The fake hospital bombing was a success. Everyone on one side of the binary mind control apparatus known as politics got their two minutes of hate.

Cue the next fake atrocity so everyone on the opposing side may get theirs.

"Whoever controls the media controls the mind" --Jim Morrison

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These are distractions meant to keep us dancing while the world burns. The bad cat explained it well a couple of days ago:

"woke and global boiling and covid and the ukraine and every form of hyper-aggressive inclusivity insanity are not ideologies of belief for elites, they are circuses to dismay, daze, and distract you because pretty much no one can pay attention to what’s really going on when they are watching their daughter get slide tackled by a 200 pound guy in a sports bra on a high school soccer field or they find out their 3rd grader is being read sexually explicit books by drag queens who give twerking lessons." —https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/wag-the-deficit

It's difficult to form a coalition and mount an action to save the world when the ultra-distracting bread and circuses reach a fever pitch. Cue the fever pitch drama and the resulting unchallenged the new world disorder.

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Another TriTorch out of the park hit.

It's watch the Hama/god-State Clown World Conflict. Don't look who really is choreographing the show. Don't try to find the loot changing hands. Don't question the god-government and their US lobby. Forget the border, mRNA in the food, suspicious fires ... forget anything destroying your homes and family. Just let the pre-programmed Atrocity Manipulation push your buttons. Folks! Be the Good Puppet on a string, just like with our Covid Show!

Okay! One wonders! One wonders who initiated this abortion unraveling of a new false not exactly what it appears to be thing? The usual suspects? For now, the only thing certain is that Iran and the Arab countries are not willing to be fooled again, or so it seems, at least so far ... because nobody is bitting down on the baited hook. And just maybe this is what disconcerts the Israeli government powers that be. Maybe they are backing back from The Program because the script is not working out like it is supposed to? And this unsettles them big time. I mean ... who in their right mind wants to be sucked into another US disaster?

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Wow, great two comments here TriTorch. Do you ever watch Darkhorse podcast? At the end of their 197th (I think that’s the correct episode, where they mostly talk about the WHO treaty BS) Bret goes somewhat into his theory about the binary mind control, and suggests we don’t know enough yet about ‘mass formation’. Your initial comment here is encapsulating that concept perfectly. Well done! (I’m not attributing the full concept to Darkhorse, just stating a parallel)

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Thank you for your comment RebeccaGrrrl. I've definitely heard of that podcast and good things about it, but I realized politics was mind control during the Brett Kavanaugh televised show trial which was clearly a stage production by the uniparty. During COVID the contrived political mind control became so unmistakably crystal clear that I wrote a short article about it here: https://tritorch.com/folly

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Sir, your link led me this morning to not only that very brief read, but to the wealth of other writing on your website (tho’ I often visit your substack). I hope to eventually read and save all on the site & to share with others.

What else I read, following ‘Folly’ was your packed & loaded: “The COVID-19 Lockdown Shakedown Breakdown”(https://tritorch.com/shakedown/ , 3/22. It’s a primer about cv19, early 2020 — but not just). It was a needed reminder in succinct form (with items I had forgotten, not known or understood only dimly.) of the well-coordinated and executed cv19 machinations, some key players, past like but failed efforts, and how cv19 initially went down — only this time with far greater success: they more fully controlled more spheres, money and shills.

It’s like looking at a focused and magnified area in detail of a master‘s painting that lends fresh insight to the whole in front of us. The two pieces read back-to-back this morning added much toward comprehending the immense story, and to thinking about it — even though I’ve known these things well! Being led through them again in this form and structure, is a fresh reminder of things we must not ever forget.

The duping of the masses with Cv19 as a part of the whole, summed up in your brief “Terminal Delusion”, (https://tritorch.com/folly/) is a clear admonition. Also to never let it be forgotten. We have so much in plain normal living to distract and then the machinations exploiting our own natures in a barrage from all sides. Sometimes it’s an overwhelming effort to just elude the mind-catchers.

Rembrandt (my favorite) told stories and truth in his works, in both his paintings and sketches; each work in both in its whole and elements is rich in meaning. Strokes and lines are sure, quick and suggestive and yet deftly to the point. like the facts, quotes and insight you present.

Thank you, Tritorch. Glad you’re here. Glad I found your site. Information, truth, awareness, is a protection, though not the end. It’s good to remember that despair and fear of these powers is also a trap. I pray that you, and we, will arm our souls to battle that.

Stay well. God Bless you and yours, may your work reach many more with success.

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What an amazingly jaw dropping response to those articles, thank you very much Dick. I will send this to my son =)

Making a difference is such a good feeling!

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

I am glad! And honored. You’ve been hard at it, in sbstk. posts, engaging here in comments and now I learn of your website. Thanks, good knight, for your kind response. It encouraged me as well.

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“In war , truth is often the first casualty “

Winston Churchill

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So good, so simple. I wish I knew these kinds of quotes so well they came to mind in moments of need! Thank you.

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Same. I can't even remember Bible verses well nor a funny joke. I am always amazed when someone can rattle off a verse quickly. And especially, these days, my brain (and seemingly everyone around me) can seem to remember simple words during conversation. I think it's brain overlord X a million.

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From today's article: "Maybe this kind of thing has been going on for a long time, but ever since covid, media’s constant lying has become especially obvious and irritating."

One thing I've had to come to terms with is that we live in a sea of propaganda and lies. I don't know when it started, but it seems to have started a long time ago. For example, our media constantly lied about Lenin, Stalin, and the USSR, pushing articles saying the USSR had more rights, freedom, and due process than the US. While they were executing people by the truckload and dumping them in mass graves. Very brazen lies.

The more I've processed the last 8 years or so (since Trump entered the scene, really), the more I've realized: it's all propaganda.

Take a look at the "viewership" numbers for outlets like CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. Outside of 1 or 2 hour-long slots, they have less viewership than many Substacks and podcasts. No one watches them except people stuck at the airport. How do they afford all that on-air "talent" and associated overhead? Why would any advertiser spend ad dollars on that, unless there was a kickback of some kind. Who can provide that kickback? My guess, all taxpayer money being routed to advertisers through government-sponsored propaganda "private" companies.

What about culture/art? Also, all propaganda. Just one example (could easily talk about movies, TV, visual art as well), do we really think that rap - and its glamorization of black gang culture - just happened to organically arise just after racially-motivated socialist/communist forces had taken over all the meaning-making institutions of the West? Do we really think an upper middle class ballet dancer dressed up as a gang member was authentic and legit? All propaganda.

What about the "healthcare" industry, which actually seems to be making people sicker and recently put out a new food pyramid chart with Coco Puffs on it. While feeding people anti-depression meds that they know can't work because the proposed mechanism of action was proven by every study ever done on the topic to be non-existent. I could go on and on with healthcare alone. All propaganda.

Education? How about we spend more per student than just about anyone in the world and get some of the worst outcomes. Most of our urban centers are filled with kids who "graduate" high school not being able to read, write, OR do math. Can't do even one of those. They do feel aggrieved, however. For the wrong reasons, of course. They should be mad at their school and teachers, and probably the lunch ladies feeding them Coco Puffs, but instead are mad at the world for made-up grievances. They know nothing about how their world or their government works. And then enter the workforce and the ranks of voting citizens.

Unbelievably huge problem. And thank you to anyone who noticed all this decades ago and tried to sound the alarm bell.

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Yea there’s so much deception and irony that being aware is a burden. Sometimes I wish I could become blissfully ignorant again.

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No, you really don't. But I understand what you are trying to say. We really don't want to be blissfully ignorant... And, really, I don't think anyone is blissfully anything these days. I think most are scared and disturbed yet also hopeless and unable to actually improve their situation. Jesus is capable of sustaining us, we can just ask Him and He can calm our turbulent hearts.

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Grace from God. Grace is absolutely amazing. I wish it could last 24/7.

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But it does, it really does!

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Grace for me comes when I have intention and pray, which for me is a necessity for Grace. I have had it. God wants you to get closer to Him.

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Totally ditto that comment!

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Regarding the education system, there is an excellent book called “The Underground History of Education” by John Taylor Gatto (former Teacher of the Year in New York, of all things). It’s out of print but can be bought used and there are free pdf files on the ‘net. You won’t regret taking the trouble to find and read it.

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When my son had his first baby, I gave him that book. He now has two more babies and he and his wife have decided to homeschool.

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What part of the country? Kids returning from Sicily soon, sans jabs of all kinds, so homeschooling is a must.

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We are in Fl

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Thanks! No job openings there but Virginia with Youngkin and Sears might be a possibility.

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TriTorch, thank you for the link.

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Rich resource, this. Thanks so much!

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I love Gatto - discovered him in the early 90s when my kids were young and i was embarking on homeschooling. Such an important voice!

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Same here. He was one of the homeschooling heroes who gave us all the courage and the rationale for teaching our kids at home. A couple others were John Holt and Raymond and Dorothy Moore. I was just in a bookstore this weekend and found a new version of "Teach Your Own" by John Holt, updated by Patrick Farenga, who worked on the journal "Growing Without Schooling." I have every issue!

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His book Dumbing Us Down is still in publication and is excellent.

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Yes, I read that and it was an eye opener on many levels!

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Yes, Trump’s winning & “losing” elections woke us up. Some to the truth, others caught tds. Then the COVID lies & lockdown craziness. Bottom line - tptb do NOT like us, they hate us. Believe it. As long as we shut up, keep paying taxes & fund their wars they’ll only continue to manipulate & lie to get more.

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Trump circa 2018: "It's not me they are after, it's you. I'm just in the way."

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Trump has been consistently right ever since coming down the golden escalator.

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We didn't KNOW HOW RIGHT HE WAS and continues to be in THIS REGARD!!!

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023

Well on education I believe it started with no child left behind. Once that started grade inflation began. Its a sad state when people start lying to protect their job/career/domain. Meaning schools pressured teachers so schools weren’t downgraded and teachers felt the pressure when they couldn’t get kids to perform…. hence grade inflation. Lies lies lies. Kids that can’t do it passed. They should have been held back. I saw it in 2000 when I was in grad school and many in FL could not write a clear sentence or write a 3 paragraph paper with a solid argument.

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Florida used to “grade” their schools every year. If a school failed twice in a row I think the students were eligible to go someplace else ( I think, it was a while ago). Anyway, an elementary school in town failed the first year. The second year when the grade came out there was a huge celebration! Yaaaa! They got a D+. I knew a teacher at the school and she said that every year kids would disappear before the testing. The kids were here illegally , usually spoke no English and were mysteriously deported before the testing. Bill Bennett famously said that if an outside enemy did this to our education system we would consider it an act of war. And that was 20 years ago. Schools now are free babysitters so women can work and pay taxes to the machine.

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They still get grades, but kids/families don't have to wait to jump ship - the Legislature passed a law this year that gives $7,000+ per child (equivalent, roughly, to what the government schools get per child) to families to use for any legit educational setting:


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I was schooled in CA. But I was referring mostly to the black athletes in FL college. However, I clearly remember all but 3 students could barely write an articulate thought.

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It's funny how the devil inverts everything.

'No Child Left Behind' was - literally - "Most Children Left Behind".

"Race to the Top' was 'Race to the Bottom'

The perverse incentives guaranteed these outcomes. Teachers were slipping into locked rooms where bubble tests were held to be sent to be graded, were carefully opening the sealed bunches with exacto knives, changing the answers to the correct ones, and then sealing them back up again just to make sure their schools got funding.

The powers that shouldn't be know our psychology inside and out.

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It actually started with LBJ, with his communistic view of the “Great society’, then when Carter was President creating the Department of Education (“Hi, I’m from the gubmint and I’m he-yer to hep “.....in his peanut farmer voice.). Then along came Bush.......who called himself a Republican, but was as bIG A DEMONRAT as Clinton.

These puppets take the long view. Demons are very patient, whereas God’s people are impatient to get back to doing things right.

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It started long before that. But definitely got worse after No Child Left Behind.

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Goals 2000

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In 2012 I was taking an online course at college with a very good academic reputation. I had 6 months to take the course and do in aand take a proctor exam. A lot of things personally happened during that time. Was barely able to study for the test and it was very hard. Left thinking there was no way I passed. Got the grade in the mail and I got a B! Couldn't believe it.

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I did some brief reading about the education system in the US, starting back in the late 1800s... I goes back to the inception, I believe. Bring the farm kids in (hence summer vacation) and get them and the city kids to think the right way. Integrate the immigrants. They made it sound good. But upon reflection, I think that’s where it started.

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It's all been lies for well over a century ... and lying has always been more the norm than truth when it comes to 'the government'.

Washington telling the country in his Farewell Speech 'to stay out of other peoples business' around the globe had one big benefit largely under-appreciated. That is ... what one 'stays out of' never requires lying about.

Great post! Thanks!

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Ironically just speaking with a university prof who mentioned many of her students have not mastered basic math.

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Heard about this book "180 degrees. Unlearn The Lies you've Been Taught To Believe" from C and C commenters. Fits right in with this discussion. A real eye-opener. Must read in my opinion

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“And thank you to anyone who noticed all this decades ago and tried to sound the alarm bell.”

Groups like Eagle Forum & people like Phyllis Schlafly

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Exactly why I'm voting RFK Jr. despite his ludicrous virtue signaling on reparations. He's the only candidate who seems to be taking the Deep State Intel takeover of our govt. seriously.

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Can you imagine what the "Department of Phony Guilt Assuagement" created to administer reparations would look like? It would be "deep state" on godzilla level steroids. So RFK Jr lost me completely on that thought.

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He lost me last week after going full tilt on supporting Israel on a war against Palestine. Right after he won me by declaring "Independent" status. I guess he's not as "independent" as he would have us believe. For my part, I support peace on all sides.

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I would be interested to see someone explain how to achieve "peace on all sides" when one side wants to, quite literally, genocide the other. How can Hamas be removed from power in a peaceful way?

(None of the above should be taken to imply that Israel is above criticism either, by the way. It's just that they haven't explicitly stated an intention of wiping out the Palestinian state, the way Hamas has about Israel.)

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“Department of Phony Guilt Assuagement"

Now if that isn’t a spot on accurate name for it!! 👍

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I read something recently that began to reveal his radical leftist ideology. He wants a 3% mortgage interest rate for everyone with presumably the difference between the real rate to be paid for by the government (i.e. us, the taxpayers). So much for the marketplace. Bottom line, more control over us by the government.

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RFK Jr needs to be publicly challenged on his reparations stance. I like a lot of things he says and stands for, and certainly not everyone can or will meet any of our standards for a candidate. But he needs to answer loudly and public about this one thing.

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Yes, the government is taking enough of my paycheck already. I personally did not benefit from the "sins of my fathers" - I'm not willing to pay one red cent to the descendants of those supposed sins.

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I agree. I am highly suspicious when any US media, or anyone else, for that matter, characterizes RFK's "stance" or "position" for us. I have yet to read an accurate portrayal of anything RFK has said. He's smart and articulate, and if he's running for president, he should be able to explain what he believes. Unfortunately, since he is subject to media blackout and smears, it is difficult for him to get his message out. I'd recommend attending one of his live rallies and asking your questions.

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RFK, Jr. on reparations:


I suspect Breitbart and NY Post want to tank RFK's independent candidacy.

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He doesn't have a "reparations stance." What he proposed - and what I sincerely disagree with - was a non-race based assistance (read: more welfare) plan to those at the bottom incomes. It didn't have anything to do with reparations for descendants of slaves.

But since he's the Intel-Deep State's sworn enemy, the mainstream media pushed it as "reparations" to dissuade conservatives like you and like me from noticing that the GOP has kept ZERO of its propaganda promises to conservatives.

More Rich Men North of Richmond psyops

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I recently listened to an interview of Feargus O’Connor Greenwood, author of probably the largest compilation of the lies and propaganda we’ve been conditioned to believe, and how to reverse them. It’s on my wish list to purchase.


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When you change the way you look at things,

The things you look at will change! Wayne Dyer

Forever remember to Question all "AUTHORITY" RMS

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“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Philippians 4:8

Stop focusing on the lies …

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That passage was the focus of our women’s Bible study last night. Such a good one. 🙏🏻💞

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Yes!! This is the VERY top thing!

In fact, since I spend a great deal of time reading C&C and the comments, I will write this verse down on index cards and tape them in various places throughout my home and car so I can remember to focus on Jesus and that I am to be lamplight to a dark world. Thanks Mary H. 💕

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That was a reading a few Sundays back. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

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One of my favorite passages! And yet, can be difficult to balance when taking your eye off of the enemy can be detrimental. Ultimately, our trust that the Lord is in control and on the throne needs to be our focus.

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That is a good point 🙏

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Can I get an "AMEN" sister? ;-) ’Et cum spiritu tuo’

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One of my very favorite quotes by Wayne Dyer!

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If anyone is looking for a hobby, learning to study photos and spot fake ones is a good hobby to have in this age of misinformation, I mean lying. The people who can do that are the reason the early photos of Chinese supposedly dropping dead from "the virus" were found out to be fakes. Trust me, after doing it for a while, you'll spot them immediately, even when on a TV screen where you can't study them for long. You won't be able to unsee the fakeness.

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Your Beliefs + Mainstream Media = INVISALIGN.

Just as your teeth are, over time, molded into line with constant pressure by an invisible apparatus, so are your beliefs.


“The purpose of mainstream media is not to inform you, but to conform you.”

- Ned B.

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Great analogy

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and he should know since his father was George S. Morrison, who commanded the fleet during the Gulf of Tonkin incident* that led to an escalation of the Vietnam War

*false flag

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Vietnam ( Indochina) conflict began way before that.

That just escalated it for the benefit of the MIC.

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And... amongst other thing's, the WEF controls the MSM.

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Interesting that Israel said they were going to bomb it.

I guess they didn't get around to it?

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I've saved a screenshot from Hananya Naftali, Israel's 'digital spokesperson' (on twatter/x) that is time-stamped 10/17/23 at 2023hrs:

"BREAKING: Israeli Air Force struck a Hamas base inside a hospital in Gaza. A multiple number of terrorists are dead. It's heartbreaking that Hamas is launching rockets from hospitals, Mosques, schools, and using civilians as human shields."

This tweet was supposedly deleted minutes later. Make of it what you will, I'm just passing on information.

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and he should know since his father was George S. Morrison, who commanded the fleet during the Gulf of Tonkin incident that led to an escalation of the Vietnam War

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TriTorch...What did I miss? R U saying the hospital bombing was Fake.?

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Get Real, check out Jeff's coverage in today's update about halfway down the page. It starts with:

" The Wall Street Journal ran a followup to the Hamas General Hospital story yesterday headlined “U.S., Experts Say Evidence Suggests Palestinian Militants’ Rocket Hit Gaza Hospital..” After all that hoopla, it was just a friendly-fire casualty, with some cheap European cars hardest hit."

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The minute this Fake Thing started and when I saw the headlines and especially the 'pictures' all doctored up and composed to pose, I figured ... "Oh, here we go again." And the cinch of the thing, all the Suspect Media was screaming out the exact same thing like a rifle shot on cue.

Thank God we are getting a good C & C read on this today! A credit to Jeff.

It is possible that this thing is being walked back now because the propaganda roll out is not working like it once did, and as 'they' anticipated it would. Israel may be in the process of walking this back for this reason ... and for smelling another big US 'policy' failure in the making. And not working put too well for Uncle Joe Pervert as was planned.

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So after all the US Experts comments on covid and gender identity, we're going to believe them on this???

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Based, we've reached the point in our Orwell story where the reality and fiction have merged together - at least when it comes to the fourth estate.

The only thing left to do is stop believing their unrelenting crocodile tear manipulative lies and focus on putting our own houses, communities, and souls in order.

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Believe the Bible. All the rest is, in the end, just noise.

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I couldn't agree more. Thanks!

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023

It's not so much that the US experts are reliable, as that "US experts" - at least ones that get quoted in newspapers - seem to be frequently pro-Palestine, so if they're admitting it's friendly-fire that suggests the evidence is strong enough that it can't be in any way spun into "Israel did it".

Besides that, there is also video on the internet of a rocket being fired from Gaza and appearing to malfunction in the air right above the hospital and the fire/explosion occurs just a second or so later, so that's consistent too.

Maybe there's more details that would change my perspective, but for now the odds seem to favor the "Hamas rocket misfire" theory.

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Was the Mosque bombing faked, as well?

Nuseirat Mosque in Gaza, killing displaced people seeking shelter.


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American Universities should post honest virtuous signage; HATE FREE ZONE, Jews and MAGA Republicans NOT WELCOME!

Now the NPR and Academics are claiming the nuances and gray areas are difficult to navigate and understand (perhaps meaning Blame White Capitalist Climate Killers and excuse terrorist killers of color) explore and sort through the complexities; the varied and Non-Binary Views of the Palestinian Issue etc etc etc. They hate when their LEFTIST Groups infight and immediately run cover to excuse and obscure their actions and words as being the result of controlled Right-Wing manipulation and misinformation and Rightist peddled emotional intellectual ignorance upon the victims

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Weird ... although some what predictable longer term, that the Division Operation divide and conquer would some day come back an bit the hand that sowed it.

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It's weird the fault lines that have developed.

*shakes head*

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What sophistry are you spouting, nice try.

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Sophocles a true hero of mine; if only i could aspire to the level of media and government officials, and corporate advertisers in this regard. I'll keep trying--spouting

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He was certainly wrapped up in it. If anyone would know how much power the media holds over the minds of the populace it would be the son of that man - a son who somehow managed to rise ubiquitous stardom.

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... which brings David McGowan's book, Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon, to mind. If you haven't read it, McGowan's thesis is that the whole Laurel Canyon music scene that produced The Doors, The Byrds, et al., was a psyop.

McGowan points out Jim Morrison's pedigree, that Steven Stills may have been Spec Ops in Vietnam in a prior life, that many of the other prominent members of Laurel Canyon society came from families with military and/or intelligence ties. McGowan also brings up how Miles and Stewart Copeland hail from a family with established intelligence ties and suggests that the tentacles of the so-called 'deep state' are firmly rooted in the entertainment industry.

No shock there and which may explain Taylor Swift. The book's a difficult read - at least it was for me with my limited attention span - but worth looking into.

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hmmm...Taylor Swift as a dumbed down psyop...makes a sad amount of sense...

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"Taylor Swift as a dumbed down psyop".

Outstanding. Like Mao's legions of teenage Red Guards clutching their Little Red Books and beating college professors into ideological submission, Biden's puppeteers and the DNC will look to summon waves of enraged 'Swifites' to enforce compliance.

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Gives a fresh meaning to "Swift-boating". Sorry, Jean-Jacques Kerry.

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The cultish devotion to these entertainers does seem very ripe to be used and abused for manipulation purposes 😕

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Tucker recommended a book, "Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties," by Tom O'Neil. I haven't finished it yet. He theorizes that Manson was working for the FBI.

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Interesting take and worth reading. Thanks for the recommendation. I've read similar theories about Jim Jones and the People's Temple cult. I've come to accept that they probably weren't simply groups of isolated nutters as we have been led to believe in the ensuing decades. (Check out The Devil's Chessboard for a great take on the Dulles brothers and the 'deep state').

McGowan didn't quite go that far, as I recall. However, the whole Laurel Canyon scene as he depicted it was fraught with incestuous personal relationships between principal players like the aforementioned Morrison, David Crosby, Steven Stills, Dennis Wilson of Beach Boys fame, and the Manson Family with the intel community superimposed.

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One of my best friends was the radarman on that destroyer. He personally told me it was all bullshit and the torpedo attack never happened - just as the Pentagon Papers confirmed.

Back then I was all pro-VN war like any "good" conservative. But somewhere between the Tonkin Gulf Incident and attacking Iraq for 9/11 I began to wise up.

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These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life. And this is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.

— 1 John 5:13-15

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”

— Jesus, Matthew 7:7-8

You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures.

— James 4:3

[A]nd whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight.

— 1 John 3:22


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I always eagerly read The Word bits you share with us in the C & C "army", Janice! Thank you so much!

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Yes me too! I look forward to them and usually read twice just to really get the meaning.

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@sharonbeautifulevening Jeff has asked me to reach out to you in regard to not being able to make a donation. Please contact me at if this matter has not been resolved. suzette.witt@smartbizlaw.com

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I just tried now and same issue - the "field" where you are to enter the dollar amount of the "one time donation" is non functional. The rest of the fields work just fine.


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We had quite a discussion in my ladies’ Bible study group last week. Can prayer change God’s mind? He has a plan that will not be thwarted, I know. It was an interesting question. Any insights? I think the key is asking in God’s will.

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I believe that God has a certain plan for if we pray and repent, and another plan for if we don't. It's not a matter of changing His mind, it's a matter of convincing Him to enact a certain plan.

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Yes, in reading Jeremiah, God through the prophet several times appeals to the backsliding Israelites to change their ways so that he won’t have to punish them.

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Yes, I often think of Jonah and the repentance of Nineveh.

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Yes, in HIS will

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I suggest doing a word study/verse search on the word “relent” in the NAS or LSB.

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How about what to search in a different version? KJV

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In the KJV, the word is translated "repent."

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It's a discussion that can make one's head spin for sure! God knows everything, so He knows what He's going to do. So if He already knows what He's going to do, how does changing His mind fit in to that? I don't think our finite minds can grasp the concept.

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023

Regarding God's plan, I know one theologian has given the analogy of God as a chess player: he can allow you to take your own moves, and respond depending on your moves, but because he is the ultimate Power and Intelligence, no matter what moves you make He will still ultimately bring about the end result that he desires. It may just be more or less pleasant for yourself in the process, depending on whether you work with Him or against Him.

(And others have pointed out that when we pray, we should in the end be praying for what God wants, not what we want: "Your will be done, on earth as in heaven", and "If it is possible, let this cup pass from me... but not my will but Yours be done".)

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A former pastor of ours said we simply hope that our prayers are caught up in His purposes.

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This is very timely, thank you as always Janet!! 🙏❤️

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“Asking” must be for the betterment of ALL. In His hands, He knows how to deal so that all will come to Light. However, we are impatient at times and want instant gratification. In this way, we must be prepared to fall a few times until there is a resolution to the crazy around us. This is planet Earth after-all. Pray anyway. Pray for PEACE and LOVE for ALL. This is the ultimate goal.

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Also justice.

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Justice takes many forms and is different for each individual. True justice encompasses LOVE and PEACE for everyone.

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Thank you for the scripture Janice- this always encourages me to open my Bible 💗🙏

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Thank you Janice for the reminders in God's word. Yes, I like to keep in mind we do win, it is a war between good and evil, and we win! Keeping my mind on the "real issues" of life like loving God with everything I have and loving my neighbor which is one way to end a divisive spirit and of course praying. By the way I know I don't do this perfectly but God is still very good.

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He will if it’s His will.

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—“We must set federal dollars aside to rebuild Black infrastructure.”

What exactly IS “black infrastructure”?? Do they have a separate infrastructure from everyone else’s somehow?? This just seems bizarre to me. It’s a hard no from me on reparations. There have been so many programs in the last few decades to help out and give extra preference to black people, that I think this idea is just a boondoggle. I don’t see any way that it could be acceptable to all Americans, especially since there are many other groups who experienced discrimination over the last two centuries.

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I for one am thrilled he came out in favor of Reparations.


Because it is an absolute deal-breaker for so many. If anything is going to steer conservative voters away from him, I think it would be that.

And yes, "black infrastructure" [and do not get me started on the capitalization of black, that is a whole 'nother ridiculousness]--so I guess that counts East Palestine infrastructure out? What about Lahaina infrastructure--too brown or yellow, there?

Reparations for blacks is one of the stupidest ideas that's been floated and re-floated in recent years, one that reveals the total absence of critical thinking, logic, and common sense of all of its supporters. Same here: HARD no.

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Totally agree. He lost any support from me. I like that he’s critical of the experimental shots, but nothing else in his thinking is accurate from what I can tell.

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He is a climate change guy (human caused) who believes there are too many people on the planet. What more do you need to know?

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I thought RFK was more concerned about environmental pollution and how that is affecting health, food security. My understanding from what I’ve heard him say is that he isn’t a climate change denier, but does dispute that CO2 is the source and that the zero carbon solution is going to effectively mitigate it. He may not be perfect, but on this issue I do think he is more common sense/scientific rather than ideologically driven. On the issue of reparations though, I cannot support that. That’s a money pit that will make some people rich, but do nothing or harm most.

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I'm calling bullshit. Cite where he has said there are too many people on Earth.

RFK may be a lot of things, but the insinuation that he supports depopulation is a bold-faced lie.

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I think you leap to a false equivalency.

"Too many people on the planet" does NOT necessarily equal "We should kill the excess humans."

It could also equal "We should all eat less." Or, "We should all live in 15 minute cities and not own cars and never fly anywhere." or, "Like Bulgaria, we should have four-hour blocks of time during which the electricity is shut off."

There are plenty of "acceptable" (to climate-change-true-beleivers) solutions to "too many people on the planet." You don't have to jump to "depop" and take the focus off "too many."

Which, are there?

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There are definitely NOT too many people on the planet, as even a casual drive across the Midwest will definitively show.

Every person on Earth would easily fit within the borders of the state of Texas leaving the rest of the planet completely empty.

And we’re facing a population shortage where the birth rates are not keeping up with the rates of deaths.

Bottom line our population across the world is in steep decline.

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Absolutely. I've been waiting for something like this. It's too bad. I really like him. Not enough to leave the MAGA camp, but enough to listen to what he had to say. No more.

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I like him too. And I appreciate his accomplishments. However, the Liberal Baggage (climate, now reparations, etc.) is a nightmare for me. It's the kind of stuff which got us into this Liberal turned Radical Commie insanity ... a little at a time. And then it all came crashing down.

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Don't you think that maybe, just maybe, this little RFK "selling point" was inserted BY the GOP in collusion with the RFK people to ENSURE that voters from their party absolutely DO NOT defect to RFK?? Hmmm?

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I thought the same thing. RFKjr still siphons off votes from the Rad Wing of the Uni-Party. 'Conservative' votes return to Trump.

And besides, RFKjr should know that there is strictly speaking no injured party. All the slaves are dead. And for there to have been an injured party back in the day, slavery would have to have been illegal ... as in against the Law. It wasn't. And it was not no matter what one wish-fulfilment may be or might have been as pertains the subject.

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Not only that but didn't most of the freed slaves receive reparations at the time, 40 acres and a mule.

I could be wrong.

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Something like that. And how many took up the offer, I don't know. I forgot all about that. Bit O believe you are right.

The bottom line is that there is no longer any right or wrong, good or evil, in fallen America. Only lying, looting and cheating and ripping everything up ... a recipe for utter disaster.

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023

RunningLogic- I agree with a hard no on reparations. Anyone who still believes that blacks are “disadvantaged” must not have any access to media. Despite being less than one third of the population, they dominate sports and entertainment. It’s difficult to find a TV commercial with anything other than black faces. For the last 50 years, since the beginning of affirmative action, they’ve received advantages over whites in jobs and education. Changes needed to happen, but as usual, the solutions made by politicians were not the best by a long shot.

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Forget media and limelight. Just look around. So many racially picked people…. not for their quals. But to check a box. Esp in education positions!

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Actually only 13% of the population, or around 1/8.

Someone unfamiliar with the reality of the USA could look at our media and conclude that blacks -- excuse me, Blacks -- are 50% of the population.

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Yeah. I really noticed it in commercials after Obama got elected. All of a sudden it was like, hooo whee, we gotta have every single ad have a black person.

Of course, did every ad have to have an older person? or a person in a wheelchair? LOLs. Even somea the browns--excuse me Lah-tincks--got shafted, if you look at it per portion of the population!

Though REI is definitely signalling hella virtue in the body positivity space with their 300lb hikers.

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Yes, I knew that it was somewhere around 13%, but I was in a rush and didn’t take time to look it up, so I threw a generous percentage out there. And I’d say that if an alien surveyed our media they’d conclude that our population is more like 85% black, not 50%. 😂

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Blacks have the highest % of abortions of all races and at the pace they doing so will not even be consider a minority in the future.

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Yes. The advantages they were given in the last 50 years often put other ppl at a disadvantage. But ppl were willing to endure it or had to by law. Now, another huge additional reparation is too much. I was at a store today and another store a few days ago. Why are 4” nails tolerated? Slowed her down checking me out at the register. Another at the grocery store has locks hanging all down his forehead blocking his eyesight & view. Also slows him down checking me out. When I was young, I would never have thought of doing those things over my ability to do my job efficiently!!! Now, for some reason, its just fine and tolerated.

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His Marxism is showing.

It's a divisive tactic. His former party undermined "capitalism" until it was unrecognizable. Now he wants us to believe that only the state can allocate resources "equitably."

When one is too busy trying to decide whether to stand in the line where there is no bread and the line where there is no meat, they will be far more likely to comply with whichever tyrant is sitting on the throne.

Proverbs 13:23 (ESV)

"The fallow ground of the poor would yield much food, but it is swept away through injustice."

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The Soviet Union used to be the 'stand in line' thing, and now my wife is constantly complaining about things she wants being stocked hit or miss, empty holes on the shelves here and there. Look at the Russian Federation and the shelves are all jamb packed. There are now young people born after 2000 who have no memory of the Soviet horror.

I fear our Soviet experience is just beginning unless something dramatically reverses.

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I was in a Home Depot last week and was surprised. Of all the places to have empty shelves, I would NOT expect it to be "lockdown exempt" HD. Very disturbing.

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It could be that his platform is bait and switch, but if we steel man (https://constantrenewal.com/steel-man) those statements from his website, particularly "and other victims of persecution,"

that could encompass those who lost businesses due to lockdown, people of all races who've been persecuted, including white people (Sacklers, opioids), victims of human experimentation, vaccine injuries, losses due to mandates, J6, lawyers and doctors, people thrown from universities for critical thinking etc. There was a particular attack on black farmers a ways back, which has now morphed into attacks on all small farms by Big Ag. No way to know except perhaps by asking RFK jr. at a town hall. Many of the "equity" preferences are traps to vaccinate Africa and the common sense Tuskegee literate black people.

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023

Well....this is certainly not the ONLY left leaning stance RFK Jr. has so.....he believes in

drilling bans

fracking bans

nuclear bans

green subsidies

gun control


high taxes

high spending

single payer

funding the WHO

increased visas

military cuts


birthright citizenship

in exchange for voting him in, we receive feeing vindicated about vaccines

Um, yep.....hard no!

Trojan horse, anyone?

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Maybe just a radical Socialist who happens to be right on Vaccine injury? True Believers actually believe the world system which they have been taught and grew up in.

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Vicki, so you’re saying that a Democrat by any other name would be a socialist? Pretty close.

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Trump is polling very well among black people.

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Sure he is.

Trump will lose in the most historic landslide when half the GOP and all of the Independents and Democrats vote against him

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TDS much. 😂🤣😂😂🤣😂

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Nailed it. He is a great guy and I appreciate his passion regarding vaccines but I could never support him for president.

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Again, that's a LIE. RFK wants to ban abortions before 13 weeks.

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HE needs to be on the ballot in EVERY Blue and Purple State there is!!!

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Yeah but...how many in his family were killed by guns?

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How about reparations for people in Lahaina and other places like Paradise, CA where DEW weapons were used against our own citizens?

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Or how about reparations for every job applicant who has to read something like this in the description: "We are especially interested in hearing from persons from historically underrepresented populations, the marginalized, or who have lived experience of discrimination based on protected categories, etc."

Sure, you can tell a tale of poverty and/or struggle and/or adversities overcome to get where you are, but everybody knows this language is code for "white/straight resumes to the bottom of the pile"!

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Could be . I’m just wary of these kinds of proposals because I think they can easily get out of hand, even if well-intentioned 😕

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He can't help it. There's just too much D in his DNA.

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Bwahahaha! Well-said.

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While whites are the minority or will be. We don't have White Pride Day or Month for that matter.

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Whites are just 8% of Earth now, and falling faster than any other race. Very sad.

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Where does RFK think all this money for reparations will come from? We are deeply in debt already and on the verge of financial collapse. Even with his strong stance against the vaccines, which I do appreciate,

I still wouldn’t have even considered voting for him.

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💯!! So many reasons NOT to do this! We need to stop dividing people into more or less arbitrary categories against each other and work for the benefit of all! And spending money we don’t have doesn’t benefit our country as a whole AT ALL!

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I am losing all hope of us avoiding a complete financial collapse at this point (which I think is the goal honestly - to usher in their NWO, they will bring us to our knees). The disaster they've created with the pandemic spending, the inflation, the Ukraine aid...it's too much now to not all be leading somewhere.

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The stock market/financial collapse is going to happen. It's only a matter of timing, of when 'they' want to pull the trigger. And pull it to advance their purposes ... which are multiple, and non-linear.

For example, they want a digital currency. So yes, pull the trigger for that. BUT ... they also may want to keep The Pivot away from Woke to remain trending. And so, the timing? It may be 'pull the trigger' sometime ahead of the election 2024, meaning at the end of this year or in the beginning of next year ... and then blame it all on the Wokes, on Biden the puppet incarnate. In fact, the entire purpose of the Biden Pedo Pete presidency may have been to make things so bad, so incompetent looking, so insane looking that the tons of Radical Dem voters bail, get so disgusted that they are willing to abandon Woke ideology in huge numbers just to save themselves. If so, then the whole exercise has been perhaps wildly successful. AND THEN BRING BACK THE SOLUTION. The solution is to keep The Pivot trending and install 'a conservative' presidency with saner public policy. The Pivot is an existential necessity for the real Money Power because they see the world now slipping out of their control grasp. Something 'radically' different has to happen or else the whole train wrecks.

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That's a really interesting prediction. I hadn't thought of that. I do see that many were alienated with the forced jabs (recall the original antivaxxers are lefties after all, so they were suddenly homeless and became a bit redpilled). The economy is trashed and inflation is out of control, which is knocking out the center/independents (anyone left with a brain, basically). And you have this hatred against Israel where you see some Jewish people waking up and wondering where their home is now.

But you're right, I think the solution they're going to sell when everything collapses and people are begging for help...will be an authoritarian regime that controls our every move. I think they want digital payment systems so they can control everything we do by shutting off our cash if we step out of line. And I believe universal basic income will rear it's ugly head...can't have anybody making real money and becoming prosperous, can we?

I'm reading a book now about this English scientist who was a Eugenicist in the 20's and how he partnered up with the rich over here to sell these awful ideas (Rockefeller & Carnegie) and to hear them talk is absolutely stomach turning. They really feel like the masses are essentially unthinking morons who must be kept from procreating (enter birth control & planned parenthood)...almost like they're describing dogs. At one point they're sitting around joking about how euthanasia is somewhat "unpalatable to some who don't understand things as well as we do". Just sick. And it made me realize, they have not changed one bit. They really think these things. My hope is that enough people wake up in time.

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'They' really do think these things. I know from this from my family's class background. Not the highest of the high, but high enough to occasionally bump into some of these 'elite' people. Years ago I even knew some Rockefeller girls, but really extended family and low on the Rockefeller totem pole and yet high enough that their divorced mom didn't have to work. And they were not exactly living in the slums, not by any means. Today these girls would be in mid-late forties for one and early fifty-ish for the older sister. Time flies!

But it is not just old money. There always are a lot of rising stars ... and blurred lines as to who is whom and to what degree. With some there is definitely a bit of 'there's the animals and then there's us' mentality. It is usually never out and out stated. But nonetheless, that delineation is there if even pushed to the background. And kind of fluid. But if you have seen this stuff, you know what it is when one see it. And imagine, if some of these people lost their money and status, their security, do you think that 'they' would still be whistling the same tune? Probably very few, nil to next to no one.

'They' do think of us and treat us as cattle or sheep ... or chickens with heads cut off and running about panic-like (as with mass covid hysteria). And they certainly don't mind stampeding the cattle so long as 'they' themselves aren't trampled under hoof. However, there are 'elections' and the voting wildlife has to be steered, controlled. And this is good and bad. The good is that elections are from their standpoint an excellent control mechanism. The downside is that all animals are not the same, and so the more intelligent 'life forms' also have to be managed. And this takes some work ... and eventually some of the more intelligent ones have to be bribed, incentivized with cushy jobs, grant money, high salaries ... even for non-essential Woke jobs. Think all the Woke climate stuff, green energy which could not exist without government incentives, subsidies.

Even so, I sense that The Game is slipping away from the grubby hands of the Apex Elite, and they know this. The Middle East debacles and Afghanistan were catastrophe. But the Ukraine with Sanctions and Swift System failure set the capital on the column of failures with Walk-Away and BRICS Plus ... and none of this was in The Plan. And so there is A Pivot walking back of some things, a change of course to restore balance, control and so on. But it may be to late to restore the glory days of the 20th Century and the heights of US power in the 1990's and up to 911. And regarding all this and whatever materializes from walking things back, we may get a tad of cultural,social and political relief ... but we may well be on the other hand savaged by a financial and/or stockmarket collapse. And we still have amide all of this the problems ensuing of 5th Generational Warfare being waged on this. Whatever it is, it won't be an easy ride.

The important thing to always remember is that nothing on the Great Stage is for our benefit. And if we want to rid ourselves of our chains and blinders, we have to know who we are and what we want for ourselves, for our families immediate and extended. And not let them continue to get away with defining things for us by all the means as are currently in their possession (education, media, political figures, cultural promotions, all manner of lies and obfuscation).

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This seems entirely possible.

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All kind of combinations are possible. Things evolve and then must be reassessed. Anything said, posited by me, is strictly tentative. It is a three ring circus. The big center ring is the 2024 election, the big determiner. If the Radical Commies win, then the forces of the 2024 coup d'etat will have won and they will consolidate ... and it will get very ugly for us. If the present Pivot in place keep trending because of a roll back candidate (someone like Trump) wins 2024, we will get relief. And from there it depends upon which policies are put in place and if those policies are design to reindustrialized and if the border becomes a real border.

Lot's up in the air now.

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I agree, the goal is probably complete financial collapse to usher in the NWO and a totalitarian government. I’m no longer confident that the majority of citizens have the will or the ability to fight back; There are too many lazy, ignorant numbskulls

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I think there is a middle ground somewhere here. Individualized reparations are anathema to American principles. In fact policies going backwards in time also seem against the “ex post facto” principle. In my East Coast city, rather than improving housing for poor people, they are busing homeless to panhandle, and creating requirements on new buildings to house “low income” and ex convicts, in areas that used to be redlined 100 years ago. This kind of deliberate “payback” is not going to make anybody happy except the faculty lounge and local “community organizers”.

HOWEVER I think RFK and Trump both have said the nation’s infrastructure stinks and has been neglected by our elites for years. True. It’s shameful. What’s different are the arguments made for addressing it. RFK’s is pitching to Democrats at the moment, invoking past injustices, but not necessarily planning some kind of “proportionate” compensation. I am in wait and see mode on this.

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I just tend to think that, based on past actions and their outcomes, the federal government getting involved in this kind of effort usually means a lot of money wasted for very minimal or even negative results.

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Yes. Agree. Implementation is key because recently there’s always a trough with an invitation to “come and get it“. The post Ww2 Marshall plan was based on a PLAN and based on specifically identified local needs (eg oxen) instead of creating endless corruption opportunities through grants. Recent example: the Biden Infrastructure Money is now going to subsidize ugly cell towers and solar farms all over the countryside. Did anybody really want or need that?

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It’s the DoD plan. They seem to have money for anything they want.

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Can you point me to any articles/corroboration for this? I’d like to trace the money a little bit.

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Yes, as he mentioned, are we to build new banks that are specifically for blacks to replace what was before? Schools specifically for blacks? Stores?

That just sounds like segregation to me. And how are the people that were effected by the Jim Crow laws supposed to prove they were effected by the Jim Crow laws? Since that was mentioned as to how it would be determined as to who would receive the reparation funds?

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They already have this at workplaces--"affinity groups".

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Yep. Segregation. Voluntary segregation. All groups are equal, but some groups are more important than others.

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Yes and what if the people who were harmed are ALSO descendants of those who benefited?? How do you objectively measure loss and benefit? How do you figure all of that out? It just seems like a recipe for another boondoggle government program that will waste money in order to virtue signal and “just do something”😕

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Try to answer your questions by examining just one individual: Donald J. Harris. Certified POC, from a slave-owning family, father of the soon-to-be-multimillionaire VPOTUS.

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Yeah that doesn’t answer my questions, it only creates more 😆

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Exactly. MANY other groups including Native Indians who would be angry. Never mind, where and when does it end? If we give reparations it will never end.

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Because of the nature of good vs evil and what has transpired, I think we all need reparations but I think it will come from God's hand and it will be perfect. I don't mean in heaven, I mean "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, ON EARTH as it is in heaven."

Psalm 2:8. Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Your possession.

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I think he's referring to things like the Jackson water problem. They've had the money to fix the leaks - they just refuse to do it.

Considering 1/2 or more black people live in red states, I don't really have a problem with it. Blue states would continue to fund red states. RFK already came out about 2-3 months ago and said he was against cash reparations. He's for low-interest loans and government boondoggles, which is the same-ole, same-ole. People read headlines and not the article. But it won't happen. RFK Jr wants to win, but he may well just end up helping Trump more than himself.

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Not enough profit or political currency to fix things like water and food and medicine, roads and bridges in USA; just making them worse or allow deterioration until a crisis needs a high visibility good fix for Political credit and accolades to go around and further entrench the benevolent overseers of the Private-Public Partnership to remedy any and all problems for the little guy.

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Well said!

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Here's a logical question. If previous generations of blacks were prevented from building "infrastructure" due to discrimination, how is handing out free money to blacks today that will be spent on consumer goods and lotto tickets going to build "their" infrastructure?

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And how is *their* infrastructure somehow separate from everybody else’s infrastructure??

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