☕️ NOT BURNING ☙ Monday, August 19, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
DNC opens with border fence and stage-managed protest; Burning Man fails to catch fire; space weather appears turns up in corporate media without climate panic; one brave Brit shows the way; more.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday! The Democrat’s critical inflection point —the 2024 Democrat National Convention— has come at last. Now they will have to nominate or get off the pot. Today’s good-news roundup of essential information includes: C&C will take it from here after the weekend’s abortion parade; Democrat border wall boundaries protestors under shadows of 1968 Convention; Burning Man fails to ignite and slides toward well-deserved ignominy; more happy, high-profile reports about the scenic by-products of record space weather without any comment on its effect on Earth weather; and signs of life erupted in Great Britain after one peaceful lady’s quiet prayer.
🪖🪖 I’m offering a free service this week for those of you who would prefer to enjoy life without seeing, hearing, or knowing about the week’s DNC developments, like the latest Democrat ‘joy of abortion’ death-cult march, led by goose-stepping women dressed up as bloblike abortion pills, personalities reduced to nihilistic and ineffable expressions of self-loathing, cheerful grins masking volcanic rage against their Creator for the offense of their own created existence.
Sorry! I promise that’s the last one. If you prefer to avoid pondering those sorts of civilizational developments, Coffee & Covid will let you know if anything important happens at the DNC this week. You may freely avoid the news while I, eyeballs jammed open with toothpicks like Alex in A Clockwork Orange, will watch the spectacle unfurl and report back only if necessary.
🔥🔥 You almost feel sorry for the protestors. Most of them are summer children, a generation that grew up enjoying the gentle policing techniques of Black Lives Matter, and the friendly arrest rules like, so long as you wear your mask, you’ll be released without bail. Anyway, they are about to learn that Winter is Coming. The New York Times ran an ominous story yesterday headlined, “Protesters Are Converging on Chicago. City Leaders Say They’re Prepared.”
In late August, 1968, the country —and especially the Democrat party— was roiling in turmoil. A one-term Democrat President had announced he wouldn’t run again, and the final selection remained uncertain. Double assassinations of Dr. King, Jr. and Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Sr. cast a pall over the nation. A costly overseas proxy war in Vietnam raged toward its bitter denouement. The Democrats running the Chicago Convention did not intend to tolerate any blue-on-blue protests. Chaos and violence ensued.
Fortunately, everything this year totally different from 1968.
So Democrats aren’t taking any chances. First, to protect themselves from their own voters, they’ve erected a wildly expensive ‘security zone’, multiple layers of fencing strategically deployed to frustrate any unapproved group activity and preclude parading. Don’t be silly, the security fencing is NOT a border wall, because reasons. Border walls don’t work, dummies.
Second, to avoid repeating the awful optics of 1968’s Convention, Democrats have scraped all the various groups together into a single, more managable blob, a cranky coalition of over two hundred different protest groups. They will all march —together! united! we cannot be divided!— in a single, giant parade of complaints, but joyfully, and they will share a single deluxe, high-profile stage with a killer sound system and all the amenities— all safely outside the Democrats’ carefully fenced security perimeter.
As you can easily imagine, the unified protest coalition represents a wide range of policy concerns, including abortion ‘rights,’ labor issues, LGBTQIA++, climate change, transgender madness, and of course, Gaza. The disparate collection of interests seems unlikely only to outsiders. In reality, the mix-and-match members often interchange with each other, as various kinds of unnatural relationships come and go.
Still, presumably, they’ll split the Palestinian protestors apart from the parading drag queens into different sections. As the song goes, you gotta keep ‘em separated.
🔥🔥 Leave it to the Germans, who coined the mouthful of a term “schadenfreude,” a word describing that familiar, unadmirable, guilty feeling one enjoys watching someone else suffer because they asked for it.
It’s been almost exactly a year since I last reported about the annual festival of neo-pagan excess called “Burning Man.” Careful readers will recall last year’s event was not very festive, as flash rains created tarlike mud conditions, and 70,000 glamping ex-attendees ponderously fled in boggy slow motion, all at the same time, creating a glutinous traffic jam that could be seen from space.
That wasn’t all. The unusual composition of the mud in that particular area of the desert caused chemical burns, leading to an unpleasant and unsightly condition that, for lack of a better name, attendees called ‘playa foot.’
Attendees swore it was nothing like normal mud. The gluey substance had a sticky, poured-concrete-like quality, and a weird, malicious kind of life of its own. Trapped for several days by closed roads, the victims also endured wild rumors of an Ebola outbreak, causing some to flee in panic across the glutinous desert on their playa feet, abandoning their now-useless vehicles.
So perhaps it’s not surprising the San Fransisco Standard ran a sad story last week headlined, “Burners eat huge losses in desperate race to sell unwanted Burning Man tickets.” Our old friend 2024 has done it again and set a new record. As the article glumly explained, this is the very first year since 2011 that Burning Man didn’t sell out within minutes of going online.
The show starts in six days. The article described regular event goers “getting screwed,” scrambling to offload pricey unwanted tickets and finding only bargain basement buyers. The anti-capitalists who normally eschew materialism are throwing their chai lattes at the wall in outrage at shockingly lowball offers, and can afford no sympathy for less wealthy folks who might have their first chance to go.
In case you were considering making an offer, events still planned include a ‘naked bacon breakfast’ and a ‘sensual hot dog eating contest.’ But even with those attractions, burners sense an era is ending:
By invoking schadenfreude at the top of this report, I did not mean to suggest I am happy about the festival’s financial failure. That’s not quite the right word. I need a long, hard-to-pronounce German word to capture the precise flavor of the feeling. I’ll think of something.
But ironically, it was nature, after all, which might have quenched the orgiastic, nature-worshipping event climaxing with a symbolic human sacrifice. Or it was an expression of Divine distaste? You choose.
🔥 For whatever reason, corporate media is moving to normalize this year’s historic space weather and the repeating, once-in-a-lifetime southern aurorae. The Washington Post ran a story yesterday headlined, “Missed seeing the northern lights near you? The biggest storm may be yet to come.” We are, apparently, just getting started.
“This aurora extravaganza is just the beginning,” scientists predicted. “If you haven’t seen the aurora,” the Post reassured readers, “bigger events may be on their way over the next few years.”
Baffled scientists know we’re nearing a peak of solar activity called the solar maximum, but they won’t know for sure when, until the Sun starts quieting down again. The strongest storms come at the cyclical transition, which happens at that threshold. Everything else is guesswork.
The article only told half the story. It admitted the Sun’s activity this year has been about average for this part of the solar cycle, which utterly fails to explain the historic aurorae. WaPo omitted the critical second half of the equation, a baffling mystery that is the real story: the Earth’s weakening magnetic field.
Together, the Sun’s average solar maximum and the Earth’s perplexing loss of protective magnetic energy combined to create never-before-seen effects (like recurring southern auroras) on our planet.
Also remarkably absent from the story was any discussion of the paper’s usual favorite topic: the climate. How does all this extra solar energy affect global weather? WaPo doesn’t say, doesn’t care, and won’t guess. It won’t even ask the question.
There’s no money in sun-caused climate change.
🔥 Britain showed signs of life yesterday, a blip on the country’s cardiac monitor, as the UK Telegraph ran an encouraging story headlined, “Woman arrested for silent prayer outside abortion clinic wins £13k payout.” The sub-headline added, “Lord Frost: ‘It is incredible that people have been arrested for thought crime in modern Britain.’”
You may have heard how this story started. Christian charity volunteer Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested in November, 2022, for silently praying in an abortion clinic “buffer zone” in Birmingham. She was charged with breaking the Public Spaces Protection Order, which bans all expressions of “approval or disapproval with respect to issues related to abortion services, by any means” anywhere near the city’s abortion clinics.
But the crackdown on Isabel’s silent prayers backfired. In February 2023, Isabel was acquitted of all charges after the prosecution couldn’t produce any evidence to support the charge. One can only imagine the courtroom scene:
COURT: What is your evidence the defendant was praying disapprovingly?
PROSECUTION: Um, she said she was praying.
COURT: Get out of here.
After that, Isabel sued the Midlands Police Department for wrongful arrest. Last week, she won £13,000 (about $17,000) and an apology, for two wrongful arrests and false imprisonments, assault and battery relating to intrusive search (including carefully searching her hair, maybe for stray thoughts), and for breaching her human rights.
Isabel’s was a terrific example of the tactics I suggested to British conservatives on Saturday. Be polite. Don’t ‘protest.’ You don’t need to ‘protest’ — they can’t even withstand silent prayer. Follow the rules. Force them to go full Orwell. File claims, complaints, and small lawsuits. Flood the zone.
Some people think prayer doesn’t work. Well, it worked in Isabel’s case.
Frustrated British elites are now considering even stricter rules explicitly prohibiting prayer in buffer zones, to save British democracy. Haha, good luck with that one. They are only beclowning themselves and exposing their real agendas.
It all began with one brave lady who was willing to stand quietly on a street corner with her eyes closed.
Imagine ten, or a hundred, or a thousand brits clogging up the buffer zones in quiet prayer. Be smart, conservatives! “If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink: For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the LORD shall reward thee.” Proverbs 25:21-22.
If Isabel can do it, the rest of us can do it too.
Have a magnificent Monday! Peacefully march back here tomorrow morning for another great installment of essential news and commentary.
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‘Searching her hair for stray thoughts’ -- a Jeff Childers classic!
Yahweh will go forth like a warrior;
He will awaken His zeal like a man of war.
He will make a loud shout, indeed, He will raise a war cry.
He will prevail against His enemies.
— Isaiah 42:13 LSB