“Poland says it doesn’t need them, never wanted them, and isn’t paying for them.”

May this spread to all nations. Would be overjoyed to see the corrupt, evil drug companies go bankrupt.

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Poland has been smartening up after some misteps (like being the conduit to pump NATO gear into Ukraine). They:

- refuse 3rd world invaders

- no longer ship weapons into the front

- deny latest big Pharma garbage

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Hopefully this leads to the fall of the EU. I remember when the EU was still in its infancy and there was so much hope.

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They sold hope. They did their job well and it sounded so, so very good. But they forgot to tell the EU prospects that the EU was always a NWO Marxist conspiracy for totalitarian government total control. Canada, Mexico and the United States beware.

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The EU objective was to take sovereignty away from its member nations. They lost any control over immigration. The USA has the ability to do it but doesn’t.

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Exactly right.

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Obama was our Hope salesman. 😖

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Yes, Hope and Change ... this was the Obama-ite mantra. And it is always a Hope and Change which never materializes. I saw transparently saw through Obama for the extreme Marxist he was and has never really denied being. But back in the day and many decades ago, I did not have the beginning of a clue where state amalgamation was going since everything then (and still is) was done by deception. Who some fifty and more years ago had the idea that the EU project was part of a world totalitarian movement? Not the most of us.

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I also thought it was very interesting that Obama overtook Clinton so easily. One of my very progressive friends at the time (we are no longer friends at all. No loss there.) denied it had anything to do with the fact that Obama was a man and Clinton was a woman. It was our discussion about how O had no more, and perhaps less, experience than C. I told him that this switch over to O just proved the continued bias against women. He said it had nothing to do with it, but rather her connection to the old regime.


Mind you, I didn’t like her anymore than I liked him, but here he was claiming to be all progressive and he was still supporting a man over a woman. Now, I’m sure he supports the trans “women” over real women because, you know, that’s how it is.

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I had the opposite feeling about it, actually. I never thought it a good idea, and I was mystified why they'd all want to give up their individual and national sovereignties.

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all of western europe is the size of texas. imagine border crossings between every state in the US and even between larger counties. imagine non stop currency exchanges. imagine on the plus side everyone speaking 4-6 languages which made this american feel like a total ignoramus

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Not true about the size of western Europe, not even close. France alone is about the size of Texas and Spain comes pretty close.

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Don’t have to imagine. Been there, done that. Not a problem! My French was horrible and I could barely understand what the Brits & Irish said...LOL

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Imagine two world wars.

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Not from this corner of the globe--I could foresee it was the "first step" toward a "one world government" miasma. I would be THRILLED if the EU dissolved!!

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Perhaps we should move to POLAND!! I read a news article yesterday that a large number of migrants (illegals) from Venezuela are returning to their "home country" disillusioned with the "American Dream" which they said is anything BUT a dream. Guess what--WE THE PEOPLE already knew that...our progenitors WORKED for a living and didn't expect FREE STUFF. They relied on their "Yankee ingenuity" and our Creator God to carry them through life--COME WHAT MAY. Didn't expect "Government-funded education or Government-funded retirement. Didn't WANT "free stuff" because--SOMEONE ALWAYS HAS TO PAY.

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A FB friend of mine did just that! Her hubs was of Polish descent and his retirement savings weren’t gonna go far in Texas...so they moved to Torùn, Poland a year or two ago. Happy as clams!

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Beautiful!! Thanks for sharing this bit of "positivity", Susan.

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And continue to make the best Polish Sausage. Recipe greatness never ends.

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I think of home improvement and tim’s slaskies (sp?)

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Ah YES--"kielbasa"-- used to eat it regularly--before I changed my "animal protein" preferences--LOL!!!

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Me too. Never again will I eat pork.....gag

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I was referring to minced up varieties of meat that are doused with sodium nitrates and nitrities for preservatives. Pork is fine with me--I'm not Jewish, BTW--HAH!!

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What made you stop eating pork?

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My guess: the fact that they have been using mRNA jabs in pigs since 2018, we recently learned.

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If it wasnt such a cold temperature nation I might move there....

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And on a bit of a different topic but with the same attitude - Italy says it doesn’t need, want, or will allow fake (lab created) meat in their country, and will fine anyone trying to sell, make, import it. Now they have to contend with EU on that ruling.

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Italy's right-wing government has backed a bill that would ban laboratory-produced meat and other synthetic foods, highlighting Italian food heritage and health protection.

If the proposals go through, breaking the ban would attract fines of up to €60,000 (£53,000).

Francesco Lollobrigida, who runs the rebranded ministry for agriculture and food sovereignty, spoke of the importance of Italy's food tradition.

The farmers' lobby praised the move.

Read more of the article here …


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I am so impressed, what a great thought: keeping our traditions alive. The pendulum is swinging.

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We can only PRAY that this is the beginning of a massive UPRISING among WE THE PEOPLE worldwide!!

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Yes, let's keep praying for this. God always wins. And good people encourage good people. ; D

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Reminds me of the Bug’s Life movie…

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I hope it passes.

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One of the few aspects of modern UK life is the BBC reporting!! I also appreciate that their female commentators look educated and authentic instead of "Barbie Doll" wannabes!!

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Everything I have heard about the BBC is that it is the CNN of UK........

And ‘looking educated’?

How does one ‘look’ educated?

Just asking.

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They speak clearly and succinctly and they dress conservatively without showing their "cleavage"!! Of course, I'm describing REAL women--not the "tranny ones"!!!

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An interesting & hopeful read. I hadn't read about synthetic milk before, although much of baby formula is artificial with all the additives isn't it?

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THey do sell vegetarian ‘fake’ meat though. Mostly side dish stuff. I’ve seen it on their grocery shelves, but not the fake beef patties or fake ground beef. Hadn’t ever seen that. Hopeful about this.

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Thanks for your comment. I should have said “lab created” meat instead of “fake” meat. But I think most readers knew what I was talking about… hopefully.

The article did say they planned to eliminate the word “meat” from products that were not actually meat but other ingredients such as veggies.

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FINALLY! May native country has a SPINE! But then most Italians think with their stomach ;-)

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When I click 3 dots, it's either 1) share, 2) hide or 3) delete. Edit not an option?!🤯

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I get Edit and Delete, but not Share.


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I think with my stomach too 😂😂😂

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That and the "little head"!!

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Ha ha. Goes w/o saying.

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Oh...I prefer to restate the "obvious" - might awaken some of the "dead"heads!

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What's that first graphic--is that a dinner plate or a perfume bottle--LOL!! The second is a glass of wine and, of course, the ever-present PIZZA PIE! Did you know--northern Italian fare is far more "bland" than the rest of Italy--mainly because most of northern Italy was a part of Austria (repartitioning after WW I) for decades and the Austrian influence can be "tasted" in northern Italian fare--even today! We visited that part of Italy in 1983, and I was very discouraged by the bland way they cooked spaghetti--NO SAUCE ....just finely chopped meat and cheese. I ate what I could because I was famished--but it was horrible!

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Absolutely true! Not only fake meat - anything other than Italian meat is banned (except on the US owned military installations).

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Hadn’t heard that but LOVE it.

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Poland is intelligent and good for them!

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Poland has done many things well - but I have to wonder what is behind its recent efforts to stockpile arms ..... a HUGE effort. What are they planning for ? Three guesses, and I'm thinking you only need one.


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They were the first country invaded in WW II--so I would imagine it's for protection against the aggressors of WW III--which I shudder to contemplate.

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Any aggressor would have to endure the wrath of NATO.....on the other hand - what if THEY were contemplating taking an aggressive stance? Perhaps one that, under Article 5, NATO would not support.

.....who the heck knows? By the way, it seems that S. Korea has also provided the technology and know-how to Poland to build the weapons themselves - and Poland is currently building factories for just this purpose.

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Worth remembering that it was the Russian Empire/Catherine the Great that partitioned Poland - actually the Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which encompassed today’s western Ukraine in its boundaries while Kiev/Eastern Ukraine was Russian, and Crimea was captured from the Turks/Ottomans under CtG as well - back to the point: partitioned *three times*. The land was divided between Russia, the Austro-Hungarians, and the Prussians. All that was left was the itty bit around Warsaw. Poland regained much of its land in the negotiations at the end of the Great War/WW1, 125+ years later.

How the heck did the Polish people maintain their national identity and culture for over 100 years? And a relatively short time later, started the dominoes falling in the crumbling of the Soviet system, spending decades (we are wise to note) fighting for their independence- and winning! May they once again, undo another empire: the EU.

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The Poles are notorious for their obstinance - one must realize the obstinance CAN be a virtue (unlike "stubbornness").

My money's on the POLES, friends!

Oh--and thank you for the very valid social studies lesson on the backstory of the boundary changes of various Eastern European countries, FH!

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Also need to bankrupt the profiteers in charge. Bourla is rich enough that his company can fail without much discomfort and he could then just do it again under a different name.

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I wonder how may "ordinary people" know that Bourla's degree is in VETERINARY MEDICINE--he knew full well there are TWO GRADES of Ivermectin --1 for HUMANS and 1 for ANIMALS!

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Not sure if there are 2 grades of Ivermectin or not, but certainly each had their own labeled use, even being the same exact ingredient(s). There are many medications that are used for both animals and people. Even your vet will tell you when you can use a human medication (or not) for your pet.

It was just a great way to stop people from seeking treatment, that the medical community failed us on, by telling us you are not a horse or a cow. This they hoped would stop anyone from considering taking their own health in their own hands. Instead, leave it to the professionals who choose to do NOTHING until our lips were blue and we were too far gone.

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It's the same ivermectin, just formulated and packaged either for human or animal consumption. Humans can use the horse dewormer paste form of ivermectin just fine. It requires some math to calculate the correct dose for a 150-lb human vs a 2,000 lb horse, but it's the same stuff.

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Are you certain about that difference? IDK.

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Don’t agree that they’re different (although animal is sold with other components too), and pretty sure WebMD changed how IVM was presented. Mg/kg dose exactly the same in animal and human form (initially; rec dose higher now per FLCCC). All part of the “there can’t be a treatment that works” IMHO. Many F&F have successfully used the animal version, including one who mistakenly took the dose for a 1200 lb horse! 🤪 The only AE, a few extra trips to the bathroom. That said, I’d rec the human form because quality control should be more strict. Thanks for the link, Sharon!

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Trying and hanging Bourla for mass murder is entirely appropriate.

Not hanging him is the real crime.

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Name change may not even be necessary:

4/28/21 Pfizer acq Amplyx Pharm, dedicated to therapies for those with compromised immune systems.

12/21/21 Pfizer agreed to acquire Arena Pharm, focusing on pulmonary artery hypertension (blood clots, aka pulmonary embolism is a major cause) & inflammatory conditions.

Pfizer, too big to fail:


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Yep--very well planned--they are going to "clean up" one way or another!! At the "harm" their concoctions are inflicting on hundreds of MILLIONS of citizens around the globe.

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No words! 🤬 Need my C&C friends to keep me sane! I still remember reading a couple of the early, deeply flawed studies on IVM. I swear, until I awoke to the big picture, I wondered if I was loosing my mind. Really hard to comprehend that much evil.

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I've lost whatever innocence I had left after the past 3 1/2 years or ludicrous and evil finaglings of the powerful and greedy people and organizations existing in today's "advanced" technocratic age.

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They acquired a pharma company focused on clotting? Could it be that they are trying to leverage the damage their other products caused? (Read in the voice of the Oak Island narrator) ; )

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No leveraging--they'll make HUGE profits from the "harm" the "jabs" are creating--a very "prudent" move on Bourla's part--the Board of Directors must be very "proud" of their business acumen - devils--the lot of 'em!!!

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Good point.

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the covid shots are no longer available in ICELAND...quietly

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Never happen--but we will see some BRIGHT SPOTS on the horizon. The EU would have to dissolve and we would have to have a return to semi-ethical governance!!

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Demand refunds and REPARATIONS!!

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If only. Today, my city’s newsletter arrived in my inbox. It only had one thing in it: where and when to get your flu and COVID shot. I struggle with how they are still pushing this when the CDC doesn’t even recommend it. It’s to be expected, though, as I do live in So Cal.

I have many fantasies about the pHarma companies going bankrupt, fantasies about the heads being tried, found guilty, labeled pedophiles, and thrown in jail with the regular population where justice will truly be served. But, then, I remember, karma will take care of everything, and she’s quite the bitch. 🤪

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Then Moses and the sons of Israel sang this song to Yahweh and said,

“I will sing to Yahweh, for He is highly exalted;

The horse and its rider He has hurled into the sea.

Yah is my strength and song,

And He has become my salvation;

This is my God, and I will praise Him;

My father’s God, and I will extol Him.

Yahweh is a warrior;

Yahweh is His name.

Pharaoh’s chariots and his army He has cast into the sea;

And the choicest of his officers are sunk in the Red Sea.

The deeps cover them;

They went down into the depths like a stone.

Your right hand, O Yahweh, is majestic in power,

Your right hand, O Yahweh, shatters the enemy . . .

Yahweh shall reign forever and ever.”

— Exodus 15:1-6, 18 LSB

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Thank you for sharing….read this gem this week and it has stayed with me all week..

“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” John 6:68

Beautiful reminder that there is no one else but Him!

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Lovely and powerful. Thank you.

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When I was a child, one of the worship songs we sang at church was from this scripture. I’ve been struggling to get through some tough times at work so I began singing praise songs at the top of my lungs as I drive in each day. I’ve had to really cast back in my memory for some of these, but this particular song is one of my favorites; I love the melody, the declaration of God’s might, and the resolve to praise Him. It really starts out my day in the best possible way. It reminds me of who I am and what I’m called to do - praise Him!

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Some of the songs from my kids' cassettes and CDs still go through my head. I remember one catchy line especially: "It's not by might nor by power but by My Spirit..." His word does not return to Him void, without accomplishing the purpose for which He sends it!

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My parents wouldn’t allow me to listen to anything but Christian music when I was growing up. It made me feel like a weirdo and I rebelled and sneaked secular music whenever I could. Somehow though they managed to get a lot of Christian music into my soul. It always amazes me now when I’m struggling with something how the lyrics from these old songs, which are usually lifted directly from the Bible, come to mind just when I need them. Yes, He says His word won’t return void, but it’s amazing to see Him in action. Another promise kept.

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During a few long-commute years, about all my little ones heard and sang along with in the car was a character named Psalty. One beautiful song in particular, “Welcome to the Family,” is still crystal clear, in my mind at least. I like the way the KJV expresses this fact: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Some years were nailbiters, but like you say, another promise kept.

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I remember Psalty!

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Works the other way too. In 70s I loved Kansas and later found out they were Cri- Cri- .... 😁

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I recently heard Carly Simon’s “I haven’t got time for the pain” and realized she is singing about coming to know Jesus. I sing/hum that tune all day long ❤️ Also, Elvis’ “Welcome to my world” quotes scripture ❤️ Ask… seek… knock…

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Yes, there are some secular song lyrics I wish I didn't have in my head. :)

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Oy. The harvest from sowing to the flesh, ain't it? Taking liberty with Bob Segar here, but I wish I didn’t know now what I shouldn’t have learned then.

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What a wonderful thing...

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I think it has made a difference in my day. Plus, in the last week or so, I heard it read something about how singing is actually good for your health! It lowers cortisol, reduces stress and improves lung function. So I’m probably getting more from it than I put into it. God is so good to us.

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I believe it drives away the enemy as well.

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Amen. Sets a heart on things above.

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Singing stimulates our vagus nerve which gives so many health benefits! And humming as well!

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While lying in bed at night I "silent sing'" some of the precious Christian hymns I sang as a child (standing between my mother and my maternal grandmother - "Jesus Loves Me" is still my very favorite.

Do you all know the #1 tune throughout the ENTIRE WORLD-- "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"--a plaintive secular tune and, if you really ponder the words--the composer was "searching for soul peace"....didn't find it though!

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Sharon - What a lovely way to drift off to sleep!

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Sharon - Here is a version of this song by a Hawaiian with a beautiful voice and simple accompaniment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fahr069-fzE

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“Let Yah arise and His enemies be scattered”!!!!

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A new one to add to my repertoire! Thank you!

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Janice, your comments re singing hit home. I have also been moved by keeping in mind what was shared over at the conservative treehouse, by “menagerie.” I’ve been practicing this type of thanks as often as I think of it


May you heart be full of His love, and blessings abound.

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Amen, Janice.

"If you suffer with Him, you will reign with Him. If you cry with Him, you will have joy with Him. If you die with Him on the cross of tribulation, you will possess the eternal dwelling place in the splendor of the saints. And your name, written in the book of life, will be glorious among men."

–St. Clare of Assisi

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Same home town as St. Francis (forgive me...I am not Catholic and only know about 2 or 3 "saints" as they are named in Catholicism). Actually...in New Testament Scripture---all those who accept Jesus Christ the Lord as their PERSONAL Savior are then named as "saints"!

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St Francis and St Clare were contemporaries in the 12th century. Clare was drawn to the spirituality and lifestyle of Francis.

“She founded the Order of Poor Ladies, a monastic religious order for women in the Franciscan tradition. She wrote their Rule of Life, the first set of monastic guidelines known to have been written by a woman.”

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Very interesting - thank you, Pamela.

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Am I first to thank Janice???

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How do you pick your verses?

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I read until I land on what I think the Lord wants me to share. Sometimes He brings to mind a theme or word and I search several passages. He is good.

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Janice, if you could recommend some music sometimes I would truly appreciate it. I know some hymns, and have hymnals, but would love to be exposed to music that is more - contemporary? or just what your kids listened to. :) Thank you.

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Here's a piece I've been ruminating on recently - Be Still My Soul. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ1dl2d8WmI

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I heard these two at a memoral service recently. The Wynona song, "Testify to Love," has been around awhile I guess, but I never listen to "country." However, I love the message of this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHBdGz2wH6Q

Not sure how I missed "Hymn of Heaven" by Phil Wickham--except maybe because I never turn on the radio--but it has a beautiful message as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_baJyIQp_w

Anything by Selah: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC818yHbIv3DXI-ztZ22dATA

"Almost Home" brings me to tears every time. I especially love the movie version with Jeremy Camp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HzToLsHzCY

Just a side note: I don't care for sultry female voices or songs with cheesy lyrics. That leaves out much of contemporary music in my opinion.

As for what my kids listened to, I can't even remember. There was a story Bible that came with cassettes with songs created from Scripture. My goodness, 30 years ago for my older kids!

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Glad you mentioned Selah--they are my "go to group" when I hit YouTube and need a Gospel tune "extravaganza"--I have 4 of their CD's and treasure them!

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Very gifted musicians!

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Using 'even a minor sniffle is actually covid' rules, we must assign the cause of the car that crashing at the Canadian border as a vaxxident.

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And since Gene Simmons of Kiss was a vaxhole and railed against the unvaccinated, you kind of have to assume that couple was vaxxed in order to attend their concert. Right? Oops. Big, big mistake.

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Gene Simmons' attitude, among others, was a surprise and a disappointment.

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Not a surprise for a Knight In Satan's Service

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I was around for many of these controversies. I think Petra had the right idea with the backmasked intro for "Judas' Kiss". When played backward it says, "What are you looking for the Devil for when you ought to be looking for the Lord?"

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KISS = Knights In Satan's Service

so of course Gene Simmons would be pushing the shot.

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Wow ... never a fan so had no idea!

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Wow, I never knew that! Makes total sense though.

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Long time fan.. Almost 50 years & never, ever heard or read such a thing? (Though Gene’s very ill advised attendee requirement is beyond disgusting imho!) The name KISS came from Paul’s old band Lips & the “S”s were supposed to be lightning bolts. They LOVED all the circulating rumors & crazy stories & made fortunes off of those.

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Good catch!

Vaxhole ... 👍😁

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and who is the member of Kiss currently in the hospital battling big problems/

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Paul Stanley... A flu he cannot kick... 😔

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Gene Simmons was in hospital, I think, in April......

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Reading Jeff’s account made me think exactly this!

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VAXXIDENT!! Trademark that!!😂

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I have a friend, unvaxed, who was involved in a vaxxident or vaccident - however one chooses to spell it. Guy got the shot, 30 mins later while driving had some type of issue crossed lanes of traffic, hit and totaled 3 parked cars and stopped under a parked semi. My friend who was sitting in her car experienced a lot of head trauma, almost lost hearing, started going blind in 1 eye, and now the other. Others involved also suffered serious injuries. The last thing the shot receiver remembered is getting the shot.

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Oh that’s awful. Prayers for everyone.

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Thanks for the prayers 💜

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Now take that whole scenario and apply it to airplane pilots who were mandated to receive the clot shot!

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The consequences of our decisions are astounding! I'm so sorry your friend is experiencing someone elses consequences. Prayers for all involved.

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