Fauci use to be America’s highest paid govt employee. Now it’s Zelensky.

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πŸ—¨ Fauci used to be America’s highest paid govt employee. Now it’s Zelensky.

Please please somebody please memeify this! It needs to spread far & wideβ€”a feat only a viral meme can achieve 😊

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@Based Florida Man: I'm stealing that, please.

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Ain't it the truth!

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O, that is hysterical and sad at the same time

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Saw an article yesterday that says Fauci's federal retirement salary will still be higher than the president's salary - over $400,000.00.

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Doesn’t he have to pay Biden 10% of his retirement. I think that’s an amendment to the Constitution since Joe took office.

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Yeah, 10% for the "big guy"...

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That rotten monster. Over $400k in retirement and here he’s unleashed this nightmare on the world?

In addition to the live birth human abortions he’s funded via the NIH at the University of Pittsburg and the animal experiments, as well.

Enjoy those 30 pieces of silver, Anthony, for you’re not long for this world.


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That’s reported income. Biden family collects income that isn’t exactly above board.

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As do the vast majority of DC swamp rats.

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That’s peanuts πŸ₯œ to him… it’s all the other money he and his wife take in… septic tank scum is what they are 😑

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Idk how? He’s dead!!!

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This is beyond disgusting.

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I know I have a meme for Zelensky being the highest paid employee - not sure if I have posted it yet..... :)

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RUSSIAsteria: Best Ukraine Corruption Memes (Squeaky Clean Fun!)

- How to know when laundered Ukraine $ hits Nancy's offshore accounts, $40B working from home, how to carry laundered $ ("Ukraine it!") and more Ukraine corruption memes as Zelensky demands more cash!


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Oh my gosh these are hilarious!!!

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Yes, and his job is money laundering for U.S. politicians and their donors.

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Top post!!! Congrats. Maybe Jeff will see this or you can relay it tomorrow,


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Utter nonsense. But it's the feel-good Gateway Sputnid noise of the season.

Maybe those potatoes fermented too much for the backyard drinking. Zero evidence, per usual.

Meanwhile Ukraine continues to inspire the world with courage and bravery fighting back Putin's illegal invasion. They are doing it themselves just like the Reagan Doctrine envisioned.

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Facts are hard for the Neo-Soviets to fathom.

Hey, what is the largest extremist army in the world named after?

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It’s probably Biden. He wouldn’t let his puppet boy get more than his fair share.

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😁 and 😭

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Zelensky isn't getting this money. It's going to be used to stop Russia.

You would have said the same thing about Churchill, too

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πŸ’¬ CDC quietly re-directing mushrooming cancer and cardiac deaths into the covid death category.

↑↑ The monstrously overfunded agency’s efforts to camouflage, obfuscate, and deceive never abate.

The purest unadulterated evil. Nuff said. 🀦🀬😒

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People need to go to jail. That is the only way to stop this. Fining corporations never works.

(h/t A Midwestern Doctor)

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People DO need to be convicted. But mass murder needs to carry a MUCH harsher penalty than prison time.

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Crimes against humanity gets you time in front of the firing squad. It isn't only doctors, but propagandists, researchers, funders of research who have no medical degree, but are nerdy, don't comb their mop and wear mild mannered easter colored pullovers.

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Right, or they just end up like Ghislaine Maxwell living the gangster prison life....it ain't much of a prison.

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Right-O! But there are probably too many control files and dirty laundry lists out there ... both parties, all money players and so on. Oh yeah! They might get, some of them, a Secret Missive at say ... a funeral of some past president. Something like that.

Even when the Soviets fell ... no mass round-ups, trials. No any of that. But for sure, the Old Order got pushed to the side, mostly because everybody was sick of it.

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You bring up an interesting factoid I'd long forgotten. You know what brought down the wall and make perestroika? A catastrophe and at the very least the appearance that the Soviets were hiding it. Everything about it. MUCH like what is happening here except here is worse. Their catastrophe was Chernobyl. Maybe a few heads should have been rolling around Red Square. Maybe then the behorned one wouldn't be hailed on the cover of Time.

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Actually, I think it was a lot of things which brought down the Soviets, and not just whole vile history of things like the Gulag, Doctor Plot-like kangaroo courts, knocks on the door in the middle of the night, the murders in the millions and so on. It was also the little things ... such things as the long hours spent in standing in lines for basic goods like meat and vegetables, and such things as the arbitrary allocation of resources without knowing the real price of anything absent any real market system. Little things add up over time and ultimately result in huge systemic failure if not corrected.

I do remember something I read a long time ago. It had to do with the bicentennial celebration of the Bolshevik victory over the old regime. Regarding this, I read that extensive celebrations were planned but the enthusiasm of the people for this event was very low. Contrast this with the enthusiasm for the Great Patriotic War victory over the Fascist invaders ... and still celebrated today. So! What is the difference between the two? Pain and misery better left behind on the one hand, and preservation of Mother Russia on the other.

I do remember the old Soviet Union, what little I saw of it in Moscow and Leningrad. I particularly remember feeling a depressing grey-like pallor. Today everything is vibrant, stores chock full of all kinds of stuff ... and no hours waiting in line. And we in the West? Skidding into a nightmare?

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I agree but I do not expect to see this happen.

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Oh me too! I see Gates and his gang of villains are back at it planning for the next attack. Read about it on Igor Chudov's substack. Operation Chaos and Calamity or some such.

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Sadly, true

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Presactly right for the top brass who orchestrated the whole debacle πŸ”₯ Just *please* don't get carried away. *Please* don't let the thirst for justice cloud your sound judgement. To never forget ↓↓

πŸ—¨ An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

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No. There needs to be such a righteous reckoning that it will serve as a warning to both psychopaths and their apathetic enablers for a millennium.

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The bad guys would certainly prefer only their enemies be blind for sure.

I am 100% for sound judgment. It is rare.

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How about Compulsory Sex Change Surgery

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How about the lake of fire for eternity? I think that’ll work.

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It's coming!

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And all their $$$$$$$$$$$"$$ confiscated and put into tax payer pockets! The REAL payers!

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Agreed with a caveat: into REAL pockets of real payers πŸ‘Œ As opposed to giverment's coffers to be wasted on next abomination.

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Fed Gov can't do anything right.

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That’s exactly where all of their Assets went!! And to think of the money that they all had!! JZ just take him! He had so much!! He worked So hard for!!! Yeah right, worked hard at being a Freemason with his secret society handshakes and satanic Jewelry and Dances are all satanic!! So yes we will all have their wealth divided up amongst us!!

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"People need to HANG" - FIFY

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You'd be hard pressed to find ANYTHING (car wrecks, boating accidents, athletes foot, etc...) that didn't get thrown under the Covid umbrella. Gotta keep stoking the fear embers.

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...and the sheep squirm....or "baaaa"...or whatever the hell they do.

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I believe these days, they roll up a sleeve and say " Mother, May I ? "

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I have noticed Michigan’s covid deaths starting to rise after a summer and early fall of death rates averaging at 90-100 a week. I thought it interesting that the average stayed the same for five months. The case rate had been falling over the summer and into the fall. It only makes sense they are moving vaccinated deaths from a variety of reasons into the covid death category.

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And like herpes which never goes away, you have Big Gretch still in power.

Whatever she didn’t destroy in her first term surely will be Whitmerized this time around.

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It is the same ethic and methodology that empowers the stealing of national elections, completely subverting American liberty. This is Wokeism, the handmaiden to our pedo fascist elites. Lying, cheating and stealing are the common currency of social action for them. And the courts have shown they only reflect the trends in society.

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Scientist, Deni Rancourt explains how increases in all-cause mortality in the US and Canada ware accomplished without a Covid "virus" - https://rumble.com/v1ycyjo-what-really-killed-millions-denis-rancourt.html

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...In this in-depth interview he shows the proof that if governments around the world had not announced a 'pandemic' and then taken disastrous actions, no extra people would have died.

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This is very good! Very strong correlation that mishandling Covid - lockdowns, fear mongering and refusal to treat outpatients caused high death rate among mentally fragile (esp. 18-40 yo) and people in poverty.

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Agree with all except, β€œThe purest unadulterated evil.” part, because we, who are on the β€œright side of truth,” are not actively making it clear to everyone, who will listen, that -- serious injury and death are also caused by all mRNA pseudo-vaccines, regardless of the disease that they are intended to counter, and tptb intend to convert all vaccines to mRNA technology.

To me, it is the devil’s β€œeven purer unadulterated evil” to deceive us into focusing only on the β€œdecoys,” rather than on the β€œroot-cause flaws” in mRNA technology. Such flaws are explained in layperson terms, by Dr Bhakdi MD, in another β€œjohn” comment below.

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Baby steps, dear john, baby steps <-- that's how big things typically start 😏 All or nothing is a lousy maxim.

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Thanks for the feedback. Was not implying β€œall or nothing” in my view, only making a reco to include β€œroot causes” in the dialog (eg, trying to cure β€œsymptoms,” rather than β€œroot causes,” is in large part why American medicine is ineffective in many areas).

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β€œWe always knew the vaccinated would die in larger numbers!”

β€œOceania has always been at war with Eastasia!” (And stupid you for ever thinking otherwise!)

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As events have unfolded, I've gravitated away from Orwell to Kafka who seems to better capture the individual impact of our dystopian absurdity. This quote seems to capture the essence of those driving alone wearing masks and queuing for their next round of boosters:

β€œI am a cage, in search of a bird." - Franz Kafka,

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Too bad comments won't accept pics πŸ˜’

A mighty clever Venn here --> https://br.ifunny.co/picture/clock-work-orance-brave-new-world-sovlent-green-to-the-UwDUuBov8. Though Kafka is conspicuously missing thereβ€”unforgivable absence if you ask me. [Nobody is perfect I guess 😏]

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Many of these books were required reading in the pathetic state of California when I was in high school. Now you don’t even have to read to graduate. I’m guessing it’s some form of discrimination.

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Yup...graduated in CA in 1969

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"You are here" could read "You are Josef K." The intersection encompasses pretty much everything Kafka wrote, from The Trial to The Metamorphosis, The Penal Colony, on to his diary entries about his very 'Kafkaesque' romance with Felice Bauer.

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Too brilliant for a vanilla heart to suffice 😊 So here you are: πŸ’•πŸ’–

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"You are here. In the eye of Kafka realm" <-- amended on 7th thought 😏

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I had that Venn diagram in mind when I wrote that and would have embedded it if I could haveβ€”even though the design is painfully atrocious, but I suspect that's intentional given the subject matter :-)

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If I may, you could put that Venn into words πŸ™‚ As it stands, your original comment is a tad cheap bcuz verbalises Jeff’s obvious allusion 😊 Tired clichΓ©s beg to be played aroundβ€”just as Jeff does.

PS β€˜Painfully atrocious’ is an apt description πŸ‘Œ That’s why I’m sure it must be by design. Kinda meta-message reinforcing the direct 🀸

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Thanks, daiva, and Jeff is indeed the master of playing with clichΓ©s, although I thought he was just riffing on Doron’s β€œThe truth is we always knew” and didn’t realize he was alluding to Orwell, too, if he was :-)

And yes, you have to try hard to use colors and fonts in such an excruciating way, so I agree it must be intentional πŸ‘

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taa, daiva for this peachy venn...alt title? 'Stuck in the middle of 8 nitemares'

=TextΒ inΒ image=


YouΒ AreΒ Here

SOYLENTΒ GREEN 1984TheΒ MatrixHitchhiker'sΒ GuideΒ toΒ theΒ Galaxy


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You may appreciate [one of] alt title[s] for your @handle = e'en. Legit translation, promise πŸ˜‡

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Good point, I think in general the Russian authors/thinkers have that skill. Perhaps the absurdist writers such as Beckett and Pinter as well. I have felt form the beginning that these delusional folks gave been waiting for Godot.

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I adore Russian writers. Yevgeny Zamyatin’s β€œWe” comes to mind as that is the progenitor of all dystopian novels, and authors of dystopian works (e.g., Orwell, Huxley, and Ayn Rand) all acknowledged their indebtedness to him.

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We don't deserve you. (At least I don't.)

Hope they don't Library of Alexandria these books.

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Aww, you are so sweet, Unapologetically Unjabbed, and I feel blessed to have you as a reader 😽

And yes, that is indeed a worry, although I think they’ve figured out that they don’t have to burn the books if they just get people to stop reading them.

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I've been worried this would happen, too. Certainly it will happen - maybe already has been happening - online...and I am betting anything we look up on any search engine has been compromised, especially "science". For this reason I've been hoping people are hoarding the print versions of all the important books, including the ones that tell the truth about these last 3 (8?) years. We are full-time RVrs, so it's not feasible for us to carry hard copy books...for me it is the hardest part of our lifestyle.

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Ah, yes, β€œThe Trial” belongs in there at a minimum.

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lol very good

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πŸ˜† exactly. I seem to be making references to Orwell’s 1984 on a daily basis... you too?

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Every day all day. And β€œBrave New World.” And β€œFahrenheit 451.” And β€œA Clockwork Orange.” And β€œSoylent Green.” And pretty much every ingredient in what I refer to as the dystopian shitfest smoothie we’ve been living through the past three years 😹

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Love the β€œdystopian shitfest smoothie” description. Pretty much says it all. May I borrow it for future use? I’ll make sure I give you credit. LOL!

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Haha, of course and thanks for helping to popularize the term, Kathy!

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Yeah i am gonna haftah borrow that one …

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I realize the situation today is different, but we were also warned in a "Love Letter to America" by Yuri Bezmenov:

"My dear friends, I think you are in big trouble"

It does amaze me that those in the system are such willing participants. I think this video offers a glimpse into the future:


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Here's ↓↓ a good primer to all things Yuri Bezmenov. Well worth checking out! πŸ™‚


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Looks fabulousβ€”thank you, daiva!

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That's insane! Two years later?!

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I feel like I'm stuck in a mix of "The Life of Brian" and "The Nightmare Before Christmas"

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Luv me some Ray Bradbury.

Also luv me some lighter prose which helped remove some wool from my eyes when I was younger and "uneducated".

Sidewalk University assisted in my education too.

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Let’s throw in a little Abbie Hoffman

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That’s a good one! Dystopian shitfest smoothie will replace my generic β€œshitfuckery”

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My favorite Aussie term 😹 Actually, what about dystopian shitfuckery smoothie? (apologies to Jeff for cursing in his commentsβ€”I make an exception for these terms due to their literary value for describing our present situation ;-)

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Brilliant, MAA ... be sure to share this wonderful new flavor of the day... - Dystopian Shitfuckery Smoothie - with our mutual friend & Substacker Rockstar @SageHana 😎

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That an Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies.

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We also knew that too. Does that mean we can call ourselves "experts?" Lol

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I wouldn’t self-apply that badge of dishonor πŸ˜†

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I thought it was Eurasia we've always been at war with? I'm so confused.

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You are not just smart as a whip, you slay us with your wit.

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I saw a Meme that listed the Big Z as Grifter Of The Year. Amazing how a poor guy who plays the piano with his penis became a billionaire rich enough to buy a $34M mansion in Miami. Perhaps he and Mrs Pelosi can form a local bowling team while Paul Pelosi can take piano lessons as long as he agrees not to get hammered during the sessions.

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πŸ—¨ Perhaps he and Mrs Pelosi can form a local bowling team while Paul Pelosi can take piano lessons as long as he agrees not to get hammered during the sessions.

🀣 Sure the 'perhaps' creative extrapolation needs to be memeified of its own!

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What mansion?

People love to post nonsense about him. They would have said the same about Churchill.

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Be gone foul troll

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I did NAZI that coming!

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Exactly! Another nation attacking a Jewish leader?

Your boys in Svatove didn't have a good day.

What's Wagner named after again and what tattoos does the senior leader of Wagner have on his shoulders?

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Facts are hard for Soviets to understand.

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What, can’t handle facts?

What happened to your Wagner dudes in svatove? Crimea?

Lots of random smoking accidents.

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