☕️ REVENGE OF THE NERDS ☙ Saturday, December 28, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Dramatic surge of Millenial strokes; new type of Trump effect could end DEI forever; conspiracy facts drop from NARA; Jack Smith and team lawyer up; could Crossfire Hurricane change the world?; more.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Saturday! And the year continues winding up, leaving little room for more record-breaking or mind-bending headlines. So, it’s time for your very last 2024 weekend edition roundup: pair of Daily Mail headlines both from this month hint at crumbling jab narrative; a terrific new Trump effect that could end DEI as we know it and fast; latest conspiracy theory becomes conspiracy fact as National Archives dumps Biden pics; special prosecutor Jack Smith and team lawyer up since they didn’t do anything wrong; and the biggest mystery I am praying will be immediately solved when Trump takes office in three weeks.
The UK Daily Mail ran a pair of pandemic articles this month, dripping with combined irony. The Mail ran the first one on December 7th under the headline, “Alarming reason strokes are rocketing in men under 40.” I’ll give you one guess who they blamed.
You probably guessed it; it was an easy one. They blamed us. Junk food. Heavy boozing. Stressful modern living, with all our jetsetting and materialism. Stupid people. The doctors keep telling you how to live healthy but you just won’t listen.
In their own buffoonish words, here is what the Daily Mail’s ‘experts’ claimed is responsible for an alarming, ‘dramatic surge’ —not just a surge, but a dramatic surge— in Millennial-aged strokes:
“Junk food” and “boozing” are laughable explanations for strokes in young people, especially when it is more pronounced in men. Those things are supposedly deadly over the long term. Also according to “experts,” bad eating habits slowly and gradually build up tiny cholesterol nuggets in the arteries, until you’re in your 50’s or 60’s, and then a little piece breaks off and WHAM. Your KitKat bar finally killed you.
But strokes in young folks? Caused by junk food without time to build up all those arterial stroke nuggets? How?
And as for booze, we know that alcohol abuse slowly kills the liver, grows Santa bellies, crashes cars, and turns people yellow, but strokes? Apparently, nowadays in 2024, the very same alcohol recipes also cause strokes and always have. You’re just remembering it wrong.
All those anti-drinking campaigns, and they somehow forgot to mention stroke risk until now.
It doesn’t have to be vaccines. I could maybe see energy drinks. But junk food? Beer? That, my friends, is just expert “woo-woo” hand waving, designed to shift blame to the victim and to generic products lacking strong political lobbies. The article was salted with internal contradictions, too, almost intentionally. “Alcohol consumption in younger age groups,” the Mail sheepishly explained, “is, on average, falling.”
Now for the second headline. But first, remember that Millennials brought this on themselves through their poor lifestyle choice… oh, wait. On Christmas Eve, the Daily Mail ran a dramatic follow-up story that even linked the first article, but check out the headline:
Not just fit. Super fit. No junk food. No binge drinking. He was a health fanatic. These poor Millenials can’t catch a break. Now they have to deal with sudden and unexpected shock strokes in the shower even after working so hard and sacrificing so much to be super fit. They might as well just drink it up.
The combination of these two contradictory Daily Mail articles suggests a fraying narrative that is starting to tear itself apart. How long can they keep up the charade?
Speaking with Erik Torenberg on the Moment of Zen podcast, billionaire investor and Trump adviser Marc Andreessen recently speculated how the incoming Trump Administration could be planning to rapidly drive a stake into the beating heart of corporate DEI and kill it for good.
CLIP: Marc Andreessen speculates about the Harmeet effect at DOJ (3:31).
The possibility arises because Trump appointed long-time California covid lawyer Harmeet Dhillon to head the DOJ’s civil rights division. "If you wanted to pick the most extreme possible attorney to put in charge of the Civil Rights division of the Justice Department to reverse DEI,” Marc noted on the podcast, “it would be this lawyer named Harmeet Dhillon.”
The instant I heard it, I realized Marc was one hundred percent right. For years, Harmeet has been suing over wokeness and jabs. She came up as a superlawyer in the authoritarian pressure cooker of California and its virtue-signaling corporate culture. Soon she will occupy one of the most influential legal jobs in the country.
It’s Revenge of the Nerds Part III.
Marc correctly explained that “the Civil Rights division of the Justice Department is the federal government’s prosecutorial arm that basically enforces wokeness. They’re the ones who have made sure that, for the last decade, these companies have had all these crazy policies under the penalty of being investigated, subpoenaed, and ultimately prosecuted.”
The billionaire gave an example: “the Civil Rights division sued SpaceX for not hiring enough refugees—despite the fact that SpaceX is a military contractor and is not permitted to hire non-American citizens under a separate law.”
That kind of silliness should quickly stop. But as Marc correctly pointed out, given her background, Harmeet is likely to “do a 180” and “begin prosecuting companies for violations of civil rights laws in the form of reverse discrimination—discrimination against white people, Asians, Jews, and other unprotected classes.”
Woke DEI policies are legal low-hanging fruit for real civil rights prosecution. The policies are de facto discriminatory in just about every conceivable way: race, gender, religion, you name it.
Call it the Harmeet effect. Marc thinks many companies are already getting the message, just from the fact of Harmeet’s appointment. Thanks to anti-DEI activists like Robby Starbuck, woke corporate policies have been culturally suspect for most of 2024. Add the threat of a DOJ criminal investigation and things may start shifting rapidly back toward normal.
Marc also noted the academy sits in Harmeet’s crosshairs, too. Universities have massive DEI departments bursting with discriminatory admissions policies — even after the Supreme Court told them to cut it out. Nowadays they’re still doing it, but on the down low, still illegally — sitting ducks for DOJ investigations.
Proving crypto-discrimination won’t be very hard. DEI managers are not known for their innate intelligence. Cunning, yes. Unburdened by morality, definitely. But not too bright. Harmeet will run rings around them.
I cannot conceive of any faster way to realistically unwind the entire DEI revolution.
Most DOJ prosecutions for discriminatory practices are “settled” through binding, court-approved contracts called “consent decrees,” with which colleges and companies must comply or face automatic criminal convictions. Defending these cases is fabulously expensive. Companies and colleges are under massive pressure to settle; if their defense is “we never discriminate,” then what’s the harm of signing a consent decree agreeing never to discriminate?
It’s fun to consider how Obama’s DOJ invented a controversial enforcement technique: forcing companies under consent decrees to pay fines directly to progressive activist groups. Now imagine Harvard being forced to pay hundreds of thousands or millions to Turning Point, USA. Goose, meet gander.
Maybe best of all —this is me, not Marc— it seems very likely Harmeet will also investigate and prosecute companies that most egregiously violated their employees’ religious liberties by denying jab exemption requests and making unjabbed employee’s lives miserable on purpose (Ascension Hospital Group and Morgan & Morgan, I’m looking at you).
I’ll be shocked if Harmeet didn’t go after the jab dictators.
A long-overdue reckoning is coming to woke companies and to the academic institutions. This could be even more entertaining to watch than when Lewis Skolnik’s nerds salted the jocks’ gym shorts with itching powder.
Another conspiracy fact was confirmed this week, so get out your Bingo card. The New York Post reported the story under the headline, “Feds finally release photos showing then-VP Biden meeting son Hunter’s China biz partners — days before he leaves office.
After Hunter’s pardon, and after the House Impeachment Committee closed up shop, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) finally released official photographs proving that Joe Biden did meet with Hunter’s Chinese “business associates” — a lot — which is a fact that both Bidens have repeatedly denied, including under oath. Joe never met with Hunter’s business partners, not ever the White House said literally one million times.
The official government photos, which the New York Post called “politically explosive,” spanned a wide time period and documented many meetings between Joe, Hunter, and a small gang of Chinese officials, up to and including President Xi himself.
There were even more held-back pictures, including photos of the Bidens with their Ukrainian and Mexican “business partners.” Olé!
NARA fought against its duty to turn over the photos every step of the way until this week. The employees at NARA finally did what they are paid to do, but only after the political horse was out of the barn, down the hill, across the turnpike, and on a cruise ship to Odessa.
At this point, it’s no longer about Joe’s obvious influence peddling (if not outright bribery). It’s more about all the official lying and the deep state helping cover up those lies. The lying and the cover up are … election interference! Which, as you know, is tantamount to insurrection. Round them up and give them a fair trial.
Don’t laugh. It could actually happen. Enjoy the next story.
The New York Sun ran an exciting story yesterday headlined, “Could Jack Smith Be Charged With the Same Crime of Conspiracy of Which He Accused Trump?” Hopefully.
Mike Davis, a lawyer advising Trump’s transition team, tweeted this week that “Jack Smith and his office must face severe legal, political, and financial consequences for their blatant lawfare and election interference.” The Democrats’ favorite crime!
What exactly would charging Smith for his election interference look like? Mike Davis suggested that interferor Smith should be charged with the crime of “conspiracy against rights.”
Ironically, the same crime, conspiracy against rights, was one of the four charges leveled against Trump by Mr. Smith in the so-called ‘election interference’ case. The statute is called the First Ku Klux Klan Act, and was originally signed into law in the aftermath of the Civil War by President U.S. Grant. It carries a maximum ten-year sentence — per violation.
Sadly, Smith enjoys the same qualified immunity as all government employees. Because his cases were judicially administered, he can also argue that, if he were doing anything illegal, the court would have shut it down. He’s well protecteed. Despite those defenses, it still seems like the special prosecutor and his minions are feeling as nervous as an OnlyFans entrepreneur in church. Headline from Rolling Stone, this week:
According to three anonymous sources, Rolling Stone reported “several attorneys and staffers who were on the special counsel’s Justice Department team, or had done work for its criminal investigations into Trump, have already sought legal counsel or retained personal lawyers.”
What has them quesy were Trump correct comments earlier this year that, “The precedent on doing what they did, with the weaponization, using the DOJ and the FBI to go after their political opponents, that is so bad.” The President added, “Pandora’s Box is open, and that means that I can do it too.”
The Rolling Stone’s sources said Jack Smith’s team is already fly-specking their communications and records, to get rid of evidence that Trump could use to prosecute them. So much for their favorite slogan, if you didn’t do anything wrong, you don’t have anything to hide.
It is a basic legal principle that evidence of an intent to conceal is also evidence of consciousness of guilt.
Rolling Stone pointed out that Biden’s Justice Department successfully blocked FOIA requests for the names of the senior DOJ personnel who worked on the Trump cases. But in 22 days, Trump and his team will pull those names up on the computer for themselves.
There seems to be an appetite in Congress to get to the bottom of things. “First and foremost, the people involved with this should be fired immediately,” Senator Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.) said last month. “And anybody part of this, this effort to keep President Trump off the ballot and to throw him in jail for the rest of his life because they didn’t like his politics, and who continue to cast him as a quote-unquote threat to democracy, was wrong, and so we’ll see where that goes.”
By the time we get to the Inauguration, it’s going to be a big appetite.
Speaking of things I can’t wait to see, I’ve waited as long as I possibly can stand to ask this hypothetical question: When Trump returns to the Oval Office, will he declassify the Crossfire Hurricane binder? On his last day in office in 2021, President Trump declassified the secretive binder, which is believed to include official CIA records of the Russiagate hoax coordinated between the Clinton campaign and the FBI, assisted by Barack Obama.
Trump tried to declassify it. But within minutes, the deep state sprang into action, and “temporarily” reclassified the binder, claiming that vital sources and methods would be improperly exposed without very light redaction. It was a lie. They slow-walked the “very light redaction” until President Trump left office, and then jammed it back in the CIA’s “safe within a safe” in a secured compartment within a classified storage facility at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.
But, as CNN reported once without any followup last December, one of the serialized Crossfire Hurricane binders mysteriously went missing, and the U.S. intelligence agencies have been scrambling ever since in a massive effort over the last four years to locate that incriminating binder. Here’s CNN’s December 15, 2023 headline:
Most people think the Mar-a-Lago raid was not meant to find undefined “nuclear secrets,” as claimed, but really was to recover that missing Crossfire Hurricane binder. They hoped maybe Trump kept the binder in Melania’s intimates drawer. But they failed. Here’s how CNN described it:
Although CNN’s article was a full-length, magazine-style, interactive multimedia production that carefully and ponderously explained the terrifically complex and colorful cast of characters and agencies, and although the subject matter is as dramatic, exciting, and salacious as it gets, CNN has never followed up on the story. Nor has any other corporate media.
(Side note: I always mention the length, high production values, and multimedia features of these deep-state planted articles because those high-polish elements are intended to dazzle readers and obscure the astonishing lack of any named sources or any explanation for how the media platform got all the classified information.)
The article, based (as usual) on fully anonymous sources, was clearly a deep state limited hangout, presumably deployed at a very delicate moment when a nervous security state feared the binder might turn up during the elections.
Perhaps more than anything, out of many possibilities, I’ve been most eager to find out whether Trump will pick up where he left off, and immediately re-de-classify the Crossfire Hurricane binder. And if he does, and if that mystery binder includes what we expect — hard proof of a lot of illegal political malfeasance by some of the top names in progressive politics, including Obama and Hillary — then what next?
Twenty-two more days! I can’t wait.
Have a wonderful weekend! Then get back here on Monday morning as we continue the countdown to the end of 2024 and our barely contained excitement to discover what 2025 will be like.
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The Trump administration must go after Smith and everyone involved in the lying and false claims. The 51 intel ppl who signed the letter saying the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation must be held accountable. The J6 committee including Liz Cheney, Schiff and Kinzinger must be investigated.
Comey, Wray, Brennan, Clapper, Strozk must all be investigated. If nothing happens then we can rest assured we are all doomed.
Crazy how the spike in strokes among people is ONLY happen in the people that took the Covid vaccine. Shocking!
It’s similar to autism — autism’s didn’t appear until the 1940s, when the DTP vaccines started as well: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/updates-autism-and-beliefs