☕️ UNFORTUNATE MOMENTS ☙ Friday, September 22, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
More unfortunate Biden moments; protesting Canadian parents face new risks; Pastor unjailed; Poland breaks with Ukraine; Project Veritas endgame; Zelensky's bloodthirsty press agent fired; lots more.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Friday! Apologies for the late delivery again this morning, but there is simply too much news this week. You should see what’s still on the cutting room floor. But your terrific roundup today includes: angry Canadian parents protest LGBTQ+ sex curriculum in Million Parent March; freedom-loving Canadian Pastor cleared, sort of; the record playing in Biden Brain skips tracks; Biden insults world leaders by not listening and then wandering off; Project Veritas finally melting down for good; Poland says no more weapons for Ukraine; celebrity transsexual press officer fired by Ukraine after demonic comments; Governor Hochul starts seeing the light about illegal immigrants; Biden approves green cards for half million illegal immigrants to help New York City; and Twitter wins the Internet with best caption of the year.
🔥 The Canadian Broadcast Company ran a story Wednesday headlined, “Arrests, heated exchanges mark rallies for and against teaching LGBTQ rights in schools.”
As Canadian C&C’ers undoubtedly know, Canadian parents organized a massive national protest in cities and communities all across Canada this week that started Monday morning. It was called the “1 Million March 4 Children.” Counter-protesters showed up in large numbers clashing with parents.
A handful of people were arrested for violence (on the LGBTQ+ side) and at least two parents arrested for “displaying hateful material”, which apparently is a crime in Canada.
Gosh. Give me the power to arrest people for displaying hateful material! Just for one day. I’d have all this nonsense promptly resolved and the world running smoothly again in short order. But I digress.
Here in the U.S., Moms for Liberty faced a brief period of DOJ persecution during which heavily-armed FBI agents stormed the suburban homes of several stay-at-home moms who daringly but accurately called school board officials “poopy-headed fartmongers.” Canadian parents are facing an altogether new problem: fake parents. On Monday, the Toronto Sun ran a story headlined, “Even as 'spies' try to derail it, Hands Off Our Kids protest is set for Wednesday.”
Yep. LGBTQ+ activists pretended to be parents, joined local protest groups, and tried to sabotage protest logistics and event planning:
“It has happened,” said Toronto organizer Bahira Abdulsalam. Some of the people she thought were helping co-ordinate the Sept. 20 demonstration at Queen’s Park in Toronto, Parliament Hill in Ottawa and city halls across Canada were actually working to derail it. Abdulsalam said one claiming to be the leader “hijacked it” by saying they were “cancelling the protest.”
Kamel El-Cheikh said they have had similar issues for the Ottawa event as well. “Yes, they tried to sabotage,” he said. “We are now highly sophisticated as a result. We have our intelligence as well.”
The CBC conceded that policies are slowly emerging in school districts across Canada that require students to obtain parental consent before teachers may use different “preferred” first names or pronouns. Parent protestors want these policies to become the default standard. LGBTQ+ advocates oppose parental consent rules, claiming the policies “violate children's rights,” whatever that means, and argue that transgender kids should be able to be “out” to everyone except their own parents.
I mean, why should the parents want to know about something like that?
In other news from Canada, remember that feisty pastor Artur Pawlowski, who ordered covid cops out of his church? Well, he was eventually re-arrested at home after a jackbooted raid, tossed in the slammer, had a trial last week, and the story appeared in CBC Saturday headlined, “Calgary pastor gets 60-day sentence for role in Coutts border blockade, but judge gives credit for time served.”
Prosecutors claimed an impassioned sermon that Pastor Pawlowski delivered to Canadian truckers during last year’s protests “fanned the flames of unrest” and convinced truckers to keep blockading a bridge longer than they otherwise would have. Pastor Pawlowski was jailed for 74 days before his trial, but only wound up getting 60 days, so … time served! He’s out, and he’s feeling a smidge out of sorts.
“He is not remorseful for the harm he has caused," Judge Krinke wryly noted in his decision.
I know the feeling.
Pastor Pawlowski was jailed and convicted for … a speech crime. I bet you Canadians wish you had a First Amendment.
🔥 Joe Biden’s controlled demolition is almost over. We are now entering the final, macabre phase of his “Weekend at Bernie’s” presidency. It is difficult to imagine how they can possibly continue the charade much longer, as exemplified by two of Joe’s indescribably humiliating moments this week.
— Yesterday, Fox News ran a story with a Babylon Bee-style headline, “Biden repeats same story twice almost 'word for word' within minutes, sparking concern online: 'Elder abuse’.”
“Concern online” is a pretty good one. It would be more accurate to say that social media enjoyed a memetic field day after someone noticed a Politico reporter’s press pool report from a Wednesday evening fundraiser. The report bluntly admitted that President Robert L. Peters’ brain skipped its tracks, and the ancient politician told the exact same made-up story about how he decided to run for president back in the day.
He repeated the same story, just moments apart, nearly word for word. Blip!
Politico’s Jonathan Lemire, who was traveling with the president on Wednesday, wrote in a quick update about Biden’s comments: “After briefly touting his economic record, POTUS reflected on his decision to seek the presidency. He told the story about the events of Charlottesville in 2017 as the reason for his campaign. A few minutes later, he told the story again, nearly word for word.”
I bet the audience was enthralled.
Fox’s article quoted a bunch of sarcastic tweets about the State of Joe’s rapidly-declining mental Union, and then delved into his horrible polling. One interesting nugget was the article reported that MSNBC's Joe Scarborough admitted last week that he and his wife, co-host Mika Brzezinski, often talk with democrats and other politicos — and "every discussion" about Biden included “anxiety” about his age. "When I say every discussion, I don’t mean 99% of the discussion — every discussion," Scarborough emphasized.
In other words, democrats know. They just don’t know what to do about it.
— Anyway, hard as this is to believe about someone being held out as the President of the United States of America, it got even worse. In its “US News” section, top Spanish paper Marca ran a story yesterday headlined, “Joe Biden's latest public blunder at the UN with Brazil's president Lula.” The sub-headline added, “The president had another unfortunate moment as the world was watching on.”
Haha! It was “another unfortunate moment!” No kidding. That’s gold, Jerry, gold. My only question is whether Marca’s hilarious euphemism was unintentionally farcical, or are they mocking us?
Probably mocking.
Here’s how Marca accurately described the appalling spectacle of Biden acting utterly clueless on the world’s stage:
Biden's list of public blunders just keeps getting longer. In his latest unfortunate incident, 'Potus' stumbled into a giant Brazil flag on the stage at the UN before completely forgetting to shake hands with Brazil's president Lula.
As Biden made his way up on stage, he somehow managed to walk straight into the giant seven-foot pole standing right in front of him. The audience held its breath as the flag wobbled but were relieved to see it stand firm.
That was just the beginning.
Next, after President Lula took the podium to begin speaking, Biden, standing stiff as a board, started fiddling with his UN translator earpiece and receiver. Lula was speaking in English. First, Lula waited respectfully for Biden to finish, but as the long, silent seconds uncomfortably elongated, finally Lula, sounding a mite teched, asked "Can you hear me, President Biden? This is a historic moment for Brazil and for the US.”
Biden was standing three feet away. Lula was speaking into an amplified microphone. In English.
But Biden didn’t seem to recognize his own name. He neither looked up or seemed to notice Lula at all. He just kept fiddling with the headset. After an extended pause, with everyone in the audience and online mesmerized watching Biden turned the receiver around and around in his hands, waiting to see if the Resident would ever find the on/off switch or whatever he was searching for, Lula asked again: "President Biden, can you hear me?" Eventually, without looking up, Biden grunted and nodded before, like a dog with a chew toy, he continued to fumble around with the headset.
Lula delivered his speech, followed by comments from Labor Organization Director-General Gilbert Huongbo. When Huongbo finished, he shook hands with Biden and shook hands with Lula. Then Lula started crossing over to shake hands with Biden, who was distracted, saluting the audience for some reason. After his salute, Biden turned the other way and ambled offstage, leaving Lula hanging, looking like a fool with his hand sticking out. Lula snatched his hand back, clearly disgusted, in a motion that locals said was an obscene gesture in Brazil.
Watch for yourself. Here’s Lula, thirty-six inches away, asking Biden “can “you hear me?”:
“CLIP: Can you hear me, President Biden?”, “President Biden, can you hear me?”
Here’s the clip of Biden forgetting to shake hands with President Lula:
CLIP: Biden forgets to shake hands with Brazilian President, Lula
The social media fallout was wildly amusing, as you can imagine. Democrats coped by suggesting that Biden was actually playing 4-D political chess, and deliberately snubbed Lula by pretending to be an Alzheimer’s patient having a bad day.
It seems to me that politicians have better ways of slipping an unhappy message to another leader apart from looking like they are past their expiration date, which might passive-aggressively snub the other leader but is also a sort of self-inflicted injury, if you see what I mean.
What do you think? Was it Biden’s mistake, or was the mistake actually made by whoever was barking orders at Biden through that earpiece?
🔥 RedState ran a predictable, if delayed, story yesterday headlined, “Project Veritas Suspends All Operations and Fundraising, Announces Major Layoffs.” The only real question is: what took so long?
Project Veritas’ young replacement CEO, Hannah Giles, sent an email to remaining staff last week announcing that the company — having yeeted its founder James O’Keefe — is now suspending all operations. Project Veritas's Human Resources director, Jennifer Kiyak, confirmed operations were "on pause" in an email notifying staff of another round of layoffs. Project Veritas is also suspending its fundraising activities.
One suspects that the word “pause” is a gentle euphemism for “it’s almost over.” The “pause” refers to the brief delay before filing bankruptcy.
In August, newly-appointed CEO Giles announced the first round of layoffs, ‘right sizing’ the company from 65 employees down to 50. Then to ‘increase efficiency,’ Giles ‘tweaked’ the staff from 50 down to 28. To really get things humming, she assisted another 10 with finding more productive opportunities, and was down to only 18.
As of yesterday, PV had 11 people on payroll, with no journalists.
It’s so shocking! Especially considering how well Project Veritas’ esteemed board of directors handled its conflict with founder O’Keefe. I guess there was just no other way to deal with that problem. Terrific job, guys!
🚀 Speaking of things that are almost over, the Seattle Times ran a story yesterday headlined, “Poland is done sending arms to Ukraine, Polish leader says as trade dispute escalates.”
CLIP: Polish President Distances, Calls Zelensky “Drowning Man” (1:03)
Since day one. Poland has been Ukraine’s most important and most stalwart European ally. But in an interview yesterday, Poland’s President unflatteringly compared Ukraine to a drowning man trying to pull everybody else down with him. Worse, he said Poland would not be signing any new weapons transfer agreements with Ukraine.
I just can’t imagine how funnyman Zelensky could have alienated anybody like that.
A “leading” defense expert quoted for the Seattle Times story, Michal Baranowski, found the news alarming for Ukraine. “The message is very bad, both for Poland’s reputation but also because Poland has been one of the chief advocates of military aid to Ukraine.”
So. Tick, tock.
🚀 But that’s not all! Ukraine continued publicly melting down in the news yesterday. The UK Daily Mail ran a story yesterday about Ukraine’s celebrity American press officer, an unattractive, cross-dessing Baghdad Bob. The article was headlined “Sarah Ashton-Crillo is suspended as Ukraine war spokeswoman after trans Floridian posted blood-curdling video threatening to 'hunt down' Russians.”
Michael Cirillo → “Sarah” Ashton-Cirillo
Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, 45, was removed from his post — although they’re too chicken to say who removed him — after making a viral video where, among other eye-opening remarks, he darkly promised that the “Russian devils” will “pay for their crimes.” A Ukrainian Army spokesman later said Cirillo’s comments were “not approved by higher-ups,” although it is unclear exactly which statements provoked his suspension, or who was supposed to approve them, and so forth.
But this excerpt from Cirillo’s comments will give you the idea. In a voice trembling with rage, Ashton-Crillo hissed:
“Next week, the teeth of the Russian devils will gnash ever harder, and their rabid mouths will foam in an uncontrollable frenzy as the world will see a favored Kremlin propagandist pay for their crimes.
And this puppet of Putin is only the first. Russia's war criminal propagandists will all be hunted down, and justice will be served as we in Ukraine are led on this mission by faith in God, liberty and complete liberation.”
It wasn’t clear which “war criminal propagandist” and “Putin-puppet” Cirillo was promising would “pay for their crimes” next week. Presumably the “crimes” are saying negative things about Ukraine and “paying” involves getting assassinated.
Some folks connected Cirillo’s bloodthirsty comments with Human Events Editor Jack Posobiec, who on Saturday announced he’d just learning he was now on the Ukrainian CIA’s kill list:
CLIP: Jack Posobiec on X announces being put on Ukraine assassination list (1:21)
Apparently the Ukrainian “SBU” (their CIA) was upset after the Human Events editor truthfully reported that Ukraine killed a bunch of its own people in a recent, tragic, friendly-fire incident, but then blamed it on the Russians of course, those warmongering devils. They hypnotized the Ukrainians into bombing their own civilians! But unfortunately for the Ukrainians, a New York Times reporter actually witnessed the missile’s launch, misfire, and explosion in a local market. To the paper’s great credit, the Times ran the story this week headlined, “Evidence Suggests Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Tragedy.”
So Posobiec is not on the SBU’s assassination list for lying about the war, but rather he’s on the list for telling the unpleasant truth.
I probably don’t need to explain this, but it seems a little counter-productive to send weapons and money to a country with an official policy that includes killing American citizens on American soil. Those kinds of goofy high-jinks used to be a cause for war, but nowadays things are murkier. (It will probably take Ukraine putting a democrat on its kill list for the government to react.)
As a social media influencer who could wind up on the Ukrainian kill list myself, I think “Sarah” Cirillo’s removal was probably for the best. He can stay over in Ukraine though.
🔥 Just like former Sanctuary City fan and Mayor Eric Adams, New York’s replacement Governor Kathy Hochul is experiencing this week a newfound appreciation for little things like borders and immigration controls and stuff. Yesterday, Hochul told a CNN anchor that New York’s shelter law was only meant for homeless aids patients and displaced families. “Never,” she said, “was it envisioned to be an unlimited, universal right or obligation on the city to have to house literally the entire world.”
CLIP: Hochul says New York’s sanctuary shelter law not unlimited (0:35).
I don’t mean to nitpick, but I don’t think Hochul used “literally” right.
In any event, the reporter asked Hochul, “Some people have said that New York’s legal right, its mandate to provide shelter, is a draw for people to come here. And they’ve called for it to be rescinded. Would you support that?” Governor Hochul immediately replied, “Yes, I would.”
Of course, talk is cheap. It’s one thing to say you would support rescinding New York City’s mandatory shelter law, it’s another thing to do something about it. But it looks like they’re trying to do something. Adams is back in court. Gothamist magazine ran this headline yesterday:
According to Gothamist, over 110,000 illegal aliens roosted in the city over the last 12 months, and around 60,000 are still living in the city’s shelter system — with an annual price tag of billions of dollars, according to New York City officials.
I am reading between the lines, but the unstated story seems to be that a certain minimum critical mass of illegal aliens has been reached in New York City, and now those aliens who’ve figured out how the game works are telling their friends and relatives about New York’s unlimited shelter law, which in turn is increasing arrivals, who are telling their friends and relatives, and so on. So the problem is spiraling out of control like a death tornado.
In other words, at this point it’s not just a few buses from Texas or a few flights from Florida. The aliens know now.
While the Mayor was going back to court, Governor Hochul went to Washington.
🔥 The Governor showed up in related news, when the New York Times ran a connected story yesterday headlined, “U.S. Will Allow Nearly 500,000 Venezuelan Migrants to Work Legally.” The sub-headline explained: “The move, announced late Wednesday, followed intense lobbying by New York Democrats before and during President Biden’s visit to New York City this week.” Here’s how the Times described the rationale for letting half a million illegal aliens obtain green cards:
In an unusual break with a president of their party, the New York Democrats had argued that the city’s social safety net would tear under the weight of more than 110,000 recently arrived migrants unless they were allowed to work and support themselves more quickly.
Democrats hope that if the illegal aliens can work more easily, they’ll move out of free city housing. But as usual, democrats ignore normal human behavior and economic incentives. Obviously, the aliens will work and stay in free city housing.
On the other hand, never let a good crisis go to waste. Am I right?
🔥 A post about the Senate’s new non-dress code won the Internet yesterday. The votes are in, and the winner in the category of Best Caption of 2023:
“Fetterman looks like he's about to tell you that he found half a cat in the air conditioner he was working on yesterday.”
Runner-up: “I don’t have that part in my truck. I’ll need to go to Lowes to grab one, probably take me an hour or so.”
For what it’s worth, Fetterman is a trust fund baby with an MBA, no student debt, and lives in a big house his parents gave him as a wedding present. His costume — whatever he’s trying to be — is totally fake.
Of course, many folks are wondering: is Fetterman even … Fetterman? How many layers deep does the fakeness go?
Have a fantastic Friday! I’ll see you back here tomorrow with another elucidating C&C roundup.
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Stalin said "the people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." Well, as you can see from the Tucker Carlson interview with Ken Paxton about voter fraud, now the Marxists also control the casting of the vote through mass mail-in ballot schemes. On the counting end, that is also controlled through the Dominion electronic counting machines. Listening to Paxton, the picture becomes pretty clear how the Communists are taking over our country. The picture is as grim as it ever was in Russia under the Stalinists.
...Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed 48 lawsuits against the Biden Administration, making him its most aggressive legal opponent in the United States. For this reason and more, liberals and establishment Republicans hate him, so much so that they just tried to remove him from office.
Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”
— 1 Peter 1:13-16 NASB1995