Moderna sues Pfizer over its spike patent; who made Fauci?; vaccines fall from the sky; Trump's lawyers get a win; Ukraine still bombing nuke plant; Beto gets a mystery infection; and much more...
I distinctly remember when Djokovic got on the plane to Australia for a big tennis event last year - he tweeted something about his unvaccinated self heading to Down Under. Had a feeling then that he would be made an example, and he was. The tennis powers-that-be coalesced and decided to deny him entry whenever possible. It’s truly shameful, especially now. I also suspect that - had he stayed quiet - he would have been allowed entry into various countries that have special exceptions (and those exemptions are out there though not widely publicized). I have to admire his courage and willingness to speak out.
😱 little children finding that and eating it!!!! Damn 'em! Im in the country!! I can take care of raccoons who mostly do not have rabies! The university told us it was nearly eradicated here already, 20 years ago. Whos lying? 😡
I wonder if that's what brought my healthy dog suddenly to the brink of death a month ago. Fortunately, force feeding him chicken soup through a syringe for 8 days and feeding him only food I prepared has brought him back.
He is #1 for his courage and conviction. I will not watch any tennis since all the other cowards who vaxxed won't support him. I have no sympathy for them. If they had shown some moral conviction and said it is wrong to punish a person for not choosing to vaxx, all these mandates and covid theater would have ended. They have contributed to the state of affairs we find the world in right now.
You nailed it! And that goes for every professional sport. Football and Baseball (although I think the NBA is completely lost to the CCP). None of them had the balls of steel to stand up and do the right thing! They could’ve helped end this but they are over paid cowards. I didn’t expect much since the majority decided to kneel during the National Anthem and spit on America anyway.
Aaron Rogers is the only one I hear STILL speaking up about his refusal to inject. So kudos to him for that. If it weren’t for how much money he brings in they would’ve cancelled his a$$ from the first TRUTH he told.
I saw more courage from grandmas and grandpas, moms and dads who would be fired, kids who just wanted to go to college and gave it up, and military members who had everything to lose, than of any athlete, celebrity, politician, billionaire or millionaire.
Standing ovation 👏 👏 to the former and shameful disgust 💩 to the latter.
But don't you think it's kinda weird that few American football or basketball players have dropped dead on the field/court, unlike so many others have, in other countries? I personally think the American players weren't given the same vax. What with America kinda being the epi-center of the vax hesitancy movement, it wouldn't serve their purposes well to have that happen here. Maybe, in time, we'll see it happen. It's the same with the bigger Hollywood stars...only a few minor celebs have been affected, that I've heard of anyway.
I also throw out that a lot of them never got it at all-but got fake cards. Also, guys as big as Aaron Rogers that said NO (but were too afraid to speak up publicly) and were given a pass quietly so as not to disturb the other players and their hesitancy. They made an example out of some to instill fear.
While there are a lot of deaths, it is still unclear why some and not others??? I’ve heard different batches had differing ingredients. True? I don’t know. Because there is no liability to these evil sinister unhumans. They have been able to lie and hide everything for two years.
Some American athletes (football) have had SADS. Until it is all compiled together, we won’t know how big it is and how many people died as a result of the injection.
Plus, they are onto the whole premise of releasing cause of death. So now they are eluding that with no longer releasing that info. Which only leaves the question, what are they hiding? And why?
Honestly, I think releasing cause of death shouldn’t be a thing anyway. It’s nobody’s business why someone died, other than family and who they want to share it with. But we’ve been conditioned to think it’s our business. So now….since we expect it, and it’s standard practice….we wanna know why they are suddenly hiding it?
I would normally agree with the "none of your business" opinion, but not in the times we live in now. Having the world's population injected with a completely new technology never before used on humans, that failed the early preliminary animal trials, with bastardized data used to get an EUA, while suppressing existing, safe and early treatments, I believe everyone should be privy to this clinical data, as this is exactly what it is. Both Pfizer and Moderna are still in clinical trials until Mar 2023 and some trials are even longer. Who else is keeping tabs?
I should’ve said more clearly that in the PAST I think it was nobody’s business. I don’t feel that way anymore. The public should know cause of death now since much of the public was forced to inject themselves with an experimental poison, threatened to inject themselves, and discriminated against. They should have to let the data out!
Alice - what was happening to Dimitrov out there sure looked awfully familiar to me…and I say that as someone with POTS. Vaccine induced autonomic neuropathy/POTS is *not* a new phenomenon and it seems to be happening a lot with this vaccine from what I’m seeing. My neurologist, who is just an autonomic neuropathy/POTS specialist, is suddenly scheduled out roughly a year for new patients and is so overrun I heard he closing to new patients also soon. They were talking about cases during this years Dysautonomia International Conference, which I was pleasantly surprised they were actually willing to admit and discuss in todays healthcare climate, if you know what I mean. Neurologists cannot deny it’s happening with this jab because it’s been happening prior to COVID. Approximately 6% people with POTS it was vaccine induced. Now, there will be Neurologists and doctors that *will* deny it was vaccines and certainly this vaccine because they are biased. The doctor who won the award for doctor of the year did prior studies on the HPV vaccine inducing POTS and had to deal with a lot of kickback for it apparently.
I also admire his courage for standing up to these mandates. He is willing to give up a lot of potential money for his stance, and that in my book, is "putting your money where your mouth is!"
It would be really great if we witnessed a “stand down” from every participant at an event like the US Open. Imagine if the entire event was canceled due to no players. Money talks.
You wouldn’t believe what Aaron Rodgers experienced last year showing up for training camp as an unvaxxed player. It’s shameful that they’re getting away with such discrimination. I admire any athlete who has been forced to make the decision between their health or their career and find the “powers” making these decisions that put athletes in such a difficult situation absolutely despicable.
Plus, he’s been as classy and sportsman-like as can be, at least as far as I’ve seen. Kudos to him for sticking to his principles and remaining above the fray.
Yes! he has made no disparaging putdowns, or ugly slurs, or hate comments. Simply holding himself to his own standards, and letting the ball fall where it may. Time is in his favor.
Yes, and every time I hear of a another athlete, or that ball boy passing out, I thank God at least one of them backed away from the needle.
Today, a lady in my county was found dead in her car at the gas station, having been there over night. A local horseman had a heart attack which will likely end his career. Neither was very old. Sickening.
Djokovic's circumstances ought to be enough to compel a few honest congressmen and judges to come forward and tell the Press that this example clearly indicates that health and safety are not the real issue. Perhaps we'll see the Pharmafia go down in history as one of the most(or plausibly, at the top of the class) powerful criminal organizations in history.
Imagine if he had been given an exemption to come into the US to play. What would the motivation be? Why would he be let in when nobody else who is unvaxxed is let in? As pissed as I am now that my family is not allowed to travel here, I would be even more livid if they quietly let unvaxxed "elites" in. It's good that they aren't giving exemptions for people like Novak, because it's creates awareness of the discrimination and really demonstrates the sacrifices that he and others have to make to stand up for their beliefs. Most people wouldn't even know that unvaxxed non-US citizens are barred from the US if it wasn't for high profile cases like Novak. So I'm happy he wasn't given an exemption.
When our "WEF young leader" mayor Michelle Wu did an injection mandate immediately upon taking office last December, she exempted all athletes, performers and their trainers for any big athletic events and/or shows in the city of Boston where I live. We filed a lawsuit against her. She rescinded her mandate in February but maintains she has the right to reimpose it at any time so we're not retracting our lawsuit.
I agree with all your points. And I wish the other vaccinated high-profile players that claim to be on Novak's side would boycott the tournament in support of him.
That would have an impact. But very few people are willing to make personal sacrifices to stand up for their beliefs.
Novak's situation makes it clear: the vaccinated, domestic & foreign, all need to be barred from traveling given that's the population keeping this whole thing going on and on and on...........
It's a total lie that unvaxxed non-citizens are barred from entering the US. So far, about 5 MILLION have simply walked across our southern border (many thousands PER DAY!) since Jan 20, 2021and been distributed throughout the country, compliments of the Biden administration, with our tax dollars paying for this replacement migration. Can't have the new labor force (slaves) be unhealthy in the coming months/years after the US citizens who were jabbed die off.
Exactly!!!! I would have been livid if he got an exemption. There’s already enough rules for thee, but not for me going around inside the walls of this country. All these MANdates need to be thrown in the sewer!
After experimenting with just about every imaginable fake meat product (seriously, I thought it might be a healthier option.....what a dumbass), the reason they're not moving the retail needle is because there aren't enough condiments on the planet to cover up the fact that they taste like tile grout with about the same consistency. Incidentally, there is no discernible taste difference with the "free range" crickets. Those cricket slaughter houses are disturbing. Seeing them hanging from those paperclips......I didn't sleep for days.
The beyond meat crap used to have prime locations in whole foods. Now you have to search to find them. They always look gross and unappealing. I now read all my labels no matter where as I lost trust in food suppliers that they won't try to sneak something in my food - like bugs etc. Save money and make your own foods. Time to crush these woke, wef/nwo corporations and run them out of business.
....and you need to be vigilant in reading labels over and over, re-reading labels on food that you have given the green light to, because they very often bank on you thinking you’re safe and then they reformulate adding in crap. Another tactic is when a huge conglomerate buys a trusted company. When that happens, all trust is lost with the small, (now huge) company.
This is why I avoid packaged food as much as possible. If I do buy something pre-made it has the shortest, easiest to read ingredients list I can find.
that goes for everything ! I used a certain brand of tooth paste, it got taken over by a bigharm company, and after that you bought crap for a high price. I only accidentally came to it because of an article in a paper, reread the label, sure enough. Same with a shampoo I had before. They keep changing the formula so you need to read the label every time you buy the product again !
True. I found a small Florida local company for things like shampoo. They actually test theirs for aqua culture safety (which means it’s also safe for us) and publish the lab report for customers to read.
Bonus that all their products I’ve tried work well and their customer service is excellent.
Thanks ! I put them on the bookmarks bar so I can check them out. Usually I buy from swanson or vitacost and only certain brands (jason, auromere, desert essence...)
Depends on your hair type and whether you have hard or soft water. Works for some, but didn't work for me at all, even after giving my hair plenty of time to transition.
the tooth paste was toms of maine, taken over by I think colgate. Several shampoos changed ingredients so I can no longer use them. I am now using head and shoulders but only 2 types, one with mint and one for dry scalp. I sometimes use glycerin soap to wash my hair with good result. PEG is pretty bad, so is polysorbate, which is even used in some mouth water like liquid dentist, which I won't buy anymore
Yes, they are trying to sneak-in cricket flour (and probably other bug flour or pieces) into food. Cricket product may harm those with shellfish allergies so hopefully packages containing it are clearly labelled.
Better learn the scientific names for all insects and keep up with what the new ingredients are renamed. I recently learned that "cochineal" (natural food coloring, sometimes called RED2 or RED DYE 40) is made from many types of red beetles. That's why they've gotten away with the "natural food coloring" label. But the FDA says it's "safe" (and, no doubt, effective"), so don't worry about it. They've been poisoning us for years. That could be why we, as a nation, are so incredibly UNhealthy, despite our "world class" medical system financed by trillions of our tax dollars.
I tried them out a few years before knowing about all this 💩 and you’re right, they were easy to find. Haven’t looked for them lately as I didn’t like them much (the tile grout description almost caused me to choke on my coffee 😂) and didn’t like the ingredients either. Making your own is truly the only way to know what’s in the food. And even then I’m suspect with “vaccines falling from the sky.” The Ice Age Farmer has had some disturbing broadcasts about the possible future of food.
The best veggie burger I ever had was in Nevada at a burger joint near the Hoover Dam. All 3 of my kids liked it better than their burgers! But their seasonings are “top secret” I’m not completely against meat but believe adding more REAL plants is a positive thing 🌱 and I’m with ya! Crush ‘em!
Yes, like sneaking "cricket flour" into snack foods. Cricket flour supposedly sounds better than "ground up bugs," although that's exactly what it is. Thanks but no thanks! Anyone who chooses to eat insects should do so knowingly, not because some food corporation "snuck" bugs into their "snacks"!!
Used to be the norm when we threw that shit out because it went bad. Guess I need to leave the weevils in my old flour and eat up because I am just that cool.
Ha! You're so right about John the Baptist's menu! Sadly, they are determined to push Jesus out of everything. That won't end well for them unless they have a spiritual turnaround.
My son used to have a vegetarian girlfriend who would buy that Beyond meat garbage. She would cook it here sometimes and it stunk up my house and was truly revolving. I wasn't about to taste it. I have to wonder who the fools are that eat it. If you want to eat fake meat, why not just go ahead and eat real meat? I was in a Grocery Outlet recently....if you aren't familiar with them, they stock a lot of goods that are perhaps excess or that other markets don't buy. Anyhow, I was surprised to see a refrigerated aisle full of Beyond meat crap. I don't think the shoppers there are buying it, though.
You deserve a medal for ingesting that fake “food.” I read all labels, and the labels on that junk are so long, and the print so tiny, that it is off putting. Along with that, there isn’t one recognizable ingredient in the mix. NO THANKS.......I’ll also say a resounding NO! to ingesting bugs.
The only meatless burger I ever had which was delicious was one my step-mother made with cashews. She vegetarian. It was amazing! I stay away from the commercial stuff in case it's full or hormone disrupting ingredients like soy.
I sent something about feeding bugs to kids to someone from Australia. She didn’t believe it so I sent a ton of stuff on the UK. But the aussies are into crickets! I had no idea. She thought it must be the aboriginals but it’s mainstream. And cricket flour too. A video on eating cake w cricket flour.
I tried to find the video I referenced but closed the link. Just searched YouTube and whoa… there are many and from 3-6 years ago as well. I was really asleep but thankfully not for long once the scamdemic hit. Here’s a short one
Great sense of humor between the tile grout and the cricket slaughter houses. My imagination ran away w me for a second and I almost spit out my coffee twice reading your comment!
I distinctly remember when Djokovic got on the plane to Australia for a big tennis event last year - he tweeted something about his unvaccinated self heading to Down Under. Had a feeling then that he would be made an example, and he was. The tennis powers-that-be coalesced and decided to deny him entry whenever possible. It’s truly shameful, especially now. I also suspect that - had he stayed quiet - he would have been allowed entry into various countries that have special exceptions (and those exemptions are out there though not widely publicized). I have to admire his courage and willingness to speak out.
I agree that he was banned because he has a totally unfair advantage of not dropping dead on the tennis court over his competition.
There will be many of us—the unjabbed—who have the distinct advantage of still being alive, if the rabies rain doesn’t get us, that is. 😉
😱 little children finding that and eating it!!!! Damn 'em! Im in the country!! I can take care of raccoons who mostly do not have rabies! The university told us it was nearly eradicated here already, 20 years ago. Whos lying? 😡
Pretty much every politician who’s lips are moving
😂😂 and 😭
Coffee & Can’t Make This Stuff Up
Forgive the split infinitive... 😝
Coffee and So.
I wonder if that's what brought my healthy dog suddenly to the brink of death a month ago. Fortunately, force feeding him chicken soup through a syringe for 8 days and feeding him only food I prepared has brought him back.
Rabies is a nothing-burger to humans and is not a virus
Just wander into the forest and look up with your mouth open when you hear planes overhead.
Yes and we can’t have that can we? Would be too obvious 🤦♀️
Iirc, it actually ended up sadly being a "ball boy" who was first to collapse in that Down Under contest.
Wow hadn't heard this.
He is #1 for his courage and conviction. I will not watch any tennis since all the other cowards who vaxxed won't support him. I have no sympathy for them. If they had shown some moral conviction and said it is wrong to punish a person for not choosing to vaxx, all these mandates and covid theater would have ended. They have contributed to the state of affairs we find the world in right now.
👏👏 totally agree
You nailed it! And that goes for every professional sport. Football and Baseball (although I think the NBA is completely lost to the CCP). None of them had the balls of steel to stand up and do the right thing! They could’ve helped end this but they are over paid cowards. I didn’t expect much since the majority decided to kneel during the National Anthem and spit on America anyway.
Aaron Rogers is the only one I hear STILL speaking up about his refusal to inject. So kudos to him for that. If it weren’t for how much money he brings in they would’ve cancelled his a$$ from the first TRUTH he told.
I saw more courage from grandmas and grandpas, moms and dads who would be fired, kids who just wanted to go to college and gave it up, and military members who had everything to lose, than of any athlete, celebrity, politician, billionaire or millionaire.
Standing ovation 👏 👏 to the former and shameful disgust 💩 to the latter.
But don't you think it's kinda weird that few American football or basketball players have dropped dead on the field/court, unlike so many others have, in other countries? I personally think the American players weren't given the same vax. What with America kinda being the epi-center of the vax hesitancy movement, it wouldn't serve their purposes well to have that happen here. Maybe, in time, we'll see it happen. It's the same with the bigger Hollywood stars...only a few minor celebs have been affected, that I've heard of anyway.
You are correct. And it could very well be true.
I also throw out that a lot of them never got it at all-but got fake cards. Also, guys as big as Aaron Rogers that said NO (but were too afraid to speak up publicly) and were given a pass quietly so as not to disturb the other players and their hesitancy. They made an example out of some to instill fear.
While there are a lot of deaths, it is still unclear why some and not others??? I’ve heard different batches had differing ingredients. True? I don’t know. Because there is no liability to these evil sinister unhumans. They have been able to lie and hide everything for two years.
Some American athletes (football) have had SADS. Until it is all compiled together, we won’t know how big it is and how many people died as a result of the injection.
Plus, they are onto the whole premise of releasing cause of death. So now they are eluding that with no longer releasing that info. Which only leaves the question, what are they hiding? And why?
Honestly, I think releasing cause of death shouldn’t be a thing anyway. It’s nobody’s business why someone died, other than family and who they want to share it with. But we’ve been conditioned to think it’s our business. So now….since we expect it, and it’s standard practice….we wanna know why they are suddenly hiding it?
I would normally agree with the "none of your business" opinion, but not in the times we live in now. Having the world's population injected with a completely new technology never before used on humans, that failed the early preliminary animal trials, with bastardized data used to get an EUA, while suppressing existing, safe and early treatments, I believe everyone should be privy to this clinical data, as this is exactly what it is. Both Pfizer and Moderna are still in clinical trials until Mar 2023 and some trials are even longer. Who else is keeping tabs?
I should’ve said more clearly that in the PAST I think it was nobody’s business. I don’t feel that way anymore. The public should know cause of death now since much of the public was forced to inject themselves with an experimental poison, threatened to inject themselves, and discriminated against. They should have to let the data out!
Novak (No vax) Djokovic is a smart man. He is extremely particular about everything he puts into his body including the water he drinks.
He could easily get a fake vax card and I admire him for not doing that. I believe many others have gotten fake vax cards.
He stands by his beliefs and will not succumb to pressure.
Sadly, many others in tennis (and in other sports) have suffered from the covid shots.
Tennis fans react to Grigor Dimitrov act before US Open: 'Sad to see'
Alice - what was happening to Dimitrov out there sure looked awfully familiar to me…and I say that as someone with POTS. Vaccine induced autonomic neuropathy/POTS is *not* a new phenomenon and it seems to be happening a lot with this vaccine from what I’m seeing. My neurologist, who is just an autonomic neuropathy/POTS specialist, is suddenly scheduled out roughly a year for new patients and is so overrun I heard he closing to new patients also soon. They were talking about cases during this years Dysautonomia International Conference, which I was pleasantly surprised they were actually willing to admit and discuss in todays healthcare climate, if you know what I mean. Neurologists cannot deny it’s happening with this jab because it’s been happening prior to COVID. Approximately 6% people with POTS it was vaccine induced. Now, there will be Neurologists and doctors that *will* deny it was vaccines and certainly this vaccine because they are biased. The doctor who won the award for doctor of the year did prior studies on the HPV vaccine inducing POTS and had to deal with a lot of kickback for it apparently.
I also admire his courage for standing up to these mandates. He is willing to give up a lot of potential money for his stance, and that in my book, is "putting your money where your mouth is!"
It would be really great if we witnessed a “stand down” from every participant at an event like the US Open. Imagine if the entire event was canceled due to no players. Money talks.
He's a hero for not staying quiet!!
Agree 100%
You wouldn’t believe what Aaron Rodgers experienced last year showing up for training camp as an unvaxxed player. It’s shameful that they’re getting away with such discrimination. I admire any athlete who has been forced to make the decision between their health or their career and find the “powers” making these decisions that put athletes in such a difficult situation absolutely despicable.
I always hated the packers but I love Ivermectin Aaron now !!
I’ve gotta hear this story, pls! Never heard of Ivermectin Aaron!
Unvaccinated Aaron Rogers had Covid and treated it with Ivermectin and told the press.
Plus, he’s been as classy and sportsman-like as can be, at least as far as I’ve seen. Kudos to him for sticking to his principles and remaining above the fray.
Yes! he has made no disparaging putdowns, or ugly slurs, or hate comments. Simply holding himself to his own standards, and letting the ball fall where it may. Time is in his favor.
Yes, and every time I hear of a another athlete, or that ball boy passing out, I thank God at least one of them backed away from the needle.
Today, a lady in my county was found dead in her car at the gas station, having been there over night. A local horseman had a heart attack which will likely end his career. Neither was very old. Sickening.
If I were a tennis fan, I'd be boycotting for sure--Williams sisters or no Williams sisters.
Djokovic's circumstances ought to be enough to compel a few honest congressmen and judges to come forward and tell the Press that this example clearly indicates that health and safety are not the real issue. Perhaps we'll see the Pharmafia go down in history as one of the most(or plausibly, at the top of the class) powerful criminal organizations in history.
I agree! And all the hospitals, physicians and healthcare professionals who went along with this evil sham!
Imagine if he had been given an exemption to come into the US to play. What would the motivation be? Why would he be let in when nobody else who is unvaxxed is let in? As pissed as I am now that my family is not allowed to travel here, I would be even more livid if they quietly let unvaxxed "elites" in. It's good that they aren't giving exemptions for people like Novak, because it's creates awareness of the discrimination and really demonstrates the sacrifices that he and others have to make to stand up for their beliefs. Most people wouldn't even know that unvaxxed non-US citizens are barred from the US if it wasn't for high profile cases like Novak. So I'm happy he wasn't given an exemption.
When our "WEF young leader" mayor Michelle Wu did an injection mandate immediately upon taking office last December, she exempted all athletes, performers and their trainers for any big athletic events and/or shows in the city of Boston where I live. We filed a lawsuit against her. She rescinded her mandate in February but maintains she has the right to reimpose it at any time so we're not retracting our lawsuit.
Nicely done with the lawsuit! "Rules for thee but not me" is like second nature to these politicians/ wannabe dictators.
Hi five from another Bostonian who went through mayor Wu(han)'s stupid mandate
This all goes against CDC guidance now, to treat vaxxed and unvaxxed alike.
Hope he sues somebody. Anybody.
I filed a complaint with HR at my work for discrimination…,
Therese I agree with you 100%; my only thought is that exceptions happen every day, likely more than we realize.
Had these celebrities and athletes said no, rather than pursuing exemptions and fake vaccine cards, we'd all be better off probably.
That being said, I can't judge them. They have to pay the bills like we all do. It just makes Novak's stance all the more impressive.
I agree with all your points. And I wish the other vaccinated high-profile players that claim to be on Novak's side would boycott the tournament in support of him.
That would have an impact. But very few people are willing to make personal sacrifices to stand up for their beliefs.
Agree! We are separated from family by this ridiculous and discriminatory act! This topic needs to be addressed!
Novak's situation makes it clear: the vaccinated, domestic & foreign, all need to be barred from traveling given that's the population keeping this whole thing going on and on and on...........
It's a total lie that unvaxxed non-citizens are barred from entering the US. So far, about 5 MILLION have simply walked across our southern border (many thousands PER DAY!) since Jan 20, 2021and been distributed throughout the country, compliments of the Biden administration, with our tax dollars paying for this replacement migration. Can't have the new labor force (slaves) be unhealthy in the coming months/years after the US citizens who were jabbed die off.
Exactly!!!! I would have been livid if he got an exemption. There’s already enough rules for thee, but not for me going around inside the walls of this country. All these MANdates need to be thrown in the sewer!
Djokovic will be back in big bucks when the Covid money begins to dry up
After experimenting with just about every imaginable fake meat product (seriously, I thought it might be a healthier option.....what a dumbass), the reason they're not moving the retail needle is because there aren't enough condiments on the planet to cover up the fact that they taste like tile grout with about the same consistency. Incidentally, there is no discernible taste difference with the "free range" crickets. Those cricket slaughter houses are disturbing. Seeing them hanging from those paperclips......I didn't sleep for days.
The beyond meat crap used to have prime locations in whole foods. Now you have to search to find them. They always look gross and unappealing. I now read all my labels no matter where as I lost trust in food suppliers that they won't try to sneak something in my food - like bugs etc. Save money and make your own foods. Time to crush these woke, wef/nwo corporations and run them out of business.
....and you need to be vigilant in reading labels over and over, re-reading labels on food that you have given the green light to, because they very often bank on you thinking you’re safe and then they reformulate adding in crap. Another tactic is when a huge conglomerate buys a trusted company. When that happens, all trust is lost with the small, (now huge) company.
This is why I avoid packaged food as much as possible. If I do buy something pre-made it has the shortest, easiest to read ingredients list I can find.
Suddenly changing the packaging is a sure sign!
My dog's food switched from yellow bag to orange. Went from pea-free to peas as #3 ingredient 😵
I now drive an hour to get dog food!
btw, fyi there are a ton of recipes, videos, etc., about making dog food in the Instant Pot. You would have complete control over that!
only if you raise your own animals and grow your own veggies. Everything from the store is poisoned to a certain point....
Yep! Make your own dog food!
I want to feed my dogs Harrari. M
🤮 I love my dogs too much to poison them!
I wouldn't even feed him to a hyena!
You've changed my position
that goes for everything ! I used a certain brand of tooth paste, it got taken over by a bigharm company, and after that you bought crap for a high price. I only accidentally came to it because of an article in a paper, reread the label, sure enough. Same with a shampoo I had before. They keep changing the formula so you need to read the label every time you buy the product again !
True. I found a small Florida local company for things like shampoo. They actually test theirs for aqua culture safety (which means it’s also safe for us) and publish the lab report for customers to read.
Bonus that all their products I’ve tried work well and their customer service is excellent.
Here’s the link if you want to check them out
Thanks ! I put them on the bookmarks bar so I can check them out. Usually I buy from swanson or vitacost and only certain brands (jason, auromere, desert essence...)
It’s so tiresome.
it sure is. luckily the covid hype had me retire 3 years early so now I have time !
Castille soap makes a great shampoo.
Depends on your hair type and whether you have hard or soft water. Works for some, but didn't work for me at all, even after giving my hair plenty of time to transition.
Pls tell what brands and ingredients.
the tooth paste was toms of maine, taken over by I think colgate. Several shampoos changed ingredients so I can no longer use them. I am now using head and shoulders but only 2 types, one with mint and one for dry scalp. I sometimes use glycerin soap to wash my hair with good result. PEG is pretty bad, so is polysorbate, which is even used in some mouth water like liquid dentist, which I won't buy anymore
Tom's taken over by Colgate? I have to find another toothpaste and company. Darn.
What are you doing for toothpaste now? I was using Tom’s and I think it was reformulated.
Yes, they are trying to sneak-in cricket flour (and probably other bug flour or pieces) into food. Cricket product may harm those with shellfish allergies so hopefully packages containing it are clearly labelled.
Cricket exoskeletons contain a toxin, bad for everybody: chitin
The spindly legs are easily identifiable.
Better learn the scientific names for all insects and keep up with what the new ingredients are renamed. I recently learned that "cochineal" (natural food coloring, sometimes called RED2 or RED DYE 40) is made from many types of red beetles. That's why they've gotten away with the "natural food coloring" label. But the FDA says it's "safe" (and, no doubt, effective"), so don't worry about it. They've been poisoning us for years. That could be why we, as a nation, are so incredibly UNhealthy, despite our "world class" medical system financed by trillions of our tax dollars.
I wouldn't settle for "hopefully."
They look gross and unappealing because they ARE gross and unappealing.
I tried them out a few years before knowing about all this 💩 and you’re right, they were easy to find. Haven’t looked for them lately as I didn’t like them much (the tile grout description almost caused me to choke on my coffee 😂) and didn’t like the ingredients either. Making your own is truly the only way to know what’s in the food. And even then I’m suspect with “vaccines falling from the sky.” The Ice Age Farmer has had some disturbing broadcasts about the possible future of food.
The best veggie burger I ever had was in Nevada at a burger joint near the Hoover Dam. All 3 of my kids liked it better than their burgers! But their seasonings are “top secret” I’m not completely against meat but believe adding more REAL plants is a positive thing 🌱 and I’m with ya! Crush ‘em!
So far, this is the best veggie burger I've tried.
Black Bean Burgers • Cook Like A Champion
I have no problem with a truly vegetarian/vegetable burger. Some are really good.
That recipe actually sounds really good. Thanks!
I’ll toss in a generous handful
of spinach and chopped carrots into spaghetti & other sauces as they’re easily disguised but otherwise, we prefer our plants to identify themselves.
Yes, like sneaking "cricket flour" into snack foods. Cricket flour supposedly sounds better than "ground up bugs," although that's exactly what it is. Thanks but no thanks! Anyone who chooses to eat insects should do so knowingly, not because some food corporation "snuck" bugs into their "snacks"!!
Used to be the norm when we threw that shit out because it went bad. Guess I need to leave the weevils in my old flour and eat up because I am just that cool.
Eww 😝😄
Cricket exoskeletons contain a toxin:
It’s ironic that they’re being back John the Baptist’s menu yet excluding Jesus at every turn.
Ha! You're so right about John the Baptist's menu! Sadly, they are determined to push Jesus out of everything. That won't end well for them unless they have a spiritual turnaround.
Publix as well. Then they put it on BOGO several weeks in a row and still couldn’t get rid of it.
Barf one get one?
You’re making it impossible to drink my coffee and read your comments at the same time 😂
I’m glad I finished my coffee before reading the comments 😆😂
Hahaha 😆 😂 😆
My son used to have a vegetarian girlfriend who would buy that Beyond meat garbage. She would cook it here sometimes and it stunk up my house and was truly revolving. I wasn't about to taste it. I have to wonder who the fools are that eat it. If you want to eat fake meat, why not just go ahead and eat real meat? I was in a Grocery Outlet recently....if you aren't familiar with them, they stock a lot of goods that are perhaps excess or that other markets don't buy. Anyhow, I was surprised to see a refrigerated aisle full of Beyond meat crap. I don't think the shoppers there are buying it, though.
I have seen the same in a Grocery Outlet near me.
You deserve a medal for ingesting that fake “food.” I read all labels, and the labels on that junk are so long, and the print so tiny, that it is off putting. Along with that, there isn’t one recognizable ingredient in the mix. NO THANKS.......I’ll also say a resounding NO! to ingesting bugs.
Well stated. The first line in the food-shopping guidelines for this house reads, "If you cannot pronounce it, neither buy nor eat it."
omg, so glad I love cow meat.
Cows have been turning plants into meat for centuries.
The only meatless burger I ever had which was delicious was one my step-mother made with cashews. She vegetarian. It was amazing! I stay away from the commercial stuff in case it's full or hormone disrupting ingredients like soy.
if you have the link to the recipe handy,please share it!
Here's her recipe. I'm sure you can substitute the oil for frying if you try to avoid vegetable or canola.
Serves 4-6
1/2 lb. cashews, ground in a blender
1/2 lb. walnuts, ground in a blender (or a food processer, if you like)
1 C. cooked brown rice
1 c. grated Colby cheese, or any mild cheese
1 egg
1/2 small onion, chopped
1 tsp. sea salt
Chili powder or hot sauce to taste
Whole wheat or white flour or bread crumbs
Oil for frying-I use Canola
Mix first 7 ingredients together and season with chili powder or hot sauce.
Shape into patties. When forming patties, dip hands in cold water before shaping each one to keep them from sticking to your hands.
Roll patties in flour or bread crumbs.
Chill. (a 1/2 hour - hour is good)
Fry in hot oil (not deep).
Drain on paper towels.
Thank you so much!!!
Glad you asked--I'd like to have it myself! I just sent her a message and asked for it. I'll let you know.
“Tile grout” 😂😂😂 and true!
I sent something about feeding bugs to kids to someone from Australia. She didn’t believe it so I sent a ton of stuff on the UK. But the aussies are into crickets! I had no idea. She thought it must be the aboriginals but it’s mainstream. And cricket flour too. A video on eating cake w cricket flour.
I tried to find the video I referenced but closed the link. Just searched YouTube and whoa… there are many and from 3-6 years ago as well. I was really asleep but thankfully not for long once the scamdemic hit. Here’s a short one
Great sense of humor between the tile grout and the cricket slaughter houses. My imagination ran away w me for a second and I almost spit out my coffee twice reading your comment!