Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you, Jeff, for all of this, but especially for sharing this beloved video. And the Jesus who died on Friday and rose on Sunday is the same King of Kings who already has defeated every dark force on the planet, though they still fight like rabid dogs. Sunday's coming...

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The only thing is that Jesus was crucified on a Wednesday not a Friday. Do the math here folks. 3 days and nights in the grave does not add up to Sunday. The Hebrew calendar starts from sunset to sunset. He was crucified at 9am on Wednesday, and taken off the cross at 3PM because of a Jewish High Sabbath on Thursday. He was in the grave Wed eve to Thurs eve. I day. Thurs eve to Fri eve 2nd day Fri eve to Sat eve. 3rd day and rose on Sat eve before Sunday morning when they arrived early at His grave. This lie that he was crucified on Friday deceives all christians into participating in the memory of this event on the wrong day.

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Hi Brittany, the ancient Jews counted even portions of days when doing such a day count which is why it’s called β€œthree days”. So it’s Fri, Sat, Sun. 😊

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The day was arbitrarily moved to coincidence with the pagan spring festival of Ostern- where the word Easter comes from- to facilitate conversion. Just like Christmas.

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This is argued against effectively by the church. Read other research based opinions. This is an old attempt to cast doubt.

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Research this. See what scholars say. I believe you are misinformed and indeed he was crucified on a Friday. This is one of those attempts to cast doubt.

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Of no effect. β€œWHEN” pales in the context of WHAT AND WHO. That He DID and DOES is all that matters.


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Of no effect. β€œWHEN” pales in the context of WHAT AND WHO. That He DID and DOES is all that matters.


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AMEN! πŸ™πŸ»βœοΈβ€οΈπŸ•Šβš‘οΈβœοΈπŸ™πŸ»

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

So, you can describe me as someone who used to consider himself center-left, and the subject of pro-life or pro-choice wasn't a wedge issue for me, but I was on the pro choice side and preferred simply preventing unwanted pregnancies. I've known a few women who've had abortions and none of them particularly enjoyed the experience, to put it lightly

Along comes the pandemic and I get shocked beyond all recognition and now would say I'm of the mind that the political Left are literally a threat to civilization and prosperity as we know it. My logic being - these people were perfectly happy to throw children and young adults under the bus for their pandemic insanity. You think they won't tank the economy, create energy shortages and economic hardship too? They ABSOLUTELY will, and are. So, along comes a conversation with a very progressive family member, and she poses the question "WHAT IF these anti covid mandate groups you are supporting are also anti abortion?" and my instant response is "I don't care. They came after my kids".

Bill Maher is an idiot, sorry. He pretends to be Mr Common Sense and then lectures on climate. Thanks, mr multimillionaire. Go visit places that are energy-poor, like where FIVE BILLION PEOPLE live and then come back and talk to me. A$$hole.

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Please move into my neighborhood πŸ˜‚.

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Reducing everything to ideological positions is a big distraction from current pressing issues. The pressing need with abortions was to decriminalize a medical procedure during early pregnancy, so desperate women don't kill themselves with a coat hanger. But somehow it morphed into an ideological position of unlimited abortions, anytime, under any circumstances, and, of course, free and plenty. If you disagree with this absolutism, you're against women's rights. But Roe vs Wade disagrees that it's absolute! Limiting it to the first 15 weeks is completely in line with Roe vs Wade and opinion of the majority and isn't anti-abortion in any possible way. Only in the heads of those who are obsessed with the ideology.

The same with everything else. I watched debates of our local candidates, they answer pre-selected questions and I couldn't help noticing that some important questions are never asked. Some pressing issues are addressed but not others, other questions are like "do you condemn violence against Black trans women?" (ok, maybe, my entire city has 3 of them). But then the candidates struggle to insert a few words about covid during their closing speech, because the organizers wouldn't ask any questions about covid! How come? Their wikipedia pages provide a laundry list of "positions" on abortions, guns and LGBTQ+, but, honestly, who cares? Public servants are supposed to work for their constituents, not to push their ideology against the will of the people, which would be tyranny. I'm more worried about this than what their personal opinions are.

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Apr 16, 2022Β·edited Apr 16, 2022

To be fair, those who fought for abortion rights pre-Roe have admitted that even before the Supreme Court made it legal, vanishingly few women were actually β€œkilling themselves with coat hangers” to rid themselves of unwanted pregnancies and that the vast majority of illegal abortions leading up to 1973 were actually being performed by doctors in sanitary conditions. They admitted that they had completely made up the numbers they’d claimed were dying from illiberal abortions. Heck, they even lied about the situation of the young woman who became β€œRoe” in the case.

That said, watching so many level-headed people I know go from championing β€œsafe, legal, and rare” to laughing about and celebrating abortion at any stage for any reason β€œjust because” is enough to make any sane person give the pro-life side another chance to make their case.

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Absolutely! Absolutism is a mental defect and scourge from which most suffer. The mass media feeds the public with it and benefits from it. Nuance is not for the masses.

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And how the Potato legitimately won the election. Fk him.

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he absolutely did not. The evidence keeps rolling in, combined with the lack of metrics before the election which indicated that there was no enthusiasm for him,etc. (but you already knew all this, :-)

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Well, Fk him, indeed, but he absolutely did not legitimately win. It was the sloppiest, most transparent election theft in the history of the world. Unfortunately, our constitution is no longer in effect. As apparently Putin said, the U.S. is no longer a law based society. Hence we are enslaved and suffering.

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Happy Good Friday, Jeff and all C&Cers. Jesus' death and resurrection is the reason I have hope no matter what craziness is happening in the world.

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Amen, Susanna.

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Apr 15, 2022Β·edited Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

How has the Democratic Party become more "progressive" according to Maher? If anything, it has moved away from progressive values by embracing and promoting authoritarian restrictions, mandates, forced clot shots, woke bullshit, cancel culture, #MeToo hysteria, cover-ups and lies on their beloved MSNBC, and more. And I'm a former democrat who can't stand these assholes now.

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Apr 15, 2022Β·edited Apr 15, 2022

"Progressive" as applied to Democrats is not the same as "progressive", just as classic liberalism and "Liberalism" are not the same.

Warming is no longer happening? So global warming becomes climate change. "Tax" becomes "investment". Supporting abortion becomes "pro choice" (but of course the ONLY choice they support is killing the baby). "Tolerance" only applies to people who hold the same views as the Left's. They invoke their version of "science" that says men can have babies and periods and that there are 57 genders. The list is endless.

Democrats always co-opt words to suit their purposes, Humpty-Dumpty style, and the media enable it, because the media are just the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.

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Don't forget about "vaccine"

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Yikes, that was one helluvan oversight! Plus, "herd immunity" and "vaccine failure" (which is now "breakthrough cases", the scrubbing of any connection between the words "vaccine" and "failure").

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How bout the masks? Dont wear a mask, wear a mask, mask dont work .. wear a mask β€œto protect others” etc etc. people eat this shit up. Funny .. i thought the masks β€œprotect others” they why since most the mandates are over are individuals still wearing them? I am not .. your diaper is supposed to protect me? Im bare face .. so lol πŸ˜† whats wrong with these people?

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Yep, at the outset you had to wear a mask to protect the OTHER person. Then about a year into it, you were supposed to wear it to protect YOURSELF. They are so full of shit when they talk about ANYthing. That's the nature of totalitarians - they don't care how dishonest or inconsistent they are, they just want to run YOUR life.

Today's Leftism/Liberalism is a totalitarian ideology, and today's Democrat Party is mostly composed of totalitarian ajoles.

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Same with the vx, take it to protect yourself, take it to protect others, it doesn't work if others don't take it, oops it doesn't prevent the disease, oops it doesn't work you need a booster, you need another booster etc. And continue wearing a mask.

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Looks like a worldwide psychosis

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Counting "cases" instead of sick people (not only false positives but counting the same person multiple times) and "pandemic" which isn't a pandemic. "Covid death" (define however you like), death "with" covid and "including" covid. Not from.

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Right on, Andrew!

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Sadly, you have nailed it and the younger generations are oblivious.

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"Progressive" as applied to the Democrats means Regressive.

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Demoncrats use regression on those they despise and want to rule over.

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Nailed it

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Well said and truth.

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Because that's what self-named regressive "Progressives" have in actuality always been. Look back at the "Progressive Era" laws and constitutional amendments (back before they just started using executive fiat and The Administrative State to achieve their ends); they have in common the tyrannical, anti-liberty attributes you now notice. The "Progressives" were and remain explicitly anti-Constitution (which they considered then and consider now to be old-fashioned and out of date). For the fuller version of this argument, see at least the segments on the "Progressives" in the free online Hillsdale College course, 'Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the Constitution,' but I recommend starting at the beginning and at least watching all of the videos, if you don't also do the readings.

As pointed out in that course, Calvin Coolidge had their (the "Progressives'") number:

"Coolidge also understood that the principles of the American Founding β€” both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution β€” do not change or alter from decade to decade as some argued. Coolidge stated:

""It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning cannot be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions.[vi]""

[Source: https://coolidgefoundation.org/blog/calvin-coolidge-and-the-spirit-of-the-constitution/]

The most excellent Hillsdale free online course:


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thank you for this! I'm very interested in the Constitution but honestly have never given much thought to the word Progressive.

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I've always found progressive to be an ill-defined label in politics. I think the current trend in "progressive" circles can be better defined as the willful destruction of all that came before, good or bad, for good or ill.

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Regressive would be more fitting. They are regressing us back to dictatorship of some form.

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We should all start using the word regression and regressive since it is proving that nothing is progressing. How about the "regressing churches" in our nation?

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It's always advertising a "change", just for the sake of it.

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What's going to happen after the R's retake the house and senate this year and start espousing the same covid theater freakouts that the D's did? Will dems now be against masking and bioweapon shot mandates?

This scenario is coming.

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Good question. I would imagine the evil beings will scream that the Repubs aren’t taking it nearly far enough.

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Yeah, I tripped over that as well. The D party seems incredibly non-progressive to me right now.

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They have ruined the word progressive for me. It used to mean something good but just like the word gay it is no longer a good word that gives us a good or positive feeling when used.

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Because you have common sense!

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I’m in your camp!

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With you all the way.

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff Childers - It is SO REFRESHING and INSPIRING to have you speak about Good Friday and Easter. When the world ignores what has been in front of them for over 2000 years, you speak the words of truth to a world thirsty for it. Thank you for being the shining light to our family and thousands of other families across the United States. May God bless you and your family this Easter season! He is Risen! Alleluia!

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Well said!

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Have a blessed Good Friday, everyone.

My Jesus is the gift of heaven whose infant cry, dying words, and resurrected voice resounded through the ages with the hope-filled message that God Himself came to be with us, to deliver us, and to bring us life.

©️Janice Powell 2019

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"Smiling from ear to ear as he rips away the reproductive rights of Floridians. It's cruel and despicable."

Rips away? Is that tone deaf or what?

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Apr 15, 2022Β·edited Apr 15, 2022

Totally tone deaf. As babies literally ARE β€œripped” away from the womb…

It has been a culture of death and elimination for a long time. First abortion, then hospice for elderly which is the government’s death program (under the guise of comfort care) to stop paying social security and Medicare, then COVID with no safe treatments allowed and then vaccines with serious repercussions of people dying suddenly and unexpectedly….

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Hospice. I have a personal experience with that. I was with my sister when hospice told her that she would receive no more treatment for her cancer. She argued with the nurse and would not agree. The nurse was adamant. My sister, who was still sitting up and talking seemed ok. Her husband who wanted hospice basically told me to leave for awhile. My sis then agreed. We had a nice visit. She was unresponsive the next day on Tuesday and dead by Saturday. BUT it was soon after her first Pfizer. I feel sad that she was so frightened those last few hours and felt pushed. Hope is so strong. Perhaps it was for the best but her opinion was denied. It’s a year the 24th. Blessings was she was home and we were with her. If she was in the hospital we may have been denied that moment with her.

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Apr 15, 2022Β·edited Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

It’s horrible. I’m so sorry for your sister and the fear, pressure, and hopelessness she must have felt. And that it sounds like her husband didn’t want her to continue. But I’m so glad you were able to be with her and that she was able to be at home surrounded by family during her last moments.

My late father was on hospice for 2 years. As his health care surrogate, I walked a fine line advocating for his care and keeping them from killing him. Every β€œdecline” they saw was their opportunity to put pressure on me, saying β€œoh he’s getting close, you don’t want him to live like this do you, he has no quality of life,” etc etc. Then he would rebound a little again.

They would have removed meds and given him morphine to suppress his breathing and kill him so fast if I wasn’t there 24/7 advocating for him.

I learned to use to their β€œcomfort” lingo on them to get what he needed. Saying for example, β€œit’s not comfortable for him if you don’t treat his diabetes and his blood sugar goes so high that he pees out all his electrolytes and then goes into ketoacidosis causing vomiting, hallucinating and severe muscle cramping (to name a few)”.

As far as quality of life, he was loved and cared for and he knew it. What more can one ask for?

I believe in the value of human life at every stage from the womb to the tomb. What’s the difference in a helpless little baby that can’t walk, talk and feed itself vs an elderly person who sleeps most of the time and can’t care for themselves either, also needing to be fed and changed??? The only difference is potential. That’s it. The baby has potential to become more. The elderly does not. It’s simply different stages of life, but are in the same circumstance of needing care, but we don’t go killing our 1 month olds because they wear diapers, can’t walk, can’t talk, and have to be fed and changed. The elderly have value simply because they are a human being, the same as a baby. Just a different stage of life.

The problem is not many want to care for their elderly. And putting it on the government to do so is a recipe for disaster. But for family, it’s an inconvenience. It’s hard. And more stressful than a baby. Hardest time of my life, but biggest blessing to give that care to my father.

Healthcare decisions are some of the toughest decisions one will have to make in their lifetime.

God bless you all this Easter and God bless America.

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

@GoodGrief-239, substack isn't letting me "heart" your post, so I will leave a comment instead. As a young adult, I was harshly and precipitously introduced to the way most elderly people die in this country when my grandmother passed away. I was appalled, not least by my dad and my aunts' handling of the situation. Thank you for your beautiful words and actions in caring for your elderly parent. It's wonderful how you withstood the pressure and provided the care you think he deserved.

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Grief is part of life. We have faith so I’m comforted by that. It’s Good Friday. Death is conquered. Iwas so frightened when my mother’s time came. My sisters were there but I could not deal with it snd left. I was not going to leave my sister this time. I honor your care and advocacy for your dad. I look around and I don’t believe God will turn his back on his created kids. The good or the bad onesβ€”we are combinations of both. I’m ready to face what we may have to go through until God exacts his justice. We already have grace, mercy, and love . Justice is coming. What can evil do? Threaten me with Heaven? πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

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Only in la la land is protecting defenseless innocents from being killed "cruel".

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She is a demon witch. Literally. She can only be hypocritical, evil, and stupid. It is her nature. God sees.

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When someone like Maher starts throwing around terms like "common sense"

the potential for a monumental shift is on the horizon.....provided we can get a handle on election integrity and an identification and erradication of any and all RINO's.

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and then can we get a handle on immigration, constitutional rights of legal citizens, the end of the killing of the unborn and newborn innocents, prosecution of illegal criminal activities committed by elected public servants, prosecution of illegal activity by criminals. I could go on........

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Shocking when someone with a seemingly seared conscience shows signs of, well, common sense...

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I made this into a FB post !!!

I borrowed this from a FB friend…

β€œGood Friday is a literal metaphor for unexpectedly realizing an absolute win just after all hope appears to be lost. It might be good for us all to meditate on that hopeful idea today. Never give up! Salvation could be right around the corner”


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From your lips, to God's ears!

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

In a statement released after the bill’s approval, Florida Democrats called it β€œone of the most extreme and anti-freedom bills to ever pass” the state’s legislature and β€œa direct assault on the people of Florida and our constitutional rights.”

Do they even hear themselves when they speak???? It's just mind-boggling..

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"Mind boggling" indeed, but it absolutely pales in comparison to this:

In California, AB 2223 was introduced in February as a placeholder for future legislative language amid a raft of pro-abortion proposals advanced by lawmakers, following radically pro-abortion Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom’s promise to make California a β€œsanctuary” for abortion.

If this advances into law, here’s what you’re going to get in California – the β€œRight” to kill your children as long as they haven’t become a 2-year old!


AB-2223 Reproductive health (2021-2022) 23467. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their rights under this article, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause.

Perinatal is defined by the US government at the National Library of Medicine as β€œthe period, broadly defined, encompasses the time frame from one year before to 18 to 24 months after the birth of the child.”


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Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy….

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In Vermont, the legislature wasn't satisfied with just having a pro-abortion law. They want to enshrine the right to abortion in our state constitution via referendum this fall. And not to be outdone, "perinatal" is included in the wording. I'm praying that infanticide doesn't become a constitutional right in this state ~ ✝️.

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Sounds like something Herod or the Pharaoh of Egypt would do. "Kill those age 2 years and under!" History repeats.

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No common sense at all. Just wicked!

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Well, as I wrote my hospice experience (above chronologically) I could see it was only a matter of time before they come after our babies since they already kill our elderly.

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And this is not a new notion, I'm afraid (well, it's ancient, actually - the Romans used to leave 'defective' babies outside in a remote area, to die by exposure). The philosopher and Professor Peter Singer has been making this argument for decades, that humans and animals are equivalent and that killing babies after birth should be legal.

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19th century Chinese did the same as the Romans. Perhaps still do for all I know.

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I always have to remind myself that this kind of thinking and liberalism is a mental illness and then pray they see the "LIGHT" in the darkness. They have no hope. They have no faith. They have no peace. They are ruled by the dark one who runs this world by killing, stealing, and destroying anything good or of God that he can and he uses whomever is willing and available.

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

β€œIt is finished”. Thank you for the video Jeff.

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you Jeff for sharing this wonderful video. I am sharing with many! βœοΈπŸ’œ

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I hadn't seen that one, but loved it...Also love another one by S.M. Lockridge called "That's My King."


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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Seems like it's been Friday for decades. The message from that video is powerful. Calming and nurturing the little mustard seed I'm carrying around. Profoundly affected by it. Thank you.

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you for sharing the Friday video, it was amazing. Blessings you you and your family this season of He Is Risen.

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Apr 15, 2022Β·edited Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

California....Ugh. There are no words. Festooned with derelicts, and out of touch Hollywood elites. Circling the drain. I guess there ARE words. Of course, not ALL of California.

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

But two of the bad bills already shelved. Hoping the rest will soon follow.

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Both the employer vax mandate and the school vax mandate are dead for this year at least. The first was shelved about two weeks ago and the second was defeated yesterday.

Kevin Kiley (a sane state representative) has been all over this and is a good source of info.


Way too much gloom, doom, and defeatism from people who don't live here. Yeah it's nutty, expensive, and Newsom is a scumbag, but there are parts of the state that are incredibly nice. Plus you can't argue with 70 +/- 15 degrees year round. We'll get out once I'm ready to retire (mainly to save money) but our little isolated corner of coastal So Cal is pretty close to paradise.

Amazes me how many people that don't live here are absolutely obsessed with California.

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I think California has more conservatives than any other state? Out of 55 million, if just a third are conservative, that's 18 million. The county voting maps show a sea of red outside the big cities.

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You are right. Santa Clarita, Irvine, Simi Valley, and Thousand Oaks are four So Cal cities, each with over 100k people, that routinely among the top ten safest big cites in the US. They all have far less crime than most smaller cities scattered over the US. Yes housing is expensive, but it's also an opportunity to build incredible equity as these are very nice places to live. There are many other such cities that are wonderful such as our smaller coastal community.

The key to living in California, just like living in any other state with big cities, is to avoid the cities run by lunatics. Sane people, and those concerned about their communities, tend to congregate together. Newsom and his band of deviants can do they want, their lunacy is largely ignored in sane communities. My kids are in a Christian school as I don't trust the local school district, but that's hardly unique to California. I'm constantly seeing news stories about CRT and grooming in "heartland" school districts that we are led to believe is immune from all this stuff. Not so. No one should trust the local school district no matter where you live.

If you live in the City of Los Angeles or a poor, urban immigrant community in SoCal then I feel sorry for you as these cities are run by insane leftists who think they know what's best for everyone else. Yet the residents keep voting for them so I guess they like it good and hard. Those of us in the sane areas are civically engaged and ensure that doesn't happen here.

Apologies for the rant but the bashing from those who don't live here gets old. It would be like if every mention of Florida started with a reference to redneck inbred hicks.

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California is simply the greatest state. And I'm a Florida guy! But the lefties have taken it from the greatest (best schools in the 60s) to the present disaster. I hope we can turn it around.

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Amen to the best schools in the 60s! Southern California was a fabulous place to grow up! Adult serenity, though, has been found in the green of East Tennessee. I would never move back even though all my family is there.

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After living there for over 60 yrs I can tell you that outside the large cities there are huge numbers of conservatives. They are closeted and afraid to admit it to anyone but other known conservatives. The Newsome recall petition was signed by them. They are there but very suppressed.

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I get the same reaction as a native Oregonian only on a smaller level since we are such a small population in comparison. Rural Oregon is Red!! We love our nation and our freedom!! You just cannot hear us over the screams of the libs.

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It is a long shot, but there is a movement in eastern OR to succeed and join ID. ID needs more true republicans as our urban areas are being over run with the liberals from the blue states.

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

LOVE the Good Friday video!! Amen and thankYou, Jesus!

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