Dems fret about Supreme Court immunity decision; UK’s version of the PREP Act collapsing under spiking claims; Moderna's astonishing sales figures; the next counteroffensive; and a very gooey story.
If there's any good coming from Trump having to sit in a NYC courtroom for weeks on end, it's that he's taking full advantage campaigning on his off time. Everywhere he goes in NYC, people happily swarm around him. This is good! I admire his ability to turn bad situations into something productive & good. His energy is off the charts.
That...and that the entire thing is exposing these lawfare cases for the frauds they are. Between this Didn't Earn It doofus Bragg and his trashy counterpart in GA, they are almost singlehandedly taking down their own fraudulent system. To say nothing of the documents case (surprised Jeff hasn't covered that one) where it seems like the whole thing is trending toward being tossed. More and more I can't help but conclude our entire legal system is broken. Not a good look for the Dems and their campaign contributors.
I follow Julie Kelly on the document case. She's all over it. And, wow...the conniving, plotting, and greasy-grimy hands of Jack Smith, along with others, is just shocking to me. I shouldn't be shocked but I am. Judge Canon has been on an unsealing motion and document rampage lately and it's like opening a window to some pretty evil stuff.
I'm not sure what - if anything - would surprise me anymore. And it's kind of sad, actually. I have no faith in our system...or whatever is left of our system. These same people paid foreign intel agencies to collude against the frontrunner for US President in 2016. They outright stole the election in 2020. They manufactured a worldwide psy-op re: covid. So, outside of them all being outed as actual demons or aliens or vampires or something, I'm not really going to be surprised. Oddly, even then, I might not be all that surprised, lol.
If I'm being honest with myself, I think we're already gone. I don't stay there for very long because it overwhelmingly saddens me and I know our Lord doesn't want me to get bogged down for too long. I also believe in His miracles which, gives me hope.
And we can’t. We have been fighting against this in our town since a few months into the lockdown when our city council at the time showed their true colors. We clawed back the city council and are still fighting to just maintain it. We are working on taking back our school board, too. The current president is an antisemitic b1tch.
What they do is attack on several different fronts to fatigue us so we’ll give up. Just remember, we are moving forward, even if it seems slow. We are making inroads, which is why they are upping the ante right now.
I like this. Thank you so much! It’s giving all to Him in faith, in Christ. But going further, I see everything in light of His overarching prime summary commandment: Love God with all your heart & soul & mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself.
It’s not about us., tho He works in and with us. it’s about God, first & last and us & our fellows in between. Yez Lord, with You all things are possible…even in me.
I never had much "faith" in our system of jurisprudence - and NOW????? MINUS ZERO!!! I ONLY have TRUE faith in the Holy Bible and the Author and Finisher of our faith - YESHUA - the only begotten Son of the Most High Jehovah.
I have sat under the teaching of various pastors and Bible teachers/scholars and most of them preached "pre trib" snatching away of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. My most recent pastor was "post trib" altogether - he just passed into eternity (through getting the Wuhan Flu) about 2 years ago. So he's "good to go" as it were (smile).
Kind of scary how fine the line is. And how much of the system is based on public sentiment.
Knowing what power does to people, it doesn't surprise me that those with power have tried to do the things they're doing to Trump and his supporters. I guess it was just a matter of time. It has disheartened me how little pushback from the "system of checks and balances" they've received, and, especially, how many of the public are buying the official stories.
I mean, they're stupid, implausible, easily debunked stories. (He wrote "legal fees" in the memo line of a check he was giving to somehow that constitutes election interference in an election he had already won? Really?) And yet, people believe them. And that allows the insanity to continue.
But, I guess politics is downstream of culture, and of course the law is downstream of politics.
People believe those things simply because they *want* to believe them. It’s like the abused girlfriend who so desperately wants to believe that her abusive boyfriend “loves” her that she’ll make any excuse for his behavior 😕
yes, we are now a banana republic in every way. I had once told a friend from overseas that is you want to make the US population do or not do something, simply pass law. Our current crop of politicians have proven me WRONG in that. THEY don't even follow the laws THEY enacted
The “broken legal system” is not a “good look” for any of us…if they can do what they are doing to DJT, a former President, as well as all the ‘trumped up charges’ (I know😉 but it’s the perfect word), that have been brought against all the people who were in DC on J6, (one being a woman from Colorado who just went inside the Capitol “to pray” that day), the justice system CAN and WILL take phony legal action against you. Then it’s up to you to get an attorney (if you can even find one to defend you), pay out big $$$ for that legal assistance to fight this lawfare being used against you. We are ALL vulnerable and at risk here.
Yes! And don't forget, NYC is supposed to be filled with Trump haters, according to the media, it's politicians, DA's, Judges, and elitist NYC snobs. Watching all the videos of Trump’s NYC campaign excursions says something quite different.
I am wondering when NYC residents started 'hating' DJT - at one time...NY'ers reveled in "The Donald" achievements and antics!! The "tide" probably "turned" when he became a Republican instead of a DEMONrat--what do you wanna bet!!!
NYT, NPR, & Atlantic readers. NYC is the self-ascribed celeb intelligentsia home base. Add $$$$. Of course!
The common folk have the MSM propaganda, & lies, the distractions & excitement of city life, — fumes of NYC past & erstwhile perks, — & wanna-be fame. Add Unions, BS “Art” & “Culture”, “Institutions of Higher Education”, NGOs, corruption and the DNC …et voilà!
But, no more. Fails & fractures on all fronts.
The light is dawning.
And her imitating little-sister cities will hopefully follow. (I speak of Seattle and, to a certain degree, Portland, tho’ PDX is it’s own kind of ragged rebel. The post-pubescent inheritor of hand-me downs, awkwardly remixed to self-assert. Believe it or not, tho’, there are normal people still living there. Old, stable, solid families spanning generations. How they do it, I don’t know.)
Too bad he can’t keep his trap shut sometimes. His 4/26 Truth post disparaging RFK Jr’s vaccine (fact filled) claims as FAKE was despicable. Half of his base is already PO’d at the self-proclaimed “father of the vaccines.” What did that post get him in return?
If Trump supporters vote for RFK Jr, (over the single vax issue), it will split the Republican vote in an already uphill battle against Election fraud! We must stand together or all will be lost I'm afraid.
He really doesn't have a clue about what is going on with the vaccines and the feelings of so many conservatives about them? 🤔
If anything, I can understand him not apologizing or acknowledging the issues with them, BUT, he should then ignore that topic and focus on speaking about his other real successes as President.
Stubborness and repetitive statements are sometimes an issue with *some* aging people. Sorry to say this.
WOW... never noticed that saying is biblical until now. God uses everything for good.....
"his(trumps) ability to turn bad situations into something productive & good" but we have to stay calm, prayerful, focused, positively imagining the best.....same thing that kept ppl from falling for the covid scam and refused the poison syringe rape.
The harder the Judge comes down on Presidential candidate and former President Trump, the most popular President in US history, the more President Trump's support swells! Who judge what's his name has charged with violating the gag order for the 10 th time. The absurdity of it all!
I am starting to wonder if Jeff moonlights as a romance novelist (bodice-rippers?) or mayhap as a guest columnist for the Penthouse Forum…but actually he’s far too classy for that…so don’t pelt me with rotten veggies, please? 🤣
There is nothing wrong with romance novels, and I am frankly tired of people making fun of them. They are no different than mystery, science fiction, horror, westerns, etc., except they are geared toward women.
Love me some classic Victorian novels. Check out No Name or Armadale by Wilkie Collins (better known for The Moonstone and The Woman in White—both must reads if you have not). So many plot twists that are ridiculous but fun, great use of language. He’s a gem!
Oh yes it makes it all worth while, a story worth reading. Imagine politicians unlocking the statute of limitations?? 😱. The level of STUPIDITY cannot be quantified
I think bigger Ukraine news is Russia has just added Zelensky to the criminal wanted list, so speculation is they’re either going to take him out or refuse to negotiate with him (perhaps for canceling the elections later this month). While Sullivan and Blinken play checkers, Russia plays chess.
I would include Biden and all those that counseled Zelensky against negotiating peace when he wanted in the first year. They pushed him to the war, massively funded his efforts, and all there is to show for it are lost men and a destroyed country.
And very likely increased numbers of people who despise the USA, I can’t imagine the wrath. Our culture cannot recall anything older than 4 years, generally. Other cultures think of 100 years as a minute, from what I understand.
That stinks. I'm sure the majority of Ukrainians and Russians would happily let Zelensky go and spend his ill gotten money, if the war were to just end.
Given that Russia has been trying to kill Zelenskyy for 2 years of the 2 day war they’ve failed.
Russia hasn’t been playing chess, they’ve been flinging turds against a wall and begging for idiots in the west to make them
It was just over a year ago Jeff was bragging about some magical alleged kinzhal strike that nearly killed Zelenskyy and took out 100-200 “top nato generals”.
Jeff did claim "100-200 top nato and Ukrainian generals". It's been over a year and we haven't seen any proof of this. Nothing. The "source" was some rando blog post. Very credible. 100-200 generals would create quite the leadership gap that wouldn't go unnoticed.
He also implied it was aimed at Zelenskyy since he was "shaken".
Russia doesn't avoid political figures. They simply have such a poor kill chain that they can't hit them. Not that they don't want to.
Russia sent a lot of men early on to take out Zelenskyy. It failed.
Calling people "fed bots" because they disagree with you is one of the lowest denominators out there. It's a form of self roasting because you lack the ability to respond.
Certainly not as cool as the "Terminator fedbot decepticon" another guy called me a few weeks ago.
Some, sure. But nothing I bring up here is in **any** way secret.
I would never jeopardize my clearance or the job I fought so hard to keep over Robin's mandate just to lose it by flexing some insider knowledge for clout and to prove myself right.
As a symbol of their appreciation one of the Ukrainian guys is sending me the flight wing of a downed Russian KA52 alligator they killed.
If Russia wanted the actor—Z—taken out, he wouldn’t be safe anywhere. The KGB didn’t mess around. Z is alive because he’s still useful in this movie—or theater of war—we’re watching.
Once the villain/hero is taken out, the movie is over and the globalists need a big Revelations style ending to fully take over the world.
I for one, am done giving my energy to this debacle. I’m not even sure any of this is actually happening. We’ve been played for so long that if the news told me the sun was out, I’d have to look—through the Chem-clouds—to believe them.
And B with 2 N’s, I’m not sure you’re a real person, and not just an AI creation. Maybe Jeff needs one of those ‘check the box if you’re human’ before anyone can comment. Can you find all the traffic lights??
Honestly, I can predict your replies every single time. Orange Man-Russia-bad. Big Z— good guy—send-more-💰.
Yeah, you totally needed those DPICM and missile interceptors.
The irony is that had trump been in office he would have given Ukraine more effective aid early on. They'd have had F16s, Abrams, and Atacms in 2022, not 2023.
And the people here would be cheering for it because it's "their guy".
Russia tried. They sent hundreds of GRU, FSB, and various other 3 letter agency guys to northern Ukraine early on to take him out and collapse the government. Taking out the president would be a quick way to victory and annex the entire country like they planned.
What's going to happen when I find those street lights and you have to face the realization that I'm a human who is anti covid vaccine (the whole reason I'm here) and has very different opinions?
Gasp, opposing opinions! How horrible. Maybe you need a safe space?
VDPS (Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme) in the UK is not fit for purpose. My mother has heart failure since the month of her first jab. No previous heart issues, ever. They said because she had chemo 10 years ago that could have predisposed her to heart failure. Also her brother had a heart attack. So, no payout. It’s hopeless.
I’m very sorry to hear about your family. My three brothers and one sister are all jibby-jabbed so I worry. Time will tell. My circle of acquaintances are increasingly ill. 4 with recently diagnosed Afib. Others friends recently diagnosed with cancer: 1 brain tumor, 1 breast cancer, 1 colon cancer, all stage-four diagnosis. Numerous “sudden and unexpected” deaths. I’ve lost count. Mostly strokes and heart attacks. I’ve noticed that the sheeple are acting stranger. Withdrawn, quieter, quirky. It’s beginning to sink in and the psychological somersa
If there's any good coming from Trump having to sit in a NYC courtroom for weeks on end, it's that he's taking full advantage campaigning on his off time. Everywhere he goes in NYC, people happily swarm around him. This is good! I admire his ability to turn bad situations into something productive & good. His energy is off the charts.
His energy is astounding considering his age.
Looks like spam.
just reported
Laura j - SPAMMER!!!
That...and that the entire thing is exposing these lawfare cases for the frauds they are. Between this Didn't Earn It doofus Bragg and his trashy counterpart in GA, they are almost singlehandedly taking down their own fraudulent system. To say nothing of the documents case (surprised Jeff hasn't covered that one) where it seems like the whole thing is trending toward being tossed. More and more I can't help but conclude our entire legal system is broken. Not a good look for the Dems and their campaign contributors.
I follow Julie Kelly on the document case. She's all over it. And, wow...the conniving, plotting, and greasy-grimy hands of Jack Smith, along with others, is just shocking to me. I shouldn't be shocked but I am. Judge Canon has been on an unsealing motion and document rampage lately and it's like opening a window to some pretty evil stuff.
I'm not sure what - if anything - would surprise me anymore. And it's kind of sad, actually. I have no faith in our system...or whatever is left of our system. These same people paid foreign intel agencies to collude against the frontrunner for US President in 2016. They outright stole the election in 2020. They manufactured a worldwide psy-op re: covid. So, outside of them all being outed as actual demons or aliens or vampires or something, I'm not really going to be surprised. Oddly, even then, I might not be all that surprised, lol.
If I'm being honest with myself, I think we're already gone. I don't stay there for very long because it overwhelmingly saddens me and I know our Lord doesn't want me to get bogged down for too long. I also believe in His miracles which, gives me hope.
LuAnne, and it's what the marxist enemies want you to think; they want us to give up.
And we can’t. We have been fighting against this in our town since a few months into the lockdown when our city council at the time showed their true colors. We clawed back the city council and are still fighting to just maintain it. We are working on taking back our school board, too. The current president is an antisemitic b1tch.
What they do is attack on several different fronts to fatigue us so we’ll give up. Just remember, we are moving forward, even if it seems slow. We are making inroads, which is why they are upping the ante right now.
I said nothing about giving up.
I trust in Jesus. I surrender everything to Him and let Him handle it. It’s what helps me to not get overwhelmed by the evil that surrounds us.
I like this. Thank you so much! It’s giving all to Him in faith, in Christ. But going further, I see everything in light of His overarching prime summary commandment: Love God with all your heart & soul & mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself.
It’s not about us., tho He works in and with us. it’s about God, first & last and us & our fellows in between. Yez Lord, with You all things are possible…even in me.
I never had much "faith" in our system of jurisprudence - and NOW????? MINUS ZERO!!! I ONLY have TRUE faith in the Holy Bible and the Author and Finisher of our faith - YESHUA - the only begotten Son of the Most High Jehovah.
and his returning for rapture of his own.
I have sat under the teaching of various pastors and Bible teachers/scholars and most of them preached "pre trib" snatching away of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. My most recent pastor was "post trib" altogether - he just passed into eternity (through getting the Wuhan Flu) about 2 years ago. So he's "good to go" as it were (smile).
I'm surprised they HAVEN'T been outed. Although, I might be surprised if they were outed as sleestaks.
Ha! I remember that! Land of the Lost?
I've mentioned it before but I'll say it again.
In 2012, I told a former intel analyst (only 26yo) that the only difference between the US and a 3d World country is The Rule of Law.
Things have change A LOT since 2012!
Kind of scary how fine the line is. And how much of the system is based on public sentiment.
Knowing what power does to people, it doesn't surprise me that those with power have tried to do the things they're doing to Trump and his supporters. I guess it was just a matter of time. It has disheartened me how little pushback from the "system of checks and balances" they've received, and, especially, how many of the public are buying the official stories.
I mean, they're stupid, implausible, easily debunked stories. (He wrote "legal fees" in the memo line of a check he was giving to somehow that constitutes election interference in an election he had already won? Really?) And yet, people believe them. And that allows the insanity to continue.
But, I guess politics is downstream of culture, and of course the law is downstream of politics.
People believe those things simply because they *want* to believe them. It’s like the abused girlfriend who so desperately wants to believe that her abusive boyfriend “loves” her that she’ll make any excuse for his behavior 😕
yes, we are now a banana republic in every way. I had once told a friend from overseas that is you want to make the US population do or not do something, simply pass law. Our current crop of politicians have proven me WRONG in that. THEY don't even follow the laws THEY enacted
Bananas for ALL!
What “rule of law”?
The “broken legal system” is not a “good look” for any of us…if they can do what they are doing to DJT, a former President, as well as all the ‘trumped up charges’ (I know😉 but it’s the perfect word), that have been brought against all the people who were in DC on J6, (one being a woman from Colorado who just went inside the Capitol “to pray” that day), the justice system CAN and WILL take phony legal action against you. Then it’s up to you to get an attorney (if you can even find one to defend you), pay out big $$$ for that legal assistance to fight this lawfare being used against you. We are ALL vulnerable and at risk here.
The Teflon Donald
LuAnne, I have more and more admiration for DJT every day. He seems to thrive on adversity.
Yes! And don't forget, NYC is supposed to be filled with Trump haters, according to the media, it's politicians, DA's, Judges, and elitist NYC snobs. Watching all the videos of Trump’s NYC campaign excursions says something quite different.
I am wondering when NYC residents started 'hating' DJT - at one time...NY'ers reveled in "The Donald" achievements and antics!! The "tide" probably "turned" when he became a Republican instead of a DEMONrat--what do you wanna bet!!!
NYT, NPR, & Atlantic readers. NYC is the self-ascribed celeb intelligentsia home base. Add $$$$. Of course!
The common folk have the MSM propaganda, & lies, the distractions & excitement of city life, — fumes of NYC past & erstwhile perks, — & wanna-be fame. Add Unions, BS “Art” & “Culture”, “Institutions of Higher Education”, NGOs, corruption and the DNC …et voilà!
But, no more. Fails & fractures on all fronts.
The light is dawning.
And her imitating little-sister cities will hopefully follow. (I speak of Seattle and, to a certain degree, Portland, tho’ PDX is it’s own kind of ragged rebel. The post-pubescent inheritor of hand-me downs, awkwardly remixed to self-assert. Believe it or not, tho’, there are normal people still living there. Old, stable, solid families spanning generations. How they do it, I don’t know.)
Powerfully, truthfully stated, Dick!!
The only LIGHT that can penetrate the darkness of the 'big city filth and corruption' is the LIGHT OF LIFE - YESHUA!!!
👋🏼Hi Sharon!
AMEN! ✝️👆🏼🕊
He is the people's President.
Too bad he can’t keep his trap shut sometimes. His 4/26 Truth post disparaging RFK Jr’s vaccine (fact filled) claims as FAKE was despicable. Half of his base is already PO’d at the self-proclaimed “father of the vaccines.” What did that post get him in return?
AL - Yes, Trump's strong pro-vax stand aligns him with the WHO's plans to vax the world. That is extremely serious.
Hopefully a lot of people who will vote for RFK instead. :)
If Trump supporters vote for RFK Jr, (over the single vax issue), it will split the Republican vote in an already uphill battle against Election fraud! We must stand together or all will be lost I'm afraid.
Seems The Don really should clam up about vaccines.
He really doesn't have a clue about what is going on with the vaccines and the feelings of so many conservatives about them? 🤔
If anything, I can understand him not apologizing or acknowledging the issues with them, BUT, he should then ignore that topic and focus on speaking about his other real successes as President.
Stubborness and repetitive statements are sometimes an issue with *some* aging people. Sorry to say this.
Totally agree!
Do you have a link to post? Thanks much.
WOW... never noticed that saying is biblical until now. God uses everything for good.....
"his(trumps) ability to turn bad situations into something productive & good" but we have to stay calm, prayerful, focused, positively imagining the best.....same thing that kept ppl from falling for the covid scam and refused the poison syringe rape.
The harder the Judge comes down on Presidential candidate and former President Trump, the most popular President in US history, the more President Trump's support swells! Who judge what's his name has charged with violating the gag order for the 10 th time. The absurdity of it all!
It would be amazing if he wins NY like Ronald Reagan did twice! (Once with a landslide)
He’s a phenomenon. I happily fall asleep to the sound of his rally speeches. He makes me feel like ‘Daddy’s home”! Now, it’s going to be okay.
Dems don't seem to understand they are dealing with Antaeus, in a manner of speaking.
He may take NY if this keeps up!! Construction workers, firefighters, fast food workers, all love him!!
Amen, bro!
So agree! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
“Which promptly and prematurely delivered a seminal address right on her while she was trying to secede from the encounter”
Hahahahaha..... classic Jeff and just excellent (chef’s kiss).
"Little Mayor" 😅🤣😂
Yes I had quite a giggle there as I finished off todays issuance SNORT I mean SQUIRT! Honk honk!!
Loved it! lol! 🤣🤣🤣
Icky imagery
SUPER gross. But Jeff’s description makes it hilarious.
I concur.
I am starting to wonder if Jeff moonlights as a romance novelist (bodice-rippers?) or mayhap as a guest columnist for the Penthouse Forum…but actually he’s far too classy for that…so don’t pelt me with rotten veggies, please? 🤣
There is nothing wrong with romance novels, and I am frankly tired of people making fun of them. They are no different than mystery, science fiction, horror, westerns, etc., except they are geared toward women.
I love romantic novels, you won’t get any insults from me.
Love me some classic Victorian novels. Check out No Name or Armadale by Wilkie Collins (better known for The Moonstone and The Woman in White—both must reads if you have not). So many plot twists that are ridiculous but fun, great use of language. He’s a gem!
On top of this, what do most people want in their life? Most people want to love and be loved. 🤷♀️
I mean…. You make a good point. 😅
Oh yes it makes it all worth while, a story worth reading. Imagine politicians unlocking the statute of limitations?? 😱. The level of STUPIDITY cannot be quantified
Let's not clutch our new found pearls over this.... ;) :D It might result in sticky hands.
Funny : )
A sticky situation
When pols like Hochul say “deeply disturbing,” I assume it’s a reaction to their psychoanalysis.
Yes. That sentence was just incredible!
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff.......not sure if it's appropriate for me to laugh out loud.....but chuckling is ok, right?
Spot on!
If she still had that blue dress...
But shot past Bill Clinton in the last paragraph.
Most amusing! 🤣🤣🤣
I think bigger Ukraine news is Russia has just added Zelensky to the criminal wanted list, so speculation is they’re either going to take him out or refuse to negotiate with him (perhaps for canceling the elections later this month). While Sullivan and Blinken play checkers, Russia plays chess.
johnny - would to God this was only a checkers V chess “game”.
Hundreds of thousands (some accounts say Over 400,000 of Ukraine soldiers dead) and no end in sight. Zelensky is also a war criminal.
I would include Biden and all those that counseled Zelensky against negotiating peace when he wanted in the first year. They pushed him to the war, massively funded his efforts, and all there is to show for it are lost men and a destroyed country.
…and likely someone’s heavily lined pockets. See “money laundering.”
And very likely increased numbers of people who despise the USA, I can’t imagine the wrath. Our culture cannot recall anything older than 4 years, generally. Other cultures think of 100 years as a minute, from what I understand.
How true. Consider this: our country is less than 300 years old. Compare that to the Chinese or Greeks whose history is 4,000 years old!
Russians are the chess masters while our lobbyists-approved-representatives probably couldn’t beat Russia in a spelling Bee—in English.
Our current Admin couldn't beat the Russians in a"finding your ass with both hands" contest!
If Biden/Obama threw himself to the ground, he’d miss.
Part of branding Zelensky a criminal is now the only negotiating will be a full surrender by Ukraine. Nothing less.
That stinks. I'm sure the majority of Ukrainians and Russians would happily let Zelensky go and spend his ill gotten money, if the war were to just end.
Let him go off and spend his money for a little while until he "accidentally" dies of nuclear poisoning...?
Given that Russia has been trying to kill Zelenskyy for 2 years of the 2 day war they’ve failed.
Russia hasn’t been playing chess, they’ve been flinging turds against a wall and begging for idiots in the west to make them
It was just over a year ago Jeff was bragging about some magical alleged kinzhal strike that nearly killed Zelenskyy and took out 100-200 “top nato generals”.
Russia intentionally avoids the political figures, including guests from the West. There's never been an attempt on any of them.
And Jeff never claimed a strike took out The Kiev Pianist as that meeting was only among the military members.
Any comment about Russel bentley?
An American was decapitated by Russian soldiers and tortured to death.
Haven't heard a peep out of anyone here.
Jeff didn't claim that, correct.
Jeff did claim "100-200 top nato and Ukrainian generals". It's been over a year and we haven't seen any proof of this. Nothing. The "source" was some rando blog post. Very credible. 100-200 generals would create quite the leadership gap that wouldn't go unnoticed.
He also implied it was aimed at Zelenskyy since he was "shaken".
Russia doesn't avoid political figures. They simply have such a poor kill chain that they can't hit them. Not that they don't want to.
Russia sent a lot of men early on to take out Zelenskyy. It failed.
Benny-Benny-Benny…you’re so LUCKY — you can eat ice cream as FAST as you want and never get a BRAIN freeze!
Now let’s ponder just exactly “why” that is…?!!! 🤣
Cause hes a fedbot. Although I'm starting to wonder if he is actually Zelensky himself.
Calling people "fed bots" because they disagree with you is one of the lowest denominators out there. It's a form of self roasting because you lack the ability to respond.
Certainly not as cool as the "Terminator fedbot decepticon" another guy called me a few weeks ago.
He's got the inside word
Inside his own head...
Facts are hard for some of ya'll to handle.
We see the same in you.
Some, sure. But nothing I bring up here is in **any** way secret.
I would never jeopardize my clearance or the job I fought so hard to keep over Robin's mandate just to lose it by flexing some insider knowledge for clout and to prove myself right.
As a symbol of their appreciation one of the Ukrainian guys is sending me the flight wing of a downed Russian KA52 alligator they killed.
I love Braum's cookies and cream and Rocky road. It's amazing. I suggest you try it.
I do get brain freeze, however and have to do the "hahahahahahahhaha" thing to avoid my head becoming an ice chip.
If Russia wanted the actor—Z—taken out, he wouldn’t be safe anywhere. The KGB didn’t mess around. Z is alive because he’s still useful in this movie—or theater of war—we’re watching.
Once the villain/hero is taken out, the movie is over and the globalists need a big Revelations style ending to fully take over the world.
I for one, am done giving my energy to this debacle. I’m not even sure any of this is actually happening. We’ve been played for so long that if the news told me the sun was out, I’d have to look—through the Chem-clouds—to believe them.
And B with 2 N’s, I’m not sure you’re a real person, and not just an AI creation. Maybe Jeff needs one of those ‘check the box if you’re human’ before anyone can comment. Can you find all the traffic lights??
Honestly, I can predict your replies every single time. Orange Man-Russia-bad. Big Z— good guy—send-more-💰.
You may be done giving your energy away on this subject, but our Congress isn't through giving away your money. 😕
So true.
Yeah, you totally needed those DPICM and missile interceptors.
The irony is that had trump been in office he would have given Ukraine more effective aid early on. They'd have had F16s, Abrams, and Atacms in 2022, not 2023.
And the people here would be cheering for it because it's "their guy".
That's 100% incorrect.
Russia tried. They sent hundreds of GRU, FSB, and various other 3 letter agency guys to northern Ukraine early on to take him out and collapse the government. Taking out the president would be a quick way to victory and annex the entire country like they planned.
What's going to happen when I find those street lights and you have to face the realization that I'm a human who is anti covid vaccine (the whole reason I'm here) and has very different opinions?
Gasp, opposing opinions! How horrible. Maybe you need a safe space?
I am my safe space 😉
Oh it's you again. Thought by now you would have learned reality but guess not. Use your listening ears, open your eyes and stop running your mouth.
How's your 2 day war going, Carolyn?
I guess it ain't going so well for the Russians.
🤡 at it again. Let the adults talk.
I bring hard facts to the bring nothing but pedantic replies.
I think Joseph R gives Zelenskyy so much money because he’s attracted to cross dressing idiots. Look at his cabinet…💋💄💃🏼
He’s not concerned about the citizens of Ukraine. He’s trying to get in the penis-pianist’s dress.
And our poor military is suffering under his pedophilic, woke and self destructive leadership.
Trump sent Zelensky lethal aid, reversing Biden's decision.
If Zelensky didn't care he would have cut and run early on but he refused.
Imagine fighting back against a tyrant as being the equivelant of not caring about your people.
I like imagining the Ghost of Kiev.
The Ghost of Kyiv was so scary Russians fled the battle.
Imagine that!
They have not been trying to take out Zelensky himself
They absolutely have.
The dead Russians in Ukrainian army and SBU uniforms trying to get into the Rada and Presidential palace say otherwise.
VDPS (Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme) in the UK is not fit for purpose. My mother has heart failure since the month of her first jab. No previous heart issues, ever. They said because she had chemo 10 years ago that could have predisposed her to heart failure. Also her brother had a heart attack. So, no payout. It’s hopeless.
I’m very sorry to hear about your family. My three brothers and one sister are all jibby-jabbed so I worry. Time will tell. My circle of acquaintances are increasingly ill. 4 with recently diagnosed Afib. Others friends recently diagnosed with cancer: 1 brain tumor, 1 breast cancer, 1 colon cancer, all stage-four diagnosis. Numerous “sudden and unexpected” deaths. I’ve lost count. Mostly strokes and heart attacks. I’ve noticed that the sheeple are acting stranger. Withdrawn, quieter, quirky. It’s beginning to sink in and the psychological somersa