and should be hailed - especially when their lives and treasure are at stake. A good thing to ponder this day.
Well, so true but we have knowledge of history they aren’t teaching now. Not sure what we were taught is anymore true but I think we have more experience with life they don’t want us knowing/sharing with younger generations. I love hearing there are young people who get it! I was so thankful one of my sons knew something wasn’t right but my military son … 😖
I listen to a conservative pair of guys on the morning radio. One of them said a couple of days ago that his 10 year old son said this out of the blue: "Why do they only teach about black history in school?"
BFM, the overwhelming majority of the "older generation" already showed its true colors. There was a reason the word "Boomer" became a pejorative. "OK, Boomer."
Had a meaningful number of this cohort -- that some now allege will come forth as warriors -- of any kind -- smacks of deep denial of how this group 𝒂𝒍𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒚 conducted itself when the country -- and the younger generations -- needed it most.
STL, I am 42 and there are many many people younger than me fighting far harder than I. "Older generation" means just that, older: Any generation that hasn't been put through the meat grinders of Common Core and CRT because the school system hadn't yet been completely overrun by Gates and his death cult crew.
Be careful to paint an entire generation with the same brush. As with anything, you will find the good and the bad.
Absolutely! My son is 41 and daughter 37..they grew up more like my boomer generation than the much younger generation. I dont know where the age cutoff is of normal schooling and culture having transitioned to this perverse lunatic culture?
I know that my conservative leaning son who used to debate his professors at American University in Washington DC doesn't even recognize his college anymore.
I believe it is based on faith and family. Once a mcmansion, 401k and other worldy things are your focus, you are now one of the lost ones. Affects every age.
I think it happened in the 2000s, around 2010 or so and accelerated through the Ovomit terms. And through the Trump term, and now the demented one's. Prior to that in the 1990s it was not so bad. In the 80s was pretty good actually.... though my Dad then told me that the illegal question was going to break the bank, and he was right about that! in 1985 that was...
What about my comment suggested that younger people are not fighting? I specifically responded to my friend, BFM, and his reference to the "older generation." I then gave an example of what I meant -- using my own cohort, the Boomer generation -- as an example of how this generation has so badly dropped the ball it makes my head spin.
As for "painting" an entire generation, I have only to look around and see the carnage of the last three years and remember my (and a very few others of any age) lone stance against this crime. Were there exceptions? Sure. But that's what we were -- exceptions!
Had the numbers been reversed with the vast majority doing as I did, for example -- giving up my job, full retirement, my home, my income, my health insurance, enduring name-calling, bans from professional social media, denial of service because I refused to comply with the snot pouch mandates -- and on and on, tritorch, maybe I could see things your way. As it stands? The evidence -- the overwhelming evidence -- supports my conclusions.
I think that might be a regional observation, STL. The "boomers" around me, who have stood up and are speaking out far out number the ones hiding behind their masks, waiting for their next jab.
Would love to know where you are. I’m in the “Blue Hell” of West L A & sadly most “boomers” I know are complete morons about what’s going on. They’re blissfully ignorant, watch CNN, listen to and believe NPR, and still believe that the shots saved their lives.😵💫😵💫😵💫 I’m sadly one of the tiny few of my group of friends and colleagues who’s standing up and fighting back.🤷♀️
I do agree though that painting any one group with the same paintbrush is unproductive.
Also, perhaps rather than referring to the “old” way of thinking because “old” always sounds like a negative, what about referring to real human thought processes as the “authentic” way of thinking?
Same in Philly and the suburbs outside of it. Highly educated morons. Not much depth here. Over medicated entitled pricks. They are reaping what they have sown.
Most of the Boomers I know watch Fox or Newsmax. They laughed at masks while wearing them. They got the shots (without forcing others to) because their doctors recommended it. So did the man they voted for. He repeatedly urged them to get their Trump shots and the Boomers did. The Father of the Vaccines as he is proud to be known.
You have to move then. To areas that are more friendly. Headed to Florida for this reason (and my rents are here and need me) ... later when I am done caring for them, I will be moving to some place like Alaska, if that option is still open.
I am wondering where this mythical place is so I can move there! Even in conservative (outside of SLC) Utah initially took on the "conform or be cast out" line. They were not arresting people for walking maskless, but they closed parks and the mask Karens patrolled with their shame sticks yelling and pointing at the poor fool who dared walk the path without a gag on. The WORST were the people in my neighborhood of old people hid in their homes for 2 years or screamed at people for not wearing PPE while playing team sports and lived in utter fear of their fellow man and his germs. It is hard not to continue to disdain them.
Young people here that I saw, which was not a tremendous amount seemed split. Some wore masks well beyond the norm, others didn't wear them unless required.
The LDS church was all about the vax - to their shame.
Were they there in the beginning? Did they go out and enter businesses with bare faces? Did they refuse to stand six feet apart -- such a painful absurdity I can hardly stand it. When the "15 days to flatten," arrived, did they demand that things go back to normal?
I can see from these comments the great reluctance to admit the obvious about this nation's vast majority -- regardless of age. Unproductive, some might say? How is being honest and seeing things for what they are "unproductive?"
Wore a cheese cloth mask to work with "Molon Labe" on it to let everyone know where I stood. Wished I could have added a T shirt with the provocative Jewish Star labelled "unvaccinated"/"unclean"... heads would have rolled if I did. Couldn't take it off or I'd be written up and I needed the job. But I did NOT need the jab or the testing *hit* they rolled out for the non vaxed (only) and so I left at that point. I'm rebuilding now, and I have to say... I'm not going down to conformity, if there is a loop hole I'll find and exploit it as well as I am able.
My observation as well. I'm 74, and I live in Northern California in the foothills/mountain area. I meet a great many people in my age group who are just as knowledgeable about all this as I am. They know what is going on and they are furious. However, there are still too many on the other side, unfortunately. But there are also too many brainwashed people in the 30-50 range as well. The 20-somethings I encounter seem to be very disgusted with government and won't even vote for any of them.
And they have left a lineage of children to follow in their footsteps… look at Soros… he has a son in his 30’s and one even younger… there’s no way their eugenics globalist ideology dies with them…same with gates… he has kids in their 20’s… there’s a whole next generation that we’ll have to deal with. And Gates daughter is going to school to be an MD… so how long before we’re having to listen to her ‘medical expertise’ ??!? She’ll be pimping all the same vaccine ideology he is…
I am always astounded that I am taken for much younger than I am, then when the younger ones figure out my true age, they say things like: You are so based! You are so real! I reply, nope, just very well experienced in life and 100 percent see though bull shite... you will too if you live long enough. (And that's the sad part, they might not live that long if they don't start taking actions to promote their longevity).
Actually, the Amish are not compliant lambs. And I wouldn't count them out as naive or soft headed. They know who they are, what they believe in and in the face of pressure don't cave. In a sense we who live in society and wish to be a aprt of it could learn a thing or two from them. Christians could learn how to be faithful to the Lord by looking to them for example IMHO.
Well, the implication that becoming an Amish would be a run away and and hide (or something to the effect) and that is what the government would want. The comment was well up in the thread. Not just above. Total respect for the Amish.
I don't think anyone suggested the Amish are compliant lambs. Quite the opposite, as you point out.
I recently toured a history center describing the Amish from (non-Amish) apostles in the first century church, through the Reformation and development of the Ana Baptists, and then the Amish. Quite the thoughtful and intentionally non-compliant group of people. Not every single individual, but as an entity, as a church, very thoughtful and intentional about their beliefs.
Where was that? I think that would be interesting.
An Amish group relied on natural immunity during COVID. The MSM went out to interview this curious group who (silly silly them) thought natural immunity was a real thing. It was so funny to watch.
That's right Sheepdog. In all things seek Him. It isn't just a ism. There is not one thing in life, no matter how new and modern that the Bible does not answer. After all, as a wise man in the Bible lamented - "there is nothing new under the sun". Actually let's have a look at the context Ecclesiastes 1: 8-10 " All things are wearisome, more than one can describe; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear content with hearing. 9What has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. 10Is there a case where one can say, “Look, this is new”? It has already existed in the ages before us." A bit of a downer, but it's true.
I wonder if it might be more effective to refer to our human way of thinking and functioning as “authentic” or “authentically human” as opposed to “old” since the label “old” is usually meant negatively.
Words matter. "authentic" is a start in the right direction. Not sure it quiiiite nails it. Don't take this as a slam. More like brainstorming. Hey, I don't have an equivalent or better suggestion off the top of my head. The "reliable" way of thinking? (And thank goodness we'm still got it!)(You sorta hear "old" as in "old reliable" but absent the weight of "old"?) The "holistic" way? The "genuine" way? Not feelin' the nail. So I should keep my fingers silent maybe? In any case, I agree about "old". Words matter.
*edit: My condolences on West LA location. Left in '90. For unrelated (politically speaking) reasons. Who knew it would turn out to be a red state blessing? Although I am in a pocket of blue-headed nonsense.
The ability to sit with unknowing, and to imagine, or use logic, or ask another human, instead of googling every question.
The ability to know that boredom won't kill you, and better yet, YOU are the best way to relieve any boredom you feel--the answer is IN THERE (in yr psyche/gut/heart/spirit/soul), not OUT THERE.
A tendency to go straight (or at least, closer) to the source, for answers to a question, rather than to an intermediary.
The understanding that life, or learning, can be slow, and involve many seemingly unproductive steps, or detours, and that this, too, is not fatal, maybe even a good thing.
A greater facility with the three-dimensional world, which can only be healthier for brain, muscles, endocrine system, and psyche, than extended hours in front of a blue-light beaming screen.
The solid greater knowlege of, as well as grounding and faith IN that three-dimensional world.
Wishing you a peaceful holiday from blue CA as well,
"neuronal-based" thinking? "NB thinking." The purity of neurons only, absent any so-called advanced technology.
I agree the answers are all IN HERE. We just have to quiet the busy mind to access the wisdom. The practice of cultivating awareness. One must listen to that soft, light whisper of egoless voice. Starts as intuition. Blossoms as inner knowing - you don't know how you know, you just... know. (Only "positive," "uplifting" knowing qualifies. Anything harmful or destructive in any way is grounds for dismissal.) Then understand/know that since there are 8 billion of us, it's ok to share but don't get too wrapped up in the ego need to have anyone buy in or accept your one illuminating truth. Like attracts like. C&C is proof of concept. 😉☮️
A refinement (?or not?) of my above "NB thinking": "pure neuronal" thinking? "PN" thinking. The only technology needed is built in, human grounded.
Somewhere around here there's a succinct one or two words that nails it. If we don't find it, nothing lost. We'm usin' the ol' neurons to spark creative thought. A good exercise. 😎
Flashing to Bradbury's Book People in Fahrenheit 451. ...To self: remembering the long ago brief episodes when the water heater died and it took a few days to replace it. We adapted. And the time the refrigerator died and it took a week to replace it. We adapted. And the storm when we lost power for nearly a week. We adapted. Wasn't fun, but we adapted. And learned ways we wouldn't have otherwise. Reliable ways. Have ya ever paused and thunk what people did before refrigeration and central heat and cooling and cars and telephones (the first, wired kind)? Oh the things we take for granted. ...Hope to make it through this Great Upheaval but going home before it's all over ain't a bad option. ☮️
Yes, I've thought that for the past 3 years, too. But the Amish don't want "new recruits". They have their communities, and we need to develop our new parallel societies. We would do well to model ours on the Amish, though. There is a lot we can learn from them. Our new parallel societies must be, like the Amish, rural (food independence), able to get by without "the grid", hard working, and hopefully faith-based and with a spirit of helping one another.
Yes, we could learn a lot from the Amish. And I bet they'd be willing to teach us. They've been dealing with how to live non-conforming lives for decades. Think of the fights against electric lights on their buggies... (at least in one region I know about). Somehow, apparently, they worked out a compromise or something. Because they all have flashing lights at night now.
I had a huge wakeup call over the last 3 years. I am retired military and am heartbroken over what my beloved Navy, and the US military, has become. It's like the US Navy is being run by The Village People. SecDef Austin and fat General Milley are decimating the military. CCP is watching and knows the US military is weak. And we are running out of weapons because the corrupt Biden regime is giving them to Ukraine.
And I no longer trust the medical establishment. The draconian practices used show that the medical community is totally ignorant and controlled by Big Pharma.
When you step back and look at all the insanity, I just want to run away from home.
Prior Air Force here and ditto on all of the above!! It took me a long time to find like minded people (I live in a blue state) and I am encouraged by others who are aware. I want to run away too but I don’t know where to run 😭
The degradation of the US military is probably why their recruitment rate has fallen so much lower. I can't imagine that many people would want to be part of that perverted mess, unless you are like the Village People.
Memorial Day seems like just another propaganda ploy to attempt to justify and even glorify the endless aggressions and wars to distract the clueless public from their actual evil. It's obvious that none of the undeclared invasions since WWII have protected any of our freedoms.
Regarding AI, it too is also just another propaganda ploy whose main purpose will be to become the so called 'fact checkers' that decide what is information vs misinformation. It is 4th or 5th generation propaganda.
Siri, Cortana and Alexa are already infiltrating many people's lives, and are sort of the introduction of the masses to AI.
It's for people who cannot or won't bother to do their own research, and would rather trust a machine or 'fact checker'.
Yes. There are whole communities of Amish in Sarasota area. Lots of Michigan Amish travel down there and stay for the winter or for vacations. We know some as my husband has family that are Amish.
@Kathleen Janoski, I live among the Amish. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve got a handle on this! I got my second “forum” post from my Amish natural medicine store last week!
I wonder if that also is a regional thing. I was reading of someone who had moved from the city (don't remeber the city/state) to a rural area, to begin homesteading and commented on how the entire community was not very accepting of them, specifically mentioning the Amish community. From my understanding, there's only one Amish community in all of Texas, and it's not remotely close.
I somewhat agree. For example, when I read the letters of my relatives from the 19th century, there seems to be a lot more affection there than what people seem capable of today. It's like I can feel the brushing of skin against skin, the tactile connection which comes from within.
I pretend to play the classical guitar ... the best I can. What I notice in the guitar world is a tendency towards a more mechanical music. It's like the schools have this cookie cutter approach to music which takes all the 'breathing' out of it. A few though escape this. I like the playing up to and a bit after WWII, the old guys and gals. They were less 'polished' but more alive in the performance. I even remember a friend of mine, a great player, much older than I saying how he like performers who sometime gave truly great performance now and then, and who weren't monotonously the same every time.
(This is not to say, there are no great players today. There are. I speaking only to general trends).
Would love advice from anyone? I heard back from my Texas board of nurses and was “found guilty” for not giving remdisivir. I am not sure if I should try to fight this or just take the remedial classes and pay the fee? I have to pay $1050 in classes and fees 😡 I will always stand by my decision not to poison a patient! I saw it kill to many people!
I would start by talking to lawyers. Go to FLCCC website & see if they have lawyers taking on suits.
Meryl Nass got legal help from sone organization taking on these battles -- find out where she got help. Once you find out the costs (financial, time, energy, etc) vs risks (loss if license to practice, blacklisted, etc) , you'll have a much better idea of what to do. Then you can pray & ask God his opinion.
Meryl is being helped by Children’s Health Defense. She is a contributor. I believe her next hearing is tomorrow. It will be live-streamed on CHD TV for anyone who is interested.
If anyone is aware of specific groups/organizations that maintain lists of lawyers who take on these types of cases, could you please post a link here? thanks
After reading all that info you wrote on AI, I think I might ask the Amish if I can join their community.
Your reaction is what they want. They want us older folk to feel like we have no place in the future.
The world needs warriors of truth and wisdom, now more than ever. Fading away into the background is what they need us to do. Without wise, calloused, and experienced elders to guide them, the younger soft-headed generation is doomed. The globalists need our old ways of thinking to go by the wayside in order to make way for their new demented future. Let's not make that an easy fight for them to win.
The AI narrative that was "no where and is now, suddenly, everywhere", is what a mass hypnosis/predictive programming exercise looks like.
Consciousness shift propaganda on a mass scale - at the flip of a switch.
Don't fall for it.
Probably why they tried to get rid of everyone over 50!
I don't know. A lot of the over 50 crowd were some of the biggest, nastiest covidiots around. I am 61. I definitely do not fit in with my age group. I have found kindred spirit with my children and their friends. Ages 26 and 24. They suspect the country's leaders and a lot of adults are losers. I have told them they are correct.
Or maybe that any time you put your faith in man you are bound for disappointment.
Luckily there are people from all age groups that are worthy of being believed and should be hailed - especially when their lives and treasure are at stake. A good thing to ponder this day.
Well, so true but we have knowledge of history they aren’t teaching now. Not sure what we were taught is anymore true but I think we have more experience with life they don’t want us knowing/sharing with younger generations. I love hearing there are young people who get it! I was so thankful one of my sons knew something wasn’t right but my military son … 😖
I listen to a conservative pair of guys on the morning radio. One of them said a couple of days ago that his 10 year old son said this out of the blue: "Why do they only teach about black history in school?"
And are still trying and succeeding.
Thank you for standing up for our society. The older generation is more important than ever to the youngsters today.
BFM, the overwhelming majority of the "older generation" already showed its true colors. There was a reason the word "Boomer" became a pejorative. "OK, Boomer."
Had a meaningful number of this cohort -- that some now allege will come forth as warriors -- of any kind -- smacks of deep denial of how this group 𝒂𝒍𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒚 conducted itself when the country -- and the younger generations -- needed it most.
STL, I am 42 and there are many many people younger than me fighting far harder than I. "Older generation" means just that, older: Any generation that hasn't been put through the meat grinders of Common Core and CRT because the school system hadn't yet been completely overrun by Gates and his death cult crew.
Be careful to paint an entire generation with the same brush. As with anything, you will find the good and the bad.
Absolutely! My son is 41 and daughter 37..they grew up more like my boomer generation than the much younger generation. I dont know where the age cutoff is of normal schooling and culture having transitioned to this perverse lunatic culture?
I know that my conservative leaning son who used to debate his professors at American University in Washington DC doesn't even recognize his college anymore.
I believe it is based on faith and family. Once a mcmansion, 401k and other worldy things are your focus, you are now one of the lost ones. Affects every age.
I think it happened in the 2000s, around 2010 or so and accelerated through the Ovomit terms. And through the Trump term, and now the demented one's. Prior to that in the 1990s it was not so bad. In the 80s was pretty good actually.... though my Dad then told me that the illegal question was going to break the bank, and he was right about that! in 1985 that was...
What about my comment suggested that younger people are not fighting? I specifically responded to my friend, BFM, and his reference to the "older generation." I then gave an example of what I meant -- using my own cohort, the Boomer generation -- as an example of how this generation has so badly dropped the ball it makes my head spin.
As for "painting" an entire generation, I have only to look around and see the carnage of the last three years and remember my (and a very few others of any age) lone stance against this crime. Were there exceptions? Sure. But that's what we were -- exceptions!
Had the numbers been reversed with the vast majority doing as I did, for example -- giving up my job, full retirement, my home, my income, my health insurance, enduring name-calling, bans from professional social media, denial of service because I refused to comply with the snot pouch mandates -- and on and on, tritorch, maybe I could see things your way. As it stands? The evidence -- the overwhelming evidence -- supports my conclusions.
Most take the easy way out. It is easier to cave and go along then stand your ground.
I think that might be a regional observation, STL. The "boomers" around me, who have stood up and are speaking out far out number the ones hiding behind their masks, waiting for their next jab.
Would love to know where you are. I’m in the “Blue Hell” of West L A & sadly most “boomers” I know are complete morons about what’s going on. They’re blissfully ignorant, watch CNN, listen to and believe NPR, and still believe that the shots saved their lives.😵💫😵💫😵💫 I’m sadly one of the tiny few of my group of friends and colleagues who’s standing up and fighting back.🤷♀️
I do agree though that painting any one group with the same paintbrush is unproductive.
Also, perhaps rather than referring to the “old” way of thinking because “old” always sounds like a negative, what about referring to real human thought processes as the “authentic” way of thinking?
Same in Philly and the suburbs outside of it. Highly educated morons. Not much depth here. Over medicated entitled pricks. They are reaping what they have sown.
Most of the Boomers I know watch Fox or Newsmax. They laughed at masks while wearing them. They got the shots (without forcing others to) because their doctors recommended it. So did the man they voted for. He repeatedly urged them to get their Trump shots and the Boomers did. The Father of the Vaccines as he is proud to be known.
My parents live outside la county and are totally on it.
West Texas
You have to move then. To areas that are more friendly. Headed to Florida for this reason (and my rents are here and need me) ... later when I am done caring for them, I will be moving to some place like Alaska, if that option is still open.
I am wondering where this mythical place is so I can move there! Even in conservative (outside of SLC) Utah initially took on the "conform or be cast out" line. They were not arresting people for walking maskless, but they closed parks and the mask Karens patrolled with their shame sticks yelling and pointing at the poor fool who dared walk the path without a gag on. The WORST were the people in my neighborhood of old people hid in their homes for 2 years or screamed at people for not wearing PPE while playing team sports and lived in utter fear of their fellow man and his germs. It is hard not to continue to disdain them.
Young people here that I saw, which was not a tremendous amount seemed split. Some wore masks well beyond the norm, others didn't wear them unless required.
The LDS church was all about the vax - to their shame.
Were they there in the beginning? Did they go out and enter businesses with bare faces? Did they refuse to stand six feet apart -- such a painful absurdity I can hardly stand it. When the "15 days to flatten," arrived, did they demand that things go back to normal?
I can see from these comments the great reluctance to admit the obvious about this nation's vast majority -- regardless of age. Unproductive, some might say? How is being honest and seeing things for what they are "unproductive?"
Wore a cheese cloth mask to work with "Molon Labe" on it to let everyone know where I stood. Wished I could have added a T shirt with the provocative Jewish Star labelled "unvaccinated"/"unclean"... heads would have rolled if I did. Couldn't take it off or I'd be written up and I needed the job. But I did NOT need the jab or the testing *hit* they rolled out for the non vaxed (only) and so I left at that point. I'm rebuilding now, and I have to say... I'm not going down to conformity, if there is a loop hole I'll find and exploit it as well as I am able.
My observation as well. I'm 74, and I live in Northern California in the foothills/mountain area. I meet a great many people in my age group who are just as knowledgeable about all this as I am. They know what is going on and they are furious. However, there are still too many on the other side, unfortunately. But there are also too many brainwashed people in the 30-50 range as well. The 20-somethings I encounter seem to be very disgusted with government and won't even vote for any of them.
All the horrible old geezers are in charge.
Pedo Joe, drunk Nancy, turtle McConnell, Feinstein, Soros, warmonger Kissinger who just turned 100, John Kerry...evil takes forever to die.
They do seem to live forever. Deals with the devil?
No doubt they made a deal with Satan...especially that warmonger Kissinger.
And they have left a lineage of children to follow in their footsteps… look at Soros… he has a son in his 30’s and one even younger… there’s no way their eugenics globalist ideology dies with them…same with gates… he has kids in their 20’s… there’s a whole next generation that we’ll have to deal with. And Gates daughter is going to school to be an MD… so how long before we’re having to listen to her ‘medical expertise’ ??!? She’ll be pimping all the same vaccine ideology he is…
Even God doesn't want to deal with them.
No joke. Just wait until they need someone to change their points & condenser.
I am always astounded that I am taken for much younger than I am, then when the younger ones figure out my true age, they say things like: You are so based! You are so real! I reply, nope, just very well experienced in life and 100 percent see though bull shite... you will too if you live long enough. (And that's the sad part, they might not live that long if they don't start taking actions to promote their longevity).
I've said from the beginning of the plandemic, if the globalists had just waited 10-15 more years, their plans would've gone off without a hitch.
God wins. Period. The globalists will look like they are win if. But not when Jesus returns.
Trump's election is what prompted their move. Totally Unexpected. That's why all is being thrown out for a last ditch attempt.
Presidents are selected, not elected. ~Franklin D Roosevelt
Usually but in this case wonder if they weren’t caught off guard. I don’t know but it’s a thought
Answering that would clarify many things, wouldn’t it?
Actually, the Amish are not compliant lambs. And I wouldn't count them out as naive or soft headed. They know who they are, what they believe in and in the face of pressure don't cave. In a sense we who live in society and wish to be a aprt of it could learn a thing or two from them. Christians could learn how to be faithful to the Lord by looking to them for example IMHO.
No way did the preceding comment suggest the Amish are compliant lambs. Quite the opposite. Much smarter than we ‘English’.
Well, the implication that becoming an Amish would be a run away and and hide (or something to the effect) and that is what the government would want. The comment was well up in the thread. Not just above. Total respect for the Amish.
I don't think anyone suggested the Amish are compliant lambs. Quite the opposite, as you point out.
I recently toured a history center describing the Amish from (non-Amish) apostles in the first century church, through the Reformation and development of the Ana Baptists, and then the Amish. Quite the thoughtful and intentionally non-compliant group of people. Not every single individual, but as an entity, as a church, very thoughtful and intentional about their beliefs.
Where was that? I think that would be interesting.
An Amish group relied on natural immunity during COVID. The MSM went out to interview this curious group who (silly silly them) thought natural immunity was a real thing. It was so funny to watch.
The only REAL answer is in The Word,,,,,from the Beginning. The Free Will aspect has swept multitudes away....
That's right Sheepdog. In all things seek Him. It isn't just a ism. There is not one thing in life, no matter how new and modern that the Bible does not answer. After all, as a wise man in the Bible lamented - "there is nothing new under the sun". Actually let's have a look at the context Ecclesiastes 1: 8-10 " All things are wearisome, more than one can describe; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear content with hearing. 9What has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. 10Is there a case where one can say, “Look, this is new”? It has already existed in the ages before us." A bit of a downer, but it's true.
Excellent comment.
I wonder if it might be more effective to refer to our human way of thinking and functioning as “authentic” or “authentically human” as opposed to “old” since the label “old” is usually meant negatively.
Words matter. "authentic" is a start in the right direction. Not sure it quiiiite nails it. Don't take this as a slam. More like brainstorming. Hey, I don't have an equivalent or better suggestion off the top of my head. The "reliable" way of thinking? (And thank goodness we'm still got it!)(You sorta hear "old" as in "old reliable" but absent the weight of "old"?) The "holistic" way? The "genuine" way? Not feelin' the nail. So I should keep my fingers silent maybe? In any case, I agree about "old". Words matter.
*edit: My condolences on West LA location. Left in '90. For unrelated (politically speaking) reasons. Who knew it would turn out to be a red state blessing? Although I am in a pocket of blue-headed nonsense.
How about "pre-computer" thinking?
The ability to sit with unknowing, and to imagine, or use logic, or ask another human, instead of googling every question.
The ability to know that boredom won't kill you, and better yet, YOU are the best way to relieve any boredom you feel--the answer is IN THERE (in yr psyche/gut/heart/spirit/soul), not OUT THERE.
A tendency to go straight (or at least, closer) to the source, for answers to a question, rather than to an intermediary.
The understanding that life, or learning, can be slow, and involve many seemingly unproductive steps, or detours, and that this, too, is not fatal, maybe even a good thing.
A greater facility with the three-dimensional world, which can only be healthier for brain, muscles, endocrine system, and psyche, than extended hours in front of a blue-light beaming screen.
The solid greater knowlege of, as well as grounding and faith IN that three-dimensional world.
Wishing you a peaceful holiday from blue CA as well,
"neuronal-based" thinking? "NB thinking." The purity of neurons only, absent any so-called advanced technology.
I agree the answers are all IN HERE. We just have to quiet the busy mind to access the wisdom. The practice of cultivating awareness. One must listen to that soft, light whisper of egoless voice. Starts as intuition. Blossoms as inner knowing - you don't know how you know, you just... know. (Only "positive," "uplifting" knowing qualifies. Anything harmful or destructive in any way is grounds for dismissal.) Then understand/know that since there are 8 billion of us, it's ok to share but don't get too wrapped up in the ego need to have anyone buy in or accept your one illuminating truth. Like attracts like. C&C is proof of concept. 😉☮️
"Grounded" thinking? Foundational? Rooted?
"HG" = human grounded thinking!
Biological based beings, reflecting the Glory of God. We have a soul, we can be 'inspired' .... AI does NOT can never, do that.
A refinement (?or not?) of my above "NB thinking": "pure neuronal" thinking? "PN" thinking. The only technology needed is built in, human grounded.
Somewhere around here there's a succinct one or two words that nails it. If we don't find it, nothing lost. We'm usin' the ol' neurons to spark creative thought. A good exercise. 😎
H.I. - I loved this turn of words you posted: "So I should keep my fingers silent maybe?"
😊Who here is not at a keyboard? 🤔😉
excellent, very perceptive comment. Kudos
well put tritorch. Thank you for that perspective. You obviously have that wisdom. We older folks tend to not realize that.
We’re not locked in here with them; they’re locked in here with US!
Don’t know if any of you read
David Jeremiah. He is excellent. If you are interested in the false profit and the second beast. This is a great, easy to understand article .
My question is ... how do we keep the human in humanity?
Great comment!
I was thinking something similar. LIKE, GET ME OUTA HERE!!!
come Lord Jesus come! Really!
Right? Been feeling more and more ready. I live in MN and want out as it gets worse every day. Sigh... there's is nowhere to go now.
I literally just said that to my husband. 🙂
I believe that may be the only option to the technocrat's New Abnormal.
AI is a tool they'll use to centralize their control over the grid and all electrical devices.
Nah. Evil does not win out. Whatever happens, do not fall to despair. Our rewards are not of this world but of the next. I will not go down willingly.
I agree. But we may have to embrace low tech options to live and worship God freely before the Victory.
Flashing to Bradbury's Book People in Fahrenheit 451. ...To self: remembering the long ago brief episodes when the water heater died and it took a few days to replace it. We adapted. And the time the refrigerator died and it took a week to replace it. We adapted. And the storm when we lost power for nearly a week. We adapted. Wasn't fun, but we adapted. And learned ways we wouldn't have otherwise. Reliable ways. Have ya ever paused and thunk what people did before refrigeration and central heat and cooling and cars and telephones (the first, wired kind)? Oh the things we take for granted. ...Hope to make it through this Great Upheaval but going home before it's all over ain't a bad option. ☮️
Technology is overrated.
We did just fine for years using low tech options.
Your family is blessed.
Me too : )
Yes, I've thought that for the past 3 years, too. But the Amish don't want "new recruits". They have their communities, and we need to develop our new parallel societies. We would do well to model ours on the Amish, though. There is a lot we can learn from them. Our new parallel societies must be, like the Amish, rural (food independence), able to get by without "the grid", hard working, and hopefully faith-based and with a spirit of helping one another.
Yes, we could learn a lot from the Amish. And I bet they'd be willing to teach us. They've been dealing with how to live non-conforming lives for decades. Think of the fights against electric lights on their buggies... (at least in one region I know about). Somehow, apparently, they worked out a compromise or something. Because they all have flashing lights at night now.
Take me with you....
I don't have far to drive...already live in Pennsylvania!
Oh that's right--you're at the west end. Lancaster Cty is about 90 min from me (at opposite end of the Commonwealth)
Would you be ready to 'be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind"?
I had a huge wakeup call over the last 3 years. I am retired military and am heartbroken over what my beloved Navy, and the US military, has become. It's like the US Navy is being run by The Village People. SecDef Austin and fat General Milley are decimating the military. CCP is watching and knows the US military is weak. And we are running out of weapons because the corrupt Biden regime is giving them to Ukraine.
And I no longer trust the medical establishment. The draconian practices used show that the medical community is totally ignorant and controlled by Big Pharma.
When you step back and look at all the insanity, I just want to run away from home.
Prior Air Force here and ditto on all of the above!! It took me a long time to find like minded people (I live in a blue state) and I am encouraged by others who are aware. I want to run away too but I don’t know where to run 😭
My son joined USAF a couple of years ago & although I’m incredibly proud of him, i despair for him too, under this DEMONIC administration.... 😔
I heard some Americans went to NZ thinking it was some sort of untouched paradise and found it was as corrupt to the same/a greater degree as the US.
When the outside world is as messy as it is (we're in the mess-age), the only place to go is 'inside'.
The metaphor of 'Noah's Ark' was to meditate, or 'build an ark' in ones mind, so when the deluge comes, it's business as usual.
The degradation of the US military is probably why their recruitment rate has fallen so much lower. I can't imagine that many people would want to be part of that perverted mess, unless you are like the Village People.
Memorial Day seems like just another propaganda ploy to attempt to justify and even glorify the endless aggressions and wars to distract the clueless public from their actual evil. It's obvious that none of the undeclared invasions since WWII have protected any of our freedoms.
Regarding AI, it too is also just another propaganda ploy whose main purpose will be to become the so called 'fact checkers' that decide what is information vs misinformation. It is 4th or 5th generation propaganda.
Siri, Cortana and Alexa are already infiltrating many people's lives, and are sort of the introduction of the masses to AI.
It's for people who cannot or won't bother to do their own research, and would rather trust a machine or 'fact checker'.
Some Amish in Florida too!
That site has some other Amish hot spots in the sidebar.
I think the lesson from the Amish is to do your best to not entwine yourself in this world. Stay true to yourself and God.
Be not conformed to the patterns of the world
Great links! Thank you!
Yes. There are whole communities of Amish in Sarasota area. Lots of Michigan Amish travel down there and stay for the winter or for vacations. We know some as my husband has family that are Amish.
@Kathleen Janoski, I live among the Amish. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve got a handle on this! I got my second “forum” post from my Amish natural medicine store last week!
Just know that it is a really high bar to cross that a woman isn't married and/or born into.
Oh I think posting that comment just blew up your inbox...LOL. did.
The Amish aren't too keen on outsiders.
They're happy to help neighbors. I know a number of families nearby.
They let you join--if you agree to obey their rules.
I don't plan on joining but forming an alliance. A lot of little alliances already exist.
My study of the Amish indicates they will accept sincere converts.
I wonder if that also is a regional thing. I was reading of someone who had moved from the city (don't remeber the city/state) to a rural area, to begin homesteading and commented on how the entire community was not very accepting of them, specifically mentioning the Amish community. From my understanding, there's only one Amish community in all of Texas, and it's not remotely close.
That sounds like a great idea. How long before the Mark of the Beast is required for buying and selling? Come, Lord, Jesus!
I somewhat agree. For example, when I read the letters of my relatives from the 19th century, there seems to be a lot more affection there than what people seem capable of today. It's like I can feel the brushing of skin against skin, the tactile connection which comes from within.
I pretend to play the classical guitar ... the best I can. What I notice in the guitar world is a tendency towards a more mechanical music. It's like the schools have this cookie cutter approach to music which takes all the 'breathing' out of it. A few though escape this. I like the playing up to and a bit after WWII, the old guys and gals. They were less 'polished' but more alive in the performance. I even remember a friend of mine, a great player, much older than I saying how he like performers who sometime gave truly great performance now and then, and who weren't monotonously the same every time.
(This is not to say, there are no great players today. There are. I speaking only to general trends).
I considered it two years ago!
And, I was thinking who is the patron Saint of AI?
Oh Kathleen!
I thought the exact same thing when I was reading this!!!
And I live near the Amish country in my state.
Would love advice from anyone? I heard back from my Texas board of nurses and was “found guilty” for not giving remdisivir. I am not sure if I should try to fight this or just take the remedial classes and pay the fee? I have to pay $1050 in classes and fees 😡 I will always stand by my decision not to poison a patient! I saw it kill to many people!
I would start by talking to lawyers. Go to FLCCC website & see if they have lawyers taking on suits.
Meryl Nass got legal help from sone organization taking on these battles -- find out where she got help. Once you find out the costs (financial, time, energy, etc) vs risks (loss if license to practice, blacklisted, etc) , you'll have a much better idea of what to do. Then you can pray & ask God his opinion.
Meryl is being helped by Children’s Health Defense. She is a contributor. I believe her next hearing is tomorrow. It will be live-streamed on CHD TV for anyone who is interested.
I believe Epoch Times will also be live-streaming her hearing.
More info on Dr. Meryl Nass' medical board hearing.
Thank you. I forgot to mention she has a stack!
If anyone is aware of specific groups/organizations that maintain lists of lawyers who take on these types of cases, could you please post a link here? thanks
Thomas Renz, a lawyer in Ohio, is on the forefront with things covid related. atty Todd Callender & team
Contact Warner here:
There's a lady in CA named Peggy, I believe. Someone here probably knows who I'm speaking about.
Peggy Hall.
Yes, thank you. Peggy Hall
Peggy Hall
VSRF / Steve Kirsch is keeping a list of attorneys.