Can you watch our service? I was on your Pastors call a couple weeks ago… we are a church standing & speaking life… we always stayed open & grew greatly during china virus… you can see in all our messages, there is no fear here, but love, power & sound mind. Steven Strang interviewed my husband last week & it will air this week… https://youtu.be/wxceNHAz6To

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I'm a bit late to this great article but I had to mention that, sadly, my long-running, non-denominational Bible study group, composed mostly of retired wealthy businessmen, totally succumbed to the COVID fear. I tried talking to them but it didn't help. Only two of thirty agreed with me. After nearly two years they are still doing Zoom, and if you want to meet in person, they will be "uncomfortable" if you're not vaxxed. I no longer attend.

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I was also looking at Covid from outside the U.S., and I would agree with Mr. Childers because in essence, governments were telling everyone, including Christians, to put government information and mandates before everything else. They were trying to be God. My duty to Christ compels me to put God before all, and therefore disobey when told to do something that is contrary to what God says (such as not meeting together to worship). That is what Daniel did, that is what his friends did, and God rewarded their faithfulness.

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Maybe a revised edition of "what the church needs to know..." should be released this month on the same day the pandemic officially ends, according to Biden, or whoever is making presidential decisions these days. ;-)

There's actually a lot of speculative points, which are now a lot more definitive since these were originally written.

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People who advocate a vaccine are... heretical? Complying with wearing a mask... the same? CDC, the scientific, medical branch of gov't is 'ungodly'? I can see why you think this medical situation is a war, you're making it one! And to mock those who want to serve in love during these times as, AGAIN, 'heretical'? Just wow. I suppose you got an A+ in argumentation, etc. in law school, but this is going wayyy too far. Paul, in his criticisms of the early church RARELY used that word; learn from that. His traching is vastly different on tone than yours. Hmmm. I live in another country and live by Romans 13, (respect the gov't) but you Americans take up this 'fight' and it will destroy the country. You have intertwined USA Patriotism with Christianity and it's all messed up. Jesus preached the 'Kingdom of Heaven among us'... not rebellion against government. He said little about Rome and Caesar, and very much about overly religious leaders preaching DOGMA more than love and the Spirit. I'm sure glad the Church in my country is not skewed and arrogant as this 'Childers USA' doctrine teaches. Be wary people, read your new testament again.

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The US’s Patriotism IS rooted in Christianity - Christianity is our foundation.

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Ok. Then why not follow Romans 13 if you're a Bible-believing Christian? And please explain how 'USA Patriots' can be so heavily anti-government as is obvious in numerous areas?

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I think it is important to recognize that Childers view is really calling out a blind following of government mandates that do not line up with the truth of scientific study as truly best health practices. There is a blatant push of lies that are crafted only to support whatever the political narrative of the day might be, and often is clearly not at all consistent with data from the very same government related agencies. Policy is not reflective of what are best health practices, period.

You may not agree with everything said here, but there is loads of evidence that policy is being driven by, controlled by, FEAR while legitimate research, facts, truth, is being thrown to the curb by the media and policy makers alike. More problematic than that are the threats, and character assassination that have come to so many of the scientific voices that have spoken up to point out such conflicts.

It has become evident that policy is being driven by desired political narratives and many financial conflict of interests abound. Especially egregious is the overreach of policies that actually create discrimination.

In the US there is a general expectation of the protection of civil liberties regarding personal health decisions particularly. At least there has been in the past, but I can tell you plainly having 3 school age children, that the schools are quite successfully and rapidly removing that expectation to have personal rights and private health choices from their minds. They are being brainwashed to obey the government without engaging any critical thinking skills, without question, and without personal responsibility to look for truth.

I would not categorize US patriots as anti government, but are a people passionate about preserving constitutional rights and fighting the erosion of such. We are calling out the continual push of socialist policies and erosion of civil liberties and processes that were put into place to create the democratic republic that the US constitution aimed to provide.

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Brilliantly said. Thank you

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I was also looking at Covid from outside the U.S., and I would agree with Mr. Childers because in essence, governments were telling everyone, including Christians, to put government information and mandates before everything else. They were trying to be God. My duty to Christ compels me to put God before all, and therefore disobey when told to do something that is contrary to what God says (such as not meeting together to worship). That is what Daniel did, that is what his friends did, and God rewarded their faithfulness.

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Excellent! Thank you...

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