Stormy spins sex stories; classified docs judge cans trial; jabmaker pulls product after clot reveal; Moderna admits millions of injuries; Boy Scouts rename to Woke Scouts; a tale of two tanks; more.
Neither that judge nor that prosecutor was surprised or horrified by Stormie Daniels’ testimony. The goal of this entire trial is to embarrass Trump, and they knew a classless porn ‘star’ who shopped a story around trying to get a payday would be the perfect person to do it. They wanted alllll those salacious details in the court transcript, no matter how lame, gross, or embarrassing they were.
Personally, I suspect the judge's robe provided some cover for him as he inched closer under the bench and during Stormy's testimony only one of the judge's hands was visible.
I saw reporting that The Judge ended the day early when Stormy admitted she realized there was some money to be made by accusing Trump. We will see if Stormy elaborates on that today. Kinda doubt it.
I'm almost certain that any kind of contract (including NDA) is overridden by legal compulsion such as being a witness in court. Otherwise criminals could just make a contract with each other not to testify, and tell the judge "sorry I'm under NDA, I can't say anything".
True, but this will not diminish Trump voter turnout, rather it will enhance it in most all but the weakest and inconsequential of demographic categories due to the arrogance and death-grip that the cast of perpetrators display of their Overt, Over the top, Biden DOJ-initiated FAKE Legal attack. It would be like watching Capone's owned-DAs and Judges repeatedly putting Elliot Ness on the stand for his trivial check-memo crimes and an alleged tryst with a camera-hungry hooker while they bulldoze and implode the entire system to cover their own crimes and corruption by means of perpetrating the worst political treason and attacks on our system in a generation. This will only inspire the Hateful Left Cultists to be sure to fund, infest the clerk and poll positions, vote as much as possible, and then take up arms against Trump and MAGA after the election if need be...Jan 6th was like a pickleball court spat compared to the destructive plot these Commies are hatching.
My family with trump derangement syndrome were eating it up yesterday. I visited friend in nursing home, he was watching cnbc . It was still on when we got back!, they’re lapping up the drama. They don’t believe if they can do it to Trump, they’ll persecute anyone who doesn’t do what they want.
All rise! This C--t has fictionalized her Penthouse Letter encounter with Trump in various ways...did they have 3 separate sexcapades, or was this 3 times in one afternoon? Maybe she can cash in on a Stormy's greatest career scenes deal that includes her faulty testimony, or a Celebrity Porno Apprentice show...she can use this current wave of notoriety to mentor others (Fani Willis? Leticia James? Joy Reid?) in her profession and craft. What other high profile businessmen and politicians has she serviced and profited off of?--this should be introduced in the court record.
The last few years, so many people snuck in, they’re not the typical immigrant. In Florida, they’ve found Chinese coming from Cuba. Planned and sponsored.
I live in SoCA next to the US Mexico border. Thousands are streaming through and over the ‘wall’ in San Diego, greeted by ‘high-fiving’ BP officers, changing into everyday common street clothes, then being hustled away (to where I might ask) in waiting white vans. California is a ‘sanctuary state’ and once these ‘migrants’ (mostly young men from all over the world) are here, they are “street released” and made into ‘Ghost Foreigners’ by California Sanctuary State policies. Then they just disappear into the woodwork, ready to mobilize when they are given the word! 🧐🤔🤨
yes, along with bona fide sneaking in or coyote'd, i highly suspect this has been simply a stepped-up official policy process; likely begun under Clinton or Reagan even. Definitely an Obama era program kept in shadows but details fleshed out for UN and Agenda 2030 Goals--now heavily accelerated now to put the death-blow to culture, society, democracy, and a free and sovereign country. It's basically over, i mean really 30-40% of our population are Liberal Race-Minded Cult Activists and want the country to collapse, and about the same numbers are the "Leave Me alone, i want nothing to do with politics and religion" idiot population on the Center-Right who surrendered all initiative and influence long ago to a Progressively Deteriorating Libertarian Society of incoherent morals and failing institutions.
Since when is someone who makes their money in filming sex, someone who should be on trial herself for extortion of Trump, a credible witness with credible testimony?
No morality equals no ethics, aka: Untrustworthy and prone to lying.
The “broken legal system” is not a “good look” for any of us…if they can do what they are doing to DJT, a former President, as well as all the ‘trumped up charges’ (I know😉 but it’s the perfect word), that have been brought against all the people who were in DC on J6, (one being a woman from Colorado who just went inside the Capitol “to pray” that day), the justice system CAN and WILL take phony legal action against you. Then it’s up to you to get an attorney (if you can even find one to defend you), pay out big $$$ for that legal assistance to fight this lawfare being used against you. We are ALL vulnerable and at risk here.
That’s why it is called a ‘derangement syndrome’! They have ‘deranged thinking’! And I suppose these ‘loved ones’ you speak of are sufficiently ‘Injected and Boosted’? That puts yet another layer on the level of their derangement! They were bad pre Scamdemic, but now they are “off the charts”!
That’s what I’ve been saying all along…what would these peeps with TDS do if the ‘government’ should turn on them because the Government didn’t like what they are saying…I made a similar comment the other day on another Substack, about the current ‘lawfare’ that is being used on anyone deemed to be “an enemy of the state”…look at all the J6 people who were charged with lame ‘crimes’…one being a woman from Colorado who on Jan 6 went into the Capitol “to pray”. Now she has to spend her $$$ to defend herself, against a bogus crime of basically being at the “wrong place at the wrong time” on Jan 6.
But they do not ascribe to the maxim “what’s good for me is good for thee”.
Agree. Anyone else on trial and going through this sham of ridiculous and totally discredited witnesses would have been granted a mistrial by now. Who’s the next witness for the prosecution? Eugene the crackhead that hung out at Trump Tower every day? I mean, we’ve reached that level of absurdity. The fact that this judge is continuing to let this circus continue says it all. Our justice system is broken beyond repair. If they can do this to Trump, we ‘common folks’ don’t stand a chance.
Our nation is filled with judges at all levels with cracked heads and cracked hearts. The demise of America is the plan, has been the plan and is coming to fruition right before our very eyes. Those who think they are one the right side of any of this will be sadly mistaken.
I believe someone interpreted (and it may be true) that Stormie was recounting an experience with a different ‘client’, and attributing that to Mr Trump was useful and clever in the sense of that certain type.
Was going to say much the same. Would anyone really be surprised if she dredged up a different encounter from the sewers of her memory, just to claim Trump was a participant in it?
Not only a porn star but at one time a member of Keith Raniere’s NXIVM cult,the infamous cult that supposedly “empowered” women by becoming his sex slave. She had his initials tattooed on her belly or hip … I tried to look up the photo but it’s scrubbed from the Net. Weird! Or maybe not.
Showing an x-rated, filthy, D rated movie to a kindergarten class goes mostly over the heads of those little brains but completely exposes the teacher and school officials who allow something it to happen. We know who the evil, vile ones are and it's not the 5-year-olds.
I can’t remember what I had for breakfast yesterday, let alone the details of a sexcapade over 15 years ago. This is a woman who has LOTS of sexcapades with lots of men…how can she tell one tally whacked from another???
TBH, I always just assumed they were staged that way for a photo, not even realizing that would be a legal issue for the FBI. They're so obviously staged and faked - with the giant huge font cover sheets and arranged 'just-so' - that I just assumed it all along. Glad that it's actually a legal issue for them. But yeah, who could possibly have thought Trump had splayed them out on his floor like that? For what purpose? To marvel at them and giggle? If people actually thought that, then we have really got to fix our educational system asap.
I have a picture of my cat laying on my book/papers that I had scattered on the floor, when I was working on a college paper. It looked VERY similar to that picture.
As SOON as I was done with my report, I cleaned it all up and put everything away. Who in their right mind would leave it all scattered in the ground like the pic depicted?
*I* am a born slob and cleaned it all up. Trump PAYS people to clean up after him, yet we were supposed to believe it was left like that??
The 3-letter agencies are really dumber than I gave them credit for.
I think it should terrify everyone. They are partisan, vindictive, and stupid. Not a good combo.
Even more terrifying to me is the recent rash of private property confiscation attempts: a judge basically nullifying a finished business transaction and the state trying to confiscate Trump's property as the punishment; the confiscation of Russian assets; and now "Joe Biden's" budget plan to tax unrealized capital gains at 25%. They're all straight-up communistic confiscation of private property by the state. Definitely not good. Especially given the partisan weaponization of the justice system noted above.
That “secure document” photo was the same type of set-up we were fed with the scamdemic (add your own additional examples). If you smell a rat, one is in the vicinity. Until the evidence smells otherwise, trust your nose.
Stupid meaning clever not smart, and sinful not lawful ... and no wisdom.
Out of chaos come yet more chaos, but eventually order reappears because nature is self-organizing according to its own immutable principles which favor balance.
The Ten Commandments is the perfect body of organizing principles for Mankind because adherence to, understanding the reason for the Commandments, this provides a sound basis for law which no society can function. For the lapse of an orderly society, the blame falls upon the fallen Christian churches. They have by praxis have forgotten God and His Law. The talk nonsense without application. And accordingly they have substituted pretense in place of authenticity.
But the best thing is there will always be a remnant.
In the same way, then, there is also at the present time a remnant chosen by grace. Now if by grace, then it is not by works; otherwise grace ceases to be grace. - Romans 11:5-6
Yes ... this is right. By Grace, not works. And yet, we have responsibilities.
It is somewhat of a mystery to me of how of how God entered my life, of still better ... placed me into His hands. It was certainly no 'work' of mine. I pray thanksgiving every night for this mercy.
So true! Believe me, when dealing with classified documents, the last thing you would do is scatter them onto the floor. Even with just regular documents, certainly a guy with Trump's mansion and furniture, let alone his age, wouldn't be crouched down on the floor working or reading--he'd have everything on a table or desk to enhance organization and the work. It looked so staged that I can't believe anyone with any work experience of any sort, let alone anyone who's ever had a security clearance, would have believed that documents would be worked on like that.
He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Just yesterday I learned that Russell Brand had planned on being immersively baptized (in the Thames) last weekend of April. I haven't been listening to anyone lately, save Tucker, so that took me by surprise. And what was even more surprising was his stating that Christianity is rapidly growing among people who had not been in the fold--this from a twitter clip. Certainly I have felt a warmth of wakening in this particular Substack, one of the main reasons why I hang on it. America has had an awakening roughly every 60 years in my calculation. We're now only 45 years from the Jesus movement of the 70's. But then, everything has moved so much faster since the birth of the internet.
Tucker: Governments colluded to shut down and destroy Russell Brand. This is his first interview since that happened. Watch it when you get a minute. It’s one of the most brilliant explanations of the modern world you’ll ever hear.
The only thing that one can be sure will be "quick" ? The vultures (many of which you have already identified) seeking to profit from Ukraine's incredible misfortune.
Well, there is that though in the context of Revelation I question if that is an appropriate interpretation. But assuming that it is, it seems presumptuous to me that people would believe this applies to their generation.
It is going to happen in one generation. We just don't know which one. Proverbs is filled with scriptures about the fool. That is the camp I do not want to be in.
It's really quite simple. If "soon" means an unspecified number of millennia then any opinion that the passage applies to their generation is presumptive. If one was living during the Dark Ages or the Black Death or during the Spanish Inquisition or any number of modern tribulation periods, it would be very tempting to think that generation was the end. In the past 2 millennia there were plenty of times that could be interpreted as such. Furthermore, who's to say it doesn't apply to some millennia in the future, perhaps in 10,000 AD?
Neither that judge nor that prosecutor was surprised or horrified by Stormie Daniels’ testimony. The goal of this entire trial is to embarrass Trump, and they knew a classless porn ‘star’ who shopped a story around trying to get a payday would be the perfect person to do it. They wanted alllll those salacious details in the court transcript, no matter how lame, gross, or embarrassing they were.
Personally, I suspect the judge's robe provided some cover for him as he inched closer under the bench and during Stormy's testimony only one of the judge's hands was visible.
I saw reporting that The Judge ended the day early when Stormy admitted she realized there was some money to be made by accusing Trump. We will see if Stormy elaborates on that today. Kinda doubt it.
I mean, she essentially admitted to extortion. Will be interesting to see if it goes anywhere.
"The Judge ended the day early when Stormy admitted...... " Yes, that premature evacuation. Some suffer from that condition.
Later Jay
So... did she breach the NDA... again?
I'm almost certain that any kind of contract (including NDA) is overridden by legal compulsion such as being a witness in court. Otherwise criminals could just make a contract with each other not to testify, and tell the judge "sorry I'm under NDA, I can't say anything".
True, but this will not diminish Trump voter turnout, rather it will enhance it in most all but the weakest and inconsequential of demographic categories due to the arrogance and death-grip that the cast of perpetrators display of their Overt, Over the top, Biden DOJ-initiated FAKE Legal attack. It would be like watching Capone's owned-DAs and Judges repeatedly putting Elliot Ness on the stand for his trivial check-memo crimes and an alleged tryst with a camera-hungry hooker while they bulldoze and implode the entire system to cover their own crimes and corruption by means of perpetrating the worst political treason and attacks on our system in a generation. This will only inspire the Hateful Left Cultists to be sure to fund, infest the clerk and poll positions, vote as much as possible, and then take up arms against Trump and MAGA after the election if need be...Jan 6th was like a pickleball court spat compared to the destructive plot these Commies are hatching.
That is so dark, but possible I’m thinking. Gross.
yes it is...
and his recent botox treatment allowed for tempered facial expressions...
I'm on a roll ... keep giving me ideas!
anything is possible with this circus full of primates 😏
All human beings are primates.
But some are more primate than others.
Are you prejudiced against those with more hair than yourself?
Are you talking about "Tubin" his tallywacker?!
I wish I could use a hysterical laugh emoji in my comment.
🤣🤣🤣 you can!
He called for a 2 minute recess in his chambers?
So he's really a teenage boy
Emphasis on “inched”…
I hope Jeffrey Toobin is “ covering” this.
Metaphor for the S Daniel’s testimony: we can’t romp in the mud with pigs and expect to pass clean judgment.
That’s good! That would be a perfect comment on The NY Times BS piece (website) that Jeff linked here! 😉😝
Is he buddies with Jeffrey Toobin? 🤔
My family with trump derangement syndrome were eating it up yesterday. I visited friend in nursing home, he was watching cnbc . It was still on when we got back!, they’re lapping up the drama. They don’t believe if they can do it to Trump, they’ll persecute anyone who doesn’t do what they want.
All rise! This C--t has fictionalized her Penthouse Letter encounter with Trump in various ways...did they have 3 separate sexcapades, or was this 3 times in one afternoon? Maybe she can cash in on a Stormy's greatest career scenes deal that includes her faulty testimony, or a Celebrity Porno Apprentice show...she can use this current wave of notoriety to mentor others (Fani Willis? Leticia James? Joy Reid?) in her profession and craft. What other high profile businessmen and politicians has she serviced and profited off of?--this should be introduced in the court record.
Don’t know, don’t care. Drama & distractions!
Yes, Keep the thousands of Invaders coming in; taking American down never looked so easy as how these WEFkers are doing it
The last few years, so many people snuck in, they’re not the typical immigrant. In Florida, they’ve found Chinese coming from Cuba. Planned and sponsored.
I live in SoCA next to the US Mexico border. Thousands are streaming through and over the ‘wall’ in San Diego, greeted by ‘high-fiving’ BP officers, changing into everyday common street clothes, then being hustled away (to where I might ask) in waiting white vans. California is a ‘sanctuary state’ and once these ‘migrants’ (mostly young men from all over the world) are here, they are “street released” and made into ‘Ghost Foreigners’ by California Sanctuary State policies. Then they just disappear into the woodwork, ready to mobilize when they are given the word! 🧐🤔🤨
yes, along with bona fide sneaking in or coyote'd, i highly suspect this has been simply a stepped-up official policy process; likely begun under Clinton or Reagan even. Definitely an Obama era program kept in shadows but details fleshed out for UN and Agenda 2030 Goals--now heavily accelerated now to put the death-blow to culture, society, democracy, and a free and sovereign country. It's basically over, i mean really 30-40% of our population are Liberal Race-Minded Cult Activists and want the country to collapse, and about the same numbers are the "Leave Me alone, i want nothing to do with politics and religion" idiot population on the Center-Right who surrendered all initiative and influence long ago to a Progressively Deteriorating Libertarian Society of incoherent morals and failing institutions.
Somebody has to replace all the dead and disabled that long covid has and will create in the ongoing vaxicide...
Since when is someone who makes their money in filming sex, someone who should be on trial herself for extortion of Trump, a credible witness with credible testimony?
No morality equals no ethics, aka: Untrustworthy and prone to lying.
I know.
Fifty Shades of Orange. GMO bug bread and circuses.
The “broken legal system” is not a “good look” for any of us…if they can do what they are doing to DJT, a former President, as well as all the ‘trumped up charges’ (I know😉 but it’s the perfect word), that have been brought against all the people who were in DC on J6, (one being a woman from Colorado who just went inside the Capitol “to pray” that day), the justice system CAN and WILL take phony legal action against you. Then it’s up to you to get an attorney (if you can even find one to defend you), pay out big $$$ for that legal assistance to fight this lawfare being used against you. We are ALL vulnerable and at risk here.
My loved ones with trump derangement syndrome can’t heart me when I point it out.
That’s why it is called a ‘derangement syndrome’! They have ‘deranged thinking’! And I suppose these ‘loved ones’ you speak of are sufficiently ‘Injected and Boosted’? That puts yet another layer on the level of their derangement! They were bad pre Scamdemic, but now they are “off the charts”!
Remind your friend that folks in nursing homes are high on the list of expendable, useless eaters.
I don’t need to remind him. He’s not home because it’s convenient for his daughter.
Sadly common - kids, parents, all of 'em - contracted out to others' 'care.'
It's like a cult.
It is a big one.
That’s what I’ve been saying all along…what would these peeps with TDS do if the ‘government’ should turn on them because the Government didn’t like what they are saying…I made a similar comment the other day on another Substack, about the current ‘lawfare’ that is being used on anyone deemed to be “an enemy of the state”…look at all the J6 people who were charged with lame ‘crimes’…one being a woman from Colorado who on Jan 6 went into the Capitol “to pray”. Now she has to spend her $$$ to defend herself, against a bogus crime of basically being at the “wrong place at the wrong time” on Jan 6.
But they do not ascribe to the maxim “what’s good for me is good for thee”.
“It’s different when WE do it” 🙄🙄🙄 That’s the way they see it.
A lot of them do not comprehend that.
Agree. Anyone else on trial and going through this sham of ridiculous and totally discredited witnesses would have been granted a mistrial by now. Who’s the next witness for the prosecution? Eugene the crackhead that hung out at Trump Tower every day? I mean, we’ve reached that level of absurdity. The fact that this judge is continuing to let this circus continue says it all. Our justice system is broken beyond repair. If they can do this to Trump, we ‘common folks’ don’t stand a chance.
It feels like we are watching a soap opera.
I wish! Even "As the World Turns" and "Days of Our Lives" had moments of hope.
Our nation is filled with judges at all levels with cracked heads and cracked hearts. The demise of America is the plan, has been the plan and is coming to fruition right before our very eyes. Those who think they are one the right side of any of this will be sadly mistaken.
Why doesn’t anyone talk about the money Stormy made due to this Trump fame?
I remember seeing her in ads after she came out.
This "Ministry of Truth" shirt is perfect for these times:
or the two affidavits she signed saying that there never was a sexual encounter
There will be cross examination.
I believe the word is "gross".
I believe someone interpreted (and it may be true) that Stormie was recounting an experience with a different ‘client’, and attributing that to Mr Trump was useful and clever in the sense of that certain type.
Was going to say much the same. Would anyone really be surprised if she dredged up a different encounter from the sewers of her memory, just to claim Trump was a participant in it?
Not only a porn star but at one time a member of Keith Raniere’s NXIVM cult,the infamous cult that supposedly “empowered” women by becoming his sex slave. She had his initials tattooed on her belly or hip … I tried to look up the photo but it’s scrubbed from the Net. Weird! Or maybe not.
I thought she signed a paper at some point that said NOTHING happened?
Showing an x-rated, filthy, D rated movie to a kindergarten class goes mostly over the heads of those little brains but completely exposes the teacher and school officials who allow something it to happen. We know who the evil, vile ones are and it's not the 5-year-olds.
Why would a successful adult movie star need to be classy by your definition?
She wouldn’t, that’s my point. They knew her testimony would be salacious because of her lack of class, and they wanted that in the record.
Your class doesn't include sex workers?
If by "class" you mean low, yes.
You sound envious of her being a millionaire.
You sound like AI programmed with Oppositional Defiance Disorder.
Are you human?
If I was envious, I would consider her wealth to be high class.
I can’t remember what I had for breakfast yesterday, let alone the details of a sexcapade over 15 years ago. This is a woman who has LOTS of sexcapades with lots of men…how can she tell one tally whacked from another???
I wonder how much money she's making on THIS fiasco!!
Exactly right!
You avoid it by commenting on it?
I loved that show!
How else does one become a grasshopper eater?
Marry into the Gates or Daszak clans.
I doubt if any of their women would be interested in a 69-year old man living on Social Security in a van, sometimes down by a river.
Who In their right mind believed that those documents were scattered on Trump’s office floor? For Pete’s sake, it isn’t Biden’s garage
TBH, I always just assumed they were staged that way for a photo, not even realizing that would be a legal issue for the FBI. They're so obviously staged and faked - with the giant huge font cover sheets and arranged 'just-so' - that I just assumed it all along. Glad that it's actually a legal issue for them. But yeah, who could possibly have thought Trump had splayed them out on his floor like that? For what purpose? To marvel at them and giggle? If people actually thought that, then we have really got to fix our educational system asap.
I have a picture of my cat laying on my book/papers that I had scattered on the floor, when I was working on a college paper. It looked VERY similar to that picture.
As SOON as I was done with my report, I cleaned it all up and put everything away. Who in their right mind would leave it all scattered in the ground like the pic depicted?
*I* am a born slob and cleaned it all up. Trump PAYS people to clean up after him, yet we were supposed to believe it was left like that??
The 3-letter agencies are really dumber than I gave them credit for.
Does it frighten anyone that the FBI, that has so much power, is that stupid??
I think it should terrify everyone. They are partisan, vindictive, and stupid. Not a good combo.
Even more terrifying to me is the recent rash of private property confiscation attempts: a judge basically nullifying a finished business transaction and the state trying to confiscate Trump's property as the punishment; the confiscation of Russian assets; and now "Joe Biden's" budget plan to tax unrealized capital gains at 25%. They're all straight-up communistic confiscation of private property by the state. Definitely not good. Especially given the partisan weaponization of the justice system noted above.
FBI, CIA, DOJ, TSA, IRS are all fearmongering agencies of the administration.
GOD is the only one I fear.
They never thought they would get caught.
Fortunately their stupidity overcomes their power.
People did actually think that and yes, I agree, we really do have to fix our educational system asap.
That “secure document” photo was the same type of set-up we were fed with the scamdemic (add your own additional examples). If you smell a rat, one is in the vicinity. Until the evidence smells otherwise, trust your nose.
Maybe he was going to pee on them since he wasn’t in a Russian hotel room.
This fits their “reality”. Such mendacity!
I also assumed the papers were staged for photographic evidence. Of course, use of a scanner would be a tad more professional!
President Trump did not become as successful as he is by being unorganized with his paperwork. That was such an obvious hoax.
By people who are obviously stupid.
Not stupid….criminal.
Exactly. Criminal. They are using it to let stupid people draw the conclusion they want.
Stupid meaning clever not smart, and sinful not lawful ... and no wisdom.
Out of chaos come yet more chaos, but eventually order reappears because nature is self-organizing according to its own immutable principles which favor balance.
The Ten Commandments is the perfect body of organizing principles for Mankind because adherence to, understanding the reason for the Commandments, this provides a sound basis for law which no society can function. For the lapse of an orderly society, the blame falls upon the fallen Christian churches. They have by praxis have forgotten God and His Law. The talk nonsense without application. And accordingly they have substituted pretense in place of authenticity.
But the best thing is there will always be a remnant.
In the same way, then, there is also at the present time a remnant chosen by grace. Now if by grace, then it is not by works; otherwise grace ceases to be grace. - Romans 11:5-6
Yes ... this is right. By Grace, not works. And yet, we have responsibilities.
It is somewhat of a mystery to me of how of how God entered my life, of still better ... placed me into His hands. It was certainly no 'work' of mine. I pray thanksgiving every night for this mercy.
So true! Believe me, when dealing with classified documents, the last thing you would do is scatter them onto the floor. Even with just regular documents, certainly a guy with Trump's mansion and furniture, let alone his age, wouldn't be crouched down on the floor working or reading--he'd have everything on a table or desk to enhance organization and the work. It looked so staged that I can't believe anyone with any work experience of any sort, let alone anyone who's ever had a security clearance, would have believed that documents would be worked on like that.
FBI, not known for smarts, mostly devious. There’s a difference.
Scattered is the word they used for arranged.
Then they cried out to Yahweh in their trouble;
He saved them out of their distresses.
He sent His word and healed them,
And provided them escape from their destructions.
Let them give thanks to Yahweh for His lovingkindness,
And for His wondrous deeds to the sons of men!
Let them also offer sacrifices of thanksgiving,
And recount His works with joyful singing.
— Psalm 107:19-22 LSB
He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Revelation 22:20-21 NKJV
Just yesterday I learned that Russell Brand had planned on being immersively baptized (in the Thames) last weekend of April. I haven't been listening to anyone lately, save Tucker, so that took me by surprise. And what was even more surprising was his stating that Christianity is rapidly growing among people who had not been in the fold--this from a twitter clip. Certainly I have felt a warmth of wakening in this particular Substack, one of the main reasons why I hang on it. America has had an awakening roughly every 60 years in my calculation. We're now only 45 years from the Jesus movement of the 70's. But then, everything has moved so much faster since the birth of the internet.
Russell Brand Announces He Is Getting Baptized!
Tucker: Governments colluded to shut down and destroy Russell Brand. This is his first interview since that happened. Watch it when you get a minute. It’s one of the most brilliant explanations of the modern world you’ll ever hear.
And also with you. But I'm confused... exactly how many millennia is "quickly"???
The only thing that one can be sure will be "quick" ? The vultures (many of which you have already identified) seeking to profit from Ukraine's incredible misfortune.
Remember kairos time. It's all a blink of an eye
Well, there is that though in the context of Revelation I question if that is an appropriate interpretation. But assuming that it is, it seems presumptuous to me that people would believe this applies to their generation.
It is going to happen in one generation. We just don't know which one. Proverbs is filled with scriptures about the fool. That is the camp I do not want to be in.
That is key - one generation. Now look at "generation" with new eyes based on my comment below.
Why is it presumptuous?
It's really quite simple. If "soon" means an unspecified number of millennia then any opinion that the passage applies to their generation is presumptive. If one was living during the Dark Ages or the Black Death or during the Spanish Inquisition or any number of modern tribulation periods, it would be very tempting to think that generation was the end. In the past 2 millennia there were plenty of times that could be interpreted as such. Furthermore, who's to say it doesn't apply to some millennia in the future, perhaps in 10,000 AD?