Hurricane's second week brings sister state relief operations; triple-weird chemical plant fire; Israel re-defines modern warfare and decapitates foe; October's long list of Heavenly Signs; and more.
The media is complicit again too. The west coast people are contacting us wanting to know what’s going on over in Florida. They don’t even know about NC and the other states involved.
We have friends in Asheville and it’s way worse than imagineable. They got word to us briefly they were at least “ok” and finally found water yesterday. They still have a little food they are using the grill to cook on. But my question is what happens when that runs out? Oh ya…I forgot….its time for another 50 billion to Ukraine. Shut up hurricane sufferers. Back of the line and stop whining about food and water. Peoples lives are on the line in Ukraine. 😡 I just can’t. I can’t. The ugly anger that comes out of me when these evil criminals are involved is just too ugly to stomach.
The parallels with lahaina, maui are inescapable and terrifying. We are all sitting ducks for this k8nd of attack, so how are we going to change that???
Hawaii has land, East Palestine has fertile land, and NC has land rich w/minerals. So the powers that be would prefer Americans move away. Problem is there is no where to move because the illegals have all the housing.
I live on the coast of NC, and I have family in Ashe County, one of the hardest hit areas. This was not about NC's mineral-rich mountain land. I am convinced it happened because the plan to smear Mark Robinson into political oblivion was not working. So, they pulled out the stops. Now there are tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of legal voters who planned to vote "red" for whom voting is now the last thing on their minds. It's hard to estimate the death toll just in NC, but it will easily hit the triple digits. And they're not finished with us yet. All of this water has to go somewhere, and water always finds its level. In NC, that means sea level - our beautiful coastline. It will feed into our larger rivers in the piedmont, swelling them and their many tributaries beyond their banks, then continue eastward on to the coast. Where I live, it would be the mighty Neuse River. Along with having all of that to worry about, they're already cooking up another storm down in the Caribbean and already projecting that NC will be in it's path. And let's not forget the impending longshoremen's strike. Our county is home to one of our State Ports (a train leading to the port runs right through the middle of town). Seems NC is getting a big dose of October Surprise a few days early. But don't count us down and out just yet. Being one of the original 13 colonies, we North Carolinians come from hearty and hardy stock. Don't underestimate us. And, please, keep our mountain people and communities in your prayers.
Annie, You've expressed exactly what I was thinking about the results of this very strange storm... The people who will be so overwhelmed with taking care of their basic needs, that voting will not be a top priority, BUT this voting cycle is TOP PRIORITY for us all !!! I pray a miracle over your entire area. I pray God's hands DO the work that needs to be done so the waters abate and people can breathe a sigh of relief. It is imperative that we spread the word, that voting MUST happen this voting cycle. Dear Jesus wrap the people of NC and all those affected by this storm in your mighty arms.
Maui has an Observatory/ Airforce base on its highest mountain.
They research and test DEW there. They have lasers there that they can ping the Moon with to measure the distance to Earth. They could easily hit Lahaina from there.
Tusli Gabbard was on the Shawn Ryan show. He asked her very bluntly about all the rumors. She denied them all, but there was a subtle body language shift and she was uncomfortable to be put in the spot over the topic. The interview was great until he asked her questions about Hawaii and I saw a change. I have no idea what others thought or if they saw the shift. She did politely make a dogged comment about Oprah, an insinuating type snark, when asked about those rumors.
Naomi? Yeah, the first 10 minutes is ugly as a pompous Journalism 101 professor beating up a timid freshman. The guest kept herself together pretty well, but I prefer Confessional Naomi, even Condescending Naomi.
Watched part of a Kamala rally and her sudden interest in a safe border lasted all of a couple minutes before she turned to focus the rest of the time on “fixing our broken immigration system” because Dreamers and asylum seekers and “we are a nation of immigrants.”
Here’s a radical thought… how bout we NOT be a nation of immigrants right now?! Let’s get all the illegal offenders out and take care of our own for awhile. This is our ONE country. Who’s going to take US in if our country goes to hell?
and the LEGAL immigrants don't get ebt, medical, housing and everything else handed to them. the illegal alien invasion is on purpose, to destroy America.
This whole thing reminds me of a lifeboat analogy. Our country is in HUGE distress and our lifeboat is taking on water. The Captain has a big sign: "Be rescued here!" All these illegals are clambering to get into our lifeboat which isn't even taking care of those IN the lifeboat. The illegals will sink us.....soon.
Exactly, Nancy. We the People are the government and hold authority. Harris, Pelosi, Wray, Mayorkis etc are just administrators, and dangerously psychopathic ones at that. The blood of the innocents around the world is on our hands because of our failure to exercise our authority. En masse, WE could stop this madness today; individually, we’re all going to end up enslaved or dead.
Canada sure as hell won’t have us. I’m pretty Russian is gonna be a last refuge for asylum seekers, after the animals get done ruining everything here. I’m glad I’m old.
There is a LOT to hide in Ukraine: Biden & Ukrainian corruption, money laundering, bioweapon & gain of function labs, nazis, body part & organ trafficking & surely worse. Why else is the regime so keen to keep it going & continue sending billions @ our expense?
I completely agree with your outrage. that was my first thought. I don't want to ever hear anyone say "we can't afford" in reference to American TAX paying citizens ever again when we constantly shell out money for other countries - which is actually just our scheming money laundering politicians robbing the federal piggy bank again. I am SO sick of this America last stuff. When will we take care of our own again? When will we feel safe in this country again?
Don't count on Trump to make things right in this regard. He is completely loyal to Israel. Haven't you heard his "Make Israel Great Again" speech? He just accepted $100 million from super Zionist billionaire Miriam Adelson on the promise to her that he would support Israel annexing the West Bank and also never allow Palestine statehood.
Why you have such love for Palestinians? Are Hamas terrorists your favorites?
Look at the camp you’re fighting in. To your right is Antifa, to your left is BLM; your cause is taught by rabid, racist, communist professors in the universities of this evil world. Pedophile Hollywood celebrities have your back. Completely irrational and insane queers are on your side.
If they can win against Israel, they’re coming against your belongings next. Aren’t you living on land that once belonged to indigenous peoples? Didn’t black slaves build your city? You don’t deserve what you have.
Get a clue before it’s too late.
The land belongs to Israel . Since all Israelis were forced from Gaza, leaving their homes and businesses in 2005 (In 2005, 21 Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip and four Israeli settlements in the West Bank were unilaterally dismantled.[1] Israeli settlers and army evacuated from inside the Gaza Strip, redeploying its military along the border.[2-Wikipedia) Hamas has never ceased building up weapon supplies and tunneling under vulnerable civilian buildings, such as schools and hospitals (with the knowledge and compliance of the civilians in charge) and calling for the total annihilation of Israel. The October 7 Massacre, the innocent Jewish hostages still being held (if they haven’t been murdered) is ample proof for any reasonable person to see there can never be a two state solution. Israel gave it their all, but never again.
Why are you supporting those who want the total annihilation of Israel?
Just because I don't like Trump doesn't mean I like Cacklebird at all. How on earth is it a free election when the establishment only recognizes blue or red? The system is rigged and has been for years. I for one will not settle for the lesser of two evils. Evils is still evil no matter how you slice it. Light has no part with dark.
This is a very tiresome argument.
Thank you for pointing out the link advice. I did not know that and its useful :-)
I don’t count on Trump or any human being. I count on the grace of Jesus Christ, and I pray the lesser of two evils leaves a door open to national sanity.
I understand your stance and know many people feel that way, but I can't look God in the face and say I voted for someone who supports a terrorist country that kills innocent civilians, mostly children. That's both sides.
I agree. I hate paying taxes in this country. It's theft at this point. NONE of it benefits us anymore. I wish we could shut down the Federal government until we can get these funds flowing to US citizens only.
Yes, I completely agree. I wish before people decided that horrific communist government (or communist light/socialism) sounds like some sort of Utopia they'd visit countries that actually have it in place. None of their citizens are treated well. I agree with your post down below...our government has become a terrorist org at this point. A total hazard to human health in every way they can think of.
It's way far worse than I could have ever imagined ... and it is the entire Collective West mired in a demonic darkness full of murder, looting, enslavement and gutting of all that is meaningful to us and our family life. Nobody in the 1950's and before could have possibly imagined this demonic mire.
Somebody left this link today. It's worth looking at. And adds to Lawyer Childers' hinting around on the subject.
Buuuut.....anyone who thinks that JUST our tax dollars (piddly amount) fund this giant behemoth of a federal gulag state is dead wrong. The money coming into the coffers is hardly enough to fund all the gophers who actually live in the swamp and memo-push. Pharma, Big Tech and the MIC and it's 'contractors' own DC and all that it trickles down to...
yes, great point. We must not lose focus of that. But I would argue most of their funds comes from us too in the form of our massive consumerism. We pretty much fund pharma entirely.
LOL....reminds me of an HOA. They can get in your face about every little thing and fine you endlessly.....but stop paying them and they'll own your house!
They are little dictators. A mini fed government. They should all be disbanded too! There is NO accountability. There is no recourse for their harassment if you disagree with their assessment of your property. They tell you what to do to your house and when. And don’t dare rise up again at them or you’ll get your smack down in lawyer fees, court fees and THEN they’ll own your house!
HOAs are prime examples of what happens to way too many people who find themselves with a little power. They only get worse when they claw their way up a county-administration ladder. There’s no fixing government without fixing hearts and minds.
What? Lindsay Graham said it's the best money we ever spent, since we're helping to kill Russians. Don't be so selfish, kill more Russians. That's sarcasm, always some who don't catch it.
yeah, what is up with Lindsay? He's our guy in SC and at this point I think he's just thoroughly enjoying the grift. Who can defend with a straight face continuing to throw American dollars down that rat hole?
I know what's up with Lindsay. He sold his soul to the devil, if he ever had one. Some red-state Republicans are so bad it's hard to fathom how they continue to win primaries. With Republican voters like we have, exactly how are we supposed to get anywhere?
Lindsey's machine down here (SC) is gigantic. $ passed everwhere. Nobody CAN primary him. The machine will scour your background to Kindergarten. The machine owns media outlets, radio stations, papers, etc. Unless you have DEEP pockets, you don't stand a chance.
What about the billions to Israel, an additional $8.7 billion just last week after that mass murderer Netanyahu appeared before UN? Please, good folks, stand up for the innocents murdered by Israel. I'm talking about 10's of thousands of civilians, mostly children! Do you people only have a conscience for certain peoples? WE ARE ALL GOD'S CHILDREN!!!! And speaking of ANGRY, I am ANGRY to see people call themselves Christians while turning a blind eye to Israel's atrocities.
@Sunnydaze: Right with you. Stolen elections have consequences. Unfortunately, Demonrats and complicit RINOs have been doing this for years. These Demonrats are pure unadulterated evil.
Same here. I feel anger. And I now consider the United States a terror state, to both the world and its own 'citizens' which are really an enslaved people. I do not believe that the federal power is a legitmate government, but more a captive government.
Let's not fail to mention all the aid to Israel as well, 8.7 billion last week on top of the previous billions to carry out their mass murder. That's not warfare. That's the most heinous, cowardly, demonic, and despicable kind of attack, worthy of Satan's army. Many innocent civilians were also badly injured and killed, including children. And this on top of the genocide in Gaza. And that arrogant fiend Netanyahu dared to talk to the UN General Assembly. No shame, no conscience. He is surely the most UNGODLY entity on the planet! And US Congress supports this? It is beyond negligent to US citizens; it is pure evil.
Now that right there is some just laughable propaganda! 🤣. Tell your handlers to go back to the drawing board. Surely the See Eye Aye can do better than that with the budget they have.
Good stuff, but what genocide did they need to repent of? If there is any attempt to eliminate a people, it’s the world’s attempt to exterminate the Jews.
The ‘Palestinian’ population has flourished and greatly multiplied living with the Israelis.
You do know about the October 7 massacre? If you don’t want want Israelis kicking your ass and eliminating your genitals, maybe don’t murder their innocent civilians.
What do you think Israel should do? Did Joshua of the Old Testament worship “the god of forces/fortresses”. Did King David? Is there a time of legitimate need for defending ones country and people against agression?
That idolatry applies to lots of Americans, who have made wars for enrichment, not to Israel in this day.
The federal government apathy surrounding the devastation of Helene astounds me. Thank you Florida. I weep.
The media is complicit again too. The west coast people are contacting us wanting to know what’s going on over in Florida. They don’t even know about NC and the other states involved.
We have friends in Asheville and it’s way worse than imagineable. They got word to us briefly they were at least “ok” and finally found water yesterday. They still have a little food they are using the grill to cook on. But my question is what happens when that runs out? Oh ya…I forgot….its time for another 50 billion to Ukraine. Shut up hurricane sufferers. Back of the line and stop whining about food and water. Peoples lives are on the line in Ukraine. 😡 I just can’t. I can’t. The ugly anger that comes out of me when these evil criminals are involved is just too ugly to stomach.
This reminds me of the way the Lahaina fire has been handled to this day.
The train derailment in East Palestine, OH
100%. I had the same thought. When are people going to stop supporting America last?
When it affects them directly.
Here's a recent and excellent if infuriating update on Lahaina. Naomi is a little impatient with her guest, so tolerance is warranted.
Thank you. It's says it an hour, but with Naomi Wolf ... very likely worth it.
Naomi is too full of herself for me to tolerate these days.
I don’t disagree. It’s not always easy to distinguish messages from messengers.
When hasn't she been full of herself?
Naomi was way worse than impatient. Jupiter!
Ever seen the video w/Mark Crispin Miller? She was obnoxious, poor guy was trying his best and she was awful to him.
Just finished watching; well worth the time, after the first 10 or so minutes that Naomi so rudely interrupts her guest.
The parallels with lahaina, maui are inescapable and terrifying. We are all sitting ducks for this k8nd of attack, so how are we going to change that???
Refuse to sit and duck?
Hawaii has land, East Palestine has fertile land, and NC has land rich w/minerals. So the powers that be would prefer Americans move away. Problem is there is no where to move because the illegals have all the housing.
I live on the coast of NC, and I have family in Ashe County, one of the hardest hit areas. This was not about NC's mineral-rich mountain land. I am convinced it happened because the plan to smear Mark Robinson into political oblivion was not working. So, they pulled out the stops. Now there are tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of legal voters who planned to vote "red" for whom voting is now the last thing on their minds. It's hard to estimate the death toll just in NC, but it will easily hit the triple digits. And they're not finished with us yet. All of this water has to go somewhere, and water always finds its level. In NC, that means sea level - our beautiful coastline. It will feed into our larger rivers in the piedmont, swelling them and their many tributaries beyond their banks, then continue eastward on to the coast. Where I live, it would be the mighty Neuse River. Along with having all of that to worry about, they're already cooking up another storm down in the Caribbean and already projecting that NC will be in it's path. And let's not forget the impending longshoremen's strike. Our county is home to one of our State Ports (a train leading to the port runs right through the middle of town). Seems NC is getting a big dose of October Surprise a few days early. But don't count us down and out just yet. Being one of the original 13 colonies, we North Carolinians come from hearty and hardy stock. Don't underestimate us. And, please, keep our mountain people and communities in your prayers.
Annie, You've expressed exactly what I was thinking about the results of this very strange storm... The people who will be so overwhelmed with taking care of their basic needs, that voting will not be a top priority, BUT this voting cycle is TOP PRIORITY for us all !!! I pray a miracle over your entire area. I pray God's hands DO the work that needs to be done so the waters abate and people can breathe a sigh of relief. It is imperative that we spread the word, that voting MUST happen this voting cycle. Dear Jesus wrap the people of NC and all those affected by this storm in your mighty arms.
Thank you, Concerned Mom.
My family is from North Carolina and Appalachia. And yes, there are lots of minerals there up in those mountains.
Thats when you move to the 15 minute cities and eat the bugs (eventually)
Don't forget Ukraine.
Why exactly should we cooperate with these devils?
They don't want the population to know it was a DEW attack. For SURE... here is an example.
So where are these DEW directed from? An aircraft, space shuttle,...
Maui has an Observatory/ Airforce base on its highest mountain.
They research and test DEW there. They have lasers there that they can ping the Moon with to measure the distance to Earth. They could easily hit Lahaina from there.
I have seen pics of military planes with DEW machines on the nose... maybe even very large helicopters... ??
Not sure about satellites... but could be...
Scalar weapons can be fired from other side of planet check this link out.
Background on DEW from way back in 2020
Much farther back than 2020.
Tusli Gabbard was on the Shawn Ryan show. He asked her very bluntly about all the rumors. She denied them all, but there was a subtle body language shift and she was uncomfortable to be put in the spot over the topic. The interview was great until he asked her questions about Hawaii and I saw a change. I have no idea what others thought or if they saw the shift. She did politely make a dogged comment about Oprah, an insinuating type snark, when asked about those rumors.
IMO... Tulsi is a snake... maybe a WEF operative... I hope TRUMP has nothing to do with her.
There are quite a few that I would like to believe they are genuine, but I cannot.
How will he stay away from
Not to mention, how it *started*, as Jeff alludes.
Geoengineeringwatch hypothesizes engineered storm path:
I couldn’t get past how many times she interrupted this poor woman.
Naomi? Yeah, the first 10 minutes is ugly as a pompous Journalism 101 professor beating up a timid freshman. The guest kept herself together pretty well, but I prefer Confessional Naomi, even Condescending Naomi.
EXACTLY. the weather manipulation for mass casualty events.
Because neither were "natural" disasters. Nothing at all natural about them.
And also all of the “assistance” financial & otherwise to millions of f’ing ILLEGAL ALIENS on top of Ukraine
Watched part of a Kamala rally and her sudden interest in a safe border lasted all of a couple minutes before she turned to focus the rest of the time on “fixing our broken immigration system” because Dreamers and asylum seekers and “we are a nation of immigrants.”
Here’s a radical thought… how bout we NOT be a nation of immigrants right now?! Let’s get all the illegal offenders out and take care of our own for awhile. This is our ONE country. Who’s going to take US in if our country goes to hell?
We are a nation of LEGAL immigrants.
and the LEGAL immigrants don't get ebt, medical, housing and everything else handed to them. the illegal alien invasion is on purpose, to destroy America.
This whole thing reminds me of a lifeboat analogy. Our country is in HUGE distress and our lifeboat is taking on water. The Captain has a big sign: "Be rescued here!" All these illegals are clambering to get into our lifeboat which isn't even taking care of those IN the lifeboat. The illegals will sink us.....soon.
October will be an E-ticket ride!
We might need fighting age men for WW3 ?
Or, maybe these are our replacements for the coming Vaccine Deaths ?
Overall, 230,637,348 people or 70% of the population are considered fully vaccinated.,676%2C728%2C782%20of%20the%20doses%20used
No one & who would want us?
karma is a bitch. even if we've been willfully blind to what's been done in our name with our funding
Exactly, Nancy. We the People are the government and hold authority. Harris, Pelosi, Wray, Mayorkis etc are just administrators, and dangerously psychopathic ones at that. The blood of the innocents around the world is on our hands because of our failure to exercise our authority. En masse, WE could stop this madness today; individually, we’re all going to end up enslaved or dead.
Canada sure as hell won’t have us. I’m pretty Russian is gonna be a last refuge for asylum seekers, after the animals get done ruining everything here. I’m glad I’m old.
The earthly resources would be coveted. That's pretty much all they want Africa for. Same for Blackrock palpitating over Ukraine.
There is a LOT to hide in Ukraine: Biden & Ukrainian corruption, money laundering, bioweapon & gain of function labs, nazis, body part & organ trafficking & surely worse. Why else is the regime so keen to keep it going & continue sending billions @ our expense?
I completely agree with your outrage. that was my first thought. I don't want to ever hear anyone say "we can't afford" in reference to American TAX paying citizens ever again when we constantly shell out money for other countries - which is actually just our scheming money laundering politicians robbing the federal piggy bank again. I am SO sick of this America last stuff. When will we take care of our own again? When will we feel safe in this country again?
Find the Lord fast
Never! It will never be the America we thought it was again. Buckle up!
and start visualizing and working toward the one you want
yes! NO BLACK PILLING. we need to focus our minds on creation!
Continuity of Government issues? watch it while its up because Im not seeing their new posts!
Maybe after a few years of Trump back in the White House, but no guarantees.
Don't count on Trump to make things right in this regard. He is completely loyal to Israel. Haven't you heard his "Make Israel Great Again" speech? He just accepted $100 million from super Zionist billionaire Miriam Adelson on the promise to her that he would support Israel annexing the West Bank and also never allow Palestine statehood.
Why you have such love for Palestinians? Are Hamas terrorists your favorites?
Look at the camp you’re fighting in. To your right is Antifa, to your left is BLM; your cause is taught by rabid, racist, communist professors in the universities of this evil world. Pedophile Hollywood celebrities have your back. Completely irrational and insane queers are on your side.
If they can win against Israel, they’re coming against your belongings next. Aren’t you living on land that once belonged to indigenous peoples? Didn’t black slaves build your city? You don’t deserve what you have.
Get a clue before it’s too late.
The land belongs to Israel . Since all Israelis were forced from Gaza, leaving their homes and businesses in 2005 (In 2005, 21 Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip and four Israeli settlements in the West Bank were unilaterally dismantled.[1] Israeli settlers and army evacuated from inside the Gaza Strip, redeploying its military along the border.[2-Wikipedia) Hamas has never ceased building up weapon supplies and tunneling under vulnerable civilian buildings, such as schools and hospitals (with the knowledge and compliance of the civilians in charge) and calling for the total annihilation of Israel. The October 7 Massacre, the innocent Jewish hostages still being held (if they haven’t been murdered) is ample proof for any reasonable person to see there can never be a two state solution. Israel gave it their all, but never again.
Why are you supporting those who want the total annihilation of Israel?
Who are you?
Yes, zionists are murderous scum... even worse than islamoturds.
But... you prefer Kunta-kamala and "No-Ballz" Walz?
BTW: You can delete everything after the "?" when posting a link.
Just because I don't like Trump doesn't mean I like Cacklebird at all. How on earth is it a free election when the establishment only recognizes blue or red? The system is rigged and has been for years. I for one will not settle for the lesser of two evils. Evils is still evil no matter how you slice it. Light has no part with dark.
This is a very tiresome argument.
Thank you for pointing out the link advice. I did not know that and its useful :-)
especially the URL posting advice 👍
I don’t count on Trump or any human being. I count on the grace of Jesus Christ, and I pray the lesser of two evils leaves a door open to national sanity.
I understand your stance and know many people feel that way, but I can't look God in the face and say I voted for someone who supports a terrorist country that kills innocent civilians, mostly children. That's both sides.
And you are a complete Jew hating little Hitlerette, masquerading as a Christian, who apparently lives to post egregious lies about Israel.
Trump gave Adelson the presidential medal of freedom and then said it was better than the Medal of Honor. Later Trump said "I'm not a Christian".
What were you before you became a Christian, assuming you weren’t just born that way?
What were any of us before?
Do you know President Trump’s heart and the history of his relationship with God?
Wilson, if you come across a link for that, please post in a reply. Thanks!
not a chance. this plan has been in the works for a very long time.
When we will defend our country against tyranny again?
Ukraine and Israel. Billions of our tax dollars to be laundered and used for slaughter. Why are we paying taxes anymore?
I agree. I hate paying taxes in this country. It's theft at this point. NONE of it benefits us anymore. I wish we could shut down the Federal government until we can get these funds flowing to US citizens only.
Communist governments, this one internationally controlled, create nothing but hell holes for the afflicted (all of us).
Yes, I completely agree. I wish before people decided that horrific communist government (or communist light/socialism) sounds like some sort of Utopia they'd visit countries that actually have it in place. None of their citizens are treated well. I agree with your post down below...our government has become a terrorist org at this point. A total hazard to human health in every way they can think of.
It's way far worse than I could have ever imagined ... and it is the entire Collective West mired in a demonic darkness full of murder, looting, enslavement and gutting of all that is meaningful to us and our family life. Nobody in the 1950's and before could have possibly imagined this demonic mire.
Somebody left this link today. It's worth looking at. And adds to Lawyer Childers' hinting around on the subject.
Thanks for writing ... very much so.
Buuuut.....anyone who thinks that JUST our tax dollars (piddly amount) fund this giant behemoth of a federal gulag state is dead wrong. The money coming into the coffers is hardly enough to fund all the gophers who actually live in the swamp and memo-push. Pharma, Big Tech and the MIC and it's 'contractors' own DC and all that it trickles down to...
yes, great point. We must not lose focus of that. But I would argue most of their funds comes from us too in the form of our massive consumerism. We pretty much fund pharma entirely.
Exactly…circle of death.
Because that is the one thing we can be assured of receiving a prison sentence for.
LOL....reminds me of an HOA. They can get in your face about every little thing and fine you endlessly.....but stop paying them and they'll own your house!
They are little dictators. A mini fed government. They should all be disbanded too! There is NO accountability. There is no recourse for their harassment if you disagree with their assessment of your property. They tell you what to do to your house and when. And don’t dare rise up again at them or you’ll get your smack down in lawyer fees, court fees and THEN they’ll own your house!
HOAs are prime examples of what happens to way too many people who find themselves with a little power. They only get worse when they claw their way up a county-administration ladder. There’s no fixing government without fixing hearts and minds.
Ha! Injustice is guaranteed. Justice, not so much.
well then stop. and get out of the big banks (look for a local credit union) got investments? guarantee they are invested in war.
We moved all of our $$$ out of arvest. And we told them why. Just a tiny drop to them, but we'll worth it to us.
congratulations. and it matters far more than we can know
Time for a tea party!
Yes. Why?
The money to Ukraine INFURIATES me.
What? Lindsay Graham said it's the best money we ever spent, since we're helping to kill Russians. Don't be so selfish, kill more Russians. That's sarcasm, always some who don't catch it.
Graham is getting kickbacks too, just like the rest of them.
yeah, what is up with Lindsay? He's our guy in SC and at this point I think he's just thoroughly enjoying the grift. Who can defend with a straight face continuing to throw American dollars down that rat hole?
I know what's up with Lindsay. He sold his soul to the devil, if he ever had one. Some red-state Republicans are so bad it's hard to fathom how they continue to win primaries. With Republican voters like we have, exactly how are we supposed to get anywhere?
Lindsey's machine down here (SC) is gigantic. $ passed everwhere. Nobody CAN primary him. The machine will scour your background to Kindergarten. The machine owns media outlets, radio stations, papers, etc. Unless you have DEEP pockets, you don't stand a chance.
miss lindsey has always been a neo con rino warmonger.
He is a neocon war monger through and through.
Yes, a War Whore! And more than a little creepy, in my opinion.
Later Jay
What about the billions to Israel, an additional $8.7 billion just last week after that mass murderer Netanyahu appeared before UN? Please, good folks, stand up for the innocents murdered by Israel. I'm talking about 10's of thousands of civilians, mostly children! Do you people only have a conscience for certain peoples? WE ARE ALL GOD'S CHILDREN!!!! And speaking of ANGRY, I am ANGRY to see people call themselves Christians while turning a blind eye to Israel's atrocities.
the judeo Christian propaganda is too strong. A Lutheran told me the other day that jews are God's chosen people. I told him to read the talmud.
I completely agree! they are murderers and we are funding this slaughter!
Watch this and weep, little Hitlerette.
Game Changer!
How much was this worth to the world? Priceless!
Same bc its lining politicians pockets!!
Maybe Ukraine can lend us a few billions at market rates?
Ask your very silent Congress.
Sorry, they're too tied up laundering money back into the Democrat party candidate coffers...
I'm recalling that a Ukrainian was the biggest donor to the Clinton Foundation...
and all the smurfing donations to ActBlue (and likely, WinRed in some cases)...
God help us.
Anita, It has been said: "God helps those who help themselves."
@Sunnydaze: Right with you. Stolen elections have consequences. Unfortunately, Demonrats and complicit RINOs have been doing this for years. These Demonrats are pure unadulterated evil.
Same here. I feel anger. And I now consider the United States a terror state, to both the world and its own 'citizens' which are really an enslaved people. I do not believe that the federal power is a legitmate government, but more a captive government.
Me too Sunnydaze, ME TOO!
Let's not fail to mention all the aid to Israel as well, 8.7 billion last week on top of the previous billions to carry out their mass murder. That's not warfare. That's the most heinous, cowardly, demonic, and despicable kind of attack, worthy of Satan's army. Many innocent civilians were also badly injured and killed, including children. And this on top of the genocide in Gaza. And that arrogant fiend Netanyahu dared to talk to the UN General Assembly. No shame, no conscience. He is surely the most UNGODLY entity on the planet! And US Congress supports this? It is beyond negligent to US citizens; it is pure evil.
its not warfare when the other side has no military, only activists. its just indiscriminate slaughter.
Now that right there is some just laughable propaganda! 🤣. Tell your handlers to go back to the drawing board. Surely the See Eye Aye can do better than that with the budget they have.
Good stuff, but what genocide did they need to repent of? If there is any attempt to eliminate a people, it’s the world’s attempt to exterminate the Jews.
The ‘Palestinian’ population has flourished and greatly multiplied living with the Israelis.
You do know about the October 7 massacre? If you don’t want want Israelis kicking your ass and eliminating your genitals, maybe don’t murder their innocent civilians.
What do you think Israel should do? Did Joshua of the Old Testament worship “the god of forces/fortresses”. Did King David? Is there a time of legitimate need for defending ones country and people against agression?
That idolatry applies to lots of Americans, who have made wars for enrichment, not to Israel in this day.